2018-02-19 22:36:00 +01:00
// This file is part of Friendiqa
2018-11-09 22:06:13 +01:00
// https://git.friendi.ca/lubuwest/Friendiqa
2020-05-24 21:14:23 +02:00
// Copyright (C) 2020 Marco R. <thomasschmidt45@gmx.net>
2018-02-19 22:36:00 +01:00
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
// permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
// OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
// individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including
// the two.
// You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all
// of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
// exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
// file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do
// so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete
// this exception statement from all source files in the program, then
// also delete it here.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
. pragma library
. import QtQuick . LocalStorage 2.0 as Sql
. import "qrc:/js/helper.js" as Helperjs
function requestList ( login , database , onlynew , rootwindow , callback ) {
//get list of own images and call download function
Helperjs . friendicaRequest ( login , "/api/friendica/photos/list" , rootwindow , function ( helperobject ) {
var obj = JSON . parse ( helperobject ) ;
if ( onlynew ) { Helperjs . readField ( "id" , database , "imageData" , login . username , function ( AllStoredImages ) {
if ( AllStoredImages . length > 0 ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < AllStoredImages . length ; i ++ ) {
var position = Helperjs . inArray ( obj , "id" , AllStoredImages [ i ] ) ;
if ( position > - 1 ) { obj . splice ( position , 1 ) }
callback ( obj )
} ) }
else { callback ( obj ) }
} ) }
function dataRequest ( login , photoID , database , xhr , rootwindow ) {
// check if image exist and call download function
Helperjs . friendicaRequest ( login , "/api/friendica/photo?photo_id=" + photoID , rootwindow , function ( image ) {
try { if ( image == "" ) { currentimageno = currentimageno + 1 } else {
var obj = JSON . parse ( image ) ;
var helpfilename = obj . filename . substring ( 0 , obj . filename . lastIndexOf ( "." ) ) ;
var filesuffix = "" ;
if ( obj . type == "image/jpeg" ) { filesuffix = ".jpg" }
else if ( obj . type == "image/png" ) { filesuffix = ".png" }
else { filesuffix = "" }
if ( helpfilename == "" ) { // check if file has any filename
obj . filename = obj [ "id" ] + filesuffix ;
else { obj . filename = helpfilename + filesuffix }
var link = "" ;
if ( obj [ "link" ] [ 0 ] ) { link = obj [ "link" ] [ 0 ] } else { link = obj [ "link" ] [ "4" ] }
xhr . setUrl ( Qt . resolvedUrl ( link ) ) ;
xhr . setLogin ( login . username + ":" + Qt . atob ( login . password ) ) ;
xhr . setFilename ( login . imagestore + 'albums/' + obj . album + "/" + obj [ "filename" ] ) ;
xhr . setDownloadtype ( "picture" ) ;
xhr . download ( ) ;
var db = Sql . LocalStorage . openDatabaseSync ( database [ 0 ] , database [ 1 ] , database [ 2 ] , database [ 3 ] ) ;
db . transaction ( function ( tx ) {
var result = tx . executeSql ( 'SELECT * from imageData where id = "' + obj [ "id" ] + '"' ) ;
if ( result . rows . length === 1 ) { // use update
result = tx . executeSql ( 'UPDATE imageData SET username ="' + login . username + '",id="' + obj . id + '", created="' + obj . created + '", edited="' + obj . edited + '", profile="' + obj . profile + '", link="' + obj [ "link" ] [ "4" ] + '", filename="' + obj . filename + '",title="' + obj . title + '", desc="' + obj . desc + '", type="' + obj . type + '", width="' + obj . width + '", height="' + obj . height + '", album="' + obj . album + '", location="file://' + login . imagestore + 'albums/' + obj . album + '/" where id="' + obj [ "id" ] + '"' ) ;
} else { // use insert print('... does not exists, create it')
result = tx . executeSql ( 'INSERT INTO imageData VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)' , [ login . username , obj . id , obj . created , obj . edited , obj . title , obj . desc , obj . album , obj . filename , obj . type , obj . height , obj . width , obj . profile , obj [ "link" ] [ "4" ] , 'file://' + login . imagestore + 'albums/' + obj . album + "/" ] ) ;
} ) } }
catch ( e ) { print ( "Data retrieval failure! " + e + obj ) ; }
} ) }
function storeImagedata ( login , database , imagedata , rootwindow ) {
// check if image exist and call download function
var db = Sql . LocalStorage . openDatabaseSync ( database [ 0 ] , database [ 1 ] , database [ 2 ] , database [ 3 ] ) ;
db . transaction ( function ( tx ) {
var result = tx . executeSql ( 'SELECT * from imageData where id = "' + imagedata [ "id" ] + '"' ) ;
if ( result . rows . length === 1 ) { // use update
result = tx . executeSql ( 'UPDATE imageData SET username ="' + login . username + '",id="' + imagedata . id + '", created="' + imagedata . created + '", edited="' + imagedata . edited + '", profile="' + imagedata . profile + '", link="' + imagedata . link [ 0 ] + '", filename="' + imagedata . filename + '",title="' + imagedata . title + '", desc="' + imagedata . desc + '", type="' + imagedata . type + '", width="' + imagedata . width + '", height="' + imagedata . height + '", album="' + imagedata . album + '", location="file://' + login . imagestore + 'albums/' + imagedata . album + '/" where id="' + imagedata [ "id" ] + '"' ) ;
} else { // use insert print('... does not exists, create it')
result = tx . executeSql ( 'INSERT INTO imageData VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)' , [ login . username , imagedata . id , imagedata . created , imagedata . edited , imagedata . title , imagedata . desc , imagedata . album , imagedata . filename , imagedata . type , imagedata . height , imagedata . width , imagedata . profile , imagedata . link [ 0 ] , 'file://' + login . imagestore + 'albums/' + imagedata . album + "/" ] ) ;
} ) }
function deleteImage ( database , login , type , location , filesystem , rootwindow , callback ) { // delete image locally and on server
var db = Sql . LocalStorage . openDatabaseSync ( database [ 0 ] , database [ 1 ] , database [ 2 ] , database [ 3 ] ) ;
var rsfilename = location . substring ( location . lastIndexOf ( "/" ) + 1 , location . length ) ;
var rslocation = location . substring ( 0 , location . lastIndexOf ( "/" ) + 1 ) ;
//print(type+" Name "+ rsfilename+" Location: "+rslocation)
db . transaction ( function ( tx ) {
if ( type == 'image' ) {
var rs = tx . executeSql ( 'SELECT * FROM imageData WHERE filename="' + rsfilename + '" AND location="' + rslocation + '"' )
var imageId = rs . rows . item ( 0 ) . id ;
Helperjs . friendicaPostRequest ( login , "/api/friendica/photo/delete?photo_id=" + imageId , "" , "DELETE" , rootwindow , function ( obj ) {
//var deletereturn = JSON.parse(obj); print(obj);
//if (deletereturn.result=="deleted"){
db . transaction ( function ( tx ) {
var deleters = tx . executeSql ( 'DELETE FROM imageData WHERE location="' + rslocation + '" AND filename="' + rsfilename + '"' ) ; } ) ;
filesystem . Directory = rslocation . substring ( 7 , rslocation . length - 1 ) ;
filesystem . rmFile ( rsfilename )
} )
else {
Helperjs . friendicaPostRequest ( login , "/api/friendica/photoalbum/delete?album=" + rsfilename , "" , "DELETE" , rootwindow , function ( obj ) {
//var deletereturn = JSON.parse(obj);
//if (deletereturn.result=="deleted"){
db . transaction ( function ( tx ) {
var rs = tx . executeSql ( 'SELECT DISTINCT location FROM imageData WHERE album="' + rsfilename + '" AND username="' + login . username + '"' ) ;
var locationstring = rs . rows . item ( 0 ) . location ;
filesystem . Directory = locationstring . substring ( 7 , locationstring . length - 1 ) ;
filesystem . rmDir ( ) ;
var deleters = tx . executeSql ( 'DELETE FROM imageData WHERE album="' + location + '"' ) ;
} )
} )
callback ( location )
} )
2018-08-25 16:17:09 +02:00
function updateImage ( database , login , type , filesystem , imageId , rootwindow , callback ) { // delete image locally and on server
var db = Sql . LocalStorage . openDatabaseSync ( database [ 0 ] , database [ 1 ] , database [ 2 ] , database [ 3 ] ) ;
Helperjs . readData ( database , "imageData" , login . username , function ( obj ) {
db . transaction ( function ( tx ) {
if ( type == 'image' ) {
var deleters = tx . executeSql ( 'DELETE FROM imageData WHERE location="' + obj [ 0 ] . location + '" AND filename="' + obj [ 0 ] . filename + '"' ) ;
filesystem . Directory = obj [ 0 ] . location
filesystem . rmFile ( obj [ 0 ] . filename )
} )
} , "id" , imageId ) ;
callback ( )
2018-02-19 22:36:00 +01:00
function deleteContacts ( database , user , callback ) { // does nothing useful at the moment
var db = Sql . LocalStorage . openDatabaseSync ( database [ 0 ] , database [ 1 ] , database [ 2 ] , database [ 3 ] ) ;
//print(' delete Image Data() for ' + field +"="+selection)
db . transaction ( function ( tx ) {
result1 = tx . executeSql ( 'SELECT * FROM contacts a LEFT OUTER JOIN news b ON a.url==b.uid' ) ;
result2 = tx . executeSql ( 'SELECT * FROM contacts a LEFT OUTER JOIN news b ON a.url==b.uid' ) ;
callback ( result ) } )
//function requestFriendsAlbumPictures(login,friend,rootwindow,callback){
//// screenscraping of albums page of contact without user and password
// Helperjs.friendicaWebRequest(friend.url.replace("profile","photos"),rootwindow,function(photohtml){
// //print(photohtml);
// var photoarray=[];
// var arr = photohtml.split("sidebar-photos-albums-li");
// for (var i=2;i<arr.length;i++){
// var albumlink = arr[i].substring(arr[i].indexOf('http'),arr[i].indexOf('class')-2);
// var albumname=arr[i].substring(arr[i].indexOf('/span')+6,arr[i].indexOf('</a>')-1);
// var album={'link':albumlink,'name':albumname}
// photoarray.push(album);
// }
// callback(photoarray)
// })
2019-12-10 21:12:32 +01:00
function newRequestFriendsAlbumPictures ( login , friend , rootwindow , callback ) { print ( "newRequestFriendsAlbumPictures" ) ;
2018-02-19 22:36:00 +01:00
// screenscraping of albums page of contact with remoteAuth
2019-12-10 21:12:32 +01:00
//commented out for broken remoteauth
Helperjs . friendicaWebRequest ( friend . url . replace ( "profile" , "photos" ) , rootwindow , function ( photohtml ) {
try { var obj = JSON . parse ( photohtml ) ; print ( "Photohtml: " + photohtml )
2018-02-19 22:36:00 +01:00
if ( obj . hasOwnProperty ( 'status' ) ) {
Helperjs . friendicaWebRequest ( friend . url . replace ( "profile" , "photos" ) , rootwindow , function ( photohtml ) {
getAlbumFromHtml ( photohtml , false , rootwindow , callback ) } )
} }
catch ( e ) {
2019-12-10 21:12:32 +01:00
getAlbumFromHtml ( photohtml , false , rootwindow , callback )
2018-02-19 22:36:00 +01:00
} )
function getAlbumFromHtml ( photohtml , remoteAuthBool , rootwindow , callback ) {
2019-12-10 21:12:32 +01:00
print ( photohtml ) ;
2018-02-19 22:36:00 +01:00
var photoarray = [ ] ;
var arr = photohtml . split ( "sidebar-photos-albums-li" ) ;
for ( var i = 2 ; i < arr . length ; i ++ ) {
var albumlink = arr [ i ] . substring ( arr [ i ] . indexOf ( 'http' ) , arr [ i ] . indexOf ( 'class' ) - 2 ) ;
var albumname = arr [ i ] . substring ( arr [ i ] . indexOf ( '/span' ) + 6 , arr [ i ] . indexOf ( '</a>' ) - 1 ) ;
var album = { 'link' : albumlink , 'name' : albumname } //print(albumlink+" "+albumname);
photoarray . push ( album ) ;
callback ( photoarray , remoteAuthBool )
function newRequestFriendsPictures ( login , link , friend , remoteAuthBool , remoteauth , rootwindow , callback ) {
// screenscraping of pictures page for given album
if ( remoteAuthBool ) {
remoteauth . setUrl ( login . server ) ;
remoteauth . setLogin ( login . username + ":" + Qt . atob ( login . password ) ) ;
remoteauth . setContacturl ( friend . url ) ;
Helperjs . friendicaRemoteAuthRequest ( login , link , friend . url , rootwindow , function ( photohtml ) {
getPictureFromHtml ( photohtml , remoteAuthBool , function ( photoarray ) {
callback ( photoarray )
} )
} ) }
else {
Helperjs . friendicaWebRequest ( link , rootwindow , function ( photohtml ) {
getPictureFromHtml ( photohtml , remoteAuthBool , function ( photoarray ) {
callback ( photoarray )
} )
} )
function getPictureFromHtml ( photohtml , remoteAuthBool , callback ) {
var photoarray = [ ] ;
var basehtml = photohtml . substring ( photohtml . indexOf ( '<base' ) + 12 , photohtml . indexOf ( '/>' , photohtml . indexOf ( '<base' ) ) - 2 ) ;
// old theme
if ( photohtml . indexOf ( "photo-album-image-wrapper-end" ) > - 1 ) { //theme 1
var arr = photohtml . split ( "photo-album-image-wrapper-end" ) ; }
// other themes
if ( photohtml . indexOf ( "photo-album-wrapper" ) > - 1 ) { //theme 2
var photoarea = photohtml . substring ( photohtml . indexOf ( "photo-album-wrapper" ) , photohtml . indexOf ( "photo-album-end" ) )
var arr = photoarea . split ( "</a>" ) ; }
//print("Url: "+login.server+ "Contacturl: "+friend.url)
// remoteauth.setUrl(login.server);
// remoteauth.setLogin(login.username+":"+Qt.atob(login.password));
// remoteauth.setContacturl(friend.url);
for ( var i = 0 ; i < arr . length - 1 ; i ++ ) {
var photoname = arr [ i ] . substring ( arr [ i ] . lastIndexOf ( 'alt' ) + 5 , arr [ i ] . lastIndexOf ( 'title' ) - 2 ) ;
var thumblink = arr [ i ] . substring ( arr [ i ] . lastIndexOf ( '<img' ) + 10 , arr [ i ] . lastIndexOf ( 'alt' ) - 2 ) ;
var imagetype = thumblink . substring ( thumblink . lastIndexOf ( "." ) ) ;
var photolink = thumblink . substring ( 0 , thumblink . length - imagetype . length - 2 ) + "-0" + imagetype
if ( thumblink . substring ( 0 , 4 ) !== "http" ) { thumblink = basehtml + thumblink }
if ( photolink . substring ( 0 , 4 ) !== "http" ) { photolink = basehtml + photolink }
if ( remoteAuthBool ) {
thumblink = "image://remoteauthimage/" + thumblink ;
photolink = "image://remoteauthimage/" + photolink ;
var photo = { 'link' : photolink , 'name' : photoname , 'thumb' : thumblink }
photoarray . push ( photo ) ;
callback ( photoarray )
function requestFriendsPictures ( link , rootwindow , callback ) {
// screenscraping of pictures page for given album
Helperjs . friendicaWebRequest ( link , rootwindow , function ( photohtml ) {
var photoarray = [ ] ;
var basehtml = photohtml . substring ( photohtml . indexOf ( '<base' ) + 12 , photohtml . indexOf ( '/>' , photohtml . indexOf ( '<base' ) ) - 2 ) ;
// old theme
if ( photohtml . indexOf ( "photo-album-image-wrapper-end" ) > - 1 ) { //theme 1
var arr = photohtml . split ( "photo-album-image-wrapper-end" ) ; }
// other themes
if ( photohtml . indexOf ( "photo-album-wrapper" ) > - 1 ) { //theme 2
var photoarea = photohtml . substring ( photohtml . indexOf ( "photo-album-wrapper" ) , photohtml . indexOf ( "photo-album-end" ) )
var arr = photoarea . split ( "</a>" ) ; }
for ( var i = 0 ; i < arr . length - 1 ; i ++ ) {
var photoname = arr [ i ] . substring ( arr [ i ] . lastIndexOf ( 'alt' ) + 5 , arr [ i ] . lastIndexOf ( 'title' ) - 2 ) ;
var thumblink = arr [ i ] . substring ( arr [ i ] . lastIndexOf ( '<img' ) + 10 , arr [ i ] . lastIndexOf ( 'alt' ) - 2 ) ;
var imagetype = thumblink . substring ( thumblink . lastIndexOf ( "." ) ) ;
var photolink = thumblink . substring ( 0 , thumblink . length - imagetype . length - 2 ) + "-0" + imagetype
if ( thumblink . substring ( 0 , 4 ) !== "http" ) { thumblink = basehtml + thumblink }
if ( photolink . substring ( 0 , 4 ) !== "http" ) { photolink = basehtml + photolink }
var photo = { 'link' : photolink , 'name' : photoname , 'thumb' : thumblink }
photoarray . push ( photo ) ;
callback ( photoarray )
} )