Alexander Kampmann 0d60dbef31 added exceptions to dba class
added exception handling to index.php, please mind that there is no
recovery at the moment
added transactions to db update. Please mind that they might not be
supported by db table engines. 
added admin email on failed updates

added german translation for admin email
2012-04-09 00:45:10 +02:00

1481 lines
40 KiB

define ( 'FRIENDICA_PLATFORM', 'Friendica');
define ( 'FRIENDICA_VERSION', '2.3.1305' );
define ( 'DFRN_PROTOCOL_VERSION', '2.23' );
define ( 'DB_UPDATE_VERSION', 1137 );
define ( 'EOL', "<br />\r\n" );
define ( 'ATOM_TIME', 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z' );
* Image storage quality. Lower numbers save space at cost of image detail.
* For ease of upgrade, please do not change here. Change jpeg quality with
* $a->config['system']['jpeg_quality'] = n;
* in .htconfig.php, where n is netween 1 and 100, and with very poor results
* below about 50
define ( 'JPEG_QUALITY', 100 );
* SSL redirection policies
define ( 'SSL_POLICY_NONE', 0 );
define ( 'SSL_POLICY_FULL', 1 );
define ( 'SSL_POLICY_SELFSIGN', 2 );
* log levels
define ( 'LOGGER_NORMAL', 0 );
define ( 'LOGGER_TRACE', 1 );
define ( 'LOGGER_DEBUG', 2 );
define ( 'LOGGER_DATA', 3 );
define ( 'LOGGER_ALL', 4 );
* registration policies
define ( 'REGISTER_CLOSED', 0 );
define ( 'REGISTER_APPROVE', 1 );
define ( 'REGISTER_OPEN', 2 );
* relationship types
define ( 'CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER', 1);
define ( 'CONTACT_IS_SHARING', 2);
define ( 'CONTACT_IS_FRIEND', 3);
* Hook array order
define ( 'HOOK_HOOK', 0);
define ( 'HOOK_FILE', 1);
define ( 'HOOK_FUNCTION', 2);
* page/profile types
* PAGE_NORMAL is a typical personal profile account
* PAGE_SOAPBOX automatically approves all friend requests as CONTACT_IS_SHARING, (readonly)
* PAGE_COMMUNITY automatically approves all friend requests as CONTACT_IS_SHARING, but with
* write access to wall and comments (no email and not included in page owner's ACL lists)
* PAGE_FREELOVE automatically approves all friend requests as full friends (CONTACT_IS_FRIEND).
define ( 'PAGE_NORMAL', 0 );
define ( 'PAGE_SOAPBOX', 1 );
define ( 'PAGE_COMMUNITY', 2 );
define ( 'PAGE_FREELOVE', 3 );
define ( 'PAGE_BLOG', 4 );
define ( 'PAGE_PRVGROUP', 5 );
* Network and protocol family types
define ( 'NETWORK_DFRN', 'dfrn'); // Friendica, Mistpark, other DFRN implementations
define ( 'NETWORK_ZOT', 'zot!'); // Zot!
define ( 'NETWORK_OSTATUS', 'stat'); // status.net, identi.ca, GNU-social, other OStatus implementations
define ( 'NETWORK_FEED', 'feed'); // RSS/Atom feeds with no known "post/notify" protocol
define ( 'NETWORK_DIASPORA', 'dspr'); // Diaspora
define ( 'NETWORK_MAIL', 'mail'); // IMAP/POP
define ( 'NETWORK_MAIL2', 'mai2'); // extended IMAP/POP
define ( 'NETWORK_FACEBOOK', 'face'); // Facebook API
define ( 'NETWORK_LINKEDIN', 'lnkd'); // LinkedIn
define ( 'NETWORK_XMPP', 'xmpp'); // XMPP
define ( 'NETWORK_MYSPACE', 'mysp'); // MySpace
define ( 'NETWORK_GPLUS', 'goog'); // Google+
* These numbers are used in stored permissions
* and existing allocations MUST NEVER BE CHANGED
* OR RE-ASSIGNED! You may only add to them.
$netgroup_ids = array(
NETWORK_ZOT => (-2),
NETWORK_MAIL2 => (-7),
NETWORK_XMPP => (-10),
* Maximum number of "people who like (or don't like) this" that we will list by name
define ( 'MAX_LIKERS', 75);
* Communication timeout
define ( 'ZCURL_TIMEOUT' , (-1));
* email notification options
define ( 'NOTIFY_INTRO', 0x0001 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_CONFIRM', 0x0002 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_WALL', 0x0004 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_COMMENT', 0x0008 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_MAIL', 0x0010 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_SUGGEST', 0x0020 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_PROFILE', 0x0040 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_TAGSELF', 0x0080 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_TAGSHARE', 0x0100 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_SYSTEM', 0x8000 );
* various namespaces we may need to parse
define ( 'NAMESPACE_ZOT', 'http://purl.org/macgirvin/zot' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_DFRN' , 'http://purl.org/macgirvin/dfrn/1.0' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_THREAD' , 'http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_TOMB' , 'http://purl.org/atompub/tombstones/1.0' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY', 'http://activitystrea.ms/spec/1.0/' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_MEDIA', 'http://purl.org/syndication/atommedia' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_SALMON_ME', 'http://salmon-protocol.org/ns/magic-env' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_OSTATUSSUB', 'http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0/subscribe' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_GEORSS', 'http://www.georss.org/georss' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_POCO', 'http://portablecontacts.net/spec/1.0' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_FEED', 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2010#updates-from' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_OSTATUS', 'http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_STATUSNET', 'http://status.net/schema/api/1/' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_ATOM1', 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' );
* activity stream defines
define ( 'ACTIVITY_DISLIKE', NAMESPACE_DFRN . '/dislike' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_OBJ_HEART', NAMESPACE_DFRN . '/heart' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_OBJ_TAGTERM', NAMESPACE_DFRN . '/tagterm' );
* item weight for query ordering
define ( 'GRAVITY_PARENT', 0);
define ( 'GRAVITY_LIKE', 3);
define ( 'GRAVITY_COMMENT', 6);
* Reverse the effect of magic_quotes_gpc if it is enabled.
* Please disable magic_quotes_gpc so we don't have to do this.
* See http://php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.disabling.php
function startup() {
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);
// This has to be quite large to deal with embedded private photos
ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', 500000);
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$process = array(&$_GET, &$_POST, &$_COOKIE, &$_REQUEST);
while (list($key, $val) = each($process)) {
foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
$process[$key][stripslashes($k)] = $v;
$process[] = &$process[$key][stripslashes($k)];
} else {
$process[$key][stripslashes($k)] = stripslashes($v);
* class: App
* Our main application structure for the life of this page
* Primarily deals with the URL that got us here
* and tries to make some sense of it, and
* stores our page contents and config storage
* and anything else that might need to be passed around
* before we spit the page out.
if(! class_exists('App')) {
class App {
public $module_loaded = false;
public $query_string;
public $config;
public $page;
public $profile;
public $user;
public $cid;
public $contact;
public $contacts;
public $page_contact;
public $content;
public $data = array();
public $error = false;
public $cmd;
public $argv;
public $argc;
public $module;
public $pager;
public $strings;
public $path;
public $hooks;
public $timezone;
public $interactive = true;
public $plugins;
public $apps = array();
public $identities;
public $nav_sel;
public $category;
private $scheme;
private $hostname;
private $baseurl;
private $db;
private $curl_code;
private $curl_headers;
function __construct() {
$this->config = array();
$this->page = array();
$this->pager= array();
$this->query_string = '';
$this->scheme = 'http';
if(x($_SERVER,'HTTPS') && $_SERVER['HTTPS'])
$this->scheme = 'https';
elseif(x($_SERVER,'SERVER_PORT') && (intval($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) == 443))
$this->scheme = 'https';
$this->hostname = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
if(x($_SERVER,'SERVER_PORT') && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443)
$this->hostname .= ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
* Figure out if we are running at the top of a domain
* or in a sub-directory and adjust accordingly
$path = trim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']),'/\\');
if(isset($path) && strlen($path) && ($path != $this->path))
$this->path = $path;
"include/$this->hostname" . PATH_SEPARATOR
. 'include' . PATH_SEPARATOR
. 'library' . PATH_SEPARATOR
. 'library/phpsec' . PATH_SEPARATOR
. '.' );
if((x($_SERVER,'QUERY_STRING')) && substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'],0,2) === "q=") {
$this->query_string = substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'],2);
// removing trailing / - maybe a nginx problem
if (substr($this->query_string, 0, 1) == "/")
$this->query_string = substr($this->query_string, 1);
$this->cmd = trim($_GET['q'],'/\\');
// unix style "homedir"
if(substr($this->cmd,0,1) === '~')
$this->cmd = 'profile/' . substr($this->cmd,1);
// Diaspora style profile url
if(substr($this->cmd,0,2) === 'u/')
$this->cmd = 'profile/' . substr($this->cmd,2);
* Break the URL path into C style argc/argv style arguments for our
* modules. Given "http://example.com/module/arg1/arg2", $this->argc
* will be 3 (integer) and $this->argv will contain:
* [0] => 'module'
* [1] => 'arg1'
* [2] => 'arg2'
* There will always be one argument. If provided a naked domain
* URL, $this->argv[0] is set to "home".
$this->argv = explode('/',$this->cmd);
$this->argc = count($this->argv);
if((array_key_exists('0',$this->argv)) && strlen($this->argv[0])) {
$this->module = str_replace(".", "_", $this->argv[0]);
if(array_key_exists('2',$this->argv)) {
$this->category = $this->argv[2];
else {
$this->argc = 1;
$this->argv = array('home');
$this->module = 'home';
* Special handling for the webfinger/lrdd host XRD file
if($this->cmd === '.well-known/host-meta') {
$this->argc = 1;
$this->argv = array('hostxrd');
$this->module = 'hostxrd';
* See if there is any page number information, and initialise
* pagination
$this->pager['page'] = ((x($_GET,'page')) ? $_GET['page'] : 1);
$this->pager['itemspage'] = 50;
$this->pager['start'] = ($this->pager['page'] * $this->pager['itemspage']) - $this->pager['itemspage'];
$this->pager['total'] = 0;
function get_baseurl($ssl = false) {
$scheme = $this->scheme;
if((x($this->config,'system')) && (x($this->config['system'],'ssl_policy'))) {
if(intval($this->config['system']['ssl_policy']) === intval(SSL_POLICY_FULL))
$scheme = 'https';
// We need to populate the $ssl flag across the entire program before turning this on.
// Basically, we'll have $ssl = true on any links which can only be seen by a logged in user
// (and also the login link). Anything seen by an outsider will have it turned off.
// At present, setting SSL_POLICY_SELFSIGN will only force remote contacts to update their
// contact links to this site with "http:" if they are currently using "https:"
// if($this->config['system']['ssl_policy'] == SSL_POLICY_SELFSIGN) {
// if($ssl)
// $scheme = 'https';
// else
// $scheme = 'http';
// }
$this->baseurl = $scheme . "://" . $this->hostname . ((isset($this->path) && strlen($this->path)) ? '/' . $this->path : '' );
return $this->baseurl;
function set_baseurl($url) {
$parsed = @parse_url($url);
$this->baseurl = $url;
if($parsed) {
$this->scheme = $parsed['scheme'];
$this->hostname = $parsed['host'];
$this->hostname .= ':' . $parsed['port'];
$this->path = trim($parsed['path'],'\\/');
function get_hostname() {
return $this->hostname;
function set_hostname($h) {
$this->hostname = $h;
function set_path($p) {
$this->path = trim(trim($p),'/');
function get_path() {
return $this->path;
function set_pager_total($n) {
$this->pager['total'] = intval($n);
function set_pager_itemspage($n) {
$this->pager['itemspage'] = intval($n);
$this->pager['start'] = ($this->pager['page'] * $this->pager['itemspage']) - $this->pager['itemspage'];
function init_pagehead() {
$interval = ((local_user()) ? get_pconfig(local_user(),'system','update_interval') : 40000);
if($interval < 10000)
$interval = 40000;
$this->page['title'] = $this->config['sitename'];
$tpl = file_get_contents('view/head.tpl');
$this->page['htmlhead'] = replace_macros($tpl,array(
'$baseurl' => $this->get_baseurl(), // FIXME for z_path!!!!
'$generator' => 'Friendica' . ' ' . FRIENDICA_VERSION,
'$delitem' => t('Delete this item?'),
'$comment' => t('Comment'),
'$showmore' => t('show more'),
'$showfewer' => t('show fewer'),
'$update_interval' => $interval
function set_curl_code($code) {
$this->curl_code = $code;
function get_curl_code() {
return $this->curl_code;
function set_curl_headers($headers) {
$this->curl_headers = $headers;
function get_curl_headers() {
return $this->curl_headers;
// retrieve the App structure
// useful in functions which require it but don't get it passed to them
if(! function_exists('get_app')) {
function get_app() {
global $a;
return $a;
// Multi-purpose function to check variable state.
// Usage: x($var) or $x($array,'key')
// returns false if variable/key is not set
// if variable is set, returns 1 if has 'non-zero' value, otherwise returns 0.
// e.g. x('') or x(0) returns 0;
if(! function_exists('x')) {
function x($s,$k = NULL) {
if($k != NULL) {
if((is_array($s)) && (array_key_exists($k,$s))) {
return (int) 1;
return (int) 0;
return false;
else {
if(isset($s)) {
if($s) {
return (int) 1;
return (int) 0;
return false;
// called from db initialisation if db is dead.
if(! function_exists('system_unavailable')) {
function system_unavailable() {
function clean_urls() {
global $a;
// if($a->config['system']['clean_urls'])
return true;
// return false;
function z_path() {
global $a;
$base = $a->get_baseurl();
if(! clean_urls())
$base .= '/?q=';
return $base;
function z_root() {
global $a;
return $a->get_baseurl();
function absurl($path) {
if(strpos($path,'/') === 0)
return z_path() . $path;
return $path;
function is_ajax() {
return (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest');
// Primarily involved with database upgrade, but also sets the
// base url for use in cmdline programs which don't have
// $_SERVER variables, and synchronising the state of installed plugins.
if(! function_exists('check_config')) {
function check_config(&$a) {
$build = get_config('system','build');
if(! x($build))
$build = set_config('system','build',DB_UPDATE_VERSION);
$url = get_config('system','url');
// if the url isn't set or the stored url is radically different
// than the currently visited url, store the current value accordingly.
// "Radically different" ignores common variations such as http vs https
// and www.example.com vs example.com.
if((! x($url)) || (! link_compare($url,$a->get_baseurl())))
$url = set_config('system','url',$a->get_baseurl());
if($build != DB_UPDATE_VERSION) {
$stored = intval($build);
$current = intval(DB_UPDATE_VERSION);
if(($stored < $current) && file_exists('update.php')) {
// We're reporting a different version than what is currently installed.
// Run any existing update scripts to bring the database up to current.
// make sure that boot.php and update.php are the same release, we might be
// updating right this very second and the correct version of the update.php
// file may not be here yet. This can happen on a very busy site.
for($x = $stored; $x < $current; $x ++) {
if(function_exists('update_' . $x)) {
// There could be a lot of processes running or about to run.
// We want exactly one process to run the update command.
// So store the fact that we're taking responsibility
// after first checking to see if somebody else already has.
// If the update fails or times-out completely you may need to
// delete the config entry to try again.
if(get_config('database','update_' . $x))
set_config('database','update_' . $x, '1');
// call the specific update
global $db;
try {
$func = 'update_' . $x;
} catch(Exception $ex) {
//send the administrator an e-mail
$email_tpl = get_intltext_template("update_fail_eml.tpl");
$email_tpl = replace_macros($email_tpl, array(
'$sitename' => $a->config['sitename'],
'$siteurl' => $a->get_baseurl(),
'$update' => $x,
'$error' => $ex->getMessage());
$subject=sprintf(t('Update Error at %s'), $a->get_baseurl());
mail($email, $subject, $text,
'From: ' . t('Administrator') . '@' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "\n"
. 'Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8' . "\n"
. 'Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit' );
//try the logger
logger('update failed: '.$ex->getMessage().EOL);
set_config('system','build', DB_UPDATE_VERSION);
* Synchronise plugins:
* $a->config['system']['addon'] contains a comma-separated list of names
* of plugins/addons which are used on this system.
* Go through the database list of already installed addons, and if we have
* an entry, but it isn't in the config list, call the uninstall procedure
* and mark it uninstalled in the database (for now we'll remove it).
* Then go through the config list and if we have a plugin that isn't installed,
* call the install procedure and add it to the database.
$r = q("SELECT * FROM `addon` WHERE `installed` = 1");
$installed = $r;
$installed = array();
$plugins = get_config('system','addon');
$plugins_arr = array();
$plugins_arr = explode(',',str_replace(' ', '',$plugins));
$a->plugins = $plugins_arr;
$installed_arr = array();
if(count($installed)) {
foreach($installed as $i) {
if(! in_array($i['name'],$plugins_arr)) {
$installed_arr[] = $i['name'];
if(count($plugins_arr)) {
foreach($plugins_arr as $p) {
if(! in_array($p,$installed_arr)) {
function get_guid($size=16) {
$exists = true; // assume by default that we don't have a unique guid
do {
$s = random_string($size);
$r = q("select id from guid where guid = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($s));
if(! count($r))
$exists = false;
} while($exists);
q("insert into guid ( guid ) values ( '%s' ) ", dbesc($s));
return $s;
// wrapper for adding a login box. If $register == true provide a registration
// link. This will most always depend on the value of $a->config['register_policy'].
// returns the complete html for inserting into the page
if(! function_exists('login')) {
function login($register = false, $hiddens=false) {
$a = get_app();
$o = "";
$reg = false;
if ($register) {
$reg = array(
'title' => t('Create a New Account'),
'desc' => t('Register')
$noid = get_config('system','no_openid');
$dest_url = $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/' . $a->query_string;
if(local_user()) {
$tpl = get_markup_template("logout.tpl");
else {
$tpl = get_markup_template("login.tpl");
$_SESSION['return_url'] = $a->query_string;
$o .= replace_macros($tpl,array(
'$dest_url' => $dest_url,
'$logout' => t('Logout'),
'$login' => t('Login'),
'$lname' => array('username', t('Nickname or Email address: ') , '', ''),
'$lpassword' => array('password', t('Password: '), '', ''),
'$openid' => !$noid,
'$lopenid' => array('openid_url', t('Or login using OpenID: '),'',''),
'$hiddens' => $hiddens,
'$register' => $reg,
'$lostpass' => t('Forgot your password?'),
'$lostlink' => t('Password Reset'),
return $o;
// Used to end the current process, after saving session state.
if(! function_exists('killme')) {
function killme() {
// redirect to another URL and terminate this process.
if(! function_exists('goaway')) {
function goaway($s) {
header("Location: $s");
// Returns the uid of locally logged in user or false.
if(! function_exists('local_user')) {
function local_user() {
if((x($_SESSION,'authenticated')) && (x($_SESSION,'uid')))
return intval($_SESSION['uid']);
return false;
// Returns contact id of authenticated site visitor or false
if(! function_exists('remote_user')) {
function remote_user() {
if((x($_SESSION,'authenticated')) && (x($_SESSION,'visitor_id')))
return intval($_SESSION['visitor_id']);
return false;
// contents of $s are displayed prominently on the page the next time
// a page is loaded. Usually used for errors or alerts.
if(! function_exists('notice')) {
function notice($s) {
$a = get_app();
if(! x($_SESSION,'sysmsg')) $_SESSION['sysmsg'] = array();
$_SESSION['sysmsg'][] = $s;
if(! function_exists('info')) {
function info($s) {
$a = get_app();
if(! x($_SESSION,'sysmsg_info')) $_SESSION['sysmsg_info'] = array();
$_SESSION['sysmsg_info'][] = $s;
// wrapper around config to limit the text length of an incoming message
if(! function_exists('get_max_import_size')) {
function get_max_import_size() {
global $a;
return ((x($a->config,'max_import_size')) ? $a->config['max_import_size'] : 0 );
* Function : profile_load
* @parameter App $a
* @parameter string $nickname
* @parameter int $profile
* Summary: Loads a profile into the page sidebar.
* The function requires a writeable copy of the main App structure, and the nickname
* of a registered local account.
* If the viewer is an authenticated remote viewer, the profile displayed is the
* one that has been configured for his/her viewing in the Contact manager.
* Passing a non-zero profile ID can also allow a preview of a selected profile
* by the owner.
* Profile information is placed in the App structure for later retrieval.
* Honours the owner's chosen theme for display.
if(! function_exists('profile_load')) {
function profile_load(&$a, $nickname, $profile = 0) {
if(remote_user()) {
$r = q("SELECT `profile-id` FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1",
$profile = $r[0]['profile-id'];
$r = null;
if($profile) {
$profile_int = intval($profile);
$r = q("SELECT `profile`.`uid` AS `profile_uid`, `profile`.* , `contact`.`avatar-date` AS picdate, `user`.* FROM `profile`
left join `contact` on `contact`.`uid` = `profile`.`uid` LEFT JOIN `user` ON `profile`.`uid` = `user`.`uid`
WHERE `user`.`nickname` = '%s' AND `profile`.`id` = %d and `contact`.`self` = 1 LIMIT 1",
if((! $r) && (! count($r))) {
$r = q("SELECT `profile`.`uid` AS `profile_uid`, `profile`.* , `contact`.`avatar-date` AS picdate, `user`.* FROM `profile`
left join `contact` on `contact`.`uid` = `profile`.`uid` LEFT JOIN `user` ON `profile`.`uid` = `user`.`uid`
WHERE `user`.`nickname` = '%s' AND `profile`.`is-default` = 1 and `contact`.`self` = 1 LIMIT 1",
if(($r === false) || (! count($r))) {
notice( t('Requested profile is not available.') . EOL );
$a->error = 404;
// fetch user tags if this isn't the default profile
if(! $r[0]['is-default']) {
$x = q("select `pub_keywords` from `profile` where uid = %d and `is-default` = 1 limit 1",
if($x && count($x))
$r[0]['pub_keywords'] = $x[0]['pub_keywords'];
$a->profile = $r[0];
$a->page['title'] = $a->profile['name'] . " @ " . $a->config['sitename'];
$_SESSION['theme'] = $a->profile['theme'];
* load/reload current theme info
$theme_info_file = "view/theme/".current_theme()."/theme.php";
if (file_exists($theme_info_file)){
if(! (x($a->page,'aside')))
$a->page['aside'] = '';
if(local_user() && local_user() == $a->profile['uid']) {
$a->page['aside'] .= replace_macros(get_markup_template('profile_edlink.tpl'),array(
'$editprofile' => t('Edit profile'),
'$profid' => $a->profile['id']
$block = (((get_config('system','block_public')) && (! local_user()) && (! remote_user())) ? true : false);
$a->page['aside'] .= profile_sidebar($a->profile, $block);
/*if(! $block)
$a->page['aside'] .= contact_block();*/
* Function: profile_sidebar
* Formats a profile for display in the sidebar.
* It is very difficult to templatise the HTML completely
* because of all the conditional logic.
* @parameter: array $profile
* Returns HTML string stuitable for sidebar inclusion
* Exceptions: Returns empty string if passed $profile is wrong type or not populated
if(! function_exists('profile_sidebar')) {
function profile_sidebar($profile, $block = 0) {
$a = get_app();
$o = '';
$location = false;
$address = false;
$pdesc = true;
if((! is_array($profile)) && (! count($profile)))
return $o;
$profile['picdate'] = urlencode($profile['picdate']);
call_hooks('profile_sidebar_enter', $profile);
// don't show connect link to yourself
$connect = (($profile['uid'] != local_user()) ? t('Connect') : False);
// don't show connect link to authenticated visitors either
if((remote_user()) && ($_SESSION['visitor_visiting'] == $profile['uid']))
$connect = False;
if(get_my_url() && $profile['unkmail'])
$wallmessage = t('Message');
$wallmessage = false;
// show edit profile to yourself
if ($profile['uid'] == local_user()) {
$profile['edit'] = array($a->get_baseurl(). '/profiles', t('Profiles'),"", t('Manage/edit profiles'));
$r = q("SELECT * FROM `profile` WHERE `uid` = %d",
$profile['menu'] = array(
'chg_photo' => t('Change profile photo'),
'cr_new' => t('Create New Profile'),
'entries' => array(),
if(count($r)) {
foreach($r as $rr) {
$profile['menu']['entries'][] = array(
'photo' => $rr['thumb'],
'id' => $rr['id'],
'alt' => t('Profile Image'),
'profile_name' => $rr['profile-name'],
'isdefault' => $rr['is-default'],
'visibile_to_everybody' => t('visible to everybody'),
'edit_visibility' => t('Edit visibility'),
if((x($profile,'address') == 1)
|| (x($profile,'locality') == 1)
|| (x($profile,'region') == 1)
|| (x($profile,'postal-code') == 1)
|| (x($profile,'country-name') == 1))
$location = t('Location:');
$gender = ((x($profile,'gender') == 1) ? t('Gender:') : False);
$marital = ((x($profile,'marital') == 1) ? t('Status:') : False);
$homepage = ((x($profile,'homepage') == 1) ? t('Homepage:') : False);
if(($profile['hidewall'] || $block) && (! local_user()) && (! remote_user())) {
$location = $pdesc = $gender = $marital = $homepage = False;
$firstname = ((strpos($profile['name'],' '))
? trim(substr($profile['name'],0,strpos($profile['name'],' '))) : $profile['name']);
$lastname = (($firstname === $profile['name']) ? '' : trim(substr($profile['name'],strlen($firstname))));
$diaspora = array(
'podloc' => $a->get_baseurl(),
'searchable' => (($profile['publish'] && $profile['net-publish']) ? 'true' : 'false' ),
'nickname' => $profile['nickname'],
'fullname' => $profile['name'],
'firstname' => $firstname,
'lastname' => $lastname,
'photo300' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/photo/custom/300/' . $profile['uid'] . '.jpg',
'photo100' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/photo/custom/100/' . $profile['uid'] . '.jpg',
'photo50' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/photo/custom/50/' . $profile['uid'] . '.jpg',
if (!$block){
$contact_block = contact_block();
$tpl = get_markup_template('profile_vcard.tpl');
$o .= replace_macros($tpl, array(
'$profile' => $profile,
'$connect' => $connect,
'$wallmessage' => $wallmessage,
'$location' => template_escape($location),
'$gender' => $gender,
'$pdesc' => $pdesc,
'$marital' => $marital,
'$homepage' => $homepage,
'$diaspora' => $diaspora,
'$contact_block' => $contact_block,
$arr = array('profile' => &$profile, 'entry' => &$o);
call_hooks('profile_sidebar', $arr);
return $o;
if(! function_exists('get_birthdays')) {
function get_birthdays() {
$a = get_app();
$o = '';
if(! local_user())
return $o;
$bd_format = t('g A l F d') ; // 8 AM Friday January 18
$bd_short = t('F d');
$r = q("SELECT `event`.*, `event`.`id` AS `eid`, `contact`.* FROM `event`
LEFT JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `event`.`cid`
WHERE `event`.`uid` = %d AND `type` = 'birthday' AND `start` < '%s' AND `finish` > '%s'
ORDER BY `start` ASC ",
dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now + 6 days')),
if($r && count($r)) {
$total = 0;
$now = strtotime('now');
$cids = array();
$istoday = false;
foreach($r as $rr) {
$total ++;
if((strtotime($rr['start'] . ' +00:00') < $now) && (strtotime($rr['finish'] . ' +00:00') > $now))
$istoday = true;
$classtoday = $istoday ? ' birthday-today ' : '';
if($total) {
$o .= '<div id="birthday-notice" class="birthday-notice fakelink' . $classtoday . '" onclick=openClose(\'birthday-wrapper\'); >' . t('Birthday Reminders') . ' ' . '(' . $total . ')' . '</div>';
$o .= '<div id="birthday-wrapper" style="display: none;" ><div id="birthday-title">' . t('Birthdays this week:') . '</div>';
$o .= '<div id="birthday-title-end"></div>';
foreach($r as $rr) {
if(! strlen($rr['name']))
// avoid duplicates
$cids[] = $rr['cid'];
$today = (((strtotime($rr['start'] . ' +00:00') < $now) && (strtotime($rr['finish'] . ' +00:00') > $now)) ? true : false);
$sparkle = '';
$url = $rr['url'];
if($rr['network'] === NETWORK_DFRN) {
$sparkle = " sparkle";
$url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/redir/' . $rr['cid'];
$o .= '<div class="birthday-list" id="birthday-' . $rr['eid'] . '"><a class="birthday-link$sparkle" target="redir" href="'
. $url . '">' . $rr['name'] . '</a> '
. day_translate(datetime_convert('UTC', $a->timezone, $rr['start'], $rr['adjust'] ? $bd_format : $bd_short)) . (($today) ? ' ' . t('[today]') : '')
. '</div>' ;
$o .= '</div></div>';
return $o;
if(! function_exists('get_events')) {
function get_events() {
$a = get_app();
$o = '';
if(! local_user())
return $o;
$bd_format = t('g A l F d') ; // 8 AM Friday January 18
$bd_short = t('F d');
$r = q("SELECT `event`.* FROM `event`
WHERE `event`.`uid` = %d AND `type` != 'birthday' AND `start` < '%s' AND `start` > '%s'
ORDER BY `start` ASC ",
dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now + 6 days')),
dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now - 1 days'))
if($r && count($r)) {
$now = strtotime('now');
$istoday = false;
foreach($r as $rr) {
$total ++;
$strt = datetime_convert('UTC',$rr['convert'] ? $a->timezone : 'UTC',$rr['start'],'Y-m-d');
if($strt === datetime_convert('UTC',$a->timezone,'now','Y-m-d'))
$istoday = true;
$classtoday = (($istoday) ? ' event-today ' : '');
$o .= '<div id="event-notice" class="birthday-notice fakelink' . $classtoday . '" onclick=openClose(\'event-wrapper\'); >' . t('Event Reminders') . ' ' . '(' . count($r) . ')' . '</div>';
$o .= '<div id="event-wrapper" style="display: none;" ><div id="event-title">' . t('Events this week:') . '</div>';
$o .= '<div id="event-title-end"></div>';
foreach($r as $rr) {
$md = datetime_convert('UTC',$a->timezone,$rr['start'],'Y/m\#\l\i\n\k\-j');
$md = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$rr['start'],'Y/m\#\l\i\n\k\-j');
$title = substr(strip_tags(bbcode($rr['desc'])),0,32) . '... ';
if(! $title)
$title = t('[No description]');
$strt = datetime_convert('UTC',$rr['convert'] ? $a->timezone : 'UTC',$rr['start']);
$today = ((substr($strt,0,10) === datetime_convert('UTC',$a->timezone,'now','Y-m-d')) ? true : false);
$o .= '<div class="event-list" id="event-' . $rr['eid'] . '"></a> <a href="events/' . $md . '">' . $title . '</a>'
. day_translate(datetime_convert('UTC', $rr['adjust'] ? $a->timezone : 'UTC', $rr['start'], $bd_format)) . (($today) ? ' ' . t('[today]') : '')
. '</div>' ;
$o .= '</div></div>';
return $o;
* Wrap calls to proc_close(proc_open()) and call hook
* so plugins can take part in process :)
* args:
* $cmd program to run
* next args are passed as $cmd command line
* e.g.: proc_run("ls","-la","/tmp");
* $cmd and string args are surrounded with ""
if(! function_exists('proc_run')) {
function proc_run($cmd){
$a = get_app();
$args = func_get_args();
$arr = array('args' => $args, 'run_cmd' => true);
call_hooks("proc_run", $arr);
if(! $arr['run_cmd'])
if(count($args) && $args[0] === 'php')
$args[0] = ((x($a->config,'php_path')) && (strlen($a->config['php_path'])) ? $a->config['php_path'] : 'php');
foreach ($args as $arg){
$arg = escapeshellarg($arg);
$cmdline = implode($args," ");
proc_close(proc_open($cmdline." &",array(),$foo));
if(! function_exists('current_theme')) {
function current_theme(){
$app_base_themes = array('duepuntozero', 'loozah');
$a = get_app();
$system_theme = ((isset($a->config['system']['theme'])) ? $a->config['system']['theme'] : '');
$theme_name = ((isset($_SESSION) && x($_SESSION,'theme')) ? $_SESSION['theme'] : $system_theme);
if($theme_name &&
(file_exists('view/theme/' . $theme_name . '/style.css') ||
file_exists('view/theme/' . $theme_name . '/style.php')))
foreach($app_base_themes as $t) {
if(file_exists('view/theme/' . $t . '/style.css')||
file_exists('view/theme/' . $t . '/style.php'))
$fallback = glob('view/theme/*/style.[css|php]');
return (str_replace('view/theme/','', substr($fallback[0],0,-10)));
* Return full URL to theme which is currently in effect.
* Provide a sane default if nothing is chosen or the specified theme does not exist.
if(! function_exists('current_theme_url')) {
function current_theme_url() {
global $a;
$t = current_theme();
if (file_exists('view/theme/' . $t . '/style.php'))
return($a->get_baseurl() . '/view/theme/' . $t . '/style.pcss');
return($a->get_baseurl() . '/view/theme/' . $t . '/style.css');
if(! function_exists('feed_birthday')) {
function feed_birthday($uid,$tz) {
* Determine the next birthday, but only if the birthday is published
* in the default profile. We _could_ also look for a private profile that the
* recipient can see, but somebody could get mad at us if they start getting
* public birthday greetings when they haven't made this info public.
* Assuming we are able to publish this info, we are then going to convert
* the start time from the owner's timezone to UTC.
* This will potentially solve the problem found with some social networks
* where birthdays are converted to the viewer's timezone and salutations from
* elsewhere in the world show up on the wrong day. We will convert it to the
* viewer's timezone also, but first we are going to convert it from the birthday
* person's timezone to GMT - so the viewer may find the birthday starting at
* 6:00PM the day before, but that will correspond to midnight to the birthday person.
$birthday = '';
if(! strlen($tz))
$tz = 'UTC';
$p = q("SELECT `dob` FROM `profile` WHERE `is-default` = 1 AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
if($p && count($p)) {
$tmp_dob = substr($p[0]['dob'],5);
if(intval($tmp_dob)) {
$y = datetime_convert($tz,$tz,'now','Y');
$bd = $y . '-' . $tmp_dob . ' 00:00';
$t_dob = strtotime($bd);
$now = strtotime(datetime_convert($tz,$tz,'now'));
if($t_dob < $now)
$bd = $y + 1 . '-' . $tmp_dob . ' 00:00';
$birthday = datetime_convert($tz,'UTC',$bd,ATOM_TIME);
return $birthday;
if(! function_exists('is_site_admin')) {
function is_site_admin() {
$a = get_app();
if(local_user() && x($a->user,'email') && x($a->config,'admin_email') && ($a->user['email'] === $a->config['admin_email']))
return true;
return false;
if(! function_exists('load_contact_links')) {
function load_contact_links($uid) {
$a = get_app();
$ret = array();
if(! $uid || x($a->contacts,'empty'))
$r = q("SELECT `id`,`network`,`url`,`thumb` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 0 AND `blocked` = 0 ",
if(count($r)) {
foreach($r as $rr){
$url = normalise_link($rr['url']);
$ret[$url] = $rr;
$ret['empty'] = true;
$a->contacts = $ret;
if(! function_exists('profile_tabs')){
function profile_tabs($a, $is_owner=False, $nickname=Null){
//echo "<pre>"; var_dump($a->user); killme();
if (is_null($nickname))
$nickname = $a->user['nickname'];
$tab = notags(trim($_GET['tab']));
$url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $nickname;
$tabs = array(
'url' => $url,
'sel' => ((!isset($tab)&&$a->argv[0]=='profile')?'active':''),
'label' => t('Profile'),
'url' => $url.'/?tab=profile',
'sel' => ((isset($tab) && $tab=='profile')?'active':''),
'label' => t('Photos'),
'url' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/photos/' . $nickname,
'sel' => ((!isset($tab)&&$a->argv[0]=='photos')?'active':''),
if ($is_owner){
$tabs[] = array(
'label' => t('Events'),
'url' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/events',
'sel' =>((!isset($tab)&&$a->argv[0]=='events')?'active':''),
$tabs[] = array(
'label' => t('Personal Notes'),
'url' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/notes',
'sel' =>((!isset($tab)&&$a->argv[0]=='notes')?'active':''),
$arr = array('is_owner' => $is_owner, 'nickname' => $nickname, 'tab' => (($tab) ? $tab : false), 'tabs' => $tabs);
call_hooks('profile_tabs', $arr);
$tpl = get_markup_template('common_tabs.tpl');
return replace_macros($tpl,array('$tabs' => $arr['tabs']));
function get_my_url() {
return $_SESSION['my_url'];
return false;
function zrl($s) {
if(! strlen($s))
return $s;
if(! strpos($s,'/profile/'))
return $s;
$achar = strpos($s,'?') ? '&' : '?';
$mine = get_my_url();
if($mine and ! link_compare($mine,$s))
return $s . $achar . 'zrl=' . urlencode($mine);
return $s;