Review update
Rename function, move others
This commit is contained in:
55 changed files with 331 additions and 326 deletions
@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ function navbar_complete(App $a) {
if (! $localsearch) {
$p = (($a->pager['page'] != 1) ? '&p=' . $a->pager['page'] : '');
$x = Network::zFetchURL(get_server() . '/lsearch?f=' . $p . '&search=' . urlencode($search));
$x = Network::curl(get_server() . '/lsearch?f=' . $p . '&search=' . urlencode($search));
if ($x['success']) {
$j = json_decode($x['body'],true);
if ($j && isset($j['results'])) {
@ -5074,7 +5074,7 @@ function api_get_nick($profile)
if ($StatusnetHost != $profile) {
$StatusnetUser = preg_replace("=https?://(.*)/user/(.*)=ism", "$2", $profile);
if ($StatusnetUser != $profile) {
$UserData = Network::fetchURL("http://".$StatusnetHost."/api/users/show.json?user_id=".$StatusnetUser);
$UserData = Network::fetchUrl("http://".$StatusnetHost."/api/users/show.json?user_id=".$StatusnetUser);
$user = json_decode($UserData);
if ($user) {
$nick = $user->screen_name;
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
use Friendica\Content\Text\BBCode;
use Friendica\Content\Text\Markdown;
use Friendica\Core\Addon;
use Friendica\Core\System;
use Friendica\Model\Contact;
use Friendica\Network\Probe;
use Friendica\Util\Network;
use League\HTMLToMarkdown\HtmlConverter;
require_once 'include/event.php';
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ function diaspora2bb($s) {
$s = preg_replace('/(\[code\])+(.*?)(\[\/code\])+/ism', '[code]$2[/code]', $s);
// Don't show link to full picture (until it is fixed)
$s = Network::scaleExternalImages($s, false);
$s = BBCode::scaleExternalImages($s, false);
return $s;
@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ function GetProfileUsername($profile, $username, $compact = false, $getnetwork =
$StatusnetUser = preg_replace("=https?://(.*)/user/(.*)=ism", "$2", $profile);
if ($StatusnetUser != $profile) {
/// @TODO Some hosts run on https, not just http and sometimes http is disabled, let's support both here
$UserData = Network::fetchURL("http://".$StatusnetHost."/api/users/show.json?user_id=".$StatusnetUser);
$UserData = Network::fetchUrl("http://".$StatusnetHost."/api/users/show.json?user_id=".$StatusnetUser);
$user = json_decode($UserData);
if ($user) {
if ($getnetwork) {
@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ function bb_RemovePictureLinks($match) {
$text = "[url=".$match[2]."]".$match[2]."[/url]";
// if its not a picture then look if its a page that contains a picture link
$body = Network::fetchURL($match[1]);
$body = Network::fetchUrl($match[1]);
$doc = new DOMDocument();
@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ function bb_CleanPictureLinksSub($match) {
$text = "[img]".$match[2]."[/img]";
// if its not a picture then look if its a page that contains a picture link
$body = Network::fetchURL($match[1]);
$body = Network::fetchUrl($match[1]);
$doc = new DOMDocument();
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ use Friendica\Model\Contact;
use Friendica\Model\Profile;
use Friendica\Object\Thread;
use Friendica\Object\Post;
use Friendica\Util\Network;
use Friendica\Util\XML;
require_once "include/bbcode.php";
require_once "include/acl_selectors.php";
@ -185,8 +185,8 @@ function localize_item(&$item) {
$xmlhead="<"."?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?".">";
$obj = Network::parseXmlString($xmlhead.$item['object']);
$links = Network::parseXmlString($xmlhead."<links>".unxmlify($obj->link)."</links>");
$obj = XML::parseString($xmlhead.$item['object']);
$links = XML::parseString($xmlhead."<links>".unxmlify($obj->link)."</links>");
$Bname = $obj->title;
$Blink = ""; $Bphoto = "";
@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ function localize_item(&$item) {
$xmlhead = "<" . "?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?" . ">";
$obj = Network::parseXmlString($xmlhead.$item['object']);
$links = Network::parseXmlString($xmlhead."<links>".unxmlify($obj->link)."</links>");
$obj = XML::parseString($xmlhead.$item['object']);
$links = XML::parseString($xmlhead."<links>".unxmlify($obj->link)."</links>");
$Bname = $obj->title;
$Blink = "";
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ function localize_item(&$item) {
$plink = '[url=' . $obj['plink'] . ']' . $post_type . '[/url]';
$parsedobj = Network::parseXmlString($xmlhead.$item['object']);
$parsedobj = XML::parseString($xmlhead.$item['object']);
$tag = sprintf('#[url=%s]%s[/url]', $parsedobj->id, $parsedobj->content);
$item['body'] = L10n::t('%1$s tagged %2$s\'s %3$s with %4$s', $author, $objauthor, $plink, $tag );
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ function localize_item(&$item) {
$xmlhead = "<" . "?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?" . ">";
$obj = Network::parseXmlString($xmlhead.$item['object']);
$obj = XML::parseString($xmlhead.$item['object']);
if (strlen($obj->id)) {
$r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ function addHostnameSub($matches, $basepath)
$url = $matches[1];
$parts = array_merge($base, parse_url($url));
$url2 = Network::unParseURL($parts);
$url2 = Network::unparseURL($parts);
return str_replace($url, $url2, $link);
@ -1481,7 +1481,7 @@ function subscribe_to_hub($url, $importer, $contact, $hubmode = 'subscribe') {
dba::update('contact', ['hub-verify' => $verify_token], ['id' => $contact['id']]);
Network::postURL($url, $params);
Network::post($url, $params);
logger('subscribe_to_hub: returns: ' . $a->get_curl_code(), LOGGER_DEBUG);
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ use Friendica\Network\Probe;
use Friendica\Protocol\Diaspora;
use Friendica\Util\Crypto;
use Friendica\Util\Network;
use Friendica\Util\XML;
require_once 'include/enotify.php';
require_once 'include/items.php';
@ -221,7 +222,7 @@ function dfrn_confirm_post(App $a, $handsfree = null)
$res = Network::postURL($dfrn_confirm, $params, null, $redirects, 120);
$res = Network::post($dfrn_confirm, $params, null, $redirects, 120);
logger(' Confirm: received data: ' . $res, LOGGER_DATA);
@ -252,7 +253,7 @@ function dfrn_confirm_post(App $a, $handsfree = null)
$xml = Network::parseXmlString($res);
$xml = XML::parseString($res);
$status = (int) $xml->status;
$message = unxmlify($xml->message); // human readable text of what may have gone wrong.
switch ($status) {
@ -493,7 +494,7 @@ function dfrn_confirm_post(App $a, $handsfree = null)
$user = dba::selectFirst('user', [], ['nickname' => $node]);
if (!DBM::is_result($user)) {
$message = L10n::t('No user record found for \'%s\' ', $node);
Network::xmlStatus(3, $message); // failure
Network::xmlExit(3, $message); // failure
@ -503,7 +504,7 @@ function dfrn_confirm_post(App $a, $handsfree = null)
if (!strstr($my_prvkey, 'PRIVATE KEY')) {
$message = L10n::t('Our site encryption key is apparently messed up.');
Network::xmlStatus(3, $message);
Network::xmlExit(3, $message);
// verify everything
@ -514,7 +515,7 @@ function dfrn_confirm_post(App $a, $handsfree = null)
if (!strlen($decrypted_source_url)) {
$message = L10n::t('Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us.');
Network::xmlStatus(3, $message);
Network::xmlExit(3, $message);
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ function dfrn_confirm_post(App $a, $handsfree = null)
if (!DBM::is_result($contact)) {
// this is either a bogus confirmation (?) or we deleted the original introduction.
$message = L10n::t('Contact record was not found for you on our site.');
Network::xmlStatus(3, $message);
Network::xmlExit(3, $message);
return; // NOTREACHED
@ -544,7 +545,7 @@ function dfrn_confirm_post(App $a, $handsfree = null)
if (!$foreign_pubkey) {
$message = L10n::t('Site public key not available in contact record for URL %s.', $decrypted_source_url);
Network::xmlStatus(3, $message);
Network::xmlExit(3, $message);
$decrypted_dfrn_id = "";
@ -560,7 +561,7 @@ function dfrn_confirm_post(App $a, $handsfree = null)
if (dba::exists('contact', ['dfrn-id' => $decrypted_dfrn_id])) {
$message = L10n::t('The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work if you try again.');
Network::xmlStatus(1, $message); // Birthday paradox - duplicate dfrn-id
Network::xmlExit(1, $message); // Birthday paradox - duplicate dfrn-id
@ -571,7 +572,7 @@ function dfrn_confirm_post(App $a, $handsfree = null)
if (!DBM::is_result($r)) {
$message = L10n::t('Unable to set your contact credentials on our system.');
Network::xmlStatus(3, $message);
Network::xmlExit(3, $message);
// It's possible that the other person also requested friendship.
@ -626,7 +627,7 @@ function dfrn_confirm_post(App $a, $handsfree = null)
if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { // indicates schema is messed up or total db failure
$message = L10n::t('Unable to update your contact profile details on our system');
Network::xmlStatus(3, $message);
Network::xmlExit(3, $message);
// Otherwise everything seems to have worked and we are almost done. Yay!
@ -707,7 +708,7 @@ function dfrn_confirm_post(App $a, $handsfree = null)
Network::xmlStatus(0); // Success
Network::xmlExit(0); // Success
return; // NOTREACHED
////////////////////// End of this scenario ///////////////////////////////////////////////
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ function dfrn_notify_post(App $a) {
if (! DBM::is_result($r)) {
logger('dfrn_notify: could not match challenge to dfrn_id ' . $dfrn_id . ' challenge=' . $challenge);
Network::xmlStatus(3, 'Could not match challenge');
Network::xmlExit(3, 'Could not match challenge');
$r = q("DELETE FROM `challenge` WHERE `dfrn-id` = '%s' AND `challenge` = '%s'",
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ function dfrn_notify_post(App $a) {
$sql_extra = sprintf(" AND `dfrn-id` = '%s' AND `duplex` = 1 ", dbesc($dfrn_id));
Network::xmlStatus(3, 'Invalid direction');
Network::xmlExit(3, 'Invalid direction');
break; // NOTREACHED
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ function dfrn_notify_post(App $a) {
if (! DBM::is_result($r)) {
logger('dfrn_notify: contact not found for dfrn_id ' . $dfrn_id);
Network::xmlStatus(3, 'Contact not found');
Network::xmlExit(3, 'Contact not found');
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ function dfrn_notify_post(App $a) {
// if contact's ssl policy changed, update our links
Network::fixContactSslPolicy($importer, $ssl_policy);
$importer = Contact::updateSslPolicy($importer, $ssl_policy);
logger('dfrn_notify: received notify from ' . $importer['name'] . ' for ' . $importer['username']);
logger('dfrn_notify: data: ' . $data, LOGGER_DATA);
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ function dfrn_notify_post(App $a) {
// Relationship is dissolved permanently
logger('relationship dissolved : ' . $importer['name'] . ' dissolved ' . $importer['username']);
Network::xmlStatus(0, 'relationship dissolved');
Network::xmlExit(0, 'relationship dissolved');
$rino = Config::get('system', 'rino_encrypt');
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ function dfrn_notify_post(App $a) {
// but only for $remote_rino > 1, because old code did't send rino version
if ($rino_remote > 1 && $rino < $rino_remote) {
logger("rino version '$rino_remote' is lower than supported '$rino'");
Network::xmlStatus(0, "rino version '$rino_remote' is lower than supported '$rino'");
Network::xmlExit(0, "rino version '$rino_remote' is lower than supported '$rino'");
$rawkey = hex2bin(trim($key));
@ -176,14 +176,14 @@ function dfrn_notify_post(App $a) {
logger("rino: invalid sent version '$rino_remote'");
Network::xmlStatus(0, "Invalid sent version '$rino_remote'");
Network::xmlExit(0, "Invalid sent version '$rino_remote'");
logger('rino: decrypted data: ' . $data, LOGGER_DATA);
$ret = DFRN::import($data, $importer);
Network::xmlStatus($ret, 'Processed');
Network::xmlExit($ret, 'Processed');
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ use Friendica\Module\Login;
use Friendica\Protocol\DFRN;
use Friendica\Protocol\OStatus;
use Friendica\Util\Network;
use Friendica\Util\XML;
require_once 'include/items.php';
@ -99,12 +100,12 @@ function dfrn_poll_init(App $a)
if (DBM::is_result($r)) {
$s = Network::fetchURL($r[0]['poll'] . '?dfrn_id=' . $my_id . '&type=profile-check');
$s = Network::fetchUrl($r[0]['poll'] . '?dfrn_id=' . $my_id . '&type=profile-check');
logger("dfrn_poll: old profile returns " . $s, LOGGER_DATA);
if (strlen($s)) {
$xml = Network::parseXmlString($s);
$xml = XML::parseString($s);
if ((int) $xml->status === 1) {
$_SESSION['authenticated'] = 1;
@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ function dfrn_poll_init(App $a)
if (!DBM::is_result($r)) {
Network::xmlStatus(3, 'No ticket');
Network::xmlExit(3, 'No ticket');
@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ function dfrn_poll_init(App $a)
if (!DBM::is_result($c)) {
Network::xmlStatus(3, 'No profile');
Network::xmlExit(3, 'No profile');
$contact = $c[0];
@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ function dfrn_poll_init(App $a)
if ($final_dfrn_id != $orig_id) {
logger('profile_check: ' . $final_dfrn_id . ' != ' . $orig_id, LOGGER_DEBUG);
// did not decode properly - cannot trust this site
Network::xmlStatus(3, 'Bad decryption');
Network::xmlExit(3, 'Bad decryption');
header("Content-type: text/xml");
@ -208,10 +209,10 @@ function dfrn_poll_init(App $a)
$r = q("SELECT * FROM `profile_check` WHERE `dfrn_id` = '%s' ORDER BY `expire` DESC",
if (DBM::is_result($r)) {
return; // NOTREACHED
return; // NOTREACHED
@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ function dfrn_poll_post(App $a)
if (!DBM::is_result($r)) {
Network::xmlStatus(3, 'No ticket');
Network::xmlExit(3, 'No ticket');
@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ function dfrn_poll_post(App $a)
if (!DBM::is_result($c)) {
Network::xmlStatus(3, 'No profile');
Network::xmlExit(3, 'No profile');
$contact = $c[0];
@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ function dfrn_poll_post(App $a)
if ($final_dfrn_id != $orig_id) {
logger('profile_check: ' . $final_dfrn_id . ' != ' . $orig_id, LOGGER_DEBUG);
// did not decode properly - cannot trust this site
Network::xmlStatus(3, 'Bad decryption');
Network::xmlExit(3, 'Bad decryption');
header("Content-type: text/xml");
@ -482,7 +483,7 @@ function dfrn_poll_content(App $a)
if (($type === 'profile') && (strlen($sec))) {
// URL reply
if ($dfrn_version < 2.2) {
$s = Network::fetchURL($r[0]['poll']
$s = Network::fetchUrl($r[0]['poll']
. '?dfrn_id=' . $encrypted_id
. '&type=profile-check'
. '&dfrn_version=' . DFRN_PROTOCOL_VERSION
@ -490,7 +491,7 @@ function dfrn_poll_content(App $a)
. '&sec=' . $sec
} else {
$s = Network::postURL($r[0]['poll'], [
$s = Network::post($r[0]['poll'], [
'dfrn_id' => $encrypted_id,
'type' => 'profile-check',
'dfrn_version' => DFRN_PROTOCOL_VERSION,
@ -521,7 +522,7 @@ function dfrn_poll_content(App $a)
logger("dfrn_poll: sec profile: " . $s, LOGGER_DATA);
if (strlen($s) && strstr($s, '<?xml')) {
$xml = Network::parseXmlString($s);
$xml = XML::parseString($s);
logger('dfrn_poll: profile: parsed xml: ' . print_r($xml, true), LOGGER_DATA);
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ function dfrn_request_post(App $a)
if (strlen($dfrn_request) && strlen($confirm_key)) {
$s = Network::fetchURL($dfrn_request . '?confirm_key=' . $confirm_key);
$s = Network::fetchUrl($dfrn_request . '?confirm_key=' . $confirm_key);
// (ignore reply, nothing we can do it failed)
@ -332,20 +332,20 @@ function dfrn_request_post(App $a)
} else {
$url = Network::validateURL($url);
$url = Network::isUrlValid($url);
if (!$url) {
notice(L10n::t('Invalid profile URL.') . EOL);
goaway(System::baseUrl() . '/' . $a->cmd);
return; // NOTREACHED
if (!Network::allowedURL($url)) {
if (!Network::isUrlAllowed($url)) {
notice(L10n::t('Disallowed profile URL.') . EOL);
goaway(System::baseUrl() . '/' . $a->cmd);
return; // NOTREACHED
if (Network::blockedURL($url)) {
if (Network::isUrlBlocked($url)) {
notice(L10n::t('Blocked domain') . EOL);
goaway(System::baseUrl() . '/' . $a->cmd);
return; // NOTREACHED
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function dirfind_content(App $a, $prefix = "") {
if (strpos($search,'@') === 0) {
$search = substr($search,1);
$header = L10n::t('People Search - %s', $search);
if ((valid_email($search) && Network::validateEmail($search)) ||
if ((valid_email($search) && Network::isEmailDomainValid($search)) ||
(substr(normalise_link($search), 0, 7) == "http://")) {
$user_data = Probe::uri($search);
$discover_user = (in_array($user_data["network"], [NETWORK_DFRN, NETWORK_OSTATUS, NETWORK_DIASPORA]));
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ function dirfind_content(App $a, $prefix = "") {
$p = (($a->pager['page'] != 1) ? '&p=' . $a->pager['page'] : '');
$x = Network::fetchURL(get_server().'/lsearch?f=' . $p . '&search=' . urlencode($search));
$x = Network::fetchUrl(get_server().'/lsearch?f=' . $p . '&search=' . urlencode($search));
$j = json_decode($x);
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ function hovercard_content()
return $o;
} else {
@ -483,10 +483,10 @@ function check_htaccess(&$checks) {
$status = true;
$help = "";
if (function_exists('curl_init')) {
$test = Network::fetchURL(System::baseUrl()."/install/testrewrite");
$test = Network::fetchUrl(System::baseUrl()."/install/testrewrite");
if ($test != "ok") {
$test = Network::fetchURL(normalise_link(System::baseUrl()."/install/testrewrite"));
$test = Network::fetchUrl(normalise_link(System::baseUrl()."/install/testrewrite"));
if ($test != "ok") {
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ use Friendica\Network\Probe;
use Friendica\Protocol\Diaspora;
use Friendica\Protocol\Email;
use Friendica\Util\Emailer;
use Friendica\Util\Network;
require_once 'include/enotify.php';
require_once 'include/tags.php';
@ -520,7 +519,7 @@ function item_post(App $a) {
// Fold multi-line [code] sequences
$body = preg_replace('/\[\/code\]\s*\[code\]/ism', "\n", $body);
$body = Network::scaleExternalImages($body, false);
$body = BBCode::scaleExternalImages($body, false);
// Setting the object type if not defined before
if (!$objecttype) {
@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ function match_content(App $a)
if (strlen(Config::get('system', 'directory'))) {
$x = Network::postURL(get_server().'/msearch', $params);
$x = Network::post(get_server().'/msearch', $params);
} else {
$x = Network::postURL(System::baseUrl() . '/msearch', $params);
$x = Network::post(System::baseUrl() . '/msearch', $params);
$j = json_decode($x);
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ function nodeinfo_cron() {
// Now trying to register
$url = ''.$a->get_hostname();
logger('registering url: '.$url, LOGGER_DEBUG);
$ret = Network::fetchURL($url);
$ret = Network::fetchUrl($url);
logger('registering answer: '.$ret, LOGGER_DEBUG);
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ function notifications_content(App $a) {
// Json output
if (intval($json) === 1) {
$notif_tpl = get_markup_template('notifications.tpl');
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ function oexchange_content(App $a) {
$tags = (((x($_REQUEST,'tags')) && strlen($_REQUEST['tags']))
? '&tags=' . urlencode(notags(trim($_REQUEST['tags']))) : '');
$s = Network::fetchURL(System::baseUrl() . '/parse_url?f=&url=' . $url . $title . $description . $tags);
$s = Network::fetchUrl(System::baseUrl() . '/parse_url?f=&url=' . $url . $title . $description . $tags);
if (! strlen($s)) {
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ function ostatus_subscribe_content(App $a) {
$api = $contact["baseurl"]."/api/";
// Fetching friends
$data = Network::zFetchURL($api."statuses/friends.json?screen_name=".$contact["nick"]);
$data = Network::curl($api."statuses/friends.json?screen_name=".$contact["nick"]);
if (!$data["success"]) {
return $o.L10n::t("Couldn't fetch friends for contact.");
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ function parse_url_content(App $a) {
// the URL with the corresponding BBCode media tag
$redirects = 0;
// Fetch the header of the URL
$result = Network::zFetchURL($url, false, $redirects, ["novalidate" => true, "nobody" => true]);
$result = Network::curl($url, false, $redirects, ["novalidate" => true, "nobody" => true]);
if($result["success"]) {
// Convert the header fields into an array
$hdrs = [];
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ function proxy_init(App $a) {
// It shouldn't happen but it does - spaces in URL
$_REQUEST['url'] = str_replace(' ', '+', $_REQUEST['url']);
$redirects = 0;
$img_str = Network::fetchURL($_REQUEST['url'], true, $redirects, 10);
$img_str = Network::fetchUrl($_REQUEST['url'], true, $redirects, 10);
$tempfile = tempnam(get_temppath(), 'cache');
file_put_contents($tempfile, $img_str);
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ function pubsubhubbub_init(App $a) {
// we don't actually enforce the lease time because GNU
// Social/StatusNet doesn't honour it (yet)
$body = Network::fetchURL($hub_callback . "?" . $params);
$body = Network::fetchUrl($hub_callback . "?" . $params);
$ret = $a->get_curl_code();
// give up if the HTTP return code wasn't a success (2xx)
@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ function settings_post(App $a)
// If openid has changed or if there's an openid but no openidserver, try and discover it.
if ($openid != $a->user['openid'] || (strlen($openid) && (!strlen($openidserver)))) {
if (Network::validateURL($openid)) {
if (Network::isUrlValid($openid)) {
logger('updating openidserver');
require_once 'library/openid.php';
$open_id_obj = new LightOpenID;
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ function smilies_content(App $a)
for ($i = 0; $i < count($tmp['texts']); $i++) {
$results[] = ['text' => $tmp['texts'][$i], 'icon' => $tmp['icons'][$i]];
} else {
return Smilies::replace('', true);
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ text { font:12px Dialog; }
<text x="29" y="1664" style="font:13px Open Sans">getting transmitted (if $aes_allow -> encrypt the the public key)</text>
<text x="29" y="1710" style="font:13px Open Sans"> -> add duplex state and page-flags to the params</text>
<text x="29" y="1756" style="font:13px Open Sans"> -> send params to Bobs dfrn_confirm page ($res = </text>
<text x="29" y="1779" style="font:13px Open Sans">Network::postURL($dfrn_confirm,$params);</text>
<text x="29" y="1779" style="font:13px Open Sans">Network::post($dfrn_confirm,$params);</text>
<clipPath id="clip11"><path d="M1041,1319 L1619,1319 L1619,1913 L1041,1913 L1041,1319 Z" /></clipPath>
<path d="M1050,1320 C1045.5820313,1320 1042,1323.5820313 1042,1328 L1042,1903 C1042,1907.4179688 1045.5820313,1911 1050,1911 L1609,1911 C1613.4179688,1911 1617,1907.4179688 1617,1903 L1617,1328 C1617,1323.5820313 1613.4179688,1320 1609,1320 Z" style="fill:rgb(255,255,3);stroke:none" clip-path="url(#clip11)" />
<text x="1055" y="1342" style="font:13px Open Sans">dfrn_confirm_post()</text>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 24 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 24 KiB |
@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ text { font:12px Dialog; }
<text x="149" y="2112" style="font:13px Open Sans">- create a contact for Karen in the contact table with </text>
<text x="149" y="2135" style="font:13px Open Sans">the scraped data with blocked = 1 and pending = 1 </text>
<text x="149" y="2158" style="font:13px Open Sans">(Karens pubkey becomes the contact site-pubkey)</text>
<text x="149" y="2204" style="font:13px Open Sans">- Network::fetchURL($dfrn_request . '?confirm_key=' . </text>
<text x="149" y="2204" style="font:13px Open Sans">- Network::fetchUrl($dfrn_request . '?confirm_key=' . </text>
<text x="149" y="2227" style="font:13px Open Sans">$confirm_key);</text>
<text x="149" y="2273" style="font:13px Open Sans">- Network::fetchURL(</text>
<text x="149" y="2273" style="font:13px Open Sans">- Network::fetchUrl(</text>
<text x="149" y="2296" style="font:13px Open Sans">confirm_key=”ABC123”)</text>
<clipPath id="clip13"><path d="M1061,2027 L1238,2027 L1238,2069 L1061,2069 L1061,2027 Z" /></clipPath>
<path d="M1070,2028 C1065.5820313,2028 1062,2031.5820313 1062,2036 L1062,2059 C1062,2063.4179688 1065.5820313,2067 1070,2067 L1228,2067 C1232.4179688,2067 1236,2063.4179688 1236,2059 L1236,2036 C1236,2031.5820313 1232.4179688,2028 1228,2028 Z" style="fill:rgb(127,127,127);stroke:none" clip-path="url(#clip13)" />
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 33 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 33 KiB |
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class OEmbed
if (!in_array($ext, $noexts)) {
// try oembed autodiscovery
$redirects = 0;
$html_text = Network::fetchURL($embedurl, false, $redirects, 15, "text/*");
$html_text = Network::fetchUrl($embedurl, false, $redirects, 15, "text/*");
if ($html_text) {
$dom = @DOMDocument::loadHTML($html_text);
if ($dom) {
@ -86,13 +86,13 @@ class OEmbed
$entries = $xpath->query("//link[@type='application/json+oembed']");
foreach ($entries as $e) {
$href = $e->getAttributeNode("href")->nodeValue;
$txt = Network::fetchURL($href . '&maxwidth=' . $a->videowidth);
$txt = Network::fetchUrl($href . '&maxwidth=' . $a->videowidth);
$entries = $xpath->query("//link[@type='text/json+oembed']");
foreach ($entries as $e) {
$href = $e->getAttributeNode("href")->nodeValue;
$txt = Network::fetchURL($href . '&maxwidth=' . $a->videowidth);
$txt = Network::fetchUrl($href . '&maxwidth=' . $a->videowidth);
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ class OEmbed
$allowed = explode(',', $str_allowed);
return Network::allowedDomain($domain, $allowed);
return Network::isDomainAllowed($domain, $allowed);
public static function getHTML($url, $title = null)
@ -6,7 +6,10 @@ namespace Friendica\Content\Text;
use Friendica\App;
use Friendica\Content\Text\Plaintext;
use Friencica\Core\Config;
use Friendica\Core\L10n;
use Friendica\Core\PConfig;
use Friendica\Core\System;
use Friendica\Object\Image;
use Friendica\Util\ParseUrl;
@ -475,4 +478,74 @@ class BBCode
public static function scaleExternalImages($srctext, $include_link = true, $scale_replace = false)
// Suppress "view full size"
if (intval(Config::get('system', 'no_view_full_size'))) {
$include_link = false;
// Picture addresses can contain special characters
$s = htmlspecialchars_decode($srctext);
$matches = null;
$c = preg_match_all('/\[img.*?\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism', $s, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if ($c) {
foreach ($matches as $mtch) {
logger('scale_external_image: ' . $mtch[1]);
$hostname = str_replace('www.', '', substr(System::baseUrl(), strpos(System::baseUrl(), '://') + 3));
if (stristr($mtch[1], $hostname)) {
// $scale_replace, if passed, is an array of two elements. The
// first is the name of the full-size image. The second is the
// name of a remote, scaled-down version of the full size image.
// This allows Friendica to display the smaller remote image if
// one exists, while still linking to the full-size image
if ($scale_replace) {
$scaled = str_replace($scale_replace[0], $scale_replace[1], $mtch[1]);
} else {
$scaled = $mtch[1];
$i = self::fetchURL($scaled);
if (! $i) {
return $srctext;
// guess mimetype from headers or filename
$type = Image::guessType($mtch[1], true);
if ($i) {
$Image = new Image($i, $type);
if ($Image->isValid()) {
$orig_width = $Image->getWidth();
$orig_height = $Image->getHeight();
if ($orig_width > 640 || $orig_height > 640) {
$new_width = $Image->getWidth();
$new_height = $Image->getHeight();
logger('scale_external_images: ' . $orig_width . '->' . $new_width . 'w ' . $orig_height . '->' . $new_height . 'h' . ' match: ' . $mtch[0], LOGGER_DEBUG);
$s = str_replace(
'[img=' . $new_width . 'x' . $new_height. ']' . $scaled . '[/img]'
. "\n" . (($include_link)
? '[url=' . $mtch[1] . ']' . L10n::t('view full size') . '[/url]' . "\n"
: ''),
logger('scale_external_images: new string: ' . $s, LOGGER_DEBUG);
// replace the special char encoding
$s = htmlspecialchars($s, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
return $s;
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use Friendica\Core\System;
use Friendica\Database\DBM;
use Friendica\Model\Contact;
use Friendica\Model\Profile;
use Friendica\Util\Network;
use Friendica\Util\XML;
require_once 'include/dba.php';
require_once 'include/html2plain.php';
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ class NotificationsManager extends BaseObject
$xmlhead = "<" . "?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?" . ">";
$obj = Network::parseXmlString($xmlhead . $it['object']);
$obj = XML::parseString($xmlhead . $it['object']);
$it['fname'] = $obj->title;
$notif = [
@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ class Worker
$url = System::baseUrl()."/worker";
Network::fetchURL($url, false, $redirects, 1);
Network::fetchUrl($url, false, $redirects, 1);
@ -1132,12 +1132,12 @@ class Contact extends BaseObject
// remove ajax junk, e.g. Twitter
$url = str_replace('/#!/', '/', $url);
if (!Network::allowedURL($url)) {
if (!Network::isUrlAllowed($url)) {
$result['message'] = L10n::t('Disallowed profile URL.');
return $result;
if (Network::blockedURL($url)) {
if (Network::isUrlBlocked($url)) {
$result['message'] = L10n::t('Blocked domain');
return $result;
@ -1321,4 +1321,37 @@ class Contact extends BaseObject
$result['success'] = true;
return $result;
public static function updateSslPolicy($contact, $new_policy)
$ssl_changed = false;
if ((intval($new_policy) == SSL_POLICY_SELFSIGN || $new_policy === 'self') && strstr($contact['url'], 'https:')) {
$ssl_changed = true;
$contact['url'] = str_replace('https:', 'http:', $contact['url']);
$contact['request'] = str_replace('https:', 'http:', $contact['request']);
$contact['notify'] = str_replace('https:', 'http:', $contact['notify']);
$contact['poll'] = str_replace('https:', 'http:', $contact['poll']);
$contact['confirm'] = str_replace('https:', 'http:', $contact['confirm']);
$contact['poco'] = str_replace('https:', 'http:', $contact['poco']);
if ((intval($new_policy) == SSL_POLICY_FULL || $new_policy === 'full') && strstr($contact['url'], 'http:')) {
$ssl_changed = true;
$contact['url'] = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $contact['url']);
$contact['request'] = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $contact['request']);
$contact['notify'] = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $contact['notify']);
$contact['poll'] = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $contact['poll']);
$contact['confirm'] = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $contact['confirm']);
$contact['poco'] = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $contact['poco']);
if ($ssl_changed) {
$fields = ['url' => $contact['url'], 'request' => $contact['request'],
'notify' => $contact['notify'], 'poll' => $contact['poll'],
'confirm' => $contact['confirm'], 'poco' => $contact['poco']];
dba::update('contact', $fields, ['id' => $contact['id']]);
return $contact;
@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ class GContact
$done[] = System::baseUrl() . '/poco';
if (strlen(Config::get('system', 'directory'))) {
$x = Network::fetchURL(get_server()."/pubsites");
$x = Network::fetchUrl(get_server()."/pubsites");
if ($x) {
$j = json_decode($x);
if ($j->entries) {
@ -980,7 +980,7 @@ class GContact
$url = $server."/main/statistics";
$result = Network::zFetchURL($url);
$result = Network::curl($url);
if (!$result["success"]) {
return false;
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class Photo
$photo_failure = false;
$filename = basename($image_url);
$img_str = Network::fetchURL($image_url, true);
$img_str = Network::fetchUrl($image_url, true);
if ($quit_on_error && ($img_str == "")) {
return false;
@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ class Profile
public static function zrlInit(App $a)
$my_url = self::getMyURL();
$my_url = Network::validateURL($my_url);
$my_url = Network::isUrlValid($my_url);
if ($my_url) {
// Is it a DDoS attempt?
// The check fetches the cached value from gprobe to reduce the load for this system
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ class User
if (!x($username) || !x($email) || !x($nickname)) {
if ($openid_url) {
if (!Network::validateURL($openid_url)) {
if (!Network::isUrlValid($openid_url)) {
throw new Exception(L10n::t('Invalid OpenID url'));
$_SESSION['register'] = 1;
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ class User
throw new Exception(L10n::t('Please enter the required information.'));
if (!Network::validateURL($openid_url)) {
if (!Network::isUrlValid($openid_url)) {
$openid_url = '';
@ -329,11 +329,11 @@ class User
if (!Network::allowedEmail($email)) {
if (!Network::isEmailDomainAllowed($email)) {
throw new Exception(L10n::t('Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site.'));
if (!valid_email($email) || !Network::validateEmail($email)) {
if (!valid_email($email) || !Network::isEmailDomainValid($email)) {
throw new Exception(L10n::t('Not a valid email address.'));
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ class User
// if we have no OpenID photo try to look up an avatar
if (!strlen($photo)) {
$photo = Network::avatarImg($email);
$photo = Network::lookupAvatarByEmail($email);
// unless there is no avatar-addon loaded
@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ class User
$photo_failure = false;
$filename = basename($photo);
$img_str = Network::fetchURL($photo, true);
$img_str = Network::fetchUrl($photo, true);
// guess mimetype from headers or filename
$type = Image::guessType($photo, true);
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class Login extends BaseModule
$openid_url = trim($_POST['openid_url'] ? : $_POST['username']);
// if it's an email address or doesn't resolve to a URL, fail.
if ($noid || strpos($openid_url, '@') || !Network::validateURL($openid_url)) {
if ($noid || strpos($openid_url, '@') || !Network::isUrlValid($openid_url)) {
notice(L10n::t('Login failed.') . EOL);
@ -107,21 +107,21 @@ class Probe
logger("Probing for ".$host, LOGGER_DEBUG);
$ret = Network::zFetchURL($ssl_url, false, $redirects, ['timeout' => $xrd_timeout, 'accept_content' => 'application/xrd+xml']);
$ret = Network::curl($ssl_url, false, $redirects, ['timeout' => $xrd_timeout, 'accept_content' => 'application/xrd+xml']);
if ($ret['success']) {
$xml = $ret['body'];
$xrd = Network::parseXmlString($xml, false);
$xrd = XML::parseString($xml, false);
$host_url = 'https://'.$host;
if (!is_object($xrd)) {
$ret = Network::zFetchURL($url, false, $redirects, ['timeout' => $xrd_timeout, 'accept_content' => 'application/xrd+xml']);
$ret = Network::curl($url, false, $redirects, ['timeout' => $xrd_timeout, 'accept_content' => 'application/xrd+xml']);
if ($ret['errno'] == CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT) {
logger("Probing timeout for ".$url, LOGGER_DEBUG);
return false;
$xml = $ret['body'];
$xrd = Network::parseXmlString($xml, false);
$xrd = XML::parseString($xml, false);
$host_url = 'http://'.$host;
if (!is_object($xrd)) {
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ class Probe
if (x($data, "photo")) {
$data["baseurl"] = Network::matchingURL(normalise_link($data["baseurl"]), normalise_link($data["photo"]));
$data["baseurl"] = Network::getUrlMatch(normalise_link($data["baseurl"]), normalise_link($data["photo"]));
} else {
$data["photo"] = System::baseUrl().'/images/person-175.jpg';
@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ class Probe
$xrd_timeout = Config::get('system', 'xrd_timeout', 20);
$redirects = 0;
$ret = Network::zFetchURL($url, false, $redirects, ['timeout' => $xrd_timeout, 'accept_content' => $type]);
$ret = Network::curl($url, false, $redirects, ['timeout' => $xrd_timeout, 'accept_content' => $type]);
if ($ret['errno'] == CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT) {
return false;
@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ class Probe
// If it is not JSON, maybe it is XML
$xrd = Network::parseXmlString($data, false);
$xrd = XML::parseString($data, false);
if (!is_object($xrd)) {
logger("No webfinger data retrievable for ".$url, LOGGER_DEBUG);
return false;
@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ class Probe
private static function pollNoscrape($noscrape_url, $data)
$ret = Network::zFetchURL($noscrape_url);
$ret = Network::curl($noscrape_url);
if ($ret['errno'] == CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT) {
return false;
@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ class Probe
private static function pollHcard($hcard_url, $data, $dfrn = false)
$ret = Network::zFetchURL($hcard_url);
$ret = Network::curl($hcard_url);
if ($ret['errno'] == CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT) {
return false;
@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@ class Probe
$pubkey = substr($pubkey, 5);
} elseif (normalise_link($pubkey) == 'http://') {
$ret = Network::zFetchURL($pubkey);
$ret = Network::curl($pubkey);
if ($ret['errno'] == CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT) {
return false;
@ -1264,7 +1264,7 @@ class Probe
// Fetch all additional data from the feed
$ret = Network::zFetchURL($data["poll"]);
$ret = Network::curl($data["poll"]);
if ($ret['errno'] == CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT) {
return false;
@ -1448,7 +1448,7 @@ class Probe
private static function feed($url, $probe = true)
$ret = Network::zFetchURL($url);
$ret = Network::curl($url);
if ($ret['errno'] == CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT) {
return false;
@ -1509,7 +1509,7 @@ class Probe
private static function mail($uri, $uid)
if (!Network::validateEmail($uri)) {
if (!Network::isEmailDomainValid($uri)) {
return false;
@ -1543,7 +1543,7 @@ class Probe
$data["network"] = NETWORK_MAIL;
$data["name"] = substr($uri, 0, strpos($uri, '@'));
$data["nick"] = $data["name"];
$data["photo"] = Network::avatarImg($uri);
$data["photo"] = Network::lookupAvatarByEmail($uri);
$data["url"] = 'mailto:'.$uri;
$data["notify"] = 'smtp '.random_string();
$data["poll"] = 'email '.random_string();
@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ class Image
$data = Cache::get($url);
if (is_null($data) || !$data || !is_array($data)) {
$img_str = Network::fetchURL($url, true, $redirects, 4);
$img_str = Network::fetchUrl($url, true, $redirects, 4);
$filesize = strlen($img_str);
if (function_exists("getimagesizefromstring")) {
@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ class DFRN
if ($activity) {
$entry = $doc->createElement($element);
$r = Network::parseXmlString($activity, false);
$r = XML::parseString($activity, false);
if (!$r) {
return false;
@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ class DFRN
$r->link = preg_replace('/\<link(.*?)\"\>/', '<link$1"/>', $r->link);
// XML does need a single element as root element so we add a dummy element here
$data = Network::parseXmlString("<dummy>" . $r->link . "</dummy>", false);
$data = XML::parseString("<dummy>" . $r->link . "</dummy>", false);
if (is_object($data)) {
foreach ($data->link as $link) {
$attributes = [];
@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ class DFRN
logger('dfrn_deliver: ' . $url);
$ret = Network::zFetchURL($url);
$ret = Network::curl($url);
if ($ret['errno'] == CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT) {
return -2; // timed out
@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@ class DFRN
return 3;
$res = Network::parseXmlString($xml);
$res = XML::parseString($xml);
if ((intval($res->status) != 0) || (! strlen($res->challenge)) || (! strlen($res->dfrn_id))) {
return (($res->status) ? $res->status : 3);
@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@ class DFRN
logger('dfrn_deliver: ' . "SENDING: " . print_r($postvars, true), LOGGER_DATA);
$xml = Network::postURL($contact['notify'], $postvars);
$xml = Network::post($contact['notify'], $postvars);
logger('dfrn_deliver: ' . "RECEIVED: " . $xml, LOGGER_DATA);
@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ class DFRN
$res = Network::parseXmlString($xml);
$res = XML::parseString($xml);
if (!isset($res->status)) {
return -11;
@ -2188,7 +2188,7 @@ class DFRN
if (!$verb) {
$xo = Network::parseXmlString($item["object"], false);
$xo = XML::parseString($item["object"], false);
if (($xo->type == ACTIVITY_OBJ_PERSON) && ($xo->id)) {
// somebody was poked/prodded. Was it me?
@ -2310,8 +2310,8 @@ class DFRN
if (($item["verb"] == ACTIVITY_TAG) && ($item["object-type"] == ACTIVITY_OBJ_TAGTERM)) {
$xo = Network::parseXmlString($item["object"], false);
$xt = Network::parseXmlString($item["target"], false);
$xo = XML::parseString($item["object"], false);
$xt = XML::parseString($item["target"], false);
if ($xt->type == ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE) {
$r = q(
@ -2518,7 +2518,7 @@ class DFRN
$item["object"] = self::transformActivity($xpath, $object, "object");
if (trim($item["object"]) != "") {
$r = Network::parseXmlString($item["object"], false);
$r = XML::parseString($item["object"], false);
if (isset($r->type)) {
$item["object-type"] = $r->type;
@ -2787,8 +2787,8 @@ class DFRN
if (($item["verb"] == ACTIVITY_TAG) && ($item["object-type"] == ACTIVITY_OBJ_TAGTERM)) {
$xo = Network::parseXmlString($item["object"], false);
$xt = Network::parseXmlString($item["target"], false);
$xo = XML::parseString($item["object"], false);
$xt = XML::parseString($item["target"], false);
if ($xt->type == ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE) {
$i = q(
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ class Diaspora
private static function verifyMagicEnvelope($envelope)
$basedom = Network::parseXmlString($envelope);
$basedom = XML::parseString($envelope);
if (!is_object($basedom)) {
logger("Envelope is no XML file");
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ class Diaspora
$xml = $raw;
$basedom = Network::parseXmlString($xml);
$basedom = XML::parseString($xml);
if (!is_object($basedom)) {
logger('Received data does not seem to be an XML. Discarding. '.$xml);
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ class Diaspora
public static function decode($importer, $xml)
$public = false;
$basedom = Network::parseXmlString($xml);
$basedom = XML::parseString($xml);
if (!is_object($basedom)) {
logger("XML is not parseable.");
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ class Diaspora
$decrypted = self::aesDecrypt($outer_key, $outer_iv, $ciphertext);
logger('decrypted: '.$decrypted, LOGGER_DEBUG);
$idom = Network::parseXmlString($decrypted);
$idom = XML::parseString($decrypted);
$inner_iv = base64_decode($idom->iv);
$inner_aes_key = base64_decode($idom->aes_key);
@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ class Diaspora
private static function validPosting($msg)
$data = Network::parseXmlString($msg["message"]);
$data = XML::parseString($msg["message"]);
if (!is_object($data)) {
logger("No valid XML ".$msg["message"], LOGGER_DEBUG);
@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ class Diaspora
logger("Fetch post from ".$source_url, LOGGER_DEBUG);
$envelope = Network::fetchURL($source_url);
$envelope = Network::fetchUrl($source_url);
if ($envelope) {
logger("Envelope was fetched.", LOGGER_DEBUG);
$x = self::verifyMagicEnvelope($envelope);
@ -1275,13 +1275,13 @@ class Diaspora
$source_url = $server."/p/".urlencode($guid).".xml";
logger("Fetch post from ".$source_url, LOGGER_DEBUG);
$x = Network::fetchURL($source_url);
$x = Network::fetchUrl($source_url);
if (!$x) {
return false;
$source_xml = Network::parseXmlString($x);
$source_xml = XML::parseString($x);
if (!is_object($source_xml)) {
return false;
@ -3229,7 +3229,7 @@ class Diaspora
if (!intval(Config::get("system", "diaspora_test"))) {
$content_type = (($public_batch) ? "application/magic-envelope+xml" : "application/json");
Network::postURL($dest_url."/", $envelope, ["Content-Type: ".$content_type]);
Network::post($dest_url."/", $envelope, ["Content-Type: ".$content_type]);
$return_code = $a->get_curl_code();
} else {
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ class Feed {
$orig_plink = $item["plink"];
$item["plink"] = Network::originalURL($item["plink"]);
$item["plink"] = Network::finalUrl($item["plink"]);
$item["parent-uri"] = $item["uri"];
@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ class OStatus
self::$conv_list[$conversation] = true;
$conversation_data = Network::zFetchURL($conversation, false, $redirects, ['accept_content' => 'application/atom+xml, text/html']);
$conversation_data = Network::curl($conversation, false, $redirects, ['accept_content' => 'application/atom+xml, text/html']);
if (!$conversation_data['success']) {
@ -754,7 +754,7 @@ class OStatus
if ($file != '') {
$conversation_atom = Network::zFetchURL($attribute['href']);
$conversation_atom = Network::curl($attribute['href']);
if ($conversation_atom['success']) {
$xml = $conversation_atom['body'];
@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ class OStatus
$self_data = Network::zFetchURL($self);
$self_data = Network::curl($self);
if (!$self_data['success']) {
@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ class OStatus
$stored = false;
$related_data = Network::zFetchURL($related, false, $redirects, ['accept_content' => 'application/atom+xml, text/html']);
$related_data = Network::curl($related, false, $redirects, ['accept_content' => 'application/atom+xml, text/html']);
if (!$related_data['success']) {
@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ class OStatus
if ($atom_file != '') {
$related_atom = Network::zFetchURL($atom_file);
$related_atom = Network::curl($atom_file);
if ($related_atom['success']) {
logger('Fetched XML for URI '.$related_uri, LOGGER_DEBUG);
@ -958,7 +958,7 @@ class OStatus
// Workaround for older GNU Social servers
if (($xml == '') && strstr($related, '/notice/')) {
$related_atom = Network::zFetchURL(str_replace('/notice/', '/api/statuses/show/', $related).'.atom');
$related_atom = Network::curl(str_replace('/notice/', '/api/statuses/show/', $related).'.atom');
if ($related_atom['success']) {
logger('GNU Social workaround to fetch XML for URI '.$related_uri, LOGGER_DEBUG);
@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ class OStatus
// Even more worse workaround for GNU Social ;-)
if ($xml == '') {
$related_guess = OStatus::convertHref($related_uri);
$related_atom = Network::zFetchURL(str_replace('/notice/', '/api/statuses/show/', $related_guess).'.atom');
$related_atom = Network::curl(str_replace('/notice/', '/api/statuses/show/', $related_guess).'.atom');
if ($related_atom['success']) {
logger('GNU Social workaround 2 to fetch XML for URI '.$related_uri, LOGGER_DEBUG);
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class PortableContact
logger('load: ' . $url, LOGGER_DEBUG);
$s = Network::fetchURL($url);
$s = Network::fetchUrl($url);
logger('load: returns ' . $s, LOGGER_DATA);
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ class PortableContact
// Fetch the host-meta to check if this really is a server
$serverret = Network::zFetchURL($server_url."/.well-known/host-meta");
$serverret = Network::curl($server_url."/.well-known/host-meta");
if (!$serverret["success"]) {
return "";
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ class PortableContact
$server = q("SELECT `noscrape`, `network` FROM `gserver` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND `noscrape` != ''", dbesc(normalise_link($server_url)));
if ($server) {
$noscraperet = Network::zFetchURL($server[0]["noscrape"]."/".$gcontacts[0]["nick"]);
$noscraperet = Network::curl($server[0]["noscrape"]."/".$gcontacts[0]["nick"]);
if ($noscraperet["success"] && ($noscraperet["body"] != "")) {
$noscrape = json_decode($noscraperet["body"], true);
@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ class PortableContact
$feedret = Network::zFetchURL($data["poll"]);
$feedret = Network::curl($data["poll"]);
if (!$feedret["success"]) {
$fields = ['last_failure' => datetime_convert()];
@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ class PortableContact
private static function fetchNodeinfo($server_url)
$serverret = Network::zFetchURL($server_url."/.well-known/nodeinfo");
$serverret = Network::curl($server_url."/.well-known/nodeinfo");
if (!$serverret["success"]) {
return false;
@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ class PortableContact
return false;
$serverret = Network::zFetchURL($nodeinfo_url);
$serverret = Network::curl($nodeinfo_url);
if (!$serverret["success"]) {
return false;
@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ class PortableContact
$server_url = str_replace("http://", "https://", $server_url);
// We set the timeout to 20 seconds since this operation should be done in no time if the server was vital
$serverret = Network::zFetchURL($server_url."/.well-known/host-meta", false, $redirects, ['timeout' => 20]);
$serverret = Network::curl($server_url."/.well-known/host-meta", false, $redirects, ['timeout' => 20]);
// Quit if there is a timeout.
// But we want to make sure to only quit if we are mostly sure that this server url fits.
@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ class PortableContact
$server_url = str_replace("https://", "http://", $server_url);
// We set the timeout to 20 seconds since this operation should be done in no time if the server was vital
$serverret = Network::zFetchURL($server_url."/.well-known/host-meta", false, $redirects, ['timeout' => 20]);
$serverret = Network::curl($server_url."/.well-known/host-meta", false, $redirects, ['timeout' => 20]);
// Quit if there is a timeout
if ($serverret['errno'] == CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT) {
@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ class PortableContact
// Look for poco
if (!$failure) {
$serverret = Network::zFetchURL($server_url."/poco");
$serverret = Network::curl($server_url."/poco");
if ($serverret["success"]) {
$data = json_decode($serverret["body"]);
if (isset($data->totalResults)) {
@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ class PortableContact
if (!$failure) {
// Test for Diaspora, Hubzilla, Mastodon or older Friendica servers
$serverret = Network::zFetchURL($server_url);
$serverret = Network::curl($server_url);
if (!$serverret["success"] || ($serverret["body"] == "")) {
$failure = true;
@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ class PortableContact
// Test for Statusnet
// Will also return data for Friendica and GNU Social - but it will be overwritten later
// The "not implemented" is a special treatment for really, really old Friendica versions
$serverret = Network::zFetchURL($server_url."/api/statusnet/version.json");
$serverret = Network::curl($server_url."/api/statusnet/version.json");
if ($serverret["success"] && ($serverret["body"] != '{"error":"not implemented"}') &&
($serverret["body"] != '') && (strlen($serverret["body"]) < 30)) {
$platform = "StatusNet";
@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ class PortableContact
// Test for GNU Social
$serverret = Network::zFetchURL($server_url."/api/gnusocial/version.json");
$serverret = Network::curl($server_url."/api/gnusocial/version.json");
if ($serverret["success"] && ($serverret["body"] != '{"error":"not implemented"}') &&
($serverret["body"] != '') && (strlen($serverret["body"]) < 30)) {
$platform = "GNU Social";
@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ class PortableContact
// Test for Mastodon
$orig_version = $version;
$serverret = Network::zFetchURL($server_url."/api/v1/instance");
$serverret = Network::curl($server_url."/api/v1/instance");
if ($serverret["success"] && ($serverret["body"] != '')) {
$data = json_decode($serverret["body"]);
@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ class PortableContact
if (!$failure) {
// Test for Hubzilla and Red
$serverret = Network::zFetchURL($server_url."/siteinfo.json");
$serverret = Network::curl($server_url."/siteinfo.json");
if ($serverret["success"]) {
$data = json_decode($serverret["body"]);
if (isset($data->url)) {
@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ class PortableContact
} else {
// Test for Hubzilla, Redmatrix or Friendica
$serverret = Network::zFetchURL($server_url."/api/statusnet/config.json");
$serverret = Network::curl($server_url."/api/statusnet/config.json");
if ($serverret["success"]) {
$data = json_decode($serverret["body"]);
if (isset($data->site->server)) {
@ -1119,7 +1119,7 @@ class PortableContact
// Query statistics.json. Optional package for Diaspora, Friendica and Redmatrix
if (!$failure) {
$serverret = Network::zFetchURL($server_url."/statistics.json");
$serverret = Network::curl($server_url."/statistics.json");
if ($serverret["success"]) {
$data = json_decode($serverret["body"]);
@ -1181,10 +1181,10 @@ class PortableContact
// Check for noscrape
// Friendica servers could be detected as OStatus servers
if (!$failure && in_array($network, [NETWORK_DFRN, NETWORK_OSTATUS])) {
$serverret = Network::zFetchURL($server_url."/friendica/json");
$serverret = Network::curl($server_url."/friendica/json");
if (!$serverret["success"]) {
$serverret = Network::zFetchURL($server_url."/friendika/json");
$serverret = Network::curl($server_url."/friendika/json");
if ($serverret["success"]) {
@ -1294,7 +1294,7 @@ class PortableContact
private static function fetchServerlist($poco)
$serverret = Network::zFetchURL($poco."/@server");
$serverret = Network::curl($poco."/@server");
if (!$serverret["success"]) {
@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@ class PortableContact
if (!empty($accesstoken)) {
$api = '';
$header = ['Authorization: Bearer '.$accesstoken];
$serverdata = Network::zFetchURL($api, false, $redirects, ['headers' => $header]);
$serverdata = Network::curl($api, false, $redirects, ['headers' => $header]);
if ($serverdata['success']) {
$servers = json_decode($serverdata['body']);
foreach ($servers->instances as $server) {
@ -1360,7 +1360,7 @@ class PortableContact
//if (!Config::get('system','ostatus_disabled')) {
// $serverdata = "";
// $result = Network::zFetchURL($serverdata);
// $result = Network::curl($serverdata);
// if ($result["success"]) {
// $servers = json_decode($result["body"]);
@ -1389,7 +1389,7 @@ class PortableContact
logger("Fetch all users from the server ".$server["url"], LOGGER_DEBUG);
$retdata = Network::zFetchURL($url);
$retdata = Network::curl($url);
if ($retdata["success"]) {
$data = json_decode($retdata["body"]);
@ -1408,7 +1408,7 @@ class PortableContact
$success = false;
$retdata = Network::zFetchURL($url);
$retdata = Network::curl($url);
if ($retdata["success"]) {
logger("Fetch all global contacts from the server ".$server["nurl"], LOGGER_DEBUG);
$success = self::discoverServer(json_decode($retdata["body"]));
@ -1493,7 +1493,7 @@ class PortableContact
// Fetch all contacts from a given user from the other server
$url = $server["poco"]."/".$username."/?fields=displayName,urls,photos,updated,network,aboutMe,currentLocation,tags,gender,contactType,generation";
$retdata = Network::zFetchURL($url);
$retdata = Network::curl($url);
if ($retdata["success"]) {
self::discoverServer(json_decode($retdata["body"]), 3);
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class Salmon
$ret[$x] = substr($ret[$x], 5);
} elseif (normalise_link($ret[$x]) == 'http://') {
$ret[$x] = Network::fetchURL($ret[$x]);
$ret[$x] = Network::fetchUrl($ret[$x]);
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class Salmon
$salmon = XML::fromArray($xmldata, $xml, false, $namespaces);
// slap them
Network::postURL($url, $salmon, [
Network::post($url, $salmon, [
'Content-type: application/magic-envelope+xml',
'Content-length: ' . strlen($salmon)
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class Salmon
$salmon = XML::fromArray($xmldata, $xml, false, $namespaces);
// slap them
Network::postURL($url, $salmon, [
Network::post($url, $salmon, [
'Content-type: application/magic-envelope+xml',
'Content-length: ' . strlen($salmon)
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class Salmon
$salmon = XML::fromArray($xmldata, $xml, false, $namespaces);
// slap them
Network::postURL($url, $salmon, [
Network::post($url, $salmon, [
'Content-type: application/magic-envelope+xml',
'Content-length: ' . strlen($salmon)]);
$return_code = $a->get_curl_code();
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ class ExAuth
$url = ($ssl ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $host . '/noscrape/' . $user;
$data = Network::zFetchURL($url);
$data = Network::curl($url);
if (!is_array($data)) {
return false;
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ use Friendica\Core\System;
use Friendica\Core\Config;
use Friendica\Network\Probe;
use Friendica\Object\Image;
use Friendica\Util\Network;
use Friendica\Util\XML;
require_once 'library/slinky.php';
@ -35,9 +34,9 @@ class Network
* @return string The fetched content
public static function fetchURL($url, $binary = false, &$redirects = 0, $timeout = 0, $accept_content = null, $cookiejar = 0)
public static function fetchUrl($url, $binary = false, &$redirects = 0, $timeout = 0, $accept_content = null, $cookiejar = 0)
$ret = self::zFetchURL(
$ret = self::curl(
@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ class Network
* string 'header' => HTTP headers
* string 'body' => fetched content
public static function zFetchURL($url, $binary = false, &$redirects = 0, $opts = [])
public static function curl($url, $binary = false, &$redirects = 0, $opts = [])
$ret = ['return_code' => 0, 'success' => false, 'header' => '', 'info' => '', 'body' => ''];
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ class Network
$a = get_app();
if (self::blockedURL($url)) {
if (self::isUrlBlocked($url)) {
logger('z_fetch_url: domain of ' . $url . ' is blocked', LOGGER_DATA);
return $ret;
@ -278,11 +277,11 @@ class Network
* @return string The content
public static function postURL($url, $params, $headers = null, &$redirects = 0, $timeout = 0)
public static function post($url, $params, $headers = null, &$redirects = 0, $timeout = 0)
$stamp1 = microtime(true);
if (self::blockedURL($url)) {
if (self::isUrlBlocked($url)) {
logger('post_url: domain of ' . $url . ' is blocked', LOGGER_DATA);
return false;
@ -381,7 +380,7 @@ class Network
if (filter_var($newurl, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
logger('post_url: redirect ' . $url . ' to ' . $newurl);
return self::postURL($newurl, $params, $headers, $redirects, $timeout);
return self::post($newurl, $params, $headers, $redirects, $timeout);
@ -405,7 +404,7 @@ class Network
* Outputs a basic dfrn XML status structure to STDOUT, with a <status> variable
* of $st and an optional text <message> of $message and terminates the current process.
public static function xmlStatus($st, $message = '')
public static function xmlExit($st, $message = '')
$result = ['status' => $st];
@ -465,7 +464,7 @@ class Network
* @brief Check URL to se if ts's real
* @brief Check URL to see if it's real
* Take a URL from the wild, prepend http:// if necessary
* and check DNS to see if it's real (or check if is a valid IP address)
@ -473,7 +472,7 @@ class Network
* @param string $url The URL to be validated
* @return string|boolean The actual working URL, false else
public static function validateURL($url)
public static function isUrlValid($url)
if (Config::get('system', 'disable_url_validation')) {
return $url;
@ -504,7 +503,7 @@ class Network
* @param string $addr The email address
* @return boolean True if it's a valid email address, false if it's not
public static function validateEmail($addr)
public static function isEmailDomainValid($addr)
if (Config::get('system', 'disable_email_validation')) {
return true;
@ -531,7 +530,7 @@ class Network
* @param string $url URL which get tested
* @return boolean True if url is allowed otherwise return false
public static function allowedURL($url)
public static function isUrlAllowed($url)
$h = @parse_url($url);
@ -576,7 +575,7 @@ class Network
* @return boolean
public static function blockedURL($url)
public static function isUrlBlocked($url)
$h = @parse_url($url);
@ -609,7 +608,7 @@ class Network
* @return boolean False if not allowed, true if allowed
* or if allowed list is not configured
public static function allowedEmail($email)
public static function isEmailDomainAllowed($email)
$domain = strtolower(substr($email, strpos($email, '@') + 1));
if (!$domain) {
@ -623,7 +622,7 @@ class Network
$allowed = explode(',', $str_allowed);
return self::allowedDomain($domain, $allowed);
return self::isDomainAllowed($domain, $allowed);
@ -634,7 +633,7 @@ class Network
* @param array $domain_list
* @return boolean
public static function allowedDomain($domain, array $domain_list)
public static function isDomainAllowed($domain, array $domain_list)
$found = false;
@ -649,7 +648,7 @@ class Network
return $found;
public static function avatarImg($email)
public static function lookupAvatarByEmail($email)
$avatar['size'] = 175;
$avatar['email'] = $email;
@ -666,125 +665,6 @@ class Network
return $avatar['url'];
public static function parseXmlString($s, $strict = true)
// the "strict" parameter is deactivated
/// @todo Move this function to the xml class
$x = @simplexml_load_string($s);
if (!$x) {
logger('libxml: parse: error: ' . $s, LOGGER_DATA);
foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $err) {
logger('libxml: parse: ' . $err->code." at ".$err->line.":".$err->column." : ".$err->message, LOGGER_DATA);
return $x;
public static function scaleExternalImages($srctext, $include_link = true, $scale_replace = false)
// Suppress "view full size"
if (intval(Config::get('system', 'no_view_full_size'))) {
$include_link = false;
// Picture addresses can contain special characters
$s = htmlspecialchars_decode($srctext);
$matches = null;
$c = preg_match_all('/\[img.*?\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism', $s, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if ($c) {
foreach ($matches as $mtch) {
logger('scale_external_image: ' . $mtch[1]);
$hostname = str_replace('www.', '', substr(System::baseUrl(), strpos(System::baseUrl(), '://') + 3));
if (stristr($mtch[1], $hostname)) {
// $scale_replace, if passed, is an array of two elements. The
// first is the name of the full-size image. The second is the
// name of a remote, scaled-down version of the full size image.
// This allows Friendica to display the smaller remote image if
// one exists, while still linking to the full-size image
if ($scale_replace) {
$scaled = str_replace($scale_replace[0], $scale_replace[1], $mtch[1]);
} else {
$scaled = $mtch[1];
$i = self::fetchURL($scaled);
if (! $i) {
return $srctext;
// guess mimetype from headers or filename
$type = Image::guessType($mtch[1], true);
if ($i) {
$Image = new Image($i, $type);
if ($Image->isValid()) {
$orig_width = $Image->getWidth();
$orig_height = $Image->getHeight();
if ($orig_width > 640 || $orig_height > 640) {
$new_width = $Image->getWidth();
$new_height = $Image->getHeight();
logger('scale_external_images: ' . $orig_width . '->' . $new_width . 'w ' . $orig_height . '->' . $new_height . 'h' . ' match: ' . $mtch[0], LOGGER_DEBUG);
$s = str_replace(
'[img=' . $new_width . 'x' . $new_height. ']' . $scaled . '[/img]'
. "\n" . (($include_link)
? '[url=' . $mtch[1] . ']' . L10n::t('view full size') . '[/url]' . "\n"
: ''),
logger('scale_external_images: new string: ' . $s, LOGGER_DEBUG);
// replace the special char encoding
$s = htmlspecialchars($s, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
return $s;
public static function fixContactSslPolicy(&$contact, $new_policy)
$ssl_changed = false;
if ((intval($new_policy) == SSL_POLICY_SELFSIGN || $new_policy === 'self') && strstr($contact['url'], 'https:')) {
$ssl_changed = true;
$contact['url'] = str_replace('https:', 'http:', $contact['url']);
$contact['request'] = str_replace('https:', 'http:', $contact['request']);
$contact['notify'] = str_replace('https:', 'http:', $contact['notify']);
$contact['poll'] = str_replace('https:', 'http:', $contact['poll']);
$contact['confirm'] = str_replace('https:', 'http:', $contact['confirm']);
$contact['poco'] = str_replace('https:', 'http:', $contact['poco']);
if ((intval($new_policy) == SSL_POLICY_FULL || $new_policy === 'full') && strstr($contact['url'], 'http:')) {
$ssl_changed = true;
$contact['url'] = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $contact['url']);
$contact['request'] = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $contact['request']);
$contact['notify'] = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $contact['notify']);
$contact['poll'] = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $contact['poll']);
$contact['confirm'] = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $contact['confirm']);
$contact['poco'] = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $contact['poco']);
if ($ssl_changed) {
$fields = ['url' => $contact['url'], 'request' => $contact['request'],
'notify' => $contact['notify'], 'poll' => $contact['poll'],
'confirm' => $contact['confirm'], 'poco' => $contact['poco']];
dba::update('contact', $fields, ['id' => $contact['id']]);
* @brief Remove Google Analytics and other tracking platforms params from URL
@ -849,7 +729,7 @@ class Network
* @param bool $fetchbody Wether to fetch the body or not after the HEAD requests
* @return string A canonical URL
public static function originalURL($url, $depth = 1, $fetchbody = false)
public static function finalUrl($url, $depth = 1, $fetchbody = false)
$a = get_app();
@ -886,15 +766,15 @@ class Network
&& (($curl_info['redirect_url'] != "") || ($curl_info['location'] != ""))
) {
if ($curl_info['redirect_url'] != "") {
return(Network::originalURL($curl_info['redirect_url'], ++$depth, $fetchbody));
return(self::finalUrl($curl_info['redirect_url'], ++$depth, $fetchbody));
} else {
return(Network::originalURL($curl_info['location'], ++$depth, $fetchbody));
return(self::finalUrl($curl_info['location'], ++$depth, $fetchbody));
// Check for redirects in the meta elements of the body if there are no redirects in the header.
if (!$fetchbody) {
return(Network::originalURL($url, ++$depth, true));
return(self::finalUrl($url, ++$depth, true));
// if the file is too large then exit
@ -946,7 +826,7 @@ class Network
$pathinfo = explode(";", $path);
foreach ($pathinfo as $value) {
if (substr(strtolower($value), 0, 4) == "url=") {
return(Network::originalURL(substr($value, 4), ++$depth));
return(self::finalUrl(substr($value, 4), ++$depth));
@ -955,7 +835,7 @@ class Network
return $url;
public static function shortLink($url)
public static function shortenUrl($url)
$slinky = new Slinky($url);
$yourls_url = Config::get('yourls', 'url1');
@ -987,7 +867,7 @@ class Network
* @param array $x The input content
public static function jsonReturnAndDie($x)
public static function jsonExit($x)
header("content-type: application/json");
echo json_encode($x);
@ -1001,7 +881,7 @@ class Network
* @param string $url2
* @return string The matching part
public static function matchingURL($url1, $url2)
public static function getUrlMatch($url1, $url2)
if (($url1 == "") || ($url2 == "")) {
return "";
@ -1061,7 +941,7 @@ class Network
* @return string The glued URL
public static function unParseURL($parsed)
public static function unparseURL($parsed)
$get = function ($key) use ($parsed) {
return isset($parsed[$key]) ? $parsed[$key] : null;
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class ParseUrl
$siteinfo["url"] = $url;
$siteinfo["type"] = "link";
$data = Network::zFetchURL($url);
$data = Network::curl($url);
if (!$data['success']) {
@ -413,4 +413,20 @@ class XML
public static function parseString($s, $strict = true)
// the "strict" parameter is deactivated
$x = @simplexml_load_string($s);
if (!$x) {
logger('libxml: parse: error: ' . $s, LOGGER_DATA);
foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $err) {
logger('libxml: parse: ' . $err->code." at ".$err->line.":".$err->column." : ".$err->message, LOGGER_DATA);
return $x;
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class CheckVersion {
logger("Checking VERSION from: ".$checked_url, LOGGER_DEBUG);
// fetch the VERSION file
$gitversion = dbesc(trim(Network::fetchURL($checked_url)));
$gitversion = dbesc(trim(Network::fetchUrl($checked_url)));
logger("Upstream VERSION is: ".$gitversion, LOGGER_DEBUG);
Config::set('system', 'git_friendica_version', $gitversion);
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ use Friendica\Model\User;
use Friendica\Protocol\Diaspora;
use Friendica\Protocol\DFRN;
use Friendica\Protocol\Email;
use Friendica\Util\Network;
use dba;
require_once 'include/html2plain.php';
@ -300,7 +299,7 @@ class Delivery {
$ssl_policy = Config::get('system','ssl_policy');
Network::fixContactSslPolicy($x[0], $ssl_policy);
$x[0] = Contact::updateSslPolicy($x[0], $ssl_policy);
// If we are setup as a soapbox we aren't accepting top level posts from this person
@ -12,8 +12,10 @@ use Friendica\Core\Worker;
use Friendica\Database\DBM;
use Friendica\Util\Network;
class Directory {
public static function execute($url = '') {
class Directory
public static function execute($url = '')
$dir = Config::get('system', 'directory');
if (!strlen($dir)) {
@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ class Directory {
logger('Updating directory: ' . $arr['url'], LOGGER_DEBUG);
if (strlen($arr['url'])) {
Network::fetchURL($dir . '?url=' . bin2hex($arr['url']));
Network::fetchUrl($dir . '?url=' . bin2hex($arr['url']));
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ class DiscoverPoCo {
$x = Network::fetchURL(get_server()."/lsearch?p=1&n=500&search=".urlencode($search));
$x = Network::fetchUrl(get_server()."/lsearch?p=1&n=500&search=".urlencode($search));
$j = json_decode($x);
if (count($j->results)) {
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ class DiscoverPoCo {
$url = "".urlencode($search);
$result = Network::zFetchURL($url);
$result = Network::curl($url);
if (!$result["success"]) {
return false;
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ use Friendica\Model\Contact;
use Friendica\Protocol\Email;
use Friendica\Protocol\PortableContact;
use Friendica\Util\Network;
use Friendica\Util\XML;
use dba;
require_once 'include/dba.php';
@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ class OnePoll
. '&type=data&last_update=' . $last_update
. '&perm=' . $perm ;
$ret = Network::zFetchURL($url);
$ret = Network::curl($url);
if ($ret['errno'] == CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT) {
// set the last-update so we don't keep polling
@ -219,7 +220,7 @@ class OnePoll
$res = Network::parseXmlString($handshake_xml);
$res = XML::parseString($handshake_xml);
if (intval($res->status) == 1) {
logger("$url replied status 1 - marking for death ");
@ -281,7 +282,7 @@ class OnePoll
$postvars['dfrn_version'] = DFRN_PROTOCOL_VERSION;
$postvars['perm'] = 'rw';
$xml = Network::postURL($contact['poll'], $postvars);
$xml = Network::post($contact['poll'], $postvars);
} elseif (($contact['network'] === NETWORK_OSTATUS)
|| ($contact['network'] === NETWORK_DIASPORA)
@ -312,7 +313,7 @@ class OnePoll
$cookiejar = tempnam(get_temppath(), 'cookiejar-onepoll-');
$ret = Network::zFetchURL($contact['poll'], false, $redirects, ['cookiejar' => $cookiejar]);
$ret = Network::curl($contact['poll'], false, $redirects, ['cookiejar' => $cookiejar]);
if ($ret['errno'] == CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT) {
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class PubSubPublish {
logger('POST '.print_r($headers, true)."\n".$params, LOGGER_DEBUG);
Network::postURL($rr['callback_url'], $params, $headers);
Network::post($rr['callback_url'], $params, $headers);
$ret = $a->get_curl_code();
if ($ret >= 200 && $ret <= 299) {
Add table
Reference in a new issue