Hypolite Petovan 20862be7d0 [advancedcontentfilter] Add Composer dependencies
- slim/slim: ^3.1
- symfony/expression-language: ^3.4
- fxp/composer-asset-plugin: ~1.3
- bower-asset/vue: ^2.5
- bower-asset/vue-resource: ^1.5
2018-04-16 22:11:51 -04:00

1.3 KiB

Travis status Dependency status devDependency status npm version


Tests if ES6 Symbol is supported.

Version: 1.4.2
Author: Xotic750
License: MIT
Copyright: Xotic750

module.exports : boolean

Indicates if Symbolexists and creates the correct type. true, if it exists and creates the correct type, otherwise false.

Kind: Exported member