And the rest of the new lines

This commit is contained in:
Michael 2020-01-19 09:55:28 +00:00
rodzic cdbc94a9e1
commit 572a3f1180
2 zmienionych plików z 2 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -428,6 +428,7 @@ class Database
* Executes a prepared statement that returns data
* @usage Example: $r = p("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `guid` = ?", $guid);
* Please only use it with complicated queries.

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@ -2235,6 +2235,7 @@ class Contact
* Takes a $uid and a url/handle and adds a new contact
* Currently if the contact is DFRN, interactive needs to be true, to redirect to the
* dfrn_request page.