Created Quick Template Guide (markdown)

fabrixxm 2012-02-20 00:51:10 -08:00
parent af6cc96117
commit e4c7a2ccb9

149 Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
friendica has a template system. We are trying to separate html from php (wich is also a good think if we want a mobile teme).
This template system allows variables substitution, a minimal logic and possibility to include a template in another template.
In 'view' folder there are some template for form fields, ready to be included, so that every form looks the same throughout the site.
#A quick guide#
##1 - template syntax.###
Variables starts with _$_
Welcome $name
Is possible to pass an array to template. Refer to array items with the form _$varname.key_
in php:
$user = Array( 'name'=>'John', 'enabled'=>false)
in template:
Welcome $
###Logic blocks###
Logic block are in the form _{{ name opts }}...{{ endname }}_
####Conditional: IF####
{{ if <$var> }}...[{{ else }} ...] {{ endif }}
{{ if <$var>==<$var|str> }}...[{{ else }} ...]{{ endif }}
{{ if <$var>!=<$var|str> }}...[{{ else }} ...]{{ endif }}
{{ if $user.enabled }} Ok. {{ endif }}
{{ if $user.enabled }}
{{ else }}
{{ endif }}
####Loop: FOR####
{{ for <$var> as $name }}...{{ endfor }}
{{ for <$var> as $key=>$name }}...{{ endfor }}
{{ for $items as $item}}
< h1 >$item.title< /h1 >;
{{ endfor }}
####Include: INC####
{{ inc [with $var1=$var2] }}{{ endinc }}
file: field_text.tpl
< label for="id_$">$field.label< /label >
< input id="id_$" name="$" value="$field_value" />
file: form.tpl
< form >
{{ inc field_text.tpl with $field=$username }}{{ endinc }}
{{ inc field_text.tpl with $field=$useremail }}{{ endinc }}
< /form >
##2 - PHP side##
In friendica, templates are used with two functions:
replace_macro($tpl, $array);
The first function search _$templatename_ in _view/theme/$currenttheme_ and _view/_ and return its content.
The second replace _$array_ in template content.
file: test.tpl
Hello $name! {{ if $isback }} Welcome back! {{ endif }}
file: test.php
<?php ...
$tpl = get_markup_template('test.tpl');
echo replace_macro($tpl, array(
'$name' => 'Anna',
'$isback' => false));
Hello Anna!
##Form fields templates##
In view/ folder there are many template for form fields.
- **field_input.tpl**: prints a text input
- **field_password.tpl**: prints a password input
- **field_textarea.tpl**: prints a textarea element
- **field_richtext.tpl**: prints a tinymce rich text area
- **field_radio.tpl**: prints a radio input
- **field_checkbox.tpl**: prints a checkbox input with value=1
- **field_intcheckbox.tpl**: prints a checkbox input with a custom value
- **field_yesno.tpl**: a javascript-enanched checkbox. Show a slider button with "ON/OFF" or custom labels
- **field_select.tpl**: prints a select input. options are passed as key=>value array.
- **field_select_raw.tpl**: a select input, but options are passed as prebuild html string
- **field_openid.tpl**: a text input styled with openid icon
- **field_custom.tpl**: field template without input tag. Is passed as prebuild html string
Every field_* template expect a var called $field. A field template is included like this:
{{ inc field_input.tpl with $field=$myvar }}{{ endinc }}
The $field var is an array:
$field = array('name', 'Label', value, '[optional help text]', [extra data] )
- _'name'_ is the name assigned to html element
- _'Label'_ is the string printed for element label
- _value_ is the value of field
- field_checkbox want a value that can be evaluated to 'true' or 'false' to set the field checked or not (usually 1 or 0).
- field_select use this to find the currently selected option
- field_custon expects this to be the prebuild imput html string
- _'optional text help'_ is a text printed under input to give more detail on what he shoud input. Could be an empty string.
- _extra data_ is data needed by some templates
- field_select: array(key=>value,..) to use in < option > tags as value=>label
- field_intcheckbox: value of input element
- field_select_raw: prebuild html string of < option > tags
- field_yesno: custom labels for OFF and ON in array ("label off","label on"
A trick in addons to load a template from addon folder:
in addon/myaddon/myaddon.php
$tpl = file_get_content(dirname(__file__)."/mytemplate.tpl";