
537 lines
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* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2023, the Friendica project
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace Friendica\Core\Config\Util;
use Friendica\Core\Addon;
use Friendica\Core\Config\Exception\ConfigFileException;
use Friendica\Core\Config\ValueObject\Cache;
* The ConfigFileLoader loads and saves config-files and stores them in a ConfigCache ( @see Cache )
* It is capable of loading the following config files:
* - *.config.php (current)
* - *.ini.php (deprecated)
* - *.htconfig.php (deprecated)
class ConfigFileManager
* The default name of the user defined legacy config file
* @var string
const CONFIG_HTCONFIG = 'htconfig';
* The config file, where overrides per admin page/console are saved at
* @var string
const CONFIG_DATA_FILE = 'node.config.php';
* The sample string inside the configs, which shouldn't get loaded
* @var string
const SAMPLE_END = '-sample';
* @var string
private $baseDir;
* @var string
private $configDir;
* @var string
private $staticDir;
* @var array
private $server;
* @param string $baseDir The base
* @param string $configDir
* @param string $staticDir
public function __construct(string $baseDir, string $configDir, string $staticDir, array $server = [])
$this->baseDir = $baseDir;
$this->configDir = $configDir;
$this->staticDir = $staticDir;
$this->server = $server;
* Load the configuration files into an configuration cache
* First loads the default value for all the configuration keys, then the legacy configuration files, then the
* expected local.config.php
* @param Cache $configCache The config cache to load to
* @param bool $raw Set up the raw config format
* @throws ConfigFileException
public function setupCache(Cache $configCache, bool $raw = false)
// Load static config files first, the order is important
$configCache->load($this->loadStaticConfig('defaults'), Cache::SOURCE_STATIC);
$configCache->load($this->loadStaticConfig('settings'), Cache::SOURCE_STATIC);
// try to load the legacy config first
$configCache->load($this->loadLegacyConfig('htpreconfig'), Cache::SOURCE_FILE);
$configCache->load($this->loadLegacyConfig('htconfig'), Cache::SOURCE_FILE);
// Now load every other config you find inside the 'config/' directory
// Now load the node.config.php file with the node specific config values (based on admin gui/console actions)
$configCache->load($this->loadEnvConfig(), Cache::SOURCE_ENV);
// In case of install mode, add the found basepath (because there isn't a basepath set yet
if (!$raw && empty($configCache->get('system', 'basepath'))) {
// Setting at least the basepath we know
$configCache->set('system', 'basepath', $this->baseDir, Cache::SOURCE_FILE);
* Tries to load the static core-configuration and returns the config array.
* @param string $name The name of the configuration
* @return array The config array (empty if no config found)
* @throws ConfigFileException if the configuration file isn't readable
private function loadStaticConfig(string $name): array
$configName = $this->staticDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . '.config.php';
$iniName = $this->staticDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . '.ini.php';
if (file_exists($configName)) {
return $this->loadConfigFile($configName);
} else if (file_exists($iniName)) {
return $this->loadINIConfigFile($iniName);
} else {
return [];
* Tries to load the specified core-configuration into the config cache.
* @param Cache $configCache The Config cache
* @throws ConfigFileException if the configuration file isn't readable
private function loadCoreConfig(Cache $configCache)
// try to load legacy ini-files first
foreach ($this->getConfigFiles(true) as $configFile) {
$configCache->load($this->loadINIConfigFile($configFile), Cache::SOURCE_FILE);
// try to load supported config at last to overwrite it
foreach ($this->getConfigFiles() as $configFile) {
$configCache->load($this->loadConfigFile($configFile), Cache::SOURCE_FILE);
* Tries to load the data config file with the overridden data
* @param Cache $configCache The Config cache
* @throws ConfigFileException In case the config file isn't loadable
private function loadDataConfig(Cache $configCache)
$filename = $this->configDir . '/' . self::CONFIG_DATA_FILE;
if (file_exists($filename) && (filesize($filename) > 0)) {
// The fallback empty return content
$content = '<?php return [];';
* This code-block creates a readonly node.config.php content stream (fopen() with "r")
* The stream is locked shared (LOCK_SH), so not exclusively, but the OS knows that there's a lock
* Any exclusive locking (LOCK_EX) would need to wait until all LOCK_SHs are unlocked
if (($configStream = @fopen($filename, 'r')) === false) {
throw new ConfigFileException(sprintf('Cannot open file "%s" in mode r', $filename));
try {
if (flock($configStream, LOCK_SH)) {
clearstatcache(true, $filename);
if (($filesize = filesize($filename)) === 0) {
$content = fread($configStream, $filesize);
if (!$content) {
throw new ConfigFileException(sprintf('Couldn\'t read file %s', $filename));
} finally {
// unlock and close the stream for every circumstances
flock($configStream, LOCK_UN);
* Evaluate the content string as PHP code
* @see
* @note
* To leave the PHP mode, we have to use the appropriate PHP tags '?>' as prefix.
$dataArray = eval('?>' . $content);
if (is_array($dataArray)) {
$configCache->load($dataArray, Cache::SOURCE_DATA);
* Checks, if the node.config.php is writable
* @return bool
public function dataIsWritable(): bool
$filename = $this->configDir . '/' . self::CONFIG_DATA_FILE;
if (file_exists($filename)) {
return is_writable($filename);
} else {
return is_writable($this->configDir);
* Saves overridden config entries back into the data.config.php
* @param Cache $configCache The config cache
* @throws ConfigFileException In case the config file isn't writeable or the data is invalid
public function saveData(Cache $configCache)
$filename = $this->configDir . '/' . self::CONFIG_DATA_FILE;
if (file_exists($filename)) {
$fileExists = true;
} else {
$fileExists = false;
* Creates a read-write stream
* @see
* @note Open the file for reading and writing. If the file does not exist, it is created.
* If it exists, it is neither truncated (as opposed to 'w'), nor the call to this function fails
* (as is the case with 'x'). The file pointer is positioned on the beginning of the file.
if (($configStream = @fopen($filename, 'c+')) === false) {
throw new ConfigFileException(sprintf('Cannot open file "%s" in mode c+', $filename));
try {
// We do want an exclusive lock, so we wait until every LOCK_SH (config reading) is unlocked
if (flock($configStream, LOCK_EX)) {
* If the file exists, we read the whole file again to avoid a race condition with concurrent threads that could have modified the file between the first config read of this thread and now
* Since we're currently exclusive locked, no other process can now change the config again
if ($fileExists) {
// When reading the config file too fast, we get a wrong filesize, "clearstatcache" prevents that
clearstatcache(true, $filename);
$content = fread($configStream, filesize($filename));
if (!$content) {
throw new ConfigFileException(sprintf('Cannot read file %s', $filename));
// Event truncating the whole content wouldn't automatically rewind the stream,
// so we need to do it manually
$dataArray = eval('?>' . $content);
// Merge the new content into the existing file based config cache and use it
// as the new config cache
if (is_array($dataArray)) {
$fileConfigCache = new Cache();
$fileConfigCache->load($dataArray, Cache::SOURCE_DATA);
$configCache = $fileConfigCache->merge($configCache);
// Only SOURCE_DATA is wanted, the rest isn't part of the node.config.php file
$data = $configCache->getDataBySource(Cache::SOURCE_DATA);
$encodedData = ConfigFileTransformer::encode($data);
if (!$encodedData) {
throw new ConfigFileException('config source cannot get encoded');
// Once again to avoid wrong, implicit "filesize" calls during the fwrite() or ftruncate() call
clearstatcache(true, $filename);
if (!ftruncate($configStream, 0) ||
!fwrite($configStream, $encodedData) ||
!fflush($configStream)) {
throw new ConfigFileException(sprintf('Cannot modify locked file %s', $filename));
} finally {
// unlock and close the stream for every circumstances
flock($configStream, LOCK_UN);
* Tries to load the specified addon-configuration and returns the config array.
* @param string $name The name of the configuration
* @return array The config array (empty if no config found)
* @throws ConfigFileException if the configuration file isn't readable
public function loadAddonConfig(string $name): array
$filepath = $this->baseDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . // /var/www/html/
$name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . // openstreetmap/
'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . // config/
$name . ".config.php"; // openstreetmap.config.php
if (file_exists($filepath)) {
return $this->loadConfigFile($filepath);
} else {
return [];
* Tries to load environment specific variables, based on the `env.config.php` mapping table
* @return array The config array (empty if no config was found)
* @throws ConfigFileException if the configuration file isn't readable
protected function loadEnvConfig(): array
$filepath = $this->staticDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . // /var/www/html/static/
"env.config.php"; // env.config.php
if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
return [];
$envConfig = $this->loadConfigFile($filepath);
$return = [];
foreach ($envConfig as $envKey => $configStructure) {
if (isset($this->server[$envKey])) {
$return[$configStructure[0]][$configStructure[1]] = $this->server[$envKey];
return $return;
* Get the config files of the config-directory
* @param bool $ini True, if scan for ini-files instead of config files
* @return array
private function getConfigFiles(bool $ini = false): array
$files = scandir($this->configDir);
$found = [];
$filePattern = ($ini ? '*.ini.php' : '*.config.php');
// Don't load sample files
$sampleEnd = self::SAMPLE_END . ($ini ? '.ini.php' : '.config.php');
foreach ($files as $filename) {
if (fnmatch($filePattern, $filename) &&
substr_compare($filename, $sampleEnd, -strlen($sampleEnd)) &&
$filename !== self::CONFIG_DATA_FILE) {
$found[] = $this->configDir . '/' . $filename;
return $found;
* Tries to load the legacy config files (.htconfig.php, .htpreconfig.php) and returns the config array.
* @param string $name The name of the config file (default is empty, which means .htconfig.php)
* @return array The configuration array (empty if no config found)
* @deprecated since version 2018.09
private function loadLegacyConfig(string $name = ''): array
$name = !empty($name) ? $name : self::CONFIG_HTCONFIG;
$fullName = $this->baseDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.' . $name . '.php';
$config = [];
if (file_exists($fullName)) {
$a = new \stdClass();
$a->config = [];
include $fullName;
$htConfigCategories = array_keys($a->config);
// map the legacy configuration structure to the current structure
foreach ($htConfigCategories as $htConfigCategory) {
if (is_array($a->config[$htConfigCategory])) {
$keys = array_keys($a->config[$htConfigCategory]);
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$config[$htConfigCategory][$key] = $a->config[$htConfigCategory][$key];
} else {
$config['config'][$htConfigCategory] = $a->config[$htConfigCategory];
if (isset($db_host)) {
$config['database']['hostname'] = $db_host;
if (isset($db_user)) {
$config['database']['username'] = $db_user;
if (isset($db_pass)) {
$config['database']['password'] = $db_pass;
if (isset($db_data)) {
$config['database']['database'] = $db_data;
if (isset($config['system']['db_charset'])) {
$config['database']['charset'] = $config['system']['db_charset'];
if (isset($pidfile)) {
$config['system']['pidfile'] = $pidfile;
if (isset($default_timezone)) {
$config['system']['default_timezone'] = $default_timezone;
if (isset($lang)) {
$config['system']['language'] = $lang;
return $config;
* Tries to load the specified legacy configuration file and returns the config array.
* @param string $filepath
* @return array The configuration array
* @throws ConfigFileException
* @deprecated since version 2018.12
private function loadINIConfigFile(string $filepath): array
$contents = include($filepath);
$config = parse_ini_string($contents, true, INI_SCANNER_TYPED);
if ($config === false) {
throw new ConfigFileException('Error parsing INI config file ' . $filepath);
return $config;
* Tries to load the specified configuration file and returns the config array.
* The config format is PHP array and the template for configuration files is the following:
* <?php return [
* 'section' => [
* 'key' => 'value',
* ],
* ];
* @param string $filepath The filepath of the
* @return array The config array0
* @throws ConfigFileException if the config cannot get loaded.
private function loadConfigFile(string $filepath): array
if (file_exists($filepath)) {
$config = include $filepath;
if (!is_array($config)) {
throw new ConfigFileException('Error loading config file ' . $filepath);
return $config;
} else {
return [];