Move mod/hovercard to src/Module/Contact/Hovercard
- Rework hovercard.js to remove JS template interpolation - Remove template/json output from Module/Contact/Hovercard
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 220 additions and 239 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
namespace Friendica\Module\Contact;
use Friendica\BaseModule;
use Friendica\Core\Config;
use Friendica\Core\Renderer;
use Friendica\Core\Session;
use Friendica\Database\DBA;
use Friendica\Model\Contact;
use Friendica\Model\GContact;
use Friendica\Network\HTTPException;
use Friendica\Util\Strings;
use Friendica\Util\Proxy;
* Asynchronous HTML fragment provider for frio contact hovercards
class Hovercard extends BaseModule
public static function rawContent()
$contact_url = $_REQUEST['url'] ?? '';
// Get out if the system doesn't have public access allowed
if (Config::get('system', 'block_public') && !Session::isAuthenticated()) {
throw new HTTPException\ForbiddenException();
// If a contact is connected the url is internally changed to 'redir/CID'. We need the pure url to search for
// the contact. So we strip out the contact id from the internal url and look in the contact table for
// the real url (nurl)
if (strpos($contact_url, 'redir/') === 0) {
$cid = intval(substr($contact_url, 6));
$remote_contact = Contact::selectFirst(['nurl'], ['id' => $cid]);
$contact_url = $remote_contact['nurl'] ?? '';
$contact = [];
// if it's the url containing https it should be converted to http
$contact_nurl = Strings::normaliseLink(GContact::cleanContactUrl($contact_url));
if (!$contact_nurl) {
throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException();
// Search for contact data
// Look if the local user has got the contact
if (Session::isAuthenticated()) {
$contact = Contact::getDetailsByURL($contact_nurl, local_user());
// If not then check the global user
if (!count($contact)) {
$contact = Contact::getDetailsByURL($contact_nurl);
// Feeds url could have been destroyed through "cleanContactUrl", so we now use the original url
if (!count($contact) && Session::isAuthenticated()) {
$contact_nurl = Strings::normaliseLink($contact_url);
$contact = Contact::getDetailsByURL($contact_nurl, local_user());
if (!count($contact)) {
$contact_nurl = Strings::normaliseLink($contact_url);
$contact = Contact::getDetailsByURL($contact_nurl);
if (!count($contact)) {
throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException();
// Get the photo_menu - the menu if possible contact actions
if (local_user()) {
$actions = Contact::photoMenu($contact);
} else {
$actions = [];
// Move the contact data to the profile array so we can deliver it to
$tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('hovercard.tpl');
$o = Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [
'$profile' => [
'name' => $contact['name'],
'nick' => $contact['nick'],
'addr' => $contact['addr'] ?: $contact['url'],
'thumb' => Proxy::proxifyUrl($contact['thumb'], false, Proxy::SIZE_THUMB),
'url' => Contact::magicLink($contact['url']),
'nurl' => $contact['nurl'],
'location' => $contact['location'],
'gender' => $contact['gender'],
'about' => $contact['about'],
'network_link' => Strings::formatNetworkName($contact['network'], $contact['url']),
'tags' => $contact['keywords'],
'bd' => $contact['birthday'] <= DBA::NULL_DATE ? '' : $contact['birthday'],
'account_type' => Contact::getAccountType($contact),
'actions' => $actions,
echo $o;
@ -90,7 +90,9 @@ return [
'/blocked' => [Module\Contact::class, [R::GET]],
'/hidden' => [Module\Contact::class, [R::GET]],
'/ignored' => [Module\Contact::class, [R::GET]],
'/hovercard' => [Module\Contact\Hovercard::class, [R::GET]],
'/credits' => [Module\Credits::class, [R::GET]],
'/delegation'=> [Module\Delegation::class, [R::GET, R::POST]],
'/dirfind' => [Module\Search\Directory::class, [R::GET]],
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
{{if $}}<a class="btn btn-labeled btn-primary btn-sm" href="{{$}}" aria-label="{{$}}" title="{{$}}"><i class="fa fa-cloud" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>{{/if}}
{{if $profile.actions.edit}}<a class="btn btn-labeled btn-primary btn-sm" href="{{$profile.actions.edit.1}}" aria-label="{{$profile.actions.edit.0}}" title="{{$profile.actions.edit.0}}"><i class="fa fa-user" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>{{/if}}
{{if $profile.actions.follow}}<a class="btn btn-labeled btn-primary btn-sm" href="{{$profile.actions.follow.1}}" aria-label="{{$profile.actions.follow.0}}" title="{{$profile.actions.follow.0}}"><i class="fa fa-user-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>{{/if}}
{{if $profile.actions.unfollow}}<a class="btn btn-labeled btn-primary btn-sm" href="{{$profile.actions.unfollow.1}}" aria-label="{{$profile.actions.unfollow.0}}" title="{{$profile.actions.unfollow.0}}"><i class="fa fa-user-times" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>{{/if}}
@ -12,15 +12,14 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
// Note that this elements does need a href attribute which links to
// a valid profile url
$("body").on("mouseover", ".userinfo, .wall-item-responses a, .wall-item-bottom .mention a", function (e) {
var timeNow = new Date().getTime();
var hoverCardData = false;
var hrefAttr = false;
var targetElement = $(this);
let timeNow = new Date().getTime();
removeAllHovercards(e, timeNow);
let contact_url = false;
let targetElement = $(this);
// get href-attribute
if ('[href]')) {
hrefAttr = targetElement.attr('href');
contact_url = targetElement.attr('href');
} else {
return true;
@ -31,20 +30,15 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
// no hovercard for anchor links
if(hrefAttr.substring(0,1) == '#') {
if (contact_url.substring(0, 1) === '#') {
return true;
targetElement.attr('data-awaiting-hover-card', timeNow);
// Take link href attribute as link to the profile
var profileurl = hrefAttr;
// the url to get the contact and template data
var url = baseurl + "/hovercard";
// store the title in an other data attribute beause bootstrap
// popover destroys the title.attribute. We can restore it later
var title = targetElement.attr("title");
let title = targetElement.attr("title");
targetElement.attr({"data-orig-title": title, title: ""});
// if the device is a mobile open the hover card by click and not by hover
@ -53,17 +47,20 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
var hctrigger = 'click';
} else {
var hctrigger = 'manual';
// Timeout until the hover-card does appear
setTimeout(function () {
if(":hover") && parseInt(targetElement.attr('data-awaiting-hover-card'),10) == timeNow) {
if($('.hovercard').length == 0) { // no card if there already is one open
if (
&& parseInt(targetElement.attr('data-awaiting-hover-card'), 10) === timeNow
&& $('.hovercard').length === 0
) { // no card if there already is one open
// get an additional data atribute if the card is active
targetElement.attr('data-hover-card-active', timeNow);
// get the whole html content of the hover card and
// push it to the bootstrap popover
getHoverCardContent(profileurl, url, function(data){
getHoverCardContent(contact_url, function (data) {
if (data) {
html: true,
@ -88,41 +85,38 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
}, 500);
}).on("mouseleave", ".userinfo, .wall-item-responses a, .wall-item-bottom .mention a", function (e) { // action when mouse leaves the hover-card
var timeNow = new Date().getTime();
// copy the original title to the title atribute
var title = $(this).attr("data-orig-title");
$(this).attr({"data-orig-title": "", title: title});
removeAllHovercards(e, timeNow);
// hover cards should be removed very easily, e.g. when any of these events happen
$('body').on("mouseleave touchstart scroll click dblclick mousedown mouseup submit keydown keypress keyup", function (e) {
// remove hover card only for desktiop user, since on mobile we openen the hovercards
// by click event insteadof hover
if (typeof is_mobile == "undefined") {
var timeNow = new Date().getTime();
removeAllHovercards(e, timeNow);
// if we're hovering a hover card, give it a class, so we don't remove it
$('body').on('mouseover', '.hovercard', function (e) {
$('body').on('mouseleave', '.hovercard', function (e) {
}); // End of $(document).ready
// removes all hover cards
function removeAllhoverCards(event,priorTo) {
function removeAllHovercards(event, priorTo) {
// don't remove hovercards until after 100ms, so user have time to move the cursor to it (which gives it the dont-remove-card class)
setTimeout(function () {
$.each($('.hovercard'), function () {
@ -139,150 +133,30 @@ function removeAllhoverCards(event,priorTo) {
}, 100);
// Ajax request to get json contact data
function getContactData(purl, url, actionOnSuccess) {
var postdata = {
mode : 'none',
profileurl : purl,
datatype : 'json',
getHoverCardContent.cache = {};
function getHoverCardContent(contact_url, callback) {
let postdata = {
url: contact_url,
// Normalize and clean the profile so we can use a standardized url
// as key for the cache
var nurl = cleanContactUrl(purl).normalizeLink();
let nurl = cleanContactUrl(contact_url).normalizeLink();
// If the contact is allready in the cache use the cached result instead
// If the contact is already in the cache use the cached result instead
// of doing a new ajax request
if(nurl in getContactData.cache) {
setTimeout(function() { actionOnSuccess(getContactData.cache[nurl]); } , 1);
if (nurl in getHoverCardContent.cache) {
url: url,
url: baseurl + "/contact/hovercard",
data: postdata,
dataType: "json",
success: function (data, textStatus, request) {
// Check if the nurl (normalized profile url) is present and store it to the cache
// The nurl will be the identifier in the object
if(data.nurl.length > 0) {
// Test if the contact is allready connected with the user (if url containing
// the expression ("redir/") We will store different cache keys
if(("redir/")) >= 0 ) {
var key = data.url;
} else {
var key = data.nurl;
getContactData.cache[key] = data;
actionOnSuccess(data, url, request);
error: function(data) {
actionOnSuccess(false, data, url);
getContactData.cache = {};
// Get hover-card template data and the contact-data and transform it with
// the help of jSmart. At the end we have full html content of the hovercard
function getHoverCardContent(purl, url, callback) {
// fetch the raw content of the template
getHoverCardTemplate(url, function(stpl) {
var template = unescape(stpl);
// get the contact data
getContactData (purl, url, function(data) {
if(typeof template != 'undefined') {
// get the hover-card variables
var variables = getHoverCardVariables(data);
var tpl;
// use friendicas template delimiters instead of
// the original one
jSmart.prototype.left_delimiter = '{{';
jSmart.prototype.right_delimiter = '}}';
// create a new jSmart instant with the raw content
// of the template
var tpl = new jSmart (template);
// insert the variables content into the template content
var HoverCardContent = tpl.fetch(variables);
// This is interisting. this pice of code ajax request are done asynchron.
// To make it work getHOverCardTemplate() and getHOverCardData have to return it's
// data (no succes handler for each of this). I leave it here, because it could be useful.
// $.when(
// getHoverCardTemplate(url),
// getContactData (term, url )
// ).done(function(template, profile){
// if(typeof template != 'undefined') {
// var variables = getHoverCardVariables(profile);
// jSmart.prototype.left_delimiter = '{{';
// jSmart.prototype.right_delimiter = '}}';
// var tpl = new jSmart (template);
// var html = tpl.fetch(variables);
// return html;
// }
// });
// Ajax request to get the raw template content
function getHoverCardTemplate (url, callback) {
var postdata = {
mode: 'none',
datatype: 'tpl'
// Look if we have the template already in the cace, so we don't have
// request it again
if('hovercard' in getHoverCardTemplate.cache) {
setTimeout(function() { callback(getHoverCardTemplate.cache['hovercard']); } , 1);
url: url,
data: postdata,
success: function(data, textStatus) {
// write the data in the cache
getHoverCardTemplate.cache['hovercard'] = data;
getHoverCardContent.cache[nurl] = data;
}).fail(function () {callback([]); });
getHoverCardTemplate.cache = {};
// The Variables used for the template
function getHoverCardVariables(object) {
var profile = {
nick: object.nick,
addr: object.addr,
thumb: object.thumb,
url: object.url,
nurl: object.nurl,
location: object.location,
gender: object.gender,
about: object.about,
tags: object.tags,
account_type: object.account_type,
actions: object.actions
var variables = { profile: profile};
return variables;
Add table
Reference in a new issue