open friendica photos from the stream with colorbox

This commit is contained in:
rabuzarus 2016-04-14 14:07:20 +02:00
parent deaaeec047
commit eb1e882d7c
2 changed files with 70 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -73,6 +73,34 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
// Add Colorbox for viewing Network page images
//var cBoxClasses = new Array();
$(".wall-item-body a img").each(function(){
var aElem = $(this).parent();
var imgHref = aElem.attr("href");
// We need to make sure we only put a Colorbox on links to Friendica images
// We'll try to do this by looking for links of the form
// .../photo/ab803d8eg08daf85023adfec08 (with nothing more following), in hopes
// that that will be unique enough
if(imgHref.match(/\/photo\/[a-fA-F0-9]+(-[0-9]\.[\w]+?)?$/)) {
// Add a unique class to all the images of a certain post, to allow scrolling through
var cBoxClass = $(this).closest(".wall-item-body").attr("id") + "-lightbox";
// if( $.inArray(cBoxClass, cBoxClasses) < 0 ) {
// cBoxClasses.push(cBoxClass);
// }
maxHeight: '90%',
photo: true, // Colorbox doesn't recognize a URL that don't end in .jpg, etc. as a photo
rel: cBoxClass //$(this).attr("class").match(/wall-item-body-[\d]+-lightbox/)[0]
// overwrite from main js to load the filebrowser into a bs modal = function(url) {
var modal = $('#modal').modal();

View file

@ -83,11 +83,53 @@ EOT;
function frio_install() {
register_hook('prepare_body_final', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_item_photo_links');
logger("installed theme frio");
function frio_uninstall() {
unregister_hook('prepare_body_final', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_item_photo_links');
logger("uninstalled theme frio");
* @brief Replace friendica photo links
* This function does replace the links to photos
* of other friendica users. Original the photos are
* linked to the photo page. Now they will linked directly
* to the photo file. This function is nessesary to use colorbox
* in the network stream
* @param App $a
* @param array $body_info The item and its html output
function frio_item_photo_links(&$a, &$body_info) {
$phototypes = Photo::supportedTypes();
$occurence = 1;
$p = bb_find_open_close($body_info['html'], "<a", ">");
while($p !== false && ($occurence++ < 500)) {
$link = substr($body_info['html'], $p['start'], $p['end'] - $p['start']);
$matches = array();
preg_match("/\/photos\/[\w]+\/image\/([\w]+)/", $link, $matches);
if($matches) {
// Replace the link for the photo's page with a direct link to the photo itself
$newlink = str_replace($matches[0], "/photo/{$matches[1]}", $link);
// Add a "quiet" parameter to any redir links to prevent the "XX welcomes YY" info boxes
$newlink = preg_replace("/href=\"([^\"]+)\/redir\/([^\"]+)&url=([^\"]+)\"/", 'href="$1/redir/$2&quiet=1&url=$3"', $newlink);
// Having any arguments to the link for Colorbox causes it to fetch base64 code instead of the image
$newlink = preg_replace("/\/[?&]zrl=([^&\"]+)/", '', $newlink);
$body_info['html'] = str_replace($link, $newlink, $body_info['html']);
$p = bb_find_open_close($body_info['html'], "<a", ">", $occurence);