Hypolite Petovan 9f04017e27 Quick fix PHP notices in various files
- Remove unused variables
- Fix variable name typos
- Use x() and defaults() to fix undefined index
- Add back uninitialized variables
2018-01-02 08:11:14 -05:00
Contact.php Quick fix PHP notices in various files 2018-01-02 08:11:14 -05:00
GContact.php Fix docblocks types 2017-12-17 15:27:50 -05:00
Group.php Fix undefined variable/wrong parameter count/unknown functions 2017-12-17 15:33:45 -05:00
Photo.php PHPStan: Fix missing requires/namespaces 2017-12-17 15:26:43 -05:00
Profile.php Move Object\Profile to Model\Profile 2017-12-07 23:55:05 -05:00
User.php Crypto to src 2017-12-30 11:51:49 -05:00