Hypolite Petovan 20862be7d0 [advancedcontentfilter] Add Composer dependencies
- slim/slim: ^3.1
- symfony/expression-language: ^3.4
- fxp/composer-asset-plugin: ~1.3
- bower-asset/vue: ^2.5
- bower-asset/vue-resource: ^1.5
2018-04-16 22:11:51 -04:00

922 B

Symfony PSR-6 implementation for caching

This component provides an extended PSR-6 implementation for adding cache to your applications. It is designed to have a low overhead so that caching is fastest. It ships with a few caching adapters for the most widespread and suited to caching backends. It also provides a doctrine/cache proxy adapter to cover more advanced caching needs and a proxy adapter for greater interoperability between PSR-6 implementations.
