filebrowser: massive improvements (fix , integrate fbrowser into jot)
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 246 additions and 125 deletions
@ -77,8 +77,13 @@ var FileBrowser = {
if (hash!=="") {
var h = hash.replace("#","");
FileBrowser.event = FileBrowser.event + "." + h.split("-")[0];
var destination = h.split("-")[0];
|||| = h.split("-")[1];
FileBrowser.event = FileBrowser.event + "." + destination;
if (destination == "comment") {
// get the comment textimput field
var commentElm = document.getElementById("comment-edit-text-" +;
console.log("FileBrowser:", nickname, type,FileBrowser.event, );
@ -90,16 +95,15 @@ var FileBrowser = {
$(".folders a, .path a").on("click", function(e){
var url = baseurl + "/fbrowser/" + FileBrowser.type + "/" + this.dataset.folder + "?mode=modal"+ location['hash'];
var url = baseurl + "/fbrowser/" + FileBrowser.type + "/" + this.dataset.folder + "?mode=modal";
// load new content to modal
$(function() {
FileBrowser.init(nickname, type, hash);
// load new content to fbrowser window
$(function() {FileBrowser.init(nickname, type, hash);});
//embed on click
$(".photo-album-photo-link").on('click', function(e){
@ -111,6 +115,21 @@ var FileBrowser = {
// attachment links are "baseurl/attach/id"; we need id
embed = "[attachment]""/").pop()+"[/attachment]";
// Delete prefilled Text of the comment input
// Note: not the best solution but function commentOpenUI don't
// work as expected (we need a way to wait until commentOpenUI would be finished).
// As for now we insert pieces of this function here
if ((commentElm !== null) && (typeof commentElm !== "undefined")) {
if (commentElm.value == aStr.comment){
commentElm.value = "";
$("#comment-edit-text-" +"comment-edit-text-full").removeClass("comment-edit-text-empty");
$("#comment-edit-submit-wrapper-" +;
$("#comment-edit-text-" +'tabindex','9');
$("#comment-edit-submit-" +'tabindex','10');
console.log(FileBrowser.event, this.dataset.filename, embed,;
parent.$("body").trigger(FileBrowser.event, [
@ -120,11 +139,10 @@ var FileBrowser = {
// close model
if (id!=="") {
$("#comment-edit-text-" +;
// if (id!=="") {
// commentExpand(;
// //$("#comment-edit-text-558").empty();
// };
@ -142,8 +160,14 @@ var FileBrowser = {
location = baseurl + "/fbrowser/image/?mode=minimal"+location['hash'];
// location = baseurl + "/fbrowser/image/?mode=modal"+location['hash'];
// location.reload(true);
var url = baseurl + "/fbrowser/" + FileBrowser.type + "?mode=modal"
// load new content to fbrowser window
$(function() {FileBrowser.init(nickname, type, hash);});
@ -161,11 +185,17 @@ var FileBrowser = {
location = baseurl + "/fbrowser/file/?mode=minimal"+location['hash'];
// location = baseurl + "/fbrowser/file/?mode=modal"+location['hash'];
// location.reload(true);
var url = baseurl + "/fbrowser/" + FileBrowser.type + "?mode=modal"
// load new content to fbrowser window
$(function() {FileBrowser.init(nickname, type, hash);});
@ -1,15 +1,113 @@
* @brief contains functions for bootstrap modal handling
// Clear bs modal on close
// We need this to prevent that the modal displays old content
$('body, footer').on('', '.modal', function () {
// remove the file browser from jot (else we would have problems
// with ajaxupload
// Clear bs modal on close
// We need this to prevent that the modal displays old content
$('body').on('', '.modal', function () {
// Add Colorbox for viewing Network page images
//var cBoxClasses = new Array();
$(".wall-item-body a img").each(function(){
var aElem = $(this).parent();
var imgHref = aElem.attr("href");
// We need to make sure we only put a Colorbox on links to Friendica images
// We'll try to do this by looking for links of the form
// .../photo/ab803d8eg08daf85023adfec08 (with nothing more following), in hopes
// that that will be unique enough
if(imgHref.match(/\/photo\/[a-fA-F0-9]+(-[0-9]\.[\w]+?)?$/)) {
// Add a unique class to all the images of a certain post, to allow scrolling through
var cBoxClass = $(this).closest(".wall-item-body").attr("id") + "-lightbox";
// if( $.inArray(cBoxClass, cBoxClasses) < 0 ) {
// cBoxClasses.push(cBoxClass);
// }
maxHeight: '90%',
photo: true, // Colorbox doesn't recognize a URL that don't end in .jpg, etc. as a photo
rel: cBoxClass //$(this).attr("class").match(/wall-item-body-[\d]+-lightbox/)[0]
// Jot nav menu.
$("body").on("click", "#jot-modal .jot-nav li a", function(e){
// overwrite from main js to load the filebrowser into a bs modal
|||| = function(url) {
var modal = $('#modal').modal();
.load(url, function (responseText, textStatus) {
if ( textStatus === 'success' ||
textStatus === 'notmodified')
$(function() {Dialog._load(url);});
// overwrite the function _get_url from main.js
Dialog._get_url = function(type, name, id) {
var hash = name;
if (id !== undefined) hash = hash + "-" + id;
return "fbrowser/"+type+"/?mode=modal#"+hash;
// does load the filebrowser into the jot modal
Dialog.showJot = function() {
var type = "image";
var name = "main";
var url = Dialog._get_url(type, name);
if(($(".modal-body #jot-fbrowser-wrapper .fbrowser").length) < 1 ) {
// load new content to fbrowser window
$("#jot-fbrowser-wrapper").load(url,function(responseText, textStatus){
if ( textStatus === 'success' ||
textStatus === 'notmodified')
$(function() {Dialog._load(url);});
// init the filebrowser after page load
Dialog._load = function(url) {
// get nickname & filebrowser type from the modal content
var nickname = $("#fb-nickname").attr("value");
var type = $("#fb-type").attr("value");
// try to fetch the hash form the url
var match = url.match(/fbrowser\/[a-z]+\/\?mode=modal(.*)/);
var hash = match[1];
// initialize the filebrowser
var jsbrowser = function() {
FileBrowser.init(nickname, type, hash);
loadScript("view/theme/frio/js/filebrowser.js", jsbrowser);
* @brief Add first h3 element as modal title
@ -33,7 +131,8 @@ function loadModalTitle() {
// This function loads html content from a friendica page
// into a modal
function addToModal(url) {
var char = qOrAmp(url);
@ -54,11 +153,13 @@ function addToModal(url) {
// function to load the html from the edit post page into
// the jot modal
function editpost(url) {
var modal = $('#jot-modal').modal();
var url = url + " #profile-jot-form";
//var rand_num = random_digits(12);
$(".jot-nav #jot-perms-lnk").parent("li").hide();
// rename the the original div jot-preview-content because the edit function
// does load the content for the modal from another source and preview won't work
@ -97,22 +198,23 @@ function editpost(url) {
// remove content from the jot modal
function jotreset() {
// Clear bs modal on close
// We need this to prevent that the modal displays old content
$('body').on('', '#jot-modal', function () {
$(".jot-nav #jot-perms-lnk").parent("li").show();
$("#profile-jot-form #jot-title-wrap").show();
$("#profile-jot-form #jot-category-wrap").show();
// the following was commented out because it is needed anymore
// because we changed the behavior at an other place
// var rand_num = random_digits(12);
// $('#jot-title, #jot-category, #profile-jot-text').val("");
// $( "#profile-jot-form input[name='type']" ).val("wall");
// $( "#profile-jot-form input[name='post_id']" ).val("");
// $( "#profile-jot-form input[name='post_id_random']" ).val(rand_num);
// var rand_num = random_digits(12);
// $('#jot-title, #jot-category, #profile-jot-text').val("");
// $( "#profile-jot-form input[name='type']" ).val("wall");
// $( "#profile-jot-form input[name='post_id']" ).val("");
// $( "#profile-jot-form input[name='post_id_random']" ).val(rand_num);
// rename the div #jot-preview-content-renamed back to it's original
@ -123,5 +225,14 @@ function jotreset() {
// Move the original jot back to it's old place in the html structure
// For explaination have a look at function editpost()
$("footer #cache-container #profile-jot-form").appendTo("section #jot-content");
// Give the active "jot-nav" list element the class "active"
function toggleJotNav (elm) {
// select all li of jot-nav and remove the active class
// add the active class to the parent of the link which was selected
@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ function hideThread(id) {
$("#collapsed-comments-" + id + " .collapsed-comments").hide()
function cmtBbOpen(id) {
$("#comment-edit-bb-" + id).show();
@ -115,6 +114,24 @@ function commentCloseUI(obj, id) {
$(document).bind( "click.commentClose", handler );
// test if there is default content in the jot text box and remove it
function jotTextOpenUI(obj) {
if(obj.value == aStr.share) {
obj.value = '';
$(".modal-body #profile-jot-text").addClass("profile-jot-text-full").removeClass("profile-jot-text-empty");
// insert default content into the jot text box
// if it's empty
function jotTextCloseUI(obj) {
if(obj.value === '') {
obj.value = aStr.share;
$(".modal-body #profile-jot-text").removeClass("profile-jot-text-full").addClass("profile-jot-text-empty");
function commentOpen(obj,id) {
if(obj.value == aStr.comment) {
obj.value = '';
@ -89,69 +89,6 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
// Add Colorbox for viewing Network page images
//var cBoxClasses = new Array();
$(".wall-item-body a img").each(function(){
var aElem = $(this).parent();
var imgHref = aElem.attr("href");
// We need to make sure we only put a Colorbox on links to Friendica images
// We'll try to do this by looking for links of the form
// .../photo/ab803d8eg08daf85023adfec08 (with nothing more following), in hopes
// that that will be unique enough
if(imgHref.match(/\/photo\/[a-fA-F0-9]+(-[0-9]\.[\w]+?)?$/)) {
// Add a unique class to all the images of a certain post, to allow scrolling through
var cBoxClass = $(this).closest(".wall-item-body").attr("id") + "-lightbox";
// if( $.inArray(cBoxClass, cBoxClasses) < 0 ) {
// cBoxClasses.push(cBoxClass);
// }
maxHeight: '90%',
photo: true, // Colorbox doesn't recognize a URL that don't end in .jpg, etc. as a photo
rel: cBoxClass //$(this).attr("class").match(/wall-item-body-[\d]+-lightbox/)[0]
// overwrite from main js to load the filebrowser into a bs modal
|||| = function(url) {
var modal = $('#modal').modal();
.load(url, function (responseText, textStatus) {
if ( textStatus === 'success' ||
textStatus === 'notmodified')
// get nickname & filebrowser type from the modal content
var nickname = $("#fb-nickname").attr("value");
var type = $("#fb-type").attr("value");
// try to fetch the hash form the url
var match = url.match(/fbrowser\/[a-z]+\/\?mode=modal(.*)/);
var hash = match[1];
// initialize the filebrowser
var jsbrowser = function() {
FileBrowser.init(nickname, type, hash);
loadScript("view/theme/frio/js/filebrowser.js", jsbrowser);
// overwrite the function _get_url from main.js
Dialog._get_url = function(type, name, id) {
var hash = name;
if (id !== undefined) hash = hash + "-" + id;
return "fbrowser/"+type+"/?mode=modal#"+hash;
//function commentOpenUI(obj, id) {
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
#buglink_wrapper{display:none;} /* hide buglink. only in this page */
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{$baseurl}}/js/ajaxupload.js" ></script>
{{**<script type="text/javascript" src="view/theme/frio/js/filebrowser.js"></script>*}}
{{*<script type="text/javascript" src="{{$baseurl}}/js/ajaxupload.js" ></script>*}}
{{*<script type="text/javascript" src="view/theme/frio/js/filebrowser.js"></script>*}}
<div class="fbrowser {{$type}}">
<input id="fb-nickname" type="hidden" name="type" value="{{$nickname}}" />
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
{{*<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">*}}
var editor=false;
var textlen = 0;
var plaintext = '{{$editselect}}';
@ -11,7 +13,7 @@ function initEditor(cb){
if(plaintext == 'none') {
@ -108,13 +110,16 @@ function initEditor(cb){
editor = true;
// setup acl popup
'inline' : true,
'transition' : 'elastic'
} else {
if (typeof cb!="undefined") cb();
@ -150,20 +155,25 @@ function enableOnUser(){
/* callback */
$('body').on('fbrowser.image.main', function(e, filename, embedcode, id) {
///@todo this part isn't ideal and need to be done in a better way
$('body').on('fbrowser.file.main', function(e, filename, embedcode, id) {
$('#wall-image-upload').on('click', function(){
$('#wall-file-upload').on('click', function(){
@ -388,24 +398,32 @@ function enableOnUser(){
// the following functions show/hide the specific jot content
// in dependence of the selected nav
function aclActive() {
$(".modal-body #profile-jot-wrapper, .modal-body #jot-preview-content").hide();
$(".modal-body #profile-jot-wrapper, .modal-body #jot-preview-content, .modal-body #jot-fbrowser-wrapper").hide();
$(".modal-body #profile-jot-acl-wrapper").show();
$("#jot-text-lnk, #jot-preview-lnk").parent("li").removeClass("active");
function previewActive() {
$(".modal-body #profile-jot-wrapper, .modal-body #profile-jot-acl-wrapper,.modal-body #jot-fbrowser-wrapper").hide();
function jotActive() {
$(".modal-body #profile-jot-acl-wrapper, .modal-body #jot-preview-content").hide();
$(".modal-body #profile-jot-acl-wrapper, .modal-body #jot-preview-content, .modal-body #jot-fbrowser-wrapper").hide();
$(".modal-body #profile-jot-wrapper").show();
$("#jot-perms-lnk, #jot-preview-lnk").parent("li").removeClass("active");
//make sure jot text does have really the active class (we do this because there are some
// other events which trigger jot text
toggleJotNav($("#jot-modal .jot-nav #jot-text-lnk"));
function previewActive() {
$(".modal-body #profile-jot-wrapper, .modal-body #profile-jot-acl-wrapper").hide();
$("#jot-text-lnk, #jot-perms-lnk").parent("li").removeClass("active");
function fbrowserActive() {
$(".modal-body #profile-jot-wrapper, .modal-body #jot-preview-content, .modal-body #profile-jot-acl-wrapper").hide();
$(".modal-body #jot-fbrowser-wrapper").show();
$(function() {Dialog.showJot();});
@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
<button class="btn btn-sm btn-main pull-right" id="jotOpen" onclick="jotShow(); return false;"><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o fa-2x"></i></button>
<div id="jot-content">
<form id="profile-jot-form" action="{{$action}}" method="post">
<div id="profile-jot-wrapper">
@ -35,16 +32,18 @@
{{* The jot text field in which the post text is inserted *}}
<div id="jot-text-wrap">
<textarea rows="2" cols="64" class="profile-jot-text form-control" id="profile-jot-text" name="body" style="min-width:100%; max-width:100%;">{{if $content}}{{$content}}{{else}}{{$share}}{{/if}}</textarea>
<textarea rows="2" cols="64" class="profile-jot-text form-control" id="profile-jot-text" name="body" onFocus="jotTextOpenUI(this);" onBlur="jotTextCloseUI(this);" style="min-width:100%; max-width:100%;">{{if $content}}{{$content}}{{else}}{{$share}}{{/if}}</textarea>
<ul id="profile-jot-submit-wrapper" class="jothidden nav nav-pills">
<li><a id="profile-location" onclick="jotGetLocation();return false;" title="{{$setloc}}"><i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i></a></li>
<li><a href="#" id="wall-image-upload" title="{{$upload}}" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#PhotoModal"><i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i></a></li>
{{* uncomment the button for "wall-immage-upload" because we have integrated it directly in the jot modal
<li><a href="#" id="wall-image-upload" title="{{$upload}}"><i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i></a></li>
<li><a href="#" onclick="return false;" id="wall-file-upload" title="{{$attach}}"><i class="fa fa-paperclip"></i></a></li>
<li><a id="profile-link" ondragenter="return linkdropper(event);" ondragover="return linkdropper(event);" ondrop="linkdrop(event);" onclick="jotGetLink(); return false;" title="{{$weblink}}"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></li>
<li><a id="profile-video" onclick="jotVideoURL();return false;" title="{{$video}}"><i class="fa fa-film"></i></a></li>
<li><a id="profile-audio" onclick="jotAudioURL();return false;" title="{{$audio}}"><i class="fa fa-music"></i></a></li>
<li><a id="profile-location" onclick="jotGetLocation();return false;" title="{{$setloc}}"><i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i></a></li>
<!-- TODO: waiting for a better placement
<li><a id="profile-nolocation" onclick="jotClearLocation();return false;" title="{{$noloc}}">{{$shortnoloc}}</a></li>
@ -65,6 +64,8 @@
<div id="jot-preview-content" style="display:none;"></div>
<div id="jot-fbrowser-wrapper" style="display: none"></div>
{{if $content}}<script>initEditor();</script>{{/if}}
@ -78,12 +79,14 @@
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</button>
<!--<h4 class="modal-title">Modal Header</h4>-->
<ul class="nav nav-tabs hidden-xs" role="menubar" data-tabs="tabs">
{{* mark the first list entry as active because it is the first which is active after opening
{{* The Jot navigation menu (text input, permissions, preview, filebrowser) *}}
<ul class="nav nav-tabs hidden-xs jot-nav" role="menubar" data-tabs="tabs">
{{* Mark the first list entry as active because it is the first which is active after opening
the modal. Changing of the activity status is done by js in jot.tpl-header *}}
<li class="active" role="menuitem"><a id="jot-text-lnk" onclick="jotActive(); return false;">Text</a></li>
{{if $acl}}<li role="menuitem"><a id="jot-perms-lnk" onclick="aclActive();return false;">Permissions</a></li>{{/if}}
<li role="menuitem"><a id="jot-preview-lnk" onclick="previewActive();return false;">{{$preview}}</a></li>
<li role="menuitem"><a id="jot-preview-link" onclick="fbrowserActive(); return false;"> Browser </a></li>
<div class="dropdown hidden-lg hidden-md hidden-sm" role="menubar" data-tabs="tabs">
@ -111,7 +114,12 @@
$('iframe').load(function() {
|||| = this.contentWindow.document.body.offsetHeight + 'px';
$('iframe').load(function() {
|||| = this.contentWindow.document.body.offsetHeight + 'px';
// insert new object with value to aStr
// function jotTextOpenUI does make use of it
aStr.share = "{{$share}}";
Add table
Reference in a new issue