Blockbot: reworked user agent parser

This commit is contained in:
Michael 2024-04-22 01:38:08 +00:00
parent 741c142a05
commit ce2d9030d1

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* Name: blockbot
* Description: Blocking bots based on detecting bots/crawlers/spiders via the user agent and http_from header.
* Version: 0.2
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Philipp Holzer <>
* Author: Michael Vogel <>
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ use Friendica\Core\Logger;
use Friendica\Core\Renderer;
use Friendica\Core\System;
use Friendica\Network\HTTPException\ForbiddenException;
use Friendica\Util\Network;
require_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';
@ -46,14 +47,374 @@ function blockbot_addon_admin_post()
DI::config()->set('blockbot', 'training', $_POST['training'] ?? false);
function blockbot_reject()
throw new ForbiddenException('Bots are not allowed. If you consider this a mistake, create an issue at');
function blockbot_init_1()
if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
$logdata = ['agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'uri' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']];
$crawlerDetect = new CrawlerDetect();
$isCrawler = $crawlerDetect->isCrawler();
$cleaned = blockbot_remove_known_parts($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
$logdata = ['isCrawler' => $isCrawler, 'cleaned' => $cleaned, 'agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'uri' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']];
blockbot_save('all-agents', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $cleaned);
if (empty($cleaned) && !$isCrawler) {
if (blockbot_is_bot($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
if (blockbot_is_socialmedia_agents($cleaned, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
if (!DI::config()->get('blockbot', 'socialmedia_agents')) {
if (blockbot_is_library($cleaned, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
if (!DI::config()->get('blockbot', 'http_libraries')) {
if (blockbot_is_good_agent($cleaned, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
if (!DI::config()->get('blockbot', 'good_crawlers')) {
// This switch here is only meant for developers who want to add more bots to the list above, it is not safe for production.
if (!DI::config()->get('blockbot', 'training')) {
if (blockbot_is_wanted_agent($cleaned, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
if (!$isCrawler) {
if (!empty($cleaned)) {
logger::debug('Legacy good user agent detected', $logdata);
blockbot_save('legacy-good', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $cleaned);
} elseif (empty($cleaned)) {
logger::notice('Blocked bot', $logdata);
blockbot_save('blocked-bot', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $cleaned);
function blockbot_save($database, $userAgent, $cleaned)
if (!function_exists('dba_open')) {
$ressource = dba_open(System::getTempPath() . '/' . $database, 'cl');
$result = dba_fetch($userAgent, $ressource);
if ($result === false) {
dba_insert($userAgent, $cleaned, $ressource);
function blockbot_remove_known_parts($agent)
if (Network::isValidHttpUrl($agent)) {
return $agent;
$agent = str_replace('))', ')', $agent);
$patterns = [
"Friendica '.*' \S+; https?://\S+" => 'Friendica',
'FriendicaDirectory/\S+ GuzzleHttp/\S+ curl/\S+ PHP/\S+' => 'FriendicaDirectory',
'.*\(golang net/http; Activity-Relay \S+; \S+\)' => 'Activity-Relay',
'Nextcloud Social \S+' => 'Nextcloud Social',
'\S+ - Mobilizon \S+' => 'Mobilizon',
'\S+ - Mobilizon' => 'Mobilizon',
'GNU social/\S+ \(.*\)' => 'GNU social',
'MastodonAndroid/\S+' => 'MastodonAndroid',
'Mozilla/5.0 \(compatible; zot\)' => 'zot',
'Camo Asset Proxy \S+' => 'Camo Asset Proxy',
'AodeRelay \(ap-relay/\S+; \+https?://\S+\)' => 'AodeRelay',
'Wget/\S+ \S+ \(Red Hat modified\)' => 'Wget',
'PixelFedBot/\S+ \(Pixelfed/\S+; \+https?://\S+\)' => 'Pixelfed',
'\(Pixelfed/\S+; \+https?://\S+\)' => 'Pixelfed',
'Boost/\S+ \(Linux;Android \S+\)' => 'Boost',
'Apache-HttpClient/\S+ \(Java/\S+\)' => 'Apache-HttpClient',
'python/federation/\S+' => 'federation',
'undefined/undefined \(\+\)' => '',
'Poduptime/Production from https?://\S+' => 'Poduptime',
'GNUsocialBot \S+ - https?://\S+' => 'GNUsocialBot',
'honksnonk/\S+; \S+' => 'honksnonk',
$oldagent = $agent;
foreach ($patterns as $pattern => $replacement) {
$agent = preg_replace('=' . $pattern . '=i', $replacement, $agent);
$patterns = [
'Dalvik/\S+ \(Linux; U; Android \S+; [^;]* Build/\S+\)',
'Mozilla\S+ Slackware\S+ \([^)]*\)', 'Mozilla/\S+ \([^)]*\)', 'Opera/\S+ \([^)]*\)',
'iTunes/\S+ \([^)]*\)', 'Links \([^)]*\)', 'UCWEB/\S+ \([^)]*\)',
do {
$oldagent = $agent;
foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
$agent = preg_replace('=' . $pattern . '=i', '', $agent);
} while ($agent != $oldagent);
// Search patterns of known agents
$patterns = [
'\(KHTML, like Gecko, Foregenix\)',
'KHTML/\S+ \(like Gecko\)', '\(KHTML, like Gecko\)',
'\(KHTML like Gecko\)', 'like iPhone OS \S+ Mac OS X',
'Gecko/\S+', 'Presto/\S+', 'SamsungBrowser/\S+',
'KHTML/\S+ \(like Gecko\)', 'Whale/\S+', 'YaBrowser/\S+', 'Yowser/\S+',
'Mobile/\S+', 'CriOS/\S+', 'SA/\S+', 'honksnonk/\S+; \S+',
'libwww-FM/\S+', 'SSL-MM/\S+', 'Pre/\S+', 'U3/\S+', 'UCBrowser/\S+',
'AppleWebKit/\S+', 'Version/\S+', 'Mobile Safari/\S+', 'Safari/\S+', 'Chrome/\S+',
'Firefox/\S+', 'Core/\S+', 'QQBrowser/\S+', 'OPR/\S+', 'EdgA/\S+', 'Edge/\S+',
'Edg/\S+', 'QtWebEngine/\S+', 'Maxthon/\S+', 'Amethyst/\S+', 'CherryPick/\S+',
'Minefield/\S+', 'Waterfox/\S+', 'Iceweasel/\S+', 'Fennec/\S+', 'webOSBrowser/\S+',
'Quark/\S+', 'Observatory/\S+', 'SeaMonkey/\S+', 'Chromium/\S+',
'Puffin/\S+', 'Kindle/\S+', 'FirePHP/\S+', 'Avant Browser/\S+',
'OpenSSL/\S+', 'Lynx/\S+', 'NokiaBrowser/\S+', 'FxiOS/\S+', 'AtContent/\S+',
'Minimo/\S+', 'GNUTLS/\S+', 'Python/\S+', 'Mobile Safari [\d.]+',
'Vivaldi/\S+', 'Mozilla Firebird/\S+', 'Epiphany\S+', 'WebVideo\S+',
'wOSBrowser\S+', 'TouchPad\S+', 'MxBrowser\S+', 'Opera [\d.]'
do {
$oldagent = $agent;
foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
$agent = preg_replace('=(^|\W)' . $pattern . '($|\W)=i', '$1$2', $agent);
} while ($agent != $oldagent);
$patterns = [
'python-httpx/\S+ \((\w+)/\S+; \+https?://\S+\)',
'http.rb/\S+ \(\S+/\S+ (\w+)/\S+; \+https?://\S+\) Bot',
'http.rb/\S+ \(\S+/\S+ (\w+)/\S+; \+https?://\S+\)',
'http.rb/\S+ \((\w+)/\S+; \+https?://\S+\) Bot',
'http.rb/\S+ \((\w+)/\S+; \+https?://\S+\)',
'http.rb/\S+ \((\w+)/\S+; https?://\S+\)',
'http.rb/\S+ \(([\w\s]+)/\S+\)',
'python-requests \((\w+)/\S+; \+https?://\S+\)',
'python-httpx/\S+ \(\S+; (\w+)/\S+; \+https?://\S+\)',
'http.fetch \((\w+); \+https?://\S+ <\S+>; Timeline enrichment\); Bot',
'http.fetch \((\w+); \+https?://\S+ <\S+>; Timeline enrichment\)',
'(\w+)/\S+ CFNetwork/\S+ Darwin/\S+',
'(\w+)/\S+ Android/\S+ OkHttp/\S+',
'(\w+)/\S+; https?://\S+; ActivityPub',
'(\w+) \(\S+; \+https?://\S+\)',
'(\w+) at \S+ \(\+https?://\S+\)',
'\S+ \(\+https?://\S+\) (\w+)/\S+ \S+', '\S+ \(\+https?://\S+\) (\w+)/\S+',
'(\w+)/\S* \(\+https?://\S+\)', '(\w+) \(\+https?://\S+\)',
'(\w+)/\S+ \(https?://\S+\), \w+/\S+ \(https?://\S+\)',
'(\w+)/\S+ \(https?://\S+\)', '(\w+) \(https?://\S+\)', '(\w+)/\S* https?://\S+',
'(\w+) \S+; https?://\S+ <\S+>, \S+ \S+; https?://\S+ <\S+>; Bot',
'(\w+) \S+; https?://\S+ <\S+>; Bot', '(\w+) \S+; https?://\S+ <\S*>',
'(\w+)/\S+; \+https?://\S+', '(\w+)/; \+https?://\S+',
'(\w+)/[\w._]+ \+https?://\S+',
'(\w+)/[\w._]+ \(\S+@\S+\)',
do {
$oldagent = $agent;
foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
$agent = preg_replace('=' . $pattern . '=i', '$1', $agent);
} while ($agent != $oldagent);
// 'Pre',
// Some more known parts that we can remove
//@todo Search for words only
$search = [
'3gpp-gba', '(Edition Yx)', '(Unsupported)', 'Konqueror (WebEnginePart)',
'like Gecko', 'Kubuntu', 'Ubuntu', 'Fedora', 'Debian', 'UNTRUSTED',
do {
$oldtext = $agent;
$agent = str_ireplace($search, ' ', $agent);
} while ($oldtext != $agent);
$agent = trim($agent, ',./ ');
return trim($agent);
function blockbot_is_wanted_agent(string $cleaned, string $agent): bool
$agents = [
'Friendica', 'AodeRelay', 'Pixelfed', 'zot', 'Mobilizon', 'federation',
'Mastodon', 'Akkoma', 'Pleroma', 'Misskey', 'Firefish', 'WordPress',
'Iceshrimp', 'PeerTube', 'FoundKey', 'Calckey', 'gotosocial', 'Wget',
'microblogpub', 'Takahe', 'DiasporaFederation', 'MbinBot', 'snac', 'funkwhale',
'kbinBot', 'Mbin', 'lotide', 'lemmy-stats-crawler', 'Lemmy', 'MastodonInstances',
'lemmy-explorer-crawler', 'MisskeyMediaProxy', 'FedditLemmyverseCrawler',
'facebookexternalua', 'ActivityRelay', 'Pachli', 'go-camo', 'OpenGraphReader',
'buzzrelay', 'TootDeck-Worker', 'diaspora-connection-tester', 'Fedilab',
'ActivityPub', 'camo-rs asset proxy', 'Fedibird', 'FediFetcher', 'FediList Agent',
'CSSCheck', 'Tiny Tiny RSS', 'Tusky', 'FediDB', 'Plume', "fediverse's stats",
'', 'MastodonAndroid', 'Activity-Relay', 'GNU social', '',
'enby-town', 'Fediseer', 'Nextcloud Social', 'Ruby, mastodon 0.1.1',
' v1.0', 'Camo Asset Proxy', 'Boost', 'honksnonk',
'PieFed', 'Brighteon', 'Mammoth', 'Juick', 'Ruby, mastodon 0.1.1',
'Simple Social Network',
if (in_array($cleaned, $agents)) {
return true;
$partial = ['Tiny Tiny RSS'];
if (blockbot_match(array_merge($agents, $partial), $cleaned)) {
return true;
$legacy_agents = [
'curl', 'zgrab', 'Go-http-client', 'curb', '', 'reqwest', 'Feedly/',
'Python-urllib/', 'Liferea/', 'aiohttp/', ' Reader', 'hackney/',
'Faraday v', 'okhttp', 'UniversalFeedParser', 'PixelFedBot', 'python-requests',
'WordPress/', 'http.rb/', 'Apache-HttpClient/', ';', 'Dispatch/',
'Ruby', 'Java/', 'libwww-perl/', 'FeedlyApp/', 'lua-resty-http/', 'PostmanRuntime/',
'W3C_Validator/', 'NetNewsWire', 'FeedValidator/', '', 'axios/',
'Paw/', '', ' crawler', 'Lynx/', 'incestoma ',
'SpaceCowboys Android RSS Reader', 'NewsBlur Feed Finder', 'Lemmy/', 'rss2tg bot;',
'; HTTrack ', 'NewsBlur Feed Fetcher', 'NewsBlur Page Fetcher', 'FreshRSS/',
'BookWyrm/', 'Reeder/',
if (in_array($cleaned, $legacy_agents)) {
Logger::debug('Legacy wanted direct match', ['cleaned' => $cleaned, 'agent' => $agent]);
blockbot_save('legacy-wanted-direct', $agent, $cleaned);
return true;
$match = blockbot_match(array_merge($agents, $legacy_agents), $cleaned);
if ($match) {
Logger::debug('Legacy wanted partial match', ['cleaned' => $cleaned, 'agent' => $agent]);
blockbot_save('legacy-wanted-partial', $agent, $cleaned);
return $match;
function blockbot_is_good_agent(string $cleaned, string $agent): bool
$agents = [
'Zabbix', '', 'node', 'FeedBurner',
'lemmy-stats-crawler', 'Poduptime', 'GNUsocialBot', '',
"fediverse's stats", 'link_thumbnailer', 'easy-feed-oven', 'fediverse',
if (in_array($cleaned, $agents)) {
return true;
$partial = ['rest-client'];
if (blockbot_match(array_merge($agents, $partial), $cleaned)) {
return true;
$legacy_agents = [
' crawler', ' crawler', 'Active_Pods_CheckBot_3.0',
'Social-Relay/', 'Test Certificate Info', 'Uptimebot/', 'UptimeRobot/', 'PTST/', 'FediFetcher',
'FedditLemmyverseCrawler/', 'lemmy-explorer-crawler/', 'URIports Validator',
' web bot;', 'fedistatsCrawler/', 'W3C_CSS_Validator_JFouffa/',
'IABot/', 'Slackbot 1', 'BeeperBot/', 'Matrix-Media-Repo/', 'P3P Validator',
'KeybaseBot;', 'Observatory/', 'CSSCheck/', ' feed bot;',
if (in_array($cleaned, $legacy_agents)) {
Logger::debug('Legacy good direct match', ['cleaned' => $cleaned, 'agent' => $agent]);
blockbot_save('legacy-good-direct', $agent, $cleaned);
return true;
$match = blockbot_match(array_merge($agents, $legacy_agents), $cleaned);
if ($match) {
Logger::debug('Legacy good partial match', ['cleaned' => $cleaned, 'agent' => $agent]);
blockbot_save('legacy-good-partial', $agent, $cleaned);
return $match;
function blockbot_is_socialmedia_agents(string $cleaned, string $agent): bool
$agents = [
'TelegramBot (like TwitterBot)', 'Twitterbot', 'Slack-ImgProxy', 'Slackbot-LinkExpanding',
'WhatsApp', 'facebookexternalhit', 'SkypeUriPreview Preview', 'SummalyBot', 'Iframely',
'Tumblr', 'Synapse',
if (in_array($cleaned, $agents)) {
return true;
$legacy_agents = [
'github-camo', 'Bluesky Cardyb/', 'XING-contenttabreceiver/',
'LinkedInBot/', 'Instagram ', 'Discordbot/', 'Slack-ImgProxy',
if (in_array($cleaned, $legacy_agents)) {
Logger::debug('Legacy social media direct match', ['cleaned' => $cleaned, 'agent' => $agent]);
blockbot_save('legacy-social-media-direct', $agent, $cleaned);
return true;
$match = blockbot_match(array_merge($agents, $legacy_agents), $cleaned);
if ($match) {
Logger::debug('Legacy social media partial match', ['cleaned' => $cleaned, 'agent' => $agent]);
blockbot_save('legacy-social-media-partial', $agent, $cleaned);
return $match;
function blockbot_is_library(string $cleaned, string $agent): bool
$agents = [
'curl', 'Ruby', 'Go-http-client', 'python-httpx', 'undici',
'Python-urllib', 'okhttp', 'python-requests', 'python-asks', 'caveman-sieve',
'ReactorNetty', 'GuzzleHttp', 'Embed PHP library', 'python-urllib3',
'EventMachine HttpClient', 'HTMLParser', 'node-fetch', 'fasthttp',
'Fuzz Faster U Fool', 'gvfs', 'Embarcadero URI Client', 'grub-client',
'Deno', 'mint', 'axios', 'cutycapt', 'Java', 'Apache-HttpClient',
'Crystal', '', 'aiohttp', 'Mona',
if (in_array($cleaned, $agents)) {
return true;
$legacy_agents = [
'ReactorNetty/', 'GuzzleHttp/', 'Embed PHP library', 'python-urllib3/',
'EventMachine HttpClient', 'HTMLParser/', 'node-fetch', 'fasthttp', 'python-httpx/',
'Fuzz Faster U Fool', 'gvfs/', 'Embarcadero URI Client/', 'grub-client'
if (in_array($cleaned, $legacy_agents)) {
Logger::debug('Legacy good direct match', ['cleaned' => $cleaned, 'agent' => $agent]);
blockbot_save('legacy-good-direct', $agent, $cleaned);
return true;
$match = blockbot_match(array_merge($agents, $legacy_agents), $cleaned);
if ($match) {
Logger::debug('Legacy good partial match', ['cleaned' => $cleaned, 'agent' => $agent]);
blockbot_save('legacy-good-partial', $agent, $cleaned);
return $match;
function blockbot_is_bot(string $agent): bool
// List of known unwanted crawlers.
$agents = [
'SemrushBot', 's~feedly-nikon3', 'Qwantify/Bleriot/', 'ltx71', 'Sogou web spider/',
@ -65,7 +426,7 @@ function blockbot_init_1()
'CrowdTanglebot/', 'Mediapartners-Google', 'Baiduspider', 'datagnionbot',
'', 'SMUrlExpander', 'Hatena-Favicon/', 'Wappalyzer', 'FlipboardProxy/',
'NetcraftSurveyAgent/', '', 'SMTBot/', 'Nimbostratus-Bot/',
'DuckDuckGo-Favicons-Bot/', 'IndieWebCards/', 'proximic', 'netEstate NE Crawler',
'DuckDuckGo/', 'DuckDuckGo-Favicons-Bot/', 'IndieWebCards/', 'proximic', 'netEstate NE Crawler',
'AhrefsBot/', 'YandexBot/', 'Exabot/', 'Mediumbot-MetaTagFetcher/',
'SurdotlyBot/', 'BingPreview/', 'SabsimBot/', 'CCBot/', 'WbSrch/',
'DuckDuckBot-Https/', 'HTTP Banner Detection', 'YandexImages/', 'archive.org_bot',
@ -92,119 +453,19 @@ function blockbot_init_1()
'ImagesiftBot;', 'webtech/', 'Bloglines/', 'Netcraft Web Server Survey', 'Spawning-AI',
'NLUX_IAHarvester/', '', 'RSSingBot', 'Chrome-Lighthouse',
't3versionsBot/', '', 'intelx.io_bot', 'Google-Read-Aloud',
'bot Mozilla',
'bot Mozilla', 'rayven/', '',
if (DI::config()->get('blockbot', 'block_gab')) {
$agents[] = 'GabSocial/';
// List of "good" crawlers, mostly from the fediverse.
$good_agents = [
' crawler', ' crawler', 'Active_Pods_CheckBot_3.0',
'Social-Relay/', 'Test Certificate Info', 'Uptimebot/', 'GNUSocialBot', 'UptimeRobot/',
'PTST/', 'Zabbix', 'Poduptime/', 'FediFetcher', 'lemmy-stats-crawler',
'FedditLemmyverseCrawler/', 'lemmy-explorer-crawler/', 'URIports Validator',
' web bot;', 'fedistatsCrawler/', 'W3C_CSS_Validator_JFouffa/',
'IABot/', 'Slackbot 1', 'BeeperBot/', 'Matrix-Media-Repo/', 'P3P Validator',
'KeybaseBot;', 'Observatory/', 'CSSCheck/', 'FeedBurner/', ' feed bot;'
if (!DI::config()->get('blockbot', 'good_crawlers')) {
$agents = array_merge($agents, $good_agents);
} elseif (blockbot_match($good_agents)) {
// List of agents from social media systems that fetch preview data via opem graph or twitter cards.
$socialmedia_agents = ['Twitterbot', 'facebookexternalhit/', 'SkypeUriPreview Preview/',
'TelegramBot', 'WhatsApp/', 'github-camo', 'Bluesky Cardyb/', 'XING-contenttabreceiver/',
'LinkedInBot/', 'Instagram ', 'Synapse (bot; ', 'Discordbot/', 'SummalyBot/',
'Slackbot-LinkExpanding', 'Slack-ImgProxy', 'Iframely/',
if (!DI::config()->get('blockbot', 'socialmedia_agents')) {
$agents = array_merge($agents, $socialmedia_agents);
} elseif (blockbot_match($socialmedia_agents)) {
// HTTP Libraries
$http_libraries = ['ReactorNetty/', 'GuzzleHttp/', 'Embed PHP library', 'python-urllib3/',
'EventMachine HttpClient', 'HTMLParser/', 'node-fetch', 'fasthttp', 'python-httpx/',
'Fuzz Faster U Fool', 'gvfs/', 'Embarcadero URI Client/', 'grub-client'
if (!DI::config()->get('blockbot', 'http_libraries')) {
$agents = array_merge($agents, $http_libraries);
} elseif (blockbot_match($http_libraries)) {
if (blockbot_match($agents)) {
throw new ForbiddenException('Bots are not allowed. If you consider this a mistake, create an issue at');
// This switch here is only meant for developers who want to add more bots to the list above, it is not safe for production.
if (!DI::config()->get('blockbot', 'training')) {
$crawlerDetect = new CrawlerDetect();
if (!$crawlerDetect->isCrawler()) {
logger::debug('Good user agent detected', $logdata);
// List of known "good" agents, mostly used by Fediverse systems, feed readers, ...
$agents = [
'curl', 'zgrab', 'Go-http-client', 'curb', '', 'reqwest', 'Feedly/',
'Python-urllib/', 'Liferea/', 'aiohttp/', ' Reader', 'hackney/',
'Faraday v', 'okhttp', 'UniversalFeedParser', 'PixelFedBot', 'python-requests',
'WordPress/', 'http.rb/', 'Apache-HttpClient/', ';', 'Pleroma',
'Dispatch/', 'Ruby', 'Java/', 'libwww-perl/', 'Mastodon/', 'FeedlyApp/',
'lua-resty-http/', 'Tiny Tiny RSS/', 'Wget/', 'PostmanRuntime/',
'W3C_Validator/', 'NetNewsWire', 'FeedValidator/', '', 'axios/',
'Paw/', 'PeerTube/', '', 'FediDB/', ' crawler',
'Slackbot-LinkExpanding', 'Firefish/', 'Takahe/', 'Akkoma ', 'Misskey/', 'Lynx/',
'camo-rs asset proxy', 'gotosocial/', 'incestoma ', 'SpaceCowboys Android RSS Reader',
'NewsBlur Feed Finder', 'Lemmy/', 'enby-town/', 'rss2tg bot;', '; HTTrack ',
'MbinBot', 'kbinBot', 'Pixelfed/', 'NewsBlur Feed Fetcher', 'NewsBlur Page Fetcher',
'facebookexternalua', 'FreshRSS/', 'BookWyrm/', 'Reeder/', 'microblogpub/',
if (blockbot_match($agents)) {
logger::info('False positive', $logdata);
blockbot_save('blocked-bot', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
logger::notice('Blocked bot', $logdata);
throw new ForbiddenException('Bots are not allowed. If you consider this a mistake, create an issue at');
return blockbot_match($agents, $agent);
function blockbot_save($database, $userAgent)
if (!function_exists('dba_open')) {
$ressource = dba_open(System::getTempPath() . '/' . $database, 'cl');
$result = dba_fetch($userAgent, $ressource);
if ($result === false) {
dba_insert($userAgent, 1, $ressource);
} else {
dba_replace($userAgent, ++$result, $ressource);
function blockbot_match(array $agents)
function blockbot_match(array $agents, string $request_agent)
foreach ($agents as $agent) {
if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $agent)) {
if (stristr($request_agent, $agent)) {
return true;