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Table report


Field Description Type Null Key Default Extra
id sequential ID int unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment
uid Reporting user mediumint unsigned YES NULL
reporter-id Reporting contact int unsigned YES NULL
cid Reported contact int unsigned NO NULL
gsid Reported contact server int unsigned YES NULL
comment Report text YES NULL
category-id Report category, one of Entity\Report::CATEGORY_* int unsigned NO 1
forward Forward the report to the remote server boolean YES NULL
public-remarks Remarks shared with the reporter text YES NULL
private-remarks Remarks shared with the moderation team text YES NULL
last-editor-uid Last editor user mediumint unsigned YES NULL
assigned-uid Assigned moderator user mediumint unsigned YES NULL
status Status of the report, one of Entity\Report::STATUS_* tinyint unsigned NO NULL
resolution Resolution of the report, one of Entity\Report::RESOLUTION_* tinyint unsigned YES NULL
created datetime(6) NO 0001-01-01 00:00:00
edited Last time the report has been edited datetime(6) YES NULL


Name Fields
uid uid
cid cid
reporter-id reporter-id
gsid gsid
last-editor-uid last-editor-uid
assigned-uid assigned-uid
status-resolution status, resolution
created created
edited edited

Foreign Keys

Field Target Table Target Field
uid user uid
reporter-id contact id
cid contact id
gsid gserver id
last-editor-uid user uid
assigned-uid user uid

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