Fork 0
2025-01-01 16:04:21 +01:00

430 lines
19 KiB

* Name: Publicise Feeds
* Description: Convert your feeds into soapbox accounts so you can share them with other users
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Matthew Exon <http://mat.exon.name>
use Friendica\Core\Addon;
use Friendica\Core\Logger;
use Friendica\Core\Renderer;
use Friendica\Database\DBA;
function publicise_install() {
Addon::registerHook('post_remote', 'addon/publicise/publicise.php', 'publicise_post_remote_hook');
function publicise_uninstall() {
Addon::unregisterHook('post_remote', 'addon/publicise/publicise.php', 'publicise_post_remote_hook');
Addon::unregisterHook('post_remote_end', 'addon/publicise/publicise.php', 'publicise_post_remote_end_hook');
function publicise_get_contacts() {
$query = <<<EOF
FROM `contact`
WHERE (`contact`.`uid` = %d and `contact`.`network` = 'feed')
OR (`reason` = 'publicise')
ORDER BY `contact`.`name`
return DBA:e($query, intval(local_user()));
function publicise_get_user($uid) {
$r = DBA:e('SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d', intval($uid));
if (count($r) != 1) {
Logger::warning('Publicise: unexpected number of results for uid ' . $uid);
return $r[0];
function publicise_addon_admin(&$a,&$o) {
if (!is_site_admin()) {
$o .= "<p>This page is for site administrators only</p>";
$contacts = publicise_get_contacts();
foreach ($contacts as $k=>$v) {
$enabled = ($v['reason'] === 'publicise') ? 1 : NULL;
$expire = 30;
$comments = 1;
$url = $v['url'];
if ($enabled) {
$r = DBA:e('SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d', intval($v['uid']));
$expire = $r[0]['expire'];
$url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $v['nick'];
if ($r[0]['page-flags'] == PAGE_SOAPBOX) {
$comments = NULL;
if ($r[0]['account_expired']) {
$enabled = NULL;
$contacts[$k]['enabled'] = array('publicise-enabled-' . $v['id'], NULL, $enabled);
$contacts[$k]['comments'] = array('publicise-comments-' . $v['id'], NULL, $comments);
$contacts[$k]['expire'] = $expire;
$contacts[$k]['url'] = $url;
$template = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('admin.tpl', 'addon/publicise/');
$o .= Renderer::replaceMacros($template, array(
'$feeds' => $contacts,
'$feed_t' => DI::l10n()->t('Feed'),
'$publicised_t' => DI::l10n()->t('Publicised'),
'$comments_t' => DI::l10n()->t('Allow Comments/Likes'),
'$expire_t' => DI::l10n()->t('Expire Articles After (Days)'),
'$submit_t' => DI::l10n()->t('Submit')));
function publicise_make_string($in) {
return "'" . DBA::escape($in) . "'";
function publicise_make_int($in) {
return intval($in) ? $in : 0;
function publicise_create_user($owner, $contact) {
$nick = $contact['nick'];
if (!$nick) {
notice(sprintf(t("Can't publicise feed \"%s\" because it doesn't have a nickname"), $contact['name']) . EOL);
Logger::info('Publicise: create user, beginning key generation...');
'digest_alg' => 'sha1',
'private_key_bits' => 4096,
'encrypt_key' => false ));
$prvkey = '';
openssl_pkey_export($res, $prvkey);
$pkey = openssl_pkey_get_details($res);
$pubkey = $pkey["key"];
'digest_alg' => 'sha1',
'private_key_bits' => 512,
'encrypt_key' => false ));
$sprvkey = '';
openssl_pkey_export($sres, $sprvkey);
$spkey = openssl_pkey_get_details($sres);
$spubkey = $spkey["key"];
$guid = generate_user_guid();
$newuser = array(
'guid' => publicise_make_string($guid),
'username' => publicise_make_string($contact['name']),
'password' => publicise_make_string($owner['password']),
'nickname' => publicise_make_string($contact['nick']),
'email' => publicise_make_string($owner['email']),
'openid' => publicise_make_string($owner['openid']),
'timezone' => publicise_make_string($owner['timezone']),
'language' => publicise_make_string($owner['language']),
'register_date' => publicise_make_string(datetime_convert()),
'default-location' => publicise_make_string($owner['default-location']),
'allow_location' => publicise_make_string($owner['allow_location']),
'theme' => publicise_make_string($owner['theme']),
'pubkey' => publicise_make_string($pubkey),
'prvkey' => publicise_make_string($prvkey),
'spubkey' => publicise_make_string($spubkey),
'sprvkey' => publicise_make_string($sprvkey),
'verified' => publicise_make_int($owner['verified']),
'blocked' => publicise_make_int(0),
'blockwall' => publicise_make_int(1),
'hidewall' => publicise_make_int(0),
'blocktags' => publicise_make_int(0),
'notify-flags' => publicise_make_int($owner['notifyflags']),
'page-flags' => publicise_make_int($comments ? PAGE_COMMUNITY : PAGE_SOAPBOX),
'expire' => publicise_make_int($expire),
Logger::debug('Publicise: creating user ' . print_r($newuser, true));
$r = DBA:e("INSERT INTO `user` (`"
. implode("`, `", array_keys($newuser))
. "`) VALUES ("
. implode(", ", array_values($newuser))
. ")" );
if (!$r) {
Logger::warning('Publicise: create user failed');
$r = DBA:e('SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `guid` = "%s"', DBA::escape($guid));
if (count($r) != 1) {
Logger::warning('Publicise: unexpected number of uids returned');
Logger::debug('Publicise: created user ID ' . $r[0]);
return $r[0];
function publicise_create_self_contact($a, $contact, $uid) {
$newcontact = array(
'uid' => $uid,
'created' => publicise_make_string(datetime_convert()),
'self' => publicise_make_int(1),
'name' => publicise_make_string($contact['name']),
'nick' => publicise_make_string($contact['nick']),
'photo' => publicise_make_string($contact['photo']),
'thumb' => publicise_make_string($contact['thumb']),
'micro' => publicise_make_string($contact['micro']),
'blocked' => publicise_make_int(0),
'pending' => publicise_make_int(0),
'url' => publicise_make_string($a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $contact['nick']),
'nurl' => publicise_make_string($a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $contact['nick']),
'request' => publicise_make_string($a->get_baseurl() . '/dfrn_request/' . $contact['nick']),
'notify' => publicise_make_string($a->get_baseurl() . '/dfrn_notify/' . $contact['nick']),
'poll' => publicise_make_string($a->get_baseurl() . '/dfrn_poll/' . $contact['nick']),
'confirm' => publicise_make_string($a->get_baseurl() . '/dfrn_confirm/' . $contact['nick']),
'poco' => publicise_make_string($a->get_baseurl() . '/poco/' . $contact['nick']),
'uri-date' => publicise_make_string(datetime_convert()),
'avatar-date' => publicise_make_string(datetime_convert()),
'closeness' => publicise_make_int(0),
$existing = DBA:e("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 1", intval($uid));
if (count($existing)) {
$newcontact = $existing[0];
Logger::debug('Publicise: self contact already exists for user ' . $uid . ' id ' . $newcontact['id']);
} else {
Logger::debug('Publicise: create contact ' . print_r($newcontact, true));
DBA:e("INSERT INTO `contact` (`"
. implode("`, `", array_keys($newcontact))
. "`) VALUES ("
. implode(", ", array_values($newcontact))
. ")" );
$results = DBA:e("SELECT `id` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 1", intval($uid));
if (count($results) != 1) {
Logger::warning('Publicise: create self contact failed, will delete uid ' . $uid);
$r = DBA:e("DELETE FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d", intval($uid));
$newcontact = $results[0];
Logger::debug('Publicise: created self contact for user ' . $uid . ' id ' . $newcontact['id']);
Logger::debug('Publicise: self contact for ' . $uid . ' nick ' . $contact['nick'] . ' is ' . $newcontact['id']);
return $newcontact['id'];
function publicise_create_profile($contact, $uid) {
$newprofile = array(
'uid' => $uid,
'profile-name' => publicise_make_string('default'),
'is-default' => publicise_make_int(1),
'name' => publicise_make_string($contact['name']),
'photo' => publicise_make_string($contact['photo']),
'thumb' => publicise_make_string($contact['thumb']),
'homepage' => publicise_make_string($contact['url']),
'publish' => publicise_make_int(1),
'net-publish' => publicise_make_int(1),
Logger::debug('Publicise: create profile ' . print_r($newprofile, true));
$r = DBA:e("INSERT INTO `profile` (`"
. implode("`, `", array_keys($newprofile))
. "`) VALUES ("
. implode(", ", array_values($newprofile))
. ")" );
if (!$r) {
Logger::warning('Publicise: create profile failed');
$newprofile = DBA:e('SELECT `id` FROM `profile` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `is-default` = 1', intval($uid));
if (count($newprofile) != 1) {
Logger::warning('Publicise: create profile produced unexpected number of results');
Logger::debug('Publicise: created profile ' . $newprofile[0]['id']);
return $newprofile[0]['id'];
function publicise_set_up_user($a, $contact, $owner) {
$user = publicise_create_user($owner, $contact);
if (!$user) {
notice(sprintf(t("Failed to create user for feed \"%s\""), $contact['name']) . EOL);
$self_contact = publicise_create_self_contact($a, $contact, $user['uid']);
if (!$self_contact) {
notice(sprintf(t("Failed to create self contact for user \"%s\""), $contact['name']) . EOL);
Logger::warning("Publicise: unable to create self contact, deleting user " . $user['uid']);
DBA:e('DELETE FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d', intval($user['uid']));
$profile = publicise_create_profile($contact, $user['uid']);
if (!$profile) {
notice(sprintf(t("Failed to create profile for user \"%s\""), $contact['name']) . EOL);
Logger::warning("Publicise: unable to create profile, deleting user $uid contact $self_contact");
DBA:e('DELETE FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d', intval($user['uid']));
DBA:e('DELETE FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d', intval($self_contact));
return $user;
function publicise($a, &$contact, &$owner) {
Logger::info('@@@ Publicise: publicise');
if (!is_site_admin()) {
notice(t("Only admin users can publicise feeds"));
Logger::warning('Publicise: non-admin tried to publicise');
// Check if we're changing our mind about a feed we earlier depublicised
Logger::info('@@@ Publicise: ' . 'SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `account_expires_on` != "0000-00-00 00:00:00" AND `nickname` = "' . $contact['nick'] . '" AND `email` = "' . $owner['email'] . '" AND `page-flags` in (' . intval(PAGE_COMMUNITY) . ', ' . intval(PAGE_SOAPBOX) . ')');
$existing = DBA:e('SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `account_expires_on` != "0000-00-00 00:00:00" AND `nickname` = "%s" AND `email` = "%s" AND `page-flags` in (%d, %d)',
DBA::escape($contact['nick']), DBA::escape($owner['email']), intval(PAGE_COMMUNITY), intval(PAGE_SOAPBOX));
if (count($existing) == 1) {
Logger::info('@@@ Publicise: there is existing');
$owner = $existing[0];
DBA:e('UPDATE `user` SET `account_expires_on` = "0000-00-00 00:00:00", `account_removed` = 0, `account_expired` = 0 WHERE `uid` = %d', intval($owner['uid']));
DBA:e('UPDATE `profile` SET `publish` = 1, `net-publish` = 1 WHERE `uid` = %d AND `is-default` = 1', intval($owner['uid']));
Logger::debug('Publicise: recycled previous user ' . $owner['uid']);
else {
Logger::info('@@@ Publicise: there is not existing');
$owner = publicise_set_up_user($a, $contact, $owner);
if (!$owner) {
Logger::debug("Publicise: created new user " . $owner['uid']);
Logger::info('Publicise: new contact user is ' . $owner['uid']);
$r = DBA:e("UPDATE `contact` SET `uid` = %d, `reason` = 'publicise', `hidden` = 1 WHERE id = %d", intval($owner['uid']), intval($contact['id']));
if (!$r) {
Logger::warning('Publicise: update contact failed, user is probably in a bad state ' . $user['uid']);
$contact['uid'] = $owner['uid'];
$contact['reason'] = 'publicise';
$contact['hidden'] = 1;
$r = DBA:e("UPDATE `item` SET `uid` = %d, type = 'wall', wall = 1, private = 0 WHERE `contact-id` = %d",
intval($owner['uid']), intval($contact['id']));
Logger::debug('Publicise: moved items from contact ' . $contact['id'] . ' to uid ' . $owner['uid']);
// Update the retriever config
$r = DBA:e("UPDATE `retriever_rule` SET `uid` = %d WHERE `contact-id` = %d",
intval($owner['uid']), intval($contact['id']));
info(sprintf(t("Moved feed \"%s\" to dedicated account"), $contact['name']) . EOL);
return true;
function publicise_self_contact($uid) {
$r = DBA:e('SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 1', intval($uid));
if (count($r) != 1) {
Logger::warning('Publicise: unexpected number of self contacts for user ' . $uid);
return $r[0];
function depublicise($a, $contact, $user) {
if (!is_site_admin()) {
notice("Only admin users can depublicise feeds");
Logger::warning('Publicise: non-admin tried to depublicise');
Logger::debug('Publicise: about to depublicise contact ' . $contact['id'] . ' user ' . $user['uid']);
$self_contact = publicise_self_contact($user['uid']);
// If the local_user() is subscribed to the feed, take ownership
// of the feed and all its items and photos. Otherwise they will
// be deleted when the account expires.
$r = DBA:e('SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `url` = "%s"',
intval(local_user()), DBA::escape($self_contact['url']));
if (count($r)) {
// Delete the contact to the feed user and any
// copies of its items. These will be replaced by the originals,
// which will be brought back into the local_user's feed along
// with the feed contact itself.
foreach ($r as $my_contact) {
DBA:e('DELETE FROM `item` WHERE `contact-id` = %d', intval($my_contact['id']));
DBA:e('DELETE FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d', intval($my_contact['id']));
// Move the feed contact to local_user. Existing items stay
// attached to the original feed contact, but must have their uid
// updated. Also update the fields we scribbled over in
// publicise_post_remote_hook.
DBA:e('UPDATE `contact` SET `uid` = %d, `reason` = "", hidden = 0 WHERE id = %d',
intval(local_user()), intval($contact['id']));
DBA:e('UPDATE `item` SET `uid` = %d, `wall` = 0, `type` = "remote", `private` = 2 WHERE `contact-id` = %d',
intval(local_user()), intval($contact['id']));
// Take ownership of any photos created by the feed user
DBA:e('UPDATE `photo` SET `uid` = %d WHERE `uid` = %d',
intval(local_user()), intval($user['uid']));
// Update the retriever config
$r = DBA:e("UPDATE `retriever_rule` SET `uid` = %d WHERE `contact-id` = %d",
intval($owner['uid']), intval($contact['id']));
// Set the account to removed and expired right now. It will be cleaned up by cron after 3 days, giving a chance to change your mind
DBA:e('UPDATE `user` SET `account_removed` = 1, `account_expired` = 1, `account_expires_on` = UTC_TIMESTAMP() WHERE `uid` = %d',
DBA:e('UPDATE `profile` SET `publish` = 0, `net-publish` = 0 WHERE `uid` = %d AND `is-default` = 1', intval($user['uid']));
info(sprintf(t("Removed dedicated account for feed \"%s\""), $contact['name']) . EOL);
function publicise_addon_admin_post ($a) {
Logger::info('@@@ publicise_addon_admin_post');
if (!is_site_admin()) {
Logger::warning('Publicise: non-admin tried to do admin post');
foreach (publicise_get_contacts() as $contact) {
Logger::info('@@@ publicise_addon_admin_post contact ' . $contact['id'] . ' ' . $contact['name']);
$user = publicise_get_user($contact['uid']);
if (!$_POST['publicise-enabled-' . $contact['id']]) {
if ($contact['reason'] === 'publicise') {
Logger::info('@@@ depublicise');
depublicise($a, $contact, $user);
else {
if ($contact['reason'] !== 'publicise') {
Logger::info('@@@ publicise');
if (!publicise($a, $contact, $user)) {
Logger::warning('Publicise: failed to publicise contact ' . $contact['id']);
if ($_POST['publicise-expire-' . $contact['id']] != $user['expire']) {
DBA:e('UPDATE `user` SET `expire` = %d WHERE `uid` = %d',
intval($_POST['publicise-expire-' . $contact['id']]), intval($user['uid']));
if ($_POST['publicise-comments-' . $contact['id']]) {
if ($user['page-flags'] != PAGE_COMMUNITY) {
DBA:e('UPDATE `user` SET `page-flags` = %d WHERE `uid` = %d',
intval(PAGE_COMMUNITY), intval($user['uid']));
DBA:e('UPDATE `contact` SET `rel` = %d WHERE `uid` = %d AND `network` = "dfrn"',
intval(CONTACT_IS_SHARING), intval($user['uid']));
else {
if ($user['page-flags'] != PAGE_SOAPBOX) {
DBA:e('UPDATE `user` SET `page-flags` = %d WHERE `uid` = %d',
intval(PAGE_SOAPBOX), intval($user['uid']));
DBA:e('UPDATE `contact` SET `rel` = %d WHERE `uid` = %d AND `network` = "dfrn"',
intval(CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER), intval($user['uid']));
function publicise_post_remote_hook(&$a, &$item) {
$r1 = DBA:e("SELECT `uid` FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `reason` = 'publicise'", intval($item['contact-id']));
if (!$r1) {
Logger::debug('Publicise: moving to wall: ' . $item['uid'] . ' ' . $item['contact-id'] . ' ' . $item['uri']);
$item['type'] = 'wall';
$item['wall'] = 1;
$item['private'] = 0;