Fix bug w/blank nodes across graphs and RDF lists.

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Dave Longley 2014-07-29 13:14:46 -04:00
parent aba77784a4
commit 964f2aef74
1 changed files with 10 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -2806,6 +2806,8 @@ class JsonLdProcessor {
protected function _fromRDF($dataset, $options) {
$default_graph = new stdClass();
$graph_map = (object)array('@default' => $default_graph);
// TODO: seems like usages could be replaced by this single map
$node_references = (object)array();
foreach($dataset as $name => $graph) {
if(!property_exists($graph_map, $name)) {
@ -2843,6 +2845,9 @@ class JsonLdProcessor {
// object may be an RDF list/partial list node but we can't know
// easily until all triples are read
if($object_is_id) {
$node_references, $o->value, $node->{'@id'}, array(
'propertyIsArray' => true));
$object = $node_map->{$o->value};
if(!property_exists($object, 'usages')) {
$object->usages = array();
@ -2872,13 +2877,16 @@ class JsonLdProcessor {
$list_nodes = array();
// ensure node is a well-formed list node; it must:
// 1. Be used only once in a list.
// 1. Be referenced only once and used only once in a list.
// 2. Have an array for rdf:first that has 1 item.
// 3. Have an array for rdf:rest that has 1 item.
// 4. Have no keys other than: @id, usages, rdf:first, rdf:rest, and,
// optionally, @type where the value is rdf:List.
$node_key_count = count(array_keys((array)$node));
while($property === self::RDF_REST && count($node->usages) === 1 &&
while($property === self::RDF_REST &&
property_exists($node_references, $node->{'@id'}) &&
count($node_references->{$node->{'@id'}}) === 1 &&
count($node->usages) === 1 &&
property_exists($node, self::RDF_FIRST) &&
property_exists($node, self::RDF_REST) &&
is_array($node->{self::RDF_FIRST}) &&