fbpost: Now you can mirror public facebook posts from your wall to friendica

This commit is contained in:
Michael Vogel 2013-01-01 23:18:15 +01:00
parent 285253e15e
commit f6d9ced311
3 changed files with 226 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
* in a future release.
define('FACEBOOK_DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL', 5); // given in minutes
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ function fbpost_install() {
register_hook('connector_settings', 'addon/fbpost/fbpost.php', 'fbpost_plugin_settings');
register_hook('enotify', 'addon/fbpost/fbpost.php', 'fbpost_enotify');
register_hook('queue_predeliver', 'addon/fbpost/fbpost.php', 'fbpost_queue_hook');
register_hook('cron', 'addon/fbpost/fbpost.php', 'fbpost_cron');
@ -42,8 +44,7 @@ function fbpost_uninstall() {
unregister_hook('connector_settings', 'addon/fbpost/fbpost.php', 'fbpost_plugin_settings');
unregister_hook('enotify', 'addon/fbpost/fbpost.php', 'fbpost_enotify');
unregister_hook('queue_predeliver', 'addon/fbpost/fbpost.php', 'fbpost_queue_hook');
unregister_hook('cron', 'addon/fbpost/fbpost.php', 'fbpost_cron');
@ -140,6 +141,9 @@ function fbpost_post(&$a) {
$value = ((x($_POST,'post_by_default')) ? intval($_POST['post_by_default']) : 0);
set_pconfig($uid,'facebook','post_by_default', $value);
$value = ((x($_POST,'mirror_posts')) ? intval($_POST['mirror_posts']) : 0);
set_pconfig($uid,'facebook','mirror_posts', $value);
$value = ((x($_POST,'suppress_view_on_friendica')) ? intval($_POST['suppress_view_on_friendica']) : 0);
set_pconfig($uid,'facebook','suppress_view_on_friendica', $value);
@ -234,6 +238,10 @@ function fbpost_content(&$a) {
$checked = (($suppress_view_on_friendica) ? ' checked="checked" ' : '');
$o .= '<input type="checkbox" name="suppress_view_on_friendica" value="1"' . $checked . '/>' . ' ' . t('Suppress "View on friendica"') . EOL;
$mirror_posts = get_pconfig(local_user(),'facebook','mirror_posts');
$checked = (($mirror_posts) ? ' checked="checked" ' : '');
$o .= '<input type="checkbox" name="mirror_posts" value="1"' . $checked . '/>' . ' ' . t('Mirror wall posts from facebook to friendica.') . EOL;
// List all pages
$post_to_page = get_pconfig(local_user(),'facebook','post_to_page');
$page_access_token = get_pconfig(local_user(),'facebook','page_access_token');
@ -386,6 +394,10 @@ function fbpost_post_hook(&$a,&$b) {
if($b['deleted'] || ($b['created'] !== $b['edited']))
// if post comes from facebook don't send it back
if($b['app'] == "Facebook")
* Post to Facebook stream
@ -965,3 +977,202 @@ function fbpost_get_app_access_token() {
function fbpost_cron($a,$b) {
$last = get_config('facebook','last_poll');
$poll_interval = intval(get_config('facebook','poll_interval'));
if(! $poll_interval)
if($last) {
$next = $last + ($poll_interval * 60);
if($next > time()) {
logger('facebook: poll intervall not reached');
logger('facebook: cron_start');
$r = q("SELECT * FROM `pconfig` WHERE `cat` = 'facebook' AND `k` = 'mirror_posts' AND `v` = '1' ORDER BY RAND() ");
if(count($r)) {
foreach($r as $rr) {
logger('facebook: fetching for user '.$rr['uid']);
fbpost_fetchwall($a, $rr['uid']);
logger('facebook: cron_end');
set_config('facebook','last_poll', time());
function fbpost_fetchwall($a, $uid) {
$access_token = get_pconfig($uid,'facebook','access_token');
$lastcreated = get_pconfig($uid,'facebook','last_created');
$lastcreated = "";
$url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed?access_token='.$access_token;
if ($lastcreated != "")
$url .= "&since=".urlencode($lastcreated);
$feed = fetch_url($url);
$data = json_decode($feed);
$items = array_reverse($data->data);
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($item->created_time > $lastcreated)
$lastcreated = $item->created_time;
if ($item->application->id == get_config('facebook','appid'))
if(isset($item->privacy) && $item->privacy->value !== 'EVERYONE')
$_SESSION["authenticated"] = true;
$_SESSION["uid"] = $uid;
$_REQUEST["type"] = "wall";
$_REQUEST["api_source"] = true;
$_REQUEST["profile_uid"] = $uid;
$_REQUEST["source"] = "Facebook";
$_REQUEST["body"] = (isset($item->message) ? escape_tags($item->message) : '');
if(isset($item->name) and isset($item->link))
$_REQUEST["body"] .= "\n\n[bookmark=".$item->link."]".$item->name."[/bookmark]";
elseif (isset($item->name))
$_REQUEST["body"] .= "\n\n[b]" . $item->name."[/b]";
if(isset($item->caption)) {
if(!isset($item->name) and isset($item->link))
$_REQUEST["body"] .= "\n\n[bookmark=".$item->link."]".$item->caption."[/bookmark]";
// $_REQUEST["body"] .= "[i]" . $item->caption."[/i]\n";
if(!isset($item->caption) and !isset($item->name)) {
if (isset($item->link))
$_REQUEST["body"] .= "\n[url]".$item->link."[/url]\n";
$_REQUEST["body"] .= "\n";
$quote = "";
$quote = $item->description;
if (isset($item->properties))
foreach ($item->properties as $property)
$quote .= "\n".$property->name.": [url=".$property->href."]".$property->text."[/url]";
if ($quote)
$_REQUEST["body"] .= "\n[quote]".$quote."[/quote]";
// Only import the picture when the message is no video
// oembed display a picture of the video as well
if ($item->type != "video") {
if(isset($item->picture) && isset($item->link))
$_REQUEST["body"] .= "\n".'[url='.$item->link.'][img]'.fpost_cleanpicture($item->picture).'[/img][/url]';
else {
if (isset($item->picture))
$_REQUEST["body"] .= "\n".'[img]'.fpost_cleanpicture($item->picture).'[/img]';
// if just a link, it may be a wall photo - check
$_REQUEST["body"] .= fbpost_get_photo($uid,$item->link);
if (($datarray['app'] == "Events") and isset($item->actions))
foreach ($item->actions as $action)
if ($action->name == "View")
$_REQUEST["body"] .= " [url=".$action->link."]".$item->story."[/url]";
if(trim($_REQUEST["body"]) == '') {
logger('facebook: empty body '.$item->id.' '.print_r($item, true));
$_REQUEST["body"] = trim($_REQUEST["body"]);
if (isset($item->place)) {
if ($item->place->name or $item->place->location->street or
$item->place->location->city or $item->place->location->country) {
$_REQUEST["location"] = '';
if ($item->place->name)
$_REQUEST["location"] .= $item->place->name;
if ($item->place->location->street)
$_REQUEST["location"] .= " ".$item->place->location->street;
if ($item->place->location->city)
$_REQUEST["location"] .= " ".$item->place->location->city;
if ($item->place->location->country)
$_REQUEST["location"] .= " ".$item->place->location->country;
$_REQUEST["location"] = trim($_REQUEST["location"]);
if ($item->place->location->latitude and $item->place->location->longitude)
$_REQUEST["coord"] = substr($item->place->location->latitude, 0, 8)
.' '.substr($item->place->location->longitude, 0, 8);
logger('facebook: posting for user '.$uid);
set_pconfig($uid,'facebook','last_created', $lastcreated);
function fbpost_get_photo($uid,$link) {
$access_token = get_pconfig($uid,'facebook','access_token');
if(! $access_token || (! stristr($link,'facebook.com/photo.php')))
return "";
$ret = preg_match('/fbid=([0-9]*)/',$link,$match);
$photo_id = $match[1];
return "";
$x = fetch_url('https://graph.facebook.com/'.$photo_id.'?access_token='.$access_token);
$j = json_decode($x);
return "\n\n".'[url='.$link.'][img]'.fpost_cleanpicture($j->picture).'[/img][/url]';
return "";
function fpost_cleanpicture($image) {
if (strpos($image, ".fbcdn.net/") and (substr($image, -6) == "_s.jpg"))
$image = substr($image, 0, -6)."_n.jpg";
$queryvar = fbpost_parse_query($image);
if ($queryvar['url'] != "")
$image = urldecode($queryvar['url']);
return $image;
function fbpost_parse_query($var) {
* Use this function to parse out the query array element from
* the output of parse_url().
$var = parse_url($var, PHP_URL_QUERY);
$var = html_entity_decode($var);
$var = explode('&', $var);
$arr = array();
foreach($var as $val) {
$x = explode('=', $val);
$arr[$x[0]] = $x[1];
unset($val, $x, $var);
return $arr;

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
* Thank you guys for the Twitter compatible API!
define('STATUSNET_DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL', 30); // given in minutes
define('STATUSNET_DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL', 5); // given in minutes

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
* Documentation: http://diekershoff.homeunix.net/redmine/wiki/friendikaplugin/Twitter_Plugin
define('TWITTER_DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL', 30); // given in minutes
define('TWITTER_DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL', 5); // given in minutes
function twitter_install() {
// we need some hooks, for the configuration and for sending tweets
@ -405,8 +405,8 @@ function twitter_post_hook(&$a,&$b) {
if($b['parent'] != $b['id'])
// if posts comes from twitter don't send it back
if($b['app'] == "twitter.com")
// if post comes from twitter don't send it back
if($b['app'] == "Twitter")
logger('twitter post invoked');
@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ function twitter_fetchtimeline($a, $uid) {
$_REQUEST["type"] = "wall";
$_REQUEST["api_source"] = true;
$_REQUEST["profile_uid"] = $uid;
$_REQUEST["source"] = "twitter.com";
$_REQUEST["source"] = "Twitter";
//$_REQUEST["date"] = $post->created_at;