Use standard function to update the contact to avoid SQL errors

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Michael Vogel 2019-07-11 22:11:51 +02:00
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commit 807d2665ea
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@ -657,27 +657,14 @@ class Receiver
public static function switchContact($cid, $uid, $url)
$profile = ActivityPub::probeProfile($url);
if (empty($profile)) {
Contact::updateFromProbe($cid, '', true);
Logger::log('Switch contact ' . $cid . ' (' . $profile['url'] . ') for user ' . $uid . ' to ActivityPub');
$photo = defaults($profile, 'photo', null);
$profile['nurl'] = Strings::normaliseLink($profile['url']);
DBA::update('contact', $profile, ['id' => $cid]);
Contact::updateAvatar($photo, $uid, $cid);
Logger::log('Switch contact ' . $cid . ' (' . $url . ') for user ' . $uid . ' to ActivityPub');
// Send a new follow request to be sure that the connection still exists
if (($uid != 0) && DBA::exists('contact', ['id' => $cid, 'rel' => [Contact::SHARING, Contact::FRIEND]])) {
ActivityPub\Transmitter::sendActivity('Follow', $profile['url'], $uid);
Logger::log('Send a new follow request to ' . $profile['url'] . ' for user ' . $uid, Logger::DEBUG);
ActivityPub\Transmitter::sendActivity('Follow', $url, $uid);
Logger::log('Send a new follow request to ' . $url . ' for user ' . $uid, Logger::DEBUG);