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2015-01-04 21:46:33 +01:00
Project Name: PHP Parser
URI: http://kingdesk.com/projects/php-parser/
Author: Jeffrey D. King
Author URI: http://kingdesk.com/about/jeff/
Copyright 2009, KINGdesk, LLC. Licensed under the GNU General Public License 2.0. If you use, modify and/or redistribute this software, you must leave the KINGdesk, LLC copyright information, the request for a link to http://kingdesk.com, and the web design services contact information unchanged. If you redistribute this software, or any derivative, it must be released under the GNU General Public License 2.0. This program is distributed without warranty (implied or otherwise) of suitability for any particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for full license terms <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/>.
WE DON'T WANT YOUR MONEY: NO TIPS NECESSARY! If you enjoy this plugin, a link to http://kingdesk.com from your website would be appreciated.
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## parseText assumes no HTML markup in text (except for special html characters like &gt;)
## if multibyte characters are passed, encoding must be UTF-8
class parseText {
var $mb = FALSE; //changes to this must occur prior to load
var $parsedHTML;
var $text = array();
$text structure:
index => ARRAY: tokenized Text
"type" => STRING: "space" | "punctuation" | "word" | "other"
"value" => STRING: token content
"parents" => ARRAY: parent tags: "index" => array("tagName" => tagName, "attributes" => array(name => value, ... ))
// elements must be assigned this value if it has a parent HTML element
# Params: $rawText STRING containing HTML markup OR ARRAY containg a single parseHTML token
# Action: Tokenizes $rawText (or $rawText["value"] - as the case may be) and saves it to $this->text
# Returns: TRUE on completion
function load($rawText) {
if(is_string($rawText)) {
// not passed a token of class parseHTML so we will fake it
$this->parsedHTML = "";
} elseif(is_array($rawText)) {
// passed an instance of a parseHTML token
$this->parsedHTML = $rawText;
$rawText = $rawText["value"];
} else {
// we have an error
return FALSE;
$encodings = array("ASCII","UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1");
$encoding = mb_detect_encoding($rawText."a", $encodings);
if("UTF-8" == $encoding) {
$this->mb = TRUE;
if(!function_exists('mb_strlen')) return FALSE;
} elseif("ASCII" != $encoding) {
return FALSE;
$utf8 = ($this->mb) ? "u" : "";
$tokens = array();
# find spacing FIRST (as it is the primary delimiter)
# find the HTML character representation for the following characters:
# tab | line feed | carriage return | space | non-breaking space | ethiopic wordspace
# ogham space mark | en quad space | em quad space | en-space | three-per-em space
# four-per-em space | six-per-em space | figure space | punctuation space | em-space
# thin space | hair space | narrow no-break space
# medium mathematical space | ideographic space
# Some characters are used inside words, we will not count these as a space for the purpose
# of finding word boundaries:
# zero-width-space ("&#8203;", "&#x200b;")
# zero-width-joiner ("&#8204;", "&#x200c;", "&zwj;")
# zero-width-non-joiner ("&#8205;", "&#x200d;", "&zwnj;")
$htmlSpaces = '
(?: # alpha matches
(?: nbsp|ensp|emsp|thinsp )
(?: # decimal matches
(?: 09|1[03]|32|160|4961|5760|819[2-9]|820[0-2]|8239|8287|12288 )
(?: # hexidecimal matches
(?: 000[9ad]|0020|00a0|1361|1680|200[0-9a]|202f|205f|3000 )
(?: # actual characters
'; // required modifiers: x (multiline pattern) i (case insensitive) u (utf8)
$space = "(?:\s|$htmlSpaces)+"; // required modifiers: x (multiline pattern) i (case insensitive) $utf8
# find punctuation and symbols before words (to capture preceeding delimiating characters like hyphens or underscores)
# see http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2000.pdf
# see http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2E00.pdf
# find punctuation and symbols
# dec matches = 33-44|46-47|58-60|62-64|91-94|96|123-126|161-172|174-191|215|247|710|732|977-978|982|8211-8231|8240-8286|8289-8292|8352-8399|8448-8527|8592-9215|9632-9983|11776-11903
# hex matches = 0021-002c|002e-002f|003a-003c|003e-0040|005b-e|0060|007b-007e|00a1-00ac|00ae-00bf|00d7|00f7|02c6|02dc|03d1-03d2|
# 03d6|2013-2027|2030-205e|2061-2064|20a0-20cf|2100-214f|2190-23ff|25a0-26ff|2e00-2e7f
# Some characters are used inside words, we will not count these as a space for the purpose
# of finding word boundaries:
# hyphens ("&#45;", "&#173;", "&#8208;", "&#8209;", "&#8210;", "&#x002d;", "&#x00ad;", "&#x2010;", "&#x2011;", "&#x2012;", "&shy;")
# underscore ("&#95;", "&#x005f;")
$htmlPunctuation = '
(?: # alpha matches
(?: # decimal matches
(?: 3[3-9]|4[0-467]|5[89]|6[02-4]|9[1-46]|12[3-6]|16[1-9]|17[0-24-9]|18[0-9]|19[01]|215|247|710|732|97[78]|982|821[1-9]|822[0-9]|823[01]|82[4-7][0-9]|828[0-6]|8289|829[0-2]|835[2-9]|86[6-9][0-9]|844[89]|84[5-9][0-9]|851[0-9]|852[0-7]|859[2-9]|85[6-9][0-9]|8[6-9][0-9][0-9]|9[01][0-9][0-9]|920[0-9]|921[0-5]|963[2-9]|96[4-9][0-9]|9[78][0-9][0-9]|99[0-7][0-9]|998[0-3]|1177[6-9]|117[89][0-9]|118[0-9][0-9]|1190[0-3] )
(?: # hexidecimal matches
(?: 002[1-9a-cef]|003[a-cef]|0040|005[b-e]|0060|007[b-e]|00a[1-9a-cef]|00b[0-9a-f]|00d7|00f7|02c6|02dc|03d[126]|201[3-9a-f]|202[0-7]|20[34][0-9a-f]|205[0-9a-e]|206[1-4]|20[a-c][0-9a-f]|21[0-4][0-9a-f]|219[0-9a-f]|2[23][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]|25[a-f][0-9a-f]|23[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]|2e[0-7][0-9a-f] )
'; // required modifiers: x (multiline pattern) i (case insensitive) u (utf8)
$punctuation = "
[^\w\s\&\/\@] # assume characters that are not word spaces or whitespace are punctuation
# exclude & as that is an illegal stand-alone character (and would interfere with HTML character representations
# exclude slash \/as to not include the last slash in a URL
# exclude @ as to keep twitter names together
$htmlPunctuation # catch any HTML reps of punctuation
";// required modifiers: x (multiline pattern) i (case insensitive) u (utf8)
// duplicated in get_words
// letter connectors allowed in words
# hyphens ("&#45;", "&#173;", "&#8208;", "&#8209;", "&#8210;", "&#x002d;", "&#x00ad;", "&#x2010;", "&#x2011;", "&#x2012;", "&shy;")
# underscore ("&#95;", "&#x005f;")
# zero-width-space ("&#8203;", "&#x200b;")
# zero-width-joiner ("&#8204;", "&#x200c;", "&zwj;")
# zero-width-non-joiner ("&#8205;", "&#x200d;", "&zwnj;")
$htmlLetterConnectors = '
(?: # alpha matches
(?: shy|zwj|zwnj )
(?: # decimal matches
(?: 45|95|173|820[3-589]|8210 )
(?: # hexidecimal matches
(?: 002d|005f|00ad|200[b-d]|201[0-2] )
(?: # actual characters
'; // required modifiers: x (multiline pattern) i (case insensitive) u (utf8)
// word character html entities
// character 0-9__ A-Z__ a-z___ other_special_chrs_____
// decimal 48-57 65-90 97-122 192-214,216-246,248-255, 256-383
// hex 31-39 41-5a 61-7a c0-d6 d8-f6 f8-ff 0100-017f
$htmlLetters = '
(?: # alpha matches
(?: # decimal matches
(?: 4[89]|5[0-7]|9[7-9]|1[01][0-9]|12[0-2]|19[2-9]|20[0-9]|21[0-46-9]|2[23][0-9]|24[0-68-9]|2[5-9][0-9]|3[0-7][0-9]|38[0-3] )
(?: # hexidecimal matches
(?: 3[1-9]|4[1-9a-f]|5[0-9a]|6[1-9a-f]|7[0-9a]|c[0-9a-f]|d[0-689]|e[0-9a-f]|f[0-689a-f] )
(?: # actual characters
'; // required modifiers: x (multiline pattern) i (case insensitive) u (utf8)
$word = "
(?<![\w\&]) # negative lookbehind to ensure
# 1) we are proceeded by a non-word-character, and
# 2) we are not inside an HTML character def
"; // required modifiers: x (multiline pattern) u (utf8)
# find any text
$anyText = "$space|$punctuation|$word"; // required modifiers: x (multiline pattern) i (case insensitive) u (utf8)
$parts = preg_split("/($anyText)/ixu", $rawText, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$index = 0;
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if ($part != "") {
if(preg_match("/\A$space\Z/xiu", $part)) {
$tokens[$index] = array(
"type" => 'space',
"value" => $part,
} elseif(preg_match("/\A$punctuation\Z/sxiu", $part)) {
$tokens[$index] = array(
"type" => 'punctuation',
"value" => $part,
} elseif(preg_match("/\A$word\Z/xu", $part)) {
//make sure that things like email addresses and URLs are not broken up into words and punctuation
// not preceeded by an "other"
if($index-1 >= 0 && $tokens[$index-1]['type'] == 'other') {
$oldPart = $tokens[$index-1]['value'];
$tokens[$index-1] = array(
"type" => 'other',
"value" => $oldPart.$part,
$index = $index-1;
// not preceeded by a non-space + punctuation
} elseif($index-2 >= 0 && $tokens[$index-1]['type'] == 'punctuation' && $tokens[$index-2]['type'] != 'space') {
$oldPart = $tokens[$index-1]['value'];
$olderPart = $tokens[$index-2]['value'];
$tokens[$index-2] = array(
"type" => 'other',
"value" => $olderPart.$oldPart.$part,
$index = $index-2;
} else {
$tokens[$index] = array(
"type" => 'word',
"value" => $part,
} else {
//make sure that things like email addresses and URLs are not broken up into words and punctuation
// not preceeded by an "other" or "word"
if($index-1 >= 0 && ($tokens[$index-1]['type'] == 'word' || $tokens[$index-1]['type'] == 'other')) {
$index = $index-1;
$oldPart = $tokens[$index]['value'];
$tokens[$index] = array(
"type" => 'other',
"value" => $oldPart.$part,
// not preceeded by a non-space + punctuation
} elseif($index-2 >= 0 && $tokens[$index-1]['type'] == 'punctuation' && $tokens[$index-2]['type'] != 'space') {
$oldPart = $tokens[$index-1]['value'];
$olderPart = $tokens[$index-2]['value'];
$tokens[$index-2] = array(
"type" => 'other',
"value" => $olderPart.$oldPart.$part,
$index = $index-2;
} else {
$tokens[$index] = array(
"type" => 'other',
"value" => $part,
$tokens[$index]["parents"] = $this->parsedHTML["parents"];
$this->text = $tokens;
return TRUE;
# Action: reloads $this->text (i.e. capture new inserted text, or remove those whose values are deleted)
# Returns: TRUE on completion
# WARNING: Tokens previously acquired through "get" methods may not match new tokenization
function reload() {
return $this->load($this->unload());
# Action: outputs Text as string
# Returns: STRING of Text (if string was initially loaded), or ARRAY of
function unload() {
$reassembledText = "";
foreach($this->text as $token) {
$reassembledText .= $token["value"];
if($this->parsedHTML != "") {
// the initial value loaded was a single token of class parseHTML, so we will return in the same format
$this->parsedHTML["value"] = $reassembledText;
$output = $this->parsedHTML;
} else {
// the initial value loaded was a string, so we will return in the same format
$output = $reassembledText;
return $output;
# Action: unsets $this->text
# Returns: TRUE on completion
function clear() {
$this->text = array();
$this->parsedHTML = "";
return TRUE;
# Parameter: ARRAY of tokens
# Action: overwrite "value" for all matching tokens
# Returns: TRUE on completion
function update($tokens) {
foreach($tokens as $index => $token) {
$this->text[$index]["value"] = $token["value"];
return TRUE;
# Returns: ARRAY of sought tokens
function get_all() {
return $this->text;
function get_spaces() {
return $this->get_type("space");
function get_punctuation() {
return $this->get_type("punctuation");
# Parameter: $abc letter-only match OPTIONAL INT -1=>prohibit, 0=>allow, 1=>require
# $caps capital-only match (allows non letter chrs) OPTIONAL INT -1=>prohibit, 0=>allow, 1=>require
function get_words($abc = 0, $caps = 0) {
$words = $this->get_type("word");
$tokens = array();
//duplicated from load
$htmlLetterConnectors = '
(?: # alpha matches
(?: shy|zwj|zwnj )
(?: # decimal matches
(?: 45|95|173|820[3-589]|8210 )
(?: # hexidecimal matches
(?: 002d|005f|00ad|200[b-d]|201[0-2] )
(?: # actual characters
'; // required modifiers: x (multiline pattern) i (case insensitive) u (utf8)
foreach($words as $index => $token) {
if($this->mb) {
$capped = mb_strtoupper($token["value"], "UTF-8");
$lettered = preg_replace("/".$htmlLetterConnectors."|[0-9\-_&#;\/]/ux", "", $token["value"]);
} else {
$capped = strtoupper($token["value"]);
$lettered = preg_replace("/".$htmlLetterConnectors."|[0-9\-_&#;\/]/ux", "", $token["value"]);
if( ($abc == -1 && $lettered != $token["value"]) && ($caps == -1 && $capped != $token["value"]) ) $tokens[$index] = $token;
elseif( ($abc == -1 && $lettered != $token["value"]) && $caps == 0 ) $tokens[$index] = $token;
elseif( ($abc == -1 && $lettered != $token["value"]) && ($caps == 1 && $capped == $token["value"]) ) $tokens[$index] = $token;
elseif( $abc == 0 && ($caps == -1 && $capped != $token["value"]) ) $tokens[$index] = $token;
elseif( $abc == 0 && $caps == 0 ) $tokens[$index] = $token;
elseif( $abc == 0 && ($caps == 1 && $capped == $token["value"]) ) $tokens[$index] = $token;
elseif( ($abc == 1 && $lettered == $token["value"]) && ($caps == -1 && $capped != $token["value"]) ) $tokens[$index] = $token;
elseif( ($abc == 1 && $lettered == $token["value"]) && $caps == 0 ) $tokens[$index] = $token;
elseif( ($abc == 1 && $lettered == $token["value"]) && ($caps == 1 && $capped == $token["value"]) ) $tokens[$index] = $token;
return $tokens;
function get_other() {
return $this->get_type("other");
# Params: STRING type to get
function get_type($type) {
$tokens = array();
foreach($this->text as $index => $token) {
if($token["type"] == $type)
$tokens[$index] = $token;
return $tokens;
} // end class parseText