A fork to see to what extent this might work as a single profile instance on a shared hosting setup.
friendica is to complicated and needs to much back end access for to work on a shared hosting setup. the coding community abandoned these efforts and most likely will not reply to any help request on the matter.
- don't do $string[position] anymore, use substr() instead
- 'extends' was hanging loose there, rewrote it twice to fix parser error
Signed-off-by: Roland Häder <roland@mxchange.org>
Friendica is a communications platform for integrated social communications utilising decentralised communications and linkage to several indie social projects - as well as popular mainstream providers.
Our mission is to free our friends and families from the clutches of data-harvesting corporations, and pave the way to a future where social communications are free and open and flow between alternate providers as easily as email does today.