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2010-07-02 01:48:07 +02:00
* Image Cropper (v. 1.2.0 - 2006-10-30 )
* Copyright (c) 2006 David Spurr (
* The image cropper provides a way to draw a crop area on an image and capture
* the coordinates of the drawn crop area.
* Features include:
* - Based on Prototype and Scriptaculous
* - Image editing package styling, the crop area functions and looks
* like those found in popular image editing software
* - Dynamic inclusion of required styles
* - Drag to draw areas
* - Shift drag to draw/resize areas as squares
* - Selection area can be moved
* - Seleciton area can be resized using resize handles
* - Allows dimension ratio limited crop areas
* - Allows minimum dimension crop areas
* - Allows maximum dimesion crop areas
* - If both min & max dimension options set to the same value for a single axis,then the cropper will not
* display the resize handles as appropriate (when min & max dimensions are passed for both axes this
* results in a 'fixed size' crop area)
* - Allows dynamic preview of resultant crop ( if minimum width & height are provided ), this is
* implemented as a subclass so can be excluded when not required
* - Movement of selection area by arrow keys ( shift + arrow key will move selection area by
* 10 pixels )
* - All operations stay within bounds of image
* - All functionality & display compatible with most popular browsers supported by Prototype:
* PC: IE 7, 6 & 5.5, Firefox 1.5, Opera 8.5 (see known issues) & 9.0b
* MAC: Camino 1.0, Firefox 1.5, Safari 2.0
* Requires:
* - Prototype v. 1.5.0_rc0 > (as packaged with Scriptaculous 1.6.1)
* - Scriptaculous v. 1.6.1 > modules: builder, dragdrop
* Known issues:
* - Safari animated gifs, only one of each will animate, this seems to be a known Safari issue
* - After drawing an area and then clicking to start a new drag in IE 5.5 the rendered height
* appears as the last height until the user drags, this appears to be the related to the error
* that the forceReRender() method fixes for IE 6, i.e. IE 5.5 is not redrawing the box properly.
* - Lack of CSS opacity support in Opera before version 9 mean we disable those style rules, these
* could be fixed by using PNGs with transparency if Opera 8.5 support is high priority for you
* - Marching ants keep reloading in IE <6 (not tested in IE7), it is a known issue in IE and I have
* found no viable workarounds that can be included in the release. If this really is an issue for you
* either try this post:
* or uncomment the 'FIX MARCHING ANTS IN IE' rules in the CSS file
* - Styling & borders on image, any CSS styling applied directly to the image itself (floats, borders, padding, margin, etc.) will
* cause problems with the cropper. The use of a wrapper element to apply these styles to is recommended.
* - overflow: auto or overflow: scroll on parent will cause cropper to burst out of parent in IE and Opera (maybe Mac browsers too)
* I'm not sure why yet.
* Usage:
* See Cropper.Img & Cropper.ImgWithPreview for usage details
* Changelog:
* v1.2.0 - 2006-10-30
* + Added id to the preview image element using 'imgCrop_[originalImageID]'
* * #00001 - Fixed bug: Doesn't account for scroll offsets
* * #00009 - Fixed bug: Placing the cropper inside differently positioned elements causes incorrect co-ordinates and display
* * #00013 - Fixed bug: I-bar cursor appears on drag plane
* * #00014 - Fixed bug: If ID for image tag is not found in document script throws error
* * Fixed bug with drag start co-ordinates if wrapper element has moved in browser (e.g. dragged to a new position)
* * Fixed bug with drag start co-ordinates if image contained in a wrapper with scrolling - this may be buggy if image
* has other ancestors with scrolling applied (except the body)
* * #00015 - Fixed bug: When cropper removed and then reapplied onEndCrop callback gets called multiple times, solution suggestion from Bill Smith
* * Various speed increases & code cleanup which meant improved performance in Mac - which allowed removal of different overlay methods for
* IE and all other browsers, which led to a fix for:
* * #00010 - Fixed bug: Select area doesn't adhere to image size when image resized using img attributes
* - #00006 - Removed default behaviour of automatically setting a ratio when both min width & height passed, the ratioDimensions must be passed in
* + #00005 - Added ability to set maximum crop dimensions, if both min & max set as the same value then we'll get a fixed cropper size on the axes as appropriate
* and the resize handles will not be displayed as appropriate
* * Switched keydown for keypress for moving select area with cursor keys (makes for nicer action) - doesn't appear to work in Safari
* v1.1.3 - 2006-08-21
* * Fixed wrong cursor on western handle in CSS
* + #00008 & #00003 - Added feature: Allow to set dimensions & position for cropper on load
* * #00002 - Fixed bug: Pressing 'remove cropper' twice removes image in IE
* v1.1.2 - 2006-06-09
* * Fixed bugs with ratios when GCD is low (patch submitted by Andy Skelton)
* v1.1.1 - 2006-06-03
* * Fixed bug with rendering issues fix in IE 5.5
* * Fixed bug with endCrop callback issues once cropper had been removed & reset in IE
* v1.1.0 - 2006-06-02
* * Fixed bug with IE constantly trying to reload select area background image
* * Applied more robust fix to Safari & IE rendering issues
* + Added method to reset parameters - useful for when dynamically changing img cropper attached to
* + Added method to remove cropper from image
* v1.0.0 - 2006-05-18
* + Initial verison
* Copyright (c) 2006, David Spurr (
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of the David Spurr nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
* See scriptaculous.js for full scriptaculous licence
* Extend the Draggable class to allow us to pass the rendering
* down to the Cropper object.
var CropDraggable = Class.create();
Object.extend( Object.extend( CropDraggable.prototype, Draggable.prototype), {
initialize: function(element) {
this.options = Object.extend(
* The draw method to defer drawing to
drawMethod: function() {}
arguments[1] || {}
this.element = $(element);
this.handle = this.element; = this.currentDelta();
this.dragging = false;
this.eventMouseDown = this.initDrag.bindAsEventListener(this);
Event.observe(this.handle, "mousedown", this.eventMouseDown);
* Defers the drawing of the draggable to the supplied method
draw: function(point) {
var pos = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.element);
var d = this.currentDelta();
pos[0] -= d[0];
pos[1] -= d[1];
var p = [0,1].map(function(i) {
return (point[i]-pos[i]-this.offset[i])
this.options.drawMethod( p );
* The Cropper object, this will attach itself to the provided image by wrapping it with
* the generated xHTML structure required by the cropper.
* Usage:
* @param obj Image element to attach to
* @param obj Optional options:
* - ratioDim obj
* The pixel dimensions to apply as a restrictive ratio, with properties x & y
* - minWidth int
* The minimum width for the select area in pixels
* - minHeight int
* The mimimum height for the select area in pixels
* - maxWidth int
* The maximum width for the select areas in pixels (if both minWidth & maxWidth set to same the width of the cropper will be fixed)
* - maxHeight int
* The maximum height for the select areas in pixels (if both minHeight & maxHeight set to same the height of the cropper will be fixed)
* - displayOnInit int
* Whether to display the select area on initialisation, only used when providing minimum width & height or ratio
* - onEndCrop func
* The callback function to provide the crop details to on end of a crop (see below)
* - captureKeys boolean
* Whether to capture the keys for moving the select area, as these can cause some problems at the moment
* - onloadCoords obj
* A coordinates object with properties x1, y1, x2 & y2; for the coordinates of the select area to display onload
* The callback function provided via the onEndCrop option should accept the following parameters:
* - coords obj
* The coordinates object with properties x1, y1, x2 & y2; for the coordinates of the select area
* - dimensions obj
* The dimensions object with properites width & height; for the dimensions of the select area
* Example:
* function onEndCrop( coords, dimensions ) {
* $( 'x1' ).value = coords.x1;
* $( 'y1' ).value = coords.y1;
* $( 'x2' ).value = coords.x2;
* $( 'y2' ).value = coords.y2;
* $( 'width' ).value = dimensions.width;
* $( 'height' ).value = dimensions.height;
* }
var Cropper = {};
Cropper.Img = Class.create();
Cropper.Img.prototype = {
* Initialises the class
* @access public
* @param obj Image element to attach to
* @param obj Options
* @return void
initialize: function(element, options) {
this.options = Object.extend(
* @var obj
* The pixel dimensions to apply as a restrictive ratio
ratioDim: { x: 0, y: 0 },
* @var int
* The minimum pixel width, also used as restrictive ratio if min height passed too
minWidth: 0,
* @var int
* The minimum pixel height, also used as restrictive ratio if min width passed too
minHeight: 0,
* @var boolean
* Whether to display the select area on initialisation, only used when providing minimum width & height or ratio
displayOnInit: false,
* @var function
* The call back function to pass the final values to
onEndCrop: Prototype.emptyFunction,
* @var boolean
* Whether to capture key presses or not
captureKeys: true,
* @var obj Coordinate object x1, y1, x2, y2
* The coordinates to optionally display the select area at onload
onloadCoords: null,
* @var int
* The maximum width for the select areas in pixels (if both minWidth & maxWidth set to same the width of the cropper will be fixed)
maxWidth: 0,
* @var int
* The maximum height for the select areas in pixels (if both minHeight & maxHeight set to same the height of the cropper will be fixed)
maxHeight: 0
options || {}
* @var obj
* The img node to attach to
this.img = $( element );
* @var obj
* The x & y coordinates of the click point
this.clickCoords = { x: 0, y: 0 };
* @var boolean
* Whether the user is dragging
this.dragging = false;
* @var boolean
* Whether the user is resizing
this.resizing = false;
* @var boolean
* Whether the user is on a webKit browser
this.isWebKit = /Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/.test( navigator.userAgent );
* @var boolean
* Whether the user is on IE
this.isIE = /MSIE/.test( navigator.userAgent );
* @var boolean
* Whether the user is on Opera below version 9
this.isOpera8 = /Opera\s[1-8]/.test( navigator.userAgent );
* @var int
* The x ratio
this.ratioX = 0;
* @var int
* The y ratio
this.ratioY = 0;
* @var boolean
* Whether we've attached sucessfully
this.attached = false;
* @var boolean
* Whether we've got a fixed width (if minWidth EQ or GT maxWidth then we have a fixed width
* in the case of minWidth > maxWidth maxWidth wins as the fixed width)
this.fixedWidth = ( this.options.maxWidth > 0 && ( this.options.minWidth >= this.options.maxWidth ) );
* @var boolean
* Whether we've got a fixed height (if minHeight EQ or GT maxHeight then we have a fixed height
* in the case of minHeight > maxHeight maxHeight wins as the fixed height)
this.fixedHeight = ( this.options.maxHeight > 0 && ( this.options.minHeight >= this.options.maxHeight ) );
// quit if the image element doesn't exist
if( typeof this.img == 'undefined' ) return;
// include the stylesheet
$A( document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' ) ).each(
function(s) {
if( s.src.match( /cropper\.js/ ) ) {
var path = s.src.replace( /cropper\.js(.*)?/, '' );
// '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' + path + 'cropper.css" media="screen" />';
var style = document.createElement( 'link' );
style.rel = 'stylesheet';
style.type = 'text/css';
style.href = path + 'cropper.css'; = 'screen';
document.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[0].appendChild( style );
// calculate the ratio when neccessary
if( this.options.ratioDim.x > 0 && this.options.ratioDim.y > 0 ) {
var gcd = this.getGCD( this.options.ratioDim.x, this.options.ratioDim.y );
this.ratioX = this.options.ratioDim.x / gcd;
this.ratioY = this.options.ratioDim.y / gcd;
// dump( 'RATIO : ' + this.ratioX + ':' + this.ratioY + '\n' );
// initialise sub classes
// only load the event observers etc. once the image is loaded
// this is done after the subInitialize() call just in case the sub class does anything
// that will affect the result of the call to onLoad()
if( this.img.complete || this.isWebKit ) this.onLoad(); // for some reason Safari seems to support img.complete but returns 'undefined' on the this.img object
else Event.observe( this.img, 'load', this.onLoad.bindAsEventListener( this) );
* The Euclidean algorithm used to find the greatest common divisor
* @acces private
* @param int Value 1
* @param int Value 2
* @return int
getGCD : function( a , b ) {
if( b == 0 ) return a;
return this.getGCD(b, a % b );
* Attaches the cropper to the image once it has loaded
* @access private
* @return void
onLoad: function( ) {
* Build the container and all related elements, will result in the following
* <div class="imgCrop_wrap">
* <img ... this.img ... />
* <div class="imgCrop_dragArea">
* <!-- the inner spans are only required for IE to stop it making the divs 1px high/wide -->
* <div class="imgCrop_overlay imageCrop_north"><span></span></div>
* <div class="imgCrop_overlay imageCrop_east"><span></span></div>
* <div class="imgCrop_overlay imageCrop_south"><span></span></div>
* <div class="imgCrop_overlay imageCrop_west"><span></span></div>
* <div class="imgCrop_selArea">
* <!-- marquees -->
* <!-- the inner spans are only required for IE to stop it making the divs 1px high/wide -->
* <div class="imgCrop_marqueeHoriz imgCrop_marqueeNorth"><span></span></div>
* <div class="imgCrop_marqueeVert imgCrop_marqueeEast"><span></span></div>
* <div class="imgCrop_marqueeHoriz imgCrop_marqueeSouth"><span></span></div>
* <div class="imgCrop_marqueeVert imgCrop_marqueeWest"><span></span></div>
* <!-- handles -->
* <div class="imgCrop_handle imgCrop_handleN"></div>
* <div class="imgCrop_handle imgCrop_handleNE"></div>
* <div class="imgCrop_handle imgCrop_handleE"></div>
* <div class="imgCrop_handle imgCrop_handleSE"></div>
* <div class="imgCrop_handle imgCrop_handleS"></div>
* <div class="imgCrop_handle imgCrop_handleSW"></div>
* <div class="imgCrop_handle imgCrop_handleW"></div>
* <div class="imgCrop_handle imgCrop_handleNW"></div>
* <div class="imgCrop_clickArea"></div>
* </div>
* <div class="imgCrop_clickArea"></div>
* </div>
* </div>
var cNamePrefix = 'imgCrop_';
// get the point to insert the container
var insertPoint = this.img.parentNode;
// apply an extra class to the wrapper to fix Opera below version 9
var fixOperaClass = '';
if( this.isOpera8 ) fixOperaClass = ' opera8';
this.imgWrap = Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'wrap' + fixOperaClass } );
this.north = Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'overlay ' + cNamePrefix + 'north' }, [Builder.node( 'span' )] );
this.east = Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'overlay ' + cNamePrefix + 'east' } , [Builder.node( 'span' )] );
this.south = Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'overlay ' + cNamePrefix + 'south' }, [Builder.node( 'span' )] );
this.west = Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'overlay ' + cNamePrefix + 'west' } , [Builder.node( 'span' )] );
var overlays = [ this.north, this.east, this.south, this.west ];
this.dragArea = Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'dragArea' }, overlays );
this.handleN = Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'handle ' + cNamePrefix + 'handleN' } );
this.handleNE = Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'handle ' + cNamePrefix + 'handleNE' } );
this.handleE = Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'handle ' + cNamePrefix + 'handleE' } );
this.handleSE = Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'handle ' + cNamePrefix + 'handleSE' } );
this.handleS = Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'handle ' + cNamePrefix + 'handleS' } );
this.handleSW = Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'handle ' + cNamePrefix + 'handleSW' } );
this.handleW = Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'handle ' + cNamePrefix + 'handleW' } );
this.handleNW = Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'handle ' + cNamePrefix + 'handleNW' } );
this.selArea = Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'selArea' },
Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'marqueeHoriz ' + cNamePrefix + 'marqueeNorth' }, [Builder.node( 'span' )] ),
Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'marqueeVert ' + cNamePrefix + 'marqueeEast' } , [Builder.node( 'span' )] ),
Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'marqueeHoriz ' + cNamePrefix + 'marqueeSouth' }, [Builder.node( 'span' )] ),
Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'marqueeVert ' + cNamePrefix + 'marqueeWest' } , [Builder.node( 'span' )] ),
Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'clickArea' } )
this.imgWrap.appendChild( this.img );
this.imgWrap.appendChild( this.dragArea );
this.dragArea.appendChild( this.selArea );
this.dragArea.appendChild( Builder.node( 'div', { 'class': cNamePrefix + 'clickArea' } ) );
insertPoint.appendChild( this.imgWrap );
// add event observers
this.startDragBind = this.startDrag.bindAsEventListener( this );
Event.observe( this.dragArea, 'mousedown', this.startDragBind );
this.onDragBind = this.onDrag.bindAsEventListener( this );
Event.observe( document, 'mousemove', this.onDragBind );
this.endCropBind = this.endCrop.bindAsEventListener( this );
Event.observe( document, 'mouseup', this.endCropBind );
this.resizeBind = this.startResize.bindAsEventListener( this );
this.handles = [ this.handleN, this.handleNE, this.handleE, this.handleSE, this.handleS, this.handleSW, this.handleW, this.handleNW ];
this.registerHandles( true );
if( this.options.captureKeys ) {
this.keysBind = this.handleKeys.bindAsEventListener( this );
Event.observe( document, 'keypress', this.keysBind );
// attach the dragable to the select area
new CropDraggable( this.selArea, { drawMethod: this.moveArea.bindAsEventListener( this ) } );
* Manages adding or removing the handle event handler and hiding or displaying them as appropriate
* @access private
* @param boolean registration true = add, false = remove
* @return void
registerHandles: function( registration ) {
for( var i = 0; i < this.handles.length; i++ ) {
var handle = $( this.handles[i] );
if( registration ) {
var hideHandle = false; // whether to hide the handle
// disable handles asappropriate if we've got fixed dimensions
// if both dimensions are fixed we don't need to do much
if( this.fixedWidth && this.fixedHeight ) hideHandle = true;
else if( this.fixedWidth || this.fixedHeight ) {
// if one of the dimensions is fixed then just hide those handles
var isCornerHandle = handle.className.match( /([S|N][E|W])$/ )
var isWidthHandle = handle.className.match( /(E|W)$/ );
var isHeightHandle = handle.className.match( /(N|S)$/ );
if( isCornerHandle ) hideHandle = true;
else if( this.fixedWidth && isWidthHandle ) hideHandle = true;
else if( this.fixedHeight && isHeightHandle ) hideHandle = true;
if( hideHandle ) handle.hide();
else Event.observe( handle, 'mousedown', this.resizeBind );
} else {;
Event.stopObserving( handle, 'mousedown', this.resizeBind );
* Sets up all the cropper parameters, this can be used to reset the cropper when dynamically
* changing the images
* @access private
* @return void
setParams: function() {
* @var int
* The image width
this.imgW = this.img.width;
* @var int
* The image height
this.imgH = this.img.height;
$( this.north ).setStyle( { height: 0 } );
$( this.east ).setStyle( { width: 0, height: 0 } );
$( this.south ).setStyle( { height: 0 } );
$( this.west ).setStyle( { width: 0, height: 0 } );
// resize the container to fit the image
$( this.imgWrap ).setStyle( { 'width': this.imgW + 'px', 'height': this.imgH + 'px' } );
// hide the select area
$( this.selArea ).hide();
// setup the starting position of the select area
var startCoords = { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0 };
var validCoordsSet = false;
// display the select area
if( this.options.onloadCoords != null ) {
// if we've being given some coordinates to
startCoords = this.cloneCoords( this.options.onloadCoords );
validCoordsSet = true;
} else if( this.options.ratioDim.x > 0 && this.options.ratioDim.y > 0 ) {
// if there is a ratio limit applied and the then set it to initial ratio
startCoords.x1 = Math.ceil( ( this.imgW - this.options.ratioDim.x ) / 2 );
startCoords.y1 = Math.ceil( ( this.imgH - this.options.ratioDim.y ) / 2 );
startCoords.x2 = startCoords.x1 + this.options.ratioDim.x;
startCoords.y2 = startCoords.y1 + this.options.ratioDim.y;
validCoordsSet = true;
this.setAreaCoords( startCoords, false, false, 1 );
if( this.options.displayOnInit && validCoordsSet ) {;
this.attached = true;
* Removes the cropper
* @access public
* @return void
remove: function() {
if( this.attached ) {
this.attached = false;
// remove the elements we inserted
this.imgWrap.parentNode.insertBefore( this.img, this.imgWrap );
this.imgWrap.parentNode.removeChild( this.imgWrap );
// remove the event observers
Event.stopObserving( this.dragArea, 'mousedown', this.startDragBind );
Event.stopObserving( document, 'mousemove', this.onDragBind );
Event.stopObserving( document, 'mouseup', this.endCropBind );
this.registerHandles( false );
if( this.options.captureKeys ) Event.stopObserving( document, 'keypress', this.keysBind );
* Resets the cropper, can be used either after being removed or any time you wish
* @access public
* @return void
reset: function() {
if( !this.attached ) this.onLoad();
else this.setParams();
* Handles the key functionality, currently just using arrow keys to move, if the user
* presses shift then the area will move by 10 pixels
handleKeys: function( e ) {
var dir = { x: 0, y: 0 }; // direction to move it in & the amount in pixels
if( !this.dragging ) {
// catch the arrow keys
switch( e.keyCode ) {
case( 37 ) : // left
dir.x = -1;
case( 38 ) : // up
dir.y = -1;
case( 39 ) : // right
dir.x = 1;
case( 40 ) : // down
dir.y = 1;
if( dir.x != 0 || dir.y != 0 ) {
// if shift is pressed then move by 10 pixels
if( e.shiftKey ) {
dir.x *= 10;
dir.y *= 10;
this.moveArea( [ this.areaCoords.x1 + dir.x, this.areaCoords.y1 + dir.y ] );
Event.stop( e );
* Calculates the width from the areaCoords
* @access private
* @return int
calcW: function() {
return (this.areaCoords.x2 - this.areaCoords.x1)
* Calculates the height from the areaCoords
* @access private
* @return int
calcH: function() {
return (this.areaCoords.y2 - this.areaCoords.y1)
* Moves the select area to the supplied point (assumes the point is x1 & y1 of the select area)
* @access public
* @param array Point for x1 & y1 to move select area to
* @return void
moveArea: function( point ) {
// dump( 'moveArea : ' + point[0] + ',' + point[1] + ',' + ( point[0] + ( this.areaCoords.x2 - this.areaCoords.x1 ) ) + ',' + ( point[1] + ( this.areaCoords.y2 - this.areaCoords.y1 ) ) + '\n' );
x1: point[0],
y1: point[1],
x2: point[0] + this.calcW(),
y2: point[1] + this.calcH()
* Clones a co-ordinates object, stops problems with handling them by reference
* @access private
* @param obj Coordinate object x1, y1, x2, y2
* @return obj Coordinate object x1, y1, x2, y2
cloneCoords: function( coords ) {
return { x1: coords.x1, y1: coords.y1, x2: coords.x2, y2: coords.y2 };
* Sets the select coords to those provided but ensures they don't go
* outside the bounding box
* @access private
* @param obj Coordinates x1, y1, x2, y2
* @param boolean Whether this is a move
* @param boolean Whether to apply squaring
* @param obj Direction of mouse along both axis x, y ( -1 = negative, 1 = positive ) only required when moving etc.
* @param string The current resize handle || null
* @return void
setAreaCoords: function( coords, moving, square, direction, resizeHandle ) {
// dump( 'setAreaCoords (in) : ' + coords.x1 + ',' + coords.y1 + ',' + coords.x2 + ',' + coords.y2 );
if( moving ) {
// if moving
var targW = coords.x2 - coords.x1;
var targH = coords.y2 - coords.y1;
// ensure we're within the bounds
if( coords.x1 < 0 ) {
coords.x1 = 0;
coords.x2 = targW;
if( coords.y1 < 0 ) {
coords.y1 = 0;
coords.y2 = targH;
if( coords.x2 > this.imgW ) {
coords.x2 = this.imgW;
coords.x1 = this.imgW - targW;
if( coords.y2 > this.imgH ) {
coords.y2 = this.imgH;
coords.y1 = this.imgH - targH;
} else {
// ensure we're within the bounds
if( coords.x1 < 0 ) coords.x1 = 0;
if( coords.y1 < 0 ) coords.y1 = 0;
if( coords.x2 > this.imgW ) coords.x2 = this.imgW;
if( coords.y2 > this.imgH ) coords.y2 = this.imgH;
// This is passed as null in onload
if( direction != null ) {
// apply the ratio or squaring where appropriate
if( this.ratioX > 0 ) this.applyRatio( coords, { x: this.ratioX, y: this.ratioY }, direction, resizeHandle );
else if( square ) this.applyRatio( coords, { x: 1, y: 1 }, direction, resizeHandle );
var mins = [ this.options.minWidth, this.options.minHeight ]; // minimum dimensions [x,y]
var maxs = [ this.options.maxWidth, this.options.maxHeight ]; // maximum dimensions [x,y]
// apply dimensions where appropriate
if( mins[0] > 0 || mins[1] > 0 || maxs[0] > 0 || maxs[1] > 0) {
var coordsTransX = { a1: coords.x1, a2: coords.x2 };
var coordsTransY = { a1: coords.y1, a2: coords.y2 };
var boundsX = { min: 0, max: this.imgW };
var boundsY = { min: 0, max: this.imgH };
// handle squaring properly on single axis minimum dimensions
if( (mins[0] != 0 || mins[1] != 0) && square ) {
if( mins[0] > 0 ) mins[1] = mins[0];
else if( mins[1] > 0 ) mins[0] = mins[1];
if( (maxs[0] != 0 || maxs[0] != 0) && square ) {
// if we have a max x value & it is less than the max y value then we set the y max to the max x (so we don't go over the minimum maximum of one of the axes - if that makes sense)
if( maxs[0] > 0 && maxs[0] <= maxs[1] ) maxs[1] = maxs[0];
else if( maxs[1] > 0 && maxs[1] <= maxs[0] ) maxs[0] = maxs[1];
if( mins[0] > 0 ) this.applyDimRestriction( coordsTransX, mins[0], direction.x, boundsX, 'min' );
if( mins[1] > 1 ) this.applyDimRestriction( coordsTransY, mins[1], direction.y, boundsY, 'min' );
if( maxs[0] > 0 ) this.applyDimRestriction( coordsTransX, maxs[0], direction.x, boundsX, 'max' );
if( maxs[1] > 1 ) this.applyDimRestriction( coordsTransY, maxs[1], direction.y, boundsY, 'max' );
coords = { x1: coordsTransX.a1, y1: coordsTransY.a1, x2: coordsTransX.a2, y2: coordsTransY.a2 };
// dump( 'setAreaCoords (out) : ' + coords.x1 + ',' + coords.y1 + ',' + coords.x2 + ',' + coords.y2 + '\n' );
this.areaCoords = coords;
* Applies the supplied dimension restriction to the supplied coordinates along a single axis
* @access private
* @param obj Single axis coordinates, a1, a2 (e.g. for the x axis a1 = x1 & a2 = x2)
* @param int The restriction value
* @param int The direction ( -1 = negative, 1 = positive )
* @param obj The bounds of the image ( for this axis )
* @param string The dimension restriction type ( 'min' | 'max' )
* @return void
applyDimRestriction: function( coords, val, direction, bounds, type ) {
var check;
if( type == 'min' ) check = ( ( coords.a2 - coords.a1 ) < val );
else check = ( ( coords.a2 - coords.a1 ) > val );
if( check ) {
if( direction == 1 ) coords.a2 = coords.a1 + val;
else coords.a1 = coords.a2 - val;
// make sure we're still in the bounds (not too pretty for the user, but needed)
if( coords.a1 < bounds.min ) {
coords.a1 = bounds.min;
coords.a2 = val;
} else if( coords.a2 > bounds.max ) {
coords.a1 = bounds.max - val;
coords.a2 = bounds.max;
* Applies the supplied ratio to the supplied coordinates
* @access private
* @param obj Coordinates, x1, y1, x2, y2
* @param obj Ratio, x, y
* @param obj Direction of mouse, x & y : -1 == negative 1 == positive
* @param string The current resize handle || null
* @return void
applyRatio : function( coords, ratio, direction, resizeHandle ) {
// dump( 'direction.y : ' + direction.y + '\n');
var newCoords;
if( resizeHandle == 'N' || resizeHandle == 'S' ) {
// dump( 'north south \n');
// if moving on either the lone north & south handles apply the ratio on the y axis
newCoords = this.applyRatioToAxis(
{ a1: coords.y1, b1: coords.x1, a2: coords.y2, b2: coords.x2 },
{ a: ratio.y, b: ratio.x },
{ a: direction.y, b: direction.x },
{ min: 0, max: this.imgW }
coords.x1 = newCoords.b1;
coords.y1 = newCoords.a1;
coords.x2 = newCoords.b2;
coords.y2 = newCoords.a2;
} else {
// otherwise deal with it as if we're applying the ratio on the x axis
newCoords = this.applyRatioToAxis(
{ a1: coords.x1, b1: coords.y1, a2: coords.x2, b2: coords.y2 },
{ a: ratio.x, b: ratio.y },
{ a: direction.x, b: direction.y },
{ min: 0, max: this.imgH }
coords.x1 = newCoords.a1;
coords.y1 = newCoords.b1;
coords.x2 = newCoords.a2;
coords.y2 = newCoords.b2;
* Applies the provided ratio to the provided coordinates based on provided direction & bounds,
* use to encapsulate functionality to make it easy to apply to either axis. This is probably
* quite hard to visualise so see the x axis example within applyRatio()
* Example in parameter details & comments is for requesting applying ratio to x axis.
* @access private
* @param obj Coords object (a1, b1, a2, b2) where a = x & b = y in example
* @param obj Ratio object (a, b) where a = x & b = y in example
* @param obj Direction object (a, b) where a = x & b = y in example
* @param obj Bounds (min, max)
* @return obj Coords object (a1, b1, a2, b2) where a = x & b = y in example
applyRatioToAxis: function( coords, ratio, direction, bounds ) {
var newCoords = Object.extend( coords, {} );
var calcDimA = newCoords.a2 - newCoords.a1; // calculate dimension a (e.g. width)
var targDimB = Math.floor( calcDimA * ratio.b / ratio.a ); // the target dimension b (e.g. height)
var targB; // to hold target b (e.g. y value)
var targDimA; // to hold target dimension a (e.g. width)
var calcDimB = null; // to hold calculated dimension b (e.g. height)
// dump( 'newCoords[0]: ' + newCoords.a1 + ',' + newCoords.b1 + ','+ newCoords.a2 + ',' + newCoords.b2 + '\n');
if( direction.b == 1 ) { // if travelling in a positive direction
// make sure we're not going out of bounds
targB = newCoords.b1 + targDimB;
if( targB > bounds.max ) {
targB = bounds.max;
calcDimB = targB - newCoords.b1; // calcuate dimension b (e.g. height)
newCoords.b2 = targB;
} else { // if travelling in a negative direction
// make sure we're not going out of bounds
targB = newCoords.b2 - targDimB;
if( targB < bounds.min ) {
targB = bounds.min;
calcDimB = targB + newCoords.b2; // calcuate dimension b (e.g. height)
newCoords.b1 = targB;
// dump( 'newCoords[1]: ' + newCoords.a1 + ',' + newCoords.b1 + ','+ newCoords.a2 + ',' + newCoords.b2 + '\n');
// apply the calculated dimensions
if( calcDimB != null ) {
targDimA = Math.floor( calcDimB * ratio.a / ratio.b );
if( direction.a == 1 ) newCoords.a2 = newCoords.a1 + targDimA;
else newCoords.a1 = newCoords.a1 = newCoords.a2 - targDimA;
// dump( 'newCoords[2]: ' + newCoords.a1 + ',' + newCoords.b1 + ','+ newCoords.a2 + ',' + newCoords.b2 + '\n');
return newCoords;
* Draws the select area
* @access private
* @return void
drawArea: function( ) {
* NOTE: I'm not using the Element.setStyle() shortcut as they make it
* quite sluggish on Mac based browsers
// dump( 'drawArea : ' + this.areaCoords.x1 + ',' + this.areaCoords.y1 + ',' + this.areaCoords.x2 + ',' + this.areaCoords.y2 + '\n' );
var areaWidth = this.calcW();
var areaHeight = this.calcH();
* Calculate all the style strings before we use them, allows reuse & produces quicker
* rendering (especially noticable in Mac based browsers)
var px = 'px';
var params = [
this.areaCoords.x1 + px, // the left of the selArea
this.areaCoords.y1 + px, // the top of the selArea
areaWidth + px, // width of the selArea
areaHeight + px, // height of the selArea
this.areaCoords.x2 + px, // bottom of the selArea
this.areaCoords.y2 + px, // right of the selArea
(this.img.width - this.areaCoords.x2) + px, // right edge of selArea
(this.img.height - this.areaCoords.y2) + px // bottom edge of selArea
// do the select area
var areaStyle =;
areaStyle.left = params[0]; = params[1];
areaStyle.width = params[2];
areaStyle.height = params[3];
// position the north, east, south & west handles
var horizHandlePos = Math.ceil( (areaWidth - 6) / 2 ) + px;
var vertHandlePos = Math.ceil( (areaHeight - 6) / 2 ) + px; = horizHandlePos; = vertHandlePos; = horizHandlePos; = vertHandlePos;
// draw the four overlays = params[1];
var eastStyle =; = params[1];
eastStyle.height = params[3];
eastStyle.left = params[4];
eastStyle.width = params[6];
var southStyle =; = params[5];
southStyle.height = params[7];
var westStyle =; = params[1];
westStyle.height = params[3];
westStyle.width = params[0];
// call the draw method on sub classes
* Force the re-rendering of the selArea element which fixes rendering issues in Safari
* & IE PC, especially evident when re-sizing perfectly vertical using any of the south handles
* @access private
* @return void
forceReRender: function() {
if( this.isIE || this.isWebKit) {
var n = document.createTextNode(' ');
var d,el,fixEL,i;
if( this.isIE ) fixEl = this.selArea;
else if( this.isWebKit ) {
fixEl = document.getElementsByClassName( 'imgCrop_marqueeSouth', this.imgWrap )[0];
/* we have to be a bit more forceful for Safari, otherwise the the marquee &
* the south handles still don't move
d = Builder.node( 'div', '' ); = 'hidden';
var classList = ['SE','S','SW'];
for( i = 0; i < classList.length; i++ ) {
el = document.getElementsByClassName( 'imgCrop_handle' + classList[i], this.selArea )[0];
if( el.childNodes.length ) el.removeChild( el.childNodes[0] );
* Starts the resize
* @access private
* @param obj Event
* @return void
startResize: function( e ) {
this.startCoords = this.cloneCoords( this.areaCoords );
this.resizing = true;
this.resizeHandle = Event.element( e ).classNames().toString().replace(/([^N|NE|E|SE|S|SW|W|NW])+/, '');
// dump( 'this.resizeHandle : ' + this.resizeHandle + '\n' );
Event.stop( e );
* Starts the drag
* @access private
* @param obj Event
* @return void
startDrag: function( e ) {;
this.clickCoords = this.getCurPos( e );
this.setAreaCoords( { x1: this.clickCoords.x, y1: this.clickCoords.y, x2: this.clickCoords.x, y2: this.clickCoords.y }, false, false, null );
this.dragging = true;
this.onDrag( e ); // incase the user just clicks once after already making a selection
Event.stop( e );
* Gets the current cursor position relative to the image
* @access private
* @param obj Event
* @return obj x,y pixels of the cursor
getCurPos: function( e ) {
// get the offsets for the wrapper within the document
var el = this.imgWrap, wrapOffsets = Position.cumulativeOffset( el );
// remove any scrolling that is applied to the wrapper (this may be buggy) - don't count the scroll on the body as that won't affect us
while( el.nodeName != 'BODY' ) {
wrapOffsets[1] -= el.scrollTop || 0;
wrapOffsets[0] -= el.scrollLeft || 0;
el = el.parentNode;
return curPos = {
x: Event.pointerX(e) - wrapOffsets[0],
y: Event.pointerY(e) - wrapOffsets[1]
* Performs the drag for both resize & inital draw dragging
* @access private
* @param obj Event
* @return void
onDrag: function( e ) {
if( this.dragging || this.resizing ) {
var resizeHandle = null;
var curPos = this.getCurPos( e );
var newCoords = this.cloneCoords( this.areaCoords );
var direction = { x: 1, y: 1 };
if( this.dragging ) {
if( curPos.x < this.clickCoords.x ) direction.x = -1;
if( curPos.y < this.clickCoords.y ) direction.y = -1;
this.transformCoords( curPos.x, this.clickCoords.x, newCoords, 'x' );
this.transformCoords( curPos.y, this.clickCoords.y, newCoords, 'y' );
} else if( this.resizing ) {
resizeHandle = this.resizeHandle;
// do x movements first
if( resizeHandle.match(/E/) ) {
// if we're moving an east handle
this.transformCoords( curPos.x, this.startCoords.x1, newCoords, 'x' );
if( curPos.x < this.startCoords.x1 ) direction.x = -1;
} else if( resizeHandle.match(/W/) ) {
// if we're moving an west handle
this.transformCoords( curPos.x, this.startCoords.x2, newCoords, 'x' );
if( curPos.x < this.startCoords.x2 ) direction.x = -1;
// do y movements second
if( resizeHandle.match(/N/) ) {
// if we're moving an north handle
this.transformCoords( curPos.y, this.startCoords.y2, newCoords, 'y' );
if( curPos.y < this.startCoords.y2 ) direction.y = -1;
} else if( resizeHandle.match(/S/) ) {
// if we're moving an south handle
this.transformCoords( curPos.y, this.startCoords.y1, newCoords, 'y' );
if( curPos.y < this.startCoords.y1 ) direction.y = -1;
this.setAreaCoords( newCoords, false, e.shiftKey, direction, resizeHandle );
Event.stop( e ); // stop the default event (selecting images & text) in Safari & IE PC
* Applies the appropriate transform to supplied co-ordinates, on the
* defined axis, depending on the relationship of the supplied values
* @access private
* @param int Current value of pointer
* @param int Base value to compare current pointer val to
* @param obj Coordinates to apply transformation on x1, x2, y1, y2
* @param string Axis to apply transformation on 'x' || 'y'
* @return void
transformCoords : function( curVal, baseVal, coords, axis ) {
var newVals = [ curVal, baseVal ];
if( curVal > baseVal ) newVals.reverse();
coords[ axis + '1' ] = newVals[0];
coords[ axis + '2' ] = newVals[1];
* Ends the crop & passes the values of the select area on to the appropriate
* callback function on completion of a crop
* @access private
* @return void
endCrop : function() {
this.dragging = false;
this.resizing = false;
width: this.calcW(),
height: this.calcH()
* Abstract method called on the end of initialization
* @access private
* @abstract
* @return void
subInitialize: function() {},
* Abstract method called on the end of drawArea()
* @access private
* @abstract
* @return void
subDrawArea: function() {}
* Extend the Cropper.Img class to allow for presentation of a preview image of the resulting crop,
* the option for displayOnInit is always overridden to true when displaying a preview image
* Usage:
* @param obj Image element to attach to
* @param obj Optional options:
* - see Cropper.Img for base options
* - previewWrap obj
* HTML element that will be used as a container for the preview image
Cropper.ImgWithPreview = Class.create();
Object.extend( Object.extend( Cropper.ImgWithPreview.prototype, Cropper.Img.prototype ), {
* Implements the abstract method from Cropper.Img to initialize preview image settings.
* Will only attach a preview image is the previewWrap element is defined and the minWidth
* & minHeight options are set.
* @see Croper.Img.subInitialize
subInitialize: function() {
* Whether or not we've attached a preview image
* @var boolean
this.hasPreviewImg = false;
if( typeof(this.options.previewWrap) != 'undefined'
&& this.options.minWidth > 0
&& this.options.minHeight > 0
) {
* The preview image wrapper element
* @var obj HTML element
this.previewWrap = $( this.options.previewWrap );
* The preview image element
* @var obj HTML IMG element
this.previewImg = this.img.cloneNode( false );
// set the ID of the preview image to be unique = 'imgCrop_' +;
// set the displayOnInit option to true so we display the select area at the same time as the thumbnail
this.options.displayOnInit = true;
this.hasPreviewImg = true;
this.previewWrap.addClassName( 'imgCrop_previewWrap' );
width: this.options.minWidth + 'px',
height: this.options.minHeight + 'px'
this.previewWrap.appendChild( this.previewImg );
* Implements the abstract method from Cropper.Img to draw the preview image
* @see Croper.Img.subDrawArea
subDrawArea: function() {
if( this.hasPreviewImg ) {
// get the ratio of the select area to the src image
var calcWidth = this.calcW();
var calcHeight = this.calcH();
// ratios for the dimensions of the preview image
var dimRatio = {
x: this.imgW / calcWidth,
y: this.imgH / calcHeight
//ratios for the positions within the preview
var posRatio = {
x: calcWidth / this.options.minWidth,
y: calcHeight / this.options.minHeight
// setting the positions in an obj before apply styles for rendering speed increase
var calcPos = {
w: Math.ceil( this.options.minWidth * dimRatio.x ) + 'px',
h: Math.ceil( this.options.minHeight * dimRatio.y ) + 'px',
x: '-' + Math.ceil( this.areaCoords.x1 / posRatio.x ) + 'px',
y: '-' + Math.ceil( this.areaCoords.y1 / posRatio.y ) + 'px'
var previewStyle =;
previewStyle.width = calcPos.w;
previewStyle.height = calcPos.h;
previewStyle.left = calcPos.x; = calcPos.y;