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Table user

The local users

Field Description Type Null Key Default Extra
uid sequential ID mediumint unsigned YES PRI auto_increment
parent-uid The parent user that has full control about this user mediumint unsigned NO
guid A unique identifier for this user varchar(64) YES
username Name that this user is known by varchar(255) YES
password encrypted password varchar(255) YES
legacy_password Is the password hash double-hashed? boolean YES 0
nickname nick- and user name varchar(255) YES
email the users email address varchar(255) YES
openid varchar(255) YES
timezone PHP-legal timezone varchar(128) YES
language default language varchar(32) YES en
register_date timestamp of registration datetime YES 0001-01-01 00:00:00
login_date timestamp of last login datetime YES 0001-01-01 00:00:00
default-location Default for item.location varchar(255) YES
allow_location 1 allows to display the location boolean YES 0
theme user theme preference varchar(255) YES
pubkey RSA public key 4096 bit text NO
prvkey RSA private key 4096 bit text NO
spubkey text NO
sprvkey text NO
verified user is verified through email boolean YES 0
blocked 1 for user is blocked boolean YES 0
blockwall Prohibit contacts to post to the profile page of the user boolean YES 0
hidewall Hide profile details from unkown viewers boolean YES 0
blocktags Prohibit contacts to tag the post of this user boolean YES 0
unkmail Permit unknown people to send private mails to this user boolean YES 0
cntunkmail int unsigned YES 10
notify-flags email notification options smallint unsigned YES 65535
page-flags page/profile type tinyint unsigned YES 0
account-type tinyint unsigned YES 0
prvnets boolean YES 0
pwdreset Password reset request token varchar(255) NO
pwdreset_time Timestamp of the last password reset request datetime NO
maxreq int unsigned YES 10
expire int unsigned YES 0
account_removed if 1 the account is removed boolean YES 0
account_expired boolean YES 0
account_expires_on timestamp when account expires and will be deleted datetime YES 0001-01-01 00:00:00
expire_notification_sent timestamp of last warning of account expiration datetime YES 0001-01-01 00:00:00
def_gid int unsigned YES 0
allow_cid default permission for this user mediumtext NO
allow_gid default permission for this user mediumtext NO
deny_cid default permission for this user mediumtext NO
deny_gid default permission for this user mediumtext NO
openidserver text NO

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