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namespace DDDBL;
* The DataObjectPool is a class to manage
* the DataObjects for different types.
* DataObjects are stored within groups. Every group
* has a validatator, with is applyed to
* every DataObject stored in the group.
* If no validatator is set, no validation will
* be done.
* A DataObject is referenced by an identifier,
* which is uniqiue within a group.
* when creating a DataObjectPool instance,
* the wanted group is set. All following
* operations are done at this group.
class DataObjectPool {
* the actual group to operate on
private $strGroup = null;
* list of validators for each group. structure:
* array([group] => validator-callback,
* [group-n] => validator-callback-n, [..])
static private $arrValidatorList = array();
* list of DataObjects. stored in the following structure:
* array([group][uniqueue-identifier] => DataObject-reference,
* [group-n][uniqueue-identifier-n] => DataObject-reference-n, [..])
static private $arrDataObjects = array();
* @param $strGroup - the group of DataObjects to operate on
* @throws UnexpectedParameterTypeException - if given group is not a string
* create an instance of DataObjectPool and store the group
* to operate on
public function __construct($strGroup) {
throw new UnexpectedParameterTypeException('string', $strGroup);
$this->strGroup = $strGroup;
if(!array_key_exists($this->strGroup, self::$arrValidatorList))
self::$arrValidatorList[$this->strGroup] = null;
if(!array_key_exists($this->strGroup, self::$arrDataObjects))
self::$arrDataObjects[$this->strGroup] = array();
* @param $cloValidator - the validator to set for the group
* @throws UnexpectedParameterTypeException - if given validator is not a callable
* set the validator for the active group. this validator
* is given to each newly created DataObject.
* if it is changed, the existing DataObjects are
* *NOT* revalidated.
public function setValidator($cloValidator) {
throw new UnexpectedParameterTypeException('string', $cloValidator);
self::$arrValidatorList[$this->strGroup] = $cloValidator;
* @param $strIdentifier - the unique identifier of the DataObject
* @param $arrData - the data to store in the DataObject
* @see DataObject:add()
* @throws UnexpectedParameterTypeException - if identifier is not a string
* @throws \Exception - if given identifier is not unique
* @returns (DataObject) - reference to the created DataObject-instance
* create a new DataObject and store it in the pool. The given
* identifier is the key to retrieve the DataObject from the pool.
* The given data are stored within the DataObject.
* After creation and storage of the DataObject, a reference
* to the object is returned
public function add($strIdentifier, array $arrData) {
throw new UnexpectedParameterTypeException('string', $strIdentifier);
throw new \Exception ("identifier already in use: $strIdentifier");
$objDataObject = new DataObject(self::$arrValidatorList[$this->strGroup], $arrData);
self::$arrDataObjects[$this->strGroup][$strIdentifier] = $objDataObject;
return $objDataObject;
* @param $strIdentifier - the identifier of the object to delete
* @throws UnexpectedParameterTypeException - if given identifier is not a string
* @throws \Exception - if the given identifier is not known
* delete the stored DataObject from the DataObjectPool
public function delete($strIdentifier) {
throw new UnexpectedParameterTypeException('string', $strIdentifier);
throw new \Exception ("DataObject not found, identifier unknown: $strIdentifier");
* @param $strIdentifier - the identifier to check
* @throws UnexpectedParameterTypeException - if given identifier is not a string
* @returns (boolean) true, if the identifier exists
* @returns (boolean) false, if the identifier do not exists
public function exists($strIdentifier) {
throw new UnexpectedParameterTypeException('string', $strIdentifier);
return false;
return true;
* @param $strIdentifier - the identifier of the DataObject to retrieve
* @throws UnexpectedParameterTypeException - if given identifier is not a string
* @throws \Exception - if given identifier is unknown
* @returns (DataObject) - reference to the DataObject
* returns a reference to the DataObject stored under the identifer
public function get($strIdentifier) {
throw new UnexpectedParameterTypeException('string', $strIdentifier);
throw new \Exception ("DataObject not found, identifier unknown: $strIdentifier");
return self::$arrDataObjects[$this->strGroup][$strIdentifier];
* @returns (array) - list of all DataObjects of the active group
* returns an array of all stored DataObjects of the active group
* with the following structure:
* array([identifier] => DataObject-reference,
* [identifier-n] => DataObject-reference-n, [..])
public function getAll() {
return self::$arrDataObjects[$this->strGroup];