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Project: PHP Typography
Project URI: http://kingdesk.com/projects/php-typography/
File modified to place pattern and exceptions in arrays that can be understood in php files.
This file is released under the same copyright as the below referenced original file
Original unmodified file is available at: http://mirror.unl.edu/ctan/language/hyph-utf8/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/
Original file name: hyph-_______________.tex
$patgenLanguage = ""; //Common name for language
$patgenExceptions = array(); // list of exceptions in the form of: array('associate'=>'as-so-ciate','associates'=>'as-so-ciates')
$patgenMaxSeg = 3; // maximum segment length in the patterns below (NOTE: Segment Lenght, not sequence length)
$patgen = array('begin'=>array(),'end'=>array(),'all'=>array()); // key/values should be formatted so that the key is the relevant word segment and the value is the related patgen sequence. For example: array('begin'=>array('ach'=>'0004'),'end'=>array('ab'=>'400'),'all'=>array('aba'=>'0501'))
// Reformatting original TeX/patgen patterns is less than convienent, but it greatly improves PHP preformance.
// Some additional help in formatting these files for use in the PHP Typography project:
// They original TEX pattern files have lists of segments formatted like this:
// .ach4
// 4ab.
// a5bal
// If a segment includes a period, it indicates that it should only be applied at the beginning or end of words (reletive to its position)
// If a period appears before the original TeX pattern, it belongs in the 'begin' subarray of the $patgen variable
// If a period appears after the original TeX pattern, it belongs in the 'end' subarray of the $patgen variable
// If the original TeX pattern does not contain a period, it belongs in the 'all' subarray of the $patgen variable
// The word segement is derived from the original TeX pattern by stripping all numbers and periods. Thus:
// .ach4 becomes ach
// 4ab. becomes ab
// a5ba1 becomes aba
// The patgen sequence is derived from the original TeX pattern by
// 1) removing any period
// 2) placing a "0" between any adjacent letters and at the beginning or end of the TeX pattern (if there is not already a number)
// 3) stripping all letters
// Thus:
// .ach4 > ach4 > 0a0c0h4 > 0004
// 4ab. > 4ab > 4a0b0 > 400
// a5ba1 > 0a5b0a1 > 0501
// The final sequence should be one character longer in length than the related word segment
// Lastly, the file name must be the languages "Language Code" formatted according to W3C format for language codes (see http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/dirlang.html#langcodes)
// To activate the new language defination, simply save the file to the /php-typography/lang/ directory