
3989 lines
86 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# FRIENDICA Distributed Social Network
# Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 the Friendica Project
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Friendica package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: friendica\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-04 20:30:51+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: \n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
msgid "Not Found"
msgstr "Hittar inte"
msgid "Page not found."
msgstr "Sidan hittades inte."
msgid "Permission denied"
msgstr "Åtkomst nekad"
msgid "Permission denied."
msgstr "Åtkomst nekad."
msgid "Delete this item?"
msgstr "Ta bort?"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Kommentera"
msgid "Create a New Account"
msgstr "Skapa nytt konto"
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registrera"
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr "Aviseringar"
msgid "Nickname or Email address: "
msgstr "Användarnamn eller e-postadress: "
msgid "Password: "
msgstr "Lösenord: "
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Logga in"
msgid "Nickname/Email/OpenID: "
msgstr "Användarnamn/e-post/OpenID: "
msgid "Password (if not OpenID): "
msgstr "Lösenord (om inget OpenID): "
msgid "Forgot your password?"
msgstr "Har du glömt lösenordet?"
msgid "Password Reset"
msgstr "Glömt lösenordet?"
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Logga ut"
msgid "prev"
msgstr "föreg"
msgid "first"
msgstr "första"
msgid "last"
msgstr "sista"
msgid "next"
msgstr "nästa"
msgid "No contacts"
msgstr "Inga kontakter"
msgid "View Contacts"
msgstr "Visa kontakter"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Sök"
msgid "No profile"
msgstr "Ingen profil"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Skicka kontaktförfrågan"
msgid "Location:"
msgstr "Plats:"
msgid ", "
msgstr ", "
msgid "Gender:"
msgstr "Kön:"
msgid "Status:"
msgstr "Status:"
msgid "Homepage:"
msgstr "Hemsida:"
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "måndag"
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "tisdag"
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "onsdag"
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "torsdag"
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "fredag"
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "lördag"
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "söndag"
msgid "January"
msgstr "januari"
msgid "February"
msgstr "februari"
msgid "March"
msgstr "mars"
msgid "April"
msgstr "april"
msgid "May"
msgstr "maj"
msgid "June"
msgstr "juni"
msgid "July"
msgstr "juli"
msgid "August"
msgstr "augusti"
msgid "September"
msgstr "september"
msgid "October"
msgstr "oktober"
msgid "November"
msgstr "november"
msgid "December"
msgstr "december"
msgid "g A l F d"
msgstr "g A l F d"
msgid "Birthday Reminders"
msgstr "Födelsedagspåminnelser"
msgid "Birthdays this week:"
msgstr "Födelsedagar denna vecka:"
msgid "(Adjusted for local time)"
msgstr "(Justerat till lokal tid)"
msgid "[today]"
msgstr "[idag]"
msgid "link to source"
msgstr "länk till källa"
#, php-format
msgid "%d Contact"
msgid_plural "%d Contacts"
msgstr[0] "%d kontakt"
msgstr[1] "%d kontakter"
msgid "Normal View"
msgstr "Byt till normalvy"
msgid "New Item View"
msgstr "Visa nya inlägg överst"
#, php-format
msgid "Warning: This group contains %s from an insecure network."
msgstr "Varning! Gruppen innehåller %s på osäkra nätverk."
msgid "Private messages to this group are at risk of public disclosure."
msgstr "Meddelanden kan komma att bli synliga för vem som helst på internet."
msgid "Please enter a link URL:"
msgstr "Ange en länk (URL):"
msgid "Please enter a YouTube link:"
msgstr "Ange en YouTube-länk:"
msgid "Please enter a video(.ogg) link/URL:"
msgstr "Ange länk/URL till video (.ogg):"
msgid "Please enter an audio(.ogg) link/URL:"
msgstr "Ange länk/URL till ljud (.ogg):"
msgid "Where are you right now?"
msgstr "Var är du just nu?"
msgid "Enter a title for this item"
msgstr "Ange en rubrik på inlägget"
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Publicera"
msgid "Upload photo"
msgstr "Ladda upp bild"
msgid "Insert web link"
msgstr "Infoga länk"
msgid "Insert YouTube video"
msgstr "Infoga video från YouTube"
msgid "Insert Vorbis [.ogg] video"
msgstr "Lägg in video i format Vorbis [.ogg]"
msgid "Insert Vorbis [.ogg] audio"
msgstr "Lägg in ljud i format Vorbis [.ogg]"
msgid "Set your location"
msgstr "Ange plats"
msgid "Clear browser location"
msgstr "Clear browser location"
msgid "Set title"
msgstr "Ange rubrik"
msgid "Please wait"
msgstr "Vänta"
msgid "Permission settings"
msgstr "Åtkomstinställningar"
msgid "CC: email addresses"
msgstr "Kopia: e-postadresser"
msgid "Example:,"
msgstr "Exempel:,"
msgid "No such group"
msgstr "Gruppen finns inte"
msgid "Group is empty"
msgstr "Gruppen är tom"
msgid "Group: "
msgstr "Grupp: "
msgid "Shared content is covered by the <a href=\"\">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0</a> license."
msgstr "Inneh&aring;llet omfattas av licensen <a href=\"\">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0</a>."
#, php-format
msgid "%d member"
msgid_plural "%d member"
msgstr[0] "%d medlem"
msgstr[1] "%d medlemmar"
msgid "Applications"
msgstr "Applikationer"
msgid "Invite Friends"
msgstr "Bjud in folk du k&auml;nner"
msgid "Find People With Shared Interests"
msgstr "S&ouml;k personer som har samma intressen som du"
msgid "Connect/Follow"
msgstr "G&ouml;r till kontakt/F&ouml;lj"
msgid "Example:,"
msgstr "Exempel:,"
msgid "Follow"
msgstr "F&ouml;lj"
msgid "Could not access contact record."
msgstr "Hittar inte information om kontakten."
msgid "Could not locate selected profile."
msgstr "Hittar inte vald profil."
msgid "Contact updated."
msgstr "Kontakten har uppdaterats."
msgid "Failed to update contact record."
msgstr "Det blev fel n&auml;r kontakten skulle uppdateras."
msgid "Contact has been "
msgstr "Kontakten "
msgid "blocked"
msgstr "sp&auml;rrad"
msgid "unblocked"
msgstr "inte l&auml;ngre sp&auml;rrad"
msgid "Contact has been blocked"
msgstr "Kontakten har sp&auml;rrats"
msgid "Contact has been unblocked"
msgstr "Kontakten &auml;r inte l&auml;ngre sp&auml;rrad"
msgid "Contact has been ignored"
msgstr "Kontakten ignoreras"
msgid "Contact has been unignored"
msgstr "Kontakten ignoreras inte l&auml;ngre"
msgid "stopped following"
msgstr "f&ouml;ljer inte l&auml;ngre"
msgid "Contact has been removed."
msgstr "Kontakten har tagits bort."
msgid "Contact not found."
msgstr "Kontakten hittades inte."
msgid "Mutual Friendship"
msgstr "&Ouml;msesidig v&auml;nskap"
msgid "is a fan of yours"
msgstr "&auml;r ett fan till dig"
msgid "you are a fan of"
msgstr "du &auml;r fan till"
msgid "Privacy Unavailable"
msgstr "Inte tillg&auml;ngligt"
msgid "Private communications are not available for this contact."
msgstr "Det g&aring;r inte att utbyta personliga meddelanden med den h&auml;r kontakten."
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Aldrig"
msgid "(Update was successful)"
msgstr "(Uppdateringen lyckades)"
msgid "(Update was not successful)"
msgstr "(Uppdateringen lyckades inte)"
msgid "Contact Editor"
msgstr "&Auml;ndra kontakter"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Spara"
msgid "Profile Visibility"
msgstr "Visning av profil"
#, php-format
msgid "Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your profile securely."
msgstr "V&auml;lj vilken profil som ska visas f&ouml;r %s n&auml;r han/hon bes&ouml;ker din sida."
msgid "Contact Information / Notes"
msgstr "Kontaktuppgifter/Anteckningar"
msgid "Online Reputation"
msgstr "Rykte online"
msgid "Occasionally your friends may wish to inquire about this person's online legitimacy."
msgstr "Dina kontakter kanske vill veta n&aring;got om den h&auml;r personens rykte online innan de tar kontakt."
msgid "You may help them choose whether or not to interact with this person by providing a <em>reputation</em> to guide them."
msgstr "Du kan vara till hj&auml;lp genom att ange personens rykte online."
msgid "Please take a moment to elaborate on this selection if you feel it could be helpful to others."
msgstr "&Auml;gna g&auml;rna en stund &aring;t att ange detta f&ouml;r att hj&auml;lpa andra."
msgid "Visit $name's profile"
msgstr "Bes&ouml;k $name "
msgid "Block/Unblock contact"
msgstr "Sp&auml;rra kontakt eller h&auml;v sp&auml;rr"
msgid "Ignore contact"
msgstr "Ignorera kontakt"
msgid "Repair contact URL settings"
msgstr "Repair contact URL settings"
msgid "Repair contact URL settings (WARNING: Advanced)"
msgstr "Repair contact URL settings (WARNING: Advanced)"
msgid "Delete contact"
msgstr "Ta bort kontakt"
msgid "Last updated: "
msgstr "Uppdaterad senast: "
msgid "Update public posts: "
msgstr "Uppdatera offentliga inl&auml;gg: "
msgid "Update now"
msgstr "Updatera nu"
msgid "Unblock this contact"
msgstr "H&auml;v sp&auml;rr f&ouml;r kontakt"
msgid "Block this contact"
msgstr "Sp&auml;rra kontakt"
msgid "Unignore this contact"
msgstr "Ignorera inte l&auml;ngre kontakt"
msgid "Ignore this contact"
msgstr "Ignorera kontakt"
msgid "Currently blocked"
msgstr "Sp&auml;rrad"
msgid "Currently ignored"
msgstr "Ignoreras"
msgid "Contacts"
msgstr "Kontakter"
msgid "Show Blocked Connections"
msgstr "Visa sp&auml;rrade kontakter"
msgid "Hide Blocked Connections"
msgstr "D&ouml;lj sp&auml;rrade kontakter"
msgid "Finding: "
msgstr "Hittar: "
msgid "Find"
msgstr "S&ouml;k"
msgid "Visit $username's profile"
msgstr "G&aring; till profilen som tillh&ouml;r $username"
msgid "Edit contact"
msgstr "&Auml;ndra kontakt"
msgid "Contact settings applied."
msgstr "Inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r kontakter har sparats."
msgid "Contact update failed."
msgstr "Det gick inte att uppdatera kontakt."
msgid "Repair Contact Settings"
msgstr "Repair Contact Settings"
msgid "<strong>WARNING: This is highly advanced</strong> and if you enter incorrect information your communications with this contact will stop working."
msgstr "<strong>VARNING! Det h&auml;r &auml;r en avancerad inst&auml;llning</strong> och om du anger felaktig information kommer kommunikationen med den h&auml;r kontakten att sluta fungera."
msgid "Please use your browser 'Back' button <strong>now</strong> if you are uncertain what to do on this page."
msgstr "Anv&auml;nd webbl&auml;sarens bak&aring;tknapp <strong>nu</strong> om du &auml;r os&auml;ker p&aring; vad man g&ouml;r p&aring; den h&auml;r sidan."
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Namn"
msgid "Profile not found."
msgstr "Profilen hittades inte."
msgid "Response from remote site was not understood."
msgstr "Kunde inte tolka svaret fr&aring;n fj&auml;rrsajten."
msgid "Unexpected response from remote site: "
msgstr "Ov&auml;ntat svar fr&aring;n fj&auml;rrsajten: "
msgid "Confirmation completed successfully."
msgstr "Bekr&auml;ftat."
msgid "Remote site reported: "
msgstr "Meddelande fr&aring;n fj&auml;rrsajten: "
msgid "Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."
msgstr "Tillf&auml;lligt fel. F&ouml;rs&ouml;k igen lite senare."
msgid "Introduction failed or was revoked."
msgstr "Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan gick inte fram eller har &aring;terkallats."
msgid "Unable to set contact photo."
msgstr "Det gick inte att byta profilbild."
msgid "is now friends with"
msgstr "&auml;r nu v&auml;n med"
msgid "Our site encryption key is apparently messed up."
msgstr "Det &auml;r n&aring;got fel p&aring; webbplatsens krypteringsnyckel."
msgid "Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us."
msgstr "Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us."
msgid "Contact record was not found for you on our site."
msgstr "Det gick inte att hitta efterfr&aring;gad information p&aring; v&aring;r webbplats."
msgid "The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work if you try again."
msgstr "Det ID som angavs av ditt system &auml;r samma som p&aring; v&aring;rt system. Det borde fungera om du provar igen."
msgid "Unable to set your contact credentials on our system."
msgstr "Unable to set your contact credentials on our system."
msgid "Unable to update your contact profile details on our system"
msgstr "Unable to update your contact profile details on our system"
#, php-format
msgid "Connection accepted at %s"
msgstr "Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan beviljad - %s"
msgid "Administrator"
msgstr "Admin"
msgid "noreply"
msgstr "noreply"
#, php-format
msgid "%s commented on an item at %s"
msgstr "%s har kommenterat ett inl&auml;gg p&aring; %s"
msgid "This introduction has already been accepted."
msgstr "Den h&auml;r f&ouml;rfr&aring;gan har redan beviljats."
msgid "Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information."
msgstr "Profiladressen &auml;r ogiltig eller inneh&aring;ller ingen profilinformation."
msgid "Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name."
msgstr "Varning! Hittar inget namn som identifierar profilen."
msgid "Warning: profile location has no profile photo."
msgstr "Varning! Profilen inneh&aring;ller inte n&aring;gon profilbild."
msgid "Introduction complete."
msgstr "Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan/Presentationen &auml;r klar."
msgid "Unrecoverable protocol error."
msgstr "Protokollfel."
msgid "Profile unavailable."
msgstr "Profilen &auml;r inte tillg&auml;nglig."
#, php-format
msgid "%s has received too many connection requests today."
msgstr "%s har f&aring;tt f&ouml;r m&aring;nga kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar idag."
msgid "Spam protection measures have been invoked."
msgstr "&Aring;tg&auml;rder f&ouml;r spamskydd har vidtagits."
msgid "Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours."
msgstr "Dina v&auml;nner kan prova igen om ett dygn."
msgid "Invalid locator"
msgstr "Invalid locator"
msgid "Unable to resolve your name at the provided location."
msgstr "Unable to resolve your name at the provided location."
msgid "You have already introduced yourself here."
msgstr "Du har redan presenterat dig h&auml;r."
#, php-format
msgid "Apparently you are already friends with %s."
msgstr "Du och %s &auml;r redan kontakter."
msgid "Invalid profile URL."
msgstr "Ogiltig profil-URL."
msgid "Disallowed profile URL."
msgstr "Otill&aring;ten profil-URL."
msgid "Your introduction has been sent."
msgstr "Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan/Presentationen har skickats."
msgid "Please login to confirm introduction."
msgstr "Logga in f&ouml;r att acceptera f&ouml;rfr&aring;gan."
msgid "Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to <strong>this</strong> profile."
msgstr "Inloggad med fel identitet. Logga in med <strong>den h&auml;r</strong> profilen."
#, php-format
msgid "Welcome home %s."
msgstr "V&auml;lkommen hem %s."
#, php-format
msgid "Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s."
msgstr "Bekr&auml;fta att du vill skicka kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan till %s."
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Bekr&auml;fta"
msgid "[Name Withheld]"
msgstr "[Namnet visas inte]"
msgid "Introduction received at "
msgstr "Inkommen kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan/presentation - "
msgid "Friend/Connection Request"
msgstr "V&auml;n- eller kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan"
msgid "Examples:,,"
msgstr "Examples:,,"
msgid "Please answer the following:"
msgstr "Var v&auml;nlig besvara f&ouml;ljande:"
msgid "Does $name know you?"
msgstr "K&auml;nner $name dig?"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nej"
msgid "Add a personal note:"
msgstr "L&auml;gg till ett personligt meddelande:"
msgid "Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported social networks:"
msgstr "Ange din adress, ditt ID, p&aring; ett av f&ouml;ljande sociala n&auml;tverk:"
msgid "Friendica"
msgstr "Friendica"
msgid "StatusNet/Federated Social Web"
msgstr "StatusNet/Federated Social Web"
msgid "Private (secure) network"
msgstr "Privat (s&auml;kert) n&auml;tverk"
msgid "Public (insecure) network"
msgstr "Offentligt (os&auml;kert) n&auml;tverk"
msgid "Your Identity Address:"
msgstr "Din adress (ditt ID):"
msgid "Submit Request"
msgstr "Skicka f&ouml;rfr&aring;gan"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Avbryt"
#, php-format
msgid "%d required parameter was not found at the given location"
msgid_plural "%d required parameters were not found at the given location"
msgstr[0] "%d required parameter was not found at the given location"
msgstr[1] "%d required parameters were not found at the given location"
msgid "Global Directory"
msgstr "Medlemskatalog f&ouml;r flera sajter (global)"
msgid "Site Directory"
msgstr "Medlemskatalog"
msgid "Age: "
msgstr "&Aring;lder: "
msgid "Gender: "
msgstr "K&ouml;n: "
msgid "No entries (some entries may be hidden)."
msgstr "Inget att visa. (Man kan v&auml;lja att inte synas h&auml;r)"
msgid "Item not found."
msgstr "Hittar inte."
msgid "Item has been removed."
msgstr "Har tagits bort."
msgid "Item not found"
msgstr "Hittades inte"
msgid "Edit post"
msgstr "&Auml;ndra inl&auml;gg"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "&Auml;ndra"
msgid "The profile address specified does not provide adequate information."
msgstr "Angiven profiladress ger inte tillr&auml;cklig information."
msgid "Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal notifications from you."
msgstr "Begr&auml;nsad profil. Den h&auml;r personen kommer inte att kunna ta emot personliga meddelanden fr&aring;n dig."
msgid "Unable to retrieve contact information."
msgstr "Det gick inte att komma &aring;t kontaktinformationen."
msgid "following"
msgstr "f&ouml;ljer"
msgid "This is Friendica version"
msgstr "Det h&auml;r &auml;r Friendica version"
msgid "running at web location"
msgstr "som k&ouml;rs p&aring;"
msgid "Shared content within the Friendica network is provided under the <a href=\"\">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license</a>"
msgstr "Inneh&aring;ll som publiceras inom Friendican&auml;tverket omfattas av licensen <a href=\"\">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license</a>"
msgid "Please visit <a href=\"\"></a> to learn more about the Friendica project."
msgstr "G&aring; till <a href=\"\"></a> om du vill l&auml;sa mer om friendicaprojektet."
msgid "Bug reports and issues: please visit"
msgstr "Anm&auml;l buggar eller andra problem, g&aring; till"
msgid "Suggestions, praise, donations, etc. - please email \"Info\" at Friendica - dot com"
msgstr "F&ouml;rslag, ber&ouml;m, donationer, etc. - skicka e-post till \"info at friendica punkt com\" "
msgid "Installed plugins/addons/apps"
msgstr "Installerade insticksprogram/applikationer"
msgid "No installed plugins/addons/apps"
msgstr "Inga installerade insticksprogram/applikationer"
msgid "Group created."
msgstr "Gruppen har skapats."
msgid "Could not create group."
msgstr "Det gick inte att skapa gruppen."
msgid "Group not found."
msgstr "Gruppen hittades inte."
msgid "Group name changed."
msgstr "Gruppens namn har &auml;ndrats."
msgid "Create a group of contacts/friends."
msgstr "Skapa en grupp med kontakter/v&auml;nner."
msgid "Group Name: "
msgstr "Gruppens namn: "
msgid "Group removed."
msgstr "Gruppen har tagits bort."
msgid "Unable to remove group."
msgstr "Det gick inte att ta bort gruppen."
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Ta bort"
msgid "Click on a contact to add or remove."
msgstr "Klicka p&aring; en kontakt f&ouml;r att l&auml;gga till eller ta bort."
msgid "Group Editor"
msgstr "&Auml;ndra i grupper"
msgid "Members"
msgstr "Medlemmar"
msgid "All Contacts"
msgstr "Alla kontakter"
msgid "Help:"
msgstr "Hj&auml;lp:"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Hj&auml;lp"
#, php-format
msgid "Welcome to %s"
msgstr "V&auml;lkommen till %s"
msgid "Could not create/connect to database."
msgstr "Det gick inte att skapa eller ansluta till databasen."
msgid "Connected to database."
msgstr "Ansluten till databasen."
msgid "Proceed with Installation"
msgstr "Forts&auml;tt med installationen"
msgid "Your Friendica site database has been installed."
msgstr "Databasen f&ouml;r din friendicasajt har installerats."
msgid "IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the poller."
msgstr "IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the poller."
msgid "Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\"."
msgstr "Se filen \"INSTALL.txt\"."
msgid "Proceed to registration"
msgstr "G&aring; vidare till registreringen"
msgid "Database import failed."
msgstr "Det gick inte att importera databasen."
msgid "You may need to import the file \"database.sql\" manually using phpmyadmin or mysql."
msgstr "Du kanske m&aring;ste importera filen \"database.sql\" manuellt med phpmyadmin eller mysql."
msgid "Welcome to Friendica."
msgstr "V&auml;lkommen till Friendica."
msgid "Friendica Social Network"
msgstr "Det sociala n&auml;tverket Friendica"
msgid "Installation"
msgstr "Installation"
msgid "In order to install Friendica we need to know how to contact your database."
msgstr "In order to install Friendica we need to know how to contact your database."
msgid "Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have questions about these settings."
msgstr "Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have questions about these settings."
msgid "The database you specify below must already exist. If it does not, please create it before continuing."
msgstr "The database you specify below must already exist. If it does not, please create it before continuing."
msgid "Database Server Name"
msgstr "Database Server Name"
msgid "Database Login Name"
msgstr "Database Login Name"
msgid "Database Login Password"
msgstr "Database Login Password"
msgid "Database Name"
msgstr "Database Name"
msgid "Please select a default timezone for your website"
msgstr "Please select a default timezone for your website"
msgid "Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH."
msgstr "Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH."
msgid "This is required. Please adjust the configuration file .htconfig.php accordingly."
msgstr "This is required. Please adjust the configuration file .htconfig.php accordingly."
msgid "The command line version of PHP on your system does not have \"register_argc_argv\" enabled."
msgstr "The command line version of PHP on your system does not have \"register_argc_argv\" enabled."
msgid "This is required for message delivery to work."
msgstr "Det kr&auml;vs f&ouml;r att meddelanden ska kunna levereras."
msgid "Error: the \"openssl_pkey_new\" function on this system is not able to generate encryption keys"
msgstr "Fel: funktionen \"openssl_pkey_new\" kan inte skapa krypteringsnycklar"
msgid "If running under Windows, please see \"\"."
msgstr "L&auml;s mer p&aring; \"\" om du k&ouml;r Windows."
msgid "Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."
msgstr "Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."
msgid "Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed."
msgstr "Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed."
msgid "Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed."
msgstr "Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed."
msgid "Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."
msgstr "Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."
msgid "Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."
msgstr "Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."
msgid "The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."
msgstr "The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."
msgid "This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."
msgstr "This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."
msgid "Please check with your site documentation or support people to see if this situation can be corrected."
msgstr "Please check with your site documentation or support people to see if this situation can be corrected."
msgid "If not, you may be required to perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."
msgstr "If not, you may be required to perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."
msgid "The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web server root."
msgstr "The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web server root."
msgid "Errors encountered creating database tables."
msgstr "Fel vid skapandet av databastabeller."
#, php-format
msgid "%s : Not a valid email address."
msgstr "%s : Ogiltig e-postadress."
#, php-format
msgid "%s : Message delivery failed."
msgstr "%s : Meddelandet kom inte fram."
msgid "Send invitations"
msgstr "Skicka inbjudningar"
msgid "Enter email addresses, one per line:"
msgstr "Ange e-postadresser, en per rad:"
msgid "Your message:"
msgstr "Meddelande:"
msgid "To accept this invitation, please visit:"
msgstr "G&aring; hit f&ouml;r att tacka ja till inbjudan:"
msgid "Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:"
msgstr "Vi kan bli kontakter via min profil. Bes&ouml;k min profil h&auml;r n&auml;r du har registrerat dig:"
#, php-format
msgid "%d message sent."
msgid_plural "%d messages sent."
msgstr[0] "%d meddelande har skickats."
msgstr[1] "%d meddelanden har skickats."
msgid "Unable to locate original post."
msgstr "Hittar inte det ursprungliga inl&auml;gget."
msgid "Empty post discarded."
msgstr "Tomt inl&auml;gg. Inte sparat."
msgid "Wall Photos"
msgstr "Loggbilder"
#, php-format
msgid "%s commented on your item at %s"
msgstr "%s har kommenterat ditt inl&auml;gg p&aring; %s"
#, php-format
msgid "%s posted on your profile wall at %s"
msgstr "%s har gjort ett inl&auml;gg p&aring; din logg p&aring; %s"
msgid "System error. Post not saved."
msgstr "N&aring;got gick fel. Inl&auml;gget sparades inte."
msgid "You may visit them online at"
msgstr "Bes&ouml;k online p&aring;"
msgid "Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to receive these messages."
msgstr "Kontakta avs&auml;ndaren genom att svara p&aring; det h&auml;r meddelandet om du inte vill ha s&aring;dana h&auml;r meddelanden."
#, php-format
msgid "%s posted an update."
msgstr "%s har gjort ett inl&auml;gg."
msgid "photo"
msgstr "bild"
msgid "status"
msgstr "status"
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s likes %2$s's %3$s"
msgstr "%1$s gillar %2$s's %3$s"
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s doesn't like %2$s's %3$s"
msgstr "%1$s ogillar %2$s's %3$s"
msgid "Remote privacy information not available."
msgstr "Remote privacy information not available."
msgid "Visible to:"
msgstr "Synlig f&ouml;r:"
msgid "Password reset request issued. Check your email."
msgstr "Nytt l&ouml;senord har beg&auml;rts. Kolla din mail."
#, php-format
msgid "Password reset requested at %s"
msgstr "Nytt l&ouml;senord p&aring; %s har beg&auml;rts"
msgid "Request could not be verified. (You may have previously submitted it.) Password reset failed."
msgstr "Beg&auml;ran kunde inte verifieras. (Du kanske redan skickat den?) Det gick inte att byta l&ouml;senord."
msgid "Your password has been reset as requested."
msgstr "Nu har du f&aring;tt ett nytt l&ouml;senord."
msgid "Your new password is"
msgstr "Det nya l&ouml;senordet &auml;r"
msgid "Save or copy your new password - and then"
msgstr "Spara eller kopiera l&ouml;senordet och"
msgid "click here to login"
msgstr "klicka h&auml;r f&ouml;r att logga in"
msgid "Your password may be changed from the <em>Settings</em> page after successful login."
msgstr "N&auml;r du loggat in kan du byta l&ouml;senord p&aring; sidan <em>Inst&auml;llningar</em>."
msgid "Forgot your Password?"
msgstr "Gl&ouml;mt l&ouml;senordet?"
msgid "Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check your email for further instructions."
msgstr "Ange din e-postadress f&ouml;r att f&aring; ett nytt l&ouml;senord. Du kommer att f&aring; ett meddelande med vidare instruktioner via e-post."
msgid "Nickname or Email: "
msgstr "Anv&auml;ndarnamn eller e-post:"
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Skicka"
#, php-format
msgid "Welcome back %s"
msgstr "V&auml;lkommen tillbaka %s"
msgid "Manage Identities and/or Pages"
msgstr "Hantera identiteter eller sidor"
msgid "(Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share your account details.)"
msgstr "(V&auml;xla mellan olika identiteter eller gemenskaper/gruppsidor som &auml;r kopplade till ditt konto.)"
msgid "Select an identity to manage: "
msgstr "V&auml;lj vilken identitet du vill hantera: "
msgid "Profile Match"
msgstr "Matcha profiler"
msgid "No matches"
msgstr "Ingen tr&auml;ff"
msgid "No recipient selected."
msgstr "Ingen mottagare har valts."
msgid "[no subject]"
msgstr "[ingen rubrik]"
msgid "Unable to locate contact information."
msgstr "Det gick inte att hitta kontaktuppgifterna."
msgid "Message sent."
msgstr "Meddelandet har skickats."
msgid "Message could not be sent."
msgstr "Det gick inte att skicka meddelandet."
msgid "Messages"
msgstr "Meddelanden"
msgid "Inbox"
msgstr "Inkorg"
msgid "Outbox"
msgstr "Utkorg"
msgid "New Message"
msgstr "Nytt meddelande"
msgid "Message deleted."
msgstr "Meddelandet togs bort."
msgid "Conversation removed."
msgstr "Konversationen togs bort."
msgid "Send Private Message"
msgstr "Skicka personligt meddelande"
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Till:"
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Rubrik:"
msgid "No messages."
msgstr "Inga meddelanden."
msgid "Delete conversation"
msgstr "Ta bort konversation"
msgid "D, d M Y - g:i A"
msgstr "D, d M Y - g:i A"
msgid "Message not available."
msgstr "Meddelandet &auml;r inte tillg&auml;ngligt."
msgid "Delete message"
msgstr "Ta bort meddelande"
msgid "Send Reply"
msgstr "Skicka svar"
msgid "Invalid request identifier."
msgstr "Invalid request identifier."
msgid "Discard"
msgstr "Ta bort"
msgid "Ignore"
msgstr "Ignorera"
msgid "Pending Friend/Connect Notifications"
msgstr "V&auml;ntande kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar"
msgid "Show Ignored Requests"
msgstr "Visa f&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar du ignorerat"
msgid "Hide Ignored Requests"
msgstr "D&ouml;lj f&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar du ignorerat"
msgid "Claims to be known to you: "
msgstr "H&auml;vdar att du vet vem han/hon &auml;r: "
msgid "yes"
msgstr "ja"
msgid "no"
msgstr "nej"
msgid "Approve as: "
msgstr "Godk&auml;nn och l&auml;gg till som: "
msgid "Friend"
msgstr "V&auml;n"
msgid "Fan/Admirer"
msgstr "Fan/Beundrare"
msgid "Notification type: "
msgstr "Typ av avisering: "
msgid "Friend/Connect Request"
msgstr "V&auml;n- eller kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan"
msgid "New Follower"
msgstr "En som vill f&ouml;lja dig"
msgid "Approve"
msgstr "Godk&auml;nn"
msgid "No notifications."
msgstr "Inga aviseringar."
msgid "User registrations waiting for confirm"
msgstr "Anv&auml;ndare som registrerat sig och inv&auml;ntar godk&auml;nnande"
msgid "Deny"
msgstr "Avsl&aring;"
msgid "No registrations."
msgstr "Inga registreringar."
msgid "Post successful."
msgstr "Inlagt."
msgid "Login failed."
msgstr "Inloggningen misslyckades."
msgid "Welcome back "
msgstr "V&auml;lkommen tillbaka "
msgid "Photo Albums"
msgstr "Fotoalbum"
msgid "Contact Photos"
msgstr "Dina kontakters bilder"
msgid "Contact information unavailable"
msgstr "Kommer inte &aring;t kontaktuppgifter."
msgid "Profile Photos"
msgstr "Profilbilder"
msgid "Album not found."
msgstr "Albumet finns inte."
msgid "Delete Album"
msgstr "Ta bort album"
msgid "Delete Photo"
msgstr "Ta bort bild"
msgid "was tagged in a"
msgstr "har taggats i"
msgid "by"
msgstr "av"
msgid "Image exceeds size limit of "
msgstr "Bilden &ouml;verskrider den till&aring;tna storleken "
msgid "Unable to process image."
msgstr "Det gick inte att behandla bilden."
msgid "Image upload failed."
msgstr "Fel vid bilduppladdning."
msgid "No photos selected"
msgstr "Inga bilder har valts"
msgid "Upload Photos"
msgstr "Ladda upp bilder"
msgid "New album name: "
msgstr "Nytt album med namn: "
msgid "or existing album name: "
msgstr "eller befintligt album med namn: "
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "&Aring;tkomst"
msgid "Edit Album"
msgstr "Redigera album"
msgid "View Photo"
msgstr "Visa bild"
msgid "Photo not available"
msgstr "Bilden &auml;r inte tillg&auml;nglig"
msgid "Edit photo"
msgstr "Hantera bild"
msgid "Private Message"
msgstr "Personligt meddelande"
msgid "<< Prev"
msgstr "<< F&ouml;reg"
msgid "View Full Size"
msgstr "Visa fullstor"
msgid "Next >>"
msgstr "N&auml;sta >>"
msgid "Tags: "
msgstr "Taggar: "
msgid "[Remove any tag]"
msgstr "[Remove any tag]"
msgid "New album name"
msgstr "Nytt album med namn"
msgid "Caption"
msgstr "Caption"
msgid "Add a Tag"
msgstr "L&auml;gg till tagg"
msgid "Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen,, #California, #camping"
msgstr "Exempel: @adam, @Anna_Andersson,, #Stockholm, #camping"
msgid "I like this (toggle)"
msgstr "Jag gillar det h&auml;r (v&auml;xla)"
msgid "I don't like this (toggle)"
msgstr "Jag ogillar det h&auml;r (v&auml;xla)"
msgid "This is you"
msgstr "Det h&auml;r &auml;r du"
msgid "Recent Photos"
msgstr "Nyligen tillagda bilder"
msgid "Upload New Photos"
msgstr "Ladda upp bilder"
msgid "View Album"
msgstr "Titta i album"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Profil"
msgid "Photos"
msgstr "Bilder"
msgid "Image uploaded but image cropping failed."
msgstr "Bilden laddades upp men det blev fel n&auml;r den skulle besk&auml;ras."
msgid "Unable to process image"
msgstr "Det gick inte att behandla bilden"
msgid "Upload File:"
msgstr "Ladda upp fil:"
msgid "Upload Profile Photo"
msgstr "Ladda upp profilbild"
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Ladda upp"
msgid "or"
msgstr "eller"
msgid "select a photo from your photo albums"
msgstr "v&auml;lj en bild fr&aring;n ett album"
msgid "Crop Image"
msgstr "Besk&auml;r bild"
msgid "Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."
msgstr "V&auml;lj hur bilden ska besk&auml;ras f&ouml;r att bli s&aring; bra som m&ouml;jligt."
msgid "Done Editing"
msgstr "Spara"
msgid "Image uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Bilden har laddats upp."
msgid "Profile Name is required."
msgstr "Profilen m&aring;ste ha ett namn."
msgid "Profile updated."
msgstr "Profilen har uppdaterats."
msgid "Profile deleted."
msgstr "Profilen har tagits bort."
msgid "Profile-"
msgstr "Profil-"
msgid "New profile created."
msgstr "En ny profil har skapats."
msgid "Profile unavailable to clone."
msgstr "Det gick inte att klona profilen."
msgid "Hide my contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"
msgstr "D&ouml;lj min kontaktlista f&ouml;r personer som ser den h&auml;r profilen?"
msgid "Edit Profile Details"
msgstr "&Auml;ndra profilen"
msgid "View this profile"
msgstr "Titta p&aring; profilen"
msgid "Create a new profile using these settings"
msgstr "Skapa en ny profil med dessa inst&auml;llningar"
msgid "Clone this profile"
msgstr "Kopiera profil"
msgid "Delete this profile"
msgstr "Ta bort profil"
msgid "Profile Name:"
msgstr "Profilens namn:"
msgid "Your Full Name:"
msgstr "Fullst&auml;ndigt namn:"
msgid "Title/Description:"
msgstr "Titel/Beskrivning:"
msgid "Your Gender:"
msgstr "K&ouml;n:"
msgid "Birthday (y/m/d):"
msgstr "F&ouml;delsedag (y/m/d):"
msgid "Street Address:"
msgstr "Gatuadress:"
msgid "Locality/City:"
msgstr "Plats/Stad:"
msgid "Postal/Zip Code:"
msgstr "Postnummer:"
msgid "Country:"
msgstr "Land:"
msgid "Region/State:"
msgstr "Region:"
msgid "<span class=\"heart\">&hearts;</span> Marital Status:"
msgstr "<span class=\"heart\">&hearts;</span> Civilst&aring;nd:"
msgid "Who: (if applicable)"
msgstr "Vem: (om till&auml;mpligt)"
msgid "Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams,"
msgstr "Exempel: kalle123, Johanna Johansson,"
msgid "Sexual Preference:"
msgstr "Sexualitet"
msgid "Homepage URL:"
msgstr "Hemsida: (URL)"
msgid "Political Views:"
msgstr "Politisk &aring;sk&aring;dning:"
msgid "Religious Views:"
msgstr "Religion:"
msgid "Public Keywords:"
msgstr "Offentliga nyckelord:"
msgid "Private Keywords:"
msgstr "Privata nyckelord:"
msgid "Example: fishing photography software"
msgstr "Exempel: fiske fotografering programmering"
msgid "(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"
msgstr "(Obs, synliga f&ouml;r andra. Anv&auml;nds f&ouml;r att f&ouml;resl&aring; potentiella v&auml;nner.)"
msgid "(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"
msgstr "(Obs, kan ge s&ouml;ktr&auml;ffar vid s&ouml;kning av profiler. Visas annars inte f&ouml;r andra.)"
msgid "Tell us about yourself..."
msgstr "Beskriv dig sj&auml;lv..."
msgid "Hobbies/Interests"
msgstr "Hobbys/Intressen"
msgid "Contact information and Social Networks"
msgstr "Kontaktuppgifter och sociala n&auml;tverk"
msgid "Musical interests"
msgstr "Musik"
msgid "Books, literature"
msgstr "B&ouml;cker, litteratur"
msgid "Television"
msgstr "TV"
msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment"
msgstr "Film/Dans/Kultur/N&ouml;je"
msgid "Love/romance"
msgstr "K&auml;rlek/Romantik"
msgid "Work/employment"
msgstr "Arbete"
msgid "School/education"
msgstr "Skola/Utbildning"
msgid "This is your <strong>public</strong> profile.<br />It <strong>may</strong> be visible to anybody using the internet."
msgstr "Det h&auml;r &auml;r din <strong>offentliga</strong> profil.<br />Den <strong>kan vara synlig f&ouml;r vem som helst</strong> p&aring; internet."
msgid "Profiles"
msgstr "Profiler"
msgid "Change profile photo"
msgstr "Byt profilbild"
msgid "Create New Profile"
msgstr "Skapa ny profil"
msgid "Profile Image"
msgstr "Profilbild"
msgid "Visible to everybody"
msgstr "Synlig f&ouml;r alla"
msgid "Edit visibility"
msgstr "&Auml;nda vilka som ska kunna se"
msgid "Invalid profile identifier."
msgstr "Ogiltigt profil-ID."
msgid "Profile Visibility Editor"
msgstr "&Auml;nda vilka som ska kunna se profil"
msgid "Visible To"
msgstr "Synlig f&ouml;r"
msgid "All Contacts (with secure profile access)"
msgstr "Alla kontakter (med s&auml;ker tillg&aring;ng till din profil)"
msgid "Invalid OpenID url"
msgstr "Ogiltig OpenID-URL"
msgid "Please enter the required information."
msgstr "Fyll i alla obligatoriska f&auml;lt."
msgid "Please use a shorter name."
msgstr "V&auml;lj ett kortare namn."
msgid "Name too short."
msgstr "Namnet &auml;r f&ouml;r kort."
msgid "That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."
msgstr "Du verkar inte ha angett ditt fullst&auml;ndiga namn."
msgid "Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."
msgstr "Din e-postdom&auml;n &auml;r inte till&aring;ten p&aring; den h&auml;r webbplatsen."
msgid "Not a valid email address."
msgstr "Ogiltig e-postadress."
msgid "Cannot use that email."
msgstr "Otill&aring;ten e-postadress."
msgid "Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\", \"-\", and \"_\", and must also begin with a letter."
msgstr "Ditt anv&auml;ndarnamn f&aring;r bara inneh&aring;lla a-z, 0-9, - och _, och m&aring;ste dessutom b&ouml;rja med en bokstav."
msgid "Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."
msgstr "Anv&auml;ndarnamnet &auml;r upptaget. V&auml;lj ett annat."
msgid "SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."
msgstr "SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."
msgid "An error occurred during registration. Please try again."
msgstr "N&aring;got gick fel vid registreringen. F&ouml;rs&ouml;k igen."
msgid "An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."
msgstr "Det blev fel n&auml;r din standardprofil skulle skapas. Prova igen."
msgid "Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions."
msgstr "Registrering klar. Kolla din e-post f&ouml;r vidare information."
msgid "Failed to send email message. Here is the message that failed."
msgstr "Det gick inte att skicka e-brevet. H&auml;r &auml;r meddelandet som inte kunde skickas."
msgid "Your registration can not be processed."
msgstr "Det g&aring;r inte att behandla registreringen."
msgid "Your registration is pending approval by the site owner."
msgstr "Din registrering inv&auml;ntar godk&auml;nnande av webbplatsens &auml;gare."
msgid "You may (optionally) fill in this form via OpenID by supplying your OpenID and clicking 'Register'."
msgstr "Om du vill kan du fylla i detta formul&auml;r via OpenID genom att ange ditt OpenID och klicka p&aring; Registrera."
msgid "If you are not familiar with OpenID, please leave that field blank and fill in the rest of the items."
msgstr "Om du inte vet vad OpenID &auml;r, eller inte vill anv&auml;nda det, kan du l&auml;mna det f&auml;ltet tomt och fylla i resten."
msgid "Your OpenID (optional): "
msgstr "OpenID (om du vill): "
msgid "Members of this network prefer to communicate with real people who use their real names."
msgstr "Medlemmarna i det h&auml;r n&auml;tverket f&ouml;redrar att kommunicera med riktiga m&auml;nniskor som anv&auml;nder sina riktiga namn."
msgid "Include your profile in member directory?"
msgstr "Ta med profilen i medlemskatalogen?"
msgid "Registration"
msgstr "Registrering"
msgid "Your Full Name (e.g. Joe Smith): "
msgstr "Fullst&auml;ndigt namn (t. ex. Karl Karlsson): "
msgid "Your Email Address: "
msgstr "E-postadress: "
msgid "Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Your profile address on this site will then be '<strong>nickname@$sitename</strong>'."
msgstr "V&auml;lj ett anv&auml;ndarnamn. Det m&aring;ste inledas med en bokstav. Din profiladress p&aring; den h&auml;r webbplatsen blir '<strong>anv&auml;ndarnamn@$sitename</strong>'."
msgid "Choose a nickname: "
msgstr "V&auml;lj ett anv&auml;ndarnamn: "
msgid "Please login."
msgstr "Logga in."
msgid "Account approved."
msgstr "Kontot har godk&auml;nts."
msgid "Remove My Account"
msgstr "Ta bort mitt konto"
msgid "This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not recoverable."
msgstr "Detta kommer att ta bort kontot helt och h&aring;llet. Efter att det &auml;r gjort g&aring;r det inte att &aring;terst&auml;lla."
msgid "Please enter your password for verification:"
msgstr "Ange l&ouml;senordet igen f&ouml;r s&auml;kerhets skull:"
msgid "No results."
msgstr "Inga resultat."
msgid "Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."
msgstr "L&ouml;senorden skiljer sig &aring;t. L&ouml;senordet &auml;ndras inte."
msgid "Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged."
msgstr "L&ouml;senordet f&aring;r inte vara blankt. L&ouml;senordet &auml;ndras inte."
msgid "Password changed."
msgstr "L&ouml;senordet har &auml;ndrats."
msgid "Password update failed. Please try again."
msgstr "Det blev fel n&auml;r l&ouml;senordet skulle &auml;ndras. F&ouml;rs&ouml;k igen."
msgid " Please use a shorter name."
msgstr " Anv&auml;nd ett kortare namn."
msgid " Name too short."
msgstr " Namnet &auml;r f&ouml;r kort."
msgid " Not valid email."
msgstr " Ogiltig e-postadress."
msgid " Cannot change to that email."
msgstr " &Auml;ndring till den e-postadressen g&ouml;rs inte."
msgid "Settings updated."
msgstr "Inst&auml;llningarna har uppdaterats."
msgid "Plugin Settings"
msgstr "Inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r insticksprogram"
msgid "Account Settings"
msgstr "Kontoinst&auml;llningar"
msgid "No Plugin settings configured"
msgstr "Det finns inga inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r insticksprogram"
msgid "Normal Account"
msgstr "Vanligt konto"
msgid "This account is a normal personal profile"
msgstr "Kontot &auml;r ett vanligt personligt konto"
msgid "Soapbox Account"
msgstr "Konto med env&auml;gskommunikation"
msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans"
msgstr "Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar godk&auml;nns automatiskt som fans. De kan se vad du skriver men har inte samma r&auml;ttigheter som v&auml;nner."
msgid "Community/Celebrity Account"
msgstr "Gemenskap eller k&auml;ndiskonto."
msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-write fans"
msgstr "Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar godk&auml;nns automatiskt som fans med fullst&auml;ndig tv&aring;v&auml;gskommunikation."
msgid "Automatic Friend Account"
msgstr "Konto med automatiskt godk&auml;nnande av v&auml;nner."
msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as friends"
msgstr "Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar godk&auml;nns automatiskt som v&auml;nner."
msgid "OpenID: "
msgstr "OpenID: "
msgid "&nbsp;(Optional) Allow this OpenID to login to this account."
msgstr "&nbsp;(Valfritt) Till&aring;t inloggning med detta OpenID p&aring; det h&auml;r kontot."
msgid "Publish your default profile in site directory?"
msgstr "Vill du att din standardprofil ska synas i den h&auml;r sajtens medlemskatalog?"
msgid "Publish your default profile in global social directory?"
msgstr "Vill du att din standardprofil ska synas i den globala medlemskatalogen?"
msgid "Profile is <strong>not published</strong>."
msgstr "Profilen &auml;r <strong>inte publicerad</strong>."
msgid "Your Identity Address is"
msgstr "Din adress, ditt ID, &auml;r"
msgid "Export Personal Data"
msgstr "Exportera personlig information"
msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "Grundl&auml;ggande inst&auml;llningar"
msgid "Full Name:"
msgstr "Fullst&auml;ndigt namn:"
msgid "Email Address:"
msgstr "E-postadress:"
msgid "Your Timezone:"
msgstr "Tidszon:"
msgid "Default Post Location:"
msgstr "Default Post Location:"
msgid "Use Browser Location:"
msgstr "Anv&auml;nd webbl&auml;sarens positionering:"
msgid "Display Theme:"
msgstr "Tema/utseende:"
msgid "Security and Privacy Settings"
msgstr "Inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r s&auml;kerhet och sekretess"
msgid "Maximum Friend Requests/Day:"
msgstr "Maximalt antal kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar per dygn:"
msgid "(to prevent spam abuse)"
msgstr "(f&ouml;r att motverka spam)"
msgid "Allow friends to post to your profile page:"
msgstr "L&aring;t kontakter g&ouml;ra inl&auml;gg p&aring; din profilsida:"
msgid "Automatically expire (delete) posts older than"
msgstr "Ta automatiskt bort inl&auml;gg som &auml;r &auml;ldre &auml;n"
msgid "days"
msgstr "dagar"
msgid "Notification Settings"
msgstr "Aviseringsinst&auml;llningar"
msgid "Send a notification email when:"
msgstr "Skicka ett aviseringsmail n&auml;r:"
msgid "You receive an introduction"
msgstr "En kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan anl&auml;nder"
msgid "Your introductions are confirmed"
msgstr "Dina f&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar godk&auml;nns"
msgid "Someone writes on your profile wall"
msgstr "N&aring;gon g&ouml;r inl&auml;gg p&aring; din profilsida"
msgid "Someone writes a followup comment"
msgstr "N&aring;gon g&ouml;r ett inl&auml;gg i samma tr&aring;d som du"
msgid "You receive a private message"
msgstr "Du f&aring;r personliga meddelanden"
msgid "Password Settings"
msgstr "L&ouml;senordsinst&auml;llningar"
msgid "Leave password fields blank unless changing"
msgstr "L&auml;mna f&auml;ltet tomt om du inte vill byta l&ouml;senord"
msgid "New Password:"
msgstr "Nytt l&ouml;senord"
msgid "Confirm:"
msgstr "Bekr&auml;fta (repetera):"
msgid "Advanced Page Settings"
msgstr "Avancerat"
msgid "Default Post Permissions"
msgstr "Standard&aring;tkomst f&ouml;r inl&auml;gg"
msgid "(click to open/close)"
msgstr "(klicka f&ouml;r att &ouml;ppna/st&auml;nga)"
msgid "Tag removed"
msgstr "Taggen har tagits bort"
msgid "Remove Item Tag"
msgstr "Ta bort tagg"
msgid "Select a tag to remove: "
msgstr "V&auml;lj vilken tagg som ska tas bort: "
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Ta bort"
msgid "No contacts."
msgstr "Inga kontakter."
msgid "Visible To:"
msgstr "Synlig f&ouml;r:"
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Grupper"
msgid "Except For:"
msgstr "Utom f&ouml;r:"
msgid "Logged out."
msgstr "Utloggad."
msgid "Unknown | Not categorised"
msgstr "Ok&auml;nd | Inte kategoriserad"
msgid "Block immediately"
msgstr "Sp&auml;rra omedelbart"
msgid "Shady, spammer, self-marketer"
msgstr "Skum, spammare, reklamspridare"
msgid "Known to me, but no opinion"
msgstr "Jag vet vem det &auml;r, men har ingen &aring;sikt"
msgid "OK, probably harmless"
msgstr "OK, antagligen harml&ouml;s"
msgid "Reputable, has my trust"
msgstr "P&aring;litlig, jag litar p&aring; personen"
msgid "Frequently"
msgstr "Ofta"
msgid "Hourly"
msgstr "En g&aring;ng i timmen"
msgid "Twice daily"
msgstr "Tv&aring; g&aring;nger om dagen"
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Dagligen"
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Veckovis"
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "M&aring;nadsvis"
#, php-format
msgid "View %s's profile"
msgstr "G&aring; till profilen som tillh&ouml;r %s "
msgid "View in context"
msgstr "Visa i sitt sammanhang"
msgid "See more posts like this"
msgstr "Leta inl&auml;gg som liknar det h&auml;r"
#, php-format
msgid "See all %d comments"
msgstr "Visa alla %d kommentarer"
msgid "to"
msgstr "till"
msgid "Wall-to-Wall"
msgstr "Profil-till-profil"
msgid "via Wall-To-Wall:"
msgstr "via profil-till-profil:"
#, php-format
msgid "%s likes this."
msgstr "%s gillar det h&auml;r."
#, php-format
msgid "%s doesn't like this."
msgstr "%s ogillar det h&auml;r."
#, php-format
msgid "<span %1$s>%2$d people</span> like this."
msgstr "<span %1$s>%2$d personer</span> gillar det h&auml;r."
#, php-format
msgid "<span %1$s>%2$d people</span> don't like this."
msgstr "<span %1$s>%2$d personer</span> ogillar det h&auml;r."
msgid "and"
msgstr "och"
#, php-format
msgid ", and %d other people"
msgstr ", och ytterligare %d personer"
#, php-format
msgid "%s like this."
msgstr "%s gillar det h&auml;r."
#, php-format
msgid "%s don't like this."
msgstr "%s ogillar det h&auml;r."
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Blandat"
msgid "less than a second ago"
msgstr "f&ouml;r mindre &auml;n en sekund sedan"
msgid "year"
msgstr "&aring;r"
msgid "years"
msgstr "&aring;r"
msgid "month"
msgstr "m&aring;nad"
msgid "months"
msgstr "m&aring;nader"
msgid "week"
msgstr "vecka"
msgid "weeks"
msgstr "veckor"
msgid "day"
msgstr "dag"
msgid "hour"
msgstr "timme"
msgid "hours"
msgstr "timmar"
msgid "minute"
msgstr "minut"
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "minuter"
msgid "second"
msgstr "sekund"
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "sekunder"
msgid " ago"
msgstr " sedan"
#, php-format
msgid "Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"
msgstr "Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"
msgid "Create a new group"
msgstr "Skapa ny grupp"
msgid "Everybody"
msgstr "Alla"
msgid "Birthday:"
msgstr "F&ouml;delsedatum:"
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Hem"
msgid "Apps"
msgstr "Apps"
msgid "Directory"
msgstr "Medlemskatalog"
msgid "Network"
msgstr "N&auml;tverk"
msgid "Manage"
msgstr "Hantera"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Inst&auml;llningar"
msgid "Embedding disabled"
msgstr "Funktionen b&auml;dda in &auml;r avst&auml;ngd"
msgid "j F, Y"
msgstr "j F, Y"
msgid "j F"
msgstr "j F"
msgid "Age:"
msgstr "&Aring;lder:"
msgid "<span class=\"heart\">&hearts;</span> Status:"
msgstr "<span class=\"heart\">&hearts;</span> Civilst&aring;nd:"
msgid "Religion:"
msgstr "Religion:"
msgid "About:"
msgstr "Om:"
msgid "Hobbies/Interests:"
msgstr "Hobbys/Intressen:"
msgid "Contact information and Social Networks:"
msgstr "Kontaktuppgifter och sociala n&auml;tverk:"
msgid "Musical interests:"
msgstr "Musik:"
msgid "Books, literature:"
msgstr "B&ouml;cker/Litteratur:"
msgid "Television:"
msgstr "TV:"
msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"
msgstr "Film/Dans/Kultur/Underh&aring;llning:"
msgid "Love/Romance:"
msgstr "K&auml;rlek/Romantik:"
msgid "Work/employment:"
msgstr "Arbete:"
msgid "School/education:"
msgstr "Skola/Utbildning:"
msgid "Male"
msgstr "Man"
msgid "Female"
msgstr "Kvinna"
msgid "Currently Male"
msgstr "F&ouml;r n&auml;rvarande man"
msgid "Currently Female"
msgstr "F&ouml;r n&auml;rvarande kvinna"
msgid "Mostly Male"
msgstr "Mestadels man"
msgid "Mostly Female"
msgstr "Mestadels kvinna"
msgid "Transgender"
msgstr "Transgender"
msgid "Intersex"
msgstr "Intersex"
msgid "Transsexual"
msgstr "Transsexuell"
msgid "Hermaphrodite"
msgstr "Hermafrodit"
msgid "Neuter"
msgstr "K&ouml;nsl&ouml;s"
msgid "Non-specific"
msgstr "Oklart"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Annat"
msgid "Undecided"
msgstr "Obest&auml;mt"
msgid "Males"
msgstr "M&auml;n"
msgid "Females"
msgstr "Kvinnor"
msgid "Gay"
msgstr "B&ouml;g"
msgid "Lesbian"
msgstr "Lesbisk"
msgid "No Preference"
msgstr "No Preference"
msgid "Bisexual"
msgstr "Bisexuell"
msgid "Autosexual"
msgstr "Autosexual"
msgid "Abstinent"
msgstr "Abstinent"
msgid "Virgin"
msgstr "Oskuld"
msgid "Deviant"
msgstr "Avvikande"
msgid "Fetish"
msgstr "Fetisch"
msgid "Oodles"
msgstr "Massor"
msgid "Nonsexual"
msgstr "Asexuell"
msgid "Single"
msgstr "Singel"
msgid "Lonely"
msgstr "Ensam"
msgid "Available"
msgstr "Tillg&auml;nglig"
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Upptagen"
msgid "Dating"
msgstr "Dejtar"
msgid "Unfaithful"
msgstr "Otrogen"
msgid "Sex Addict"
msgstr "Sexmissbrukare"
msgid "Friends"
msgstr "V&auml;nner"
msgid "Friends/Benefits"
msgstr "Friends/Benefits"
msgid "Casual"
msgstr "Casual"
msgid "Engaged"
msgstr "F&ouml;rlovad"
msgid "Married"
msgstr "Gift"
msgid "Partners"
msgstr "I partnerskap"
msgid "Cohabiting"
msgstr "Cohabiting"
msgid "Happy"
msgstr "N&ouml;jd"
msgid "Not Looking"
msgstr "Letar inte"
msgid "Swinger"
msgstr "Swinger"
msgid "Betrayed"
msgstr "Bedragen"
msgid "Separated"
msgstr "Separerat"
msgid "Unstable"
msgstr "Instabilt"
msgid "Divorced"
msgstr "Skiljd"
msgid "Widowed"
msgstr "&Auml;nka/&auml;nkling"
msgid "Uncertain"
msgstr "Oklart"
msgid "Complicated"
msgstr "Komplicerat"
msgid "Don't care"
msgstr "Bryr mig inte"
msgid "Ask me"
msgstr "Fr&aring;ga mig"
msgid "Facebook disabled"
msgstr "Facebook inaktiverat"
msgid "Facebook API key is missing."
msgstr "Facebook API key is missing."
msgid "Facebook Connect"
msgstr "Facebook Connect"
msgid "Install Facebook post connector"
msgstr "Install Facebook post connector"
msgid "Remove Facebook post connector"
msgstr "Remove Facebook post connector"
msgid "Post to Facebook by default"
msgstr "L&auml;gg alltid in inl&auml;ggen p&aring; Facebook"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
msgid "Facebook Connector Settings"
msgstr "Facebook Connector Settings"
msgid "Post to Facebook"
msgstr "L&auml;gg in p&aring; Facebook"
msgid "Image: "
msgstr "Bild: "
msgid "Select files to upload: "
msgstr "V&auml;lj filer att ladda upp: "
msgid "Use the following controls only if the Java uploader [above] fails to launch."
msgstr "Anv&auml;nd f&ouml;ljande bara om javauppladdaren ovanf&ouml;r inte startar."
msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Ladda upp en fil"
msgid "Drop files here to upload"
msgstr "Dra filer som ska laddas upp hit"
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Misslyckades"
msgid "No files were uploaded."
msgstr "Inga filer laddades upp."
msgid "Uploaded file is empty"
msgstr "Den uppladdade filen &auml;r tom"
msgid "Uploaded file is too large"
msgstr "Den uppladdade filen &auml;r f&ouml;r stor"
msgid "File has an invalid extension, it should be one of "
msgstr "Otill&aring;ten filnamns&auml;ndelse, det ska vara "
msgid "Upload was cancelled, or server error encountered"
msgstr "Serverfel eller avbruten uppladdning"
msgid "Randplace Settings"
msgstr "Randplace Settings"
msgid "Enable Randplace Plugin"
msgstr "Enable Randplace Plugin"
msgid "Post to StatusNet"
msgstr "L&auml;gg in p&aring; StatusNet"
msgid "StatusNet Posting Settings"
msgstr "Inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r inl&auml;gg p&aring; StatusNet"
msgid "No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendica Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.<br />Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendica installation at your favorited StatusNet installation."
msgstr "No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendica Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.<br />Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendica installation at your favorited StatusNet installation."
msgid "OAuth Consumer Key"
msgstr "OAuth Consumer Key"
msgid "OAuth Consumer Secret"
msgstr "OAuth Consumer Secret"
msgid "Base API Path (remember the trailing /)"
msgstr "Base API Path (remember the trailing /)"
msgid "To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your <strong>public</strong> posts will be posted to StatusNet."
msgstr "To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your <strong>public</strong> posts will be posted to StatusNet."
msgid "Log in with StatusNet"
msgstr "Logga in med StatusNet"
msgid "Copy the security code from StatusNet here"
msgstr "Ange s&auml;kerhetskoden fr&aring;n StatusNet h&auml;r"
msgid "Currently connected to: "
msgstr "Ansluten till: "
msgid "If enabled all your <strong>public</strong> postings will be posted to the associated StatusNet account as well."
msgstr "If enabled all your <strong>public</strong> postings will be posted to the associated StatusNet account as well."
msgid "Send public postings to StatusNet"
msgstr "Send public postings to StatusNet"
msgid "Clear OAuth configuration"
msgstr "Clear OAuth configuration"
msgid "Three Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe"
msgstr "Tredimensionellt luffarschack"
msgid "3D Tic-Tac-Toe"
msgstr "3D-luffarschack"
msgid "New game"
msgstr "Ny spelomg&aring;ng"
msgid "New game with handicap"
msgstr "Ny spelomg&aring;ng med handikapp"
msgid "Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. "
msgstr "Det tredimensionella luffarschacket &auml;r precis som vanligt luffarschack f&ouml;rutom att det spelas i flera niv&aring;er samtidigt. "
msgid "In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels."
msgstr "H&auml;r &auml;r det tre niv&aring;er. Man vinner om man f&aring;r tre i rad p&aring; vilken niv&aring; som helst, eller upp&aring;t, ned&aring;t eller diagonalt p&aring; flera niv&aring;er."
msgid "The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage."
msgstr "Om man spelar med handikapp s&aring; st&auml;ngs mittenpositionen p&aring; mittenniv&aring;n av eftersom spelare som v&auml;ljer den positionen ofta f&aring;r &ouml;vertaget."
msgid "You go first..."
msgstr "Du b&ouml;rjar..."
msgid "I'm going first this time..."
msgstr "Jag b&ouml;rjar den h&auml;r g&aring;ngen..."
msgid "You won!"
msgstr "Du vann!"
msgid "\"Cat\" game!"
msgstr "\"Cat\" game!"
msgid "I won!"
msgstr "Jag vann!"
msgid "Post to Twitter"
msgstr "L&auml;gg in p&aring; Twitter"
msgid "Twitter Posting Settings"
msgstr "Inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r inl&auml;gg p&aring; Twitter"
msgid "No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator."
msgstr "No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator."
msgid "At this Friendica instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your <strong>public</strong> posts will be posted to Twitter."
msgstr "At this Friendica instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your <strong>public</strong> posts will be posted to Twitter."
msgid "Copy the PIN from Twitter here"
msgstr "Ange PIN-koden fr&aring;n Twitter h&auml;r"
msgid "If enabled all your <strong>public</strong> postings will be posted to the associated Twitter account as well."
msgstr "If enabled all your <strong>public</strong> postings will be posted to the associated Twitter account as well."
msgid "Send public postings to Twitter"
msgstr "Send public postings to Twitter"
msgid "Africa/Abidjan"
msgstr "Afrika/Abidjan"
msgid "Africa/Accra"
msgstr "Afrika/Accra"
msgid "Africa/Addis_Ababa"
msgstr "Afrika/Addis_Ababa"
msgid "Africa/Algiers"
msgstr "Afrika/Algiers"
msgid "Africa/Asmara"
msgstr "Afrika/Asmara"
msgid "Africa/Asmera"
msgstr "Afrika/Asmera"
msgid "Africa/Bamako"
msgstr "Afrika/Bamako"
msgid "Africa/Bangui"
msgstr "Afrika/Bangui"
msgid "Africa/Banjul"
msgstr "Afrika/Banjul"
msgid "Africa/Bissau"
msgstr "Afrika/Bissau"
msgid "Africa/Blantyre"
msgstr "Afrika/Blantyre"
msgid "Africa/Brazzaville"
msgstr "Afrika/Brazzaville"
msgid "Africa/Bujumbura"
msgstr "Afrika/Bujumbura"
msgid "Africa/Cairo"
msgstr "Afrika/Cairo"
msgid "Africa/Casablanca"
msgstr "Afrika/Casablanca"
msgid "Africa/Ceuta"
msgstr "Afrika/Ceuta"
msgid "Africa/Conakry"
msgstr "Afrika/Conakry"
msgid "Africa/Dakar"
msgstr "Afrika/Dakar"
msgid "Africa/Dar_es_Salaam"
msgstr "Afrika/Dar_es_Salaam"
msgid "Africa/Djibouti"
msgstr "Afrika/Djibouti"
msgid "Africa/Douala"
msgstr "Afrika/Douala"
msgid "Africa/El_Aaiun"
msgstr "Afrika/El_Aaiun"
msgid "Africa/Freetown"
msgstr "Afrika/Freetown"
msgid "Africa/Gaborone"
msgstr "Afrika/Gaborone"
msgid "Africa/Harare"
msgstr "Afrika/Harare"
msgid "Africa/Johannesburg"
msgstr "Afrika/Johannesburg"
msgid "Africa/Kampala"
msgstr "Afrika/Kampala"
msgid "Africa/Khartoum"
msgstr "Afrika/Khartoum"
msgid "Africa/Kigali"
msgstr "Afrika/Kigali"
msgid "Africa/Kinshasa"
msgstr "Afrika/Kinshasa"
msgid "Africa/Lagos"
msgstr "Afrika/Lagos"
msgid "Africa/Libreville"
msgstr "Afrika/Libreville"
msgid "Africa/Lome"
msgstr "Afrika/Lome"
msgid "Africa/Luanda"
msgstr "Afrika/Luanda"
msgid "Africa/Lubumbashi"
msgstr "Afrika/Lubumbashi"
msgid "Africa/Lusaka"
msgstr "Afrika/Lusaka"
msgid "Africa/Malabo"
msgstr "Afrika/Malabo"
msgid "Africa/Maputo"
msgstr "Afrika/Maputo"
msgid "Africa/Maseru"
msgstr "Afrika/Maseru"
msgid "Africa/Mbabane"
msgstr "Afrika/Mbabane"
msgid "Africa/Mogadishu"
msgstr "Afrika/Mogadishu"
msgid "Africa/Monrovia"
msgstr "Afrika/Monrovia"
msgid "Africa/Nairobi"
msgstr "Afrika/Nairobi"
msgid "Africa/Ndjamena"
msgstr "Afrika/Ndjamena"
msgid "Africa/Niamey"
msgstr "Afrika/Niamey"
msgid "Africa/Nouakchott"
msgstr "Afrika/Nouakchott"
msgid "Africa/Ouagadougou"
msgstr "Afrika/Ouagadougou"
msgid "Africa/Porto-Novo"
msgstr "Afrika/Porto-Novo"
msgid "Africa/Sao_Tome"
msgstr "Afrika/Sao_Tome"
msgid "Africa/Timbuktu"
msgstr "Afrika/Timbuktu"
msgid "Africa/Tripoli"
msgstr "Afrika/Tripoli"
msgid "Africa/Tunis"
msgstr "Afrika/Tunis"
msgid "Africa/Windhoek"
msgstr "Afrika/Windhoek"
msgid "America/Adak"
msgstr "Amerika/Adak"
msgid "America/Anchorage"
msgstr "Amerika/Anchorage"
msgid "America/Anguilla"
msgstr "Amerika/Anguilla"
msgid "America/Antigua"
msgstr "Amerika/Antigua"
msgid "America/Araguaina"
msgstr "Amerika/Araguaina"
msgid "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires"
msgstr "Amerika/Argentina/Buenos_Aires"
msgid "America/Argentina/Catamarca"
msgstr "Amerika/Argentina/Catamarca"
msgid "America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia"
msgstr "Amerika/Argentina/ComodRivadavia"
msgid "America/Argentina/Cordoba"
msgstr "Amerika/Argentina/Cordoba"
msgid "America/Argentina/Jujuy"
msgstr "Amerika/Argentina/Jujuy"
msgid "America/Argentina/La_Rioja"
msgstr "Amerika/Argentina/La_Rioja"
msgid "America/Argentina/Mendoza"
msgstr "Amerika/Argentina/Mendoza"
msgid "America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos"
msgstr "Amerika/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos"
msgid "America/Argentina/Salta"
msgstr "Amerika/Argentina/Salta"
msgid "America/Argentina/San_Juan"
msgstr "Amerika/Argentina/San_Juan"
msgid "America/Argentina/San_Luis"
msgstr "Amerika/Argentina/San_Luis"
msgid "America/Argentina/Tucuman"
msgstr "Amerika/Argentina/Tucuman"
msgid "America/Argentina/Ushuaia"
msgstr "Amerika/Argentina/Ushuaia"
msgid "America/Aruba"
msgstr "Amerika/Aruba"
msgid "America/Asuncion"
msgstr "Amerika/Asuncion"
msgid "America/Atikokan"
msgstr "Amerika/Atikokan"
msgid "America/Atka"
msgstr "Amerika/Atka"
msgid "America/Bahia"
msgstr "Amerika/Bahia"
msgid "America/Barbados"
msgstr "Amerika/Barbados"
msgid "America/Belem"
msgstr "Amerika/Belem"
msgid "America/Belize"
msgstr "Amerika/Belize"
msgid "America/Blanc-Sablon"
msgstr "Amerika/Blanc-Sablon"
msgid "America/Boa_Vista"
msgstr "Amerika/Boa_Vista"
msgid "America/Bogota"
msgstr "Amerika/Bogota"
msgid "America/Boise"
msgstr "Amerika/Boise"
msgid "America/Buenos_Aires"
msgstr "Amerika/Buenos_Aires"
msgid "America/Cambridge_Bay"
msgstr "Amerika/Cambridge_Bay"
msgid "America/Campo_Grande"
msgstr "Amerika/Campo_Grande"
msgid "America/Cancun"
msgstr "Amerika/Cancun"
msgid "America/Caracas"
msgstr "Amerika/Caracas"
msgid "America/Catamarca"
msgstr "Amerika/Catamarca"
msgid "America/Cayenne"
msgstr "Amerika/Cayenne"
msgid "America/Cayman"
msgstr "Amerika/Cayman"
msgid "America/Chicago"
msgstr "Amerika/Chicago"
msgid "America/Chihuahua"
msgstr "Amerika/Chihuahua"
msgid "America/Coral_Harbour"
msgstr "Amerika/Coral_Harbour"
msgid "America/Cordoba"
msgstr "Amerika/Cordoba"
msgid "America/Costa_Rica"
msgstr "Amerika/Costa_Rica"
msgid "America/Cuiaba"
msgstr "Amerika/Cuiaba"
msgid "America/Curacao"
msgstr "Amerika/Curacao"
msgid "America/Danmarkshavn"
msgstr "Amerika/Danmarkshavn"
msgid "America/Dawson"
msgstr "Amerika/Dawson"
msgid "America/Dawson_Creek"
msgstr "Amerika/Dawson_Creek"
msgid "America/Denver"
msgstr "Amerika/Denver"
msgid "America/Detroit"
msgstr "Amerika/Detroit"
msgid "America/Dominica"
msgstr "Amerika/Dominica"
msgid "America/Edmonton"
msgstr "Amerika/Edmonton"
msgid "America/Eirunepe"
msgstr "Amerika/Eirunepe"
msgid "America/El_Salvador"
msgstr "Amerika/El_Salvador"
msgid "America/Ensenada"
msgstr "Amerika/Ensenada"
msgid "America/Fort_Wayne"
msgstr "Amerika/Fort_Wayne"
msgid "America/Fortaleza"
msgstr "Amerika/Fortaleza"
msgid "America/Glace_Bay"
msgstr "Amerika/Glace_Bay"
msgid "America/Godthab"
msgstr "Amerika/Godthab"
msgid "America/Goose_Bay"
msgstr "Amerika/Goose_Bay"
msgid "America/Grand_Turk"
msgstr "Amerika/Grand_Turk"
msgid "America/Grenada"
msgstr "Amerika/Grenada"
msgid "America/Guadeloupe"
msgstr "Amerika/Guadeloupe"
msgid "America/Guatemala"
msgstr "Amerika/Guatemala"
msgid "America/Guayaquil"
msgstr "Amerika/Guayaquil"
msgid "America/Guyana"
msgstr "Amerika/Guyana"
msgid "America/Halifax"
msgstr "Amerika/Halifax"
msgid "America/Havana"
msgstr "Amerika/Havana"
msgid "America/Hermosillo"
msgstr "Amerika/Hermosillo"
msgid "America/Indiana/Indianapolis"
msgstr "Amerika/Indiana/Indianapolis"
msgid "America/Indiana/Knox"
msgstr "Amerika/Indiana/Knox"
msgid "America/Indiana/Marengo"
msgstr "Amerika/Indiana/Marengo"
msgid "America/Indiana/Petersburg"
msgstr "Amerika/Indiana/Petersburg"
msgid "America/Indiana/Tell_City"
msgstr "Amerika/Indiana/Tell_City"
msgid "America/Indiana/Vevay"
msgstr "Amerika/Indiana/Vevay"
msgid "America/Indiana/Vincennes"
msgstr "Amerika/Indiana/Vincennes"
msgid "America/Indiana/Winamac"
msgstr "Amerika/Indiana/Winamac"
msgid "America/Indianapolis"
msgstr "Amerika/Indianapolis"
msgid "America/Inuvik"
msgstr "Amerika/Inuvik"
msgid "America/Iqaluit"
msgstr "Amerika/Iqaluit"
msgid "America/Jamaica"
msgstr "Amerika/Jamaica"
msgid "America/Jujuy"
msgstr "Amerika/Jujuy"
msgid "America/Juneau"
msgstr "Amerika/Juneau"
msgid "America/Kentucky/Louisville"
msgstr "Amerika/Kentucky/Louisville"
msgid "America/Kentucky/Monticello"
msgstr "Amerika/Kentucky/Monticello"
msgid "America/Knox_IN"
msgstr "Amerika/Knox_IN"
msgid "America/La_Paz"
msgstr "Amerika/La_Paz"
msgid "America/Lima"
msgstr "Amerika/Lima"
msgid "America/Los_Angeles"
msgstr "Amerika/Los_Angeles"
msgid "America/Louisville"
msgstr "Amerika/Louisville"
msgid "America/Maceio"
msgstr "Amerika/Maceio"
msgid "America/Managua"
msgstr "Amerika/Managua"
msgid "America/Manaus"
msgstr "Amerika/Manaus"
msgid "America/Marigot"
msgstr "Amerika/Marigot"
msgid "America/Martinique"
msgstr "Amerika/Martinique"
msgid "America/Matamoros"
msgstr "Amerika/Matamoros"
msgid "America/Mazatlan"
msgstr "Amerika/Mazatlan"
msgid "America/Mendoza"
msgstr "Amerika/Mendoza"
msgid "America/Menominee"
msgstr "Amerika/Menominee"
msgid "America/Merida"
msgstr "Amerika/Merida"
msgid "America/Mexico_City"
msgstr "Amerika/Mexico_City"
msgid "America/Miquelon"
msgstr "Amerika/Miquelon"
msgid "America/Moncton"
msgstr "Amerika/Moncton"
msgid "America/Monterrey"
msgstr "Amerika/Monterrey"
msgid "America/Montevideo"
msgstr "Amerika/Montevideo"
msgid "America/Montreal"
msgstr "Amerika/Montreal"
msgid "America/Montserrat"
msgstr "Amerika/Montserrat"
msgid "America/Nassau"
msgstr "Amerika/Nassau"
msgid "America/New_York"
msgstr "Amerika/New_York"
msgid "America/Nipigon"
msgstr "Amerika/Nipigon"
msgid "America/Nome"
msgstr "Amerika/Nome"
msgid "America/Noronha"
msgstr "Amerika/Noronha"
msgid "America/North_Dakota/Center"
msgstr "Amerika/North_Dakota/Center"
msgid "America/North_Dakota/New_Salem"
msgstr "Amerika/North_Dakota/New_Salem"
msgid "America/Ojinaga"
msgstr "Amerika/Ojinaga"
msgid "America/Panama"
msgstr "Amerika/Panama"
msgid "America/Pangnirtung"
msgstr "Amerika/Pangnirtung"
msgid "America/Paramaribo"
msgstr "Amerika/Paramaribo"
msgid "America/Phoenix"
msgstr "Amerika/Phoenix"
msgid "America/Port-au-Prince"
msgstr "Amerika/Port-au-Prince"
msgid "America/Port_of_Spain"
msgstr "Amerika/Port_of_Spain"
msgid "America/Porto_Acre"
msgstr "Amerika/Porto_Acre"
msgid "America/Porto_Velho"
msgstr "Amerika/Porto_Velho"
msgid "America/Puerto_Rico"
msgstr "Amerika/Puerto_Rico"
msgid "America/Rainy_River"
msgstr "Amerika/Rainy_River"
msgid "America/Rankin_Inlet"
msgstr "Amerika/Rankin_Inlet"
msgid "America/Recife"
msgstr "Amerika/Recife"
msgid "America/Regina"
msgstr "Amerika/Regina"
msgid "America/Resolute"
msgstr "Amerika/Resolute"
msgid "America/Rio_Branco"
msgstr "Amerika/Rio_Branco"
msgid "America/Rosario"
msgstr "Amerika/Rosario"
msgid "America/Santa_Isabel"
msgstr "Amerika/Santa_Isabel"
msgid "America/Santarem"
msgstr "Amerika/Santarem"
msgid "America/Santiago"
msgstr "Amerika/Santiago"
msgid "America/Santo_Domingo"
msgstr "Amerika/Santo_Domingo"
msgid "America/Sao_Paulo"
msgstr "Amerika/Sao_Paulo"
msgid "America/Scoresbysund"
msgstr "Amerika/Scoresbysund"
msgid "America/Shiprock"
msgstr "Amerika/Shiprock"
msgid "America/St_Barthelemy"
msgstr "Amerika/St_Barthelemy"
msgid "America/St_Johns"
msgstr "Amerika/St_Johns"
msgid "America/St_Kitts"
msgstr "Amerika/St_Kitts"
msgid "America/St_Lucia"
msgstr "Amerika/St_Lucia"
msgid "America/St_Thomas"
msgstr "Amerika/St_Thomas"
msgid "America/St_Vincent"
msgstr "Amerika/St_Vincent"
msgid "America/Swift_Current"
msgstr "Amerika/Swift_Current"
msgid "America/Tegucigalpa"
msgstr "Amerika/Tegucigalpa"
msgid "America/Thule"
msgstr "Amerika/Thule"
msgid "America/Thunder_Bay"
msgstr "Amerika/Thunder_Bay"
msgid "America/Tijuana"
msgstr "Amerika/Tijuana"
msgid "America/Toronto"
msgstr "Amerika/Toronto"
msgid "America/Tortola"
msgstr "Amerika/Tortola"
msgid "America/Vancouver"
msgstr "Amerika/Vancouver"
msgid "America/Virgin"
msgstr "Amerika/Virgin"
msgid "America/Whitehorse"
msgstr "Amerika/Whitehorse"
msgid "America/Winnipeg"
msgstr "Amerika/Winnipeg"
msgid "America/Yakutat"
msgstr "Amerika/Yakutat"
msgid "America/Yellowknife"
msgstr "Amerika/Yellowknife"
msgid "Antarctica/Casey"
msgstr "Antarctica/Casey"
msgid "Antarctica/Davis"
msgstr "Antarctica/Davis"
msgid "Antarctica/DumontDUrville"
msgstr "Antarctica/DumontDUrville"
msgid "Antarctica/Macquarie"
msgstr "Antarctica/Macquarie"
msgid "Antarctica/Mawson"
msgstr "Antarctica/Mawson"
msgid "Antarctica/McMurdo"
msgstr "Antarctica/McMurdo"
msgid "Antarctica/Palmer"
msgstr "Antarctica/Palmer"
msgid "Antarctica/Rothera"
msgstr "Antarctica/Rothera"
msgid "Antarctica/South_Pole"
msgstr "Antarctica/South_Pole"
msgid "Antarctica/Syowa"
msgstr "Antarctica/Syowa"
msgid "Antarctica/Vostok"
msgstr "Antarctica/Vostok"
msgid "Arctic/Longyearbyen"
msgstr "Arctic/Longyearbyen"
msgid "Asia/Aden"
msgstr "Asien/Aden"
msgid "Asia/Almaty"
msgstr "Asien/Almaty"
msgid "Asia/Amman"
msgstr "Asien/Amman"
msgid "Asia/Anadyr"
msgstr "Asien/Anadyr"
msgid "Asia/Aqtau"
msgstr "Asien/Aqtau"
msgid "Asia/Aqtobe"
msgstr "Asien/Aqtobe"
msgid "Asia/Ashgabat"
msgstr "Asien/Ashgabat"
msgid "Asia/Ashkhabad"
msgstr "Asien/Ashkhabad"
msgid "Asia/Baghdad"
msgstr "Asien/Baghdad"
msgid "Asia/Bahrain"
msgstr "Asien/Bahrain"
msgid "Asia/Baku"
msgstr "Asien/Baku"
msgid "Asia/Bangkok"
msgstr "Asien/Bangkok"
msgid "Asia/Beirut"
msgstr "Asien/Beirut"
msgid "Asia/Bishkek"
msgstr "Asien/Bishkek"
msgid "Asia/Brunei"
msgstr "Asien/Brunei"
msgid "Asia/Calcutta"
msgstr "Asien/Calcutta"
msgid "Asia/Choibalsan"
msgstr "Asien/Choibalsan"
msgid "Asia/Chongqing"
msgstr "Asien/Chongqing"
msgid "Asia/Chungking"
msgstr "Asien/Chungking"
msgid "Asia/Colombo"
msgstr "Asien/Colombo"
msgid "Asia/Dacca"
msgstr "Asien/Dacca"
msgid "Asia/Damascus"
msgstr "Asien/Damascus"
msgid "Asia/Dhaka"
msgstr "Asien/Dhaka"
msgid "Asia/Dili"
msgstr "Asien/Dili"
msgid "Asia/Dubai"
msgstr "Asien/Dubai"
msgid "Asia/Dushanbe"
msgstr "Asien/Dushanbe"
msgid "Asia/Gaza"
msgstr "Asien/Gaza"
msgid "Asia/Harbin"
msgstr "Asien/Harbin"
msgid "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh"
msgstr "Asien/Ho_Chi_Minh"
msgid "Asia/Hong_Kong"
msgstr "Asien/Hong_Kong"
msgid "Asia/Hovd"
msgstr "Asien/Hovd"
msgid "Asia/Irkutsk"
msgstr "Asien/Irkutsk"
msgid "Asia/Istanbul"
msgstr "Asien/Istanbul"
msgid "Asia/Jakarta"
msgstr "Asien/Jakarta"
msgid "Asia/Jayapura"
msgstr "Asien/Jayapura"
msgid "Asia/Jerusalem"
msgstr "Asien/Jerusalem"
msgid "Asia/Kabul"
msgstr "Asien/Kabul"
msgid "Asia/Kamchatka"
msgstr "Asien/Kamchatka"
msgid "Asia/Karachi"
msgstr "Asien/Karachi"
msgid "Asia/Kashgar"
msgstr "Asien/Kashgar"
msgid "Asia/Kathmandu"
msgstr "Asien/Kathmandu"
msgid "Asia/Katmandu"
msgstr "Asien/Katmandu"
msgid "Asia/Kolkata"
msgstr "Asien/Kolkata"
msgid "Asia/Krasnoyarsk"
msgstr "Asien/Krasnoyarsk"
msgid "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur"
msgstr "Asien/Kuala_Lumpur"
msgid "Asia/Kuching"
msgstr "Asien/Kuching"
msgid "Asia/Kuwait"
msgstr "Asien/Kuwait"
msgid "Asia/Macao"
msgstr "Asien/Macao"
msgid "Asia/Macau"
msgstr "Asien/Macau"
msgid "Asia/Magadan"
msgstr "Asien/Magadan"
msgid "Asia/Makassar"
msgstr "Asien/Makassar"
msgid "Asia/Manila"
msgstr "Asien/Manila"
msgid "Asia/Muscat"
msgstr "Asien/Muscat"
msgid "Asia/Nicosia"
msgstr "Asien/Nicosia"
msgid "Asia/Novokuznetsk"
msgstr "Asien/Novokuznetsk"
msgid "Asia/Novosibirsk"
msgstr "Asien/Novosibirsk"
msgid "Asia/Omsk"
msgstr "Asien/Omsk"
msgid "Asia/Oral"
msgstr "Asien/Oral"
msgid "Asia/Phnom_Penh"
msgstr "Asien/Phnom_Penh"
msgid "Asia/Pontianak"
msgstr "Asien/Pontianak"
msgid "Asia/Pyongyang"
msgstr "Asien/Pyongyang"
msgid "Asia/Qatar"
msgstr "Asien/Qatar"
msgid "Asia/Qyzylorda"
msgstr "Asien/Qyzylorda"
msgid "Asia/Rangoon"
msgstr "Asien/Rangoon"
msgid "Asia/Riyadh"
msgstr "Asien/Riyadh"
msgid "Asia/Saigon"
msgstr "Asien/Saigon"
msgid "Asia/Sakhalin"
msgstr "Asien/Sakhalin"
msgid "Asia/Samarkand"
msgstr "Asien/Samarkand"
msgid "Asia/Seoul"
msgstr "Asien/Seoul"
msgid "Asia/Shanghai"
msgstr "Asien/Shanghai"
msgid "Asia/Singapore"
msgstr "Asien/Singapore"
msgid "Asia/Taipei"
msgstr "Asien/Taipei"
msgid "Asia/Tashkent"
msgstr "Asien/Tashkent"
msgid "Asia/Tbilisi"
msgstr "Asien/Tbilisi"
msgid "Asia/Tehran"
msgstr "Asien/Tehran"
msgid "Asia/Tel_Aviv"
msgstr "Asien/Tel_Aviv"
msgid "Asia/Thimbu"
msgstr "Asien/Thimbu"
msgid "Asia/Thimphu"
msgstr "Asien/Thimphu"
msgid "Asia/Tokyo"
msgstr "Asien/Tokyo"
msgid "Asia/Ujung_Pandang"
msgstr "Asien/Ujung_Pandang"
msgid "Asia/Ulaanbaatar"
msgstr "Asien/Ulaanbaatar"
msgid "Asia/Ulan_Bator"
msgstr "Asien/Ulan_Bator"
msgid "Asia/Urumqi"
msgstr "Asien/Urumqi"
msgid "Asia/Vientiane"
msgstr "Asien/Vientiane"
msgid "Asia/Vladivostok"
msgstr "Asien/Vladivostok"
msgid "Asia/Yakutsk"
msgstr "Asien/Yakutsk"
msgid "Asia/Yekaterinburg"
msgstr "Asien/Yekaterinburg"
msgid "Asia/Yerevan"
msgstr "Asien/Yerevan"
msgid "Atlantic/Azores"
msgstr "Atlantic/Azores"
msgid "Atlantic/Bermuda"
msgstr "Atlantic/Bermuda"
msgid "Atlantic/Canary"
msgstr "Atlantic/Canary"
msgid "Atlantic/Cape_Verde"
msgstr "Atlantic/Cape_Verde"
msgid "Atlantic/Faeroe"
msgstr "Atlantic/Faeroe"
msgid "Atlantic/Faroe"
msgstr "Atlantic/Faroe"
msgid "Atlantic/Jan_Mayen"
msgstr "Atlantic/Jan_Mayen"
msgid "Atlantic/Madeira"
msgstr "Atlantic/Madeira"
msgid "Atlantic/Reykjavik"
msgstr "Atlantic/Reykjavik"
msgid "Atlantic/South_Georgia"
msgstr "Atlantic/South_Georgia"
msgid "Atlantic/St_Helena"
msgstr "Atlantic/St_Helena"
msgid "Atlantic/Stanley"
msgstr "Atlantic/Stanley"
msgid "Australia/ACT"
msgstr "Australien/ACT"
msgid "Australia/Adelaide"
msgstr "Australien/Adelaide"
msgid "Australia/Brisbane"
msgstr "Australien/Brisbane"
msgid "Australia/Broken_Hill"
msgstr "Australien/Broken_Hill"
msgid "Australia/Canberra"
msgstr "Australien/Canberra"
msgid "Australia/Currie"
msgstr "Australien/Currie"
msgid "Australia/Darwin"
msgstr "Australien/Darwin"
msgid "Australia/Eucla"
msgstr "Australien/Eucla"
msgid "Australia/Hobart"
msgstr "Australien/Hobart"
msgid "Australia/LHI"
msgstr "Australien/LHI"
msgid "Australia/Lindeman"
msgstr "Australien/Lindeman"
msgid "Australia/Lord_Howe"
msgstr "Australien/Lord_Howe"
msgid "Australia/Melbourne"
msgstr "Australien/Melbourne"
msgid "Australia/North"
msgstr "Australien/North"
msgid "Australia/NSW"
msgstr "Australien/NSW"
msgid "Australia/Perth"
msgstr "Australien/Perth"
msgid "Australia/Queensland"
msgstr "Australien/Queensland"
msgid "Australia/South"
msgstr "Australien/South"
msgid "Australia/Sydney"
msgstr "Australien/Sydney"
msgid "Australia/Tasmania"
msgstr "Australien/Tasmania"
msgid "Australia/Victoria"
msgstr "Australien/Victoria"
msgid "Australia/West"
msgstr "Australien/West"
msgid "Australia/Yancowinna"
msgstr "Australien/Yancowinna"
msgid "Brazil/Acre"
msgstr "Brasilien/Acre"
msgid "Brazil/DeNoronha"
msgstr "Brasilien/DeNoronha"
msgid "Brazil/East"
msgstr "Brasilien/East"
msgid "Brazil/West"
msgstr "Brasilien/West"
msgid "Canada/Atlantic"
msgstr "Kanada/Atlantic"
msgid "Canada/Central"
msgstr "Kanada/Central"
msgid "Canada/East-Saskatchewan"
msgstr "Kanada/East-Saskatchewan"
msgid "Canada/Eastern"
msgstr "Kanada/Eastern"
msgid "Canada/Mountain"
msgstr "Kanada/Mountain"
msgid "Canada/Newfoundland"
msgstr "Kanada/Newfoundland"
msgid "Canada/Pacific"
msgstr "Kanada/Pacific"
msgid "Canada/Saskatchewan"
msgstr "Kanada/Saskatchewan"
msgid "Canada/Yukon"
msgstr "Kanada/Yukon"
msgid "CET"
msgstr "CET"
msgid "Chile/Continental"
msgstr "Chile/Continental"
msgid "Chile/EasterIsland"
msgstr "Chile/EasterIsland"
msgid "CST6CDT"
msgstr "CST6CDT"
msgid "Cuba"
msgstr "Cuba"
msgid "EET"
msgstr "EET"
msgid "Egypt"
msgstr "Egypten"
msgid "Eire"
msgstr "Eire"
msgid "EST"
msgstr "EST"
msgid "EST5EDT"
msgstr "EST5EDT"
msgid "Etc/GMT"
msgstr "Etc/GMT"
msgid "Etc/GMT+0"
msgstr "Etc/GMT+0"
msgid "Etc/GMT+1"
msgstr "Etc/GMT+1"
msgid "Etc/GMT+10"
msgstr "Etc/GMT+10"
msgid "Etc/GMT+11"
msgstr "Etc/GMT+11"
msgid "Etc/GMT+12"
msgstr "Etc/GMT+12"
msgid "Etc/GMT+2"
msgstr "Etc/GMT+2"
msgid "Etc/GMT+3"
msgstr "Etc/GMT+3"
msgid "Etc/GMT+4"
msgstr "Etc/GMT+4"
msgid "Etc/GMT+5"
msgstr "Etc/GMT+5"
msgid "Etc/GMT+6"
msgstr "Etc/GMT+6"
msgid "Etc/GMT+7"
msgstr "Etc/GMT+7"
msgid "Etc/GMT+8"
msgstr "Etc/GMT+8"
msgid "Etc/GMT+9"
msgstr "Etc/GMT+9"
msgid "Etc/GMT-0"
msgstr "Etc/GMT-0"
msgid "Etc/GMT-1"
msgstr "Etc/GMT-1"
msgid "Etc/GMT-10"
msgstr "Etc/GMT-10"
msgid "Etc/GMT-11"
msgstr "Etc/GMT-11"
msgid "Etc/GMT-12"
msgstr "Etc/GMT-12"
msgid "Etc/GMT-13"
msgstr "Etc/GMT-13"
msgid "Etc/GMT-14"
msgstr "Etc/GMT-14"
msgid "Etc/GMT-2"
msgstr "Etc/GMT-2"
msgid "Etc/GMT-3"
msgstr "Etc/GMT-3"
msgid "Etc/GMT-4"
msgstr "Etc/GMT-4"
msgid "Etc/GMT-5"
msgstr "Etc/GMT-5"
msgid "Etc/GMT-6"
msgstr "Etc/GMT-6"
msgid "Etc/GMT-7"
msgstr "Etc/GMT-7"
msgid "Etc/GMT-8"
msgstr "Etc/GMT-8"
msgid "Etc/GMT-9"
msgstr "Etc/GMT-9"
msgid "Etc/GMT0"
msgstr "Etc/GMT0"
msgid "Etc/Greenwich"
msgstr "Etc/Greenwich"
msgid "Etc/UCT"
msgstr "Etc/UCT"
msgid "Etc/Universal"
msgstr "Etc/Universal"
msgid "Etc/UTC"
msgstr "Etc/UTC"
msgid "Etc/Zulu"
msgstr "Etc/Zulu"
msgid "Europe/Amsterdam"
msgstr "Europa/Amsterdam"
msgid "Europe/Andorra"
msgstr "Europa/Andorra"
msgid "Europe/Athens"
msgstr "Europa/Aten"
msgid "Europe/Belfast"
msgstr "Europa/Belfast"
msgid "Europe/Belgrade"
msgstr "Europa/Belgrad"
msgid "Europe/Berlin"
msgstr "Europa/Berlin"
msgid "Europe/Bratislava"
msgstr "Europa/Bratislava"
msgid "Europe/Brussels"
msgstr "Europa/Bryssel"
msgid "Europe/Bucharest"
msgstr "Europa/Bucharest"
msgid "Europe/Budapest"
msgstr "Europa/Budapest"
msgid "Europe/Chisinau"
msgstr "Europa/Chisinau"
msgid "Europe/Copenhagen"
msgstr "Europa/K&ouml;penhamn"
msgid "Europe/Dublin"
msgstr "Europa/Dublin"
msgid "Europe/Gibraltar"
msgstr "Europa/Gibraltar"
msgid "Europe/Guernsey"
msgstr "Europa/Guernsey"
msgid "Europe/Helsinki"
msgstr "Europa/Helsingfors"
msgid "Europe/Isle_of_Man"
msgstr "Europa/Isle_of_Man"
msgid "Europe/Istanbul"
msgstr "Europa/Istanbul"
msgid "Europe/Jersey"
msgstr "Europa/Jersey"
msgid "Europe/Kaliningrad"
msgstr "Europa/Kaliningrad"
msgid "Europe/Kiev"
msgstr "Europa/Kiev"
msgid "Europe/Lisbon"
msgstr "Europa/Lisabon"
msgid "Europe/Ljubljana"
msgstr "Europa/Ljubljana"
msgid "Europe/London"
msgstr "Europa/London"
msgid "Europe/Luxembourg"
msgstr "Europa/Luxemburg"
msgid "Europe/Madrid"
msgstr "Europa/Madrid"
msgid "Europe/Malta"
msgstr "Europa/Malta"
msgid "Europe/Mariehamn"
msgstr "Europa/Mariehamn"
msgid "Europe/Minsk"
msgstr "Europa/Minsk"
msgid "Europe/Monaco"
msgstr "Europa/Monaco"
msgid "Europe/Moscow"
msgstr "Europa/Moskva"
msgid "Europe/Nicosia"
msgstr "Europa/Nicosia"
msgid "Europe/Oslo"
msgstr "Europa/Oslo"
msgid "Europe/Paris"
msgstr "Europa/Paris"
msgid "Europe/Podgorica"
msgstr "Europa/Podgorica"
msgid "Europe/Prague"
msgstr "Europa/Prag"
msgid "Europe/Riga"
msgstr "Europa/Riga"
msgid "Europe/Rome"
msgstr "Europa/Rom"
msgid "Europe/Samara"
msgstr "Europa/Samara"
msgid "Europe/San_Marino"
msgstr "Europa/San_Marino"
msgid "Europe/Sarajevo"
msgstr "Europa/Sarajevo"
msgid "Europe/Simferopol"
msgstr "Europa/Simferopol"
msgid "Europe/Skopje"
msgstr "Europa/Skopje"
msgid "Europe/Sofia"
msgstr "Europa/Sofia"
msgid "Europe/Stockholm"
msgstr "Europa/Stockholm"
msgid "Europe/Tallinn"
msgstr "Europa/Tallinn"
msgid "Europe/Tirane"
msgstr "Europa/Tirane"
msgid "Europe/Tiraspol"
msgstr "Europa/Tiraspol"
msgid "Europe/Uzhgorod"
msgstr "Europa/Uzhgorod"
msgid "Europe/Vaduz"
msgstr "Europa/Vaduz"
msgid "Europe/Vatican"
msgstr "Europa/Vatikanen"
msgid "Europe/Vienna"
msgstr "Europa/Wien"
msgid "Europe/Vilnius"
msgstr "Europa/Vilnius"
msgid "Europe/Volgograd"
msgstr "Europa/Volgograd"
msgid "Europe/Warsaw"
msgstr "Europa/Warsawa"
msgid "Europe/Zagreb"
msgstr "Europa/Zagreb"
msgid "Europe/Zaporozhye"
msgstr "Europa/Zaporozhye"
msgid "Europe/Zurich"
msgstr "Europa/Z&uuml;rich"
msgid "Factory"
msgstr "Factory"
msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"
msgid "GB-Eire"
msgstr "GB-Eire"
msgid "GMT"
msgstr "GMT"
msgid "GMT+0"
msgstr "GMT+0"
msgid "GMT-0"
msgstr "GMT-0"
msgid "GMT0"
msgstr "GMT0"
msgid "Greenwich"
msgstr "Greenwich"
msgid "Hongkong"
msgstr "Hongkong"
msgid "HST"
msgstr "HST"
msgid "Iceland"
msgstr "Iceland"
msgid "Indian/Antananarivo"
msgstr "Indian/Antananarivo"
msgid "Indian/Chagos"
msgstr "Indian/Chagos"
msgid "Indian/Christmas"
msgstr "Indian/Christmas"
msgid "Indian/Cocos"
msgstr "Indian/Cocos"
msgid "Indian/Comoro"
msgstr "Indian/Comoro"
msgid "Indian/Kerguelen"
msgstr "Indian/Kerguelen"
msgid "Indian/Mahe"
msgstr "Indian/Mahe"
msgid "Indian/Maldives"
msgstr "Indian/Maldives"
msgid "Indian/Mauritius"
msgstr "Indian/Mauritius"
msgid "Indian/Mayotte"
msgstr "Indian/Mayotte"
msgid "Indian/Reunion"
msgstr "Indian/Reunion"
msgid "Iran"
msgstr "Iran"
msgid "Israel"
msgstr "Israel"
msgid "Jamaica"
msgstr "Jamaica"
msgid "Japan"
msgstr "Japan"
msgid "Kwajalein"
msgstr "Kwajalein"
msgid "Libya"
msgstr "Libyen"
msgid "MET"
msgstr "MET"
msgid "Mexico/BajaNorte"
msgstr "Mexico/BajaNorte"
msgid "Mexico/BajaSur"
msgstr "Mexico/BajaSur"
msgid "Mexico/General"
msgstr "Mexico/General"
msgid "MST"
msgstr "MST"
msgid "MST7MDT"
msgstr "MST7MDT"
msgid "Navajo"
msgstr "Navajo"
msgid "NZ"
msgstr "NZ"
msgid "NZ-CHAT"
msgstr "NZ-CHAT"
msgid "Pacific/Apia"
msgstr "Pacific/Apia"
msgid "Pacific/Auckland"
msgstr "Pacific/Auckland"
msgid "Pacific/Chatham"
msgstr "Pacific/Chatham"
msgid "Pacific/Easter"
msgstr "Pacific/Easter"
msgid "Pacific/Efate"
msgstr "Pacific/Efate"
msgid "Pacific/Enderbury"
msgstr "Pacific/Enderbury"
msgid "Pacific/Fakaofo"
msgstr "Pacific/Fakaofo"
msgid "Pacific/Fiji"
msgstr "Pacific/Fiji"
msgid "Pacific/Funafuti"
msgstr "Pacific/Funafuti"
msgid "Pacific/Galapagos"
msgstr "Pacific/Galapagos"
msgid "Pacific/Gambier"
msgstr "Pacific/Gambier"
msgid "Pacific/Guadalcanal"
msgstr "Pacific/Guadalcanal"
msgid "Pacific/Guam"
msgstr "Pacific/Guam"
msgid "Pacific/Honolulu"
msgstr "Pacific/Honolulu"
msgid "Pacific/Johnston"
msgstr "Pacific/Johnston"
msgid "Pacific/Kiritimati"
msgstr "Pacific/Kiritimati"
msgid "Pacific/Kosrae"
msgstr "Pacific/Kosrae"
msgid "Pacific/Kwajalein"
msgstr "Pacific/Kwajalein"
msgid "Pacific/Majuro"
msgstr "Pacific/Majuro"
msgid "Pacific/Marquesas"
msgstr "Pacific/Marquesas"
msgid "Pacific/Midway"
msgstr "Pacific/Midway"
msgid "Pacific/Nauru"
msgstr "Pacific/Nauru"
msgid "Pacific/Niue"
msgstr "Pacific/Niue"
msgid "Pacific/Norfolk"
msgstr "Pacific/Norfolk"
msgid "Pacific/Noumea"
msgstr "Pacific/Noumea"
msgid "Pacific/Pago_Pago"
msgstr "Pacific/Pago_Pago"
msgid "Pacific/Palau"
msgstr "Pacific/Palau"
msgid "Pacific/Pitcairn"
msgstr "Pacific/Pitcairn"
msgid "Pacific/Ponape"
msgstr "Pacific/Ponape"
msgid "Pacific/Port_Moresby"
msgstr "Pacific/Port_Moresby"
msgid "Pacific/Rarotonga"
msgstr "Pacific/Rarotonga"
msgid "Pacific/Saipan"
msgstr "Pacific/Saipan"
msgid "Pacific/Samoa"
msgstr "Pacific/Samoa"
msgid "Pacific/Tahiti"
msgstr "Pacific/Tahiti"
msgid "Pacific/Tarawa"
msgstr "Pacific/Tarawa"
msgid "Pacific/Tongatapu"
msgstr "Pacific/Tongatapu"
msgid "Pacific/Truk"
msgstr "Pacific/Truk"
msgid "Pacific/Wake"
msgstr "Pacific/Wake"
msgid "Pacific/Wallis"
msgstr "Pacific/Wallis"
msgid "Pacific/Yap"
msgstr "Pacific/Yap"
msgid "Poland"
msgstr "Polen"
msgid "Portugal"
msgstr "Portugal"
msgid "PRC"
msgstr "PRC"
msgid "PST8PDT"
msgstr "PST8PDT"
msgid "ROC"
msgstr "ROC"
msgid "ROK"
msgstr "ROK"
msgid "Singapore"
msgstr "Singapore"
msgid "Turkey"
msgstr "Turkiet"
msgid "UCT"
msgstr "UCT"
msgid "Universal"
msgstr "Universal"
msgid "US/Alaska"
msgstr "USA/Alaska"
msgid "US/Aleutian"
msgstr "USA/Aleutian"
msgid "US/Arizona"
msgstr "USA/Arizona"
msgid "US/Central"
msgstr "USA/Central"
msgid "US/East-Indiana"
msgstr "USA/East-Indiana"
msgid "US/Eastern"
msgstr "USA/Eastern"
msgid "US/Hawaii"
msgstr "USA/Hawaii"
msgid "US/Indiana-Starke"
msgstr "USA/Indiana-Starke"
msgid "US/Michigan"
msgstr "USA/Michigan"
msgid "US/Mountain"
msgstr "USA/Mountain"
msgid "US/Pacific"
msgstr "USA/Pacific"
msgid "US/Pacific-New"
msgstr "USA/Pacific-New"
msgid "US/Samoa"
msgstr "USA/Samoa"
msgid "UTC"
msgstr "UTC"
msgid "W-SU"
msgstr "W-SU"
msgid "WET"
msgstr "WET"
msgid "Zulu"
msgstr "Zulu"