Add console commands

- Add Config command
- Add Probe command
- Add PoToPhp command
- Remove po2php script
This commit is contained in:
Hypolite Petovan 2018-05-04 08:16:36 -04:00
parent 4da0d68bad
commit ac41f7caf3
4 changed files with 452 additions and 122 deletions

src/Core/Console/Config.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
namespace Friendica\Directory\Core\Console;
use Asika\SimpleConsole\CommandArgsException;
use dba;
use Friendica\Core;
require_once 'include/dba.php';
require_once 'include/text.php';
* @brief tool to access the system config from the CLI
* With this script you can access the system configuration of your node from
* the CLI. You can do both, reading current values stored in the database and
* set new values to config variables.
* Usage:
* If you specify no parameters at the CLI, the script will list all config
* variables defined.
* If you specify one parameter, the script will list all config variables
* defined in this section of the configuration (e.g. "system").
* If you specify two parameters, the script will show you the current value
* of the named configuration setting. (e.g. "system loglevel")
* If you specify three parameters, the named configuration setting will be
* set to the value of the last parameter. (e.g. "system loglevel 0" will
* disable logging)
* @author Tobias Diekershoff
* @author Hypolite Petovan <>
class Config extends \Asika\SimpleConsole\Console
protected $helpOptions = ['h', 'help', '?'];
protected function getHelp()
$help = <<<HELP
console config - Manage site configuration
bin/console config [-h|--help|-?] [-v]
bin/console config <category> [-h|--help|-?] [-v]
bin/console config <category> <key> [-h|--help|-?] [-v]
bin/console config <category> <key> <value> [-h|--help|-?] [-v]
bin/console config
Lists all config values
bin/console config <category>
Lists all config values in the provided category
bin/console config <category> <key>
Shows the value of the provided key in the category
bin/console config <category> <key> <value>
Sets the value of the provided key in the category
Setting config entries which are manually set in .htconfig.php may result in
conflict between database settings and the manual startup settings.
-h|--help|-? Show help information
-v Show more debug information.
return $help;
protected function doExecute()
$a = get_app();
if ($this->getOption('v')) {
$this->out('Executable: ' . $this->executable);
$this->out('Class: ' . __CLASS__);
$this->out('Arguments: ' . var_export($this->args, true));
$this->out('Options: ' . var_export($this->options, true));
if (count($this->args) > 3) {
throw new CommandArgsException('Too many arguments');
require_once '.htconfig.php';
$db = new dba($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data);
unset($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data);
if (!$result) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to connect to database');
if (count($this->args) == 3) {
Core\Config::set($this->getArgument(0), $this->getArgument(1), $this->getArgument(2));
$this->out("config[{$this->getArgument(0)}][{$this->getArgument(1)}] = " . Core\Config::get($this->getArgument(0),
if (count($this->args) == 2) {
$this->out("config[{$this->getArgument(0)}][{$this->getArgument(1)}] = " . Core\Config::get($this->getArgument(0),
if (count($this->args) == 1) {
$a = get_app();
if (!is_null($a->config[$this->getArgument(0)])) {
foreach ($a->config[$this->getArgument(0)] as $k => $x) {
$this->out("config[{$this->getArgument(0)}][{$k}] = " . $x);
} else {
$this->out('Config section ' . $this->getArgument(0) . ' returned nothing');
if (count($this->args) == 0) {
$configs = dba::select('config');
foreach ($configs as $config) {
$this->out("config[{$config['cat']}][{$config['k']}] = " . $config['v']);
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
namespace Friendica\Directory\Core\Console;
* Read a messages.po file and create strings.php in the same directory
* @author Hypolite Petovan <>
class PoToPhp extends \Asika\SimpleConsole\Console
protected $helpOptions = ['h', 'help', '?'];
const DQ_ESCAPE = "__DQ__";
protected function getHelp()
$help = <<<HELP
console php2po - Generate a strings.php file from a messages.po file
bin/console php2po <path/to/messages.po> [-h|--help|-?] [-v]
Read a messages.po file and create the according strings.php in the same directory
-h|--help|-? Show help information
-v Show more debug information.
return $help;
protected function doExecute()
if ($this->getOption('v')) {
$this->out('Class: ' . __CLASS__);
$this->out('Arguments: ' . var_export($this->args, true));
$this->out('Options: ' . var_export($this->options, true));
if (count($this->args) == 0) {
return 0;
if (count($this->args) > 1) {
throw new \Asika\SimpleConsole\CommandArgsException('Too many arguments');
$a = get_app();
$pofile = realpath($this->getArgument(0));
if (!file_exists($pofile)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Supplied file path doesn\'t exist.');
if (!is_writable(dirname($pofile))) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Supplied directory isn\'t writable.');
$outfile = dirname($pofile) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'strings.php';
if (strstr($outfile, 'util')) {
$lang = 'en';
} else {
$lang = str_replace('-', '_', basename(dirname($pofile)));
$this->out('Out to ' . $outfile);
$out = "<?php\n\n";
$infile = file($pofile);
$k = '';
$v = '';
$arr = false;
$ink = false;
$inv = false;
$escape_s_exp = '|[^\\\\]\$[a-z]|';
foreach ($infile as $l) {
$l = str_replace('\"', self::DQ_ESCAPE, $l);
$len = strlen($l);
if ($l[0] == "#") {
$l = "";
if (substr($l, 0, 15) == '"Plural-Forms: ') {
$match = [];
preg_match("|nplurals=([0-9]*); *plural=(.*)[;\\\\]|", $l, $match);
$cond = str_replace('n', '$n', $match[2]);
// define plural select function if not already defined
$fnname = 'string_plural_select_' . $lang;
$out .= 'if(! function_exists("' . $fnname . '")) {' . "\n";
$out .= 'function ' . $fnname . '($n){' . "\n";
$out .= ' return ' . $cond . ';' . "\n";
$out .= '}}' . "\n";
if ($k != '' && substr($l, 0, 7) == 'msgstr ') {
if ($ink) {
$ink = false;
$out .= '$a->strings["' . $k . '"] = ';
if ($inv) {
$inv = false;
$out .= '"' . $v . '"';
$v = substr($l, 8, $len - 10);
$v = preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp, [$this, 'escapeDollar'], $v);
$inv = true;
if ($k != "" && substr($l, 0, 7) == 'msgstr[') {
if ($ink) {
$ink = false;
$out .= '$a->strings["' . $k . '"] = ';
if ($inv) {
$inv = false;
$out .= '"' . $v . '"';
if (!$arr) {
$arr = true;
$out .= "[\n";
$match = [];
preg_match("|\[([0-9]*)\] (.*)|", $l, $match);
$out .= "\t"
. preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp, [$this, 'escapeDollar'], $match[1])
. ' => '
. preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp, [$this, 'escapeDollar'], $match[2])
. ",\n";
if (substr($l, 0, 6) == 'msgid_') {
$ink = false;
$out .= '$a->strings["' . $k . '"] = ';
if ($ink) {
$k .= trim($l, "\"\r\n");
$k = preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp, [$this, 'escapeDollar'], $k);
if (substr($l, 0, 6) == 'msgid ') {
if ($inv) {
$inv = false;
$out .= '"' . $v . '"';
if ($k != "") {
$out .= ($arr) ? "];\n" : ";\n";
$arr = false;
$k = str_replace("msgid ", "", $l);
if ($k != '""') {
$k = trim($k, "\"\r\n");
} else {
$k = '';
$k = preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp, [$this, 'escapeDollar'], $k);
$ink = true;
if ($inv && substr($l, 0, 6) != "msgstr") {
$v .= trim($l, "\"\r\n");
$v = preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp, [$this, 'escapeDollar'], $v);
if ($inv) {
$inv = false;
$out .= '"' . $v . '"';
if ($k != '') {
$out .= ($arr ? "];\n" : ";\n");
$out = str_replace(self::DQ_ESCAPE, '\"', $out);
if (!file_put_contents($outfile, $out)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to write to ' . $outfile);
return 0;
private function escapeDollar($match)
return str_replace('$', '\$', $match[0]);

src/Core/Console/Probe.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
namespace Friendica\Directory\Core\Console;
use Asika\SimpleConsole\CommandArgsException;
use Asika\SimpleConsole\Console;
use dba;
use Net_Ping;
require_once 'include/dba.php';
require_once 'include/site-health.php';
* @brief Probe a single site
* License: AGPLv3 or later, same as Friendica
* @author Hypolite Petovan <>
class Probe extends Console
protected $helpOptions = ['h', 'help', '?'];
protected function getHelp()
$help = <<<HELP
console globalcommunityblock - Block remote profile from interacting with this node
bin/console globalcommunityblock <profile_url> [-h|--help|-?] [-v]
Blocks an account in such a way that no postings or comments this account writes are accepted to this node.
-h|--help|-? Show help information
-v Show more debug information.
return $help;
protected function doExecute()
global $db, $a;
$a = new \Friendica\Directory\App();
if ($this->getOption('v')) {
$this->out('Class: ' . __CLASS__);
$this->out('Arguments: ' . var_export($this->args, true));
$this->out('Options: ' . var_export($this->options, true));
require_once '.htconfig.php';
$db = new dba($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data);
unset($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data);
if ($this->getOption('all')) {
$sites = q('SELECT * FROM `site-health` WHERE `health_score` >= 0');
if (is_bool($sites)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('SQL Error');
} elseif (!count($sites)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('No sites to probe ' . intval($this->getArgument(0)));
} else {
foreach($sites as $site) {
$this->out('Running probe for site ID ' . $site['id']);
run_site_probe($site['id'], $site);
return 0;
if (count($this->args) == 0) {
return 0;
if (count($this->args) > 1) {
throw new CommandArgsException('Too many arguments');
if (is_numeric($this->getArgument(0))) {
$site_health = q('SELECT * FROM `site-health` WHERE `id` = %u LIMIT 1', intval($this->getArgument(0)));
if (is_bool($site_health)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('SQL Error');
} elseif (!count($site_health)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Unknown site with ID ' . intval($this->getArgument(0)));
} else {
$site_health = $site_health[0];
} else {
$site_health = q('SELECT * FROM `site-health` WHERE `base_url` LIKE "%%%s%%" OR `effective_base_url` LIKE "%%%s%%" LIMIT 1',
$this->getArgument(0), $this->getArgument(0));
if (is_bool($site_health)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('SQL Error');
} elseif (!count($site_health)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Unknown site with base URL ' . $this->getArgument(0));
} else {
$site_health = $site_health[0];
$this->out(var_export($site_health, true));
$this->out('Running probe for site ID ' . $site_health['id']);
run_site_probe($site_health['id'], $site_health);
$this->out(var_export($site_health, true));
return 0;

View File

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
function po2php_run($argv, $argc) {
if ($argc!=2) {
print "Usage: ".$argv[0]." <file.po>\n\n";
$pofile = $argv[1];
$outfile = dirname($pofile)."/strings.php";
$lang = 'en';
$lang = str_replace('-','_',basename(dirname($pofile)));
if (!file_exists($pofile)){
print "Unable to find '$pofile'\n";
print "Out to '$outfile'\n";
$infile = file($pofile);
$arr = False;
$ink = False;
$inv = False;
$escape_s_exp = '|[^\\\\]\$[a-z]|';
function escape_s($match){
return str_replace('$','\$',$match[0]);
foreach ($infile as $l) {
$len = strlen($l);
if ($l[0]=="#") $l="";
if (substr($l,0,15)=='"Plural-Forms: '){
preg_match("|nplurals=([0-9]*); *plural=(.*)[;\\\\]|", $l, $match);
$cond = str_replace('n','$n',$match[2]);
$out .= 'function string_plural_select_' . $lang . '($n){'."\n";
$out .= ' return '.$cond.';'."\n";
$out .= '}'."\n";
if ($k!="" && substr($l,0,7)=="msgstr "){
if ($ink) { $ink = False; $out .= '$a->strings["'.$k.'"] = '; }
if ($inv) { $inv = False; $out .= '"'.$v.'"'; }
$v = substr($l,8,$len-10);
$v = preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp,'escape_s',$v);
$inv = True;
//$out .= $v;
if ($k!="" && substr($l,0,7)=="msgstr["){
if ($ink) { $ink = False; $out .= '$a->strings["'.$k.'"] = '; }
if ($inv) { $inv = False; $out .= '"'.$v.'"'; }
if (!$arr) {
$out .= "array(\n";
preg_match("|\[([0-9]*)\] (.*)|", $l, $match);
$out .= "\t".
." => "
.preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp,'escape_s',$match[2]) .",\n";
if (substr($l,0,6)=="msgid_") { $ink = False; $out .= '$a->strings["'.$k.'"] = '; };
if ($ink) {
$k .= trim($l,"\"\r\n");
$k = preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp,'escape_s',$k);
//$out .= '$a->strings['.$k.'] = ';
if (substr($l,0,6)=="msgid "){
if ($inv) { $inv = False; $out .= '"'.$v.'"'; }
if ($k!="") $out .= $arr?");\n":";\n";
$k = str_replace("msgid ","",$l);
if ($k != '""' ) {
$k = trim($k,"\"\r\n");
} else {
$k = "";
$k = preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp,'escape_s',$k);
$ink = True;
if ($inv && substr($l,0,6)!="msgstr") {
$v .= trim($l,"\"\r\n");
$v = preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp,'escape_s',$v);
//$out .= '$a->strings['.$k.'] = ';
if ($inv) { $inv = False; $out .= '"'.$v.'"'; }
if ($k!="") $out .= $arr?");\n":";\n";
file_put_contents($outfile, $out);
if (array_search(__file__,get_included_files())===0){