
789 lines
19 KiB

namespace Friendica\Database;
use Friendica\Core\Config\Cache\IConfigCache;
use Friendica\Core\System;
use Friendica\Database\Driver\DriverException;
use Friendica\Database\Driver\IDriver;
use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat;
use Friendica\Util\Profiler;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
class Database implements IDatabase, IDatabaseLock
* The profile the database calls
* @var Profiler
private $profiler;
* The basic configuration cache
* @var IConfigCache
private $configCache;
* The connection instance of the database
* @var IDriver
private $driver;
* The logger instance
* @var LoggerInterface
private $logger;
* True, if the database is currently in a transaction
* @var bool
private $inTransaction;
* Saves the whole DB relation for performance reason
* @var array
private $dbRelation;
public function __construct(IDriver $connection, IConfigCache $configCache, Profiler $profiler, LoggerInterface $logger)
$this->configCache = $configCache;
$this->profiler = $profiler;
$this->driver = $connection;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger)
$this->logger = $logger;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getDriver()
return $this->driver;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @throws \Exception
public function getDatabaseName()
$ret = $this->prepared("SELECT DATABASE() AS `db`");
$data = $this->toArray($ret);
return $data[0]['db'];
* {@inheritDoc}
public function close($stmt)
$stamp1 = microtime(true);
if (!is_object($stmt)) {
return false;
$ret = $this->driver->closeStatement($stmt);
$this->profiler->saveTimestamp($stamp1, 'database', System::callstack());
return $ret;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function transaction()
if (!$this->driver->performCommit() ||
!$this->driver->startTransaction()) {
return false;
$this->inTransaction = true;
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function exists($table, array $condition)
return DBA::exists($table, $condition);
public function count($table, array $condition = [])
return DBA::count($table, $condition);
public function fetch($stmt)
$stamp1 = microtime(true);
if (!is_object($stmt)) {
return false;
$columns = $this->getDriver()->fetch($stmt);
$this->profiler->saveTimestamp($stamp1, 'database', System::callstack());
return $columns;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function commit()
$conn = $this->driver;
if (!$conn->performCommit()) {
return false;
$this->inTransaction = false;
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function rollback()
$conn = $this->driver;
$ret = $conn->rollbackTransaction();
$this->inTransaction = false;
return $ret;
public function insert($table, array $param, $on_duplicate_update = false)
return DBA::insert($table, $param, $on_duplicate_update);
* {@inheritDoc}
public function delete($table, array $conditions, $cascade = true, array &$callstack = [])
$conn = $this->driver;
$logger = $this->logger;
if (empty($table) || empty($conditions)) {
$logger->info('Table and conditions have to be set');
return false;
$commands = [];
// Create a key for the loop prevention
$key = $table . ':' . json_encode($conditions);
// We quit when this key already exists in the callstack.
if (isset($callstack[$key])) {
return $commands;
$callstack[$key] = true;
$table = $conn->escape($table);
$commands[$key] = ['table' => $table, 'conditions' => $conditions];
// To speed up the whole process we cache the table relations
if ($cascade && count($this->dbRelation) == 0) {
// Is there a relation entry for the table?
if ($cascade && isset($this->dbRelation[$table])) {
// We only allow a simple "one field" relation.
$field = array_keys($this->dbRelation[$table])[0];
$rel_def = array_values($this->dbRelation[$table])[0];
// Create a key for preventing double queries
$qkey = $field . '-' . $table . ':' . json_encode($conditions);
// When the search field is the relation field, we don't need to fetch the rows
// This is useful when the leading record is already deleted in the frontend but the rest is done in the backend
if ((count($conditions) == 1) && ($field == array_keys($conditions)[0])) {
foreach ($rel_def AS $rel_table => $rel_fields) {
foreach ($rel_fields AS $rel_field) {
$this->delete($rel_table, [$rel_field => array_values($conditions)[0]], $cascade, $callstack);
// We quit when this key already exists in the callstack.
} elseif (!isset($callstack[$qkey])) {
$callstack[$qkey] = true;
// Fetch all rows that are to be deleted
$data = self::select($table, [$field], $conditions);
while ($row = self::fetch($data)) {
$this->delete($table, [$field => $row[$field]], $cascade, $callstack);
// Since we had split the delete command we don't need the original command anymore
// Now we finalize the process
$do_transaction = !$this->inTransaction;
if ($do_transaction) {
$compacted = [];
$counter = [];
foreach ($commands AS $command) {
$conditions = $command['conditions'];
$first_key = key($conditions);
$condition_string = self::buildCondition($conditions);
if ((count($command['conditions']) > 1) || is_int($first_key)) {
$sql = "DELETE FROM `" . $command['table'] . "`" . $condition_string;
$logger->debug(self::replaceParameters($sql, $conditions));
if (!$this->execute($sql, $conditions)) {
if ($do_transaction) {
return false;
} else {
$key_table = $command['table'];
$key_condition = array_keys($command['conditions'])[0];
$value = array_values($command['conditions'])[0];
// Split the SQL queries in chunks of 100 values
// We do the $i stuff here to make the code better readable
$i = isset($counter[$key_table][$key_condition]) ? $counter[$key_table][$key_condition] : 0;
if (isset($compacted[$key_table][$key_condition][$i]) && count($compacted[$key_table][$key_condition][$i]) > 100) {
$compacted[$key_table][$key_condition][$i][$value] = $value;
$counter[$key_table][$key_condition] = $i;
foreach ($compacted AS $table => $values) {
foreach ($values AS $field => $field_value_list) {
foreach ($field_value_list AS $field_values) {
$sql = "DELETE FROM `" . $table . "` WHERE `" . $field . "` IN (" .
substr(str_repeat("?, ", count($field_values)), 0, -2) . ");";
$logger->debug(self::replaceParameters($sql, $field_values));
if (!$this->execute($sql, $field_values)) {
if ($do_transaction) {
return false;
if ($do_transaction) {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function update($table, array $fields, array $condition, $old_fields = [])
$conn = $this->driver;
$logger = $this->logger;
if (empty($table) || empty($fields) || empty($condition)) {
$logger->info('Table, fields and condition have to be set');
return false;
$table = $conn->escape($table);
$condition_string = self::buildCondition($condition);
if (is_bool($old_fields)) {
$do_insert = $old_fields;
$old_fields = $this->selectFirst($table, [], $condition);
if (is_bool($old_fields)) {
if ($do_insert) {
$values = array_merge($condition, $fields);
return $this->insert($table, $values, $do_insert);
$old_fields = [];
$do_update = (count($old_fields) == 0);
foreach ($old_fields AS $fieldname => $content) {
if (isset($fields[$fieldname])) {
if (($fields[$fieldname] == $content) && !is_null($content)) {
} else {
$do_update = true;
if (!$do_update || (count($fields) == 0)) {
return true;
$sql = "UPDATE `".$table."` SET `".
implode("` = ?, `", array_keys($fields))."` = ?".$condition_string;
$params1 = array_values($fields);
$params2 = array_values($condition);
$params = array_merge_recursive($params1, $params2);
return $this->execute($sql, $params);
* {@inheritDoc}
public function select($table, array $fields = [], array $condition = [], array $params = [])
$conn = $this->driver;
if ($table == '') {
return false;
$table = $conn->escape($table);
if (count($fields) > 0) {
$select_fields = "`" . implode("`, `", array_values($fields)) . "`";
} else {
$select_fields = "*";
$condition_string = self::buildCondition($condition);
$param_string = self::buildParameter($params);
$sql = "SELECT " . $select_fields . " FROM `" . $table . "`" . $condition_string . $param_string;
$result = $this->prepared($sql, $condition);
return $result;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function selectFirst($table, array $fields = [], array $condition = [], array $params = [])
$params['limit'] = 1;
$result = $this->select($table, $fields, $condition, $params);
if (is_bool($result)) {
return $result;
} else {
$row = $this->fetch($result);
return $row;
public function lock($table)
return DBA::lock($table);
public function unlock()
return DBA::unlock();
* {@inheritDoc}
public function prepared($sql)
$logger = $this->logger;
$profiler = $this->profiler;
$config = $this->configCache;
$conn = $this->driver;
$stamp1 = microtime(true);
$params = $this->getParameters(func_get_args());
// Renumber the array keys to be sure that they fit
$i = 0;
$args = [];
foreach ($params AS $param) {
// Avoid problems with some MySQL servers and boolean values. See issue #3645
if (is_bool($param)) {
$param = (int)$param;
$args[++$i] = $param;
if (!$conn->isConnected()) {
return false;
if ((substr_count($sql, '?') != count($args)) && (count($args) > 0)) {
// Question: Should we continue or stop the query here?
$logger->warning('Query parameters mismatch.', ['query' => $sql, 'args' => $args, 'callstack' => System::callstack()]);
$sql = $this->cleanQuery($sql);
$sql = $this->anyValueFallback($sql);
if ($config->get('system', 'db_callstack') !== null) {
$sql = "/*".System::callstack()." */ ".$sql;
self::$error = '';
self::$errorno = 0;
self::$affected_rows = 0;
// We have to make some things different if this function is called from "e"
$trace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 2);
if (isset($trace[1])) {
$called_from = $trace[1];
} else {
// We use just something that is defined to avoid warnings
$called_from = $trace[0];
// We are having an own error logging in the function "e"
$called_from_e = ($called_from['function'] == 'e');
try {
$retval = $conn->executePrepared($sql, $args);
self::$affected_rows = $conn->getNumRows($retval);
} catch (DriverException $exception) {
// We are having an own error logging in the function "e"
if (($exception->getCode() != 0) && !$called_from_e) {
// We have to preserve the error code, somewhere in the logging it get lost
$error = $exception->getMessage();
$errorno = $exception->getCode();
$this->logger->error('DB Error ' . self::$errorno . ': ' . self::$error . "\n" .
System::callstack(8) . "\n" . self::replaceParameters($sql, $args));
// On a lost connection we try to reconnect - but only once.
if ($errorno == 2006) {
if (self::$in_retrial || !$conn->reconnect()) {
// It doesn't make sense to continue when the database connection was lost
if (self::$in_retrial) {
$logger->notice('Giving up retrial because of database error ' . $errorno . ': ' . $error);
} else {
$logger->notice("Couldn't reconnect after database error " . $errorno . ': ' . $error);
} else {
// We try it again
$logger->notice('Reconnected after database error ' . $errorno . ': ' . $error);
self::$in_retrial = true;
$ret = $this->prepared($sql, $args);
self::$in_retrial = false;
return $ret;
self::$error = $error;
self::$errorno = $errorno;
$profiler->saveTimestamp($stamp1, 'database', System::callstack());
if ($config->get('system', 'db_log')) {
$stamp2 = microtime(true);
$duration = (float)($stamp2 - $stamp1);
if (($duration > $config->get('system', 'db_loglimit'))) {
$duration = round($duration, 3);
$backtrace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS);
@file_put_contents($config->get('system', 'db_log'), DateTimeFormat::utcNow() . $duration . "\t" .
basename($backtrace[1]["file"])."\t" .
$backtrace[1]["line"]."\t".$backtrace[2]["function"]."\t" .
substr(self::replaceParameters($sql, $args), 0, 2000)."\n", FILE_APPEND);
return $retval;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function execute($sql)
$conn = $this->driver;
$profiler = $this->profiler;
$logger = $this->logger;
$stamp = microtime(true);
$params = self::getParameters(func_get_args());
// In a case of a deadlock we are repeating the query 20 times
$timeout = 20;
$errorno = 0;
do {
try {
$stmt = $this->prepared($sql, $params);
if (is_bool($stmt)) {
$retval = $stmt;
} elseif (is_object($stmt)) {
$retval = true;
} else {
$retval = false;
} catch (DriverException $exception) {
$errorno = $exception->getCode();
} while (($errorno == 1213) && (--$timeout > 0));
if ($errorno != 0) {
// We have to preserve the error code, somewhere in the logging it get lost
$error = self::$error;
$errorno = self::$errorno;
$logger->error('DB Error ' . self::$errorno . ': ' . self::$error . "\n" .
System::callstack(8)."\n".self::replaceParameters($sql, $params));
// On a lost connection we simply quit.
// A reconnect like in self::p could be dangerous with modifications
if ($errorno == 2006) {
$logger->notice('Giving up because of database error '.$errorno.': '.$error);
self::$error = $error;
self::$errorno = $errorno;
$profiler->saveTimestamp($stamp, "database_write", System::callstack());
return $retval;
* @brief Replaces the ? placeholders with the parameters in the $args array
* @param string $sql SQL query
* @param array $args The parameters that are to replace the ? placeholders
* @return string The replaced SQL query
public static function replaceParameters($sql, array $args)
$offset = 0;
foreach ($args AS $param => $value) {
if (is_int($args[$param]) || is_float($args[$param])) {
$replace = intval($args[$param]);
} else {
$replace = "'" . $this->escape($args[$param]) . "'";
$pos = strpos($sql, '?', $offset);
if ($pos !== false) {
$sql = substr_replace($sql, $replace, $pos, 1);
$offset = $pos + strlen($replace);
return $sql;
* Convert parameter array to an universal form
* @param array $args Parameter array
* @return array universalized parameter array
public static function getParameters(array $args)
// When the second function parameter is an array then use this as the parameter array
if ((count($args) > 0) && (is_array($args[1]))) {
return $args[1];
} else {
return $args;
* @brief Returns the SQL condition string built from the provided condition array
* This function operates with two modes.
* - Supplied with a filed/value associative array, it builds simple strict
* equality conditions linked by AND.
* - Supplied with a flat list, the first element is the condition string and
* the following arguments are the values to be interpolated
* $condition = ["uid" => 1, "network" => 'dspr'];
* or:
* $condition = ["`uid` = ? AND `network` IN (?, ?)", 1, 'dfrn', 'dspr'];
* In either case, the provided array is left with the parameters only
* @param array $condition
* @return string
public static function buildCondition(array &$condition = [])
$condition_string = '';
if (count($condition) > 0) {
$first_key = key($condition);
if (is_int($first_key)) {
$condition_string = " WHERE (" . array_shift($condition) . ")";
} else {
$new_values = [];
$condition_string = "";
foreach ($condition as $field => $value) {
if ($condition_string != "") {
$condition_string .= " AND ";
if (is_array($value)) {
/* Workaround for MySQL Bug #64791.
* Never mix data types inside any IN() condition.
* In case of mixed types, cast all as string.
* Logic needs to be consistent with DBA::p() data types.
$is_int = false;
$is_alpha = false;
foreach ($value as $single_value) {
if (is_int($single_value)) {
$is_int = true;
} else {
$is_alpha = true;
if ($is_int && $is_alpha) {
foreach ($value as &$ref) {
if (is_int($ref)) {
$ref = (string)$ref;
unset($ref); //Prevent accidental re-use.
$new_values = array_merge($new_values, array_values($value));
$placeholders = substr(str_repeat("?, ", count($value)), 0, -2);
$condition_string .= "`" . $field . "` IN (" . $placeholders . ")";
} else {
$new_values[$field] = $value;
$condition_string .= "`" . $field . "` = ?";
$condition_string = " WHERE (" . $condition_string . ")";
$condition = $new_values;
return $condition_string;
* Build the array with the table relations
* The array is build from the database definitions in DBStructure.php
* This process must only be started once, since the value is cached.
private function buildRelationData()
if ($this->exists('config', ['cat' => 'system', 'k' => 'basepath'])) {
$basePath = $this->select('config', 'v', ['cat' => 'system', 'k' => 'basepath']);
} else {
$basePath = $this->configCache->get('system', 'basepath');
$definition = DBStructure::definition($basePath);
foreach ($definition AS $table => $structure) {
foreach ($structure['fields'] AS $field => $field_struct) {
if (isset($field_struct['relation'])) {
foreach ($field_struct['relation'] AS $rel_table => $rel_field) {
$this->dbRelation[$rel_table][$rel_field][$table][] = $field;
* @brief Callback function for "esc_array"
* @param mixed $value Array value
* @param string $key Array key
* @param boolean $add_quotation add quotation marks for string values
* @return void
private function escapeArrayCallback(&$value, $key, $add_quotation)
$conn = $this->driver;
if (!$add_quotation) {
if (is_bool($value)) {
$value = ($value ? '1' : '0');
} else {
$value = $conn->escape($value);
if (is_bool($value)) {
$value = ($value ? 'true' : 'false');
} elseif (is_float($value) || is_integer($value)) {
$value = (string) $value;
} else {
$value = "'" . $conn->escape($value) . "'";