Implement new experimental embed API.
- See:
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 258 additions and 181 deletions
@ -105,6 +105,31 @@ function jsonld_frame($input, $frame, $options=array()) {
return $p->frame($input, $frame, $options);
* **Experimental**
* Links a JSON-LD document's nodes in memory.
* @param mixed $input the JSON-LD document to link.
* @param mixed $ctx the JSON-LD context to apply or null.
* @param assoc [$options] the options to use:
* [base] the base IRI to use.
* [expandContext] a context to expand with.
* [documentLoader(url)] the document loader.
* @return the linked JSON-LD output.
function jsonld_link($input, $ctx, $options) {
// API matches running frame with a wildcard frame and embed: '@link'
// get arguments
$frame = new stdClass();
if($ctx) {
$frame->{'@context'} = $ctx;
$frame->{'@embed'} = '@link';
return jsonld_frame($input, $frame, $options);
* Performs RDF dataset normalization on the given JSON-LD input. The output
* is an RDF dataset unless the 'format' option is used.
@ -827,7 +852,13 @@ class JsonLdProcessor {
'graph' => false,
'skipExpansion' => false,
'activeCtx' => false,
'documentLoader' => $jsonld_default_load_document));
'documentLoader' => $jsonld_default_load_document,
'link' => false));
if($options['link']) {
// force skip expansion when linking, "link" is not part of the
// public API, it should only be called from framing
$options['skipExpansion'] = true;
if($options['skipExpansion'] === true) {
$expanded = $input;
@ -1080,7 +1111,8 @@ class JsonLdProcessor {
* @param $options the framing options.
* [base] the base IRI to use.
* [expandContext] a context to expand with.
* [embed] default @embed flag (default: true).
* [embed] default @embed flag: '@last', '@always', '@never', '@link'
* (default: '@last').
* [explicit] default @explicit flag (default: false).
* [requireAll] default @requireAll flag (default: true).
* [omitDefault] default @omitDefault flag (default: false).
@ -1093,7 +1125,7 @@ class JsonLdProcessor {
self::setdefaults($options, array(
'base' => is_string($input) ? $input : '',
'compactArrays' => true,
'embed' => true,
'embed' => '@last',
'explicit' => false,
'requireAll' => true,
'omitDefault' => false,
@ -1165,9 +1197,11 @@ class JsonLdProcessor {
$framed = $this->_frame($expanded, $expanded_frame, $options);
try {
// compact result (force @graph option to true)
// compact result (force @graph option to true, skip expansion, check
// for linked embeds)
$options['graph'] = true;
$options['skipExpansion'] = true;
$options['link'] = new ArrayObject();
$options['activeCtx'] = true;
$result = $this->compact($framed, $ctx, $options);
} catch(Exception $e) {
@ -1182,6 +1216,7 @@ class JsonLdProcessor {
// get graph alias
$graph = $this->_compactIri($active_ctx, '@graph');
// remove @preserve from results
$options['link'] = new ArrayObject();
$compacted->{$graph} = $this->_removePreserve(
$active_ctx, $compacted->{$graph}, $options);
return $compacted;
@ -1968,18 +2003,48 @@ class JsonLdProcessor {
// recursively compact object
if(is_object($element)) {
if($options['link'] && property_exists($element, '@id') &&
isset($options['link'][$element->{'@id'}])) {
// check for a linked element to reuse
$linked = $options['link'][$element->{'@id'}];
foreach($linked as $link) {
if($link['expanded'] === $element) {
return $link['compacted'];
// do value compaction on @values and subject references
if(self::_isValue($element) || self::_isSubjectReference($element)) {
return $this->_compactValue($active_ctx, $active_property, $element);
$rval = $this->_compactValue($active_ctx, $active_property, $element);
if($options['link'] && self::_isSubjectReference($element)) {
// store linked element
if(!isset($options['link'][$element->{'@id'}])) {
$options['link'][$element->{'@id'}] = array();
$options['link'][$element->{'@id'}][] = array(
'expanded' => $element, 'compacted' => $rval);
return $rval;
// FIXME: avoid misuse of active property as an expanded property?
$inside_reverse = ($active_property === '@reverse');
$rval = new stdClass();
if($options['link'] && property_exists($element, '@id')) {
// store linked element
if(!isset($options['link'][$element->{'@id'}])) {
$options['link'][$element->{'@id'}] = array();
$options['link'][$element->{'@id'}][] = array(
'expanded' => $element, 'compacted' => $rval);
// process element keys in order
$keys = array_keys((array)$element);
$rval = new stdClass();
foreach($keys as $expanded_property) {
$expanded_value = $element->{$expanded_property};
@ -2643,7 +2708,9 @@ class JsonLdProcessor {
'options' => $options,
'graphs' => (object)array(
'@default' => new stdClass(),
'@merged' => new stdClass()));
'@merged' => new stdClass()),
'subjectStack' => array(),
'link' => new stdClass());
// produce a map of all graphs and name each bnode
// FIXME: currently uses subjects from @merged graph only
@ -3699,157 +3766,187 @@ class JsonLdProcessor {
protected function _matchFrame(
$state, $subjects, $frame, $parent, $property) {
// validate the frame
$this->_validateFrame($state, $frame);
$frame = $frame[0];
// get flags for current frame
$options = $state->options;
$embed_on = $this->_getFrameFlag($frame, $options, 'embed');
$explicit_on = $this->_getFrameFlag($frame, $options, 'explicit');
$require_all_on = $this->_getFrameFlag($frame, $options, 'requireAll');
$flags = array(
'embed' => $embed_on,
'explicit' => $explicit_on,
'requireAll' => $require_all_on);
'embed' => $this->_getFrameFlag($frame, $options, 'embed'),
'explicit' => $this->_getFrameFlag($frame, $options, 'explicit'),
'requireAll' => $this->_getFrameFlag($frame, $options, 'requireAll'));
// filter out subjects that match the frame
$matches = $this->_filterSubjects($state, $subjects, $frame, $flags);
// add matches to output
foreach($matches as $id => $subject) {
/* Note: In order to treat each top-level match as a compartmentalized
result, create an independent copy of the embedded subjects map when the
property is null, which only occurs at the top-level. */
if($property === null) {
$state->embeds = new stdClass();
if($flags['embed'] === '@link' && property_exists($state->link, $id)) {
// TODO: may want to also match an existing linked subject against
// the current frame ... so different frames could produce different
// subjects that are only shared in-memory when the frames are the same
// add existing linked subject
$this->_addFrameOutput($parent, $property, $state->link->{$id});
// start output
/* Note: In order to treat each top-level match as a compartmentalized
result, clear the unique embedded subjects map when the property is null,
which only occurs at the top-level. */
if($property === null) {
$state->uniqueEmbeds = new stdClass();
// start output for subject
$output = new stdClass();
$output->{'@id'} = $id;
$state->link->{$id} = $output;
// prepare embed meta info
$embed = (object)array('parent' => $parent, 'property' => $property);
// if embed is @never or if a circular reference would be created by an
// embed, the subject cannot be embedded, just add the reference;
// note that a circular reference won't occur when the embed flag is
// `@link` as the above check will short-circuit before reaching this point
if($flags['embed'] === '@never' ||
$this->_createsCircularReference($subject, $state->subjectStack)) {
$this->_addFrameOutput($parent, $property, $output);
// if embed is on and there is an existing embed
if($embed_on && property_exists($state->embeds, $id)) {
// only overwrite an existing embed if it has already been added to its
// parent -- otherwise its parent is somewhere up the tree from this
// embed and the embed would occur twice once the tree is added
$embed_on = false;
// existing embed's parent is an array
$existing = $state->embeds->{$id};
if(is_array($existing->parent)) {
foreach($existing->parent as $p) {
if(self::compareValues($output, $p)) {
$embed_on = true;
} else if(self::hasValue(
$existing->parent, $existing->property, $output)) {
// existing embed's parent is an object
$embed_on = true;
// existing embed has already been added, so allow an overwrite
if($embed_on) {
// if only the last match should be embedded
if($flags['embed'] === '@last') {
// remove any existing embed
if(property_exists($state->uniqueEmbeds, $id)) {
$this->_removeEmbed($state, $id);
$state->uniqueEmbeds->{$id} = array(
'parent' => $parent, 'property' => $property);
// not embedding, add output without any other properties
if(!$embed_on) {
$this->_addFrameOutput($state, $parent, $property, $output);
} else {
// add embed meta info
$state->embeds->{$id} = $embed;
// push matching subject onto stack to enable circular embed checks
$state->subjectStack[] = $subject;
// iterate over subject properties
$props = array_keys((array)$subject);
foreach($props as $prop) {
// copy keywords to output
if(self::_isKeyword($prop)) {
$output->{$prop} = self::copy($subject->{$prop});
// iterate over subject properties
$props = array_keys((array)$subject);
foreach($props as $prop) {
// copy keywords to output
if(self::_isKeyword($prop)) {
$output->{$prop} = self::copy($subject->{$prop});
// if property isn't in the frame
if(!property_exists($frame, $prop)) {
// if explicit is off, embed values
if(!$explicit_on) {
$this->_embedValues($state, $subject, $prop, $output);
// explicit is on and property isn't in the frame, skip processing
if($flags['explicit'] && !property_exists($frame, $prop)) {
// add objects
$objects = $subject->{$prop};
foreach($objects as $o) {
// recurse into list
if(self::_isList($o)) {
// add empty list
$list = (object)array('@list' => array());
$this->_addFrameOutput($state, $output, $prop, $list);
// add objects
$objects = $subject->{$prop};
foreach($objects as $o) {
// recurse into list
if(self::_isList($o)) {
// add empty list
$list = (object)array('@list' => array());
$this->_addFrameOutput($output, $prop, $list);
// add list objects
$src = $o->{'@list'};
foreach($src as $o) {
if(self::_isSubjectReference($o)) {
// recurse into subject reference
$state, array($o->{'@id'}), $frame->{$prop}[0]->{'@list'},
$list, '@list');
} else {
// include other values automatically
$state, $list, '@list', self::copy($o));
// add list objects
$src = $o->{'@list'};
foreach($src as $o) {
if(self::_isSubjectReference($o)) {
// recurse into subject reference
$subframe = (property_exists($frame, $prop) ?
$frame->{$prop}[0]->{'@list'} :
$state, array($o->{'@id'}), $subframe, $list, '@list');
} else {
// include other values automatically
$this->_addFrameOutput($list, '@list', self::copy($o));
if(self::_isSubjectReference($o)) {
// recurse into subject reference
$state, array($o->{'@id'}), $frame->{$prop}, $output, $prop);
} else {
// include other values automatically
$this->_addFrameOutput($state, $output, $prop, self::copy($o));
// handle defaults
$props = array_keys((array)$frame);
foreach($props as $prop) {
// skip keywords
if(self::_isKeyword($prop)) {
// if omit default is off, then include default values for properties
// that appear in the next frame but are not in the matching subject
$next = $frame->{$prop}[0];
$omit_default_on = $this->_getFrameFlag(
$next, $options, 'omitDefault');
if(!$omit_default_on && !property_exists($output, $prop)) {
$preserve = '@null';
if(property_exists($next, '@default')) {
$preserve = self::copy($next->{'@default'});
$preserve = self::arrayify($preserve);
$output->{$prop} = array((object)array('@preserve' => $preserve));
if(self::_isSubjectReference($o)) {
// recurse into subject reference
$subframe = (property_exists($frame, $prop) ?
$frame->{$prop} : $this->_createImplicitFrame($flags));
$state, array($o->{'@id'}), $subframe, $output, $prop);
} else {
// include other values automatically
$this->_addFrameOutput($output, $prop, self::copy($o));
// add output to parent
$this->_addFrameOutput($state, $parent, $property, $output);
// handle defaults
$props = array_keys((array)$frame);
foreach($props as $prop) {
// skip keywords
if(self::_isKeyword($prop)) {
// if omit default is off, then include default values for properties
// that appear in the next frame but are not in the matching subject
$next = $frame->{$prop}[0];
$omit_default_on = $this->_getFrameFlag(
$next, $options, 'omitDefault');
if(!$omit_default_on && !property_exists($output, $prop)) {
$preserve = '@null';
if(property_exists($next, '@default')) {
$preserve = self::copy($next->{'@default'});
$preserve = self::arrayify($preserve);
$output->{$prop} = array((object)array('@preserve' => $preserve));
// add output to parent
$this->_addFrameOutput($parent, $property, $output);
// pop matching subject from circular ref-checking stack
* Creates an implicit frame when recursing through subject matches. If
* a frame doesn't have an explicit frame for a particular property, then
* a wildcard child frame will be created that uses the same flags that the
* parent frame used.
* @param assoc flags the current framing flags.
* @return array the implicit frame.
function _createImplicitFrame($flags) {
$frame = new stdClass();
foreach($flags as $key => $value) {
$frame->{'@' . $key} = array($flags[$key]);
return array($frame);
* Checks the current subject stack to see if embedding the given subject
* would cause a circular reference.
* @param stdClass subject_to_embed the subject to embed.
* @param assoc subject_stack the current stack of subjects.
* @return bool true if a circular reference would be created, false if not.
function _createsCircularReference($subject_to_embed, $subject_stack) {
for($i = count($subject_stack) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
if($subject_stack[$i]->{'@id'} === $subject_to_embed->{'@id'}) {
return true;
return false;
@ -3863,17 +3960,31 @@ class JsonLdProcessor {
protected function _getFrameFlag($frame, $options, $name) {
$flag = "@$name";
return (property_exists($frame, $flag) ?
$rval = (property_exists($frame, $flag) ?
$frame->{$flag}[0] : $options[$name]);
if($name === 'embed') {
// default is "@last"
// backwards-compatibility support for "embed" maps:
// true => "@last"
// false => "@never"
if($rval === true) {
$rval = '@last';
} else if($rval === false) {
$rval = '@never';
} else if($rval !== '@always' && $rval !== '@never' &&
$rval !== '@link') {
$rval = '@last';
return $rval;
* Validates a JSON-LD frame, throwing an exception if the frame is invalid.
* @param stdClass $state the current frame state.
* @param array $frame the frame to validate.
protected function _validateFrame($state, $frame) {
protected function _validateFrame($frame) {
if(!is_array($frame) || count($frame) !== 1 || !is_object($frame[0])) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; a JSON-LD frame must be a single object.',
@ -3970,58 +4081,6 @@ class JsonLdProcessor {
return $wildcard || $matches_some;
* Embeds values for the given subject and property into the given output
* during the framing algorithm.
* @param stdClass $state the current framing state.
* @param stdClass $subject the subject.
* @param string $property the property.
* @param mixed $output the output.
protected function _embedValues($state, $subject, $property, $output) {
// embed subject properties in output
$objects = $subject->{$property};
foreach($objects as $o) {
// recurse into @list
if(self::_isList($o)) {
$list = (object)array('@list' => new ArrayObject());
$this->_addFrameOutput($state, $output, $property, $list);
$this->_embedValues($state, $o, '@list', $list->{'@list'});
$list->{'@list'} = (array)$list->{'@list'};
// handle subject reference
if(self::_isSubjectReference($o)) {
$id = $o->{'@id'};
// embed full subject if isn't already embedded
if(!property_exists($state->embeds, $id)) {
// add embed
$embed = (object)array('parent' => $output, 'property' => $property);
$state->embeds->{$id} = $embed;
// recurse into subject
$o = new stdClass();
$s = $state->subjects->{$id};
foreach($s as $prop => $v) {
// copy keywords
if(self::_isKeyword($prop)) {
$o->{$prop} = self::copy($v);
$this->_embedValues($state, $s, $prop, $o);
$this->_addFrameOutput($state, $output, $property, $o);
} else {
// copy non-subject value
$this->_addFrameOutput($state, $output, $property, self::copy($o));
* Removes an existing embed.
@ -4030,7 +4089,7 @@ class JsonLdProcessor {
protected function _removeEmbed($state, $id) {
// get existing embed
$embeds = $state->embeds;
$embeds = $state->uniqueEmbeds;
$embed = $embeds->{$id};
$property = $embed->property;
@ -4074,12 +4133,11 @@ class JsonLdProcessor {
* Adds framing output to the given parent.
* @param stdClass $state the current framing state.
* @param mixed $parent the parent to add to.
* @param string $property the parent property.
* @param mixed $output the output to add.
protected function _addFrameOutput($state, $parent, $property, $output) {
protected function _addFrameOutput($parent, $property, $output) {
if(is_object($parent) && !($parent instanceof ArrayObject)) {
$parent, $property, $output, array('propertyIsArray' => true));
@ -4130,6 +4188,25 @@ class JsonLdProcessor {
return $input;
// handle in-memory linked nodes
$id_alias = $this->_compactIri($ctx, '@id');
if(property_exists($input, $id_alias)) {
$id = $input->{$id_alias};
if(isset($options['link'][$id])) {
$idx = array_search($input, $options['link'][$id]);
if($idx === false) {
// prevent circular visitation
$options['link'][$id][] = $input;
} else {
// already visited
return $options['link'][$id][$idx];
} else {
// prevent circular visitation
$options['link'][$id] = [$input];
// recurse through properties
foreach($input as $prop => $v) {
$result = $this->_removePreserve($ctx, $v, $options);
Add table
Reference in a new issue