forked from friendica/friendica-addons
fix plugins strings
This commit is contained in:
112 changed files with 112 additions and 112 deletions
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "Ajustos de Altpagerr actualitzats.";
$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "Alternate Pagination Setting";
$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "Emprar enllaç a \"més nova\" i \"més antiga\" pàgina, en lloc de números de pàgina? ";
$a->strings["Use links to \"newer\" and \"older\" pages in place of page numbers?"] = "Emprar enllaç a \"més nova\" i \"més antiga\" pàgina, en lloc de números de pàgina? ";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
$a->strings["Global"] = "";
$a->strings["Force global use of the alternate pager"] = "";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "Nastavení Altpager aktualizováno.";
$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "Alternate Pagination nastavení";
$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "Použít odkazy na \"novější\" a \"starší\" stránky místo čísel stránek?";
$a->strings["Use links to \"newer\" and \"older\" pages in place of page numbers?"] = "Použít odkazy na \"novější\" a \"starší\" stránky místo čísel stránek?";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
$a->strings["Global"] = "Globální";
$a->strings["Force global use of the alternate pager"] = "Vynutit globální použití alternativního stránkování";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "Altpager Einstellungen sind aktualisiert.";
$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "Alternative Seitenumbruch Einstellung";
$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "Nutze Links zu \"neuer\" und \"älter\" Seiten, statt Seiten Nummern?";
$a->strings["Use links to \"newer\" and \"older\" pages in place of page numbers?"] = "Nutze Links zu \"neuer\" und \"älter\" Seiten, statt Seiten Nummern?";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
$a->strings["Global"] = "Global";
$a->strings["Force global use of the alternate pager"] = "Erzwinge die Verwendung des \"Alternate Pager\" auf diesem Server";
@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
$a->strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "Ĝisdatigis Altpager agordojn.";
$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "Alternativa paĝonumerado agordoj";
$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "Uzi ligilojn al \"pli nova\" kaj \"pli malnova\" paĝoj anstataŭ paĝnombrojn?";
$a->strings["Use links to \"newer\" and \"older\" pages in place of page numbers?"] = "Uzi ligilojn al \"pli nova\" kaj \"pli malnova\" paĝoj anstataŭ paĝnombrojn?";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Agordoj ĝisdatigita.";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "Configuración de paginador alternativo actualizada.";
$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "Configuración de paginación alternativa";
$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "¿Usar \"más nuevo\" y \"más antiguo\" en vez de números en las páginas?";
$a->strings["Use links to \"newer\" and \"older\" pages in place of page numbers?"] = "¿Usar \"más nuevo\" y \"más antiguo\" en vez de números en las páginas?";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
$a->strings["Global"] = "";
$a->strings["Individual"] = "";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "Paramètres d'Altpager mis à jour.";
$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "Paramètres de numérotation des pages";
$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "Utiliser des liens vers \"plus récents\" et \"plus anciens\" au lieu de numéros de pages ?";
$a->strings["Use links to \"newer\" and \"older\" pages in place of page numbers?"] = "Utiliser des liens vers \"plus récents\" et \"plus anciens\" au lieu de numéros de pages ?";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
$a->strings["Global"] = "Global";
$a->strings["Individual"] = "Individuel";
@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
$a->strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "";
$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "";
$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "";
$a->strings["Use links to \"newer\" and \"older\" pages in place of page numbers?"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Stillingar uppfærðar";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "Impostazioni Altpager aggiornate.";
$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "Impostazioni Paginatore Alternativo";
$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "Usa i collegamenti \"nuovi\" e \"vecchi\" al posto dei numeri di pagina?";
$a->strings["Use links to \"newer\" and \"older\" pages in place of page numbers?"] = "Usa i collegamenti \"nuovi\" e \"vecchi\" al posto dei numeri di pagina?";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
$a->strings["Global"] = "";
$a->strings["Force global use of the alternate pager"] = "";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "";
$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "";
$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "";
$a->strings["Use links to \"newer\" and \"older\" pages in place of page numbers?"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
$a->strings["Global"] = "";
$a->strings["Individual"] = "";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "";
$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "";
$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "";
$a->strings["Use links to \"newer\" and \"older\" pages in place of page numbers?"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
$a->strings["Global"] = "Ogólne";
$a->strings["Force global use of the alternate pager"] = "";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "";
$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "";
$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "";
$a->strings["Use links to \"newer\" and \"older\" pages in place of page numbers?"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
$a->strings["Global"] = "";
$a->strings["Individual"] = "";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "";
$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "";
$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "";
$a->strings["Use links to \"newer\" and \"older\" pages in place of page numbers?"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
$a->strings["Global"] = "";
$a->strings["Individual"] = "";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "Altpager设置更新了。";
$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "供替换的分页设置";
$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "用到「更新」和「更旧」页代替页数?";
$a->strings["Use links to \"newer\" and \"older\" pages in place of page numbers?"] = "用到「更新」和「更旧」页代替页数?";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
$a->strings["Global"] = "综合";
$a->strings["Force global use of the alternate pager"] = "让大家用供替换的分页";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "Configuració de \"Bloqueig\"";
$a->strings["\"Blockem\" Settings"] = "Configuració de \"Bloqueig\"";
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "URLS dels perfils a bloquejar, separats per comes";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Guardada la configuració de BLOQUEIG.";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Blockem\" Nastavení";
$a->strings["\"Blockem\" Settings"] = "\"Blockem\" Nastavení";
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "Čárkou oddělené URL adresy profilů určených k ignorování";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "BLOCKEM nastavení uloženo.";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Blockem\"-Einstellungen";
$a->strings["\"Blockem\" Settings"] = "\"Blockem\"-Einstellungen";
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "Profil-URLs, die blockiert werden sollen (durch Kommas getrennt)";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "BLOCKEM-Einstellungen gesichert.";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Blockem\" Agordoj";
$a->strings["\"Blockem\" Settings"] = "\"Blockem\" Agordoj";
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "Blokotaj URL adresoj, disigita per komo";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Konservis Agordojn de BLOCKEM.";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "Configuración de \"Blockem\"";
$a->strings["\"Blockem\" Settings"] = "Configuración de \"Blockem\"";
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "Direcciones separadas por coma de los perfiles a bloquear";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Configuracion Blockem guardada.";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "Réglages de Blockem";
$a->strings["\"Blockem\" Settings"] = "Réglages de Blockem";
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "Liste d'URLS de profils à bloquer, séparés par des virgules";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Réglages Blockem sauvés.";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Blockem\" stillingar";
$a->strings["\"Blockem\" Settings"] = "\"Blockem\" stillingar";
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "Banna lista af forsíðum (komma á milli)";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "BLOCKEM stillingar vistaðar.";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "Impostazioni \"Blockem\"";
$a->strings["\"Blockem\" Settings"] = "Impostazioni \"Blockem\"";
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "Lista, separata da virgola, di indirizzi da bloccare";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Impostazioni salvate.";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "";
$a->strings["\"Blockem\" Settings"] = "";
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "";
$a->strings["\"Blockem\" Settings"] = "";
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "Configurações \"Blockem\"";
$a->strings["\"Blockem\" Settings"] = "Configurações \"Blockem\"";
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "URLS de perfis separados por vírgulas a serem bloqueados";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Configurações BLOCKEM armazenadas.";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Blockem\" настройки";
$a->strings["\"Blockem\" Settings"] = "\"Blockem\" настройки";
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "URLS, которые заблокировать (список через запятую)";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "BLOCKEM-Настройки сохранены.";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "「Blockem」配置";
$a->strings["\"Blockem\" Settings"] = "「Blockem」配置";
$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "逗号分简介URL为栏";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "「Blockem」配置保存了。";
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ $a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "";
$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "";
$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Re-autentificar [Això és necessari cada vegada que la contrasenya de Facebook canvia.]";
$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Enviar a Facebook per defecte";
$a->strings["Suppress __DQ__View on friendica__DQ__"] = "";
$a->strings["Suppress \"View on friendica\""] = "";
$a->strings["Mirror wall posts from facebook to friendica."] = "";
$a->strings["Post to page/group:"] = "";
$a->strings["None"] = "Cap";
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ $a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "Instalovat p
$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "Odstranit konektor pro příspěvky na Facebook";
$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Opětovná autentikace [Toto je nezbytné kdykoliv se změní Vaše heslo na Facebooku.]";
$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Standardně posílat příspěvky na Facebook";
$a->strings["Suppress __DQ__View on friendica__DQ__"] = "Potlačit \"Zobrazit na friendica\"";
$a->strings["Suppress \"View on friendica\""] = "Potlačit \"Zobrazit na friendica\"";
$a->strings["Post to page/group:"] = "Příspěvek na stránku/skupinu";
$a->strings["None"] = "Žádný";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ $a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "Facebook-Con
$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "Facebook-Connector entfernen";
$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Neu authentifizieren [Das ist immer dann nötig, wenn du dein Facebook-Passwort geändert hast.]";
$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Veröffentliche standardmäßig bei Facebook";
$a->strings["Suppress __DQ__View on friendica__DQ__"] = "Unterdrücke \"Auf Friendica Ansehen\"";
$a->strings["Suppress \"View on friendica\""] = "Unterdrücke \"Auf Friendica Ansehen\"";
$a->strings["Mirror wall posts from facebook to friendica."] = "Spiegle Pinnwandeinträge von Facebook auf friendica";
$a->strings["Post to page/group:"] = "Auf FB Seite/Gruppe veröffentlichen";
$a->strings["None"] = "Keine";
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ $a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "";
$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "";
$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Ri-autentica [Questo è necessario ogni volta che cambia la password di Facebook.]";
$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Invia sempre a Facebook";
$a->strings["Suppress __DQ__View on friendica__DQ__"] = "";
$a->strings["Suppress \"View on friendica\""] = "";
$a->strings["Mirror wall posts from facebook to friendica."] = "";
$a->strings["Post to page/group:"] = "";
$a->strings["None"] = "Nessuna";
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ $a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "";
$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "";
$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Ponowna autoryzacja [Jest wymagana jeśli twoje hasło do Facebooka jest zmienione]";
$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Domyślnie opublikuj na stronie Facebook";
$a->strings["Suppress __DQ__View on friendica__DQ__"] = "";
$a->strings["Suppress \"View on friendica\""] = "";
$a->strings["Mirror wall posts from facebook to friendica."] = "";
$a->strings["Post to page/group:"] = "Napisz na stronę/grupę:";
$a->strings["None"] = "Brak";
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ $a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "安装Facebo
$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "把Facebook文章连接器删除";
$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "复认证[这是必要的每当您Facebook密码变化了]";
$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "默认地放在Facebook";
$a->strings["Suppress __DQ__View on friendica__DQ__"] = "禁止「看在Friendica」";
$a->strings["Suppress \"View on friendica\""] = "禁止「看在Friendica」";
$a->strings["Mirror wall posts from facebook to friendica."] = "复制墙文章从facebook到friendica。";
$a->strings["Post to page/group:"] = "放在页/组:";
$a->strings["None"] = "没有";
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
$a->strings["Group Text settings updated."] = "";
$a->strings["Group Text"] = "";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the \"group edit\" menu"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
$a->strings["Group Text settings updated."] = "Nastavení textu skupiny aktualizováno.";
$a->strings["Group Text"] = "Skupinový text";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "Použijte pouze textový (neobrázkový) výběr skupiny v menu editace skupin.";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the \"group edit\" menu"] = "Použijte pouze textový (neobrázkový) výběr skupiny v menu editace skupin.";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
$a->strings["Group Text settings updated."] = "Gruppen Text Einstellungen aktualisiert";
$a->strings["Group Text"] = "Gruppen als Text";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "Beim Bearbeiten von Gruppen Text statt Bilder anzeigen";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the \"group edit\" menu"] = "Beim Bearbeiten von Gruppen Text statt Bilder anzeigen";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["Group Text"] = "";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the \"group edit\" menu"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["Group Text"] = "Texto agrupado";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "Usar selector de grupos solo texto (sin imágenes) en el menú \"editar grupo\"";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the \"group edit\" menu"] = "Usar selector de grupos solo texto (sin imágenes) en el menú \"editar grupo\"";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["Group Text"] = "Affichage textuel des groupes";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "Utilisez un sélecteur de groupe purement textuel (sans image) dans le menu d'édition des groupes";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the \"group edit\" menu"] = "Utilisez un sélecteur de groupe purement textuel (sans image) dans le menu d'édition des groupes";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["Group Text"] = "";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the \"group edit\" menu"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
$a->strings["Group Text settings updated."] = "";
$a->strings["Group Text"] = "";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the \"group edit\" menu"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["Group Text"] = "";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the \"group edit\" menu"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
$a->strings["Group Text settings updated."] = "";
$a->strings["Group Text"] = "";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the \"group edit\" menu"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["Group Text"] = "";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the \"group edit\" menu"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["Group Text"] = "";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the \"group edit\" menu"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
$a->strings["Group Text settings updated."] = "组正文设置更新了。";
$a->strings["Group Text"] = "组正文";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "用光正文(无图片)组选择器在「组编辑」单";
$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the \"group edit\" menu"] = "用光正文(无图片)组选择器在「组编辑」单";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
$a->strings["Settings"] = "配置";
$a->strings["The MathJax addon renders mathematical formulae written using the LaTeX syntax surrounded by the usual $$ or an eqnarray block in the postings of your wall,network tab and private mail."] = "MathJax插件表示用LaTeX句法的数学公式,围绕$$或者eqnarray快,在您墙,网络分页和私人收件箱的文章。";
$a->strings["The MathJax addon renders mathematical formulae written using the LaTeX syntax surrounded by the usual $$ or an eqnarray block in the postings of your wall,network tab and private mail."] = "MathJax插件表示用LaTeX句法的数学公式,围绕$";
$a->strings["Use the MathJax renderer"] = "用MathJax表示器";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "设置跟新了";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "URL del servidor, del mosaico de servidores";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=__DQ__ target=__DQ___blank__DQ__>public tile servers</a>"] = "Una llista de <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> un mosaic de servidors públics</a>";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">public tile servers</a>"] = "Una llista de <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> un mosaic de servidors públics</a>";
$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Zoom per defecte";
$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "Nivell de zoom per defecte. (1: el món, 18: el més alt)";
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Ajustos actualitzats.";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "URL adresa Tile serveru";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=__DQ__ target=__DQ___blank__DQ__>public tile servers</a>"] = "Seznam <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">veřejných tile serverů</a>";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">public tile servers</a>"] = "Seznam <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">veřejných tile serverů</a>";
$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Defaultní přiblížení";
$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "Defaultní úroveň přiblížení (1:svět, 18:nejvyšší)";
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Nastavení aktualizováno.";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "Tile Server URL";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=__DQ__ target=__DQ___blank__DQ__>public tile servers</a>"] = "Eine Liste <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">öffentlicher Tile Server</a>";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">public tile servers</a>"] = "Eine Liste <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">öffentlicher Tile Server</a>";
$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Standard Zoom";
$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "Standard Zoomlevel (1: Welt; 18: höchstes)";
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Einstellungen aktualisiert.";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "Adreso de Kahelservilo";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=__DQ__ target=__DQ___blank__DQ__>public tile servers</a>"] = "Listo de <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">publikaj kahelserviloj</a>";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">public tile servers</a>"] = "Listo de <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">publikaj kahelserviloj</a>";
$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Defaŭlta zoma faktoro";
$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "La defaŭlta zoma faktoro. (1:tutmonda, 18:plej proksima)";
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Agordoj ĝisdatigita.";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "Dirección del servidor";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=__DQ__ target=__DQ___blank__DQ__>public tile servers</a>"] = "Un listado de <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">servidores públicos</a>";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">public tile servers</a>"] = "Un listado de <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">servidores públicos</a>";
$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Zoom por defecto";
$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "Nivel de zoom predeterminado. (1:mínimo, 18:máximo)";
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Configuración actualizada.";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "URL du serveur de tuiles";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=__DQ__ target=__DQ___blank__DQ__>public tile servers</a>"] = "Une liste de <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">serveurs de tuiles publics</a>";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">public tile servers</a>"] = "Une liste de <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">serveurs de tuiles publics</a>";
$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Zoom par défaut";
$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "Le niveau de zoom affiché par défaut. (1: monde entier, 18: détail maximum)";
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Réglages mis à jour.";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=__DQ__ target=__DQ___blank__DQ__>public tile servers</a>"] = "";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">public tile servers</a>"] = "";
$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Sjálfgefin þysjun";
$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "Sjálfgefna þysjunar sig. (1:heimur, 18:mest)";
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Stillingar uppfærðar";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=__DQ__ target=__DQ___blank__DQ__>public tile servers</a>"] = "";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">public tile servers</a>"] = "";
$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Default zoom";
$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "";
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Impostazioni aggiornate.";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=__DQ__ target=__DQ___blank__DQ__>public tile servers</a>"] = "";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">public tile servers</a>"] = "";
$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "";
$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "";
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Innstillinger oppdatert.";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=__DQ__ target=__DQ___blank__DQ__>public tile servers</a>"] = "";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">public tile servers</a>"] = "";
$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Domyślne przybliżenie";
$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "";
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Zaktualizowano ustawienia.";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=__DQ__ target=__DQ___blank__DQ__>public tile servers</a>"] = "";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">public tile servers</a>"] = "";
$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Zoom padrão";
$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "O nível padrão de zoom. (1:mundo, 18:máximo) ";
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "As configurações foram atualizadas.";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=__DQ__ target=__DQ___blank__DQ__>public tile servers</a>"] = "Список <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">общедоступных серверов</a>";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">public tile servers</a>"] = "Список <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">общедоступных серверов</a>";
$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "zoom по умолчанию";
$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "";
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Настройки обновлены.";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "砖服务器URL";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=__DQ__ target=__DQ___blank__DQ__>public tile servers</a>"] = "一单<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">公共砖服务器</a>";
$a->strings["A list of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">public tile servers</a>"] = "一单<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">公共砖服务器</a>";
$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "默认变焦距";
$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "默认变焦距。(1:世界, 18:最高)";
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "设置跟新了";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__pageheader__DQ__ Settings"] = "Configuració de la capçalera de pàgina.";
$a->strings["\"pageheader\" Settings"] = "Configuració de la capçalera de pàgina.";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
$a->strings["pageheader Settings saved."] = "guardada la configuració de la capçalera de pàgina.";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__pageheader__DQ__ Settings"] = "Nastavení záhlaví stránky";
$a->strings["\"pageheader\" Settings"] = "Nastavení záhlaví stránky";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
$a->strings["pageheader Settings saved."] = "Nastavení záhlaví stránky uloženo.";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__pageheader__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"pageheader\"-Einstellungen";
$a->strings["\"pageheader\" Settings"] = "\"pageheader\"-Einstellungen";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
$a->strings["pageheader Settings saved."] = "pageheader-Einstellungen gespeichert.";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__pageheader__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"pageheader\" Agordoj";
$a->strings["\"pageheader\" Settings"] = "\"pageheader\" Agordoj";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
$a->strings["pageheader Settings saved."] = "Konservis Agordojn de pageheader.";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__pageheader__DQ__ Settings"] = "Configuración de cabecera";
$a->strings["\"pageheader\" Settings"] = "Configuración de cabecera";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
$a->strings["pageheader Settings saved."] = "Configuración de cabecera de página guardada.";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__pageheader__DQ__ Settings"] = "Réglages de pageheader";
$a->strings["\"pageheader\" Settings"] = "Réglages de pageheader";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
$a->strings["pageheader Settings saved."] = "Réglages pageheader sauvés.";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__pageheader__DQ__ Settings"] = "Stillingar \"pageheader\"";
$a->strings["\"pageheader\" Settings"] = "Stillingar \"pageheader\"";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
$a->strings["pageheader Settings saved."] = "Stillingar pageheader vistaðar.";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__pageheader__DQ__ Settings"] = "Impostazioni \"pageheader\"";
$a->strings["\"pageheader\" Settings"] = "Impostazioni \"pageheader\"";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
$a->strings["pageheader Settings saved."] = "Impostazioni salvate.";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__pageheader__DQ__ Settings"] = "";
$a->strings["\"pageheader\" Settings"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
$a->strings["pageheader Settings saved."] = "";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__pageheader__DQ__ Settings"] = "";
$a->strings["\"pageheader\" Settings"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
$a->strings["pageheader Settings saved."] = "";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__pageheader__DQ__ Settings"] = "Configurações do \"pageheader\"";
$a->strings["\"pageheader\" Settings"] = "Configurações do \"pageheader\"";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
$a->strings["pageheader Settings saved."] = "Configurações do pageheader armazenadas.";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__pageheader__DQ__ Settings"] = "";
$a->strings["\"pageheader\" Settings"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
$a->strings["pageheader Settings saved."] = "";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__pageheader__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"pageheader";
$a->strings["\"pageheader\" Settings"] = "\"pageheader";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
$a->strings["pageheader Settings saved."] = "pageHeader配置保存了。";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "Configuració de \"Mostrar més\"";
$a->strings["\"Show more\" Settings"] = "Configuració de \"Mostrar més\"";
$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Habilita Mostrar Més";
$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "Tallar els missatges després de quants caràcters";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Show more\" nastavení";
$a->strings["\"Show more\" Settings"] = "\"Show more\" nastavení";
$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Povolit Show more";
$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "Oříznout příspěvky po zadaném množství znaků";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Mehr zeigen\" Einstellungen";
$a->strings["\"Show more\" Settings"] = "\"Mehr zeigen\" Einstellungen";
$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Aktiviere \"Mehr zeigen\"";
$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "Begrenze Beiträge nach einer bestimmten Anzahl an Buchstaben";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Montri pli\" agordoj";
$a->strings["\"Show more\" Settings"] = "\"Montri pli\" agordoj";
$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Ŝalti \"montri pli\"";
$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "Limitigi afiŝojn al kiom da literoj";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "Configuración de \"Muéstrame más\"";
$a->strings["\"Show more\" Settings"] = "Configuración de \"Muéstrame más\"";
$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Activar Muéstrame más";
$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "Cortar las publicaciones después de cuántos caracteres";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "Réglages de \"Show more\"";
$a->strings["\"Show more\" Settings"] = "Réglages de \"Show more\"";
$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Activer \"Show more\"";
$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "Coupure après combien de caractères";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Show more\" stillingar";
$a->strings["\"Show more\" Settings"] = "\"Show more\" stillingar";
$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Kveikja á Show More";
$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "Impostazioni \"Mostra altro\"";
$a->strings["\"Show more\" Settings"] = "Impostazioni \"Mostra altro\"";
$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Abilita \"Mostra altro\"";
$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "Dopo quanti caratteri tagliare il messaggio";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "";
$a->strings["\"Show more\" Settings"] = "";
$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "";
$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Pokaż więcej\" ustawień";
$a->strings["\"Show more\" Settings"] = "\"Pokaż więcej\" ustawień";
$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "";
$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "Configurações de \"Exibir mais\"";
$a->strings["\"Show more\" Settings"] = "Configurações de \"Exibir mais\"";
$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Habilitar \"Exibir mais\"";
$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "Cortar as mensagens após quantos caracteres";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "";
$a->strings["\"Show more\" Settings"] = "";
$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Включить Показать больше";
$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "Обрезание сообщения после превывения числа символов";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "「看更多」设置";
$a->strings["\"Show more\" Settings"] = "「看更多」设置";
$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "使看更多能用";
$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "剪掉文章多少字后";
$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ $a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level
$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Vostè va primer ...";
$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Vaig primer aquesta vegada ...";
$a->strings["You won!"] = "Has guanyat!";
$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "Empat!";
$a->strings["\"Cat\" game!"] = "Empat!";
$a->strings["I won!"] = "Vaig guanyar!";
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ $a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level
$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Vy začněte ...";
$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Tentokrát začnu já...";
$a->strings["You won!"] = "Vyhrál jste!";
$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "\"Kočičí\" hra!";
$a->strings["\"Cat\" game!"] = "\"Kočičí\" hra!";
$a->strings["I won!"] = "Vyhrál jsem!";
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ $a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level
$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Du fängst an...";
$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Diesmal fange ich an...";
$a->strings["You won!"] = "Du gewinnst!";
$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "Unentschieden!";
$a->strings["\"Cat\" game!"] = "Unentschieden!";
$a->strings["I won!"] = "Ich gewinne!";
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ $a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level
$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Estas via vico unue.";
$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Ĉi-tempe, unue estas mia vico.";
$a->strings["You won!"] = "Vi venkis!";
$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "Sendecida ludo!";
$a->strings["\"Cat\" game!"] = "Sendecida ludo!";
$a->strings["I won!"] = "Mi venkis!";
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ $a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level
$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Comienzas tú...";
$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Yo voy primero esta vez...";
$a->strings["You won!"] = "¡Has ganado!";
$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "¡Empate!";
$a->strings["\"Cat\" game!"] = "¡Empate!";
$a->strings["I won!"] = "¡He ganado!";
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ $a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level
$a->strings["You go first..."] = "À vous de jouer...";
$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Je commence...";
$a->strings["You won!"] = "Vous avez gagné!";
$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "Match nul!";
$a->strings["\"Cat\" game!"] = "Match nul!";
$a->strings["I won!"] = "J'ai gagné!";
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ $a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level
$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Þú byrjar...";
$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Ég byrja í þetta skiptið...";
$a->strings["You won!"] = "Þú vannst!";
$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "Jafntefli";
$a->strings["\"Cat\" game!"] = "Jafntefli";
$a->strings["I won!"] = "Ég vann!";
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ $a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level
$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Cominci tu...";
$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Comincio io questa volta...";
$a->strings["You won!"] = "Hai vinto!";
$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "Stallo!";
$a->strings["\"Cat\" game!"] = "Stallo!";
$a->strings["I won!"] = "Ho vinto!";
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ $a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level
$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Du starter først...";
$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Jeg starter først denne gangen...";
$a->strings["You won!"] = "Du vant!";
$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "\"Katte\"-spill!";
$a->strings["\"Cat\" game!"] = "\"Katte\"-spill!";
$a->strings["I won!"] = "Jeg vant!";
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ $a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level
$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Ty pierwszy...";
$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Zaczynam...";
$a->strings["You won!"] = "Wygrałeś!";
$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "Gra \"Kot\"!";
$a->strings["\"Cat\" game!"] = "Gra \"Kot\"!";
$a->strings["I won!"] = "Wygrałem!";
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ $a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level
$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Você começa...";
$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Eu vou começar desta vez...";
$a->strings["You won!"] = "Você ganhou!";
$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "Empatamos!";
$a->strings["\"Cat\" game!"] = "Empatamos!";
$a->strings["I won!"] = "Eu ganhei!";
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ $a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level
$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Вы хотите первым...";
$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Я буду первым на этот раз...";
$a->strings["You won!"] = "Вы выиграли!";
$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "Игра \"Кошка\"!";
$a->strings["\"Cat\" game!"] = "Игра \"Кошка\"!";
$a->strings["I won!"] = "Я выиграл!";
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ $a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level
$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Du börjar...";
$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Jag börjar den här gången...";
$a->strings["You won!"] = "Du vann!";
$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "\"Cat\" game!";
$a->strings["\"Cat\" game!"] = "\"Cat\" game!";
$a->strings["I won!"] = "Jag vann!";
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ $a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level
$a->strings["You go first..."] = "您先下...";
$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "这次我先下...";
$a->strings["You won!"] = "您赢了!";
$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "「猫子」游戏!";
$a->strings["\"Cat\" game!"] = "「猫子」游戏!";
$a->strings["I won!"] = "我赢了!";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$a->strings["Allow to use your friendica id (%s) to connecto to external unhosted-enabled storage (like ownCloud). See <a href=__DQ__>RemoteStorage WebFinger</a>"] = "Permetre l'ús del seu ID de friendica (%s) per Connectar a l'emmagatzematge extern (com ownCloud). Veure <a href=\"\"> WebFinger RemoteStorage </a>";
$a->strings["Allow to use your friendica id (%s) to connecto to external unhosted-enabled storage (like ownCloud). See <a href=\"\">RemoteStorage WebFinger</a>"] = "Permetre l'ús del seu ID de friendica (%s) per Connectar a l'emmagatzematge extern (com ownCloud). Veure <a href=\"\"> WebFinger RemoteStorage </a>";
$a->strings["Template URL (with {category})"] = "Plantilles de URL (amb {categoria})";
$a->strings["OAuth end-point"] = "OAuth end-point";
$a->strings["Api"] = "Api";
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