Thomas Willingham 6eff506cdd Add the dlogger
2017-04-30 11:14:38 +01:00

2239 lines
58 KiB

if(! function_exists('replace_macros')) {
* This is our template processor
* @param string|FriendicaSmarty $s the string requiring macro substitution,
* or an instance of FriendicaSmarty
* @param array $r key value pairs (search => replace)
* @return string substituted string
function replace_macros($s,$r) {
$stamp1 = microtime(true);
$a = get_app();
// pass $baseurl to all templates
$r['$baseurl'] = App::get_baseurl();
$t = $a->template_engine();
try {
$output = $t->replace_macros($s,$r);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "<pre><b>".__function__."</b>: ".$e->getMessage()."</pre>"; killme();
$a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "rendering");
return $output;
// random string, there are 86 characters max in text mode, 128 for hex
// output is urlsafe
define('RANDOM_STRING_HEX', 0x00 );
define('RANDOM_STRING_TEXT', 0x01 );
if(! function_exists('random_string')) {
function random_string($size = 64,$type = RANDOM_STRING_HEX) {
// generate a bit of entropy and run it through the whirlpool
$s = hash('whirlpool', (string) rand() . uniqid(rand(),true) . (string) rand(),(($type == RANDOM_STRING_TEXT) ? true : false));
$s = (($type == RANDOM_STRING_TEXT) ? str_replace("\n","",base64url_encode($s,true)) : $s);
if(! function_exists('notags')) {
* This is our primary input filter.
* The high bit hack only involved some old IE browser, forget which (IE5/Mac?)
* that had an XSS attack vector due to stripping the high-bit on an 8-bit character
* after cleansing, and angle chars with the high bit set could get through as markup.
* This is now disabled because it was interfering with some legitimate unicode sequences
* and hopefully there aren't a lot of those browsers left.
* Use this on any text input where angle chars are not valid or permitted
* They will be replaced with safer brackets. This may be filtered further
* if these are not allowed either.
* @param string $string Input string
* @return string Filtered string
function notags($string) {
return(str_replace(array("<",">"), array('[',']'), $string));
// High-bit filter no longer used
// return(str_replace(array("<",">","\xBA","\xBC","\xBE"), array('[',']','','',''), $string));
if(! function_exists('escape_tags')) {
* use this on "body" or "content" input where angle chars shouldn't be removed,
* and allow them to be safely displayed.
* @param string $string
* @return string
function escape_tags($string) {
return(htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false));
// generate a string that's random, but usually pronounceable.
// used to generate initial passwords
if(! function_exists('autoname')) {
* generate a string that's random, but usually pronounceable.
* used to generate initial passwords
* @param int $len
* @return string
function autoname($len) {
if($len <= 0)
return '';
$vowels = array('a','a','ai','au','e','e','e','ee','ea','i','ie','o','ou','u');
if(mt_rand(0,5) == 4)
$vowels[] = 'y';
$cons = array(
$midcons = array('ck','ct','gn','ld','lf','lm','lt','mb','mm', 'mn','mp',
$noend = array('bl', 'br', 'cl','cr','dr','fl','fr','gl','gr',
'kh', 'kl','kr','mn','pl','pr','rh','tr','qu','wh');
$start = mt_rand(0,2);
if($start == 0)
$table = $vowels;
$table = $cons;
$word = '';
for ($x = 0; $x < $len; $x ++) {
$r = mt_rand(0,count($table) - 1);
$word .= $table[$r];
if($table == $vowels)
$table = array_merge($cons,$midcons);
$table = $vowels;
$word = substr($word,0,$len);
foreach($noend as $noe) {
if((strlen($word) > 2) && (substr($word,-2) == $noe)) {
$word = substr($word,0,-1);
if(substr($word,-1) == 'q')
$word = substr($word,0,-1);
return $word;
// escape text ($str) for XML transport
// returns escaped text.
if(! function_exists('xmlify')) {
* escape text ($str) for XML transport
* @param string $str
* @return string Escaped text.
function xmlify($str) {
/* $buffer = '';
$len = mb_strlen($str);
for($x = 0; $x < $len; $x ++) {
$char = mb_substr($str,$x,1);
switch( $char ) {
case "\r" :
case "&" :
$buffer .= '&amp;';
case "'" :
$buffer .= '&apos;';
case "\"" :
$buffer .= '&quot;';
case '<' :
$buffer .= '&lt;';
case '>' :
$buffer .= '&gt;';
case "\n" :
$buffer .= "\n";
default :
$buffer .= $char;
$buffer = mb_ereg_replace("&", "&amp;", $str);
$buffer = mb_ereg_replace("'", "&apos;", $buffer);
$buffer = mb_ereg_replace('"', "&quot;", $buffer);
$buffer = mb_ereg_replace("<", "&lt;", $buffer);
$buffer = mb_ereg_replace(">", "&gt;", $buffer);
$buffer = htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
$buffer = trim($buffer);
if(! function_exists('unxmlify')) {
* undo an xmlify
* @param string $s xml escaped text
* @return string unescaped text
function unxmlify($s) {
// $ret = str_replace('&amp;','&', $s);
// $ret = str_replace(array('&lt;','&gt;','&quot;','&apos;'),array('<','>','"',"'"),$ret);
/*$ret = mb_ereg_replace('&amp;', '&', $s);
$ret = mb_ereg_replace('&apos;', "'", $ret);
$ret = mb_ereg_replace('&quot;', '"', $ret);
$ret = mb_ereg_replace('&lt;', "<", $ret);
$ret = mb_ereg_replace('&gt;', ">", $ret);
$ret = htmlspecialchars_decode($s, ENT_QUOTES);
return $ret;
if(! function_exists('hex2bin')) {
* convenience wrapper, reverse the operation "bin2hex"
* @param string $s
* @return number
function hex2bin($s) {
if(! (is_string($s) && strlen($s)))
return '';
if(! ctype_xdigit($s)) {
* @brief Paginator function. Pushes relevant links in a pager array structure.
* Links are generated depending on the current page and the total number of items.
* Inactive links (like "first" and "prev" on page 1) are given the "disabled" class.
* Current page link is given the "active" CSS class
* @param App $a App instance
* @param int $count [optional] item count (used with minimal pager)
* @return Array data for pagination template
function paginate_data(App $a, $count = null) {
$stripped = preg_replace('/([&?]page=[0-9]*)/', '', $a->query_string);
$stripped = str_replace('q=', '', $stripped);
$stripped = trim($stripped, '/');
$pagenum = $a->pager['page'];
if (($a->page_offset != '') AND !preg_match('/[?&].offset=/', $stripped)) {
$stripped .= '&offset=' . urlencode($a->page_offset);
$url = $stripped;
$data = array();
function _l(&$d, $name, $url, $text, $class = '') {
if (strpos($url, '?') === false && ($pos = strpos($url, '&')) !== false) {
$url = substr($url, 0, $pos) . '?' . substr($url, $pos + 1);
$d[$name] = array('url' => $url, 'text' => $text, 'class' => $class);
if (!is_null($count)) {
// minimal pager (newer / older)
$data['class'] = 'pager';
_l($data, 'prev', $url . '&page=' . ($a->pager['page'] - 1), t('newer'), 'previous' . ($a->pager['page'] == 1 ? ' disabled' : ''));
_l($data, 'next', $url . '&page=' . ($a->pager['page'] + 1), t('older'), 'next' . ($count <= 0 ? ' disabled' : ''));
} else {
// full pager (first / prev / 1 / 2 / ... / 14 / 15 / next / last)
$data['class'] = 'pagination';
if ($a->pager['total'] > $a->pager['itemspage']) {
_l($data, 'first', $url . '&page=1', t('first'), $a->pager['page'] == 1 ? 'disabled' : '');
_l($data, 'prev', $url . '&page=' . ($a->pager['page'] - 1), t('prev'), $a->pager['page'] == 1 ? 'disabled' : '');
$numpages = $a->pager['total'] / $a->pager['itemspage'];
$numstart = 1;
$numstop = $numpages;
// Limit the number of displayed page number buttons.
if ($numpages > 8) {
$numstart = (($pagenum > 4) ? ($pagenum - 4) : 1);
$numstop = (($pagenum > ($numpages - 7)) ? $numpages : ($numstart + 8));
$pages = array();
for ($i = $numstart; $i <= $numstop; $i++) {
if ($i == $a->pager['page']) {
_l($pages, $i, '#', $i, 'current active');
} else {
_l($pages, $i, $url . '&page='. $i, $i, 'n');
if (($a->pager['total'] % $a->pager['itemspage']) != 0) {
if ($i == $a->pager['page']) {
_l($pages, $i, '#', $i, 'current active');
} else {
_l($pages, $i, $url . '&page=' . $i, $i, 'n');
$data['pages'] = $pages;
$lastpage = (($numpages > intval($numpages)) ? intval($numpages)+1 : $numpages);
_l($data, 'next', $url . '&page=' . ($a->pager['page'] + 1), t('next'), $a->pager['page'] == $lastpage ? 'disabled' : '');
_l($data, 'last', $url . '&page=' . $lastpage, t('last'), $a->pager['page'] == $lastpage ? 'disabled' : '');
return $data;
if(! function_exists('paginate')) {
* Automatic pagination.
* To use, get the count of total items.
* Then call $a->set_pager_total($number_items);
* Optionally call $a->set_pager_itemspage($n) to the number of items to display on each page
* Then call paginate($a) after the end of the display loop to insert the pager block on the page
* (assuming there are enough items to paginate).
* When using with SQL, the setting LIMIT %d, %d => $a->pager['start'],$a->pager['itemspage']
* will limit the results to the correct items for the current page.
* The actual page handling is then accomplished at the application layer.
* @param App $a App instance
* @return string html for pagination #FIXME remove html
function paginate(App $a) {
$data = paginate_data($a);
$tpl = get_markup_template("paginate.tpl");
return replace_macros($tpl, array("pager" => $data));
if(! function_exists('alt_pager')) {
* Alternative pager
* @param App $a App instance
* @param int $i
* @return string html for pagination #FIXME remove html
function alt_pager(App $a, $i) {
$data = paginate_data($a, $i);
$tpl = get_markup_template("paginate.tpl");
return replace_macros($tpl, array('pager' => $data));
if(! function_exists('scroll_loader')) {
* Loader for infinite scrolling
* @return string html for loader
function scroll_loader() {
$tpl = get_markup_template("scroll_loader.tpl");
return replace_macros($tpl, array(
'wait' => t('Loading more entries...'),
'end' => t('The end')
if(! function_exists('expand_acl')) {
* Turn user/group ACLs stored as angle bracketed text into arrays
* @param string $s
* @return array
function expand_acl($s) {
// turn string array of angle-bracketed elements into numeric array
// e.g. "<1><2><3>" => array(1,2,3);
$ret = array();
if(strlen($s)) {
$t = str_replace('<','',$s);
$a = explode('>',$t);
foreach($a as $aa) {
$ret[] = intval($aa);
return $ret;
if(! function_exists('sanitise_acl')) {
* Wrap ACL elements in angle brackets for storage
* @param string $item
function sanitise_acl(&$item) {
$item = '<' . intval(notags(trim($item))) . '>';
if(! function_exists('perms2str')) {
* Convert an ACL array to a storable string
* Normally ACL permissions will be an array.
* We'll also allow a comma-separated string.
* @param string|array $p
* @return string
function perms2str($p) {
$ret = '';
$tmp = $p;
$tmp = explode(',',$p);
if(is_array($tmp)) {
$ret = implode('',$tmp);
return $ret;
if(! function_exists('item_new_uri')) {
* generate a guaranteed unique (for this domain) item ID for ATOM
* safe from birthday paradox
* @param string $hostname
* @param int $uid
* @return string
function item_new_uri($hostname,$uid, $guid = "") {
do {
$dups = false;
if ($guid == "")
$hash = get_guid(32);
else {
$hash = $guid;
$guid = "";
$uri = "urn:X-dfrn:" . $hostname . ':' . $uid . ':' . $hash;
$r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
if (dbm::is_result($r))
$dups = true;
} while($dups == true);
return $uri;
// Generate a guaranteed unique photo ID.
// safe from birthday paradox
if(! function_exists('photo_new_resource')) {
* Generate a guaranteed unique photo ID.
* safe from birthday paradox
* @return string
function photo_new_resource() {
do {
$found = false;
$resource = hash('md5',uniqid(mt_rand(),true));
$r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `photo` WHERE `resource-id` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
if (dbm::is_result($r))
$found = true;
} while($found == true);
return $resource;
if(! function_exists('load_view_file')) {
* @deprecated
* wrapper to load a view template, checking for alternate
* languages before falling back to the default
* @global string $lang
* @global App $a
* @param string $s view name
* @return string
function load_view_file($s) {
global $lang, $a;
if(! isset($lang))
$lang = 'en';
$b = basename($s);
$d = dirname($s);
if(file_exists("$d/$lang/$b")) {
$stamp1 = microtime(true);
$content = file_get_contents("$d/$lang/$b");
$a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "file");
return $content;
$theme = current_theme();
if(file_exists("$d/theme/$theme/$b")) {
$stamp1 = microtime(true);
$content = file_get_contents("$d/theme/$theme/$b");
$a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "file");
return $content;
$stamp1 = microtime(true);
$content = file_get_contents($s);
$a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "file");
return $content;
if(! function_exists('get_intltext_template')) {
* load a view template, checking for alternate
* languages before falling back to the default
* @global string $lang
* @param string $s view path
* @return string
function get_intltext_template($s) {
global $lang;
$a = get_app();
$engine = '';
if($a->theme['template_engine'] === 'smarty3')
$engine = "/smarty3";
if(! isset($lang))
$lang = 'en';
if(file_exists("view/lang/$lang$engine/$s")) {
$stamp1 = microtime(true);
$content = file_get_contents("view/lang/$lang$engine/$s");
$a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "file");
return $content;
} elseif(file_exists("view/lang/en$engine/$s")) {
$stamp1 = microtime(true);
$content = file_get_contents("view/lang/en$engine/$s");
$a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "file");
return $content;
} else {
$stamp1 = microtime(true);
$content = file_get_contents("view$engine/$s");
$a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "file");
return $content;
if(! function_exists('get_markup_template')) {
* load template $s
* @param string $s
* @param string $root
* @return string
function get_markup_template($s, $root = '') {
$stamp1 = microtime(true);
$a = get_app();
$t = $a->template_engine();
try {
$template = $t->get_template_file($s, $root);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "<pre><b>".__function__."</b>: ".$e->getMessage()."</pre>"; killme();
$a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "file");
return $template;
if(! function_exists("get_template_file")) {
* @param App $a
* @param string $filename
* @param string $root
* @return string
function get_template_file($a, $filename, $root = '') {
$theme = current_theme();
// Make sure $root ends with a slash /
if($root !== '' && $root[strlen($root)-1] !== '/')
$root = $root . '/';
$template_file = "{$root}view/theme/$theme/$filename";
elseif (x($a->theme_info,"extends") && file_exists("{$root}view/theme/{$a->theme_info["extends"]}/$filename"))
$template_file = "{$root}view/theme/{$a->theme_info["extends"]}/$filename";
elseif (file_exists("{$root}/$filename"))
$template_file = "{$root}/$filename";
$template_file = "{$root}view/$filename";
return $template_file;
if(! function_exists('attribute_contains')) {
* for html,xml parsing - let's say you've got
* an attribute foobar="class1 class2 class3"
* and you want to find out if it contains 'class3'.
* you can't use a normal sub string search because you
* might match 'notclass3' and a regex to do the job is
* possible but a bit complicated.
* pass the attribute string as $attr and the attribute you
* are looking for as $s - returns true if found, otherwise false
* @param string $attr attribute value
* @param string $s string to search
* @return boolean True if found, False otherwise
function attribute_contains($attr,$s) {
$a = explode(' ', $attr);
if(count($a) && in_array($s,$a))
return true;
return false;
if (! function_exists('logger')) {
/* setup int->string log level map */
$LOGGER_LEVELS = array();
* @brief Logs the given message at the given log level
* log levels:
* LOGGER_NORMAL (default)
* @global App $a
* @global dba $db
* @global array $LOGGER_LEVELS
* @param string $msg
* @param int $level
function logger($msg, $level = 0) {
$a = get_app();
global $db;
// turn off logger in install mode
if (
$a->module == 'install'
|| ! ($db && $db->connected)
) {
$debugging = get_config('system','debugging');
$logfile = get_config('system','logfile');
$loglevel = intval(get_config('system','loglevel'));
if (
! $debugging
|| ! $logfile
|| $level > $loglevel
) {
if (count($LOGGER_LEVELS) == 0) {
foreach (get_defined_constants() as $k => $v) {
if (substr($k, 0, 7) == "LOGGER_") {
$LOGGER_LEVELS[$v] = substr($k, 7, 7);
$process_id = session_id();
if ($process_id == '') {
$process_id = get_app()->process_id;
$callers = debug_backtrace();
$logline = sprintf("%s@%s\t[%s]:%s:%s:%s\t%s\n",
$stamp1 = microtime(true);
@file_put_contents($logfile, $logline, FILE_APPEND);
$a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "file");
* @brief An alternative logger for development.
* Works largely as logger() but allows developers
* to isolate particular elements they are targetting
* personally without background noise
* log levels:
* LOGGER_NORMAL (default)
* @global App $a
* @global dba $db
* @global array $LOGGER_LEVELS
* @param string $msg
* @param int $level
function dlogger($msg, $level = 0) {
$a = get_app();
global $db;
// turn off logger in install mode
if (
$a->module == 'install'
|| ! ($db && $db->connected)
) {
$logfile = get_config('system','dlogfile');
if (! $logfile) {
if (count($LOGGER_LEVELS) == 0) {
foreach (get_defined_constants() as $k => $v) {
if (substr($k, 0, 7) == "LOGGER_") {
$LOGGER_LEVELS[$v] = substr($k, 7, 7);
$process_id = session_id();
if ($process_id == '') {
$process_id = get_app()->process_id;
$callers = debug_backtrace();
$logline = sprintf("%s@\t%s:\t%s:\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",
$stamp1 = microtime(true);
@file_put_contents($logfile, $logline, FILE_APPEND);
$a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "file");
if(! function_exists('activity_match')) {
* Compare activity uri. Knows about activity namespace.
* @param string $haystack
* @param string $needle
* @return boolean
function activity_match($haystack,$needle) {
if(($haystack === $needle) || ((basename($needle) === $haystack) && strstr($needle,NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA)))
return true;
return false;
* @brief Pull out all #hashtags and @person tags from $string.
* We also get - which would make
* the regex quite complicated as tags can also
* end a sentence. So we'll run through our results
* and strip the period from any tags which end with one.
* Returns array of tags found, or empty array.
* @param string $string Post content
* @return array List of tag and person names
function get_tags($string) {
$ret = array();
// Convert hashtag links to hashtags
$string = preg_replace('/#\[url\=([^\[\]]*)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism', '#$2', $string);
// ignore anything in a code block
$string = preg_replace('/\[code\](.*?)\[\/code\]/sm', '', $string);
// Force line feeds at bbtags
$string = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array("\n[", "]\n"), $string);
// ignore anything in a bbtag
$string = preg_replace('/\[(.*?)\]/sm', '', $string);
// Match full names against @tags including the space between first and last
// We will look these up afterward to see if they are full names or not recognisable.
if (preg_match_all('/(@[^ \x0D\x0A,:?]+ [^ \x0D\x0A@,:?]+)([ \x0D\x0A@,:?]|$)/', $string, $matches)) {
foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
if (strstr($match, ']')) {
// we might be inside a bbcode color tag - leave it alone
if (substr($match, -1, 1) === '.') {
$ret[] = substr($match, 0, -1);
} else {
$ret[] = $match;
// Otherwise pull out single word tags. These can be @nickname, @first_last
// and #hash tags.
if (preg_match_all('/([!#@][^\^ \x0D\x0A,;:?]+)([ \x0D\x0A,;:?]|$)/', $string, $matches)) {
foreach($matches[1] as $match) {
if (strstr($match, ']')) {
// we might be inside a bbcode color tag - leave it alone
if (substr($match, -1, 1) === '.') {
$match = substr($match,0,-1);
// ignore strictly numeric tags like #1
if ((strpos($match, '#') === 0) && ctype_digit(substr($match, 1))) {
// try not to catch url fragments
if (strpos($string, $match) && preg_match('/[a-zA-z0-9\/]/', substr($string, strpos($string, $match) - 1, 1))) {
$ret[] = $match;
return $ret;
if(! function_exists('qp')) {
* quick and dirty quoted_printable encoding
* @param string $s
* @return string
function qp($s) {
return str_replace ("%","=",rawurlencode($s));
if(! function_exists('contact_block')) {
* Get html for contact block.
* @template contact_block.tpl
* @hook contact_block_end (contacts=>array, output=>string)
* @return string
function contact_block() {
$o = '';
$a = get_app();
$shown = get_pconfig($a->profile['uid'],'system','display_friend_count');
if($shown === false)
$shown = 24;
if($shown == 0)
if((! is_array($a->profile)) || ($a->profile['hide-friends']))
return $o;
$r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `contact`
WHERE `uid` = %d AND NOT `self` AND NOT `blocked`
AND NOT `pending` AND NOT `hidden` AND NOT `archive`
AND `network` IN ('%s', '%s', '%s')",
if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$total = intval($r[0]['total']);
if(! $total) {
$contacts = t('No contacts');
$micropro = Null;
} else {
// Splitting the query in two parts makes it much faster
$r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `contact`
WHERE `uid` = %d AND NOT `self` AND NOT `blocked`
AND NOT `pending` AND NOT `hidden` AND NOT `archive`
AND `network` IN ('%s', '%s', '%s')
if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$contacts = array();
foreach ($r AS $contact) {
$contacts[] = $contact["id"];
$r = q("SELECT `id`, `uid`, `addr`, `url`, `name`, `thumb`, `network` FROM `contact` WHERE `id` IN (%s)",
dbesc(implode(",", $contacts)));
if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$contacts = sprintf( tt('%d Contact','%d Contacts', $total),$total);
$micropro = Array();
foreach ($r as $rr) {
$micropro[] = micropro($rr,true,'mpfriend');
$tpl = get_markup_template('contact_block.tpl');
$o = replace_macros($tpl, array(
'$contacts' => $contacts,
'$nickname' => $a->profile['nickname'],
'$viewcontacts' => t('View Contacts'),
'$micropro' => $micropro,
$arr = array('contacts' => $r, 'output' => $o);
call_hooks('contact_block_end', $arr);
return $o;
* @brief Format contacts as picture links or as texxt links
* @param array $contact Array with contacts which contains an array with
* int 'id' => The ID of the contact
* int 'uid' => The user ID of the user who owns this data
* string 'name' => The name of the contact
* string 'url' => The url to the profile page of the contact
* string 'addr' => The webbie of the contact (e.g.)
* string 'network' => The network to which the contact belongs to
* string 'thumb' => The contact picture
* string 'click' => js code which is performed when clicking on the contact
* @param boolean $redirect If true try to use the redir url if it's possible
* @param string $class CSS class for the
* @param boolean $textmode If true display the contacts as text links
* if false display the contacts as picture links
* @return string Formatted html
function micropro($contact, $redirect = false, $class = '', $textmode = false) {
// Use the contact URL if no address is available
if ($contact["addr"] == "")
$contact["addr"] = $contact["url"];
$url = $contact['url'];
$sparkle = '';
$redir = false;
if($redirect) {
$a = get_app();
$redirect_url = 'redir/' . $contact['id'];
if(local_user() && ($contact['uid'] == local_user()) && ($contact['network'] === NETWORK_DFRN)) {
$redir = true;
$url = $redirect_url;
$sparkle = ' sparkle';
$url = zrl($url);
// If there is some js available we don't need the url
$url = '';
return replace_macros(get_markup_template(($textmode)?'micropro_txt.tpl':'micropro_img.tpl'),array(
'$click' => (($contact['click']) ? $contact['click'] : ''),
'$class' => $class,
'$url' => $url,
'$photo' => proxy_url($contact['thumb'], false, PROXY_SIZE_THUMB),
'$name' => $contact['name'],
'title' => $contact['name'] . ' [' . $contact['addr'] . ']',
'$parkle' => $sparkle,
'$redir' => $redir,
if(! function_exists('search')) {
* search box
* @param string $s search query
* @param string $id html id
* @param string $url search url
* @param boolean $savedsearch show save search button
function search($s,$id='search-box',$url='search',$save = false, $aside = true) {
$a = get_app();
$values = array(
'$s' => htmlspecialchars($s),
'$id' => $id,
'$action_url' => $url,
'$search_label' => t('Search'),
'$save_label' => t('Save'),
'$savedsearch' => feature_enabled(local_user(),'savedsearch'),
'$search_hint' => t('@name, !forum, #tags, content'),
if (!$aside) {
$values['$searchoption'] = array(
t("Full Text"),
if (get_config('system','poco_local_search'))
$values['$searchoption'][] = t("Forums");
return replace_macros(get_markup_template('searchbox.tpl'), $values);
if(! function_exists('valid_email')) {
* Check if $x is a valid email string
* @param string $x
* @return boolean
function valid_email($x){
// Removed because Fabio told me so.
// return true;
return true;
return false;
if(! function_exists('linkify')) {
* Replace naked text hyperlink with HTML formatted hyperlink
* @param string $s
function linkify($s) {
$s = preg_replace("/(https?\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\_\~\#\'\%\$\!\+]*)/", ' <a href="$1" target="_blank">$1</a>', $s);
$s = preg_replace("/\<(.*?)(src|href)=(.*?)\&amp\;(.*?)\>/ism",'<$1$2=$3&$4>',$s);
* Load poke verbs
* @return array index is present tense verb
value is array containing past tense verb, translation of present, translation of past
* @hook poke_verbs pokes array
function get_poke_verbs() {
// index is present tense verb
// value is array containing past tense verb, translation of present, translation of past
$arr = array(
'poke' => array( 'poked', t('poke'), t('poked')),
'ping' => array( 'pinged', t('ping'), t('pinged')),
'prod' => array( 'prodded', t('prod'), t('prodded')),
'slap' => array( 'slapped', t('slap'), t('slapped')),
'finger' => array( 'fingered', t('finger'), t('fingered')),
'rebuff' => array( 'rebuffed', t('rebuff'), t('rebuffed')),
call_hooks('poke_verbs', $arr);
return $arr;
* Load moods
* @return array index is mood, value is translated mood
* @hook mood_verbs moods array
function get_mood_verbs() {
$arr = array(
'happy' => t('happy'),
'sad' => t('sad'),
'mellow' => t('mellow'),
'tired' => t('tired'),
'perky' => t('perky'),
'angry' => t('angry'),
'stupefied' => t('stupified'),
'puzzled' => t('puzzled'),
'interested' => t('interested'),
'bitter' => t('bitter'),
'cheerful' => t('cheerful'),
'alive' => t('alive'),
'annoyed' => t('annoyed'),
'anxious' => t('anxious'),
'cranky' => t('cranky'),
'disturbed' => t('disturbed'),
'frustrated' => t('frustrated'),
'motivated' => t('motivated'),
'relaxed' => t('relaxed'),
'surprised' => t('surprised'),
'incapable' => t('incapable of producing a suitable verb to suit this situation, despite being famed for the legendary range of additonal verbs he previously added to morechoice, morepoke, and moremoods. That\'s right, the worlds most famous verb-smith is out of verbs.'),
call_hooks('mood_verbs', $arr);
return $arr;
if(! function_exists('day_translate')) {
* Translate days and months names
* @param string $s
* @return string
function day_translate($s) {
$ret = str_replace(array('Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday'),
array( t('Monday'), t('Tuesday'), t('Wednesday'), t('Thursday'), t('Friday'), t('Saturday'), t('Sunday')),
$ret = str_replace(array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'),
array( t('January'), t('February'), t('March'), t('April'), t('May'), t('June'), t('July'), t('August'), t('September'), t('October'), t('November'), t('December')),
return $ret;
if(! function_exists('normalise_link')) {
* Normalize url
* @param string $url
* @return string
function normalise_link($url) {
$ret = str_replace(array('https:','//www.'), array('http:','//'), $url);
if(! function_exists('link_compare')) {
* Compare two URLs to see if they are the same, but ignore
* slight but hopefully insignificant differences such as if one
* is https and the other isn't, or if one is www.something and
* the other isn't - and also ignore case differences.
* @param string $a first url
* @param string $b second url
* @return boolean True if the URLs match, otherwise False
function link_compare($a,$b) {
if(strcasecmp(normalise_link($a),normalise_link($b)) === 0)
return true;
return false;
* @brief Find any non-embedded images in private items and add redir links to them
* @param App $a
* @param array &$item The field array of an item row
function redir_private_images($a, &$item)
$matches = false;
$cnt = preg_match_all('|\[img\](http[^\[]*?/photo/[a-fA-F0-9]+?(-[0-9]\.[\w]+?)?)\[\/img\]|', $item['body'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if ($cnt) {
foreach ($matches as $mtch) {
if (strpos($mtch[1], '/redir') !== false) {
if ((local_user() == $item['uid']) && ($item['private'] != 0) && ($item['contact-id'] != $a->contact['id']) && ($item['network'] == NETWORK_DFRN)) {
$img_url = 'redir?f=1&quiet=1&url=' . urlencode($mtch[1]) . '&conurl=' . urlencode($item['author-link']);
$item['body'] = str_replace($mtch[0], '[img]' . $img_url . '[/img]', $item['body']);
function put_item_in_cache(&$item, $update = false) {
if (($item["rendered-hash"] != hash("md5", $item["body"])) OR ($item["rendered-hash"] == "") OR
($item["rendered-html"] == "") OR get_config("system", "ignore_cache")) {
// The function "redir_private_images" changes the body.
// I'm not sure if we should store it permanently, so we save the old value.
$body = $item["body"];
$a = get_app();
redir_private_images($a, $item);
$item["rendered-html"] = prepare_text($item["body"]);
$item["rendered-hash"] = hash("md5", $item["body"]);
$item["body"] = $body;
if ($update AND ($item["id"] != 0)) {
q("UPDATE `item` SET `rendered-html` = '%s', `rendered-hash` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d",
dbesc($item["rendered-html"]), dbesc($item["rendered-hash"]), intval($item["id"]));
// Given an item array, convert the body element from bbcode to html and add smilie icons.
// If attach is true, also add icons for item attachments
if(! function_exists('prepare_body')) {
* Given an item array, convert the body element from bbcode to html and add smilie icons.
* If attach is true, also add icons for item attachments
* @param array $item
* @param boolean $attach
* @return string item body html
* @hook prepare_body_init item array before any work
* @hook prepare_body ('item'=>item array, 'html'=>body string) after first bbcode to html
* @hook prepare_body_final ('item'=>item array, 'html'=>body string) after attach icons and blockquote special case handling (spoiler, author)
function prepare_body(&$item,$attach = false, $preview = false) {
$a = get_app();
call_hooks('prepare_body_init', $item);
$searchpath = z_root()."/search?tag=";
$hashtags = array();
$mentions = array();
if (!get_config('system','suppress_tags')) {
$taglist = q("SELECT `type`, `term`, `url` FROM `term` WHERE `otype` = %d AND `oid` = %d AND `type` IN (%d, %d) ORDER BY `tid`",
intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), intval($item['id']), intval(TERM_HASHTAG), intval(TERM_MENTION));
foreach($taglist as $tag) {
if ($tag["url"] == "")
$tag["url"] = $searchpath.strtolower($tag["term"]);
if ($tag["type"] == TERM_HASHTAG) {
$hashtags[] = "#<a href=\"".$tag["url"]."\" target=\"_blank\">".$tag["term"]."</a>";
$prefix = "#";
} elseif ($tag["type"] == TERM_MENTION) {
$mentions[] = "@<a href=\"".$tag["url"]."\" target=\"_blank\">".$tag["term"]."</a>";
$prefix = "@";
$tags[] = $prefix."<a href=\"".$tag["url"]."\" target=\"_blank\">".$tag["term"]."</a>";
$item['tags'] = $tags;
$item['hashtags'] = $hashtags;
$item['mentions'] = $mentions;
// Update the cached values if there is no "zrl=..." on the links
$update = (!local_user() and !remote_user() and ($item["uid"] == 0));
// Or update it if the current viewer is the intented viewer
if (($item["uid"] == local_user()) AND ($item["uid"] != 0))
$update = true;
put_item_in_cache($item, $update);
$s = $item["rendered-html"];
$prep_arr = array('item' => $item, 'html' => $s, 'preview' => $preview);
call_hooks('prepare_body', $prep_arr);
$s = $prep_arr['html'];
if(! $attach) {
// Replace the blockquotes with quotes that are used in mails
$mailquote = '<blockquote type="cite" class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex;">';
$s = str_replace(array('<blockquote>', '<blockquote class="spoiler">', '<blockquote class="author">'), array($mailquote, $mailquote, $mailquote), $s);
return $s;
$as = '';
$vhead = false;
$arr = explode('[/attach],',$item['attach']);
if(count($arr)) {
$as .= '<div class="body-attach">';
foreach($arr as $r) {
$matches = false;
$icon = '';
$cnt = preg_match_all('|\[attach\]href=\"(.*?)\" length=\"(.*?)\" type=\"(.*?)\" title=\"(.*?)\"|',$r,$matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if($cnt) {
foreach($matches as $mtch) {
$mime = $mtch[3];
if((local_user() == $item['uid']) && ($item['contact-id'] != $a->contact['id']) && ($item['network'] == NETWORK_DFRN))
$the_url = 'redir/' . $item['contact-id'] . '?f=1&url=' . $mtch[1];
$the_url = $mtch[1];
if(strpos($mime, 'video') !== false) {
if(!$vhead) {
$vhead = true;
$a->page['htmlhead'] .= replace_macros(get_markup_template('videos_head.tpl'), array(
'$baseurl' => z_root(),
$a->page['end'] .= replace_macros(get_markup_template('videos_end.tpl'), array(
'$baseurl' => z_root(),
$id = end(explode('/', $the_url));
$as .= replace_macros(get_markup_template('video_top.tpl'), array(
'$video' => array(
'id' => $id,
'title' => t('View Video'),
'src' => $the_url,
'mime' => $mime,
$filetype = strtolower(substr( $mime, 0, strpos($mime,'/') ));
if($filetype) {
$filesubtype = strtolower(substr( $mime, strpos($mime,'/') + 1 ));
$filesubtype = str_replace('.', '-', $filesubtype);
else {
$filetype = 'unkn';
$filesubtype = 'unkn';
$icon = '<div class="attachtype icon s22 type-' . $filetype . ' subtype-' . $filesubtype . '"></div>';
/*$icontype = strtolower(substr($mtch[3],0,strpos($mtch[3],'/')));
switch($icontype) {
case 'video':
case 'audio':
case 'image':
case 'text':
$icon = '<div class="attachtype icon s22 type-' . $icontype . '"></div>';
$icon = '<div class="attachtype icon s22 type-unkn"></div>';
$title = ((strlen(trim($mtch[4]))) ? escape_tags(trim($mtch[4])) : escape_tags($mtch[1]));
$title .= ' ' . $mtch[2] . ' ' . t('bytes');
$as .= '<a href="' . strip_tags($the_url) . '" title="' . $title . '" class="attachlink" target="_blank" >' . $icon . '</a>';
$as .= '<div class="clear"></div></div>';
$s = $s . $as;
// map
if(strpos($s,'<div class="map">') !== false && $item['coord']) {
$x = generate_map(trim($item['coord']));
if ($x) {
$s = preg_replace('/\<div class\=\"map\"\>/','$0' . $x,$s);
// Look for spoiler
$spoilersearch = '<blockquote class="spoiler">';
// Remove line breaks before the spoiler
while ((strpos($s, "\n".$spoilersearch) !== false))
$s = str_replace("\n".$spoilersearch, $spoilersearch, $s);
while ((strpos($s, "<br />".$spoilersearch) !== false))
$s = str_replace("<br />".$spoilersearch, $spoilersearch, $s);
while ((strpos($s, $spoilersearch) !== false)) {
$pos = strpos($s, $spoilersearch);
$rnd = random_string(8);
$spoilerreplace = '<br /> <span id="spoiler-wrap-'.$rnd.'" class="spoiler-wrap fakelink" onclick="openClose(\'spoiler-'.$rnd.'\');">'.sprintf(t('Click to open/close')).'</span>'.
'<blockquote class="spoiler" id="spoiler-'.$rnd.'" style="display: none;">';
$s = substr($s, 0, $pos).$spoilerreplace.substr($s, $pos+strlen($spoilersearch));
// Look for quote with author
$authorsearch = '<blockquote class="author">';
while ((strpos($s, $authorsearch) !== false)) {
$pos = strpos($s, $authorsearch);
$rnd = random_string(8);
$authorreplace = '<br /> <span id="author-wrap-'.$rnd.'" class="author-wrap fakelink" onclick="openClose(\'author-'.$rnd.'\');">'.sprintf(t('Click to open/close')).'</span>'.
'<blockquote class="author" id="author-'.$rnd.'" style="display: block;">';
$s = substr($s, 0, $pos).$authorreplace.substr($s, $pos+strlen($authorsearch));
// replace friendica image url size with theme preference
if (x($a->theme_info,'item_image_size')){
$ps = $a->theme_info['item_image_size'];
$s = preg_replace('|(<img[^>]+src="[^"]+/photo/[0-9a-f]+)-[0-9]|',"$1-".$ps, $s);
$prep_arr = array('item' => $item, 'html' => $s);
call_hooks('prepare_body_final', $prep_arr);
return $prep_arr['html'];
if(! function_exists('prepare_text')) {
* Given a text string, convert from bbcode to html and add smilie icons.
* @param string $text
* @return string
function prepare_text($text) {
$s = bbcode($text);
$s = Smilies::replace(bbcode($text));
return trim($s);
* return array with details for categories and folders for an item
* @param array $item
* @return array
* [
* [ // categories array
* {
* 'name': 'category name',
* 'removeurl': 'url to remove this category',
* 'first': 'is the first in this array? true/false',
* 'last': 'is the last in this array? true/false',
* } ,
* ....
* ],
* [ //folders array
* {
* 'name': 'folder name',
* 'removeurl': 'url to remove this folder',
* 'first': 'is the first in this array? true/false',
* 'last': 'is the last in this array? true/false',
* } ,
* ....
* ]
* ]
function get_cats_and_terms($item) {
$a = get_app();
$categories = array();
$folders = array();
$matches = false; $first = true;
$cnt = preg_match_all('/<(.*?)>/',$item['file'],$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);
if($cnt) {
foreach($matches as $mtch) {
$categories[] = array(
'name' => xmlify(file_tag_decode($mtch[1])),
'url' => "#",
'removeurl' => ((local_user() == $item['uid'])?'filerm/' . $item['id'] . '?f=&cat=' . xmlify(file_tag_decode($mtch[1])):""),
'first' => $first,
'last' => false
$first = false;
if (count($categories)) $categories[count($categories)-1]['last'] = true;
if(local_user() == $item['uid']) {
$matches = false; $first = true;
$cnt = preg_match_all('/\[(.*?)\]/',$item['file'],$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);
if($cnt) {
foreach($matches as $mtch) {
$folders[] = array(
'name' => xmlify(file_tag_decode($mtch[1])),
'url' => "#",
'removeurl' => ((local_user() == $item['uid'])?'filerm/' . $item['id'] . '?f=&term=' . xmlify(file_tag_decode($mtch[1])):""),
'first' => $first,
'last' => false
$first = false;
if (count($folders)) $folders[count($folders)-1]['last'] = true;
return array($categories, $folders);
if(! function_exists('get_plink')) {
* get private link for item
* @param array $item
* @return boolean|array False if item has not plink, otherwise array('href'=>plink url, 'title'=>translated title)
function get_plink($item) {
$a = get_app();
if ($a->user['nickname'] != "") {
$ret = array(
//'href' => "display/".$a->user['nickname']."/".$item['id'],
'href' => "display/".$item['guid'],
'orig' => "display/".$item['guid'],
'title' => t('View on separate page'),
'orig_title' => t('view on separate page'),
if (x($item,'plink')) {
$ret["href"] = $a->remove_baseurl($item['plink']);
$ret["title"] = t('link to source');
} elseif (x($item,'plink') && ($item['private'] != 1))
$ret = array(
'href' => $item['plink'],
'orig' => $item['plink'],
'title' => t('link to source'),
$ret = array();
//if (x($item,'plink') && ($item['private'] != 1))
if(! function_exists('unamp')) {
* replace html amp entity with amp char
* @param string $s
* @return string
function unamp($s) {
return str_replace('&amp;', '&', $s);
if(! function_exists('return_bytes')) {
* return number of bytes in size (K, M, G)
* @param string $size_str
* @return number
function return_bytes ($size_str) {
switch (substr ($size_str, -1)) {
case 'M': case 'm': return (int)$size_str * 1048576;
case 'K': case 'k': return (int)$size_str * 1024;
case 'G': case 'g': return (int)$size_str * 1073741824;
default: return $size_str;
* @return string
function generate_user_guid() {
$found = true;
do {
$guid = get_guid(32);
$x = q("SELECT `uid` FROM `user` WHERE `guid` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
if(! count($x))
$found = false;
} while ($found == true );
return $guid;
* @param string $s
* @param boolean $strip_padding
* @return string
function base64url_encode($s, $strip_padding = false) {
$s = strtr(base64_encode($s),'+/','-_');
$s = str_replace('=','',$s);
return $s;
* @param string $s
* @return string
function base64url_decode($s) {
if(is_array($s)) {
logger('base64url_decode: illegal input: ' . print_r(debug_backtrace(), true));
return $s;
* // Placeholder for new rev of salmon which strips base64 padding.
* // PHP base64_decode handles the un-padded input without requiring this step
* // Uncomment if you find you need it.
* $l = strlen($s);
* if(! strpos($s,'=')) {
* $m = $l % 4;
* if($m == 2)
* $s .= '==';
* if($m == 3)
* $s .= '=';
* }
return base64_decode(strtr($s,'-_','+/'));
if (!function_exists('str_getcsv')) {
* Parse csv string
* @param string $input
* @param string $delimiter
* @param string $enclosure
* @param string $escape
* @param string $eol
* @return boolean|array False on error, otherwise array[row][column]
function str_getcsv($input, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"', $escape = '\\', $eol = '\n') {
if (is_string($input) && !empty($input)) {
$output = array();
$tmp = preg_split("/".$eol."/",$input);
if (is_array($tmp) && !empty($tmp)) {
while (list($line_num, $line) = each($tmp)) {
if (preg_match("/".$escape.$enclosure."/",$line)) {
while ($strlen = strlen($line)) {
$pos_delimiter = strpos($line,$delimiter);
$pos_enclosure_start = strpos($line,$enclosure);
if (
is_int($pos_delimiter) && is_int($pos_enclosure_start)
&& ($pos_enclosure_start < $pos_delimiter)
) {
$enclosed_str = substr($line,1);
$pos_enclosure_end = strpos($enclosed_str,$enclosure);
$enclosed_str = substr($enclosed_str,0,$pos_enclosure_end);
$output[$line_num][] = $enclosed_str;
$offset = $pos_enclosure_end+3;
} else {
if (empty($pos_delimiter) && empty($pos_enclosure_start)) {
$output[$line_num][] = substr($line,0);
$offset = strlen($line);
} else {
$output[$line_num][] = substr($line,0,$pos_delimiter);
$offset = (
&& ($pos_enclosure_start < $pos_delimiter)
$line = substr($line,$offset);
} else {
$line = preg_split("/".$delimiter."/",$line);
* Validating against pesky extra line breaks creating false rows.
if (is_array($line) && !empty($line[0])) {
$output[$line_num] = $line;
return $output;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
* return div element with class 'clear'
* @return string
* @deprecated
function cleardiv() {
return '<div class="clear"></div>';
function bb_translate_video($s) {
$matches = null;
$r = preg_match_all("/\[video\](.*?)\[\/video\]/ism",$s,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);
if ($r) {
foreach($matches as $mtch) {
if((stristr($mtch[1],'youtube')) || (stristr($mtch[1],'')))
$s = str_replace($mtch[0],'[youtube]' . $mtch[1] . '[/youtube]',$s);
$s = str_replace($mtch[0],'[vimeo]' . $mtch[1] . '[/vimeo]',$s);
return $s;
function html2bb_video($s) {
$s = preg_replace('#<object[^>]+>(.*?)https?://|cp)/[A-Za-z0-9\-_=]+)(.*?)</object>#ism',
'[youtube]$2[/youtube]', $s);
$s = preg_replace('#<iframe[^>](.*?)https?://[A-Za-z0-9\-_=]+)(.*?)</iframe>#ism',
'[youtube]$2[/youtube]', $s);
$s = preg_replace('#<iframe[^>](.*?)https?://[0-9]+)(.*?)</iframe>#ism',
'[vimeo]$2[/vimeo]', $s);
return $s;
* apply xmlify() to all values of array $val, recursively
* @param array $val
* @return array
function array_xmlify($val){
if (is_bool($val)) return $val?"true":"false";
if (is_array($val)) return array_map('array_xmlify', $val);
return xmlify((string) $val);
* transorm link href and img src from relative to absolute
* @param string $text
* @param string $base base url
* @return string
function reltoabs($text, $base) {
if (empty($base))
return $text;
$base = rtrim($base,'/');
$base2 = $base . "/";
// Replace links
$pattern = "/<a([^>]*) href=\"(?!http|https|\/)([^\"]*)\"/";
$replace = "<a\${1} href=\"" . $base2 . "\${2}\"";
$text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
$pattern = "/<a([^>]*) href=\"(?!http|https)([^\"]*)\"/";
$replace = "<a\${1} href=\"" . $base . "\${2}\"";
$text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
// Replace images
$pattern = "/<img([^>]*) src=\"(?!http|https|\/)([^\"]*)\"/";
$replace = "<img\${1} src=\"" . $base2 . "\${2}\"";
$text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
$pattern = "/<img([^>]*) src=\"(?!http|https)([^\"]*)\"/";
$replace = "<img\${1} src=\"" . $base . "\${2}\"";
$text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
// Done
return $text;
* get translated item type
* @param array $itme
* @return string
function item_post_type($item) {
return t('event');
return t('photo');
if(strlen($item['verb']) && $item['verb'] !== ACTIVITY_POST)
return t('activity');
if($item['id'] != $item['parent'])
return t('comment');
return t('post');
// post categories and "save to file" use the same item.file table for storage.
// We will differentiate the different uses by wrapping categories in angle brackets
// and save to file categories in square brackets.
// To do this we need to escape these characters if they appear in our tag.
function file_tag_encode($s) {
return str_replace(array('<','>','[',']'),array('%3c','%3e','%5b','%5d'),$s);
function file_tag_decode($s) {
return str_replace(array('%3c','%3e','%5b','%5d'),array('<','>','[',']'),$s);
function file_tag_file_query($table,$s,$type = 'file') {
if($type == 'file')
$str = preg_quote( '[' . str_replace('%','%%',file_tag_encode($s)) . ']' );
$str = preg_quote( '<' . str_replace('%','%%',file_tag_encode($s)) . '>' );
return " AND " . (($table) ? dbesc($table) . '.' : '') . "file regexp '" . dbesc($str) . "' ";
// ex. given music,video return <music><video> or [music][video]
function file_tag_list_to_file($list,$type = 'file') {
$tag_list = '';
if(strlen($list)) {
$list_array = explode(",",$list);
if($type == 'file') {
$lbracket = '[';
$rbracket = ']';
else {
$lbracket = '<';
$rbracket = '>';
foreach($list_array as $item) {
if(strlen($item)) {
$tag_list .= $lbracket . file_tag_encode(trim($item)) . $rbracket;
return $tag_list;
// ex. given <music><video>[friends], return music,video or friends
function file_tag_file_to_list($file,$type = 'file') {
$matches = false;
$list = '';
if($type == 'file') {
$cnt = preg_match_all('/\[(.*?)\]/',$file,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);
else {
$cnt = preg_match_all('/<(.*?)>/',$file,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);
if($cnt) {
foreach($matches as $mtch) {
$list .= ',';
$list .= file_tag_decode($mtch[1]);
return $list;
function file_tag_update_pconfig($uid,$file_old,$file_new,$type = 'file') {
// $file_old - categories previously associated with an item
// $file_new - new list of categories for an item
if(! intval($uid))
return false;
if($file_old == $file_new)
return true;
$saved = get_pconfig($uid,'system','filetags');
if(strlen($saved)) {
if($type == 'file') {
$lbracket = '[';
$rbracket = ']';
$termtype = TERM_FILE;
else {
$lbracket = '<';
$rbracket = '>';
$termtype = TERM_CATEGORY;
$filetags_updated = $saved;
// check for new tags to be added as filetags in pconfig
$new_tags = array();
$check_new_tags = explode(",",file_tag_file_to_list($file_new,$type));
foreach($check_new_tags as $tag) {
if(! stristr($saved,$lbracket . file_tag_encode($tag) . $rbracket))
$new_tags[] = $tag;
$filetags_updated .= file_tag_list_to_file(implode(",",$new_tags),$type);
// check for deleted tags to be removed from filetags in pconfig
$deleted_tags = array();
$check_deleted_tags = explode(",",file_tag_file_to_list($file_old,$type));
foreach($check_deleted_tags as $tag) {
if(! stristr($file_new,$lbracket . file_tag_encode($tag) . $rbracket))
$deleted_tags[] = $tag;
foreach($deleted_tags as $key => $tag) {
$r = q("SELECT `oid` FROM `term` WHERE `term` = '%s' AND `otype` = %d AND `type` = %d AND `uid` = %d",
//$r = q("select file from item where uid = %d " . file_tag_file_query('item',$tag,$type),
// intval($uid)
if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
else {
$filetags_updated = str_replace($lbracket . file_tag_encode($tag) . $rbracket,'',$filetags_updated);
if($saved != $filetags_updated) {
set_pconfig($uid,'system','filetags', $filetags_updated);
return true;
if(strlen($file_new)) {
set_pconfig($uid,'system','filetags', $file_new);
return true;
function file_tag_save_file($uid,$item,$file) {
$result = false;
if(! intval($uid))
return false;
$r = q("SELECT `file` FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
if(! stristr($r[0]['file'],'[' . file_tag_encode($file) . ']'))
q("UPDATE `item` SET `file` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d",
dbesc($r[0]['file'] . '[' . file_tag_encode($file) . ']'),
$saved = get_pconfig($uid,'system','filetags');
if((! strlen($saved)) || (! stristr($saved,'[' . file_tag_encode($file) . ']')))
set_pconfig($uid,'system','filetags',$saved . '[' . file_tag_encode($file) . ']');
info( t('Item filed') );
return true;
function file_tag_unsave_file($uid,$item,$file,$cat = false) {
$result = false;
if(! intval($uid))
return false;
if($cat == true) {
$pattern = '<' . file_tag_encode($file) . '>' ;
$termtype = TERM_CATEGORY;
} else {
$pattern = '[' . file_tag_encode($file) . ']' ;
$termtype = TERM_FILE;
$r = q("SELECT `file` FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
if (! dbm::is_result($r)) {
return false;
q("UPDATE `item` SET `file` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d",
$r = q("SELECT `oid` FROM `term` WHERE `term` = '%s' AND `otype` = %d AND `type` = %d AND `uid` = %d",
//$r = q("select file from item where uid = %d and deleted = 0 " . file_tag_file_query('item',$file,(($cat) ? 'category' : 'file')),
if (! dbm::is_result($r)) {
$saved = get_pconfig($uid,'system','filetags');
return true;
function normalise_openid($s) {
return trim(str_replace(array('http://','https://'),array('',''),$s),'/');
function undo_post_tagging($s) {
$matches = null;
$cnt = preg_match_all('/([!#@])\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism',$s,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);
if($cnt) {
foreach($matches as $mtch) {
$s = str_replace($mtch[0], $mtch[1] . $mtch[3],$s);
return $s;
function protect_sprintf($s) {
function is_a_date_arg($s) {
$i = intval($s);
if($i > 1900) {
$y = date('Y');
if($i <= $y+1 && strpos($s,'-') == 4) {
$m = intval(substr($s,5));
if($m > 0 && $m <= 12)
return true;
return false;
* remove intentation from a text
function deindent($text, $chr = "[\t ]", $count = NULL) {
$lines = explode("\n", $text);
if (is_null($count)) {
$m = array();
$k = 0;
while ($k < count($lines) && strlen($lines[$k]) == 0) {
preg_match("|^" . $chr . "*|", $lines[$k], $m);
$count = strlen($m[0]);
for ($k=0; $k < count($lines); $k++) {
$lines[$k] = preg_replace("|^" . $chr . "{" . $count . "}|", "", $lines[$k]);
return implode("\n", $lines);
function formatBytes($bytes, $precision = 2) {
$units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB');
$bytes = max($bytes, 0);
$pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024));
$pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1);
$bytes /= pow(1024, $pow);
return round($bytes, $precision) . ' ' . $units[$pow];
* @brief translate and format the networkname of a contact
* @param string $network
* Networkname of the contact (e.g. dfrn, rss and so on)
* @param sting $url
* The contact url
* @return string
function format_network_name($network, $url = 0) {
if ($network != "") {
if ($url != "")
$network_name = '<a href="'.$url.'">'.network_to_name($network, $url)."</a>";
$network_name = network_to_name($network);
return $network_name;
* @brief Syntax based code highlighting for popular languages.
* @param string $s Code block
* @param string $lang Programming language
* @return string Formated html
function text_highlight($s, $lang) {
if ($lang === 'js') {
$lang = 'javascript';
// @TODO: Replace Text_Highlighter_Renderer_Html by scrivo/highlight.php
// Autoload the library to make constants available
$options = array(
'numbers' => HL_NUMBERS_LI,
'tabsize' => 4,
$tag_added = false;
$s = trim(html_entity_decode($s, ENT_COMPAT));
$s = str_replace(' ', "\t", $s);
// The highlighter library insists on an opening php tag for php code blocks. If
// it isn't present, nothing is highlighted. So we're going to see if it's present.
// If not, we'll add it, and then quietly remove it after we get the processed output back.
if ($lang === 'php') {
if (strpos($s, '<?php') !== 0) {
$s = '<?php' . "\n" . $s;
$tag_added = true;
$renderer = new Text_Highlighter_Renderer_Html($options);
$hl = Text_Highlighter::factory($lang);
$o = $hl->highlight($s);
$o = str_replace("\n", '', $o);
if ($tag_added) {
$b = substr($o, 0, strpos($o, '<li>'));
$e = substr($o, strpos($o, '</li>'));
$o = $b . $e;
return '<code>' . $o . '</code>';