Tobias Diekershoff 30cef1a739 some plugins left over ()
* tinymce is not used anymore, we can delete the cuson CSS file

* mv the plugins_details template to addon_details

* renamed template called from admin panel

* some CSS classes that should be addon where still plugin

* Insert a warning into the generated quattro CSS files
2018-07-12 13:18:45 -04:00

37 lines
1.1 KiB

<div id='adminpage'>
<h1>{{$title}} - {{$page}}</h1>
<p><span class='toggleaddon icon {{$status}}'></span> {{$}} - {{$info.version}} : <a href="{{$baseurl}}/admin/{{$function}}/{{$addon}}/?a=t&amp;t={{$form_security_token}}">{{$action}}</a></p>
<p class="author">{{$str_author}}
{{foreach $ as $a name=authors}}
{{if $}}<a href="{{$}}">{{$}}</a>{{else}}{{$}}{{/if}}{{if $smarty.foreach.authors.last}}{{else}}, {{/if}}
<p class="maintainer">{{$str_maintainer}}
{{foreach $info.maintainer as $a name=maintainers}}
{{if $}}<a href="{{$}}">{{$}}</a>{{else}}{{$}}{{/if}}{{if $smarty.foreach.maintainers.last}}{{else}}, {{/if}}
{{if $screenshot}}
<a href="{{$screenshot.0}}" class='screenshot'><img src="{{$screenshot.0}}" alt="{{$screenshot.1}}" /></a>
{{if $admin_form}}
<form method="post" action="{{$baseurl}}/admin/{{$function}}/{{$addon}}/">
{{if $readme}}
<div id="addon_readme">