regenerated all the strings
This commit is contained in:
767 changed files with 7410 additions and 7962 deletions
@ -5,33 +5,36 @@ function string_plural_select_ca($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Filtered by rule: %s'] = 'Filtrat per regla: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered by rule: %s"] = "Filtrat per regla: %s";
$a->strings['Advanced Content Filter'] = 'Contingut avançat Filtre';
$a->strings["Advanced Content Filter"] = "Contingut avançat Filtre";
$a->strings['Back to Addon Settings'] = 'Torna Addon Configuració';
$a->strings["Back to Addon Settings"] = "Torna Addon Configuració";
$a->strings['Add a Rule'] = 'Afegiu una regla';
$a->strings["Add a Rule"] = "Afegiu una regla";
$a->strings['Help'] = 'Ajuda';
$a->strings["Help"] = "Ajuda";
$a->strings['Add and manage your personal content filter rules in this screen. Rules have a name and an arbitrary expression that will be matched against post data. For a complete reference of the available operations and variables, check the <a href="advancedcontentfilter/help">help page</a>.'] = 'Afegiu i gestioneu les vostres regles de filtre de contingut personal en aquesta pantalla. Les regles tenen un nom i una expressió arbitrària que es combinen amb les dades de la publicació. Per obtenir una referència completa de les variables i operacions disponibles, comproveu el botó <a href="advancedcontentfilter/help">pàgina d’ajuda</a>.';
$a->strings["Your rules"] = "Les seves normes";
$a->strings['Your rules'] = 'Les seves normes';
$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Desactivat";
$a->strings['You have no rules yet! Start adding one by clicking on the button above next to the title.'] = 'Encara no teniu normes. Comenceu a afegir-ne un fent clic al botó situat al costat del títol.';
$a->strings["Enabled"] = "Permetre";
$a->strings['Disabled'] = 'Desactivat';
$a->strings["Disable this rule"] = "Desactiva aquesta regla";
$a->strings['Enabled'] = 'Permetre';
$a->strings["Enable this rule"] = "Activa aquesta regla";
$a->strings['Disable this rule'] = 'Desactiva aquesta regla';
$a->strings["Edit this rule"] = "Edita aquesta regla";
$a->strings['Enable this rule'] = 'Activa aquesta regla';
$a->strings["Edit the rule"] = "Edita la regla";
$a->strings['Edit this rule'] = 'Edita aquesta regla';
$a->strings["Save this rule"] = "Deseu aquesta regla";
$a->strings['Edit the rule'] = 'Edita la regla';
$a->strings["Delete this rule"] = "Suprimeix aquesta regla";
$a->strings['Save this rule'] = 'Deseu aquesta regla';
$a->strings["Rule"] = "Regla";
$a->strings['Delete this rule'] = 'Suprimeix aquesta regla';
$a->strings["Close"] = "Tancar";
$a->strings['Rule'] = 'Regla';
$a->strings["Add new rule"] = "Add nova regla";
$a->strings['Close'] = 'Tancar';
$a->strings["Rule Name"] = "Nom de la regla";
$a->strings['Add new rule'] = 'Add nova regla';
$a->strings["Rule Expression"] = "Expressió de regla";
$a->strings['Rule Name'] = 'Nom de la regla';
$a->strings["Cancel"] = "cancel·lar";
$a->strings['Rule Expression'] = 'Expressió de regla';
$a->strings["You must be logged in to use this method"] = "Per utilitzar aquest mètode, heu d’iniciar sessió";
$a->strings['<p>Examples:</p><ul><li><pre>author_link == \'\'</pre></li><li>tags</li></ul>'] = '<p>Exemples:</p><ul><li><pre>author_link == \'\'</pre></li><li>tags</li></ul>';
$a->strings["The rule name and expression are required."] = "El nom i l’expressió de la regla són obligatoris";
$a->strings['Cancel'] = 'cancel·lar';
$a->strings["Rule successfully added"] = "La regla s'ha afegit correctament";
$a->strings['You must be logged in to use this method'] = 'Per utilitzar aquest mètode, heu d’iniciar sessió';
$a->strings["Rule doesn't exist or doesn't belong to you."] = "La regla no existeix o no us pertany.";
$a->strings['Invalid form security token, please refresh the page.'] = 'El testimoni de seguretat del formulari no és vàlid. Actualitza la pàgina';
$a->strings["Rule successfully updated"] = "La regla s'ha actualitzat correctament";
$a->strings['The rule name and expression are required.'] = 'El nom i l’expressió de la regla són obligatoris';
$a->strings["Rule successfully deleted"] = "S'ha suprimit la regla correctament";
$a->strings['Rule successfully added'] = 'La regla s\'ha afegit correctament';
$a->strings["Missing argument: guid."] = "Falta un argument: guia";
$a->strings['Rule doesn\'t exist or doesn\'t belong to you.'] = 'La regla no existeix o no us pertany.';
$a->strings["Unknown post with guid: %s"] = "Publicació desconeguda amb guia: %s";
$a->strings['Rule successfully updated'] = 'La regla s\'ha actualitzat correctament';
$a->strings["Method not found"] = "Mètode no trobat";
$a->strings['Rule successfully deleted'] = 'S\'ha suprimit la regla correctament';
$a->strings['Missing argument: guid.'] = 'Falta un argument: guia';
$a->strings['Unknown post with guid: %s'] = 'Publicació desconeguda amb guia: %s';
$a->strings['Method not found'] = 'Mètode no trobat';
@ -5,34 +5,36 @@ function string_plural_select_cs($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if (($n == 1 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 0; } else if (($n >= 2 && $n <= 4 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 1; } else if (($n % 1 != 0 )) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
if (($n == 1 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 0; } else if (($n >= 2 && $n <= 4 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 1; } else if (($n % 1 != 0 )) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
$a->strings['Filtered by rule: %s'] = 'Filtrováno podle pravidla: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered by rule: %s"] = "Filtrováno podle pravidla: %s";
$a->strings['Advanced Content Filter'] = 'Rozšířený filtr obsahu';
$a->strings["Advanced Content Filter"] = "Rozšířený filtr obsahu";
$a->strings['Back to Addon Settings'] = 'Zpět na nastavení doplňku';
$a->strings["Back to Addon Settings"] = "Zpět na nastavení doplňku";
$a->strings['Add a Rule'] = 'Přidat pravidlo';
$a->strings["Add a Rule"] = "Přidat pravidlo";
$a->strings['Help'] = 'Nápověda';
$a->strings["Help"] = "Nápověda";
$a->strings['Add and manage your personal content filter rules in this screen. Rules have a name and an arbitrary expression that will be matched against post data. For a complete reference of the available operations and variables, check the <a href="advancedcontentfilter/help">help page</a>.'] = 'Přidávejte a spravujte Vaše osobní pravidla pro filtrování obsahu na této obrazovce. Pravidla mají název a libovolný výraz, který bude porovnán s daty příspěvku. Pro úplnou referenci dostupných operací a proměnných navštivte <a href="advancedcontentfilter/help">stránku nápovědy</a>.';
$a->strings["Your rules"] = "Vaše pravidla";
$a->strings['Your rules'] = 'Vaše pravidla';
$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Zakázáno";
$a->strings['You have no rules yet! Start adding one by clicking on the button above next to the title.'] = 'Ještě nemáte žádná pravidla! Přidejte první kliknutím na tlačítko nahoře vedle nadpisu.';
$a->strings["Enabled"] = "Povoleno";
$a->strings['Disabled'] = 'Zakázáno';
$a->strings["Disable this rule"] = "Zakázat toto pravidlo";
$a->strings['Enabled'] = 'Povoleno';
$a->strings["Enable this rule"] = "Povolit toto pravidlo";
$a->strings['Disable this rule'] = 'Zakázat toto pravidlo';
$a->strings["Edit this rule"] = "Upravit toto pravidlo";
$a->strings['Enable this rule'] = 'Povolit toto pravidlo';
$a->strings["Edit the rule"] = "Upravit pravidlo";
$a->strings['Edit this rule'] = 'Upravit toto pravidlo';
$a->strings["Save this rule"] = "Uložit toto pravidlo";
$a->strings['Edit the rule'] = 'Upravit pravidlo';
$a->strings["Delete this rule"] = "Smazat toto pravidlo";
$a->strings['Save this rule'] = 'Uložit toto pravidlo';
$a->strings["Rule"] = "Pravidlo";
$a->strings['Delete this rule'] = 'Smazat toto pravidlo';
$a->strings["Close"] = "Zavřít";
$a->strings['Rule'] = 'Pravidlo';
$a->strings["Add new rule"] = "Přidat nové pravidlo";
$a->strings['Close'] = 'Zavřít';
$a->strings["Rule Name"] = "Název pravidla";
$a->strings['Add new rule'] = 'Přidat nové pravidlo';
$a->strings["Rule Expression"] = "Výraz pravidla";
$a->strings['Rule Name'] = 'Název pravidla';
$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Zrušit";
$a->strings['Rule Expression'] = 'Výraz pravidla';
$a->strings["You must be logged in to use this method"] = "Pro použití této metody musíte být přihlášen/a";
$a->strings['<p>Examples:</p><ul><li><pre>author_link == \'\'</pre></li><li>tags</li></ul>'] = '<p>Příklady:</p><ul><li><pre>author_link == \'\'</pre></li><li>tags</li></ul>';
$a->strings["Invalid form security token, please refresh the page."] = "Neplatná forma bezpečnostního tokenu, prosím obnovte stránku.";
$a->strings['Cancel'] = 'Zrušit';
$a->strings["The rule name and expression are required."] = "Je požadován název pravidla a výraz.";
$a->strings['You must be logged in to use this method'] = 'Pro použití této metody musíte být přihlášen/a';
$a->strings["Rule successfully added"] = "Pravidlo úspěšně přidáno";
$a->strings['Invalid form security token, please refresh the page.'] = 'Neplatná forma bezpečnostního tokenu, prosím obnovte stránku.';
$a->strings["Rule doesn't exist or doesn't belong to you."] = "Pravidlo buď neexistuje, nebo Vám nepatří.";
$a->strings['The rule name and expression are required.'] = 'Je požadován název pravidla a výraz.';
$a->strings["Rule successfully updated"] = "Pravidlo úspěšně aktualizováno";
$a->strings['Rule successfully added'] = 'Pravidlo úspěšně přidáno';
$a->strings["Rule successfully deleted"] = "Pravidlo úspěšně smazáno";
$a->strings['Rule doesn\'t exist or doesn\'t belong to you.'] = 'Pravidlo buď neexistuje, nebo Vám nepatří.';
$a->strings["Missing argument: guid."] = "Chybí argument: guid.";
$a->strings['Rule successfully updated'] = 'Pravidlo úspěšně aktualizováno';
$a->strings["Unknown post with guid: %s"] = "Neznámý pžíspěvek s číslem guid: %s";
$a->strings['Rule successfully deleted'] = 'Pravidlo úspěšně smazáno';
$a->strings["Method not found"] = "Metoda nenalezena";
$a->strings['Missing argument: guid.'] = 'Chybí argument: guid.';
$a->strings['Unknown post with guid: %s'] = 'Neznámý pžíspěvek s číslem guid: %s';
$a->strings['Method not found'] = 'Metoda nenalezena';
@ -5,34 +5,35 @@ function string_plural_select_de($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Method not found'] = 'Methode nicht gefunden';
$a->strings["Method not found"] = "Methode nicht gefunden";
$a->strings['Filtered by rule: %s'] = 'Nach dieser Regel gefiltert: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered by rule: %s"] = "Nach dieser Regel gefiltert: %s";
$a->strings['Advanced Content Filter'] = 'Erweiterter Inhaltsfilter';
$a->strings["Advanced Content Filter"] = "Erweiterter Inhaltsfilter";
$a->strings['Back to Addon Settings'] = 'Zurück zu den Addon Einstellungen';
$a->strings["Back to Addon Settings"] = "Zurück zu den Addon Einstellungen";
$a->strings['Add a Rule'] = 'Eine Regel hinzufügen';
$a->strings["Add a Rule"] = "Eine Regel hinzufügen";
$a->strings['Help'] = 'Hilfe';
$a->strings["Help"] = "Hilfe";
$a->strings['Add and manage your personal content filter rules in this screen. Rules have a name and an arbitrary expression that will be matched against post data. For a complete reference of the available operations and variables, check the help page.'] = 'Auf dieser Seite kannst du deine persönlichen Filterregeln verwalten. Regeln müssen einen Namen und einen frei wählbaren Ausdruck besitzen. Dieser Ausdruck wird mit den Daten der Beiträge abgeglichen und diese dann gegebenenfalls gefiltert. Für eine Übersicht der verfügbaren Operatoren für die Filter, wirf bitte einen Blick auf die Hilfsseite des Addons.';
$a->strings["Your rules"] = "Deine Regeln";
$a->strings['Your rules'] = 'Deine Regeln';
$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Deaktiviert";
$a->strings['You have no rules yet! Start adding one by clicking on the button above next to the title.'] = 'Du hast bisher noch keine Regeln definiert. Um eine neue Regel zu erstellen, verwende bitte den Button neben dem Titel.';
$a->strings["Enabled"] = "Aktiv";
$a->strings['Disabled'] = 'Deaktiviert';
$a->strings["Disable this rule"] = "Diese Regel deaktivieren";
$a->strings['Enabled'] = 'Aktiv';
$a->strings["Enable this rule"] = "Diese Regel aktivieren";
$a->strings['Disable this rule'] = 'Diese Regel deaktivieren';
$a->strings["Edit this rule"] = "Diese Regel bearbeiten";
$a->strings['Enable this rule'] = 'Diese Regel aktivieren';
$a->strings["Edit the rule"] = "Die Regel bearbeiten";
$a->strings['Edit this rule'] = 'Diese Regel bearbeiten';
$a->strings["Save this rule"] = "Regel speichern";
$a->strings['Edit the rule'] = 'Die Regel bearbeiten';
$a->strings["Delete this rule"] = "Diese Regel löschen";
$a->strings['Save this rule'] = 'Regel speichern';
$a->strings["Rule"] = "Regel";
$a->strings['Delete this rule'] = 'Diese Regel löschen';
$a->strings["Close"] = "Schließen";
$a->strings['Rule'] = 'Regel';
$a->strings["Add new rule"] = "Neue Regel hinzufügen";
$a->strings['Close'] = 'Schließen';
$a->strings["Rule Name"] = "Name der Regel";
$a->strings['Add new rule'] = 'Neue Regel hinzufügen';
$a->strings["Rule Expression"] = "Ausdruck der Regel";
$a->strings['Rule Name'] = 'Name der Regel';
$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Abbrechen";
$a->strings['Rule Expression'] = 'Ausdruck der Regel';
$a->strings["You must be logged in to use this method"] = "Du musst angemeldet sein, um diese Methode verwenden zu können ";
$a->strings['Cancel'] = 'Abbrechen';
$a->strings["Invalid form security token, please refresh the page."] = "Ungültiges Sciherheitstoken, bitte die Seite neu laden.";
$a->strings['You must be logged in to use this method'] = 'Du musst angemeldet sein, um diese Methode verwenden zu können ';
$a->strings["The rule name and expression are required."] = "Der Name der Regel und der Ausdruck sind erforderlich.";
$a->strings['Invalid form security token, please refresh the page.'] = 'Ungültiges Sciherheitstoken, bitte die Seite neu laden.';
$a->strings["Rule successfully added"] = "Regel erfolgreich hinzugefügt.";
$a->strings['The rule name and expression are required.'] = 'Der Name der Regel und der Ausdruck sind erforderlich.';
$a->strings["Rule doesn't exist or doesn't belong to you."] = "Entweder existiert die Regel nicht, oder sie gehört dir nicht.";
$a->strings['Rule successfully added'] = 'Regel erfolgreich hinzugefügt.';
$a->strings["Rule successfully updated"] = "Regel wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.";
$a->strings['Rule doesn\'t exist or doesn\'t belong to you.'] = 'Entweder existiert die Regel nicht, oder sie gehört dir nicht.';
$a->strings["Rule successfully deleted"] = "Regel erfolgreich gelöscht.";
$a->strings['Rule successfully updated'] = 'Regel wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.';
$a->strings["Missing argument: guid."] = "Fehlendes Argument: guid.";
$a->strings['Rule successfully deleted'] = 'Regel erfolgreich gelöscht.';
$a->strings["Unknown post with guid: %s"] = "Unbekannter Beitrag mit der guid: %s";
$a->strings['Missing argument: guid.'] = 'Fehlendes Argument: guid.';
$a->strings['Unknown post with guid: %s'] = 'Unbekannter Beitrag mit der guid: %s';
@ -5,34 +5,36 @@ function string_plural_select_en_gb($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Filtered by rule: %s'] = 'Filtered by rule: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered by rule: %s"] = "Filtered by rule: %s";
$a->strings['Advanced Content Filter'] = 'Advanced Content Filter';
$a->strings["Advanced Content Filter"] = "Advanced Content Filter";
$a->strings['Back to Addon Settings'] = 'Back to addon settings';
$a->strings["Back to Addon Settings"] = "Back to addon settings";
$a->strings['Add a Rule'] = 'Add a rule';
$a->strings["Add a Rule"] = "Add a rule";
$a->strings['Help'] = 'Help';
$a->strings["Help"] = "Help";
$a->strings['Add and manage your personal content filter rules in this screen. Rules have a name and an arbitrary expression that will be matched against post data. For a complete reference of the available operations and variables, check the <a href="advancedcontentfilter/help">help page</a>.'] = 'Add and manage your personal content filter rules in this screen. Rules have a name and an arbitrary expression that will be matched against post data. For a complete reference of the available operations and variables, check the <a href="advancedcontentfilter/help">help page</a>.';
$a->strings["Your rules"] = "Your rules";
$a->strings['Your rules'] = 'Your rules';
$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Disabled";
$a->strings['You have no rules yet! Start adding one by clicking on the button above next to the title.'] = 'You have no rules yet! Start adding one by clicking on the button above next to the title.';
$a->strings["Enabled"] = "Enabled";
$a->strings['Disabled'] = 'Disabled';
$a->strings["Disable this rule"] = "Disable this rule";
$a->strings['Enabled'] = 'Enabled';
$a->strings["Enable this rule"] = "Enable this rule";
$a->strings['Disable this rule'] = 'Disable this rule';
$a->strings["Edit this rule"] = "Edit this rule";
$a->strings['Enable this rule'] = 'Enable this rule';
$a->strings["Edit the rule"] = "Edit the rule";
$a->strings['Edit this rule'] = 'Edit this rule';
$a->strings["Save this rule"] = "Save this rule";
$a->strings['Edit the rule'] = 'Edit the rule';
$a->strings["Delete this rule"] = "Delete this rule";
$a->strings['Save this rule'] = 'Save this rule';
$a->strings["Rule"] = "Rule";
$a->strings['Delete this rule'] = 'Delete this rule';
$a->strings["Close"] = "Close";
$a->strings['Rule'] = 'Rule';
$a->strings["Add new rule"] = "Add new rule";
$a->strings['Close'] = 'Close';
$a->strings["Rule Name"] = "Rule name";
$a->strings['Add new rule'] = 'Add new rule';
$a->strings["Rule Expression"] = "Rule expression";
$a->strings['Rule Name'] = 'Rule name';
$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Cancel";
$a->strings['Rule Expression'] = 'Rule expression';
$a->strings["You must be logged in to use this method"] = "You must be logged in to use this method";
$a->strings['<p>Examples:</p><ul><li><pre>author_link == \'\'</pre></li><li>tags</li></ul>'] = '<p>Examples:</p><ul><li><pre>author_link == \'\'</pre></li><li>tags</li></ul>';
$a->strings["Invalid form security token, please refresh the page."] = "Invalid form security token, please refresh the page.";
$a->strings['Cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$a->strings["The rule name and expression are required."] = "The rule name and expression are required.";
$a->strings['You must be logged in to use this method'] = 'You must be logged in to use this method';
$a->strings["Rule successfully added"] = "Rule successfully added";
$a->strings['Invalid form security token, please refresh the page.'] = 'Invalid form security token, please refresh the page.';
$a->strings["Rule doesn't exist or doesn't belong to you."] = "Rule doesn't exist or doesn't belong to you.";
$a->strings['The rule name and expression are required.'] = 'The rule name and expression are required.';
$a->strings["Rule successfully updated"] = "Rule successfully updated";
$a->strings['Rule successfully added'] = 'Rule successfully added';
$a->strings["Rule successfully deleted"] = "Rule successfully deleted";
$a->strings['Rule doesn\'t exist or doesn\'t belong to you.'] = 'Rule doesn\'t exist or doesn\'t belong to you.';
$a->strings["Missing argument: guid."] = "Missing argument: Global Unique Identifier (GUID).";
$a->strings['Rule successfully updated'] = 'Rule successfully updated';
$a->strings["Unknown post with guid: %s"] = "Unknown post with Global Unique Identifier (GUID): %s";
$a->strings['Rule successfully deleted'] = 'Rule successfully deleted';
$a->strings["Method not found"] = "Method not found";
$a->strings['Missing argument: guid.'] = 'Missing argument: Global Unique Identifier (GUID).';
$a->strings['Unknown post with guid: %s'] = 'Unknown post with Global Unique Identifier (GUID): %s';
$a->strings['Method not found'] = 'Method not found';
@ -5,33 +5,35 @@ function string_plural_select_es($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Method not found'] = 'Método no encontrado';
$a->strings["Method not found"] = "Método no encontrado";
$a->strings['Filtered by rule: %s'] = 'Filtrado por la regla: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered by rule: %s"] = "Filtrado por la regla: %s";
$a->strings['Advanced Content Filter'] = 'Filtro de contenido avanzado';
$a->strings["Advanced Content Filter"] = "Filtro de contenido avanzado";
$a->strings['Back to Addon Settings'] = 'Volver a Ajustes de Complemento';
$a->strings["Back to Addon Settings"] = "Volver a Ajustes de Complemento";
$a->strings['Add a Rule'] = 'Añadir una regla';
$a->strings["Add a Rule"] = "Añadir una regla";
$a->strings['Help'] = 'Ayuda';
$a->strings["Help"] = "Ayuda";
$a->strings['Add and manage your personal content filter rules in this screen. Rules have a name and an arbitrary expression that will be matched against post data. For a complete reference of the available operations and variables, check the help page.'] = 'Agregue y administre sus reglas de filtrado de contenido personal en esta pantalla. Las reglas tienen un nombre y una expresión arbitraria que se comparará con los datos de la publicación. Para obtener una referencia completa de las operaciones y variables disponibles, consulte la página de ayuda.';
$a->strings["Your rules"] = "Tus reglas";
$a->strings['Your rules'] = 'Tus reglas';
$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Desactivado";
$a->strings['You have no rules yet! Start adding one by clicking on the button above next to the title.'] = '¡Aún no tienes reglas! Empieza añadiendo una haciendo clic en el botón de arriba al lado del título. ';
$a->strings["Enabled"] = "Activado";
$a->strings['Disabled'] = 'Desactivado';
$a->strings["Disable this rule"] = "Desactivar esta regla";
$a->strings['Enabled'] = 'Activado';
$a->strings["Enable this rule"] = "Activar esta regla";
$a->strings['Disable this rule'] = 'Desactivar esta regla';
$a->strings["Edit this rule"] = "Editar esta regla";
$a->strings['Enable this rule'] = 'Activar esta regla';
$a->strings["Edit the rule"] = "Editar regla";
$a->strings['Edit this rule'] = 'Editar esta regla';
$a->strings["Save this rule"] = "Guardar esta regla";
$a->strings['Edit the rule'] = 'Editar regla';
$a->strings["Delete this rule"] = "Borrar esta regla";
$a->strings['Save this rule'] = 'Guardar esta regla';
$a->strings["Rule"] = "Regla";
$a->strings['Delete this rule'] = 'Borrar esta regla';
$a->strings["Close"] = "Cerrar";
$a->strings['Rule'] = 'Regla';
$a->strings["Add new rule"] = "Agregar nueva regla";
$a->strings['Close'] = 'Cerrar';
$a->strings["Rule Name"] = "Nombre de la regla";
$a->strings['Add new rule'] = 'Agregar nueva regla';
$a->strings["Rule Expression"] = "Expresión de la regla";
$a->strings['Rule Name'] = 'Nombre de la regla';
$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Cancelar";
$a->strings['Rule Expression'] = 'Expresión de la regla';
$a->strings["You must be logged in to use this method"] = "Debe estar registrado para usar este método";
$a->strings['Cancel'] = 'Cancelar';
$a->strings["The rule name and expression are required."] = "El nombre y la expresión de la regla son obligatorios.";
$a->strings['You must be logged in to use this method'] = 'Debe estar registrado para usar este método';
$a->strings["Rule successfully added"] = "Regla añadida exitosamente";
$a->strings['Invalid form security token, please refresh the page.'] = 'Token de seguridad de formulario inválido, por favor actualice la página.';
$a->strings["Rule doesn't exist or doesn't belong to you."] = "La regla no existe o no te pertenece.";
$a->strings['The rule name and expression are required.'] = 'El nombre y la expresión de la regla son obligatorios.';
$a->strings["Rule successfully updated"] = "Regla actualizada exitosamente";
$a->strings['Rule successfully added'] = 'Regla añadida exitosamente';
$a->strings["Rule successfully deleted"] = "Regla eliminada exitosamente";
$a->strings['Rule doesn\'t exist or doesn\'t belong to you.'] = 'La regla no existe o no te pertenece.';
$a->strings["Missing argument: guid."] = "Algumento faltante: guía";
$a->strings['Rule successfully updated'] = 'Regla actualizada exitosamente';
$a->strings["Unknown post with guid: %s"] = "Publicacion desconocida con la guía: %s";
$a->strings['Rule successfully deleted'] = 'Regla eliminada exitosamente';
$a->strings['Missing argument: guid.'] = 'Algumento faltante: guía';
$a->strings['Unknown post with guid: %s'] = 'Publicacion desconocida con la guía: %s';
@ -5,19 +5,18 @@ function string_plural_select_fi($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Add a Rule'] = 'Lisää sääntö';
$a->strings["Add a Rule"] = "Lisää sääntö";
$a->strings['Your rules'] = 'Sääntösi';
$a->strings["Your rules"] = "Sääntösi";
$a->strings['Disabled'] = 'Ei käytössä';
$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Ei käytössä";
$a->strings['Enabled'] = 'Käytössä';
$a->strings["Enabled"] = "Käytössä";
$a->strings['Enable this rule'] = 'Ota tämä sääntö käyttöön';
$a->strings["Enable this rule"] = "Ota tämä sääntö käyttöön";
$a->strings['Edit this rule'] = 'Muokkaa tätä sääntöä';
$a->strings["Edit this rule"] = "Muokkaa tätä sääntöä";
$a->strings['Edit the rule'] = 'Muokkaa sääntöä';
$a->strings["Edit the rule"] = "Muokkaa sääntöä";
$a->strings['Save this rule'] = 'Tallenna tämä sääntö';
$a->strings["Save this rule"] = "Tallenna tämä sääntö";
$a->strings['Delete this rule'] = 'Poista tämä sääntö';
$a->strings["Delete this rule"] = "Poista tämä sääntö";
$a->strings['Rule'] = 'Sääntö';
$a->strings["Rule"] = "Sääntö";
$a->strings['Close'] = 'Sulje';
$a->strings["Close"] = "Sulje";
$a->strings['Add new rule'] = 'Lisää uusi sääntö';
$a->strings["Add new rule"] = "Lisää uusi sääntö";
$a->strings['Rule successfully added'] = 'Sääntö lisätty';
$a->strings["Rule successfully added"] = "Sääntö lisätty";
$a->strings['Rule successfully updated'] = 'Sääntö päivitetty';
$a->strings["Rule successfully updated"] = "Sääntö päivitetty";
$a->strings['Rule successfully deleted'] = 'Sääntö poistettu';
$a->strings["Rule successfully deleted"] = "Sääntö poistettu";
@ -5,34 +5,35 @@ function string_plural_select_fr($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n > 1);
return intval($n > 1);
$a->strings['Method not found'] = 'Méthode non trouvée';
$a->strings["Method not found"] = "Méthode non trouvée";
$a->strings['Filtered by rule: %s'] = 'Filtré par règle:%s';
$a->strings["Filtered by rule: %s"] = "Filtré par règle:%s";
$a->strings['Advanced Content Filter'] = 'Filtre avancé de contenu';
$a->strings["Advanced Content Filter"] = "Filtre avancé de contenu";
$a->strings['Back to Addon Settings'] = 'Retour aux paramètres de l\'extension';
$a->strings["Back to Addon Settings"] = "Retour aux paramètres de l'extension";
$a->strings['Add a Rule'] = 'Ajouter une règle';
$a->strings["Add a Rule"] = "Ajouter une règle";
$a->strings['Help'] = 'Aide';
$a->strings["Help"] = "Aide";
$a->strings['Add and manage your personal content filter rules in this screen. Rules have a name and an arbitrary expression that will be matched against post data. For a complete reference of the available operations and variables, check the help page.'] = 'Cet écran permet d\'ajouter et de gérer vos règles de filtrage de contenu personnelles. Les règles ont un nom et une expression arbitraire qui sera comparée aux données des messages. Pour une référence complète des opérations et variables disponibles, consultez la page d\'aide.';
$a->strings["Your rules"] = "Vos règles";
$a->strings['Your rules'] = 'Vos règles';
$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Désactivé";
$a->strings['You have no rules yet! Start adding one by clicking on the button above next to the title.'] = 'Vous n\'avez encore aucune règle! Ajoutez-en une en cliquant le bouton au-dessus près du titre';
$a->strings["Enabled"] = "Activé";
$a->strings['Disabled'] = 'Désactivé';
$a->strings["Disable this rule"] = "Désactiver cette règle";
$a->strings['Enabled'] = 'Activé';
$a->strings["Enable this rule"] = "Activer cette règle";
$a->strings['Disable this rule'] = 'Désactiver cette règle';
$a->strings["Edit this rule"] = "Modifier cette règle";
$a->strings['Enable this rule'] = 'Activer cette règle';
$a->strings["Edit the rule"] = "Modifier la règle";
$a->strings['Edit this rule'] = 'Modifier cette règle';
$a->strings["Save this rule"] = "Enregistrer cette règle";
$a->strings['Edit the rule'] = 'Modifier la règle';
$a->strings["Delete this rule"] = "Supprimer cette règle";
$a->strings['Save this rule'] = 'Enregistrer cette règle';
$a->strings["Rule"] = "Règle";
$a->strings['Delete this rule'] = 'Supprimer cette règle';
$a->strings["Close"] = "Fermer";
$a->strings['Rule'] = 'Règle';
$a->strings["Add new rule"] = "Ajouter nouvelle règle";
$a->strings['Close'] = 'Fermer';
$a->strings["Rule Name"] = "Nommer règle";
$a->strings['Add new rule'] = 'Ajouter nouvelle règle';
$a->strings["Rule Expression"] = "Expression de règle";
$a->strings['Rule Name'] = 'Nommer règle';
$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Annuler";
$a->strings['Rule Expression'] = 'Expression de règle';
$a->strings["You must be logged in to use this method"] = "Vous devez être connecté pour utiliser cette méthode";
$a->strings['Cancel'] = 'Annuler';
$a->strings["Invalid form security token, please refresh the page."] = "Formulaire token de sécurité invalide, rafraîchissez la page";
$a->strings['You must be logged in to use this method'] = 'Vous devez être connecté pour utiliser cette méthode';
$a->strings["The rule name and expression are required."] = "Le nom et l'expression de cette règle sont requis";
$a->strings['Invalid form security token, please refresh the page.'] = 'Formulaire token de sécurité invalide, rafraîchissez la page';
$a->strings["Rule successfully added"] = "Règle bien ajoutée";
$a->strings['The rule name and expression are required.'] = 'Le nom et l\'expression de cette règle sont requis';
$a->strings["Rule doesn't exist or doesn't belong to you."] = "Cette règle n'existe pas ou ne vous appartient pas";
$a->strings['Rule successfully added'] = 'Règle bien ajoutée';
$a->strings["Rule successfully updated"] = "Règle bien mise à jour";
$a->strings['Rule doesn\'t exist or doesn\'t belong to you.'] = 'Cette règle n\'existe pas ou ne vous appartient pas';
$a->strings["Rule successfully deleted"] = "Règle bien supprimée";
$a->strings['Rule successfully updated'] = 'Règle bien mise à jour';
$a->strings["Missing argument: guid."] = "Argument manquant: ";
$a->strings['Rule successfully deleted'] = 'Règle bien supprimée';
$a->strings["Unknown post with guid: %s"] = "Post inconnu avec guid : %s";
$a->strings['Missing argument: guid.'] = 'Argument manquant: ';
$a->strings['Unknown post with guid: %s'] = 'Post inconnu avec guid : %s';
@ -5,34 +5,35 @@ function string_plural_select_hu($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Method not found'] = 'A módszer nem található';
$a->strings["Method not found"] = "A módszer nem található";
$a->strings['Filtered by rule: %s'] = 'Szűrve a szabály alapján: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered by rule: %s"] = "Szűrve a szabály alapján: %s";
$a->strings['Advanced Content Filter'] = 'Speciális tartalomszűrő';
$a->strings["Advanced Content Filter"] = "Speciális tartalomszűrő";
$a->strings['Back to Addon Settings'] = 'Vissza a bővítménybeállításokhoz';
$a->strings["Back to Addon Settings"] = "Vissza a bővítménybeállításokhoz";
$a->strings['Add a Rule'] = 'Szabály hozzáadása';
$a->strings["Add a Rule"] = "Szabály hozzáadása";
$a->strings['Help'] = 'Súgó';
$a->strings["Help"] = "Súgó";
$a->strings['Add and manage your personal content filter rules in this screen. Rules have a name and an arbitrary expression that will be matched against post data. For a complete reference of the available operations and variables, check the help page.'] = 'Személyes tartalomszűrő szabályok hozzáadása és kezelése ezen a képernyőn. A szabályoknak van nevük és egy tetszőleges kifejezésük, amely a bejegyzés adataira lesz illesztve. Az elérhető műveletek és változók teljes hivatkozásáért nézze meg a súgóoldalt.';
$a->strings["Your rules"] = "Az Ön szabályai";
$a->strings['Your rules'] = 'Az Ön szabályai';
$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Letiltva";
$a->strings['You have no rules yet! Start adding one by clicking on the button above next to the title.'] = 'Még nincsenek szabályai! Kezdje meg egy szabály hozzáadását a cím mellett lévő fenti gombra kattintva.';
$a->strings["Enabled"] = "Engedélyezve";
$a->strings['Disabled'] = 'Letiltva';
$a->strings["Disable this rule"] = "A szabály letiltása";
$a->strings['Enabled'] = 'Engedélyezve';
$a->strings["Enable this rule"] = "A szabály engedélyezése";
$a->strings['Disable this rule'] = 'A szabály letiltása';
$a->strings["Edit this rule"] = "A szabály szerkesztése";
$a->strings['Enable this rule'] = 'A szabály engedélyezése';
$a->strings["Edit the rule"] = "A szabály szerkesztése";
$a->strings['Edit this rule'] = 'A szabály szerkesztése';
$a->strings["Save this rule"] = "A szabály mentése";
$a->strings['Edit the rule'] = 'A szabály szerkesztése';
$a->strings["Delete this rule"] = "A szabály törlése";
$a->strings['Save this rule'] = 'A szabály mentése';
$a->strings["Rule"] = "Szabály";
$a->strings['Delete this rule'] = 'A szabály törlése';
$a->strings["Close"] = "Bezárás";
$a->strings['Rule'] = 'Szabály';
$a->strings["Add new rule"] = "Új szabály hozzáadása";
$a->strings['Close'] = 'Bezárás';
$a->strings["Rule Name"] = "Szabály neve";
$a->strings['Add new rule'] = 'Új szabály hozzáadása';
$a->strings["Rule Expression"] = "Szabály kifejezése";
$a->strings['Rule Name'] = 'Szabály neve';
$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Mégse";
$a->strings['Rule Expression'] = 'Szabály kifejezése';
$a->strings["You must be logged in to use this method"] = "Bejelentkezve kell lennie a módszer használatához";
$a->strings['Cancel'] = 'Mégse';
$a->strings["Invalid form security token, please refresh the page."] = "Érvénytelen űrlap biztonsági token. Frissítse az oldalt.";
$a->strings['You must be logged in to use this method'] = 'Bejelentkezve kell lennie a módszer használatához';
$a->strings["The rule name and expression are required."] = "A szabály neve és kifejezése kötelező.";
$a->strings['Invalid form security token, please refresh the page.'] = 'Érvénytelen űrlap biztonsági token. Frissítse az oldalt.';
$a->strings["Rule successfully added"] = "A szabály sikeresen hozzáadva";
$a->strings['The rule name and expression are required.'] = 'A szabály neve és kifejezése kötelező.';
$a->strings["Rule doesn't exist or doesn't belong to you."] = "A szabály nem létezik vagy nem Önhöz tatozik.";
$a->strings['Rule successfully added'] = 'A szabály sikeresen hozzáadva';
$a->strings["Rule successfully updated"] = "A szabály sikeresen frissítve";
$a->strings['Rule doesn\'t exist or doesn\'t belong to you.'] = 'A szabály nem létezik vagy nem Önhöz tatozik.';
$a->strings["Rule successfully deleted"] = "A szabály sikeresen törölve";
$a->strings['Rule successfully updated'] = 'A szabály sikeresen frissítve';
$a->strings["Missing argument: guid."] = "Hiányzó argumentum: guid.";
$a->strings['Rule successfully deleted'] = 'A szabály sikeresen törölve';
$a->strings["Unknown post with guid: %s"] = "Ismeretlen bejegyzés a következő guid azonosítóval: %s";
$a->strings['Missing argument: guid.'] = 'Hiányzó argumentum: guid.';
$a->strings['Unknown post with guid: %s'] = 'Ismeretlen bejegyzés a következő guid azonosítóval: %s';
@ -5,34 +5,36 @@ function string_plural_select_it($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Filtered by rule: %s'] = 'Filtrato dalla regola: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered by rule: %s"] = "Filtrato dalla regola: %s";
$a->strings['Advanced Content Filter'] = 'Filtro Avanzato Contenuti';
$a->strings["Advanced Content Filter"] = "Filtro Avanzato Contenuti";
$a->strings['Back to Addon Settings'] = 'Torna alle impostazioni del componente aggiuntivo';
$a->strings["Back to Addon Settings"] = "Torna alle impostazioni del componente aggiuntivo";
$a->strings['Add a Rule'] = 'Aggiungi una regola';
$a->strings["Add a Rule"] = "Aggiungi una regola";
$a->strings['Help'] = 'Aiuto';
$a->strings["Help"] = "Aiuto";
$a->strings['Add and manage your personal content filter rules in this screen. Rules have a name and an arbitrary expression that will be matched against post data. For a complete reference of the available operations and variables, check the <a href="advancedcontentfilter/help">help page</a>.'] = 'Aggiungi e gestisci le tue regole personali di filtro contenuti in questa schermata. Le regole hanno un nome e un\'espressione arbitraria che sarà confrontata con i dati del messaggio. Per un elenco completo delle operazioni disponibili, controlla la <a href="advancedcontentfilter/help">pagina di aiuto</a>.';
$a->strings["Your rules"] = "Le tue regole";
$a->strings['Your rules'] = 'Le tue regole';
$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Disabilitato";
$a->strings['You have no rules yet! Start adding one by clicking on the button above next to the title.'] = 'Non hai ancora nessuna regola! Aggiungine una cliccando sul bottone qui sopra a fianco al titolo.';
$a->strings["Enabled"] = "Abilitato";
$a->strings['Disabled'] = 'Disabilitato';
$a->strings["Disable this rule"] = "Diabilita questa regola";
$a->strings['Enabled'] = 'Abilitato';
$a->strings["Enable this rule"] = "Abilita questa regola";
$a->strings['Disable this rule'] = 'Diabilita questa regola';
$a->strings["Edit this rule"] = "Modifica questa regola";
$a->strings['Enable this rule'] = 'Abilita questa regola';
$a->strings["Edit the rule"] = "Modifica la regola";
$a->strings['Edit this rule'] = 'Modifica questa regola';
$a->strings["Save this rule"] = "Salva questa regola";
$a->strings['Edit the rule'] = 'Modifica la regola';
$a->strings["Delete this rule"] = "Elimina questa regola";
$a->strings['Save this rule'] = 'Salva questa regola';
$a->strings["Rule"] = "Regola";
$a->strings['Delete this rule'] = 'Elimina questa regola';
$a->strings["Close"] = "Chiudi";
$a->strings['Rule'] = 'Regola';
$a->strings["Add new rule"] = "Aggiungi nuova regola";
$a->strings['Close'] = 'Chiudi';
$a->strings["Rule Name"] = "Nome Regola";
$a->strings['Add new rule'] = 'Aggiungi nuova regola';
$a->strings["Rule Expression"] = "Espressione Regola";
$a->strings['Rule Name'] = 'Nome Regola';
$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Annulla";
$a->strings['Rule Expression'] = 'Espressione Regola';
$a->strings["You must be logged in to use this method"] = "Devi essere autenticato per usare questo metodo";
$a->strings['<p>Examples:</p><ul><li><pre>author_link == \'\'</pre></li><li>tags</li></ul>'] = '<p>Esempi:</p><ul><li><pre>author_link == \'\'</pre></li><li>tags</li></ul>';
$a->strings["Invalid form security token, please refresh the page."] = "Token di sicurezza invalido, aggiorna la pagina.";
$a->strings['Cancel'] = 'Annulla';
$a->strings["The rule name and expression are required."] = "Il nome e l'espressione della regola sono richiesti.";
$a->strings['You must be logged in to use this method'] = 'Devi essere autenticato per usare questo metodo';
$a->strings["Rule successfully added"] = "Regola aggiunta con successo";
$a->strings['Invalid form security token, please refresh the page.'] = 'Token di sicurezza invalido, aggiorna la pagina.';
$a->strings["Rule doesn't exist or doesn't belong to you."] = "La regola non esiste o non ti appartiene.";
$a->strings['The rule name and expression are required.'] = 'Il nome e l\'espressione della regola sono richiesti.';
$a->strings["Rule successfully updated"] = "Regola aggiornata con successo";
$a->strings['Rule successfully added'] = 'Regola aggiunta con successo';
$a->strings["Rule successfully deleted"] = "Regola eliminata con successo";
$a->strings['Rule doesn\'t exist or doesn\'t belong to you.'] = 'La regola non esiste o non ti appartiene.';
$a->strings["Missing argument: guid."] = "Argomento mancante: guid.";
$a->strings['Rule successfully updated'] = 'Regola aggiornata con successo';
$a->strings["Unknown post with guid: %s"] = "Messaggio con guid %s sconosciuto";
$a->strings['Rule successfully deleted'] = 'Regola eliminata con successo';
$a->strings["Method not found"] = "Metodo non trovato";
$a->strings['Missing argument: guid.'] = 'Argomento mancante: guid.';
$a->strings['Unknown post with guid: %s'] = 'Messaggio con guid %s sconosciuto';
$a->strings['Method not found'] = 'Metodo non trovato';
@ -5,34 +5,36 @@ function string_plural_select_nl($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Filtered by rule: %s'] = 'Gefilterd volgens regel: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered by rule: %s"] = "Gefilterd volgens regel: %s";
$a->strings['Advanced Content Filter'] = 'Geavanceerd filter voor berichtsinhoud';
$a->strings["Advanced Content Filter"] = "Geavanceerd filter voor berichtsinhoud";
$a->strings['Back to Addon Settings'] = 'Terug naar Addon instellingen';
$a->strings["Back to Addon Settings"] = "Terug naar Addon instellingen";
$a->strings['Add a Rule'] = 'Filterregel toevoegen';
$a->strings["Add a Rule"] = "Filterregel toevoegen";
$a->strings['Help'] = 'Help';
$a->strings["Help"] = "Help";
$a->strings['Add and manage your personal content filter rules in this screen. Rules have a name and an arbitrary expression that will be matched against post data. For a complete reference of the available operations and variables, check the <a href="advancedcontentfilter/help">help page</a>.'] = 'Beheer de filterregels van je persoonlijke filter voor berichtsinhoud in dit scherm. Regels hebben een naam en bewoording welke we automatisch controleren door te vergelijken met de inhoud van elk bericht. Voor een compleet naslagwerk van de beschikbare bewerkingen en variabelen, zie de <a href="advancedcontentfilter/help">help pagina</a>.';
$a->strings["Your rules"] = "Jouw regels";
$a->strings['Your rules'] = 'Jouw regels';
$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Uitgeschakeld";
$a->strings['You have no rules yet! Start adding one by clicking on the button above next to the title.'] = 'Je hebt nog geen regels! Klik op de knop bovenin naast de titel om een regel toe te voegen.';
$a->strings["Enabled"] = "Geactiveerd";
$a->strings['Disabled'] = 'Uitgeschakeld';
$a->strings["Disable this rule"] = "Deze regel uitschakelen";
$a->strings['Enabled'] = 'Geactiveerd';
$a->strings["Enable this rule"] = "Deze regel inschakelen";
$a->strings['Disable this rule'] = 'Deze regel uitschakelen';
$a->strings["Edit this rule"] = "Regel bewerken";
$a->strings['Enable this rule'] = 'Deze regel inschakelen';
$a->strings["Edit the rule"] = "Regel bewerken";
$a->strings['Edit this rule'] = 'Regel bewerken';
$a->strings["Save this rule"] = "Deze regel opslaan";
$a->strings['Edit the rule'] = 'Regel bewerken';
$a->strings["Delete this rule"] = "Deze regel verwijderen";
$a->strings['Save this rule'] = 'Deze regel opslaan';
$a->strings["Rule"] = "Regel";
$a->strings['Delete this rule'] = 'Deze regel verwijderen';
$a->strings["Close"] = "Sluiten";
$a->strings['Rule'] = 'Regel';
$a->strings["Add new rule"] = "Voeg nieuwe regel toe";
$a->strings['Close'] = 'Sluiten';
$a->strings["Rule Name"] = "Regel naam";
$a->strings['Add new rule'] = 'Voeg nieuwe regel toe';
$a->strings["Rule Expression"] = "Regel bewoording";
$a->strings['Rule Name'] = 'Regel naam';
$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Annuleren";
$a->strings['Rule Expression'] = 'Regel bewoording';
$a->strings["You must be logged in to use this method"] = "Je moet ingelogd zijn om deze methode te gebruiken";
$a->strings['<p>Examples:</p><ul><li><pre>author_link == \'\'</pre></li><li>tags</li></ul>'] = '<p>Voorbeelden:</p><ul><li><pre>author_link == \'\'</pre></li><li>label</li></ul>';
$a->strings["Invalid form security token, please refresh the page."] = "Ongeldige formulier beveiligings token, vernieuw de pagina a.u.b.";
$a->strings['Cancel'] = 'Annuleren';
$a->strings["The rule name and expression are required."] = "De regelnaam en bewoording zijn vereist.";
$a->strings['You must be logged in to use this method'] = 'Je moet ingelogd zijn om deze methode te gebruiken';
$a->strings["Rule successfully added"] = "Regel succesvol toegevoegd";
$a->strings['Invalid form security token, please refresh the page.'] = 'Ongeldige formulier beveiligings token, vernieuw de pagina a.u.b.';
$a->strings["Rule doesn't exist or doesn't belong to you."] = "Deze regel bestaat niet, of is niet van jou.";
$a->strings['The rule name and expression are required.'] = 'De regelnaam en bewoording zijn vereist.';
$a->strings["Rule successfully updated"] = "Regel succesvol opgeslagen";
$a->strings['Rule successfully added'] = 'Regel succesvol toegevoegd';
$a->strings["Rule successfully deleted"] = "Regel succesvol verwijderd";
$a->strings['Rule doesn\'t exist or doesn\'t belong to you.'] = 'Deze regel bestaat niet, of is niet van jou.';
$a->strings["Missing argument: guid."] = "Parameter guid niet aanwezig";
$a->strings['Rule successfully updated'] = 'Regel succesvol opgeslagen';
$a->strings["Unknown post with guid: %s"] = "Onbekend bericht met guid: %s";
$a->strings['Rule successfully deleted'] = 'Regel succesvol verwijderd';
$a->strings["Method not found"] = "Methode niet gevonden";
$a->strings['Missing argument: guid.'] = 'Parameter guid niet aanwezig';
$a->strings['Unknown post with guid: %s'] = 'Onbekend bericht met guid: %s';
$a->strings['Method not found'] = 'Methode niet gevonden';
@ -5,34 +5,36 @@ function string_plural_select_pl($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if (($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4) && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n!=1 && ($n%10>=0 && $n%10<=1) || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=12 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if (($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4) && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n!=1 && ($n%10>=0 && $n%10<=1) || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=12 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
$a->strings['Filtered by rule: %s'] = ' Filtruj według reguły: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered by rule: %s"] = " Filtruj według reguły: %s";
$a->strings['Advanced Content Filter'] = 'Zaawansowany filtr zawartości';
$a->strings["Advanced Content Filter"] = "Zaawansowany filtr zawartości";
$a->strings['Back to Addon Settings'] = 'Powrót do ustawień dodatków';
$a->strings["Back to Addon Settings"] = "Powrót do ustawień dodatków";
$a->strings['Add a Rule'] = 'Dodaj regułę';
$a->strings["Add a Rule"] = "Dodaj regułę";
$a->strings['Help'] = 'Pomoc';
$a->strings["Help"] = "Pomoc";
$a->strings['Add and manage your personal content filter rules in this screen. Rules have a name and an arbitrary expression that will be matched against post data. For a complete reference of the available operations and variables, check the <a href="advancedcontentfilter/help">help page</a>.'] = 'Dodaj i zarządzaj regułami filtrowania treści osobistych na tym ekranie. Reguły mają nazwę i dowolne wyrażenie, które zostanie dopasowane do danych postów. Aby uzyskać pełne informacje o dostępnych operacjach i zmiennych, sprawdź <a href="advancedcontentfilter/help">stronę pomocy</a>.';
$a->strings["Your rules"] = "Twoje zasady";
$a->strings['Your rules'] = 'Twoje zasady';
$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Wyłącz";
$a->strings['You have no rules yet! Start adding one by clicking on the button above next to the title.'] = 'Nie masz jeszcze żadnych zasad! Zacznij dodawać jedną, klikając przycisk znajdujący się nad tytułem.';
$a->strings["Enabled"] = "Włącz";
$a->strings['Disabled'] = 'Wyłącz';
$a->strings["Disable this rule"] = "Wyłącz tę regułę";
$a->strings['Enabled'] = 'Włącz';
$a->strings["Enable this rule"] = "Włącz tę regułę";
$a->strings['Disable this rule'] = 'Wyłącz tę regułę';
$a->strings["Edit this rule"] = "Edytuj tę regułę";
$a->strings['Enable this rule'] = 'Włącz tę regułę';
$a->strings["Edit the rule"] = "Edytuj regułę";
$a->strings['Edit this rule'] = 'Edytuj tę regułę';
$a->strings["Save this rule"] = "Zapisz tę regułę";
$a->strings['Edit the rule'] = 'Edytuj regułę';
$a->strings["Delete this rule"] = "Usuń tę regułę";
$a->strings['Save this rule'] = 'Zapisz tę regułę';
$a->strings["Rule"] = "Reguła";
$a->strings['Delete this rule'] = 'Usuń tę regułę';
$a->strings["Close"] = "Zamknij";
$a->strings['Rule'] = 'Reguła';
$a->strings["Add new rule"] = "Dodaj nową regułę";
$a->strings['Close'] = 'Zamknij';
$a->strings["Rule Name"] = "Nazwa reguły";
$a->strings['Add new rule'] = 'Dodaj nową regułę';
$a->strings["Rule Expression"] = "Wyrażanie reguły";
$a->strings['Rule Name'] = 'Nazwa reguły';
$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Anuluj";
$a->strings['Rule Expression'] = 'Wyrażanie reguły';
$a->strings["You must be logged in to use this method"] = "Musisz być zalogowany, aby skorzystać z tej metody";
$a->strings['<p>Examples:</p><ul><li><pre>author_link == \'\'</pre></li><li>tags</li></ul>'] = '<p>przykład</p><ul><li><pre>author_link == \'\'</pre></li><li>tagi</li></ul>';
$a->strings["Invalid form security token, please refresh the page."] = "Nieprawidłowy token zabezpieczający formularz, odśwież stronę.";
$a->strings['Cancel'] = 'Anuluj';
$a->strings["The rule name and expression are required."] = "Nazwa reguły i wyrażenie są wymagane.";
$a->strings['You must be logged in to use this method'] = 'Musisz być zalogowany, aby skorzystać z tej metody';
$a->strings["Rule successfully added"] = "Reguła została pomyślnie dodana";
$a->strings['Invalid form security token, please refresh the page.'] = 'Nieprawidłowy token zabezpieczający formularz, odśwież stronę.';
$a->strings["Rule doesn't exist or doesn't belong to you."] = "Reguła nie istnieje lub nie należy do ciebie.";
$a->strings['The rule name and expression are required.'] = 'Nazwa reguły i wyrażenie są wymagane.';
$a->strings["Rule successfully updated"] = "Reguła została pomyślnie zaktualizowana";
$a->strings['Rule successfully added'] = 'Reguła została pomyślnie dodana';
$a->strings["Rule successfully deleted"] = "Reguła została pomyślnie usunięta";
$a->strings['Rule doesn\'t exist or doesn\'t belong to you.'] = 'Reguła nie istnieje lub nie należy do ciebie.';
$a->strings["Missing argument: guid."] = "Brakujący argument: guid.";
$a->strings['Rule successfully updated'] = 'Reguła została pomyślnie zaktualizowana';
$a->strings["Unknown post with guid: %s"] = "Nieznany post z guid:%s";
$a->strings['Rule successfully deleted'] = 'Reguła została pomyślnie usunięta';
$a->strings["Method not found"] = "Nie znaleziono metody";
$a->strings['Missing argument: guid.'] = 'Brakujący argument: guid.';
$a->strings['Unknown post with guid: %s'] = 'Nieznany post z guid:%s';
$a->strings['Method not found'] = 'Nie znaleziono metody';
@ -5,34 +5,36 @@ function string_plural_select_ru($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if ($n%10==1 && $n%100!=11) { return 0; } else if ($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4 && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n%10==0 || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=11 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
if ($n%10==1 && $n%100!=11) { return 0; } else if ($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4 && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n%10==0 || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=11 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
$a->strings['Filtered by rule: %s'] = 'Отфильтровано по правилу: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered by rule: %s"] = "Отфильтровано по правилу: %s";
$a->strings['Advanced Content Filter'] = 'Расширенный фильтр содержимого';
$a->strings["Advanced Content Filter"] = "Расширенный фильтр содержимого";
$a->strings['Back to Addon Settings'] = 'Вернуться к настройкам дополнений';
$a->strings["Back to Addon Settings"] = "Вернуться к настройкам дополнений";
$a->strings['Add a Rule'] = 'Добавить правило';
$a->strings["Add a Rule"] = "Добавить правило";
$a->strings['Help'] = 'Помощь';
$a->strings["Help"] = "Помощь";
$a->strings['Add and manage your personal content filter rules in this screen. Rules have a name and an arbitrary expression that will be matched against post data. For a complete reference of the available operations and variables, check the <a href="advancedcontentfilter/help">help page</a>.'] = 'Добавляйте и управляйте своими собственными фильтрами на этой странице. У правил есть имя и произвольное выражение, которое будет сопоставляться с данными поста. Для полной ссылки на доступные операции и переменные, посмотрите <a href="advancedcontentfilter/help">страницу справки</a>.';
$a->strings["Your rules"] = "Ваши правила";
$a->strings['Your rules'] = 'Ваши правила';
$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Отключено";
$a->strings['You have no rules yet! Start adding one by clicking on the button above next to the title.'] = 'У Вас нет ни одного правила. Начните добавление первого с нажатия на кнопку выше, рядом с названием.';
$a->strings["Enabled"] = "Включено";
$a->strings['Disabled'] = 'Отключено';
$a->strings["Disable this rule"] = "Отключить это правило";
$a->strings['Enabled'] = 'Включено';
$a->strings["Enable this rule"] = "Включить это правило";
$a->strings['Disable this rule'] = 'Отключить это правило';
$a->strings["Edit this rule"] = "Изменить это правило";
$a->strings['Enable this rule'] = 'Включить это правило';
$a->strings["Edit the rule"] = "Изменить правило";
$a->strings['Edit this rule'] = 'Изменить это правило';
$a->strings["Save this rule"] = "Сохранить это правило";
$a->strings['Edit the rule'] = 'Изменить правило';
$a->strings["Delete this rule"] = "Удалить это правило";
$a->strings['Save this rule'] = 'Сохранить это правило';
$a->strings["Rule"] = "Правило";
$a->strings['Delete this rule'] = 'Удалить это правило';
$a->strings["Close"] = "Закрыть";
$a->strings['Rule'] = 'Правило';
$a->strings["Add new rule"] = "Добавить новое правило";
$a->strings['Close'] = 'Закрыть';
$a->strings["Rule Name"] = "Название правила";
$a->strings['Add new rule'] = 'Добавить новое правило';
$a->strings["Rule Expression"] = "Содержание правила";
$a->strings['Rule Name'] = 'Название правила';
$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Отмена";
$a->strings['Rule Expression'] = 'Содержание правила';
$a->strings["You must be logged in to use this method"] = "Вы должны авторизоваться для использования этого метода";
$a->strings['<p>Examples:</p><ul><li><pre>author_link == \'\'</pre></li><li>tags</li></ul>'] = '<p>Примеры:</p><ul><li><pre>author_link == \'\'</pre></li><li>tags</li></ul>';
$a->strings["Invalid form security token, please refresh the page."] = "Неверный ключ, пожалуйста, перезагрузите страницу";
$a->strings['Cancel'] = 'Отмена';
$a->strings["The rule name and expression are required."] = "Требуется ввести название и значение правила.";
$a->strings['You must be logged in to use this method'] = 'Вы должны авторизоваться для использования этого метода';
$a->strings["Rule successfully added"] = "Правило успешно добавлено";
$a->strings['Invalid form security token, please refresh the page.'] = 'Неверный ключ, пожалуйста, перезагрузите страницу';
$a->strings["Rule doesn't exist or doesn't belong to you."] = "Правило не найдено или доступ к нему закрыт";
$a->strings['The rule name and expression are required.'] = 'Требуется ввести название и значение правила.';
$a->strings["Rule successfully updated"] = "Правило успешно обновлено";
$a->strings['Rule successfully added'] = 'Правило успешно добавлено';
$a->strings["Rule successfully deleted"] = "Правило успешно удалено";
$a->strings['Rule doesn\'t exist or doesn\'t belong to you.'] = 'Правило не найдено или доступ к нему закрыт';
$a->strings["Missing argument: guid."] = "Отсутствующий аргумент: guid.";
$a->strings['Rule successfully updated'] = 'Правило успешно обновлено';
$a->strings["Unknown post with guid: %s"] = "Неизвестный пост в ID: %s";
$a->strings['Rule successfully deleted'] = 'Правило успешно удалено';
$a->strings["Method not found"] = "Метод не найден";
$a->strings['Missing argument: guid.'] = 'Отсутствующий аргумент: guid.';
$a->strings['Unknown post with guid: %s'] = 'Неизвестный пост в ID: %s';
$a->strings['Method not found'] = 'Метод не найден';
@ -5,34 +5,36 @@ function string_plural_select_sv($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Filtered by rule: %s'] = 'Filtrerat efter regel: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered by rule: %s"] = "Filtrerat efter regel: %s";
$a->strings['Advanced Content Filter'] = 'Avancerat innehållsfiter';
$a->strings["Advanced Content Filter"] = "Avancerat innehållsfiter";
$a->strings['Back to Addon Settings'] = 'TIllbaka till Tilläggsinställningar';
$a->strings["Back to Addon Settings"] = "TIllbaka till Tilläggsinställningar";
$a->strings['Add a Rule'] = 'Lägg till en regel';
$a->strings["Add a Rule"] = "Lägg till en regel";
$a->strings['Help'] = 'Hjälp';
$a->strings["Help"] = "Hjälp";
$a->strings['Add and manage your personal content filter rules in this screen. Rules have a name and an arbitrary expression that will be matched against post data. For a complete reference of the available operations and variables, check the <a href="advancedcontentfilter/help">help page</a>.'] = 'Lägg till och hantera dina personliga regler för innehållsfilter i det här fönstret. Regler har ett namn och ett valfritt uttryck och kommer jämföras mot inläggets innehåll. Förteckning av alla operander och variabler finns att hitta på <a href="advancedcontentfilter/help">hjälpsidan</a>.';
$a->strings["Your rules"] = "Dina regler";
$a->strings['Your rules'] = 'Dina regler';
$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Inaktiverad";
$a->strings['You have no rules yet! Start adding one by clicking on the button above next to the title.'] = 'Du har inga regler än! Lägg till regler genom att klicka på knappen ovanför, bredvid överskriften.';
$a->strings["Enabled"] = "Aktiverad";
$a->strings['Disabled'] = 'Inaktiverad';
$a->strings["Disable this rule"] = "Inaktivera den här regeln";
$a->strings['Enabled'] = 'Aktiverad';
$a->strings["Enable this rule"] = "Aktivera den här regeln";
$a->strings['Disable this rule'] = 'Inaktivera den här regeln';
$a->strings["Edit this rule"] = "Redigera den här regeln";
$a->strings['Enable this rule'] = 'Aktivera den här regeln';
$a->strings["Edit the rule"] = "Redigera den här regeln";
$a->strings['Edit this rule'] = 'Redigera den här regeln';
$a->strings["Save this rule"] = "Spara den här regeln";
$a->strings['Edit the rule'] = 'Redigera den här regeln';
$a->strings["Delete this rule"] = "Ta bort den här regeln";
$a->strings['Save this rule'] = 'Spara den här regeln';
$a->strings["Rule"] = "Regel";
$a->strings['Delete this rule'] = 'Ta bort den här regeln';
$a->strings["Close"] = "Stäng";
$a->strings['Rule'] = 'Regel';
$a->strings["Add new rule"] = "Lägg till ny regel";
$a->strings['Close'] = 'Stäng';
$a->strings["Rule Name"] = "Regelnamn";
$a->strings['Add new rule'] = 'Lägg till ny regel';
$a->strings["Rule Expression"] = "Regeluttryck";
$a->strings['Rule Name'] = 'Regelnamn';
$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Avbryt";
$a->strings['Rule Expression'] = 'Regeluttryck';
$a->strings["You must be logged in to use this method"] = "Du måste vara inloggad för att använda den här funktionen";
$a->strings['<p>Examples:</p><ul><li><pre>author_link == \'\'</pre></li><li>tags</li></ul>'] = '<p>Exempel:</p><ul><li><pre>author_link == \'\'</pre></li><li>taggar</li></ul>';
$a->strings["Invalid form security token, please refresh the page."] = "Felaktigt säkerhetsformulärstecken, vänligen uppdatera sidan.";
$a->strings['Cancel'] = 'Avbryt';
$a->strings["The rule name and expression are required."] = "Regelns namn och uttryck krävs.";
$a->strings['You must be logged in to use this method'] = 'Du måste vara inloggad för att använda den här funktionen';
$a->strings["Rule successfully added"] = "Regeln kunde läggas till";
$a->strings['Invalid form security token, please refresh the page.'] = 'Felaktigt säkerhetsformulärstecken, vänligen uppdatera sidan.';
$a->strings["Rule doesn't exist or doesn't belong to you."] = "Regeln finns inte eller tillhör inte dig.";
$a->strings['The rule name and expression are required.'] = 'Regelns namn och uttryck krävs.';
$a->strings["Rule successfully updated"] = "Uppdatering av regel lyckades";
$a->strings['Rule successfully added'] = 'Regeln kunde läggas till';
$a->strings["Rule successfully deleted"] = "Borttagning av regel lyckades";
$a->strings['Rule doesn\'t exist or doesn\'t belong to you.'] = 'Regeln finns inte eller tillhör inte dig.';
$a->strings["Missing argument: guid."] = "Argument saknas: guid.";
$a->strings['Rule successfully updated'] = 'Uppdatering av regel lyckades';
$a->strings["Unknown post with guid: %s"] = "Okänt inlägg med guid: %s";
$a->strings['Rule successfully deleted'] = 'Borttagning av regel lyckades';
$a->strings["Method not found"] = "Metod hittades inte";
$a->strings['Missing argument: guid.'] = 'Argument saknas: guid.';
$a->strings['Unknown post with guid: %s'] = 'Okänt inlägg med guid: %s';
$a->strings['Method not found'] = 'Metod hittades inte';
@ -5,35 +5,36 @@ function string_plural_select_zh_cn($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval(0);
return intval(0);
$a->strings['Filtered by rule: %s'] = '通过规则过滤:%s';
$a->strings["Filtered by rule: %s"] = "通过规则过滤:%s";
$a->strings['Advanced Content Filter'] = '高级内容过滤';
$a->strings["Advanced Content Filter"] = "高级内容过滤";
$a->strings['Back to Addon Settings'] = '返回扩展设置';
$a->strings["Back to Addon Settings"] = "返回扩展设置";
$a->strings['Add a Rule'] = '添加规则';
$a->strings["Add a Rule"] = "添加规则";
$a->strings['Help'] = '帮助';
$a->strings["Help"] = "帮助";
$a->strings['Add and manage your personal content filter rules in this screen. Rules have a name and an arbitrary expression that will be matched against post data. For a complete reference of the available operations and variables, check the <a href="advancedcontentfilter/help">help page</a>.'] = '在此界面上添加和管理你的个人内容过滤规则。规则要有名称和能匹配帖子内容的任意表达式。完整可用的运算符和变量,请查看<a href="advancedcontentfilter/help">帮助页面</a>。';
$a->strings["Your rules"] = "你的规则";
$a->strings['Your rules'] = '你的规则';
$a->strings["You have no rules yet! Start adding one by clicking on the button above next to the title."] = "你还没有规则!点击标题上方的按钮开始新增规则。";
$a->strings['You have no rules yet! Start adding one by clicking on the button above next to the title.'] = '你还没有规则!点击标题上方的按钮开始新增规则。';
$a->strings["Disabled"] = "禁用";
$a->strings['Disabled'] = '禁用';
$a->strings["Enabled"] = "启用";
$a->strings['Enabled'] = '启用';
$a->strings["Disable this rule"] = "禁用此规则";
$a->strings['Disable this rule'] = '禁用此规则';
$a->strings["Enable this rule"] = "启用此规则";
$a->strings['Enable this rule'] = '启用此规则';
$a->strings["Edit this rule"] = "编辑此规则";
$a->strings['Edit this rule'] = '编辑此规则';
$a->strings["Edit the rule"] = "编辑规则";
$a->strings['Edit the rule'] = '编辑规则';
$a->strings["Save this rule"] = "保存规则";
$a->strings['Save this rule'] = '保存规则';
$a->strings["Delete this rule"] = "删除此规则";
$a->strings['Delete this rule'] = '删除此规则';
$a->strings["Rule"] = "规则";
$a->strings['Rule'] = '规则';
$a->strings["Close"] = "关闭";
$a->strings['Close'] = '关闭';
$a->strings["Add new rule"] = "新增规则";
$a->strings['Add new rule'] = '新增规则';
$a->strings["Rule Name"] = "规则名";
$a->strings['Rule Name'] = '规则名';
$a->strings["Rule Expression"] = "规则表达式";
$a->strings['Rule Expression'] = '规则表达式';
$a->strings["Cancel"] = "取消";
$a->strings['<p>Examples:</p><ul><li><pre>author_link == \'\'</pre></li><li>tags</li></ul>'] = '<p>例子:</p><ul><li><pre>author_link == \'</pre></li><li>tags</li></ul>';
$a->strings["You must be logged in to use this method"] = "使用此模式您必须先登录。";
$a->strings['Cancel'] = '取消';
$a->strings["Invalid form security token, please refresh the page."] = "无效的安全令牌,请刷新页面。";
$a->strings['You must be logged in to use this method'] = '使用此模式您必须先登录。';
$a->strings["The rule name and expression are required."] = "规则名和表达式必填。";
$a->strings['Invalid form security token, please refresh the page.'] = '无效的安全令牌,请刷新页面。';
$a->strings["Rule successfully added"] = "规则添加成功。";
$a->strings['The rule name and expression are required.'] = '规则名和表达式必填。';
$a->strings["Rule doesn't exist or doesn't belong to you."] = "规则不存在或不属于你。";
$a->strings['Rule successfully added'] = '规则添加成功。';
$a->strings["Rule successfully updated"] = "规则更新成功";
$a->strings['Rule doesn\'t exist or doesn\'t belong to you.'] = '规则不存在或不属于你。';
$a->strings["Rule successfully deleted"] = "规则删除成功";
$a->strings['Rule successfully updated'] = '规则更新成功';
$a->strings["Missing argument: guid."] = "缺少参数:guid。";
$a->strings['Rule successfully deleted'] = '规则删除成功';
$a->strings["Unknown post with guid: %s"] = "未知帖子 guid:%s";
$a->strings['Missing argument: guid.'] = '缺少参数:guid。';
$a->strings["Method not found"] = "未找到模式";
$a->strings['Unknown post with guid: %s'] = '未知帖子 guid:%s';
$a->strings['Method not found'] = '未找到模式';
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_ca($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this'] = 'La data de finalització és anterior a la data d\'inici de l\'apagada, hauríeu d\'arreglar-ho';
$a->strings["The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this"] = "La data de finalització és anterior a la data d'inici de l'apagada, hauríeu d'arreglar-ho";
$a->strings['Please double check that the current settings for the blackout. Begin will be <strong>%s</strong> and it will end <strong>%s</strong>.'] = 'Verifiqueu si la configuració actual per a l\'apagat. Començarà serà <strong>%s</strong> i s’acabarà <strong>%s</strong>.';
$a->strings["Please double check that the current settings for the blackout. Begin will be <strong>%s</strong> and it will end <strong>%s</strong>."] = "Verifiqueu si la configuració actual per a l'apagat. Començarà serà <strong>%s</strong> i s’acabarà <strong>%s</strong>.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Desa la configuració';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Desa la configuració";
$a->strings['Redirect URL'] = 'Redirigir URL';
$a->strings["Redirect URL"] = "Redirigir URL";
$a->strings['all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL'] = 'tots els visitants del web seran redirigits a aquest tema URL';
$a->strings["all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL"] = "tots els visitants del web seran redirigits a aquest tema URL";
$a->strings['Begin of the Blackout'] = 'Inici de l’apagada';
$a->strings["Begin of the Blackout"] = "Inici de l’apagada";
$a->strings['Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute.'] = 'El format és <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> mes. <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em>hora i <em>mm</em> minut.';
$a->strings["Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute."] = "El format és <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> mes. <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em>hora i <em>mm</em> minut.";
$a->strings['End of the Blackout'] = 'Fi de l’apagada';
$a->strings["End of the Blackout"] = "Fi de l’apagada";
$a->strings['<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can\'t login again after logging out should the blackout is still in place.'] = '<strong>Nota</strong>: La redirecció estarà activa des del moment en què premeu el botó d\'enviament. Els usuaris actualment connectats ho faran <strong>no</strong> es llençarà però no es pot tornar a iniciar la sessió un cop s\'hagi desactivat l\'apagada.';
$a->strings["<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can't login again after logging out should the blackout is still in place."] = "<strong>Nota</strong>: La redirecció estarà activa des del moment en què premeu el botó d'enviament. Els usuaris actualment connectats ho faran <strong>no</strong> es llençarà però no es pot tornar a iniciar la sessió un cop s'hagi desactivat l'apagada.";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_cs($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if (($n == 1 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 0; } else if (($n >= 2 && $n <= 4 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 1; } else if (($n % 1 != 0 )) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
if (($n == 1 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 0; } else if (($n >= 2 && $n <= 4 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 1; } else if (($n % 1 != 0 )) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
$a->strings['The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this'] = 'Datum konce odstávky je před datem zahájení odstávky, prosím opravte to';
$a->strings["The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this"] = "Datum konce odstávky je před datem zahájení odstávky, prosím opravte to";
$a->strings['Please double check that the current settings for the blackout. Begin will be <strong>%s</strong> and it will end <strong>%s</strong>.'] = 'Prosím zkontrolujte svá aktuální nastavení pro odstávku. Začne <strong>%s</strong> a skončí <strong>%s</strong>.';
$a->strings["Please double check that the current settings for the blackout. Begin will be <strong>%s</strong> and it will end <strong>%s</strong>."] = "Prosím zkontrolujte svá aktuální nastavení pro odstávku. Začne <strong>%s</strong> a skončí <strong>%s</strong>.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Uložit nastavení';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Uložit nastavení";
$a->strings['Redirect URL'] = 'URL přesměrování';
$a->strings["Redirect URL"] = "URL přesměrování";
$a->strings['all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL'] = 'všichni vaši návštěvníci z webu budou přesměrování na tuto URL adresu';
$a->strings["all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL"] = "všichni vaši návštěvníci z webu budou přesměrování na tuto URL adresu";
$a->strings['Begin of the Blackout'] = 'Zahájení odstávky';
$a->strings["Begin of the Blackout"] = "Zahájení odstávky";
$a->strings['Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute.'] = 'Formát je <tt>RRRR-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>RRRR</em> rok, <em>MM</em> měsíc, <em>DD</em> den, <em>hh</em> hodina a <em>mm</em> minuta.';
$a->strings["Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute."] = "Formát je <tt>RRRR-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>RRRR</em> rok, <em>MM</em> měsíc, <em>DD</em> den, <em>hh</em> hodina a <em>mm</em> minuta.";
$a->strings['End of the Blackout'] = 'Konec odstávky';
$a->strings["End of the Blackout"] = "Konec odstávky";
$a->strings['<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can\'t login again after logging out should the blackout is still in place.'] = '<strong>Poznámka</strong>: Přesměrování bude aktivní od chvíle, kdy stisknete tlačítko pro odeslání. Aktuálně přihlášení uživatelé <strong>nebudou</strong> odhlášeni, ale po odhlášení se po dobu trvání odstávky nebudou moci znovu přihlásit.';
$a->strings["<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can't login again after logging out should the blackout is still in place."] = "<strong>Poznámka</strong>: Přesměrování bude aktivní od chvíle, kdy stisknete tlačítko pro odeslání. Aktuálně přihlášení uživatelé <strong>nebudou</strong> odhlášeni, ale po odhlášení se po dobu trvání odstávky nebudou moci znovu přihlásit.";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_de($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this.'] = 'Das Enddatum liegt vor dem Startdatum des Blackouts, du solltest dies korrigieren.';
$a->strings["The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this."] = "Das Enddatum liegt vor dem Startdatum des Blackouts, du solltest dies korrigieren.";
$a->strings['Please double check the current settings for the blackout. It will begin on <strong>%s</strong> and end on <strong>%s</strong>.'] = 'Bitte überprüfe die aktuellen Einstellungen für den Blackout. Start-Zeitpunkt ist <strong>%s</strong>, und das Ende ist <strong>%s</strong>.';
$a->strings["Please double check the current settings for the blackout. It will begin on <strong>%s</strong> and end on <strong>%s</strong>."] = "Bitte überprüfe die aktuellen Einstellungen für den Blackout. Start-Zeitpunkt ist <strong>%s</strong>, und das Ende ist <strong>%s</strong>.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Einstellungen speichern';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Einstellungen speichern";
$a->strings['Redirect URL'] = 'Umleitungs-URL';
$a->strings["Redirect URL"] = "Umleitungs-URL";
$a->strings['All your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL.'] = 'Alle Besucher der Webseite werden zu dieser URL umgeleitet';
$a->strings["All your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL."] = "Alle Besucher der Webseite werden zu dieser URL umgeleitet";
$a->strings['Begin of the Blackout'] = 'Beginn des Blackouts';
$a->strings["Begin of the Blackout"] = "Beginn des Blackouts";
$a->strings['Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute.'] = 'Das Format ist <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>: <em>YYYY</em> das Jahr, <em>MM</em> der Monat, <em>DD</em> der Tag sowie <em>hh</em> Stunden und <em>mm</em> Minuten.';
$a->strings["Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute."] = "Das Format ist <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>: <em>YYYY</em> das Jahr, <em>MM</em> der Monat, <em>DD</em> der Tag sowie <em>hh</em> Stunden und <em>mm</em> Minuten.";
$a->strings['End of the Blackout'] = 'Ende des Blackouts';
$a->strings["End of the Blackout"] = "Ende des Blackouts";
$a->strings['<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can\'t login again after logging out while the blackout is still in place.'] = '<strong>Hinweis</strong>: Die Umleitung ist von dem Moment an aktiv, wenn du den "Einstellungen speichern"-Button drückst. Derzeit angemeldete Nutzer werden <strong>nicht</strong> ausgeschlossen, können sich aber, nachdem sie sich während des Blackouts ausgeloggt haben, nicht mehr anmelden.';
$a->strings["<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can't login again after logging out while the blackout is still in place."] = "<strong>Hinweis</strong>: Die Umleitung ist von dem Moment an aktiv, wenn du den \"Einstellungen speichern\"-Button drückst. Derzeit angemeldete Nutzer werden <strong>nicht</strong> ausgeschlossen, können sich aber, nachdem sie sich während des Blackouts ausgeloggt haben, nicht mehr anmelden.";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_en_gb($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this'] = 'The end date is prior to the start date of the blackout, you should fix this';
$a->strings["The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this"] = "The end date is prior to the start date of the blackout, you should fix this";
$a->strings['Please double check that the current settings for the blackout. Begin will be <strong>%s</strong> and it will end <strong>%s</strong>.'] = 'Please double check that the current settings for the blackout. Begin will be <strong>%s</strong> and it will end <strong>%s</strong>.';
$a->strings["Please double check that the current settings for the blackout. Begin will be <strong>%s</strong> and it will end <strong>%s</strong>."] = "Please double check that the current settings for the blackout. Begin will be <strong>%s</strong> and it will end <strong>%s</strong>.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Save Settings';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Save Settings";
$a->strings['Redirect URL'] = 'Redirect URL';
$a->strings["Redirect URL"] = "Redirect URL";
$a->strings['all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL'] = 'Visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL';
$a->strings["all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL"] = "Visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL";
$a->strings['Begin of the Blackout'] = 'Blackout begins';
$a->strings["Begin of the Blackout"] = "Blackout begins";
$a->strings['Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute.'] = 'Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute.';
$a->strings["Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute."] = "Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute.";
$a->strings['End of the Blackout'] = 'Blackout ends';
$a->strings["End of the Blackout"] = "Blackout ends";
$a->strings['<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can\'t login again after logging out should the blackout is still in place.'] = '<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be affected but can\'t login again after logging out should the blackout is still in place.';
$a->strings["<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can't login again after logging out should the blackout is still in place."] = "<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be affected but can't login again after logging out should the blackout is still in place.";
@ -5,11 +5,10 @@ function string_plural_select_en_us($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Save Settings';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Save Settings";
$a->strings['Redirect URL'] = 'Redirect URL';
$a->strings["Redirect URL"] = "Redirect URL";
$a->strings['all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL'] = 'All your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL.';
$a->strings["all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL"] = "All your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL.";
$a->strings['Begin of the Blackout'] = 'Start time of the Blackout';
$a->strings["Begin of the Blackout"] = "Start time of the Blackout";
$a->strings['format is <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute'] = 'Format is <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute';
$a->strings["format is <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute"] = "Format is <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute";
$a->strings['End of the Blackout'] = 'End time of the Blackout';
$a->strings["End of the Blackout"] = "End time of the Blackout";
$a->strings['The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this.'] = 'The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this.';
$a->strings["The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this."] = "The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this.";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_es($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this.'] = 'La fecha de finalización es anterior a la fecha de inicio del bloqueo, debe corregirlo.';
$a->strings["The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this."] = "La fecha de finalización es anterior a la fecha de inicio del bloqueo, debe corregirlo.";
$a->strings['Please double check the current settings for the blackout. It will begin on <strong>%s</strong> and end on <strong>%s</strong>.'] = 'Verifique la configuración actual del bloqueo. Iniciará <strong>%s</strong> finalizará <strong>%s</strong>.';
$a->strings["Please double check the current settings for the blackout. It will begin on <strong>%s</strong> and end on <strong>%s</strong>."] = "Verifique la configuración actual del bloqueo. Iniciará <strong>%s</strong> finalizará <strong>%s</strong>.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Guardar configuración';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Guardar configuración";
$a->strings['Redirect URL'] = 'Redirigir URL';
$a->strings["Redirect URL"] = "Redirigir URL";
$a->strings['All your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL.'] = 'Todos sus visitantes de la web serán redirigidos a esta URL.';
$a->strings["All your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL."] = "Todos sus visitantes de la web serán redirigidos a esta URL.";
$a->strings['Begin of the Blackout'] = 'Inicio del apagón.';
$a->strings["Begin of the Blackout"] = "Inicio del apagón.";
$a->strings['Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute.'] = 'Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> año, <em>MM</em> mes, <em>DD</em> dia, <em>hh</em> hora y <em>mm</em> minuto.';
$a->strings["Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute."] = "Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> año, <em>MM</em> mes, <em>DD</em> dia, <em>hh</em> hora y <em>mm</em> minuto.";
$a->strings['End of the Blackout'] = 'Fin del apagón.';
$a->strings["End of the Blackout"] = "Fin del apagón.";
$a->strings['<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can\'t login again after logging out while the blackout is still in place.'] = '<strong>Nota</strong>: La redirección estará activa desde el momento en que presione el botón Enviar. Los usuarios que hayan iniciado sesión actualmente <strong>no</strong> serán expulsados, pero no podrán volver a iniciar sesión después de cerrar la sesión mientras el apagón continúe.';
$a->strings["<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can't login again after logging out while the blackout is still in place."] = "<strong>Nota</strong>: La redirección estará activa desde el momento en que presione el botón Enviar. Los usuarios que hayan iniciado sesión actualmente <strong>no</strong> serán expulsados, pero no podrán volver a iniciar sesión después de cerrar la sesión mientras el apagón continúe.";
@ -5,11 +5,10 @@ function string_plural_select_fi_fi($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Tallenna asetukset';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Tallenna asetukset";
$a->strings['Redirect URL'] = 'Uudelleenohjaus URL-osoite';
$a->strings["Redirect URL"] = "Uudelleenohjaus URL-osoite";
$a->strings['all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL'] = 'kaikki kävijät uudelleenohjataan tähän URL-osoitteeseen';
$a->strings["all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL"] = "kaikki kävijät uudelleenohjataan tähän URL-osoitteeseen";
$a->strings['Begin of the Blackout'] = 'Blackout alkaa';
$a->strings["Begin of the Blackout"] = "Blackout alkaa";
$a->strings['format is <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute'] = 'formaati on <em>VVVV</em> vuosi, <em>KK</em> kuukausi, <em>PP</em> päivä, <em>tt</em> tunti ja <em>mm</em> minuutti';
$a->strings["format is <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute"] = "formaati on <em>VVVV</em> vuosi, <em>KK</em> kuukausi, <em>PP</em> päivä, <em>tt</em> tunti ja <em>mm</em> minuutti";
$a->strings['End of the Blackout'] = 'Blackout loppuu';
$a->strings["End of the Blackout"] = "Blackout loppuu";
$a->strings['The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this.'] = 'Blackoutin päättymispäivä on ennen alkamispäivää, korjaa tämä.';
$a->strings["The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this."] = "Blackoutin päättymispäivä on ennen alkamispäivää, korjaa tämä.";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_fr($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n > 1);
return intval($n > 1);
$a->strings['The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this.'] = 'La date de fin est antérieure à la date de début du blackout, vous devriez changer ça.';
$a->strings["The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this."] = "La date de fin est antérieure à la date de début du blackout, vous devriez changer ça.";
$a->strings['Please double check the current settings for the blackout. It will begin on <strong>%s</strong> and end on <strong>%s</strong>.'] = 'S\'il vous plaît, vérifiez à nouveau les réglages actuels du blackout. Il commencera à <strong>%s</strong> finira à <strong>%s</strong>.';
$a->strings["Please double check the current settings for the blackout. It will begin on <strong>%s</strong> and end on <strong>%s</strong>."] = "S'il vous plaît, vérifiez à nouveau les réglages actuels du blackout. Il commencera à <strong>%s</strong> finira à <strong>%s</strong>.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Sauvegarder les paramètres';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Sauvegarder les paramètres";
$a->strings['Redirect URL'] = 'Adresse URL de redirection';
$a->strings["Redirect URL"] = "Adresse URL de redirection";
$a->strings['All your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL.'] = 'Tous les visiteurs venant du web seront redirigés vers cette URL.';
$a->strings["All your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL."] = "Tous les visiteurs venant du web seront redirigés vers cette URL.";
$a->strings['Begin of the Blackout'] = 'Début de l\'extinction';
$a->strings["Begin of the Blackout"] = "Début de l'extinction";
$a->strings['Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute.'] = 'Le format est <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> année, <em>MM</em>mois, <em>DD</em> jour, <em>hh</em>heure et <em>mm</em>minute.';
$a->strings["Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute."] = "Le format est <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> année, <em>MM</em>mois, <em>DD</em> jour, <em>hh</em>heure et <em>mm</em>minute.";
$a->strings['End of the Blackout'] = 'Fin de l\'extinction';
$a->strings["End of the Blackout"] = "Fin de l'extinction";
$a->strings['<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can\'t login again after logging out while the blackout is still in place.'] = '<strong>Note</strong>: La redirection sera active à partir du moment où vous pressez le bouton d\'envoi. Les utilisateurs actuellement connectés ne seront pas éjectés mais <strong> ne </strong> pourront se connecter à nouveau après s\'être déconnectés, pendant que le blackout est encore en cours.';
$a->strings["<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can't login again after logging out while the blackout is still in place."] = "<strong>Note</strong>: La redirection sera active à partir du moment où vous pressez le bouton d'envoi. Les utilisateurs actuellement connectés ne seront pas éjectés mais <strong> ne </strong> pourront se connecter à nouveau après s'être déconnectés, pendant que le blackout est encore en cours.";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_hu($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this.'] = 'A befejezési dátum az áramszünet kezdési dátuma előtt van, ezt javítania kell.';
$a->strings["The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this."] = "A befejezési dátum az áramszünet kezdési dátuma előtt van, ezt javítania kell.";
$a->strings['Please double check the current settings for the blackout. It will begin on <strong>%s</strong> and end on <strong>%s</strong>.'] = 'Ellenőrizze még egyszer az áramszünet jelenlegi beállításait. A kezdete <strong>%s</strong> és a vége <strong>%s</strong> lesz.';
$a->strings["Please double check the current settings for the blackout. It will begin on <strong>%s</strong> and end on <strong>%s</strong>."] = "Ellenőrizze még egyszer az áramszünet jelenlegi beállításait. A kezdete <strong>%s</strong> és a vége <strong>%s</strong> lesz.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Beállítások mentése';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Beállítások mentése";
$a->strings['Redirect URL'] = 'Átirányítási URL';
$a->strings["Redirect URL"] = "Átirányítási URL";
$a->strings['All your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL.'] = 'A webről érkező összes látogatója át lesz irányítva erre az URL-re.';
$a->strings["All your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL."] = "A webről érkező összes látogatója át lesz irányítva erre az URL-re.";
$a->strings['Begin of the Blackout'] = 'Az áramszünet kezdete';
$a->strings["Begin of the Blackout"] = "Az áramszünet kezdete";
$a->strings['Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute.'] = 'A formátum <tt>ÉÉÉÉ-HH-NN óó:pp</tt>, ahol <em>ÉÉÉÉ</em> az év, <em>HH</em> a hónap, <em>NN</em> a nap, <em>óó</em> az óra és <em>pp</em> a perc.';
$a->strings["Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute."] = "A formátum <tt>ÉÉÉÉ-HH-NN óó:pp</tt>, ahol <em>ÉÉÉÉ</em> az év, <em>HH</em> a hónap, <em>NN</em> a nap, <em>óó</em> az óra és <em>pp</em> a perc.";
$a->strings['End of the Blackout'] = 'Az áramszünet vége';
$a->strings["End of the Blackout"] = "Az áramszünet vége";
$a->strings['<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can\'t login again after logging out while the blackout is still in place.'] = '<strong>Megjegyzés</strong>: Az átirányítás attól a pillanattól kezdve lesz aktív, amikor megnyomja az elküldés gombot. A jelenleg bejelentkezett felhasználók <strong>nem</strong> lesznek kidobva, de nem tudnak újra bejelentkezni, miután kijelentkeztek és az áramszünet még hatályban van.';
$a->strings["<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can't login again after logging out while the blackout is still in place."] = "<strong>Megjegyzés</strong>: Az átirányítás attól a pillanattól kezdve lesz aktív, amikor megnyomja az elküldés gombot. A jelenleg bejelentkezett felhasználók <strong>nem</strong> lesznek kidobva, de nem tudnak újra bejelentkezni, miután kijelentkeztek és az áramszünet még hatályban van.";
@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ function string_plural_select_is($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n % 10 != 1 || $n % 100 == 11);
return intval($n % 10 != 1 || $n % 100 == 11);
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Vista stillingar';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Vista stillingar";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_it($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this.'] = 'La data di fine è precedente alla data di inizio blackout, dovresti sistemarle.';
$a->strings["The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this."] = "La data di fine è precedente alla data di inizio blackout, dovresti sistemarle.";
$a->strings['Please double check the current settings for the blackout. It will begin on <strong>%s</strong> and end on <strong>%s</strong>.'] = 'Per favore ricontrolla le impostazioni attuali per il blackout. L\'inizio sarà il <strong>%s</strong> e terminerà il <strong>%s</strong>.';
$a->strings["Please double check the current settings for the blackout. It will begin on <strong>%s</strong> and end on <strong>%s</strong>."] = "Per favore ricontrolla le impostazioni attuali per il blackout. L'inizio sarà il <strong>%s</strong> e terminerà il <strong>%s</strong>.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Salva Impostazioni';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Salva Impostazioni";
$a->strings['Redirect URL'] = 'URL di reindirizzamento';
$a->strings["Redirect URL"] = "URL di reindirizzamento";
$a->strings['All your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL.'] = 'Tutti i tuoi visitatori dal web verranno reindirizzati a questo URL.';
$a->strings["All your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL."] = "Tutti i tuoi visitatori dal web verranno reindirizzati a questo URL.";
$a->strings['Begin of the Blackout'] = 'Inzio del blackout';
$a->strings["Begin of the Blackout"] = "Inzio del blackout";
$a->strings['Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute.'] = 'Il formato è <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> anno, <em>MM</em> mese, <em>DD</em> giorno, <em>hh</em> ora e <em>mm</em> minuto.';
$a->strings["Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute."] = "Il formato è <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> anno, <em>MM</em> mese, <em>DD</em> giorno, <em>hh</em> ora e <em>mm</em> minuto.";
$a->strings['End of the Blackout'] = 'Fine del blackout';
$a->strings["End of the Blackout"] = "Fine del blackout";
$a->strings['<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can\'t login again after logging out while the blackout is still in place.'] = '<strong>Nota</strong>: Il reindirizzamento sarà attivo dal momento in cui premerai il pulsante di invio. Gli utenti attualmente autenticati <strong>non</strong> saranno disconnessi ma non potranno accedere in caso di disconnessione fintanto che il blackout sarà attivo.';
$a->strings["<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can't login again after logging out while the blackout is still in place."] = "<strong>Nota</strong>: Il reindirizzamento sarà attivo dal momento in cui premerai il pulsante di invio. Gli utenti attualmente autenticati <strong>non</strong> saranno disconnessi ma non potranno accedere in caso di disconnessione fintanto che il blackout sarà attivo.";
@ -5,11 +5,10 @@ function string_plural_select_ja($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval(0);
return intval(0);
$a->strings['The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this.'] = '終了日はブラックアウトの開始日より前で、これを修正する必要があります';
$a->strings["The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this."] = "終了日はブラックアウトの開始日より前で、これを修正する必要があります";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = '設定を保存する';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "設定を保存する";
$a->strings['Redirect URL'] = 'リダイレクト URL';
$a->strings["Redirect URL"] = "リダイレクト URL";
$a->strings['All your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL.'] = 'Webからのすべての訪問者はこのURLにリダイレクトされます';
$a->strings["All your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL."] = "Webからのすべての訪問者はこのURLにリダイレクトされます";
$a->strings['Begin of the Blackout'] = 'ブラックアウトの始まり';
$a->strings["Begin of the Blackout"] = "ブラックアウトの始まり";
$a->strings['Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute.'] = '形式は<tt> YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm </tt>です。 <em> YYYY </em>年、<em> MM </em>月、<em> DD </em>日、<em> hh </em>時間と<em> mm </em>分。';
$a->strings["Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute."] = "形式は<tt> YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm </tt>です。 <em> YYYY </em>年、<em> MM </em>月、<em> DD </em>日、<em> hh </em>時間と<em> mm </em>分。";
$a->strings['End of the Blackout'] = 'ブラックアウトの終わり';
$a->strings["End of the Blackout"] = "ブラックアウトの終わり";
@ -5,11 +5,10 @@ function string_plural_select_nl($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Instellingen opslaan';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Instellingen opslaan";
$a->strings['Redirect URL'] = 'URL doorverwijzing';
$a->strings["Redirect URL"] = "URL doorverwijzing";
$a->strings['all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL'] = 'al je bezoekers van het internet zullen worden doorverwezen naar deze URL';
$a->strings["all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL"] = "al je bezoekers van het internet zullen worden doorverwezen naar deze URL";
$a->strings['Begin of the Blackout'] = 'Begin van de Blackout';
$a->strings["Begin of the Blackout"] = "Begin van de Blackout";
$a->strings['format is <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute'] = 'formaat is <em>JJJJ</em> jaar, <em>MM</em> maand, <em>DD</em> dag, <em>uu</em> uur en <em>mm</em> minuten';
$a->strings["format is <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute"] = "formaat is <em>JJJJ</em> jaar, <em>MM</em> maand, <em>DD</em> dag, <em>uu</em> uur en <em>mm</em> minuten";
$a->strings['End of the Blackout'] = 'Einde van de Blackout';
$a->strings["End of the Blackout"] = "Einde van de Blackout";
$a->strings['The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this.'] = 'De einddatum van de blackout is eerder dan de startdatum, verbeter dit.';
$a->strings["The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this."] = "De einddatum van de blackout is eerder dan de startdatum, verbeter dit.";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_pl($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if (($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4) && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n!=1 && ($n%10>=0 && $n%10<=1) || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=12 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if (($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4) && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n!=1 && ($n%10>=0 && $n%10<=1) || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=12 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
$a->strings['The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this'] = 'Data zakończenia jest przed datą rozpoczęcia, powinieneś to naprawić';
$a->strings["The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this"] = "Data zakończenia jest przed datą rozpoczęcia, powinieneś to naprawić";
$a->strings['Please double check that the current settings for the blackout. Begin will be <strong>%s</strong> and it will end <strong>%s</strong>.'] = 'Sprawdź dokładnie, czy aktualne ustawienia zaciemnienia. Rozpocznie się <strong>%s</strong> i zakończy się <strong>%s</strong>.';
$a->strings["Please double check that the current settings for the blackout. Begin will be <strong>%s</strong> and it will end <strong>%s</strong>."] = "Sprawdź dokładnie, czy aktualne ustawienia zaciemnienia. Rozpocznie się <strong>%s</strong> i zakończy się <strong>%s</strong>.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Zapisz ustawienia';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Zapisz ustawienia";
$a->strings['Redirect URL'] = 'Przekierowanie URL';
$a->strings["Redirect URL"] = "Przekierowanie URL";
$a->strings['all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL'] = 'wszyscy Twoi goście z internetu zostaną przekierowani na ten adres URL';
$a->strings["all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL"] = "wszyscy Twoi goście z internetu zostaną przekierowani na ten adres URL";
$a->strings['Begin of the Blackout'] = 'Rozpocznij Blackout';
$a->strings["Begin of the Blackout"] = "Rozpocznij Blackout";
$a->strings['Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute.'] = 'Format to <tt>RRRR-MM-DD gg:mm</tt>; <em>RRRR</em> rok, <em>MM</em> miesiąc, <em>DD</em> dzień, <em>gg</em> godzina i <em>mm</em> minuta.';
$a->strings["Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute."] = "Format to <tt>RRRR-MM-DD gg:mm</tt>; <em>RRRR</em> rok, <em>MM</em> miesiąc, <em>DD</em> dzień, <em>gg</em> godzina i <em>mm</em> minuta.";
$a->strings['End of the Blackout'] = 'Koniec Blackout';
$a->strings["End of the Blackout"] = "Koniec Blackout";
$a->strings['<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can\'t login again after logging out should the blackout is still in place.'] = '<strong>Uwaga</strong>: Przekierowanie będzie aktywne od momentu naciśnięcia przycisku przesyłania. Użytkownicy aktualnie zalogowani <strong>nie</strong> zostaną wyrzuceni, ale nie będą mogli zalogować się ponownie po wylogowaniu, jeśli zaciemnienie będzie nadal obowiązywać.';
$a->strings["<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can't login again after logging out should the blackout is still in place."] = "<strong>Uwaga</strong>: Przekierowanie będzie aktywne od momentu naciśnięcia przycisku przesyłania. Użytkownicy aktualnie zalogowani <strong>nie</strong> zostaną wyrzuceni, ale nie będą mogli zalogować się ponownie po wylogowaniu, jeśli zaciemnienie będzie nadal obowiązywać.";
@ -5,11 +5,10 @@ function string_plural_select_ro($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if ((($n%100>19)||(($n%100==0)&&($n!=0)))) { return 2; } else { return 1; }
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if ((($n%100>19)||(($n%100==0)&&($n!=0)))) { return 2; } else { return 1; }
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Salvare Configurări';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Salvare Configurări";
$a->strings['Redirect URL'] = 'URL de Redirecționare';
$a->strings["Redirect URL"] = "URL de Redirecționare";
$a->strings['all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL'] = 'toți vizitatorii dvs. de pe web vor fi redirecționați către acest URL';
$a->strings["all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL"] = "toți vizitatorii dvs. de pe web vor fi redirecționați către acest URL";
$a->strings['Begin of the Blackout'] = 'Pornire punct Blackout';
$a->strings["Begin of the Blackout"] = "Pornire punct Blackout";
$a->strings['format is <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute'] = 'formatul este <em>YYYY</em> anul, <em>MM</em> luna, <em>DD</em> ziua, <em>hh</em> ora și <em>mm</em> minute';
$a->strings["format is <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute"] = "formatul este <em>YYYY</em> anul, <em>MM</em> luna, <em>DD</em> ziua, <em>hh</em> ora și <em>mm</em> minute";
$a->strings['End of the Blackout'] = 'Finalizare punct Blackout';
$a->strings["End of the Blackout"] = "Finalizare punct Blackout";
$a->strings['The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this.'] = 'Data de finalizare este anterioară punctului blackout de pornire, ar trebui să corectați aceasta.';
$a->strings["The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this."] = "Data de finalizare este anterioară punctului blackout de pornire, ar trebui să corectați aceasta.";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_ru($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if ($n%10==1 && $n%100!=11) { return 0; } else if ($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4 && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n%10==0 || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=11 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
if ($n%10==1 && $n%100!=11) { return 0; } else if ($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4 && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n%10==0 || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=11 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
$a->strings['The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this'] = 'Дата начала позже даты окончания, исправьте это';
$a->strings["The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this"] = "Дата начала позже даты окончания, исправьте это";
$a->strings['Please double check that the current settings for the blackout. Begin will be <strong>%s</strong> and it will end <strong>%s</strong>.'] = ' Пожалуйста, проверьте настройки блэкаута ещё раз. Он начнётся <strong>%s</strong> и закончится <strong>%s</strong>.';
$a->strings["Please double check that the current settings for the blackout. Begin will be <strong>%s</strong> and it will end <strong>%s</strong>."] = " Пожалуйста, проверьте настройки блэкаута ещё раз. Он начнётся <strong>%s</strong> и закончится <strong>%s</strong>.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Сохранить настройки';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Сохранить настройки";
$a->strings['Redirect URL'] = 'Ссылка для перенаправления';
$a->strings["Redirect URL"] = "Ссылка для перенаправления";
$a->strings['all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL'] = 'все посетители будут перенаправлены на этот URL';
$a->strings["all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL"] = "все посетители будут перенаправлены на этот URL";
$a->strings['Begin of the Blackout'] = 'Начало блэкаута';
$a->strings["Begin of the Blackout"] = "Начало блэкаута";
$a->strings['Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute.'] = 'Формат: <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> год, <em>MM</em> месяц, <em>DD</em> день, <em>hh</em> час и <em>mm</em> минуты.';
$a->strings["Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute."] = "Формат: <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> год, <em>MM</em> месяц, <em>DD</em> день, <em>hh</em> час и <em>mm</em> минуты.";
$a->strings['End of the Blackout'] = 'Конец блэкаута';
$a->strings["End of the Blackout"] = "Конец блэкаута";
$a->strings['<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can\'t login again after logging out should the blackout is still in place.'] = '<strong>Внимание</strong>: Переадресация будет включена после нажатия вами кнопки. Уже вошедшие пользователи <strong>не</strong> будут выброшены, но не смогут зайти снова, пока блэкаут не закончится.';
$a->strings["<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can't login again after logging out should the blackout is still in place."] = "<strong>Внимание</strong>: Переадресация будет включена после нажатия вами кнопки. Уже вошедшие пользователи <strong>не</strong> будут выброшены, но не смогут зайти снова, пока блэкаут не закончится.";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_sv($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this'] = 'Slutdatumet ligger före startdatumet för nedsläckningen, du bör rätta detta.';
$a->strings["The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this"] = "Slutdatumet ligger före startdatumet för nedsläckningen, du bör rätta detta.";
$a->strings['Please double check that the current settings for the blackout. Begin will be <strong>%s</strong> and it will end <strong>%s</strong>.'] = 'Vänligen försäkra dig om att inställningarna för nedsläckningen är korrekt. Början <strong>%s</strong> och slut <strong>%s</strong>.';
$a->strings["Please double check that the current settings for the blackout. Begin will be <strong>%s</strong> and it will end <strong>%s</strong>."] = "Vänligen försäkra dig om att inställningarna för nedsläckningen är korrekt. Början <strong>%s</strong> och slut <strong>%s</strong>.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Spara inställningar';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Spara inställningar";
$a->strings['Redirect URL'] = 'Omdirigera URL';
$a->strings["Redirect URL"] = "Omdirigera URL";
$a->strings['all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL'] = 'alla dina besökare från webben kommer omdirigeras till denna URL';
$a->strings["all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL"] = "alla dina besökare från webben kommer omdirigeras till denna URL";
$a->strings['Begin of the Blackout'] = 'Start på nedsläckningen';
$a->strings["Begin of the Blackout"] = "Start på nedsläckningen";
$a->strings['Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute.'] = 'Formatet är <tt>ÅÅÅÅ-MM-DD tt:mm</tt>; <em>ÅÅÅÅ</em> år, <em>MM</em> månad, <em>DD</em> dag, <em>tt</em> timme och <em>mm</em> minut.';
$a->strings["Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute."] = "Formatet är <tt>ÅÅÅÅ-MM-DD tt:mm</tt>; <em>ÅÅÅÅ</em> år, <em>MM</em> månad, <em>DD</em> dag, <em>tt</em> timme och <em>mm</em> minut.";
$a->strings['End of the Blackout'] = 'Slut på nedsläckningen';
$a->strings["End of the Blackout"] = "Slut på nedsläckningen";
$a->strings['<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can\'t login again after logging out should the blackout is still in place.'] = '<strong>Observera</strong>: Hänvisningen kommer att träda i kraft när du trycker på skicka-knappen. Användare som just nu är inloggade kommer <strong>inte</strong> bli utkastade men kan inte logga in igen efter utloggning om nedsläckningen fortfarande är i kraft. ';
$a->strings["<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can't login again after logging out should the blackout is still in place."] = "<strong>Observera</strong>: Hänvisningen kommer att träda i kraft när du trycker på skicka-knappen. Användare som just nu är inloggade kommer <strong>inte</strong> bli utkastade men kan inte logga in igen efter utloggning om nedsläckningen fortfarande är i kraft. ";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_zh_cn($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval(0);
return intval(0);
$a->strings['The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this'] = '结束日期早于开始日期,您应该修复此问题';
$a->strings["The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this"] = "结束日期早于开始日期,您应该修复此问题";
$a->strings['Please double check that the current settings for the blackout. Begin will be <strong>%s</strong> and it will end <strong>%s</strong>.'] = '请仔细检查一下当前的维护设置。将从<strong>%s</strong>开始结束于<strong>%s</strong>。';
$a->strings["Please double check that the current settings for the blackout. Begin will be <strong>%s</strong> and it will end <strong>%s</strong>."] = "请仔细检查一下当前的维护设置。将从<strong>%s</strong>开始结束于<strong>%s</strong>。";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = '保存设置';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "保存设置";
$a->strings['Redirect URL'] = '重定向URL';
$a->strings["Redirect URL"] = "重定向URL";
$a->strings['all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL'] = '所有来自web的访问者都将重定向到此URL';
$a->strings["all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL"] = "所有来自web的访问者都将重定向到此URL";
$a->strings['Begin of the Blackout'] = '开始维护';
$a->strings["Begin of the Blackout"] = "开始维护";
$a->strings['Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute.'] = '格式为<tt>YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM</tt>;<em>YYYY年</em>、<em>MM月</em>、<em>DD日</em>、<em>HH</em>小时和<em>MM</em>分钟';
$a->strings["Format is <tt>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm</tt>; <em>YYYY</em> year, <em>MM</em> month, <em>DD</em> day, <em>hh</em> hour and <em>mm</em> minute."] = "格式为<tt>YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM</tt>;<em>YYYY年</em>、<em>MM月</em>、<em>DD日</em>、<em>HH</em>小时和<em>MM</em>分钟";
$a->strings['End of the Blackout'] = '结束维护';
$a->strings["End of the Blackout"] = "结束维护";
$a->strings['<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can\'t login again after logging out should the blackout is still in place.'] = '<strong>注意</strong>:从您按下提交按钮的那一刻起,重定向将处于活动状态。当前登录的用户<strong>不会</strong>被驱逐,但如果仍处于维护状态,则在注销后不能再次登录。';
$a->strings["<strong>Note</strong>: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will <strong>not</strong> be thrown out but can't login again after logging out should the blackout is still in place."] = "<strong>注意</strong>:从您按下提交按钮的那一刻起,重定向将处于活动状态。当前登录的用户<strong>不会</strong>被驱逐,但如果仍处于维护状态,则在注销后不能再次登录。";
@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ function string_plural_select_bg($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Запази настройките';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Запази настройките";
$a->strings['Allow "good" crawlers'] = 'Разреши "добри" обхождащи роботи за уеб страници';
$a->strings["Allow \"good\" crawlers"] = "Разреши \"добри\" обхождащи роботи за уеб страници";
$a->strings['Block GabSocial'] = 'Блокирай GabSocial';
$a->strings["Block GabSocial"] = "Блокирай GabSocial";
$a->strings['Training mode'] = 'Тренировъчен режим';
$a->strings["Training mode"] = "Тренировъчен режим";
$a->strings['Settings updated.'] = 'Настройките са обновени';
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Настройките са обновени";
@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ function string_plural_select_ca($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Desa la configuració';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Desa la configuració";
$a->strings['Allow "good" crawlers'] = 'Permeti rastrejadors "bons"';
$a->strings["Allow \"good\" crawlers"] = "Permeti rastrejadors \"bons\"";
$a->strings['Block GabSocial'] = 'Bloquejar GabSocial';
$a->strings["Block GabSocial"] = "Bloquejar GabSocial";
$a->strings['Training mode'] = 'Modalitat d\'entrenament';
$a->strings["Training mode"] = "Modalitat d'entrenament";
$a->strings['Settings updated.'] = 'La configuració s\'ha actualitzat.';
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "La configuració s'ha actualitzat.";
@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ function string_plural_select_cs($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if (($n == 1 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 0; } else if (($n >= 2 && $n <= 4 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 1; } else if (($n % 1 != 0 )) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
if (($n == 1 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 0; } else if (($n >= 2 && $n <= 4 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 1; } else if (($n % 1 != 0 )) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Uložit nastavení';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Uložit nastavení";
$a->strings['Allow "good" crawlers'] = 'Povolit „dobré“ crawlery';
$a->strings["Allow \"good\" crawlers"] = "Povolit „dobré“ crawlery";
$a->strings['Block GabSocial'] = 'Zablokovat GabSocial';
$a->strings["Block GabSocial"] = "Zablokovat GabSocial";
$a->strings['Training mode'] = 'Trénovací režim';
$a->strings["Training mode"] = "Trénovací režim";
$a->strings['Settings updated.'] = 'Nastavení aktualizována.';
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Nastavení aktualizována.";
@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ function string_plural_select_de($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Einstellungen speichern';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Einstellungen speichern";
$a->strings['Allow "good" crawlers'] = '"Gute" Crawler erlauben';
$a->strings["Allow \"good\" crawlers"] = "\"Gute\" Crawler erlauben";
$a->strings['Block GabSocial'] = 'GabSocial Instanzen blockieren';
$a->strings["Block GabSocial"] = "GabSocial Instanzen blockieren";
$a->strings['Training mode'] = 'Trainingsmodus';
$a->strings["Training mode"] = "Trainingsmodus";
$a->strings['Settings updated.'] = 'Einstellungen aktualisiert.';
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Einstellungen aktualisiert.";
@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ function string_plural_select_en_gb($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Save Settings';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Save Settings";
$a->strings['Allow "good" crawlers'] = 'Allow "good" crawlers';
$a->strings["Allow \"good\" crawlers"] = "Allow \"good\" crawlers";
$a->strings['Block GabSocial'] = 'Block GabSocial';
$a->strings["Block GabSocial"] = "Block GabSocial";
$a->strings['Training mode'] = 'Training mode';
$a->strings["Training mode"] = "Training mode";
$a->strings['Settings updated.'] = 'Settings updated.';
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Settings updated.";
@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ function string_plural_select_es($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Guardar ajustes';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Guardar ajustes";
$a->strings['Allow "good" crawlers'] = 'Permitir rastreadores web "buenos"';
$a->strings["Allow \"good\" crawlers"] = "Permitir rastreadores web \"buenos\"";
$a->strings['Block GabSocial'] = 'Bloquear GabSocial';
$a->strings["Block GabSocial"] = "Bloquear GabSocial";
$a->strings['Training mode'] = 'Modo de entrenamiento';
$a->strings["Training mode"] = "Modo de entrenamiento";
$a->strings['Settings updated.'] = 'Ajustes actualizados.';
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Ajustes actualizados.";
@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ function string_plural_select_fr($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n > 1);
return intval($n > 1);
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Enregistrer les Paramètres';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Enregistrer les Paramètres";
$a->strings['Allow "good" crawlers'] = 'Autoriser les "bons" crawlers';
$a->strings["Allow \"good\" crawlers"] = "Autoriser les \"bons\" crawlers";
$a->strings['Block GabSocial'] = 'Bloquer GabSocial';
$a->strings["Block GabSocial"] = "Bloquer GabSocial";
$a->strings['Training mode'] = 'Mode d\'entraînement';
$a->strings["Training mode"] = "Mode d'entraînement";
$a->strings['Settings updated.'] = 'Paramètres mis à jour.';
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Paramètres mis à jour.";
@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ function string_plural_select_hu($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Beállítások mentése';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Beállítások mentése";
$a->strings['Allow "good" crawlers'] = 'A „jó” keresőrobotok engedélyezése';
$a->strings["Allow \"good\" crawlers"] = "A „jó” keresőrobotok engedélyezése";
$a->strings['Block GabSocial'] = 'GabSocial tiltása';
$a->strings["Block GabSocial"] = "GabSocial tiltása";
$a->strings['Training mode'] = 'Oktató mód';
$a->strings["Training mode"] = "Oktató mód";
$a->strings['Settings updated.'] = 'A beállítások frissítve.';
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "A beállítások frissítve.";
@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ function string_plural_select_it($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Salva Impostazioni';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Salva Impostazioni";
$a->strings['Allow "good" crawlers'] = 'Permetti crawler "buoni"';
$a->strings["Allow \"good\" crawlers"] = "Permetti crawler \"buoni\"";
$a->strings['Block GabSocial'] = 'Blocca GabSocial';
$a->strings["Block GabSocial"] = "Blocca GabSocial";
$a->strings['Training mode'] = 'Modalità addestramento';
$a->strings["Training mode"] = "Modalità addestramento";
$a->strings['Settings updated.'] = 'Impostazioni aggiornate.';
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Impostazioni aggiornate.";
@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ function string_plural_select_nl($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Instellingen opslaan';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Instellingen opslaan";
$a->strings['Allow "good" crawlers'] = '"Goede" crawlers toestaan';
$a->strings["Allow \"good\" crawlers"] = "\"Goede\" crawlers toestaan";
$a->strings['Block GabSocial'] = 'Blokeer GabSocial';
$a->strings["Block GabSocial"] = "Blokeer GabSocial";
$a->strings['Training mode'] = 'Training modus';
$a->strings["Training mode"] = "Training modus";
$a->strings['Settings updated.'] = 'Instellingen opgeslagen';
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Instellingen opgeslagen";
@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ function string_plural_select_pl($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if (($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4) && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n!=1 && ($n%10>=0 && $n%10<=1) || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=12 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if (($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4) && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n!=1 && ($n%10>=0 && $n%10<=1) || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=12 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Zapisz ustawienia';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Zapisz ustawienia";
$a->strings['Allow "good" crawlers'] = 'Pozwól „dobrym” robotom';
$a->strings["Allow \"good\" crawlers"] = "Pozwól „dobrym” robotom";
$a->strings['Block GabSocial'] = 'Zablokuj GabSocial';
$a->strings["Block GabSocial"] = "Zablokuj GabSocial";
$a->strings['Training mode'] = 'Tryb treningowy';
$a->strings["Training mode"] = "Tryb treningowy";
$a->strings['Settings updated.'] = 'Ustawienia zaktualizowane.';
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Ustawienia zaktualizowane.";
@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ function string_plural_select_ru($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if ($n%10==1 && $n%100!=11) { return 0; } else if ($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4 && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n%10==0 || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=11 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
if ($n%10==1 && $n%100!=11) { return 0; } else if ($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4 && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n%10==0 || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=11 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Сохранить настройки';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Сохранить настройки";
$a->strings['Allow "good" crawlers'] = 'Разрешить "хороших" поисковых роботов';
$a->strings["Allow \"good\" crawlers"] = "Разрешить \"хороших\" поисковых роботов";
$a->strings['Block GabSocial'] = 'Блокировать GabSocial';
$a->strings["Block GabSocial"] = "Блокировать GabSocial";
$a->strings['Training mode'] = 'Режим обучения';
$a->strings["Training mode"] = "Режим обучения";
$a->strings['Settings updated.'] = 'Настройки изменены';
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Настройки изменены";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_ca($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Blockem'] = 'Blockem';
$a->strings["Blockem"] = "Blockem";
$a->strings['Hides user\'s content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image.'] = 'Amaga el contingut de l\'usuari mitjançant la publicació col·lapsada. També substitueix el seu avatar per una imatge genèrica';
$a->strings["Hides user's content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image."] = "Amaga el contingut de l'usuari mitjançant la publicació col·lapsada. També substitueix el seu avatar per una imatge genèrica";
$a->strings['Comma separated profile URLS:'] = 'URL de perfil separats per comes:';
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS:"] = "URL de perfil separats per comes:";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Desa la configuració';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Desa la configuració";
$a->strings['BLOCKEM Settings saved.'] = 'S\'ha desat la configuració de BLOCKEM.';
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "S'ha desat la configuració de BLOCKEM.";
$a->strings['Filtered user: %s'] = 'Usuari filtrat:%s';
$a->strings["Filtered user: %s"] = "Usuari filtrat:%s";
$a->strings['Unblock Author'] = 'Desbloca l\'autor';
$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Desbloca l'autor";
$a->strings['Block Author'] = 'Autor de bloc';
$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Autor de bloc";
$a->strings['blockem settings updated'] = 'S\'ha actualitzat la configuració de blockem';
$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "S'ha actualitzat la configuració de blockem";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_cs($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if (($n == 1 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 0; } else if (($n >= 2 && $n <= 4 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 1; } else if (($n % 1 != 0 )) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
if (($n == 1 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 0; } else if (($n >= 2 && $n <= 4 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 1; } else if (($n % 1 != 0 )) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
$a->strings['Blockem'] = 'Blockem';
$a->strings["Blockem"] = "Blockem";
$a->strings['Hides user\'s content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image.'] = 'Skrývá uživatelský obsah zabalením příspěvků. Navíc nahrazuje avatar generickým obrázkem.';
$a->strings["Hides user's content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image."] = "Skrývá uživatelský obsah zabalením příspěvků. Navíc nahrazuje avatar generickým obrázkem.";
$a->strings['Comma separated profile URLS:'] = 'URL adresy profilů, oddělené čárkami:';
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS:"] = "URL adresy profilů, oddělené čárkami:";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Uložit nastavení';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Uložit nastavení";
$a->strings['BLOCKEM Settings saved.'] = 'Nastavení BLOCKEM uložena.';
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Nastavení BLOCKEM uložena.";
$a->strings['Filtered user: %s'] = 'Filtrovaný uživatel: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered user: %s"] = "Filtrovaný uživatel: %s";
$a->strings['Unblock Author'] = 'Odblokovat autora';
$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Odblokovat autora";
$a->strings['Block Author'] = 'Zablokovat autora';
$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Zablokovat autora";
$a->strings['blockem settings updated'] = 'nastavení blockem aktualizována';
$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "nastavení blockem aktualizována";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_de($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Blockem'] = 'Blockem';
$a->strings["Blockem"] = "Blockem";
$a->strings['Hides user\'s content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image.'] = 'Verbirgt Inhalte von Kontakten durch kollabieren der Beiträge. Des weiteren wird das Profilbild durch einen generischen Avatar ersetzt.';
$a->strings["Hides user's content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image."] = "Verbirgt Inhalte von Kontakten durch kollabieren der Beiträge. Des weiteren wird das Profilbild durch einen generischen Avatar ersetzt.";
$a->strings['Comma separated profile URLS:'] = 'Komma separierte Liste von Profil URLs';
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS:"] = "Komma separierte Liste von Profil URLs";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Einstellungen speichern';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Einstellungen speichern";
$a->strings['BLOCKEM Settings saved.'] = 'BLOCKEM-Einstellungen gesichert.';
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "BLOCKEM-Einstellungen gesichert.";
$a->strings['Filtered user: %s'] = 'Gefilterte Person: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered user: %s"] = "Gefilterte Person: %s";
$a->strings['Unblock Author'] = 'Autor freischalten';
$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Autor freischalten";
$a->strings['Block Author'] = 'Autor blockieren';
$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Autor blockieren";
$a->strings['blockem settings updated'] = 'blockem Einstellungen aktualisiert';
$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "blockem Einstellungen aktualisiert";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_en_gb($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['"Blockem"'] = '"Blockem"';
$a->strings["\"Blockem\""] = "\"Blockem\"";
$a->strings['Hides user\'s content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image.'] = 'Hides user\'s content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image.';
$a->strings["Hides user's content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image."] = "Hides user's content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image.";
$a->strings['Comma separated profile URLS:'] = 'Comma separated profile URLs:';
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS:"] = "Comma separated profile URLs:";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Save settings';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Save settings";
$a->strings['BLOCKEM Settings saved.'] = 'Blockem settings saved.';
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Blockem settings saved.";
$a->strings['Hidden content by %s - Click to open/close'] = 'Hidden content by %s - Reveal/hide';
$a->strings["Hidden content by %s - Click to open/close"] = "Hidden content by %s - Reveal/hide";
$a->strings['Unblock Author'] = 'Unblock author';
$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Unblock author";
$a->strings['Block Author'] = 'Block author';
$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Block author";
$a->strings['blockem settings updated'] = 'Blockem settings updated';
$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "Blockem settings updated";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_en_us($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['"Blockem"'] = 'Blockem';
$a->strings["\"Blockem\""] = "Blockem";
$a->strings['Hides user\'s content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image.'] = 'Hides user\'s content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image.';
$a->strings["Hides user's content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image."] = "Hides user's content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image.";
$a->strings['Comma separated profile URLS:'] = 'Comma-separated profile URLs:';
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS:"] = "Comma-separated profile URLs:";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Save settings';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Save settings";
$a->strings['BLOCKEM Settings saved.'] = 'Blockem settings saved.';
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Blockem settings saved.";
$a->strings['Filtered user: %s'] = 'Filtered user: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered user: %s"] = "Filtered user: %s";
$a->strings['Unblock Author'] = 'Unblock author';
$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Unblock author";
$a->strings['Block Author'] = 'Block author';
$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Block author";
$a->strings['blockem settings updated'] = 'Blockem settings updated';
$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "Blockem settings updated";
@ -5,11 +5,10 @@ function string_plural_select_es($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Blockem'] = 'Blockem (Bloquealos)';
$a->strings["Blockem"] = "Blockem (Bloquealos)";
$a->strings['Hides user\'s content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image.'] = 'Oculta el contenido del usuario al colapsar las publicaciones. También reemplaza su avatar con una imagen genérica.';
$a->strings["Hides user's content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image."] = "Oculta el contenido del usuario al colapsar las publicaciones. También reemplaza su avatar con una imagen genérica.";
$a->strings['Comma separated profile URLS:'] = 'URLs de perfil separadas por comas:';
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS:"] = "URLs de perfil separadas por comas:";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Guardar configuración';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Guardar configuración";
$a->strings['Filtered user: %s'] = 'Usuario filtrado: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered user: %s"] = "Usuario filtrado: %s";
$a->strings['Unblock Author'] = 'Desbloquear autor';
$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Desbloquear autor";
$a->strings['Block Author'] = 'Bloquear autor';
$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Bloquear autor";
@ -5,12 +5,11 @@ function string_plural_select_fi_fi($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['"Blockem"'] = '"Blockem"';
$a->strings["\"Blockem\""] = "\"Blockem\"";
$a->strings['Comma separated profile URLS:'] = 'Profiilien URL-osoitteet pilkulla erotettuina:';
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS:"] = "Profiilien URL-osoitteet pilkulla erotettuina:";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Tallenna asetukset';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Tallenna asetukset";
$a->strings['BLOCKEM Settings saved.'] = 'Blockem -asetukset tallennettu';
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Blockem -asetukset tallennettu";
$a->strings['Filtered user: %s'] = 'Suodatettu käyttäjä: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered user: %s"] = "Suodatettu käyttäjä: %s";
$a->strings['Unblock Author'] = 'Poista kirjoittaja estolistalta';
$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Poista kirjoittaja estolistalta";
$a->strings['Block Author'] = 'Lisää kirjoittaja estolistalle';
$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Lisää kirjoittaja estolistalle";
$a->strings['blockem settings updated'] = 'blockem -asetukset päivitetty';
$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "blockem -asetukset päivitetty";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_fr($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n > 1);
return intval($n > 1);
$a->strings['Blockem'] = 'Bloquez-les';
$a->strings["Blockem"] = "Bloquez-les";
$a->strings['Hides user\'s content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image.'] = 'Cache le contenu de l\'utilisateur en contractant les publications. Remplace aussi leur avatar par une image générique.';
$a->strings["Hides user's content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image."] = "Cache le contenu de l'utilisateur en contractant les publications. Remplace aussi leur avatar par une image générique.";
$a->strings['Comma separated profile URLS:'] = 'URLs de profil séparées par des virgules:';
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS:"] = "URLs de profil séparées par des virgules:";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Sauvegarder les paramètres';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Sauvegarder les paramètres";
$a->strings['BLOCKEM Settings saved.'] = 'Paramètres Bloquez-les sauvegardés.';
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Paramètres Bloquez-les sauvegardés.";
$a->strings['Filtered user: %s'] = 'Utilisateur filtré:%s';
$a->strings["Filtered user: %s"] = "Utilisateur filtré:%s";
$a->strings['Unblock Author'] = 'Débloquer l\'Auteur';
$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Débloquer l'Auteur";
$a->strings['Block Author'] = 'Bloquer l\'Auteur';
$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Bloquer l'Auteur";
$a->strings['blockem settings updated'] = 'Réglages Blockem mis à jour.';
$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "Réglages Blockem mis à jour.";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_hu($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Blockem'] = 'Blockem';
$a->strings["Blockem"] = "Blockem";
$a->strings['Hides user\'s content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image.'] = 'Elrejti a felhasználók tartalmát a bejegyzések összecsukásával. Ezenkívül lecseréli a profilképeiket egy általános képre.';
$a->strings["Hides user's content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image."] = "Elrejti a felhasználók tartalmát a bejegyzések összecsukásával. Ezenkívül lecseréli a profilképeiket egy általános képre.";
$a->strings['Comma separated profile URLS:'] = 'Profil URL-ek vesszővel elválasztva:';
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS:"] = "Profil URL-ek vesszővel elválasztva:";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Beállítások mentése';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Beállítások mentése";
$a->strings['BLOCKEM Settings saved.'] = 'A Blockem beállításai elmentve.';
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "A Blockem beállításai elmentve.";
$a->strings['Filtered user: %s'] = 'Kiszűrt felhasználó: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered user: %s"] = "Kiszűrt felhasználó: %s";
$a->strings['Unblock Author'] = 'Szerző tiltásának feloldása';
$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Szerző tiltásának feloldása";
$a->strings['Block Author'] = 'Szerző tiltása';
$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Szerző tiltása";
$a->strings['blockem settings updated'] = 'A Blockem beállításai frissítve.';
$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "A Blockem beállításai frissítve.";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_it($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Blockem'] = 'Blockem';
$a->strings["Blockem"] = "Blockem";
$a->strings['Hides user\'s content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image.'] = 'Nascondi il contenuto degli utenti collassando i messaggi. Sostituisce anche gli avatar con un\'immagine generica.';
$a->strings["Hides user's content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image."] = "Nascondi il contenuto degli utenti collassando i messaggi. Sostituisce anche gli avatar con un'immagine generica.";
$a->strings['Comma separated profile URLS:'] = 'URL profili separati da virgola:';
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS:"] = "URL profili separati da virgola:";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Salva Impostazioni';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Salva Impostazioni";
$a->strings['BLOCKEM Settings saved.'] = 'Impostazioni BLOCKEM salvate.';
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Impostazioni BLOCKEM salvate.";
$a->strings['Filtered user: %s'] = 'Utente filtrato: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered user: %s"] = "Utente filtrato: %s";
$a->strings['Unblock Author'] = 'Sblocca autore';
$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Sblocca autore";
$a->strings['Block Author'] = 'Blocca autore';
$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Blocca autore";
$a->strings['blockem settings updated'] = 'Impostazioni \'blockem\' aggiornate.';
$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "Impostazioni 'blockem' aggiornate.";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_nl($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Blockem'] = 'Blockem';
$a->strings["Blockem"] = "Blockem";
$a->strings['Hides user\'s content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image.'] = 'Verbergt de inhoud van het bericht van de gebruiker. Daarnaast vervangt het de avatar door een standaardafbeelding.';
$a->strings["Hides user's content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image."] = "Verbergt de inhoud van het bericht van de gebruiker. Daarnaast vervangt het de avatar door een standaardafbeelding.";
$a->strings['Comma separated profile URLS:'] = 'Profiel URLs (kommagescheiden):';
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS:"] = "Profiel URLs (kommagescheiden):";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Instellingen opslaan';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Instellingen opslaan";
$a->strings['BLOCKEM Settings saved.'] = 'BLOCKEM instellingen opgeslagen.';
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "BLOCKEM instellingen opgeslagen.";
$a->strings['Filtered user: %s'] = 'Gefilterde gebruiker: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered user: %s"] = "Gefilterde gebruiker: %s";
$a->strings['Unblock Author'] = 'Deblokkeer Auteur';
$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Deblokkeer Auteur";
$a->strings['Block Author'] = 'Auteur blokkeren';
$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Auteur blokkeren";
$a->strings['blockem settings updated'] = 'blockem instellingen opgeslagen';
$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "blockem instellingen opgeslagen";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_pl($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if (($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4) && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n!=1 && ($n%10>=0 && $n%10<=1) || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=12 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if (($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4) && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n!=1 && ($n%10>=0 && $n%10<=1) || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=12 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
$a->strings['Blockem'] = 'Zablokowanie';
$a->strings["Blockem"] = "Zablokowanie";
$a->strings['Hides user\'s content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image.'] = 'Ukrywa zawartość użytkownika, zwijając posty. Zastępuje również awatar wygenerowanym obrazem.';
$a->strings["Hides user's content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image."] = "Ukrywa zawartość użytkownika, zwijając posty. Zastępuje również awatar wygenerowanym obrazem.";
$a->strings['Comma separated profile URLS:'] = 'Rozdzielone przecinkami adresy URL profilu:';
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS:"] = "Rozdzielone przecinkami adresy URL profilu:";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Zapisz ustawienia';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Zapisz ustawienia";
$a->strings['BLOCKEM Settings saved.'] = 'BLOCKEM Ustawienia zapisane.';
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "BLOCKEM Ustawienia zapisane.";
$a->strings['Filtered user: %s'] = 'Użytkownik filtrowany: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered user: %s"] = "Użytkownik filtrowany: %s";
$a->strings['Unblock Author'] = 'Odblokuj autora';
$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Odblokuj autora";
$a->strings['Block Author'] = 'Zablokuj autora';
$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Zablokuj autora";
$a->strings['blockem settings updated'] = 'ustawienia blockem zostały zaktualizowane';
$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "ustawienia blockem zostały zaktualizowane";
@ -5,12 +5,11 @@ function string_plural_select_ro($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if ((($n%100>19)||(($n%100==0)&&($n!=0)))) { return 2; } else { return 1; }
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if ((($n%100>19)||(($n%100==0)&&($n!=0)))) { return 2; } else { return 1; }
$a->strings['"Blockem"'] = '"Blockem"';
$a->strings["\"Blockem\""] = "\"Blockem\"";
$a->strings['Comma separated profile URLS to block'] = 'Adresele URL de profil, de blocat, separate prin virgulă';
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "Adresele URL de profil, de blocat, separate prin virgulă";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Salvare Configurări';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Salvare Configurări";
$a->strings['BLOCKEM Settings saved.'] = 'Configurările BLOCKEM au fost salvate.';
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Configurările BLOCKEM au fost salvate.";
$a->strings['Blocked %s - Click to open/close'] = '%s Blocate - Apăsați pentru a deschide/închide';
$a->strings["Blocked %s - Click to open/close"] = "%s Blocate - Apăsați pentru a deschide/închide";
$a->strings['Unblock Author'] = 'Deblocare Autor';
$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Deblocare Autor";
$a->strings['Block Author'] = 'Blocare Autor';
$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Blocare Autor";
$a->strings['blockem settings updated'] = 'Configurările blockem au fost actualizate';
$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "Configurările blockem au fost actualizate";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_ru($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if ($n%10==1 && $n%100!=11) { return 0; } else if ($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4 && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n%10==0 || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=11 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
if ($n%10==1 && $n%100!=11) { return 0; } else if ($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4 && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n%10==0 || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=11 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
$a->strings['Blockem'] = 'Blockem';
$a->strings["Blockem"] = "Blockem";
$a->strings['Hides user\'s content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image.'] = 'Скрыть контент пользователя. Также заменяет его аватар изображением по-умолчанию.';
$a->strings["Hides user's content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image."] = "Скрыть контент пользователя. Также заменяет его аватар изображением по-умолчанию.";
$a->strings['Comma separated profile URLS:'] = 'URL профилей, разделенные запятыми:';
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS:"] = "URL профилей, разделенные запятыми:";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Сохранить настройки';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Сохранить настройки";
$a->strings['BLOCKEM Settings saved.'] = 'BLOCKEM Настройки сохранены.';
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "BLOCKEM Настройки сохранены.";
$a->strings['Filtered user: %s'] = 'Отфильтрованный пользователь: %s';
$a->strings["Filtered user: %s"] = "Отфильтрованный пользователь: %s";
$a->strings['Unblock Author'] = 'Разблокировать автора';
$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Разблокировать автора";
$a->strings['Block Author'] = 'Блокировать автора';
$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Блокировать автора";
$a->strings['blockem settings updated'] = 'Настройки Blockem обновлены';
$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "Настройки Blockem обновлены";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_sv($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Blockem'] = 'BLOCKEM';
$a->strings["Blockem"] = "BLOCKEM";
$a->strings['Hides user\'s content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image.'] = 'Döljer användares inlägg genom sammanslagning nedåt. Användarens profilbild ersätts med en standardbild.';
$a->strings["Hides user's content by collapsing posts. Also replaces their avatar with generic image."] = "Döljer användares inlägg genom sammanslagning nedåt. Användarens profilbild ersätts med en standardbild.";
$a->strings['Comma separated profile URLS:'] = 'Kommaseparerade profiladresser:';
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS:"] = "Kommaseparerade profiladresser:";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Spara inställningar';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Spara inställningar";
$a->strings['BLOCKEM Settings saved.'] = 'BLOCKEM Inställningar sparade.';
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "BLOCKEM Inställningar sparade.";
$a->strings['Filtered user: %s'] = 'Filtrerat på användare:%s';
$a->strings["Filtered user: %s"] = "Filtrerat på användare:%s";
$a->strings['Unblock Author'] = 'Avblockera författare';
$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Avblockera författare";
$a->strings['Block Author'] = 'Blockera författare';
$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Blockera författare";
$a->strings['blockem settings updated'] = 'BLOCKEM Inställningar uppdaterade';
$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "BLOCKEM Inställningar uppdaterade";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_ca($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Post to blogger'] = 'Publicar a blogger';
$a->strings["Post to blogger"] = "Publicar a blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger Export'] = 'Exportació de Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger Export"] = "Exportació de Blogger";
$a->strings['Enable Blogger Post Addon'] = 'Habilita Addon Post de Blogger';
$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Addon"] = "Habilita Addon Post de Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger username'] = 'Nom d\'usuari de Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Nom d'usuari de Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger password'] = 'Contrasenya de Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Contrasenya de Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger API URL'] = 'URL de l\'API de Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "URL de l'API de Blogger";
$a->strings['Post to Blogger by default'] = 'Publica a Blogger de manera predeterminada';
$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Publica a Blogger de manera predeterminada";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Desa la configuració';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Desa la configuració";
$a->strings['Post from Friendica'] = 'Publica de Friendica';
$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Publica de Friendica";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_cs($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if (($n == 1 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 0; } else if (($n >= 2 && $n <= 4 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 1; } else if (($n % 1 != 0 )) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
if (($n == 1 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 0; } else if (($n >= 2 && $n <= 4 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 1; } else if (($n % 1 != 0 )) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
$a->strings['Post to blogger'] = 'Poslat na blogger';
$a->strings["Post to blogger"] = "Poslat na blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger Export'] = 'Blogger Export';
$a->strings["Blogger Export"] = "Blogger Export";
$a->strings['Enable Blogger Post Addon'] = 'Povolit doplněk Blogger Post';
$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Addon"] = "Povolit doplněk Blogger Post";
$a->strings['Blogger username'] = 'Blogger uživatelské jméno';
$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Blogger uživatelské jméno";
$a->strings['Blogger password'] = 'Blogger heslo';
$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Blogger heslo";
$a->strings['Blogger API URL'] = 'Blogger API URL';
$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "Blogger API URL";
$a->strings['Post to Blogger by default'] = 'Defaultně zaslat na Blogger';
$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Defaultně zaslat na Blogger";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Uložit Nastavení';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Uložit Nastavení";
$a->strings['Post from Friendica'] = 'Příspěvek z Friendica';
$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Příspěvek z Friendica";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_de($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Post to blogger'] = 'Auf Blogger posten';
$a->strings["Post to blogger"] = "Auf Blogger posten";
$a->strings['Blogger Export'] = 'Blogger Export';
$a->strings["Blogger Export"] = "Blogger Export";
$a->strings['Enable Blogger Post Addon'] = 'Blogger-Post-Addon aktivieren';
$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Addon"] = "Blogger-Post-Addon aktivieren";
$a->strings['Blogger username'] = 'Blogger-Benutzername';
$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Blogger-Benutzername";
$a->strings['Blogger password'] = 'Blogger-Passwort';
$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Blogger-Passwort";
$a->strings['Blogger API URL'] = 'Blogger-API-URL';
$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "Blogger-API-URL";
$a->strings['Post to Blogger by default'] = 'Standardmäßig auf Blogger posten';
$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Standardmäßig auf Blogger posten";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Einstellungen speichern';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Einstellungen speichern";
$a->strings['Post from Friendica'] = 'Post via Friendica';
$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Post via Friendica";
@ -5,11 +5,10 @@ function string_plural_select_en_gb($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Post to blogger'] = 'Post to Blogger';
$a->strings["Post to blogger"] = "Post to Blogger";
$a->strings['Enable Blogger Post Addon'] = 'Enable Blogger Post Addon';
$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Addon"] = "Enable Blogger Post Addon";
$a->strings['Blogger username'] = 'Blogger username';
$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Blogger username";
$a->strings['Blogger password'] = 'Blogger password';
$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Blogger password";
$a->strings['Post to Blogger by default'] = 'Post to Blogger by default';
$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Post to Blogger by default";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Save Settings';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Save Settings";
$a->strings['Post from Friendica'] = 'Post from Friendica';
$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Post from Friendica";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_es($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Post to blogger'] = 'Entrada para blogger';
$a->strings["Post to blogger"] = "Entrada para blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger Export'] = 'Esportar Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger Export"] = "Esportar Blogger";
$a->strings['Enable Blogger Post Addon'] = 'Habilitar el complemento de publicación de Blogger';
$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Addon"] = "Habilitar el complemento de publicación de Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger username'] = 'Nombre de usuario de Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Nombre de usuario de Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger password'] = 'Contraseña de Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Contraseña de Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger API URL'] = 'URL API de Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "URL API de Blogger";
$a->strings['Post to Blogger by default'] = 'Entrada a Blogger por defecto';
$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Entrada a Blogger por defecto";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Guardar ajustes';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Guardar ajustes";
$a->strings['Post from Friendica'] = 'Entrada desde Friendica';
$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Entrada desde Friendica";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_fi_fi($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Post to blogger'] = 'Julkaise Bloggerissa';
$a->strings["Post to blogger"] = "Julkaise Bloggerissa";
$a->strings['Blogger Export'] = 'Blogger Export';
$a->strings["Blogger Export"] = "Blogger Export";
$a->strings['Enable Blogger Post Addon'] = 'Ota Blogger-viestilisäosa käyttöön';
$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Addon"] = "Ota Blogger-viestilisäosa käyttöön";
$a->strings['Blogger username'] = 'Blogger -käyttäjätunnus';
$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Blogger -käyttäjätunnus";
$a->strings['Blogger password'] = 'Blogger -salasana';
$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Blogger -salasana";
$a->strings['Blogger API URL'] = 'Blogger API URL-osoite';
$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "Blogger API URL-osoite";
$a->strings['Post to Blogger by default'] = 'Julkaise Bloggeriin oletuksena';
$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Julkaise Bloggeriin oletuksena";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Tallenna asetukset';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Tallenna asetukset";
$a->strings['Post from Friendica'] = 'Julkaise Friendicasta';
$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Julkaise Friendicasta";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_fr($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n > 1);
return intval($n > 1);
$a->strings['Post to blogger'] = 'Poster sur Blogger';
$a->strings["Post to blogger"] = "Poster sur Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger Export'] = 'Export Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger Export"] = "Export Blogger";
$a->strings['Enable Blogger Post Addon'] = 'Activer l\'extension de publication Blogger';
$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Addon"] = "Activer l'extension de publication Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger username'] = 'Nom d\'utilisateur Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Nom d'utilisateur Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger password'] = 'Mot de passe Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Mot de passe Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger API URL'] = 'URL de l\'API de Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "URL de l'API de Blogger";
$a->strings['Post to Blogger by default'] = 'Poster sur Blogger par défaut';
$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Poster sur Blogger par défaut";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Sauvegarder les paramètres';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Sauvegarder les paramètres";
$a->strings['Post from Friendica'] = 'Publier depuis Friendica';
$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Publier depuis Friendica";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_hu($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Post to blogger'] = 'Beküldés a Bloggerre';
$a->strings["Post to blogger"] = "Beküldés a Bloggerre";
$a->strings['Blogger Export'] = 'Blogger exportálás';
$a->strings["Blogger Export"] = "Blogger exportálás";
$a->strings['Enable Blogger Post Addon'] = 'A Blogger-beküldő bővítmény engedélyezése';
$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Addon"] = "A Blogger-beküldő bővítmény engedélyezése";
$a->strings['Blogger username'] = 'Blogger felhasználónév';
$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Blogger felhasználónév";
$a->strings['Blogger password'] = 'Blogger jelszó';
$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Blogger jelszó";
$a->strings['Blogger API URL'] = 'Blogger API URL';
$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "Blogger API URL";
$a->strings['Post to Blogger by default'] = 'Beküldés a Bloggerre alapértelmezetten';
$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Beküldés a Bloggerre alapértelmezetten";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Beállítások mentése';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Beállítások mentése";
$a->strings['Post from Friendica'] = 'Bejegyzés a Friendicáról';
$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Bejegyzés a Friendicáról";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_is($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n % 10 != 1 || $n % 100 == 11);
return intval($n % 10 != 1 || $n % 100 == 11);
$a->strings['Post to blogger'] = 'Senda færslu á bloggara';
$a->strings["Post to blogger"] = "Senda færslu á bloggara";
$a->strings['Blogger Export'] = 'Flytja út blogg';
$a->strings["Blogger Export"] = "Flytja út blogg";
$a->strings['Enable Blogger Post Addon'] = 'Virkja sendiviðbót fyrir blogg';
$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Addon"] = "Virkja sendiviðbót fyrir blogg";
$a->strings['Blogger username'] = 'Notandanafn bloggara';
$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Notandanafn bloggara";
$a->strings['Blogger password'] = 'Aðgangsorð bloggara';
$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Aðgangsorð bloggara";
$a->strings['Blogger API URL'] = 'API slóð bloggs';
$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "API slóð bloggs";
$a->strings['Post to Blogger by default'] = 'Sjálfgefið láta færslur flæða inn á blogg';
$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Sjálfgefið láta færslur flæða inn á blogg";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Vista stillingar';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Vista stillingar";
$a->strings['Post from Friendica'] = 'Færslur frá Friendica';
$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Færslur frá Friendica";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_it($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Post to blogger'] = 'Invia a Blogger';
$a->strings["Post to blogger"] = "Invia a Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger Export'] = 'Esporta Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger Export"] = "Esporta Blogger";
$a->strings['Enable Blogger Post Addon'] = 'Abilita il componente aggiuntivo di invio a Blogger';
$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Addon"] = "Abilita il componente aggiuntivo di invio a Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger username'] = 'Nome utente Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Nome utente Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger password'] = 'Password Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Password Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger API URL'] = 'Indirizzo API Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "Indirizzo API Blogger";
$a->strings['Post to Blogger by default'] = 'Invia sempre a Blogger';
$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Invia sempre a Blogger";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Salva Impostazioni';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Salva Impostazioni";
$a->strings['Post from Friendica'] = 'Messaggio da Friendica';
$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Messaggio da Friendica";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_nl($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Post to blogger'] = 'Plaatsen op Blogger';
$a->strings["Post to blogger"] = "Plaatsen op Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger Export'] = 'Blogger Exporteren';
$a->strings["Blogger Export"] = "Blogger Exporteren";
$a->strings['Enable Blogger Post Addon'] = 'Blogger Post Addon inschakelen';
$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Addon"] = "Blogger Post Addon inschakelen";
$a->strings['Blogger username'] = 'Blogger gebruikersnaam';
$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Blogger gebruikersnaam";
$a->strings['Blogger password'] = 'Blogger wachtwoord';
$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Blogger wachtwoord";
$a->strings['Blogger API URL'] = 'Blogger API URL';
$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "Blogger API URL";
$a->strings['Post to Blogger by default'] = 'Plaatsen op Blogger als standaard instellen';
$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Plaatsen op Blogger als standaard instellen";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Instellingen Opslaan';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Instellingen Opslaan";
$a->strings['Post from Friendica'] = 'Bericht plaatsen vanaf Friendica';
$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Bericht plaatsen vanaf Friendica";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_pl($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if (($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4) && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n!=1 && ($n%10>=0 && $n%10<=1) || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=12 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if (($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4) && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n!=1 && ($n%10>=0 && $n%10<=1) || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=12 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
$a->strings['Post to blogger'] = 'Opublikuj w bloggerze';
$a->strings["Post to blogger"] = "Opublikuj w bloggerze";
$a->strings['Blogger Export'] = 'Eksport Bloggera';
$a->strings["Blogger Export"] = "Eksport Bloggera";
$a->strings['Enable Blogger Post Addon'] = 'Włącz dodatek Blogger';
$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Addon"] = "Włącz dodatek Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger username'] = 'Nazwa użytkownika Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Nazwa użytkownika Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger password'] = 'Hasło Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Hasło Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger API URL'] = 'Adres URL interfejsu API Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "Adres URL interfejsu API Blogger";
$a->strings['Post to Blogger by default'] = 'Opublikuj domyślnie na Blogger';
$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Opublikuj domyślnie na Blogger";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Zapisz ustawienia';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Zapisz ustawienia";
$a->strings['Post from Friendica'] = 'Post od Friendica';
$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Post od Friendica";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_pt_br($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n > 1);
return intval($n > 1);
$a->strings['Post to blogger'] = 'Publicar no Blogger';
$a->strings["Post to blogger"] = "Publicar no Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger Export'] = 'Exportador Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger Export"] = "Exportador Blogger";
$a->strings['Enable Blogger Post Addon'] = 'Habilitar plug-in para publicar no Blogger';
$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Addon"] = "Habilitar plug-in para publicar no Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger username'] = 'Nome de usuário no Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Nome de usuário no Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger password'] = 'Senha do Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Senha do Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger API URL'] = 'URL da API do Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "URL da API do Blogger";
$a->strings['Post to Blogger by default'] = 'Publicar no Blogger por padrão';
$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Publicar no Blogger por padrão";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Salvar Configurações';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Salvar Configurações";
$a->strings['Post from Friendica'] = 'Postar a partir de Friendica';
$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Postar a partir de Friendica";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_ro($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if ((($n%100>19)||(($n%100==0)&&($n!=0)))) { return 2; } else { return 1; }
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if ((($n%100>19)||(($n%100==0)&&($n!=0)))) { return 2; } else { return 1; }
$a->strings['Post to blogger'] = 'Postați pe Blogger';
$a->strings["Post to blogger"] = "Postați pe Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger Export'] = 'Export pe Blogger ';
$a->strings["Blogger Export"] = "Export pe Blogger ";
$a->strings['Enable Blogger Post Addon'] = 'Activare Modul Postare pe Blogger ';
$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Addon"] = "Activare Modul Postare pe Blogger ";
$a->strings['Blogger username'] = 'Utilizator Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Utilizator Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger password'] = 'Parolă Blogger ';
$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Parolă Blogger ";
$a->strings['Blogger API URL'] = 'URL Cheie API Blogger ';
$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "URL Cheie API Blogger ";
$a->strings['Post to Blogger by default'] = 'Postați implicit pe Blogger';
$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Postați implicit pe Blogger";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Salvare Configurări';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Salvare Configurări";
$a->strings['Post from Friendica'] = 'Postați din Friendica';
$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Postați din Friendica";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_ru($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if ($n%10==1 && $n%100!=11) { return 0; } else if ($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4 && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n%10==0 || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=11 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
if ($n%10==1 && $n%100!=11) { return 0; } else if ($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4 && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n%10==0 || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=11 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
$a->strings['Post to blogger'] = 'Написать в Blogger';
$a->strings["Post to blogger"] = "Написать в Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger Export'] = 'Экспорт в Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger Export"] = "Экспорт в Blogger";
$a->strings['Enable Blogger Post Addon'] = 'Включить аддон репоста в Blogger';
$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Addon"] = "Включить аддон репоста в Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger username'] = 'Имя пользователя Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Имя пользователя Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger password'] = 'Пароль Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Пароль Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger API URL'] = 'Blogger API URL';
$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "Blogger API URL";
$a->strings['Post to Blogger by default'] = 'Отправлять в Blogger по умолчанию';
$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Отправлять в Blogger по умолчанию";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Сохранить настройки';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Сохранить настройки";
$a->strings['Post from Friendica'] = 'Сообщение от Friendica';
$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Сообщение от Friendica";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_sv($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Post to blogger'] = 'Lägg in på Blogger';
$a->strings["Post to blogger"] = "Lägg in på Blogger";
$a->strings['Blogger Export'] = 'Export till Blogger';
$a->strings["Blogger Export"] = "Export till Blogger";
$a->strings['Enable Blogger Post Addon'] = 'Aktivera tillägg för Blogger-inlägg';
$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Addon"] = "Aktivera tillägg för Blogger-inlägg";
$a->strings['Blogger username'] = 'Blogger användarnamn';
$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Blogger användarnamn";
$a->strings['Blogger password'] = 'Blogger lösenord';
$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Blogger lösenord";
$a->strings['Blogger API URL'] = 'Blogger API URL';
$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "Blogger API URL";
$a->strings['Post to Blogger by default'] = 'Lägg in på Blogger som standard';
$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Lägg in på Blogger som standard";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Spara inställningar';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Spara inställningar";
$a->strings['Post from Friendica'] = 'Inlägg från Friendica';
$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Inlägg från Friendica";
@ -5,18 +5,17 @@ function string_plural_select_ca($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Permission denied.'] = 'Permís denegat.';
$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permís denegat.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Desa la configuració';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Desa la configuració";
$a->strings['Client ID'] = 'Identificador de client';
$a->strings["Client ID"] = "Identificador de client";
$a->strings['Client Secret'] = 'Secret del client';
$a->strings["Client Secret"] = "Secret del client";
$a->strings['Error when registering buffer connection:'] = 'Error al registrar la connexió del buffer:';
$a->strings["Error when registering buffer connection:"] = "Error al registrar la connexió del buffer:";
$a->strings['You are now authenticated to buffer. '] = 'Ara esteu autenticats com a buffer.';
$a->strings["You are now authenticated to buffer. "] = "Ara esteu autenticats com a buffer.";
$a->strings['return to the connector page'] = 'Torna a la pàgina del connector';
$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "Torna a la pàgina del connector";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer'] = 'Publica a Buffer';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer"] = "Publica a Buffer";
$a->strings['Buffer Export'] = 'Exportació de buffer';
$a->strings["Buffer Export"] = "Exportació de buffer";
$a->strings['Authenticate your Buffer connection'] = 'Autentiqueu la vostra connexió buffer';
$a->strings["Authenticate your Buffer connection"] = "Autentiqueu la vostra connexió buffer";
$a->strings['Enable Buffer Post Addon'] = 'Activa l’addició de missatges de buffer';
$a->strings["Enable Buffer Post Addon"] = "Activa l’addició de missatges de buffer";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer by default'] = 'Publica a Buffer de manera predeterminada';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer by default"] = "Publica a Buffer de manera predeterminada";
$a->strings['Check to delete this preset'] = 'Comproveu suprimir aquesta configuració';
$a->strings["Check to delete this preset"] = "Comproveu suprimir aquesta configuració";
$a->strings['Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:'] = 'Les publicacions aniran a tots els comptes que estan habilitats de manera predeterminada:';
$a->strings["Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:"] = "Les publicacions aniran a tots els comptes que estan habilitats de manera predeterminada:";
@ -5,18 +5,17 @@ function string_plural_select_cs($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if (($n == 1 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 0; } else if (($n >= 2 && $n <= 4 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 1; } else if (($n % 1 != 0 )) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
if (($n == 1 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 0; } else if (($n >= 2 && $n <= 4 && $n % 1 == 0)) { return 1; } else if (($n % 1 != 0 )) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
$a->strings['Permission denied.'] = 'Přístup odmítnut.';
$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Přístup odmítnut.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Uložit Nastavení';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Uložit Nastavení";
$a->strings['Client ID'] = 'Client ID';
$a->strings["Client ID"] = "Client ID";
$a->strings['Client Secret'] = 'Client Secret';
$a->strings["Client Secret"] = "Client Secret";
$a->strings['Error when registering buffer connection:'] = 'Chyba při registraci připojení na buffer:';
$a->strings["Error when registering buffer connection:"] = "Chyba při registraci připojení na buffer:";
$a->strings['You are now authenticated to buffer. '] = 'Nyní jste přihlášen/a na buffer.';
$a->strings["You are now authenticated to buffer. "] = "Nyní jste přihlášen/a na buffer.";
$a->strings['return to the connector page'] = 'zpět ke stránce konektoru';
$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "zpět ke stránce konektoru";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer'] = 'Posílat na Buffer';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer"] = "Posílat na Buffer";
$a->strings['Buffer Export'] = 'Buffer Export';
$a->strings["Buffer Export"] = "Buffer Export";
$a->strings['Authenticate your Buffer connection'] = 'Autentikujte své připojení na Buffer';
$a->strings["Authenticate your Buffer connection"] = "Autentikujte své připojení na Buffer";
$a->strings['Enable Buffer Post Addon'] = 'Povolit doplněk Buffer Post';
$a->strings["Enable Buffer Post Addon"] = "Povolit doplněk Buffer Post";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer by default'] = 'Ve výchozím stavu posílat na Buffer';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer by default"] = "Ve výchozím stavu posílat na Buffer";
$a->strings['Check to delete this preset'] = 'Zaškrtnutím smažete toto nastavení';
$a->strings["Check to delete this preset"] = "Zaškrtnutím smažete toto nastavení";
$a->strings['Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:'] = 'Příspěvky budou posílány na všechny účty, které jsou ve výchozím stavu povoleny:';
$a->strings["Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:"] = "Příspěvky budou posílány na všechny účty, které jsou ve výchozím stavu povoleny:";
@ -5,18 +5,17 @@ function string_plural_select_de($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Permission denied.'] = 'Zugriff verweigert.';
$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Zugriff verweigert.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Einstellungen speichern';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Einstellungen speichern";
$a->strings['Client ID'] = 'Client ID';
$a->strings["Client ID"] = "Client ID";
$a->strings['Client Secret'] = 'Client Secret';
$a->strings["Client Secret"] = "Client Secret";
$a->strings['Error when registering buffer connection:'] = 'Fehler beim Registrieren des Buffer-Connectors.';
$a->strings["Error when registering buffer connection:"] = "Fehler beim Registrieren des Buffer-Connectors.";
$a->strings['You are now authenticated to buffer. '] = 'Du bist nun auf Buffer authentifiziert.';
$a->strings["You are now authenticated to buffer. "] = "Du bist nun auf Buffer authentifiziert.";
$a->strings['return to the connector page'] = 'zurück zur Connector-Seite';
$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "zurück zur Connector-Seite";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer'] = 'Auf Buffer veröffentlichen';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer"] = "Auf Buffer veröffentlichen";
$a->strings['Buffer Export'] = 'Buffer Export';
$a->strings["Buffer Export"] = "Buffer Export";
$a->strings['Authenticate your Buffer connection'] = 'Authentifiziere deine Verbindung zu Buffer';
$a->strings["Authenticate your Buffer connection"] = "Authentifiziere deine Verbindung zu Buffer";
$a->strings['Enable Buffer Post Addon'] = 'Buffer-Post-Addon aktivieren';
$a->strings["Enable Buffer Post Addon"] = "Buffer-Post-Addon aktivieren";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer by default'] = 'Standardmäßig auf Buffer veröffentlichen';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer by default"] = "Standardmäßig auf Buffer veröffentlichen";
$a->strings['Check to delete this preset'] = 'Markieren, um diese Voreinstellung zu löschen';
$a->strings["Check to delete this preset"] = "Markieren, um diese Voreinstellung zu löschen";
$a->strings['Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:'] = 'Beiträge werden an alle Accounts geschickt, die standardmäßig aktiviert sind.';
$a->strings["Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:"] = "Beiträge werden an alle Accounts geschickt, die standardmäßig aktiviert sind.";
@ -5,18 +5,17 @@ function string_plural_select_es($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Permission denied.'] = 'Permiso denegado';
$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permiso denegado";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Guardar ajustes';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Guardar ajustes";
$a->strings['Client ID'] = 'ID de cliente';
$a->strings["Client ID"] = "ID de cliente";
$a->strings['Client Secret'] = 'Secreto de cliente';
$a->strings["Client Secret"] = "Secreto de cliente";
$a->strings['Error when registering buffer connection:'] = 'Error al registrar cunexión de buffer';
$a->strings["Error when registering buffer connection:"] = "Error al registrar cunexión de buffer";
$a->strings['You are now authenticated to buffer. '] = 'Ahora está autenticado al fufer';
$a->strings["You are now authenticated to buffer. "] = "Ahora está autenticado al fufer";
$a->strings['return to the connector page'] = 'Vuelva a la página de conexión';
$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "Vuelva a la página de conexión";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer'] = 'Publique en Buffer';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer"] = "Publique en Buffer";
$a->strings['Buffer Export'] = 'Exportar Buffer';
$a->strings["Buffer Export"] = "Exportar Buffer";
$a->strings['Authenticate your Buffer connection'] = 'Autenticar su conexión de Buffer';
$a->strings["Authenticate your Buffer connection"] = "Autenticar su conexión de Buffer";
$a->strings['Enable Buffer Post Addon'] = 'Habilitar el complemento de publicación de Buffer';
$a->strings["Enable Buffer Post Addon"] = "Habilitar el complemento de publicación de Buffer";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer by default'] = 'Publicar en Buffer por defecto';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer by default"] = "Publicar en Buffer por defecto";
$a->strings['Check to delete this preset'] = 'Verificar para eliminar este preajuste';
$a->strings["Check to delete this preset"] = "Verificar para eliminar este preajuste";
$a->strings['Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:'] = 'Las publicaciones van a todas las cuentas que estén habilitadas por defecto';
$a->strings["Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:"] = "Las publicaciones van a todas las cuentas que estén habilitadas por defecto";
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ function string_plural_select_fi_fi($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Permission denied.'] = 'Lupa kielletty.';
$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Lupa kielletty.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Tallenna asetukset';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Tallenna asetukset";
$a->strings['Error when registering buffer connection:'] = 'Virhe Buffer-yhteyden rekisteröimisessä:';
$a->strings["Error when registering buffer connection:"] = "Virhe Buffer-yhteyden rekisteröimisessä:";
$a->strings['You are now authenticated to buffer. '] = 'Buffer-yhteydesi on todennettu.';
$a->strings["You are now authenticated to buffer. "] = "Buffer-yhteydesi on todennettu.";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer'] = 'Julkaise Bufferiin';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer"] = "Julkaise Bufferiin";
$a->strings['Buffer Export'] = 'Buffer Export';
$a->strings["Buffer Export"] = "Buffer Export";
$a->strings['Authenticate your Buffer connection'] = 'Todenna Buffer-yhteydesi';
$a->strings["Authenticate your Buffer connection"] = "Todenna Buffer-yhteydesi";
$a->strings['Enable Buffer Post Addon'] = 'Ota Buffer-viestilisäosa käyttöön';
$a->strings["Enable Buffer Post Addon"] = "Ota Buffer-viestilisäosa käyttöön";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer by default'] = 'Julkaise Bufferiin oletuksena';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer by default"] = "Julkaise Bufferiin oletuksena";
@ -5,18 +5,17 @@ function string_plural_select_fr($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n > 1);
return intval($n > 1);
$a->strings['Permission denied.'] = 'Permission refusée.';
$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permission refusée.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Enregistrer les Paramètres';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Enregistrer les Paramètres";
$a->strings['Client ID'] = 'Identifiant client';
$a->strings["Client ID"] = "Identifiant client";
$a->strings['Client Secret'] = 'Secret Client';
$a->strings["Client Secret"] = "Secret Client";
$a->strings['Error when registering buffer connection:'] = 'Une erreur est survenue lors de la connexion à Buffer :';
$a->strings["Error when registering buffer connection:"] = "Une erreur est survenue lors de la connexion à Buffer :";
$a->strings['You are now authenticated to buffer. '] = 'Vous êtes maintenant authentifié sur Buffer.';
$a->strings["You are now authenticated to buffer. "] = "Vous êtes maintenant authentifié sur Buffer.";
$a->strings['return to the connector page'] = 'revenir à la page du connecteur';
$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "revenir à la page du connecteur";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer'] = 'Publier sur Buffer';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer"] = "Publier sur Buffer";
$a->strings['Buffer Export'] = 'Export Buffer';
$a->strings["Buffer Export"] = "Export Buffer";
$a->strings['Authenticate your Buffer connection'] = 'Authentifier votre connexion à Buffer';
$a->strings["Authenticate your Buffer connection"] = "Authentifier votre connexion à Buffer";
$a->strings['Enable Buffer Post Addon'] = 'Activer l\'extension de publication Buffer';
$a->strings["Enable Buffer Post Addon"] = "Activer l'extension de publication Buffer";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer by default'] = 'Publier sur Buffer par défaut';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer by default"] = "Publier sur Buffer par défaut";
$a->strings['Check to delete this preset'] = 'Cocher pour supprimer ce préréglage';
$a->strings["Check to delete this preset"] = "Cocher pour supprimer ce préréglage";
$a->strings['Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:'] = 'Les posts sont envoyés à tous les comptes activés par défault:';
$a->strings["Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:"] = "Les posts sont envoyés à tous les comptes activés par défault:";
@ -5,18 +5,17 @@ function string_plural_select_hu($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Permission denied.'] = 'Hozzáférés megtagadva.';
$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Hozzáférés megtagadva.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Beállítások mentése';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Beállítások mentése";
$a->strings['Client ID'] = 'Ügyfél-azonosító';
$a->strings["Client ID"] = "Ügyfél-azonosító";
$a->strings['Client Secret'] = 'Ügyféltitok';
$a->strings["Client Secret"] = "Ügyféltitok";
$a->strings['Error when registering buffer connection:'] = 'Hiba a Buffer-kapcsolat regisztrálásakor:';
$a->strings["Error when registering buffer connection:"] = "Hiba a Buffer-kapcsolat regisztrálásakor:";
$a->strings['You are now authenticated to buffer. '] = 'Most már hitelesítve van a Bufferhez.';
$a->strings["You are now authenticated to buffer. "] = "Most már hitelesítve van a Bufferhez.";
$a->strings['return to the connector page'] = 'Visszatérés az összekötő oldalra';
$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "Visszatérés az összekötő oldalra";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer'] = 'Beküldés a Bufferre';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer"] = "Beküldés a Bufferre";
$a->strings['Buffer Export'] = 'Buffer exportálás';
$a->strings["Buffer Export"] = "Buffer exportálás";
$a->strings['Authenticate your Buffer connection'] = 'A Buffer-kapcsolatának hitelesítése';
$a->strings["Authenticate your Buffer connection"] = "A Buffer-kapcsolatának hitelesítése";
$a->strings['Enable Buffer Post Addon'] = 'A Buffer-beküldő bővítmény engedélyezése';
$a->strings["Enable Buffer Post Addon"] = "A Buffer-beküldő bővítmény engedélyezése";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer by default'] = 'Beküldés a Bufferre alapértelmezetten';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer by default"] = "Beküldés a Bufferre alapértelmezetten";
$a->strings['Check to delete this preset'] = 'Jelölje be az előbeállítás törléséhez';
$a->strings["Check to delete this preset"] = "Jelölje be az előbeállítás törléséhez";
$a->strings['Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:'] = 'A bejegyzések az összes olyan fiókba mennek, amelyek alapértelmezetten engedélyezve vannak:';
$a->strings["Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:"] = "A bejegyzések az összes olyan fiókba mennek, amelyek alapértelmezetten engedélyezve vannak:";
@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ function string_plural_select_is($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n % 10 != 1 || $n % 100 == 11);
return intval($n % 10 != 1 || $n % 100 == 11);
$a->strings['Permission denied.'] = 'Heimild ekki veitt.';
$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Heimild ekki veitt.";
@ -5,18 +5,17 @@ function string_plural_select_it($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Permission denied.'] = 'Permesso negato.';
$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permesso negato.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Salva Impostazioni';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Salva Impostazioni";
$a->strings['Client ID'] = 'Client ID';
$a->strings["Client ID"] = "Client ID";
$a->strings['Client Secret'] = 'Client Secret';
$a->strings["Client Secret"] = "Client Secret";
$a->strings['Error when registering buffer connection:'] = 'Errore registrando la connessione a buffer:';
$a->strings["Error when registering buffer connection:"] = "Errore registrando la connessione a buffer:";
$a->strings['You are now authenticated to buffer. '] = 'Sei autenticato su buffer.';
$a->strings["You are now authenticated to buffer. "] = "Sei autenticato su buffer.";
$a->strings['return to the connector page'] = 'ritorna alla pagina del connettore';
$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "ritorna alla pagina del connettore";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer'] = 'Invia a Buffer';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer"] = "Invia a Buffer";
$a->strings['Buffer Export'] = 'Esporta Buffer';
$a->strings["Buffer Export"] = "Esporta Buffer";
$a->strings['Authenticate your Buffer connection'] = 'Autentica la tua connessione a Buffer';
$a->strings["Authenticate your Buffer connection"] = "Autentica la tua connessione a Buffer";
$a->strings['Enable Buffer Post Addon'] = 'Abilita il componente aggiuntivo di invio a Buffer';
$a->strings["Enable Buffer Post Addon"] = "Abilita il componente aggiuntivo di invio a Buffer";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer by default'] = 'Invia sempre a Buffer';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer by default"] = "Invia sempre a Buffer";
$a->strings['Check to delete this preset'] = 'Seleziona per eliminare questo preset';
$a->strings["Check to delete this preset"] = "Seleziona per eliminare questo preset";
$a->strings['Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:'] = 'I messaggi andranno a tutti gli account che sono abilitati:';
$a->strings["Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:"] = "I messaggi andranno a tutti gli account che sono abilitati:";
@ -5,18 +5,17 @@ function string_plural_select_nl($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Permission denied.'] = 'Toegang geweigerd.';
$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Toegang geweigerd.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Instellingen opslaan';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Instellingen opslaan";
$a->strings['Client ID'] = 'Cliënt ID';
$a->strings["Client ID"] = "Cliënt ID";
$a->strings['Client Secret'] = 'Cliënt geheim';
$a->strings["Client Secret"] = "Cliënt geheim";
$a->strings['Error when registering buffer connection:'] = 'Fout bij het registreren van de buffer verbinding:';
$a->strings["Error when registering buffer connection:"] = "Fout bij het registreren van de buffer verbinding:";
$a->strings['You are now authenticated to buffer. '] = 'Je bent nu aangemeld bij Buffer';
$a->strings["You are now authenticated to buffer. "] = "Je bent nu aangemeld bij Buffer";
$a->strings['return to the connector page'] = 'ga terug naar de verbindingspagina';
$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "ga terug naar de verbindingspagina";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer'] = 'Plaats bericht op Buffer';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer"] = "Plaats bericht op Buffer";
$a->strings['Buffer Export'] = 'Buffer Exporteren';
$a->strings["Buffer Export"] = "Buffer Exporteren";
$a->strings['Authenticate your Buffer connection'] = 'Verbinding met Buffer goedkeuren';
$a->strings["Authenticate your Buffer connection"] = "Verbinding met Buffer goedkeuren";
$a->strings['Enable Buffer Post Addon'] = 'Buffer Post Addon inschakelen';
$a->strings["Enable Buffer Post Addon"] = "Buffer Post Addon inschakelen";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer by default'] = 'Plaatsen op Buffer als standaard instellen';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer by default"] = "Plaatsen op Buffer als standaard instellen";
$a->strings['Check to delete this preset'] = 'Vink aan om deze vooraf ingestelde opties te verwijderen ';
$a->strings["Check to delete this preset"] = "Vink aan om deze vooraf ingestelde opties te verwijderen ";
$a->strings['Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:'] = 'Berichten gaan naar alle accounts die als standaard zijn ingeschakeld: ';
$a->strings["Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:"] = "Berichten gaan naar alle accounts die als standaard zijn ingeschakeld: ";
@ -5,18 +5,17 @@ function string_plural_select_pl($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if (($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4) && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n!=1 && ($n%10>=0 && $n%10<=1) || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=12 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if (($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4) && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n!=1 && ($n%10>=0 && $n%10<=1) || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=12 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
$a->strings['Permission denied.'] = 'Odmowa uprawnień.';
$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Odmowa uprawnień.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Zapisz ustawienia';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Zapisz ustawienia";
$a->strings['Client ID'] = 'Identyfikator ID klienta';
$a->strings["Client ID"] = "Identyfikator ID klienta";
$a->strings['Client Secret'] = ' Tajny klucz klienta';
$a->strings["Client Secret"] = " Tajny klucz klienta";
$a->strings['Error when registering buffer connection:'] = 'Błąd podczas rejestrowania połączenia z buforem:';
$a->strings["Error when registering buffer connection:"] = "Błąd podczas rejestrowania połączenia z buforem:";
$a->strings['You are now authenticated to buffer. '] = 'Jesteś teraz uwierzytelniony w buforze.';
$a->strings["You are now authenticated to buffer. "] = "Jesteś teraz uwierzytelniony w buforze.";
$a->strings['return to the connector page'] = 'powrót do strony połączenia';
$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "powrót do strony połączenia";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer'] = 'Opublikuj w buforze';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer"] = "Opublikuj w buforze";
$a->strings['Buffer Export'] = 'Eksportuj Bufor';
$a->strings["Buffer Export"] = "Eksportuj Bufor";
$a->strings['Authenticate your Buffer connection'] = 'Uwierzytelnij swoje połączenie z buforem';
$a->strings["Authenticate your Buffer connection"] = "Uwierzytelnij swoje połączenie z buforem";
$a->strings['Enable Buffer Post Addon'] = 'Włącz dodatek bufora pocztowego';
$a->strings["Enable Buffer Post Addon"] = "Włącz dodatek bufora pocztowego";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer by default'] = 'Wyślij domyślnie post do bufora';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer by default"] = "Wyślij domyślnie post do bufora";
$a->strings['Check to delete this preset'] = 'Zaznacz, aby usunąć to ustawienie wstępne';
$a->strings["Check to delete this preset"] = "Zaznacz, aby usunąć to ustawienie wstępne";
$a->strings['Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:'] = 'Wpisy są wysyłane na wszystkie konta, które są domyślnie włączone:';
$a->strings["Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:"] = "Wpisy są wysyłane na wszystkie konta, które są domyślnie włączone:";
@ -5,15 +5,14 @@ function string_plural_select_pt_br($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n > 1);
return intval($n > 1);
$a->strings['Permission denied.'] = 'Permissão negada.';
$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permissão negada.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Salvar configurações';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Salvar configurações";
$a->strings['Error when registering buffer connection:'] = 'Erro ao registrar conexão de buffer:';
$a->strings["Error when registering buffer connection:"] = "Erro ao registrar conexão de buffer:";
$a->strings['You are now authenticated to buffer. '] = 'Você está autenticado no buffer.';
$a->strings["You are now authenticated to buffer. "] = "Você está autenticado no buffer.";
$a->strings['return to the connector page'] = 'Volte a página de conectores.';
$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "Volte a página de conectores.";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer'] = 'Publicar no Buffer';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer"] = "Publicar no Buffer";
$a->strings['Buffer Export'] = 'Exportar Buffer';
$a->strings["Buffer Export"] = "Exportar Buffer";
$a->strings['Authenticate your Buffer connection'] = 'Autenticar sua conexão de Buffer';
$a->strings["Authenticate your Buffer connection"] = "Autenticar sua conexão de Buffer";
$a->strings['Enable Buffer Post Addon'] = 'Habilita addon para publicar no Buffer';
$a->strings["Enable Buffer Post Addon"] = "Habilita addon para publicar no Buffer";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer by default'] = 'Publica no Buffer por padrão';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer by default"] = "Publica no Buffer por padrão";
$a->strings['Check to delete this preset'] = 'Marque para excluir este perfil';
$a->strings["Check to delete this preset"] = "Marque para excluir este perfil";
@ -5,18 +5,17 @@ function string_plural_select_ro($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if ((($n%100>19)||(($n%100==0)&&($n!=0)))) { return 2; } else { return 1; }
if ($n==1) { return 0; } else if ((($n%100>19)||(($n%100==0)&&($n!=0)))) { return 2; } else { return 1; }
$a->strings['Permission denied.'] = 'Permisiune refuzată.';
$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permisiune refuzată.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Salvare Configurări';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Salvare Configurări";
$a->strings['Client ID'] = 'ID Client';
$a->strings["Client ID"] = "ID Client";
$a->strings['Client Secret'] = 'Cheia Secretă Client';
$a->strings["Client Secret"] = "Cheia Secretă Client";
$a->strings['Error when registering buffer connection:'] = 'Eroare la înregistrarea conexiunii Buffer:';
$a->strings["Error when registering buffer connection:"] = "Eroare la înregistrarea conexiunii Buffer:";
$a->strings['You are now authenticated to buffer. '] = 'Acum sunteți autentificat pe Buffer.';
$a->strings["You are now authenticated to buffer. "] = "Acum sunteți autentificat pe Buffer.";
$a->strings['return to the connector page'] = 'revenire la pagina de conectare';
$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "revenire la pagina de conectare";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer'] = 'Postați pe Buffer';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer"] = "Postați pe Buffer";
$a->strings['Buffer Export'] = 'Export pe Buffer ';
$a->strings["Buffer Export"] = "Export pe Buffer ";
$a->strings['Authenticate your Buffer connection'] = 'Autentificați-vă conectarea la Buffer';
$a->strings["Authenticate your Buffer connection"] = "Autentificați-vă conectarea la Buffer";
$a->strings['Enable Buffer Post Addon'] = 'Activare Modul Postare pe Buffer';
$a->strings["Enable Buffer Post Addon"] = "Activare Modul Postare pe Buffer";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer by default'] = 'Postați implicit pe Buffer';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer by default"] = "Postați implicit pe Buffer";
$a->strings['Check to delete this preset'] = 'Bifați pentru a șterge această presetare';
$a->strings["Check to delete this preset"] = "Bifați pentru a șterge această presetare";
$a->strings['Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:'] = 'Posturile merg către toate conturile care sunt activate implicit:';
$a->strings["Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:"] = "Posturile merg către toate conturile care sunt activate implicit:";
@ -5,18 +5,17 @@ function string_plural_select_ru($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if ($n%10==1 && $n%100!=11) { return 0; } else if ($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4 && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n%10==0 || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=11 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
if ($n%10==1 && $n%100!=11) { return 0; } else if ($n%10>=2 && $n%10<=4 && ($n%100<12 || $n%100>14)) { return 1; } else if ($n%10==0 || ($n%10>=5 && $n%10<=9) || ($n%100>=11 && $n%100<=14)) { return 2; } else { return 3; }
$a->strings['Permission denied.'] = 'Доступ запрещен.';
$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Доступ запрещен.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Сохранить настройки';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Сохранить настройки";
$a->strings['Client ID'] = 'Client ID';
$a->strings["Client ID"] = "Client ID";
$a->strings['Client Secret'] = 'Client Secret';
$a->strings["Client Secret"] = "Client Secret";
$a->strings['Error when registering buffer connection:'] = 'Ошибка при регистрации соединения Buffer:';
$a->strings["Error when registering buffer connection:"] = "Ошибка при регистрации соединения Buffer:";
$a->strings['You are now authenticated to buffer. '] = 'Вы аутентифицированы на Buffer.';
$a->strings["You are now authenticated to buffer. "] = "Вы аутентифицированы на Buffer.";
$a->strings['return to the connector page'] = 'вернуться на страницу коннектора';
$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "вернуться на страницу коннектора";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer'] = 'Написать в Buffer';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer"] = "Написать в Buffer";
$a->strings['Buffer Export'] = 'Экспорт в Buffer';
$a->strings["Buffer Export"] = "Экспорт в Buffer";
$a->strings['Authenticate your Buffer connection'] = 'Аутентифицируйте свое соединение с Buffer';
$a->strings["Authenticate your Buffer connection"] = "Аутентифицируйте свое соединение с Buffer";
$a->strings['Enable Buffer Post Addon'] = 'Включить аддон Buffer Post';
$a->strings["Enable Buffer Post Addon"] = "Включить аддон Buffer Post";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer by default'] = 'Отправлять в Buffer по умолчанию';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer by default"] = "Отправлять в Buffer по умолчанию";
$a->strings['Check to delete this preset'] = 'Отметьте для удаления этих настроек';
$a->strings["Check to delete this preset"] = "Отметьте для удаления этих настроек";
$a->strings['Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:'] = 'Сообщения уходят во все учетные записи по умолчанию:';
$a->strings["Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:"] = "Сообщения уходят во все учетные записи по умолчанию:";
@ -5,18 +5,17 @@ function string_plural_select_sv($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Permission denied.'] = 'Åtkomst nekad.';
$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Åtkomst nekad.";
$a->strings['Save Settings'] = 'Spara inställningar';
$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Spara inställningar";
$a->strings['Client ID'] = 'Klient-ID';
$a->strings["Client ID"] = "Klient-ID";
$a->strings['Client Secret'] = 'Klient hemlig nyckel';
$a->strings["Client Secret"] = "Klient hemlig nyckel";
$a->strings['Error when registering buffer connection:'] = 'Fel vid anslutning till Buffer';
$a->strings["Error when registering buffer connection:"] = "Fel vid anslutning till Buffer";
$a->strings['You are now authenticated to buffer. '] = 'Du är nu autentiserad mot Buffer.';
$a->strings["You are now authenticated to buffer. "] = "Du är nu autentiserad mot Buffer.";
$a->strings['return to the connector page'] = 'återgå till anslutningssida';
$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "återgå till anslutningssida";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer'] = 'Inlägg till Buffer';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer"] = "Inlägg till Buffer";
$a->strings['Buffer Export'] = 'Export till Buffer';
$a->strings["Buffer Export"] = "Export till Buffer";
$a->strings['Authenticate your Buffer connection'] = 'Validera din anslutning mot Buffer';
$a->strings["Authenticate your Buffer connection"] = "Validera din anslutning mot Buffer";
$a->strings['Enable Buffer Post Addon'] = 'Aktivera tillägg för Buffer-inlägg';
$a->strings["Enable Buffer Post Addon"] = "Aktivera tillägg för Buffer-inlägg";
$a->strings['Post to Buffer by default'] = 'Lägg in på Buffer som standard';
$a->strings["Post to Buffer by default"] = "Lägg in på Buffer som standard";
$a->strings['Check to delete this preset'] = 'Markera för att ta bort förinställning';
$a->strings["Check to delete this preset"] = "Markera för att ta bort förinställning";
$a->strings['Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:'] = 'Inlägg skickas som standard till alla konton som är aktiverade:';
$a->strings["Posts are going to all accounts that are enabled by default:"] = "Inlägg skickas som standard till alla konton som är aktiverade:";
@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ function string_plural_select_ca($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Report Bug'] = 'Informar d’error';
$a->strings["Report Bug"] = "Informar d’error";
@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ function string_plural_select_cs($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
if (($n==1)) { return 0; } else if (($n>=2 && $n<=4)) { return 1; } else { return 2; }
if (($n==1)) { return 0; } else if (($n>=2 && $n<=4)) { return 1; } else { return 2; }
$a->strings['Report Bug'] = 'Nahlásit chybu';
$a->strings["Report Bug"] = "Nahlásit chybu";
@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ function string_plural_select_de($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Report Bug'] = 'Fehler melden';
$a->strings["Report Bug"] = "Fehler melden";
@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ function string_plural_select_es($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Report Bug'] = 'Reportar error';
$a->strings["Report Bug"] = "Reportar error";
@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ function string_plural_select_fi_fi($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Report Bug'] = 'Ilmoita virheestä';
$a->strings["Report Bug"] = "Ilmoita virheestä";
@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ function string_plural_select_hu($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Report Bug'] = 'Hiba jelentése';
$a->strings["Report Bug"] = "Hiba jelentése";
@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ function string_plural_select_is($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n % 10 != 1 || $n % 100 == 11);
return intval($n % 10 != 1 || $n % 100 == 11);
$a->strings['Report Bug'] = 'Tilkynna villu';
$a->strings["Report Bug"] = "Tilkynna villu";
@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ function string_plural_select_it($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Report Bug'] = 'Segnala un Bug';
$a->strings["Report Bug"] = "Segnala un Bug";
@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ function string_plural_select_nb_no($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Report Bug'] = 'Rapporter feil';
$a->strings["Report Bug"] = "Rapporter feil";
@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ function string_plural_select_nl($n){
$n = intval($n);
$n = intval($n);
return intval($n != 1);
return intval($n != 1);
$a->strings['Report Bug'] = 'Bug rapporteren';
$a->strings["Report Bug"] = "Bug rapporteren";
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