fabrixxm f744d27d89 Vagrant: add libvirt config
As seems impossible (or at least not easy) to have a single Vagrantfile
with suitable configuration for different backends, this commit add two
backend-specific Vagrantfile.
It's up to the user to choose which to symlink (or copy) to `Vagranfile`
before running vagrant.

- Rename Vagrantfile to Vagrantfile.vbox
- Add Vagrantfile.libvirt
- Add libvirt specific provision script
- Add 'Vagrantfile' to gitignore
2023-05-21 12:03:01 +02:00

17 lines
516 B
Executable file

# 9p write files as 'vagrant:vagrant' always.
# let's run apache as 'vagrant' user to get around write permissions issues
sed -i 's/www-data/vagrant/g' /etc/apache2/envvars
systemctl restart apache2
# I can't find a way to set static ip with libvirt, so configure friendica
# with current ip
MYIP=$(hostname -I | tr -d ' ')
sed -i "s|'url' =>.*|'url' => 'http://$MYIP',|" /var/www/config/local.config.php
echo "########################"
echo " http://$MYIP/"
echo "########################"