A good place to start can be to help new people find their way around Friendica in the [general support forum](https://forum.friendi.ca/prufile/helpers).
* If you would like to work with us on enhancing the user interface, please join the [forum for Friendica development](https://forum.friendi.ca/profile/developers).
Friendica uses an implementation of [Domain-Driven-Design](help/Developer-Domain-Driven-Design), please make sure to check out the provided links for hints at the expected code architecture.
Friendica uses [Composer](https://getcomposer.org) to manage dependencies libraries and the class autoloader both for libraries and namespaced Friendica classes.
It's a command-line tool that downloads required libraries into the `vendor` folder and makes any namespaced class in `src` available through the whole application through `boot.php`.
If you want to have git automatically update the dependencies with composer, you can use the `post-merge` [git-hook](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Customizing-Git-Git-Hooks) with a script similar to this one:
For the sake of consistency between contribution and general code readability, Friendica follows the widespread [PSR-2 coding standards](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2/) to the exception of a few rules.
Here's a few primers if you are new to Friendica or to the PSR-2 coding standards:
* By default, strings are enclosed in single quotes, but feel free to use double quotes if it makes more sense (SQL queries, adding tabs and line feeds).
* Operators are wrapped by spaces, e.g. `$var === true`, `$var = 1 + 2` and `'string' . $concat . 'enation'`
* Braces are mandatory in conditions
* Boolean operators are `&&` and `||` for PHP conditions, `AND` and `OR` for SQL queries
* Quoting style is single quotes by default, except for needed string interpolation, SQL query strings by convention and comments that should stay in natural language.
If the command-line tools `diff` and `patch` are unavailabe for you, `phpcbf` can use slightly slower PHP equivalents by using the `--no-patch` argument.
If you are interested in having the documentation of the Friendica code outside of the code files, you can use [Doxygen](http://doxygen.org) to generate it.
* There is a *[Junior Job](https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A"Junior+Jobs")* label for issues we think might be a good point to start with.
* SailfishOS: **Friendiy** [src](https://kirgroup.com/projects/fabrixxm/harbour-friendly) - developed by [Fabio](https://kirgroup.com/profile/fabrixxm/profile)
* Windows: **Friendica Mobile** for Windows versions [before 8.1](http://windowsphone.com/s?appid=e3257730-c9cf-4935-9620-5261e3505c67) and [Windows 10](https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9nblggh0fhmn) - developed by [Gerhard Seeber](http://mozartweg.dyndns.org/friendica/profile/gerhard/profile)