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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* This file is part of the Fxp Composer Asset Plugin package.
* (c) François Pluchino <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Fxp\Composer\AssetPlugin\Converter;
* Converter for Semver syntax version to composer syntax version.
* @author François Pluchino <>
class SemverConverter implements VersionConverterInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function convertVersion($version)
if (in_array($version, array(null, '', 'latest'))) {
return ('latest' === $version ? 'default || ' : '').'*';
$version = str_replace('', '-', $version);
$prefix = preg_match('/^[a-z]/', $version) && 0 !== strpos($version, 'dev-') ? substr($version, 0, 1) : '';
$version = substr($version, strlen($prefix));
$version = SemverUtil::convertVersionMetadata($version);
$version = SemverUtil::convertDateVersion($version);
return $prefix.$version;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function convertRange($range)
$range = $this->cleanRange(strtolower($range));
return $this->matchRange($range);
* Clean the raw range.
* @param string $range
* @return string
protected function cleanRange($range)
foreach (array('<', '>', '=', '~', '^', '||', '&&') as $character) {
$range = str_replace($character.' ', $character, $range);
$range = preg_replace('/(?:[vV])(\d+)/', '${1}', $range);
$range = str_replace(' ||', '||', $range);
$range = str_replace(array(' &&', '&&'), ',', $range);
return $range;
* Match the range.
* @param string $range The range cleaned
* @return string The range
protected function matchRange($range)
$pattern = '/(\ -\ )|(<)|(>)|(=)|(\|\|)|(\ )|(,)|(\~)|(\^)/';
$matches = preg_split($pattern, $range, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$special = null;
$replace = null;
$first = true;
foreach ($matches as $i => $match) {
if ($first && '' !== $match) {
$first = false;
$match = '=' === $match ? 'EQUAL' : $match;
$this->matchRangeToken($i, $match, $matches, $special, $replace);
return implode('', $matches);
* Converts the token of the matched range.
* @param int $i
* @param string $match
* @param array $matches
* @param string|null $special
* @param string|null $replace
protected function matchRangeToken($i, $match, array &$matches, &$special, &$replace)
if (' - ' === $match) {
$matches[$i - 1] = '>='.str_replace(array('*', 'x', 'X'), '0', $matches[$i - 1]);
if (false !== strpos($matches[$i + 1], '.') && strpos($matches[$i + 1], '*') === false
&& strpos($matches[$i + 1], 'x') === false && strpos($matches[$i + 1], 'X') === false) {
$matches[$i] = ',<=';
} else {
$matches[$i] = ',<';
$special = ',<~';
} else {
$this->matchRangeTokenStep2($i, $match, $matches, $special, $replace);
* Step2: Converts the token of the matched range.
* @param int $i
* @param string $match
* @param array $matches
* @param string|null $special
* @param string|null $replace
protected function matchRangeTokenStep2($i, $match, array &$matches, &$special, &$replace)
if (in_array($match, array('', '<', '>', '=', ','))) {
$replace = in_array($match, array('<', '>')) ? $match : $replace;
$matches[$i] = '~' === $special && in_array($replace, array('<', '>')) ? '' : $matches[$i];
} elseif ('~' === $match) {
$special = $match;
} elseif (in_array($match, array('EQUAL', '^'))) {
$special = $match;
$matches[$i] = '';
} else {
$this->matchRangeTokenStep3($i, $match, $matches, $special, $replace);
* Step3: Converts the token of the matched range.
* @param int $i
* @param string $match
* @param array $matches
* @param string|null $special
* @param string|null $replace
protected function matchRangeTokenStep3($i, $match, array &$matches, &$special, &$replace)
if (' ' === $match) {
$matches[$i] = ',';
} elseif ('||' === $match) {
$matches[$i] = '|';
} elseif (in_array($special, array('^'))) {
$matches[$i] = SemverRangeUtil::replaceSpecialRange($this, $match);
$special = null;
} else {
$this->matchRangeTokenStep4($i, $match, $matches, $special, $replace);
* Step4: Converts the token of the matched range.
* @param int $i
* @param string $match
* @param array $matches
* @param string|null $special
* @param string|null $replace
protected function matchRangeTokenStep4($i, $match, array &$matches, &$special, &$replace)
if ($special === ',<~') {
// Version range contains x in last place.
$match .= (false === strpos($match, '.') ? '.x' : '');
$version = explode('.', $match);
$change = count($version) - 2;
$version[$change] = (int) ($version[$change]) + 1;
$match = str_replace(array('*', 'x', 'X'), '0', implode('.', $version));
} elseif (null === $special && $i === 0 && false === strpos($match, '.') && is_numeric($match)) {
$match = isset($matches[$i + 1]) && (' - ' === $matches[$i + 1] || '-' === $matches[$i + 1])
? $match
: '~'.$match;
} else {
$match = '~' === $special ? str_replace(array('*', 'x', 'X'), '0', $match) : $match;
$this->matchRangeTokenStep5($i, $match, $matches, $special, $replace);
* Step5: Converts the token of the matched range.
* @param int $i
* @param string $match
* @param array $matches
* @param string|null $special
* @param string|null $replace
protected function matchRangeTokenStep5($i, $match, array &$matches, &$special, &$replace)
$matches[$i] = $this->convertVersion($match);
$matches[$i] = $replace
? SemverUtil::replaceAlias($matches[$i], $replace)
: $matches[$i];
$matches[$i] .= '~' === $special && in_array($replace, array('<', '>'))
? ','.$replace.$matches[$i]
: '';
$special = null;
$replace = null;