The parameter "-U" was used twice for the database user and for the URL. As all other database parameters are using the lowercase letter for the parameter, this was adopted for the dbuser as well.
312 lines
11 KiB
312 lines
11 KiB
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2021, the Friendica project
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace Friendica\Console;
use Asika\SimpleConsole\Console;
use Friendica\App;
use Friendica\App\BaseURL;
use Friendica\Core\Config\IConfig;
use Friendica\Core\Config\Cache;
use Friendica\Core\Installer;
use Friendica\Core\Theme;
use Friendica\Database\Database;
use Friendica\Util\BasePath;
use RuntimeException;
class AutomaticInstallation extends Console
/** @var App\Mode */
private $appMode;
/** @var Cache */
private $configCache;
/** @var IConfig */
private $config;
/** @var Database */
private $dba;
protected function getHelp()
return <<<HELP
Installation - Install Friendica automatically
bin/console autoinstall [-h|--help|-?] [-v] [-a] [-f]
Installs Friendica with data based on the local.config.php file or environment variables
Not checking .htaccess/URL-Rewrite during CLI installation.
-h|--help|-? Show help information
-v Show more debug information.
-a All setup checks are required (except .htaccess)
-f|--file <config> prepared config file (e.g. "config/local.config.php" itself) which will override every other config option - except the environment variables)
-s|--savedb Save the DB credentials to the file (if environment variables is used)
-H|--dbhost <host> The host of the mysql/mariadb database (env MYSQL_HOST)
-p|--dbport <port> The port of the mysql/mariadb database (env MYSQL_PORT)
-d|--dbdata <database> The name of the mysql/mariadb database (env MYSQL_DATABASE)
-u|--dbuser <username> The username of the mysql/mariadb database login (env MYSQL_USER or MYSQL_USERNAME)
-P|--dbpass <password> The password of the mysql/mariadb database login (env MYSQL_PASSWORD)
-U|--url <url> The full base URL of Friendica - f.e. 'https://friendica.local/sub' (env FRIENDICA_URL)
-B|--phppath <php_path> The path of the PHP binary (env FRIENDICA_PHP_PATH)
-b|--basepath <base_path> The basepath of Friendica (env FRIENDICA_BASE_PATH)
-t|--tz <timezone> The timezone of Friendica (env FRIENDICA_TZ)
-L|--lang <language> The language of Friendica (env FRIENDICA_LANG)
Environment variables
MYSQL_HOST The host of the mysql/mariadb database (mandatory if mysql and environment is used)
MYSQL_PORT The port of the mysql/mariadb database
MYSQL_USERNAME|MYSQL_USER The username of the mysql/mariadb database login (MYSQL_USERNAME is for mysql, MYSQL_USER for mariadb)
MYSQL_PASSWORD The password of the mysql/mariadb database login
MYSQL_DATABASE The name of the mysql/mariadb database
FRIENDICA_URL The full base URL of Friendica - f.e. 'https://friendica.local/sub'
FRIENDICA_PHP_PATH The path of the PHP binary - leave empty for auto detection
FRIENDICA_BASE_PATH The basepath of Friendica - leave empty for auto detection
FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL The admin email address of Friendica (this email will be used for admin access)
FRIENDICA_TZ The timezone of Friendica
FRIENDICA_LANG The langauge of Friendica
bin/console autoinstall -f 'input.config.php
Installs Friendica with the prepared 'input.config.php' file
bin/console autoinstall --savedb
Installs Friendica with environment variables and saves them to the 'config/local.config.php' file
bin/console autoinstall -h localhost -p 3365 -U user -P passwort1234 -d friendica
Installs Friendica with a local mysql database with credentials
public function __construct(App\Mode $appMode, Cache $configCache, IConfig $config, Database $dba, array $argv = null)
$this->appMode = $appMode;
$this->configCache = $configCache;
$this->config = $config;
$this->dba = $dba;
protected function doExecute()
// Initialise the app
$this->out("Initializing setup...");
$installer = new Installer();
$configCache = $this->configCache;
$basePathConf = $configCache->get('system', 'basepath');
$basepath = new BasePath($basePathConf);
$installer->setUpCache($configCache, $basepath->getPath());
$this->out(" Complete!\n");
// Check Environment
$this->out("Checking environment...");
if (!$this->runBasicChecks($installer, $configCache)) {
$errorMessage = $this->extractErrors($installer->getChecks());
throw new RuntimeException($errorMessage);
$this->out(" Complete!\n");
// if a config file is set,
$config_file = $this->getOption(['f', 'file']);
if (!empty($config_file)) {
$this->out("Loading config file '$config_file'...");
if (!file_exists($config_file)) {
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Config file does not exist.");
//append config file to the config cache
$config = include($config_file);
if (!is_array($config)) {
throw new Exception('Error loading config file ' . $config_file);
$configCache->load($config, Cache::SOURCE_FILE);
} else {
// Creating config file
$this->out("Creating config file...");
$save_db = $this->getOption(['s', 'savedb'], false);
$db_host = $this->getOption(['H', 'dbhost'], ($save_db) ? (getenv('MYSQL_HOST')) : Installer::DEFAULT_HOST);
$db_port = $this->getOption(['p', 'dbport'], ($save_db) ? getenv('MYSQL_PORT') : null);
$configCache->set('database', 'hostname', $db_host . (!empty($db_port) ? ':' . $db_port : ''));
$configCache->set('database', 'database',
$this->getOption(['d', 'dbdata'],
($save_db) ? getenv('MYSQL_DATABASE') : ''));
$configCache->set('database', 'username',
$this->getOption(['u', 'dbuser'],
($save_db) ? getenv('MYSQL_USER') . getenv('MYSQL_USERNAME') : ''));
$configCache->set('database', 'password',
$this->getOption(['P', 'dbpass'],
($save_db) ? getenv('MYSQL_PASSWORD') : ''));
$php_path = $this->getOption(['b', 'phppath'], !empty('FRIENDICA_PHP_PATH') ? getenv('FRIENDICA_PHP_PATH') : null);
if (!empty($php_path)) {
$configCache->set('config', 'php_path', $php_path);
} else {
$configCache->set('config', 'php_path', $installer->getPHPPath());
$configCache->set('config', 'admin_email',
$this->getOption(['A', 'admin'],
!empty(getenv('FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL')) ? getenv('FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL') : ''));
$configCache->set('system', 'default_timezone',
$this->getOption(['T', 'tz'],
!empty(getenv('FRIENDICA_TZ')) ? getenv('FRIENDICA_TZ') : Installer::DEFAULT_TZ));
$configCache->set('system', 'language',
$this->getOption(['L', 'lang'],
!empty(getenv('FRIENDICA_LANG')) ? getenv('FRIENDICA_LANG') : Installer::DEFAULT_LANG));
$basepath = $this->getOption(['b', 'basepath'], !empty(getenv('FRIENDICA_BASE_PATH')) ? getenv('FRIENDICA_BASE_PATH') : null);
if (!empty($basepath)) {
$configCache->set('system', 'basepath', $basepath);
$url = $this->getOption(['U', 'url'], !empty(getenv('FRIENDICA_URL')) ? getenv('FRIENDICA_URL') : null);
if (empty($url)) {
$this->out('The Friendica URL has to be set during CLI installation.');
return 1;
} else {
$baseUrl = new BaseURL($this->config, []);
$this->out(" Complete!\n");
// Check database connection
$this->out("Checking database...");
if (!$installer->checkDB($this->dba)) {
$errorMessage = $this->extractErrors($installer->getChecks());
throw new RuntimeException($errorMessage);
$this->out(" Complete!\n");
// Install database
$this->out("Inserting data into database...\n");
if (!$installer->installDatabase($basePathConf)) {
$errorMessage = $this->extractErrors($installer->getChecks());
throw new RuntimeException($errorMessage);
if (!empty($config_file) && $config_file != 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'local.config.php') {
// Copy config file
$this->out("Copying config file...");
if (!copy($config_file, $basePathConf . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'local.config.php')) {
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Saving config file failed. Please copy '$config_file' to '" . $basePathConf . "'" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "config" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "local.config.php' manually.\n");
$this->out(" Complete!\n");
// Install theme
$this->out("Installing theme");
if (!empty($this->config->get('system', 'theme'))) {
Theme::install($this->config->get('system', 'theme'));
$this->out(" Complete\n");
} else {
$this->out(" Theme setting is empty. Please check the file 'config/local.config.php'\n");
$this->out("\nInstallation is finished");
return 0;
* @param Installer $installer The Installer instance
* @param Cache $configCache The config cache
* @return bool true if checks were successfully, otherwise false
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
private function runBasicChecks(Installer $installer, Cache $configCache)
$checked = true;
if (!$installer->checkFunctions()) {
$checked = false;
if (!$installer->checkImagick()) {
$checked = false;
if (!$installer->checkLocalIni()) {
$checked = false;
if (!$installer->checkSmarty3()) {
$checked = false;
if (!$installer->checkKeys()) {
$checked = false;
$php_path = $configCache->get('config', 'php_path');
if (!$installer->checkPHP($php_path, true)) {
$checked = false;
$this->out(" NOTICE: Not checking .htaccess/URL-Rewrite during CLI installation.\n");
return $checked;
* @param array $results
* @return string
private function extractErrors($results)
$errorMessage = '';
$allChecksRequired = $this->getOption('a') !== null;
foreach ($results as $result) {
if (($allChecksRequired || $result['required'] === true) && $result['status'] === false) {
$errorMessage .= "--------\n";
$errorMessage .= $result['title'] . ': ' . $result['help'] . "\n";
return $errorMessage;