Hypolite Petovan MrPetovan
MrPetovan closed issue friendica/friendica-directory#5 2024-04-30 02:23:47 +02:00
Sync directory queue
MrPetovan commented on issue friendica/friendica-directory#5 2024-04-30 02:23:47 +02:00
Sync directory queue

Can't remember what this is about. The "sync targets" isn't something that sounds familiar to me.

MrPetovan commented on pull request friendica/friendica-addons#1497 2024-04-16 19:18:35 +02:00
invidious/invidious.php aktualisiert

This addon isn't going anywhere yet, and admins can choose to show unsupported addons in the list by setting system.show_unsupported_addons. We made the decision of favoring url_replace over…

MrPetovan suggested changes for friendica/friendica-addons#1497 2024-04-16 18:49:14 +02:00
invidious/invidious.php aktualisiert
MrPetovan commented on pull request friendica/friendica-addons#1497 2024-04-16 18:49:14 +02:00
invidious/invidious.php aktualisiert

This was added by us as we encourage people to use the url_replace addon instead. Please leave this label in place. I do not mind you adding changes to this addon but it isn't meant to be officially supported.

MrPetovan pushed to develop at friendica/friendica-addons 2024-04-15 07:12:32 +02:00
38466415b3 Merge pull request '[invidious] Now replaces YouTube links without a leading "www."' (#1494) from loma-one/friendica-addons:develop into develop
3bf547ee6e invidious/invidious.php aktualisiert
9627e95b19 invidious/invidious.php aktualisiert
Compare 3 commits »
MrPetovan merged pull request friendica/friendica-addons#1494 2024-04-15 07:12:31 +02:00
[invidious] Now replaces YouTube links without a leading "www."
MrPetovan commented on pull request friendica/friendica-addons#1494 2024-04-15 06:19:30 +02:00
[invidious] Now replaces YouTube links without a leading "www."

It looks like your branch has conflicts and needs to be rebased onto the parent repository's develop branch before we can merge it. Please let me know if you need help with this.

MrPetovan commented on pull request friendica/friendica-addons#1494 2024-04-15 04:38:31 +02:00
[invidious] Now replaces YouTube links without a leading "www."

This can be accomplished simpler by tweaking the original pattern. I also changed the pattern delimiters to remove some escape characters and I added them back to the literal dot characters.

MrPetovan commented on pull request friendica/friendica-wp-theme#11 2024-03-26 17:56:50 +01:00
Always have some margin left and right of the page content.

Not sure about the deployment process, maybe @tobias can shed some light?

MrPetovan pushed to master at friendica/friendica-wp-theme 2024-03-26 17:56:35 +01:00
e948c51178 Merge pull request 'Always have some margin left and right of the page content.' (#11) from haheute/friendica-wp-theme:width-and-missing-space into master
8b6924ca9b remove not longer used media query
cf37ab239e Always have some margin left and right of the page content.
Compare 3 commits »
MrPetovan merged pull request friendica/friendica-wp-theme#11 2024-03-26 17:56:33 +01:00
Always have some margin left and right of the page content.
MrPetovan commented on issue friendica/friendica-addons#1493 2024-03-26 17:53:31 +01:00
Should group_text.php be renamed ?

Yes, like I said there are two ways to fix this issue, both are valid, and I outlined the consequences for each. Maybe I wasn't clear.

MrPetovan suggested changes for friendica/friendica-wp-theme#11 2024-03-26 17:48:18 +01:00
Always have some margin left and right of the page content.

This appears to work, please remove entirely the media query from the file.

MrPetovan pushed to develop at friendica/friendica-addons 2024-03-26 17:12:22 +01:00
aea944c8b5 Merge pull request 'Bluesky: Added support for sensitive posts' (#1492) from heluecht/friendica-addons:sensitive into develop
340f5e627c Bluesky: Added support for sensitive posts
Compare 2 commits »
MrPetovan merged pull request friendica/friendica-addons#1492 2024-03-26 17:12:21 +01:00
Bluesky: Added support for sensitive posts