The Friendica Directory interface is available in multiple languages.
We are using a gettext-like process to generate and parse translations files, which enables translators to use their usual software to translate strings.
The translations files are located in `src/lang/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/`:
- The compiled MO file can be generated from a translation software and will be loaded by default.
- The PO file is the main translation interface and can be loaded if the MO file doesn't exist.
Thanks for your interest in translating the Friendica Directory interface!
### On Transifex
Please head over to [the Friendica Directory Transifex page]( where you will need an account to start translating the existing strings.
The translations will be included in the next release.
Once templates/controllers files have been edited with new translation strings, you can run `bin/console extract-strings --all` to update the PO files of all available languages at once.
## Translation functions usage
### In templates
Basic usage:
-`$this->__('Label')` => `Label`
-`$this->__('Label %s', 'test')` => `Label test`
With context, if a base english term can have multiple meanings: