Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/develop' into channel-model
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 190 additions and 157 deletions
@ -510,9 +510,9 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `config` (
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `contact-relation` (
`cid` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'contact the related contact had interacted with',
`relation-cid` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'related contact who had interacted with the contact',
`last-interaction` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0001-01-01 00:00:00' COMMENT 'Date of the last interaction',
`last-interaction` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0001-01-01 00:00:00' COMMENT 'Date of the last interaction by relation-cid on cid',
`follow-updated` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0001-01-01 00:00:00' COMMENT 'Date of the last update of the contact relationship',
`follows` boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '',
`follows` boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'if true, relation-cid follows cid',
`score` smallint unsigned COMMENT 'score for interactions of cid on relation-cid',
`relation-score` smallint unsigned COMMENT 'score for interactions of relation-cid on cid',
`thread-score` smallint unsigned COMMENT 'score for interactions of cid on threads of relation-cid',
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ Fields
| --------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | ---- | --- | ------------------- | ----- |
| cid | contact the related contact had interacted with | int unsigned | NO | PRI | 0 | |
| relation-cid | related contact who had interacted with the contact | int unsigned | NO | PRI | 0 | |
| last-interaction | Date of the last interaction | datetime | NO | | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | |
| last-interaction | Date of the last interaction by relation-cid on cid | datetime | NO | | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | |
| follow-updated | Date of the last update of the contact relationship | datetime | NO | | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | |
| follows | | boolean | NO | | 0 | |
| follows | if true, relation-cid follows cid | boolean | NO | | 0 | |
| score | score for interactions of cid on relation-cid | smallint unsigned | YES | | NULL | |
| relation-score | score for interactions of relation-cid on cid | smallint unsigned | YES | | NULL | |
| thread-score | score for interactions of cid on threads of relation-cid | smallint unsigned | YES | | NULL | |
@ -248,6 +248,10 @@ class Relation
$contact_discovery = DI::config()->get('system', 'contact_discovery');
if (Contact::isLocal($url)) {
return true;
if ($contact_discovery == self::DISCOVERY_NONE) {
return false;
@ -790,57 +794,59 @@ class Relation
$view = Verb::getID(Activity::VIEW);
$read = Verb::getID(Activity::READ);
DBA::update('contact-relation', ['score' => 0, 'relation-score' => 0, 'thread-score' => 0, 'relation-thread-score' => 0], ['cid' => $contact_id]);
DBA::update('contact-relation', ['score' => 0, 'relation-score' => 0, 'thread-score' => 0, 'relation-thread-score' => 0], ['relation-cid' => $contact_id]);
$total = DBA::fetchFirst("SELECT count(*) AS `activity` FROM `post-user` INNER JOIN `post` ON `post`.`uri-id` = `post-user`.`thr-parent-id` WHERE `post-user`.`author-id` = ? AND `post-user`.`received` >= ? AND `post-user`.`uid` = ? AND `post`.`author-id` != ? AND NOT `post`.`vid` IN (?, ?, ?)",
$contact_id, DateTimeFormat::utc('now - ' . $days . ' day'), $uid, $contact_id, $follow, $view, $read);
Logger::debug('Calculate score', ['uid' => $uid, 'total' => $total['activity']]);
Logger::debug('Calculate relation-score', ['uid' => $uid, 'total' => $total['activity']]);
$interactions = DBA::p("SELECT `post`.`author-id`, count(*) AS `activity` FROM `post-user` INNER JOIN `post` ON `post`.`uri-id` = `post-user`.`thr-parent-id` WHERE `post-user`.`author-id` = ? AND `post-user`.`received` >= ? AND `post-user`.`uid` = ? AND `post`.`author-id` != ? AND NOT `post`.`vid` IN (?, ?, ?) GROUP BY `post`.`author-id`",
$contact_id, DateTimeFormat::utc('now - ' . $days . ' day'), $uid, $contact_id, $follow, $view, $read);
$interactions = DBA::p("SELECT `post`.`author-id`, count(*) AS `activity`, EXISTS(SELECT `pid` FROM `account-user-view` WHERE `pid` = `post`.`author-id` AND `uid` = ? AND `rel` IN (?, ?)) AS `follows`
FROM `post-user` INNER JOIN `post` ON `post`.`uri-id` = `post-user`.`thr-parent-id` WHERE `post-user`.`author-id` = ? AND `post-user`.`received` >= ? AND `post-user`.`uid` = ? AND `post`.`author-id` != ? AND NOT `post`.`vid` IN (?, ?, ?) GROUP BY `post`.`author-id`",
$uid, Contact::SHARING, Contact::FRIEND, $contact_id, DateTimeFormat::utc('now - ' . $days . ' day'), $uid, $contact_id, $follow, $view, $read);
while ($interaction = DBA::fetch($interactions)) {
$score = min((int)(($interaction['activity'] / $total['activity']) * 65535), 65535);
DBA::update('contact-relation', ['score' => $score], ['cid' => $contact_id, 'relation-cid' => $interaction['author-id']]);
DBA::update('contact-relation', ['relation-score' => $score, 'follows' => $interaction['follows']], ['relation-cid' => $contact_id, 'cid' => $interaction['author-id']]);
$total = DBA::fetchFirst("SELECT count(*) AS `activity` FROM `post-user` INNER JOIN `post` ON `post`.`uri-id` = `post-user`.`parent-uri-id` WHERE `post-user`.`author-id` = ? AND `post-user`.`received` >= ? AND `post-user`.`uid` = ? AND `post`.`author-id` != ? AND NOT `post`.`vid` IN (?, ?, ?)",
$contact_id, DateTimeFormat::utc('now - ' . $days . ' day'), $uid, $contact_id, $follow, $view, $read);
Logger::debug('Calculate thread-score', ['uid' => $uid, 'total' => $total['activity']]);
Logger::debug('Calculate relation-thread-score', ['uid' => $uid, 'total' => $total['activity']]);
$interactions = DBA::p("SELECT `post`.`author-id`, count(*) AS `activity` FROM `post-user` INNER JOIN `post` ON `post`.`uri-id` = `post-user`.`parent-uri-id` WHERE `post-user`.`author-id` = ? AND `post-user`.`received` >= ? AND `post-user`.`uid` = ? AND `post`.`author-id` != ? AND NOT `post`.`vid` IN (?, ?, ?) GROUP BY `post`.`author-id`",
$contact_id, DateTimeFormat::utc('now - ' . $days . ' day'), $uid, $contact_id, $follow, $view, $read);
$interactions = DBA::p("SELECT `post`.`author-id`, count(*) AS `activity`, EXISTS(SELECT `pid` FROM `account-user-view` WHERE `pid` = `post`.`author-id` AND `uid` = ? AND `rel` IN (?, ?)) AS `follows`
FROM `post-user` INNER JOIN `post` ON `post`.`uri-id` = `post-user`.`parent-uri-id` WHERE `post-user`.`author-id` = ? AND `post-user`.`received` >= ? AND `post-user`.`uid` = ? AND `post`.`author-id` != ? AND NOT `post`.`vid` IN (?, ?, ?) GROUP BY `post`.`author-id`",
$uid, Contact::SHARING, Contact::FRIEND, $contact_id, DateTimeFormat::utc('now - ' . $days . ' day'), $uid, $contact_id, $follow, $view, $read);
while ($interaction = DBA::fetch($interactions)) {
$score = min((int)(($interaction['activity'] / $total['activity']) * 65535), 65535);
DBA::update('contact-relation', ['thread-score' => $score], ['cid' => $contact_id, 'relation-cid' => $interaction['author-id']]);
DBA::update('contact-relation', ['relation-thread-score' => $score, 'follows' => !empty($interaction['follows'])], ['relation-cid' => $contact_id, 'cid' => $interaction['author-id']]);
$total = DBA::fetchFirst("SELECT count(*) AS `activity` FROM `post-user` INNER JOIN `post` ON `post-user`.`uri-id` = `post`.`thr-parent-id` WHERE `post-user`.`author-id` = ? AND `post-user`.`received` >= ? AND `post-user`.`uid` = ? AND `post`.`author-id` != ? AND NOT `post`.`vid` IN (?, ?, ?)",
$contact_id, DateTimeFormat::utc('now - ' . $days . ' day'), $uid, $contact_id, $follow, $view, $read);
Logger::debug('Calculate relation-score', ['uid' => $uid, 'total' => $total['activity']]);
Logger::debug('Calculate score', ['uid' => $uid, 'total' => $total['activity']]);
$interactions = DBA::p("SELECT `post`.`author-id`, count(*) AS `activity` FROM `post-user` INNER JOIN `post` ON `post-user`.`uri-id` = `post`.`thr-parent-id` WHERE `post-user`.`author-id` = ? AND `post-user`.`received` >= ? AND `post-user`.`uid` = ? AND `post`.`author-id` != ? AND NOT `post`.`vid` IN (?, ?, ?) GROUP BY `post`.`author-id`",
$contact_id, DateTimeFormat::utc('now - ' . $days . ' day'), $uid, $contact_id, $follow, $view, $read);
while ($interaction = DBA::fetch($interactions)) {
$score = min((int)(($interaction['activity'] / $total['activity']) * 65535), 65535);
DBA::update('contact-relation', ['relation-score' => $score], ['cid' => $contact_id, 'relation-cid' => $interaction['author-id']]);
DBA::update('contact-relation', ['score' => $score], ['relation-cid' => $contact_id, 'cid' => $interaction['author-id']]);
$total = DBA::fetchFirst("SELECT count(*) AS `activity` FROM `post-user` INNER JOIN `post` ON `post-user`.`uri-id` = `post`.`parent-uri-id` WHERE `post-user`.`author-id` = ? AND `post-user`.`received` >= ? AND `post-user`.`uid` = ? AND `post`.`author-id` != ? AND NOT `post`.`vid` IN (?, ?, ?)",
$contact_id, DateTimeFormat::utc('now - ' . $days . ' day'), $uid, $contact_id, $follow, $view, $read);
Logger::debug('Calculate relation-thread-score', ['uid' => $uid, 'total' => $total['activity']]);
Logger::debug('Calculate thread-score', ['uid' => $uid, 'total' => $total['activity']]);
$interactions = DBA::p("SELECT `post`.`author-id`, count(*) AS `activity` FROM `post-user` INNER JOIN `post` ON `post-user`.`uri-id` = `post`.`parent-uri-id` WHERE `post-user`.`author-id` = ? AND `post-user`.`received` >= ? AND `post-user`.`uid` = ? AND `post`.`author-id` != ? AND NOT `post`.`vid` IN (?, ?, ?) GROUP BY `post`.`author-id`",
$contact_id, DateTimeFormat::utc('now - ' . $days . ' day'), $uid, $contact_id, $follow, $view, $read);
while ($interaction = DBA::fetch($interactions)) {
$score = min((int)(($interaction['activity'] / $total['activity']) * 65535), 65535);
DBA::update('contact-relation', ['relation-thread-score' => $score], ['cid' => $contact_id, 'relation-cid' => $interaction['author-id']]);
DBA::update('contact-relation', ['thread-score' => $score], ['relation-cid' => $contact_id, 'cid' => $interaction['author-id']]);
Logger::debug('Calculation - end', ['uid' => $uid]);
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ use Friendica\Database\Database;
use Friendica\Model\Item;
use Friendica\Module\Response;
use Friendica\Navigation\SystemMessages;
use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat;
use Friendica\Util\Profiler;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
@ -221,7 +222,7 @@ class Channel extends BaseModule
self::$content = ChannelEntity::FORYOU;
if (!in_array(self::$content, [ChannelEntity::WHATSHOT, ChannelEntity::FORYOU, ChannelEntity::FOLLOWERS, ChannelEntity::IMAGE, ChannelEntity::VIDEO, ChannelEntity::AUDIO, ChannelEntity::LANGUAGE])) {
if (!in_array(self::$content, [ChannelEntity::WHATSHOT, ChannelEntity::FORYOU, ChannelEntity::FOLLOWERS, ChannelEntity::SHARERSOFSHARERS, ChannelEntity::IMAGE, ChannelEntity::VIDEO, ChannelEntity::AUDIO, ChannelEntity::LANGUAGE])) {
throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException($this->l10n->t('Channel not available.'));
@ -271,14 +272,24 @@ class Channel extends BaseModule
} elseif (self::$content == ChannelEntity::FORYOU) {
$cid = Contact::getPublicIdByUserId($this->session->getLocalUserId());
$condition = ["(`owner-id` IN (SELECT `relation-cid` FROM `contact-relation` WHERE `cid` = ? AND `thread-score` > ?) OR
((`comments` >= ? OR `activities` >= ?) AND `owner-id` IN (SELECT `pid` FROM `account-user-view` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `rel` IN (?, ?))) OR
( `owner-id` IN (SELECT `pid` FROM `account-user-view` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `rel` IN (?, ?) AND `notify_new_posts`)))",
$cid, $this->getMedianThreadScore($cid, 4), $this->getMedianComments(4), $this->getMedianActivities(4), $this->session->getLocalUserId(), Contact::FRIEND, Contact::SHARING,
$this->session->getLocalUserId(), Contact::FRIEND, Contact::SHARING];
$condition = [
"(`owner-id` IN (SELECT `cid` FROM `contact-relation` WHERE `relation-cid` = ? AND `relation-thread-score` > ?) OR
((`comments` >= ? OR `activities` >= ?) AND `owner-id` IN (SELECT `cid` FROM `contact-relation` WHERE `follows` AND `relation-cid` = ?)) OR
(`owner-id` IN (SELECT `pid` FROM `account-user-view` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `rel` IN (?, ?) AND `notify_new_posts`)))",
$cid, $this->getMedianRelationThreadScore($cid, 4), $this->getMedianComments(4), $this->getMedianActivities(4), $cid,
$this->session->getLocalUserId(), Contact::FRIEND, Contact::SHARING
} elseif (self::$content == ChannelEntity::FOLLOWERS) {
$condition = ["`owner-id` IN (SELECT `pid` FROM `account-user-view` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `rel` = ?)", $this->session->getLocalUserId(), Contact::FOLLOWER];
} elseif (self::$content == ChannelEntity::SHARERSOFSHARERS) {
$cid = Contact::getPublicIdByUserId($this->session->getLocalUserId());
$condition = [
"`owner-id` IN (SELECT `cid` FROM `contact-relation` WHERE `follows` AND `last-interaction` > ?
AND `relation-cid` IN (SELECT `cid` FROM `contact-relation` WHERE `follows` AND `relation-cid` = ? AND `relation-thread-score` >= ?)
AND NOT `cid` IN (SELECT `cid` FROM `contact-relation` WHERE `follows` AND `relation-cid` = ?))",
DateTimeFormat::utc('now - 90 day'), $cid, $this->getMedianRelationThreadScore($cid, 4), $cid
} elseif (self::$content == ChannelEntity::IMAGE) {
$condition = ["`media-type` & ?", 1];
} elseif (self::$content == ChannelEntity::VIDEO) {
@ -398,7 +409,7 @@ class Channel extends BaseModule
return $activities;
private function getMedianThreadScore(int $cid, int $divider): int
private function getMedianRelationThreadScore(int $cid, int $divider): int
$cache_key = 'Channel:getThreadScore:' . $cid . ':' . $divider;
$score = $this->cache->get($cache_key);
@ -406,9 +417,9 @@ class Channel extends BaseModule
return $score;
$limit = $this->database->count('contact-relation', ["`cid` = ? AND `thread-score` > ?", $cid, 0]) / $divider;
$relation = $this->database->selectToArray('contact-relation', ['thread-score'], ['cid' => $cid], ['order' => ['thread-score' => true], 'limit' => [$limit, 1]]);
$score = $relation[0]['thread-score'] ?? 0;
$limit = $this->database->count('contact-relation', ["`relation-cid` = ? AND `relation-thread-score` > ?", $cid, 0]) / $divider;
$relation = $this->database->selectToArray('contact-relation', ['relation-thread-score'], ['relation-cid' => $cid], ['order' => ['relation-thread-score' => true], 'limit' => [$limit, 1]]);
$score = $relation[0]['relation-thread-score'] ?? 0;
if (empty($score)) {
return 0;
@ -144,6 +144,13 @@ class Cron
// Update contact relations for our users
$users = DBA::select('user', ['uid'], ["NOT `account_expired` AND NOT `account_removed` AND `uid` > ?", 0]);
while ($user = DBA::fetch($users)) {
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'ContactDiscoveryForUser', $user['uid']);
// Resubscribe to relay servers
@ -393,7 +393,8 @@ return [
"uri-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "primary" => "1", "foreign" => ["item-uri" => "id"], "comment" => "Id of the item-uri table entry that contains the account url"],
"uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "primary" => "1", "foreign" => ["user" => "uid"], "comment" => "User ID"],
"level" => ["type" => "smallint unsigned", "comment" => "level of closeness"],
"ignore" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "If set, this account will not be suggested again"], ],
"ignore" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "If set, this account will not be suggested again"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["uid", "uri-id"],
"uri-id_uid" => ["uri-id", "uid"],
@ -568,9 +569,9 @@ return [
"fields" => [
"cid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "foreign" => ["contact" => "id"], "primary" => "1", "comment" => "contact the related contact had interacted with"],
"relation-cid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "foreign" => ["contact" => "id"], "primary" => "1", "comment" => "related contact who had interacted with the contact"],
"last-interaction" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "Date of the last interaction"],
"last-interaction" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "Date of the last interaction by relation-cid on cid"],
"follow-updated" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "Date of the last update of the contact relationship"],
"follows" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"follows" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "if true, relation-cid follows cid"],
"score" => ["type" => "smallint unsigned", "comment" => "score for interactions of cid on relation-cid"],
"relation-score" => ["type" => "smallint unsigned", "comment" => "score for interactions of relation-cid on cid"],
"thread-score" => ["type" => "smallint unsigned", "comment" => "score for interactions of cid on threads of relation-cid"],
@ -749,7 +750,8 @@ return [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "sequential ID"],
"url" => ["type" => "varbinary(383)", "comment" => "url that awaiting to be fetched"],
"created" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "Creation date of the fetch request"],
"wid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "foreign" => ["workerqueue" => "id"], "comment" => "Workerqueue id"], ],
"wid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "foreign" => ["workerqueue" => "id"], "comment" => "Workerqueue id"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"url" => ["UNIQUE", "url"],
@ -808,8 +810,7 @@ return [
"gserver-tag" => [
"comment" => "Tags that the server has subscribed",
"fields" => [
"gserver-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "foreign" => ["gserver" => "id"], "primary" => "1",
"comment" => "The id of the gserver"],
"gserver-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "foreign" => ["gserver" => "id"], "primary" => "1", "comment" => "The id of the gserver"],
"tag" => ["type" => "varchar(100)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "Tag that the server has subscribed"],
"indexes" => [
@ -848,7 +849,8 @@ return [
"signer" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => ""],
"push" => ["type" => "boolean", "comment" => "Is the entry pushed or have pulled it?"],
"trust" => ["type" => "boolean", "comment" => "Do we trust this entry?"],
"wid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "foreign" => ["workerqueue" => "id"], "comment" => "Workerqueue id"], ],
"wid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "foreign" => ["workerqueue" => "id"], "comment" => "Workerqueue id"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"activity-id" => ["UNIQUE", "activity-id"],
@ -1073,8 +1075,7 @@ return [
"master-parent-item" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"master-parent-uri-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "foreign" => ["item-uri" => "id"], "comment" => "Item-uri id of the parent of the related post"],
"parent-item" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"receiver-uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "foreign" => ["user" => "uid"],
"comment" => "User id"],
"receiver-uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "foreign" => ["user" => "uid"], "comment" => "User id"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 2023.09-dev\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-03 14:48+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-07 12:24+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ msgid "All contacts"
msgstr ""
#: src/BaseModule.php:433 src/Content/Widget.php:239 src/Core/ACL.php:195
#: src/Module/Contact.php:415 src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:160
#: src/Module/Contact.php:415 src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:162
#: src/Module/PermissionTooltip.php:127 src/Module/PermissionTooltip.php:149
msgid "Followers"
msgstr ""
@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Enter user nickname: "
msgstr ""
#: src/Console/User.php:182 src/Model/User.php:716
#: src/Console/User.php:182 src/Model/User.php:712
#: src/Module/Api/Twitter/ContactEndpoint.php:74
#: src/Module/Moderation/Users/Active.php:71
#: src/Module/Moderation/Users/Blocked.php:71
@ -1626,7 +1626,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/Content/GroupManager.php:152 src/Content/Nav.php:278
#: src/Content/Text/HTML.php:880 src/Content/Widget.php:537
#: src/Model/User.php:1278
#: src/Model/User.php:1274
msgid "Groups"
msgstr ""
@ -1647,7 +1647,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Create new group"
msgstr ""
#: src/Content/Item.php:331 src/Model/Item.php:3004
#: src/Content/Item.php:331 src/Model/Item.php:3001
msgid "event"
msgstr ""
@ -1655,7 +1655,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "status"
msgstr ""
#: src/Content/Item.php:340 src/Model/Item.php:3006
#: src/Content/Item.php:340 src/Model/Item.php:3003
#: src/Module/Post/Tag/Add.php:123
msgid "photo"
msgstr ""
@ -2074,8 +2074,8 @@ msgid ""
"<a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">%2$s</a> %3$s"
msgstr ""
#: src/Content/Text/BBCode.php:939 src/Model/Item.php:3746
#: src/Model/Item.php:3752 src/Model/Item.php:3753
#: src/Content/Text/BBCode.php:939 src/Model/Item.php:3743
#: src/Model/Item.php:3749 src/Model/Item.php:3750
msgid "Link to source"
msgstr ""
@ -2709,158 +2709,158 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Could not connect to database."
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:408 src/Model/Event.php:430
#: src/Core/L10n.php:476 src/Model/Event.php:430
#: src/Module/Settings/Display.php:227
msgid "Monday"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:408 src/Model/Event.php:431
#: src/Core/L10n.php:476 src/Model/Event.php:431
#: src/Module/Settings/Display.php:228
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:408 src/Model/Event.php:432
#: src/Core/L10n.php:476 src/Model/Event.php:432
#: src/Module/Settings/Display.php:229
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:408 src/Model/Event.php:433
#: src/Core/L10n.php:476 src/Model/Event.php:433
#: src/Module/Settings/Display.php:230
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:408 src/Model/Event.php:434
#: src/Core/L10n.php:476 src/Model/Event.php:434
#: src/Module/Settings/Display.php:231
msgid "Friday"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:408 src/Model/Event.php:435
#: src/Core/L10n.php:476 src/Model/Event.php:435
#: src/Module/Settings/Display.php:232
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:408 src/Model/Event.php:429
#: src/Core/L10n.php:476 src/Model/Event.php:429
#: src/Module/Settings/Display.php:226
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:412 src/Model/Event.php:450
#: src/Core/L10n.php:480 src/Model/Event.php:450
msgid "January"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:412 src/Model/Event.php:451
#: src/Core/L10n.php:480 src/Model/Event.php:451
msgid "February"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:412 src/Model/Event.php:452
#: src/Core/L10n.php:480 src/Model/Event.php:452
msgid "March"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:412 src/Model/Event.php:453
#: src/Core/L10n.php:480 src/Model/Event.php:453
msgid "April"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:412 src/Core/L10n.php:431 src/Model/Event.php:441
#: src/Core/L10n.php:480 src/Core/L10n.php:499 src/Model/Event.php:441
msgid "May"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:412 src/Model/Event.php:454
#: src/Core/L10n.php:480 src/Model/Event.php:454
msgid "June"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:412 src/Model/Event.php:455
#: src/Core/L10n.php:480 src/Model/Event.php:455
msgid "July"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:412 src/Model/Event.php:456
#: src/Core/L10n.php:480 src/Model/Event.php:456
msgid "August"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:412 src/Model/Event.php:457
#: src/Core/L10n.php:480 src/Model/Event.php:457
msgid "September"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:412 src/Model/Event.php:458
#: src/Core/L10n.php:480 src/Model/Event.php:458
msgid "October"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:412 src/Model/Event.php:459
#: src/Core/L10n.php:480 src/Model/Event.php:459
msgid "November"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:412 src/Model/Event.php:460
#: src/Core/L10n.php:480 src/Model/Event.php:460
msgid "December"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:427 src/Model/Event.php:422
#: src/Core/L10n.php:495 src/Model/Event.php:422
msgid "Mon"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:427 src/Model/Event.php:423
#: src/Core/L10n.php:495 src/Model/Event.php:423
msgid "Tue"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:427 src/Model/Event.php:424
#: src/Core/L10n.php:495 src/Model/Event.php:424
msgid "Wed"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:427 src/Model/Event.php:425
#: src/Core/L10n.php:495 src/Model/Event.php:425
msgid "Thu"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:427 src/Model/Event.php:426
#: src/Core/L10n.php:495 src/Model/Event.php:426
msgid "Fri"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:427 src/Model/Event.php:427
#: src/Core/L10n.php:495 src/Model/Event.php:427
msgid "Sat"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:427 src/Model/Event.php:421
#: src/Core/L10n.php:495 src/Model/Event.php:421
msgid "Sun"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:431 src/Model/Event.php:437
#: src/Core/L10n.php:499 src/Model/Event.php:437
msgid "Jan"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:431 src/Model/Event.php:438
#: src/Core/L10n.php:499 src/Model/Event.php:438
msgid "Feb"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:431 src/Model/Event.php:439
#: src/Core/L10n.php:499 src/Model/Event.php:439
msgid "Mar"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:431 src/Model/Event.php:440
#: src/Core/L10n.php:499 src/Model/Event.php:440
msgid "Apr"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:431 src/Model/Event.php:442
#: src/Core/L10n.php:499 src/Model/Event.php:442
msgid "Jun"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:431 src/Model/Event.php:443
#: src/Core/L10n.php:499 src/Model/Event.php:443
msgid "Jul"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:431 src/Model/Event.php:444
#: src/Core/L10n.php:499 src/Model/Event.php:444
msgid "Aug"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:431
#: src/Core/L10n.php:499
msgid "Sep"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:431 src/Model/Event.php:446
#: src/Core/L10n.php:499 src/Model/Event.php:446
msgid "Oct"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:431 src/Model/Event.php:447
#: src/Core/L10n.php:499 src/Model/Event.php:447
msgid "Nov"
msgstr ""
#: src/Core/L10n.php:431 src/Model/Event.php:448
#: src/Core/L10n.php:499 src/Model/Event.php:448
msgid "Dec"
msgstr ""
@ -3258,81 +3258,81 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Happy Birthday %s"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/Item.php:2063
#: src/Model/Item.php:2060
#, php-format
msgid "Detected languages in this post:\\n%s"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/Item.php:3008
#: src/Model/Item.php:3005
msgid "activity"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/Item.php:3010
#: src/Model/Item.php:3007
msgid "comment"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/Item.php:3013 src/Module/Post/Tag/Add.php:123
#: src/Model/Item.php:3010 src/Module/Post/Tag/Add.php:123
msgid "post"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/Item.php:3183
#: src/Model/Item.php:3180
#, php-format
msgid "%s is blocked"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/Item.php:3185
#: src/Model/Item.php:3182
#, php-format
msgid "%s is ignored"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/Item.php:3187
#: src/Model/Item.php:3184
#, php-format
msgid "Content from %s is collapsed"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/Item.php:3191
#: src/Model/Item.php:3188
#, php-format
msgid "Content warning: %s"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/Item.php:3653
#: src/Model/Item.php:3650
msgid "bytes"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/Item.php:3684
#: src/Model/Item.php:3681
#, php-format
msgid "%2$s (%3$d%%, %1$d vote)"
msgid_plural "%2$s (%3$d%%, %1$d votes)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: src/Model/Item.php:3686
#: src/Model/Item.php:3683
#, php-format
msgid "%2$s (%1$d vote)"
msgid_plural "%2$s (%1$d votes)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: src/Model/Item.php:3691
#: src/Model/Item.php:3688
#, php-format
msgid "%d voter. Poll end: %s"
msgid_plural "%d voters. Poll end: %s"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: src/Model/Item.php:3693
#: src/Model/Item.php:3690
#, php-format
msgid "%d voter."
msgid_plural "%d voters."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: src/Model/Item.php:3695
#: src/Model/Item.php:3692
#, php-format
msgid "Poll end: %s"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/Item.php:3729 src/Model/Item.php:3730
#: src/Model/Item.php:3726 src/Model/Item.php:3727
msgid "View on separate page"
msgstr ""
@ -3490,145 +3490,145 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Contact information and Social Networks"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:227 src/Model/User.php:1191
#: src/Model/User.php:227 src/Model/User.php:1187
msgid "SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:625 src/Model/User.php:658
#: src/Model/User.php:621 src/Model/User.php:654
msgid "Login failed"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:690
#: src/Model/User.php:686
msgid "Not enough information to authenticate"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:811
#: src/Model/User.php:807
msgid "Password can't be empty"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:853
#: src/Model/User.php:849
msgid "Empty passwords are not allowed."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:857
#: src/Model/User.php:853
msgid ""
"The new password has been exposed in a public data dump, please choose "
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:861
#: src/Model/User.php:857
msgid "The password length is limited to 72 characters."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:865
#: src/Model/User.php:861
msgid "The password can't contain white spaces nor accentuated letters"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1074
#: src/Model/User.php:1070
msgid "Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1081
#: src/Model/User.php:1077
msgid "An invitation is required."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1085
#: src/Model/User.php:1081
msgid "Invitation could not be verified."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1093
#: src/Model/User.php:1089
msgid "Invalid OpenID url"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1106 src/Security/Authentication.php:241
#: src/Model/User.php:1102 src/Security/Authentication.php:241
msgid ""
"We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. "
"Please check the correct spelling of the ID."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1106 src/Security/Authentication.php:241
#: src/Model/User.php:1102 src/Security/Authentication.php:241
msgid "The error message was:"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1112
#: src/Model/User.php:1108
msgid "Please enter the required information."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1126
#: src/Model/User.php:1122
#, php-format
msgid ""
"system.username_min_length (%s) and system.username_max_length (%s) are "
"excluding each other, swapping values."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1133
#: src/Model/User.php:1129
#, php-format
msgid "Username should be at least %s character."
msgid_plural "Username should be at least %s characters."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1137
#: src/Model/User.php:1133
#, php-format
msgid "Username should be at most %s character."
msgid_plural "Username should be at most %s characters."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1145
#: src/Model/User.php:1141
msgid "That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1150
#: src/Model/User.php:1146
msgid "Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1154
#: src/Model/User.php:1150
msgid "Not a valid email address."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1157
#: src/Model/User.php:1153
msgid "The nickname was blocked from registration by the nodes admin."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1161 src/Model/User.php:1167
#: src/Model/User.php:1157 src/Model/User.php:1163
msgid "Cannot use that email."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1173
#: src/Model/User.php:1169
msgid "Your nickname can only contain a-z, 0-9 and _."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1181 src/Model/User.php:1238
#: src/Model/User.php:1177 src/Model/User.php:1234
msgid "Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1225 src/Model/User.php:1229
#: src/Model/User.php:1221 src/Model/User.php:1225
msgid "An error occurred during registration. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1252
#: src/Model/User.php:1248
msgid "An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1259
#: src/Model/User.php:1255
msgid "An error occurred creating your self contact. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1264
#: src/Model/User.php:1260
msgid "Friends"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1268
#: src/Model/User.php:1264
msgid ""
"An error occurred creating your default contact circle. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1312
#: src/Model/User.php:1308
msgid "Profile Photos"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1492
#: src/Model/User.php:1488
#, php-format
msgid ""
@ -3636,7 +3636,7 @@ msgid ""
"\t\t\tthe administrator of %2$s has set up an account for you."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1495
#: src/Model/User.php:1491
#, php-format
msgid ""
@ -3674,12 +3674,12 @@ msgid ""
"\t\tThank you and welcome to %4$s."
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1528 src/Model/User.php:1635
#: src/Model/User.php:1524 src/Model/User.php:1631
#, php-format
msgid "Registration details for %s"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1548
#: src/Model/User.php:1544
#, php-format
msgid ""
@ -3695,12 +3695,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1567
#: src/Model/User.php:1563
#, php-format
msgid "Registration at %s"
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1591
#: src/Model/User.php:1587
#, php-format
msgid ""
@ -3709,7 +3709,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: src/Model/User.php:1599
#: src/Model/User.php:1595
#, php-format
msgid ""
@ -6526,77 +6526,85 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to unfollow this contact, please contact your administrator"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:130
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:132
msgid "For you"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:133
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:135
msgid "Posts from contacts you interact with and who interact with you"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:139
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:141
msgid "What's Hot"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:142
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:144
msgid "Posts with a lot of interactions"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:154
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:156
#, php-format
msgid "Posts in %s"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:163
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:165
msgid "Posts from your followers that you don't follow"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:169
msgid "Images"
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:171
msgid "Sharers of sharers"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:172
msgid "Posts with images"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:178
msgid "Audio"
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:174
msgid "Posts from accounts that are followed by accounts that you follow"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:181
msgid "Posts with audio"
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:187
msgid "Videos"
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:184
msgid "Posts with images"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:190
msgid "Audio"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:193
msgid "Posts with audio"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:199
msgid "Videos"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:202
msgid "Posts with videos"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:222
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:234
#: src/Module/Conversation/Community.php:134
msgid "Own Contacts"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:226
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:238
#: src/Module/Conversation/Community.php:138
msgid "Include"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:227
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:239
#: src/Module/Conversation/Community.php:139
msgid "Hide"
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:243
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:255
#: src/Module/Conversation/Community.php:157 src/Module/Search/Index.php:152
#: src/Module/Search/Index.php:194
msgid "No results."
msgstr ""
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:283
#: src/Module/Conversation/Channel.php:295
msgid "Channel not available."
msgstr ""
Add table
Reference in a new issue