Fork 0

Move admin/themes/{theme} to src/Module

- Remove now unused templates/admin/addon_detail.tpl
- Remove references to themes admin in mod/admin.php
This commit is contained in:
Hypolite Petovan 2019-04-25 22:25:13 -04:00
parent a5da0fd98f
commit d0b40cda4c
4 changed files with 129 additions and 286 deletions

View file

@ -38,23 +38,6 @@ use Friendica\Util\Strings;
use Friendica\Util\Temporal;
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
* Sets the current theme for theme settings pages.
* This needs to be done before the post() or content() methods are called.
* @param App $a
function admin_init(App $a)
if ($a->argc > 2 && $a->argv[1] == 'themes') {
$theme = $a->argv[2];
if (is_file("view/theme/$theme/config.php")) {
* @brief Process send data from the admin panels subpages
@ -87,30 +70,6 @@ function admin_post(App $a)
case 'site':
case 'themes':
if ($a->argc < 2) {
if ($a->isAjax()) {
$theme = $a->argv[2];
if (is_file("view/theme/$theme/config.php")) {
require_once "view/theme/$theme/config.php";
if (function_exists('theme_admin_post')) {
info(L10n::t('Theme settings updated.'));
if ($a->isAjax()) {
$return_path = 'admin/themes/' . $theme . (!empty($_GET['mode']) ? '?mode=' . $_GET['mode'] : '');
case 'logs':
@ -216,9 +175,6 @@ function admin_content(App $a)
case 'site':
$o = admin_page_site($a);
case 'themes':
$o = admin_page_themes($a);
case 'logs':
$o = admin_page_logs($a);
@ -1082,211 +1038,6 @@ function admin_page_dbsync(App $a)
return $o;
* @param array $themes
* @param string $th
* @param int $result
function toggle_theme(&$themes, $th, &$result)
$count = count($themes);
for ($x = 0; $x < $count; $x++) {
if ($themes[$x]['name'] === $th) {
if ($themes[$x]['allowed']) {
$themes[$x]['allowed'] = 0;
$result = 0;
} else {
$themes[$x]['allowed'] = 1;
$result = 1;
* @param array $themes
* @param string $th
* @return int
function theme_status($themes, $th)
$count = count($themes);
for ($x = 0; $x < $count; $x++) {
if ($themes[$x]['name'] === $th) {
if ($themes[$x]['allowed']) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
return 0;
* @param array $themes
* @return string
function rebuild_theme_table($themes)
$o = '';
if (count($themes)) {
foreach ($themes as $th) {
if ($th['allowed']) {
if (strlen($o)) {
$o .= ',';
$o .= $th['name'];
return $o;
* @brief Themes admin page
* This function generates the admin panel page to control the themes available
* on the friendica node. If the name of a theme is given as parameter a page
* with the details for the theme is shown. Otherwise a list of available
* themes is generated.
* The template used for displaying the list of themes and the details of the
* themes are the same as used for the addons.
* The returned string contains the HTML code of the admin panel page.
* @param App $a
* @return string
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
function admin_page_themes(App $a)
$allowed_themes_str = Config::get('system', 'allowed_themes');
$allowed_themes_raw = explode(',', $allowed_themes_str);
$allowed_themes = [];
if (count($allowed_themes_raw)) {
foreach ($allowed_themes_raw as $x) {
if (strlen(trim($x))) {
$allowed_themes[] = trim($x);
$themes = [];
$files = glob('view/theme/*');
if (is_array($files)) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
$f = basename($file);
// Is there a style file?
$theme_files = glob('view/theme/' . $f . '/style.*');
// If not then quit
if (count($theme_files) == 0) {
$is_experimental = intval(file_exists($file . '/experimental'));
$is_supported = 1 - (intval(file_exists($file . '/unsupported')));
$is_allowed = intval(in_array($f, $allowed_themes));
if ($is_allowed || $is_supported || Config::get("system", "show_unsupported_themes")) {
$themes[] = ['name' => $f, 'experimental' => $is_experimental, 'supported' => $is_supported, 'allowed' => $is_allowed];
if (!count($themes)) {
notice(L10n::t('No themes found.'));
return '';
* Single theme
if ($a->argc == 3) {
$theme = $a->argv[2];
if (!is_dir("view/theme/$theme")) {
notice(L10n::t("Item not found."));
return '';
if (!empty($_GET['a']) && $_GET['a'] == "t") {
BaseModule::checkFormSecurityTokenRedirectOnError('/admin/themes', 'admin_themes', 't');
// Toggle theme status
toggle_theme($themes, $theme, $result);
$s = rebuild_theme_table($themes);
if ($result) {
info(sprintf('Theme %s enabled.', $theme));
} else {
info(sprintf('Theme %s disabled.', $theme));
Config::set('system', 'allowed_themes', $s);
return ''; // NOTREACHED
// display theme details
if (theme_status($themes, $theme)) {
$status = "on";
$action = L10n::t("Disable");
} else {
$status = "off";
$action = L10n::t("Enable");
$readme = null;
if (is_file("view/theme/$theme/README.md")) {
$readme = Markdown::convert(file_get_contents("view/theme/$theme/README.md"), false);
} elseif (is_file("view/theme/$theme/README")) {
$readme = "<pre>" . file_get_contents("view/theme/$theme/README") . "</pre>";
$admin_form = '';
if (is_file("view/theme/$theme/config.php")) {
require_once "view/theme/$theme/config.php";
if (function_exists('theme_admin')) {
$admin_form = theme_admin($a);
$screenshot = [Theme::getScreenshot($theme), L10n::t('Screenshot')];
if (!stristr($screenshot[0], $theme)) {
$screenshot = null;
$t = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('admin/addon_details.tpl');
return Renderer::replaceMacros($t, [
'$title' => L10n::t('Administration'),
'$page' => L10n::t('Themes'),
'$toggle' => L10n::t('Toggle'),
'$settings' => L10n::t('Settings'),
'$baseurl' => System::baseUrl(true),
'$addon' => $theme . (!empty($_GET['mode']) ? '?mode=' . $_GET['mode'] : ''),
'$status' => $status,
'$action' => $action,
'$info' => Theme::getInfo($theme),
'$function' => 'themes',
'$admin_form' => $admin_form,
'$str_author' => L10n::t('Author: '),
'$str_maintainer' => L10n::t('Maintainer: '),
'$screenshot' => $screenshot,
'$readme' => $readme,
'$form_security_token' => BaseModule::getFormSecurityToken("admin_themes"),
* @brief Prosesses data send by Logs admin page

View file

@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ class Router
$collector->addRoute(['GET'] , '/queue[/deferred]' , Module\Admin\Queue::class);
$collector->addRoute(['GET', 'POST'], '/themes' , Module\Admin\Themes\Index::class);
$collector->addRoute(['GET', 'POST'], '/themes/{theme}' , Module\Admin\Themes\Details::class);
$collector->addRoute(['GET', 'POST'], '/themes/{theme}/embed' , Module\Admin\Themes\Embed::class);
$collector->addRoute(['GET', 'POST'], '/tos' , Module\Admin\Tos::class);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
namespace Friendica\Module\Admin\Themes;
use Friendica\Content\Text\Markdown;
use Friendica\Core\Config;
use Friendica\Core\L10n;
use Friendica\Core\Renderer;
use Friendica\Core\System;
use Friendica\Core\Theme;
use Friendica\Module\BaseAdminModule;
use Friendica\Util\Strings;
class Details extends BaseAdminModule
public static function post()
$a = self::getApp();
if ($a->argc > 2) {
// @TODO: Replace with parameter from router
$theme = $a->argv[2];
$theme = Strings::sanitizeFilePathItem($theme);
if (is_file("view/theme/$theme/config.php")) {
require_once "view/theme/$theme/config.php";
if (function_exists('theme_admin_post')) {
info(L10n::t('Theme settings updated.'));
if ($a->isAjax()) {
$a->internalRedirect('admin/themes/' . $theme);
public static function content()
$a = self::getApp();
if ($a->argc > 2) {
// @TODO: Replace with parameter from router
$theme = $a->argv[2];
$theme = Strings::sanitizeFilePathItem($theme);
if (!is_dir("view/theme/$theme")) {
notice(L10n::t("Item not found."));
return '';
$isEnabled = in_array($theme, Theme::getAllowedList());
if ($isEnabled) {
$status = "on";
$action = L10n::t("Disable");
} else {
$status = "off";
$action = L10n::t("Enable");
if (!empty($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'toggle') {
parent::checkFormSecurityTokenRedirectOnError('/admin/themes', 'admin_themes', 't');
if ($isEnabled) {
info(L10n::t('Theme %s disabled.', $theme));
} elseif (Theme::install($theme)) {
info(L10n::t('Theme %s successfully enabled.', $theme));
} else {
info(L10n::t('Theme %s failed to install.', $theme));
$a->internalRedirect('admin/themes/' . $theme);
$readme = null;
if (is_file("view/theme/$theme/README.md")) {
$readme = Markdown::convert(file_get_contents("view/theme/$theme/README.md"), false);
} elseif (is_file("view/theme/$theme/README")) {
$readme = "<pre>" . file_get_contents("view/theme/$theme/README") . "</pre>";
$admin_form = '';
if (is_file("view/theme/$theme/config.php")) {
require_once "view/theme/$theme/config.php";
if (function_exists('theme_admin')) {
$admin_form = '<iframe onload="resizeIframe(this);" src="/admin/themes/' . $theme . '/embed?mode=minimal" width="100%" height="600px" frameborder="no"></iframe>';
$screenshot = [Theme::getScreenshot($theme), L10n::t('Screenshot')];
if (!stristr($screenshot[0], $theme)) {
$screenshot = null;
$t = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('admin/addons/details.tpl');
return Renderer::replaceMacros($t, [
'$title' => L10n::t('Administration'),
'$page' => L10n::t('Themes'),
'$toggle' => L10n::t('Toggle'),
'$settings' => L10n::t('Settings'),
'$baseurl' => System::baseUrl(true),
'$addon' => $theme,
'$status' => $status,
'$action' => $action,
'$info' => Theme::getInfo($theme),
'$function' => 'themes',
'$admin_form' => $admin_form,
'$str_author' => L10n::t('Author: '),
'$str_maintainer' => L10n::t('Maintainer: '),
'$screenshot' => $screenshot,
'$readme' => $readme,
'$form_security_token' => parent::getFormSecurityToken("admin_themes"),

View file

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
<div id='adminpage'>
<h1>{{$title}} - {{$page}}</h1>
<p><span class='toggleaddon icon {{$status}}'></span> {{$info.name}} - {{$info.version}} : <a href="{{$baseurl}}/admin/{{$function}}/{{$addon}}/?a=t&amp;t={{$form_security_token}}">{{$action}}</a></p>
<p>{{$info.description nofilter}}</p>
<p class="author">{{$str_author}}
{{foreach $info.author as $a name=authors}}
{{if $a.link}}<a href="{{$a.link}}">{{$a.name}}</a>{{else}}{{$a.name}}{{/if}}{{if $smarty.foreach.authors.last}}{{else}}, {{/if}}
<p class="maintainer">{{$str_maintainer}}
{{foreach $info.maintainer as $a name=maintainers}}
{{if $a.link}}<a href="{{$a.link}}">{{$a.name}}</a>{{else}}{{$a.name}}{{/if}}{{if $smarty.foreach.maintainers.last}}{{else}}, {{/if}}
{{if $screenshot}}
<a href="{{$screenshot.0}}" class='screenshot'><img src="{{$screenshot.0}}" alt="{{$screenshot.1}}" /></a>
{{if $admin_form}}
<form method="post" action="{{$baseurl}}/admin/{{$function}}/{{$addon}}">
{{$admin_form nofilter}}
{{if $readme}}
<div id="addon_readme">
{{$readme nofilter}}