working much better

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Exon 2019-10-12 19:08:11 +02:00 committed by Matthew Exon
parent dabe13043d
commit 537e23f9eb

View file

@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ use Friendica\Model\ItemURI;
use Friendica\Model\Item;
use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat;
* @brief Installation hook for retriever plugin
function retriever_install() {
Addon::registerHook('plugin_settings', 'addon/retriever/retriever.php', 'retriever_plugin_settings');
Addon::registerHook('plugin_settings_post', 'addon/retriever/retriever.php', 'retriever_plugin_settings_post');
@ -53,9 +56,9 @@ function retriever_install() {
if (Config::get('retriever', 'dbversion') != '0.14') {
$schema = file_get_contents(dirname(__file__).'/database.sql');
$arr = explode(';', $schema);
foreach ($arr as $a) {
if (!DBA::e($a)) {
$tables = explode(';', $schema);
foreach ($tables as $table) {
if (!DBA::e($table)) {
Logger::warning('Unable to create database table: ' . DBA::errorMessage());
@ -65,6 +68,9 @@ function retriever_install() {
* @brief Uninstallation hook for retriever plugin
function retriever_uninstall() {
Addon::unregisterHook('plugin_settings', 'addon/retriever/retriever.php', 'retriever_plugin_settings');
Addon::unregisterHook('plugin_settings_post', 'addon/retriever/retriever.php', 'retriever_plugin_settings_post');
@ -75,9 +81,17 @@ function retriever_uninstall() {
Addon::unregisterHook('cron', 'addon/retriever/retriever.php', 'retriever_cron');
* @brief Module hook for retriever plugin
* TODO: figure out what this should be used for
function retriever_module() {}
function retriever_addon_admin(&$a, &$o) {
* @brief Admin page hook for retriever plugin
function retriever_addon_admin() {
$downloads_per_cron = Config::get('retriever', 'downloads_per_cron');
$template = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('admin.tpl', 'addon/retriever/');
$config = ['downloads_per_cron',
@ -89,25 +103,36 @@ function retriever_addon_admin(&$a, &$o) {
'$submit' => L10n::t('Save Settings')]);
function retriever_addon_admin_post ($a) {
* @brief Admin page post hook for retriever plugin
function retriever_addon_admin_post () {
if (!empty($_POST['downloads_per_cron'])) {
Config::set('retriever', 'downloads_per_cron', $_POST['downloads_per_cron']);
function retriever_cron($a, $b) {
* @brief Cron jobs for retriever plugin
function retriever_cron() {
$downloads_per_cron = Config::get('retriever', 'downloads_per_cron');
// Do this first, otherwise it can interfere with retriever_retrieve_items
retriever_clean_up_completed_resources($downloads_per_cron, $a);
retriever_retrieve_items($downloads_per_cron, $a);
$retriever_item_count = 0;
function retriever_retrieve_items($max_items, $a) {
* @brief Searches for items in the retriever_items table that should be retrieved and attempts to retrieve them
* @param int $max_items Maximum number of items to retrieve in this call
function retriever_retrieve_items($max_items) {
global $retriever_item_count;
$retriever_schedule = array(array(1,'minute'),
@ -130,11 +155,7 @@ function retriever_retrieve_items($max_items, $a) {
$retrieve_items = $max_items - $retriever_item_count;
do {
Logger::debug('retriever_retrieve_items: asked for maximum ' . $max_items . ', already retrieved ' . intval($retriever_item_count) . ', retrieve ' . $retrieve_items);
// TODO: figure out how to do this with DBA module //@@@ this is possible
$retriever_resources2 = DBA::selectToArray('retriever_resource', [], ['`completed` IS NULL AND (`last-try` IS NULL OR ' . implode($schedule_clauses, ' OR ') . ')'], ['order' => ['last-try' => 0], 'limit' => $retrieve_items]);
$retriever_resources = q("SELECT * FROM `retriever_resource` WHERE `completed` IS NULL AND (`last-try` IS NULL OR %s) ORDER BY `last-try` ASC LIMIT %d",
DBA::escape(implode($schedule_clauses, ' OR ')),
$retriever_resources = DBA::selectToArray('retriever_resource', [], ['`completed` IS NULL AND (`last-try` IS NULL OR ' . implode($schedule_clauses, ' OR ') . ')'], ['order' => ['last-try' => 0], 'limit' => $retrieve_items]);
if (!is_array($retriever_resources)) {
@ -142,7 +163,6 @@ function retriever_retrieve_items($max_items, $a) {
Logger::debug('retriever_retrieve_items: found ' . count($retriever_resources) . ' waiting resources in database');
Logger::debug('@@@ retriever_retrieve_items: alternative found ' . count($retriever_resources2) . ': ' . print_r($retriever_resources2, true));
foreach ($retriever_resources as $retriever_resource) {
@ -153,8 +173,12 @@ function retriever_retrieve_items($max_items, $a) {
Logger::debug('retriever_retrieve_items: finished retrieving items');
// Look for items that are waiting even though the resource has completed. This shouldn't happen, but is worth cleaning up if it does.
function retriever_clean_up_completed_resources($max_items, $a) {
* @brief Looks for items that are waiting even though the resource has completed. This shouldn't happen, but is worth cleaning up if it does.
* @param int $max_items Maximum number of items to retrieve in this call
function retriever_clean_up_completed_resources($max_items) {
// TODO: figure out how to do this with DBA module
$r = q('SELECT retriever_resource.`id` as resource, retriever_item.`id` as item FROM retriever_resource, retriever_item, retriever_rule WHERE retriever_item.`finished` = 0 AND retriever_item.`resource` = retriever_resource.`id` AND retriever_resource.`completed` IS NOT NULL AND retriever_item.`contact-id` = retriever_rule.`contact-id` AND retriever_item.`item-uid` = retriever_rule.`uid` LIMIT %d',
@ -179,13 +203,15 @@ function retriever_clean_up_completed_resources($max_items, $a) {
$resource = DBA::selectFirst('retriever_resource', [], ['id' => intval($rr['resource'])]);
retriever_apply_completed_resource_to_item($retriever_rule, $item, $resource, $a);
Logger::info('@@@ retriever_clean_up_completed_resources tried to update id ' . $retriever_item['id'] . ' to finished, better check that it really worked!');
retriever_apply_completed_resource_to_item($retriever_rule, $item, $resource);
DBA::update('retriever_item', ['finished' => 1], ['id' => intval($retriever_item['id'])], ['finished' => 0]);
* @brief Deletes old rows from the retriever_item and retriever_resource table that are unlikely to be needed
function retriever_tidy() {
DBA::delete('retriever_resource', ['completed IS NOT NULL AND completed < DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 1 WEEK)']);
DBA::delete('retriever_resource', ['completed IS NULL AND created < DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH)']);
@ -199,7 +225,7 @@ function retriever_tidy() {
function retrieve_dataurl_resource($resource) {
if (!preg_match("/date:(.*);base64,(.*)/", $resource['url'], $matches)) {
Logger::info('retrieve_dataurl_resource: ' . $resource['id'] . ' does not match pattern');
Logger::warning('retrieve_dataurl_resource: resource ' . $resource['id'] . ' does not match pattern');
} else {
$resource['type'] = $matches[1];
$resource['data'] = base64url_decode($matches[2]);
@ -210,7 +236,7 @@ function retrieve_dataurl_resource($resource) {
retriever_resource_completed($resource, $a);
function retrieve_resource($resource) {
@ -218,8 +244,6 @@ function retrieve_resource($resource) {
return retrieve_dataurl_resource($resource);
$a = get_app();
$retriever_rule = get_retriever_rule($resource['contact-id'], $resource['item-uid']);
if (!$retriever_rule) {
Logger::warning('retrieve_resource: no rule found for contact ' . $resource['contact-id'] . ' item ' . $resource['item-uid']);
@ -243,7 +267,6 @@ function retrieve_resource($resource) {
if (array_key_exists('storecookies', $rule_data) && $rule_data['storecookies']) {
$retriever_rule['data']['cookiedata'] = file_get_contents($cookiejar);
DBA::update('retriever_rule', ['data' => json_encode($retriever_rule['data'])], ['id' => intval($retriever_rule["id"])], $retriever_rule);
//@@@ check the update worked
$resource['data'] = $fetch_result->getBody();
@ -254,18 +277,10 @@ function retrieve_resource($resource) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
Logger::info('retrieve_resource: unable to retrieve ' . $resource['url'] . ' - ' . $e->getMessage());
// TODO: figure out how to do this with DBA module
q("UPDATE `retriever_resource` SET `last-try` = now(), `num-tries` = `num-tries` + 1, `http-code` = %d, `redirect-url` = '%s' WHERE id = %d",
DBA::update('retriever_resource', ['id' => intval($resource['id'])], ['last-try' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(), 'num-tries' => intval($resource['num-tries']) + 1, 'http-code' => intval($resource['http-code']), 'redirect-url' => $resource['redirect-url']], ['last-try' => false]);
if ($resource['data']) {
// TODO: figure out how to do this with DBA module
q("UPDATE `retriever_resource` SET `completed` = now(), `data` = '%s', `type` = '%s' WHERE id = %d",
retriever_resource_completed($resource, $a);
DBA::update('retriever_resource', ['id' => intval($resource['id'])], ['completed' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(), 'data' => $resource['data'], 'type' => $resource['type']], ['completed' => false]);
@ -327,7 +342,6 @@ function retriever_resource_completed($resource) {
function apply_retrospective($retriever, $num) {
foreach (Item::selectToArray([], ['contact-id' => intval($retriever['contact-id'])], ['order' => ['received' => true], 'limit' => $num]) as $item) {
Item::update(['visible' => 0], ['id' => intval($item['id'])]);
//@@@ check that this works
foreach (DBA::selectToArray('retriever_item', [], ['item-uri' => $item['uri'], 'item-uid' => $item['uid'], 'contact-id' => $item['contact-id']]) as $retriever_item) {
DBA::delete('retriever_resource', ['id' => $retriever_item['resource']]);
DBA::delete('retriever_item', ['id' => $retriever_item['id']]);
@ -336,9 +350,14 @@ function apply_retrospective($retriever, $num) {
// TODO: Currently this waits until the next cron before actually downloading. Should do it immediately.
//@@@ I think the above statement is wrong. Check!
// TODO: This queries then inserts. It should use some kind of lock to avoid requesting the same resource twice.
* @brief Queues an item for retrieval. It does not actually perform the retrieval.
* @param array $retriever Retriever rule configuration for this contact
* @param array $item Item that should be retrieved. This may or may not have been already stored in the database.
* TODO: This queries then inserts. It should use some kind of lock to avoid requesting the same resource twice.
function retriever_on_item_insert($retriever, &$item) {
if (!$retriever || !$retriever['id']) {
Logger::info('retriever_on_item_insert: No retriever supplied');
@ -388,7 +407,6 @@ function add_retriever_resource($url, $uid, $cid, $binary = false) {
DBA::insert('retriever_resource', ['item-uid' => intval($uid), 'contact-id' => intval($cid), 'type' => $type, 'binary' => ($binary ? 1 : 0), 'url' => $url, 'completed' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(), 'data' => $data]);
// @@@ check that this makes sense
$resource = DBA::selectFirst('retriever_resource', [], ['url' => $url, 'item-uid' => intval($uid), 'contact-id' => intval($cid)]);
if ($resource) {
@ -396,6 +414,7 @@ function add_retriever_resource($url, $uid, $cid, $binary = false) {
return $resource;
// 800 characters is the size of this field in the database
if (strlen($url) > 800) {
Logger::warning('add_retriever_resource: URL is longer than 800 characters');
@ -419,7 +438,6 @@ function add_retriever_item(&$item, $resource) {
if (DBA::selectFirst('retriever_item', [], ['item-uri' => $item['uri'], 'item-uid' => intval($item['uid']), 'resource' => intval($resource['id'])])) {
//@@@ check that this worked
Logger::info("add_retriever_item: retriever item already present for " . $item['uri'] . ' ' . $item['uid'] . ' ' . $item['contact-id']);
@ -493,12 +511,7 @@ function retriever_apply_dom_filter($retriever, &$item, $resource) {
$body .= ']' . $item['plink'] . '[/url]';
Logger::debug('retriever_apply_dom_filter: XSLT result \"' . $body . '\"');
$item['body'] = $body;
if (array_key_exists('id', $item) && $item['id']) { //@@@ this should be a separate function
//@@@ check that this works
Logger::debug('@@@ retriever_apply_dom_filter updating item by id ' . $item['id']);
Item::update(['body' => $body], ['id' => $item['id']]);
retriever_set_body($item, $body);
function retriever_load_into_dom($resource) {
@ -541,34 +554,27 @@ function retriever_globalise_urls($doc, $resource) {
function retriever_get_body($item) {
if (array_key_exists('id', $item) && $item['id']) {
// item has already been stored in database
if (!array_key_exists('uri-id', $item) || !$item['uri-id']) {
Logger::warning('retriever_get_body: item uri ' . $item['uri'] . ' has id but no uri-id');
//@@@ check never happens
return $item['body'];
$content = DBA::selectFirst('item-content', [], ['body'], ['uri-id' => $item['uri-id']]);
if (!$content) {
Logger::warning('retriever_get_body: item-content uri-id ' . $item['uri-id'] . ' has no content');
//@@@ check never happens
return $item['body'];
if (!$content['body']) {
Logger::warning('retriever_get_body: item-content uri-id ' . $item['uri-id'] . ' has no body');
//@@@ check never happens
return $item['body'];
if ($content['body'] != $item['body']) {
Logger::warning('@@@ this is probably bad content: ' . $content['body'] . ' item ' . $item['body']);
//@@@ check for this.
Logger::debug('@@@ retriever_get_body uri-id ' . $item['uri-id'] . ' body: ' . $content['body']);
return $content['body'];
if (!array_key_exists('uri-id', $item) || !$item['uri-id']) {
// item has not yet been stored in database
return $item['body'];
// item has not yet been stored in database
Logger::debug('@@@ retriever_get_body id ' . $item['id'] . ' body: ' . $item['body']);
return $item['body'];
// item has been stored in database, body is stored in the item-content table
$content = DBA::selectFirst('item-content', ['body'], ['uri-id' => $item['uri-id']]);
if (!$content) {
Logger::warning('retriever_get_body: item-content uri-id ' . $item['uri-id'] . ' has no content');
return $item['body'];
if (!$content['body']) {
Logger::warning('retriever_get_body: item-content uri-id ' . $item['uri-id'] . ' has no body');
//@@@ check never happens
return $item['body'];
if ($content['body'] != $item['body']) {
Logger::warning('@@@ this is probably bad @@@ content: ' . $content['body'] . ' @@@ item: ' . $item['body']);
//@@@ check for this.
return $content['body'];
function retriever_set_body(&$item, $body, $allow_empty = false) {
@ -577,16 +583,15 @@ function retriever_set_body(&$item, $body, $allow_empty = false) {
$item['body'] = $body;
Logger::debug('@@@ retriever_set_body set array value to ' . $body);
if (array_key_exists('id', $item) && $item['id']) {
// item has already been stored in database
Logger::debug('@@@ retriever_set_body updating item ' . print_r($item, true) . ' to ' . $body);
Item::update(['body' => $body], ['id' => intval($item['id'])]);
if (!array_key_exists('id', $item) || !$item['id']) {
// item has not yet been stored in database
Item::update(['body' => $body], ['id' => intval($item['id'])]);
* @brief @@@
* @brief Searches for images in the item and adds corresponding retriever_items. If the images have already been downloaded, updates the body in the supplied item array.
* @param array &$item Row from the item table (by ref)
@ -609,7 +614,6 @@ function retrieve_images(&$item) {
if (strpos($url, get_app()->getBaseUrl()) === FALSE) {
$resource = add_retriever_resource($url, $item['uid'], $item['contact-id'], true);
Logger::debug('@@@ check this makes sense 2: ' . $resource['id'] . ' url ' . $resource['url']);
if (!$resource['completed']) {
add_retriever_item($item, $resource);
@ -663,8 +667,6 @@ function retriever_transform_images(&$item, $resource) {
$uri_id = ItemURI::getIdByURI($item['uri']); //@@@ why can't I get this from the item itself?
$data = $resource['data'];
$type = $resource['type'];
$uid = $item['uid'];
@ -745,7 +747,7 @@ function retriever_content($a) {
DBA::update('retriever_rule', ['data' => json_encode($retriever_rule['data'])], ['id' => intval($retriever_rule["id"])], ['data' => '']);
$a->page['content'] .= "<p><b>Settings Updated";
if (!empty($_POST["retriever_retrospective"])) {
apply_retrospective($a, $retriever_rule, $_POST["retriever_retrospective"]);
apply_retrospective($retriever_rule, $_POST["retriever_retrospective"]);
$a->page['content'] .= " and retrospectively applied to " . $_POST["retriever_retrospective"] . " posts";
$a->page['content'] .= ".</p></b>";
@ -825,13 +827,8 @@ function retriever_contact_photo_menu($a, &$args) {
function retriever_post_remote_hook(&$a, &$item) {
// @@@ I believe this should either never have the id, or always should. This needs more investigation.
// @@@ and if it does not, does it have a content row?
Logger::debug('@@@ retriever_post_remote_hook uri ' . $item['uri'] . ' has id ' . array_key_exists('id', $item) . ' has uri-id ' . array_key_exists('uri-id', $item));
Logger::info('retriever_post_remote_hook: ' . $item['uri'] . ' ' . $item['uid'] . ' ' . $item['contact-id']);
$uri_id = ItemURI::getIdByURI($item['uri']); //@@@ why can't I get this from the item itself?
$retriever_rule = get_retriever_rule($item['contact-id'], $item["uid"], false);
if ($retriever_rule) {
retriever_on_item_insert($retriever_rule, $item);
@ -850,7 +847,7 @@ function retriever_post_remote_hook(&$a, &$item) {
function retriever_plugin_settings(&$a,&$s) {
function retriever_plugin_settings(&$a, &$s) {
$all_photos = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'retriever', 'all_photos');
$oembed = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'retriever', 'oembed');
$template = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('/settings.tpl', 'addon/retriever/');