Add missing column in profile fulltext index #62

MrPetovan merged 2 commits from task/39-search-match-username into stable 2020-09-27 14:46:57 +02:00
MrPetovan commented 2020-09-27 14:41:01 +02:00 (Migrated from

Follow-up to

For people working on the stable branch, they will have to run the updated queries in src/sql/migrations/up/0008.sql manually as the updatedb console command doesn't re-run migration scripts.

Fix #61 Follow-up to #60 For people working on the `stable` branch, they will have to run the updated queries in `src/sql/migrations/up/0008.sql` manually as the `updatedb` console command doesn't re-run migration scripts.
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Reference: friendica/friendica-directory#62
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