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* jQuery Twitter Search Plugin
* Examples and documentation at:
* Copyright (c) 2010 M. Alsup
* Version: 1.04 (15-SEP-2011)
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* Requires: jQuery v1.3.2 or later
;(function($) {
$.fn.twitterSearch = function(options) {
if (typeof options == 'string')
options = { term: options };
return this.each(function() {
var grabFlag = false,
grabbing = false,
$frame = $(this), text, $text, $title, $bird, $cont, height, paused = false,
opts = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.twitterSearch.defaults, options || {}, $.metadata ? $frame.metadata() : {});
opts.formatter = opts.formatter || $.fn.twitterSearch.formatter;
opts.filter = opts.filter || $.fn.twitterSearch.filter;
if (!opts.applyStyles) { // throw away all style defs
for (var css in opts.css)
opts.css[css] = {};
if (opts.title === null) // user can set to '' to suppress title
opts.title = opts.term;
opts.title = opts.title || '';
text = opts.titleLink ? ('<a href="'+ opts.titleLink +'">'+ opts.title + '</a>') : ('<span>' + opts.title +'</span>');
$text = $(text);
if (opts.titleLink)
$title = $('<div class="twitterSearchTitle"></div>').append($text).appendTo($frame).css(opts.css['title']);
if (opts.bird) {
$bird = $('<img class="twitterSearchBird" src="'+opts.birdSrc+'" />').appendTo($title).css(opts.css['bird']);
if (opts.birdLink)
$bird.wrap('<a href="'+ opts.birdLink +'"></a>');
$cont = $('<div class="twitterSearchContainter"></div>').appendTo($frame).css(opts.css['container']);
cont = $cont[0];
if (opts.colorExterior)
if (opts.colorInterior)
if (opts.colorExterior)
height = $frame.innerHeight() - $title.outerHeight();
if (opts.pause)
$cont.hover(function(){paused = true;},function(){paused = false;});
$('<div class="twitterSearchLoading">Loading tweets..</div>').css(opts.css['loading']).appendTo($cont);
function grabTweets() {
var url = opts.url + opts.term;
grabFlag = false;
grabbing = true;
// grab twitter stream
url: url,
timeout: 30000,
error: function(xhr, status, e) {
complete: function() {
grabbing = false;
if (opts.refreshSeconds)
setTimeout(regrab, opts.refreshSeconds * 1000);
success: function(json) {
if (json.error) {
$cont.fadeOut('fast',function() {
// iterate twitter results
$.each(json.results, function(i) {
if (!, this))
return; // skip this tweet
var $img, $text, w,
tweet = opts.formatter(this, opts),
$tweet = $(tweet);
$img = $tweet.find('.twitterSearchProfileImg').css(opts.css['img']);
$text = $tweet.find('.twitterSearchText').css(opts.css['text']);
if (opts.avatar) {
w = $img.outerWidth() + parseInt($tweet.css('paddingLeft'));
$text.css('paddingLeft', w);
if (json.results.length < 2) {
if (opts.refreshSeconds)
setTimeout(grabTweets, opts.refreshSeconds * 1000);
// stage first animation
setTimeout(go, opts.timeout);
function regrab() {
grabFlag = true;
function failWhale(msg) {
var $fail = $('<div class="twitterSearchFail">' + msg + '</div>').css(opts.css['fail']);
function go() {
if (paused || grabbing) {
setTimeout(go, 500);
var h, $el = $cont.children(':first'), el = $el[0];
$el.animate(opts.animOut, opts.animOutSpeed, function() {
h = $el.outerHeight();
$el.animate({ marginTop: -h }, opts.animInSpeed, function() {
$el.css({ marginTop: 0, opacity: 1 });
try {'filter'); } // ie cleartype fix
catch(smother) {}
setTimeout(grabFlag ? grabTweets : go, opts.timeout);
$.fn.twitterSearch.filter = function(tweet) {
return true;
$.fn.twitterSearch.formatter = function(json, opts) {
var str, pretty,
text = json.text;
if (opts.anchors) {
text = json.text.replace(/(http:\/\/\S+)/g, '<a href="$1">$1</a>');
text = text.replace(/\@(\w+)/g, '<a href="$1">@$1</a>');
str = '<div class="twitterSearchTweet">';
if (opts.avatar)
str += '<img class="twitterSearchProfileImg" src="' + json.profile_image_url + '" />';
str += '<div><span class="twitterSearchUser"><a href="'+ json.from_user+'/status/'+ json.id_str +'">'
+ json.from_user + '</a></span>';
pretty = prettyDate(json.created_at);
if (opts.time && pretty)
str += ' <span class="twitterSearchTime">('+ pretty +')</span>'
str += '<div class="twitterSearchText">' + text + '</div></div></div>';
return str;
$.fn.twitterSearch.defaults = {
url: '',
anchors: true, // true or false (enable embedded links in tweets)
animOutSpeed: 500, // speed of animation for top tweet when removed
animInSpeed: 500, // speed of scroll animation for moving tweets up
animOut: { opacity: 0 }, // animation of top tweet when it is removed
applyStyles: true, // true or false (apply default css styling or not)
avatar: true, // true or false (show or hide twitter profile images)
bird: true, // true or false (show or hide twitter bird image)
birdLink: false, // url that twitter bird image should like to
birdSrc: '', // twitter bird image
colorExterior: null, // css override of frame border-color and title background-color
colorInterior: null, // css override of container background-color
filter: null, // callback fn to filter tweets: fn(tweetJson) { /* return false to skip tweet */ }
formatter: null, // callback fn to build tweet markup
pause: false, // true or false (pause on hover)
refreshSeconds: 0, // number of seconds to wait before polling for newer tweets
term: '', // twitter search term
time: true, // true or false (show or hide the time that the tweet was sent)
timeout: 4000, // delay betweet tweet scroll
title: null, // title text to display when frame option is true (default = 'term' text)
titleLink: null, // url for title link
css: {
// default styling
a: { textDecoration: 'none', color: '#3B5998' },
bird: { width: '50px', height: '20px', position: 'absolute', left: '-30px', top: '-20px', border: 'none' },
2012-05-10 12:19:51 +02:00
container: { overflow: 'hidden', backgroundColor: '', height: '600px', width: '170px' },
fail: { background: '#6cc5c3 url( no-repeat 50% 50%', height: '100%', padding: '10px' },
frame: { border: '0px solid #C2CFF1', borderRadius: '0px', '-moz-border-radius': '0px', '-webkit-border-radius': '0px' },
tweet: { padding: '5px 10px', clear: 'left' },
img: { 'float': 'left', margin: '5px', width: '48px', height: '48px' },
loading: { padding: '20px', textAlign: 'center', color: '#888' },
text: {},
time: { fontSize: 'smaller', color: '#888' },
title: { 'display': 'none'},
titleLink: { textDecoration: 'none', color: '#3B5998' },
user: { fontWeight: 'bold' }
// fn to handle jsonp with timeouts and errors
// hat tip to Ricardo Tomasi for the timeout logic
$.getJSONP = function(s) {
s.dataType = 'jsonp';
// figure out what the callback fn is
var $script = $(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].firstChild);
var url = $script.attr('src') || '';
var cb = (url.match(/callback=(\w+)/)||[])[1];
if (!cb)
return; // bail
var t = 0, cbFn = window[cb];
$script[0].onerror = function(e) {
handleError(s, {}, "error", e);
if (!s.timeout)
window[cb] = function(json) {
cbFn = null;
t = setTimeout(function() {
handleError(s, {}, "timeout");
if (cbFn)
window[cb] = function(){};
}, s.timeout);
function handleError(s, xhr, msg, e) {
s.error &&, xhr, msg, e); && $.event.trigger("ajaxError", [xhr, s, e || msg]);
s.complete &&, xhr, e || msg);
* JavaScript Pretty Date
* Copyright (c) 2008 John Resig (
* Licensed under the MIT license.
// converts ISO time to casual time
function prettyDate(time){
var date = new Date((time || "").replace(/-/g,"/").replace(/TZ/g," ")),
diff = (((new Date()).getTime() - date.getTime()) / 1000),
day_diff = Math.floor(diff / 86400);
if ( isNaN(day_diff) || day_diff < 0 || day_diff >= 31 )
var v = day_diff == 0 && (
diff < 60 && "just now" ||
diff < 120 && "1 minute ago" ||
diff < 3600 && Math.floor( diff / 60 ) + " minutes ago" ||
diff < 7200 && "1 hour ago" ||
diff < 86400 && Math.floor( diff / 3600 ) + " hours ago") ||
day_diff == 1 && "Yesterday" ||
day_diff < 7 && day_diff + " days ago" ||
day_diff < 31 && Math.ceil( day_diff / 7 ) + " weeks ago";
if (!v)
window.console && console.log(time);
return v ? v : '';