Fork 0

Merge remote branch 'upstream/master'

This commit is contained in:
zottel 2012-05-11 08:36:24 +02:00
commit c43a03e21b
14 changed files with 636 additions and 185 deletions

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ require_once('include/nav.php');
define ( 'FRIENDICA_PLATFORM', 'Friendica');
define ( 'FRIENDICA_VERSION', '3.0.1337' );
define ( 'FRIENDICA_VERSION', '3.0.1338' );
define ( 'DFRN_PROTOCOL_VERSION', '2.23' );
define ( 'DB_UPDATE_VERSION', 1143 );

View file

@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
* Ajax Autocomplete for jQuery, version 1.1.3
* (c) 2010 Tomas Kirda
* Ajax Autocomplete for jQuery is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.
* For details, see the web site: http://www.devbridge.com/projects/autocomplete/jquery/
* Last Review: 04/19/2010
* Heavily modified for contact completion in Friendica (add photos, hover tips. etc.) 11-May-2012 mike@macgirvin.com
/*jslint onevar: true, evil: true, nomen: true, eqeqeq: true, bitwise: true, regexp: true, newcap: true, immed: true */
/*global window: true, document: true, clearInterval: true, setInterval: true, jQuery: true */
(function($) {
var reEscape = new RegExp('(\\' + ['/', '.', '*', '+', '?', '|', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '\\'].join('|\\') + ')', 'g');
function fnFormatResult(value, data, currentValue) {
var pattern = '(' + currentValue.replace(reEscape, '\\$1') + ')';
return value.replace(new RegExp(pattern, 'gi'), '<strong>$1<\/strong>');
function Autocomplete(el, options) {
this.el = $(el);
this.el.attr('autocomplete', 'off');
this.suggestions = [];
this.data = [];
this.badQueries = [];
this.selectedIndex = -1;
this.currentValue = this.el.val();
this.intervalId = 0;
this.cachedResponse = [];
this.onChangeInterval = null;
this.ignoreValueChange = false;
this.serviceUrl = options.serviceUrl;
this.isLocal = false;
this.options = {
autoSubmit: false,
minChars: 1,
maxHeight: 300,
deferRequestBy: 0,
width: 0,
highlight: true,
params: {},
fnFormatResult: fnFormatResult,
delimiter: null,
zIndex: 9999
$.fn.autocomplete = function(options) {
return new Autocomplete(this.get(0)||$('<input />'), options);
Autocomplete.prototype = {
killerFn: null,
initialize: function() {
var me, uid, autocompleteElId;
me = this;
uid = Math.floor(Math.random()*0x100000).toString(16);
autocompleteElId = 'Autocomplete_' + uid;
this.killerFn = function(e) {
if ($(e.target).parents('.autocomplete').size() === 0) {
if (!this.options.width) { this.options.width = this.el.width(); }
this.mainContainerId = 'AutocompleteContainter_' + uid;
$('<div id="' + this.mainContainerId + '" style="position:absolute;z-index:9999;"><div class="autocomplete-w1"><div class="autocomplete" id="' + autocompleteElId + '" style="display:none; width:300px;"></div></div></div>').appendTo('body');
this.container = $('#' + autocompleteElId);
if (window.opera) {
this.el.keypress(function(e) { me.onKeyPress(e); });
} else {
this.el.keydown(function(e) { me.onKeyPress(e); });
this.el.keyup(function(e) { me.onKeyUp(e); });
this.el.blur(function() { me.enableKillerFn(); });
this.el.focus(function() { me.fixPosition(); });
setOptions: function(options){
var o = this.options;
$.extend(o, options);
this.isLocal = true;
if($.isArray(o.lookup)){ o.lookup = { suggestions:o.lookup, data:[] }; }
$('#'+this.mainContainerId).css({ zIndex:o.zIndex });
this.container.css({ maxHeight: o.maxHeight + 'px', width:o.width });
clearCache: function(){
this.cachedResponse = [];
this.badQueries = [];
disable: function(){
this.disabled = true;
enable: function(){
this.disabled = false;
fixPosition: function() {
var offset = this.el.offset();
$('#' + this.mainContainerId).css({ top: (offset.top + this.el.innerHeight()) + 'px', left: offset.left + 'px' });
enableKillerFn: function() {
var me = this;
$(document).bind('click', me.killerFn);
disableKillerFn: function() {
var me = this;
$(document).unbind('click', me.killerFn);
killSuggestions: function() {
var me = this;
this.intervalId = window.setInterval(function() { me.hide(); me.stopKillSuggestions(); }, 300);
stopKillSuggestions: function() {
onKeyPress: function(e) {
if (this.disabled || !this.enabled) { return; }
// return will exit the function
// and event will not be prevented
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 27: //KEY_ESC:
case 9: //KEY_TAB:
case 13: //KEY_RETURN:
if (this.selectedIndex === -1) {
if(e.keyCode === 9){ return; }
case 38: //KEY_UP:
case 40: //KEY_DOWN:
onKeyUp: function(e) {
if(this.disabled){ return; }
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 38: //KEY_UP:
case 40: //KEY_DOWN:
if (this.currentValue !== this.el.val()) {
if (this.options.deferRequestBy > 0) {
// Defer lookup in case when value changes very quickly:
var me = this;
this.onChangeInterval = setInterval(function() { me.onValueChange(); }, this.options.deferRequestBy);
} else {
onValueChange: function() {
this.currentValue = this.el.val();
var q = this.getQuery(this.currentValue);
this.selectedIndex = -1;
if (this.ignoreValueChange) {
this.ignoreValueChange = false;
if (q === '' || q.length < this.options.minChars) {
} else {
getQuery: function(val) {
var d, arr;
d = this.options.delimiter;
if (!d) { return $.trim(val); }
arr = val.split(d);
return $.trim(arr[arr.length - 1]);
getSuggestionsLocal: function(q) {
var ret, arr, len, val, i;
arr = this.options.lookup;
len = arr.suggestions.length;
ret = { suggestions:[], data:[] };
q = q.toLowerCase();
for(i=0; i< len; i++){
val = arr.suggestions[i];
if(val.toLowerCase().indexOf(q) === 0){
return ret;
getSuggestions: function(q) {
var cr, me;
cr = this.isLocal ? this.getSuggestionsLocal(q) : this.cachedResponse[q];
if (cr && $.isArray(cr.suggestions)) {
this.suggestions = cr.suggestions;
this.data = cr.data;
} else if (!this.isBadQuery(q)) {
me = this;
me.options.params.query = q;
$.get(this.serviceUrl, me.options.params, function(txt) { me.processResponse(txt); }, 'text');
isBadQuery: function(q) {
var i = this.badQueries.length;
while (i--) {
if (q.indexOf(this.badQueries[i]) === 0) { return true; }
return false;
hide: function() {
this.enabled = false;
this.selectedIndex = -1;
suggest: function() {
if (this.suggestions.length === 0) {
var me, len, div, f, v, i, s, mOver, mClick, l, img;
me = this;
len = this.suggestions.length;
f = this.options.fnFormatResult;
v = this.getQuery(this.currentValue);
mOver = function(xi) { return function() { me.activate(xi); }; };
mClick = function(xi) { return function() { me.select(xi); }; };
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
s = this.suggestions[i];
l = this.links[i];
img = '<img height="24" width="24" src="' + this.photos[i] + '" alt="' + s + '" />&nbsp;';
div = $((me.selectedIndex === i ? '<div class="selected"' : '<div') + ' title="' + l + '">' + img + f(s, this.data[i], v) + '</div>');
this.enabled = true;
processResponse: function(text) {
var response;
try {
response = eval('(' + text + ')');
} catch (err) { return; }
if (!$.isArray(response.data)) { response.data = []; }
this.cachedResponse[response.query] = response;
if (response.suggestions.length === 0) { this.badQueries.push(response.query); }
if (response.query === this.getQuery(this.currentValue)) {
this.photos = response.photos;
this.links = response.links;
this.suggestions = response.suggestions;
this.data = response.data;
activate: function(index) {
var divs, activeItem;
divs = this.container.children();
// Clear previous selection:
if (this.selectedIndex !== -1 && divs.length > this.selectedIndex) {
this.selectedIndex = index;
if (this.selectedIndex !== -1 && divs.length > this.selectedIndex) {
activeItem = divs.get(this.selectedIndex);
return activeItem;
deactivate: function(div, index) {
div.className = '';
if (this.selectedIndex === index) { this.selectedIndex = -1; }
select: function(i) {
var selectedValue, f;
selectedValue = this.suggestions[i];
if (selectedValue) {
if (this.options.autoSubmit) {
f = this.el.parents('form');
if (f.length > 0) { f.get(0).submit(); }
this.ignoreValueChange = true;
moveUp: function() {
if (this.selectedIndex === -1) { return; }
if (this.selectedIndex === 0) {
this.container.children().get(0).className = '';
this.selectedIndex = -1;
this.adjustScroll(this.selectedIndex - 1);
moveDown: function() {
if (this.selectedIndex === (this.suggestions.length - 1)) { return; }
this.adjustScroll(this.selectedIndex + 1);
adjustScroll: function(i) {
var activeItem, offsetTop, upperBound, lowerBound;
activeItem = this.activate(i);
offsetTop = activeItem.offsetTop;
upperBound = this.container.scrollTop();
lowerBound = upperBound + this.options.maxHeight - 25;
if (offsetTop < upperBound) {
} else if (offsetTop > lowerBound) {
this.container.scrollTop(offsetTop - this.options.maxHeight + 25);
onSelect: function(i) {
var me, fn, s, d;
me = this;
fn = me.options.onSelect;
s = me.suggestions[i];
d = me.data[i];
if ($.isFunction(fn)) { fn(s, d, me.el); }
getValue: function(value){
var del, currVal, arr, me;
me = this;
del = me.options.delimiter;
if (!del) { return value; }
currVal = me.currentValue;
arr = currVal.split(del);
if (arr.length === 1) { return value; }
return currVal.substr(0, currVal.length - arr[arr.length - 1].length) + value;

View file

@ -127,12 +127,15 @@ function acl_init(&$a){
if($type == 'm') {
$x = array();
$x['query'] = $search;
$x['photos'] = array();
$x['links'] = array();
$x['suggestions'] = array();
$x['data'] = array();
if(count($r)) {
foreach($r as $g) {
$x['suggestions'][] = sprintf( t('%s [%s]'),$g['name'],$g['url']);
// '<img src="' . $g['micro'] . ' height="16" width="16" alt="' . t('Image/photo') . '" />' .
$x['photos'][] = $g['micro'];
$x['links'][] = $g['url'];
$x['suggestions'][] = $g['name']; // sprintf( t('%s [%s]'),$g['name'],$g['url']);
$x['data'][] = intval($g['id']);

View file

@ -18,15 +18,19 @@ function message_init(&$a) {
$base = $a->get_baseurl();
$a->page['htmlhead'] .= '<script src="' . $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/library/jquery_ac/jquery.autocomplete-min.js" ></script>';
$a->page['htmlhead'] .= '<script src="' . $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/library/jquery_ac/friendica.complete.js" ></script>';
$a->page['htmlhead'] .= <<< EOT
<script>$(document).ready(function() {
var a;
a = $("#recip").autocomplete({
serviceUrl: '$base/acl',
width: 350
width: 350,
onSelect: function(value,data) {
@ -95,10 +99,6 @@ function message_content(&$a) {
$myprofile = $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/profile/' . $a->user['nickname'];
$tpl = get_markup_template('mail_head.tpl');
$header = replace_macros($tpl, array(
'$messages' => t('Messages'),
@ -172,28 +172,36 @@ function message_content(&$a) {
$preselect = (isset($a->argv[2])?array($a->argv[2]):false);
if(defined('EMAIL_AUTOCOMP')) {
// here's where we want to do contact autocomplete
// just figure out how to make it do the right thing
// pictures would be nice, but that didn't work when I tried.
// It sort of barely works, but needs help
// (the json backend is found in mod/acl.php)
$prename = $preurl = $preid = '';
$select = '<input type="text" id="recip" name="messageto" value="' . $preselect .'" />';
else {
if($preselect) {
$r = q("select name, url, id from contact where uid = %d and id = %d limit 1",
if(count($r)) {
$prename = $r[0]['name'];
$preurl = $r[0]['url'];
$preid = $r[0]['id'];
// the ugly select box
$prefill = (($preselect) ? $prename : '');
$select = contact_select('messageto','message-to-select', $preselect, 4, true, false, false, 10);
// the ugly select box
$select = contact_select('messageto','message-to-select', $preselect, 4, true, false, false, 10);
$tpl = get_markup_template('prv_message.tpl');
$o .= replace_macros($tpl,array(
'$header' => t('Send Private Message'),
'$to' => t('To:'),
'$showinputs' => 'true',
'$prefill' => $prefill,
'$autocomp' => $autocomp,
'$preid' => $preid,
'$subject' => t('Subject:'),
'$subjtxt' => ((x($_REQUEST,'subject')) ? strip_tags($_REQUEST['subject']) : ''),
'$text' => ((x($_REQUEST,'body')) ? escape_tags(htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['body'])) : ''),
@ -369,9 +377,10 @@ function message_content(&$a) {
$seen = $message['seen'];
$select = $message['name'] . '<input type="hidden" name="messageto" value="' . $contact_id . '" />';
$parent = '<input type="hidden" name="replyto" value="' . $message['parent-uri'] . '" />';
$tpl = get_markup_template('mail_display.tpl');
$o = replace_macros($tpl, array(
@ -386,6 +395,7 @@ function message_content(&$a) {
// reply
'$header' => t('Send Reply'),
'$to' => t('To:'),
'$showinputs' => '',
'$subject' => t('Subject:'),
'$subjtxt' => template_escape($message['title']),
'$readonly' => ' readonly="readonly" style="background: #BBBBBB;" ',

View file

@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 2.3.1337\n"
"Project-Id-Version: 3.0.1338\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-05-09 10:00-0700\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-05-10 10:00-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/register.php:38 ../../mod/regmod.php:116 ../../mod/item.php:124
#: ../../mod/item.php:140 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:19
#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:139 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:150
#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:163 ../../mod/message.php:40
#: ../../mod/message.php:92 ../../mod/allfriends.php:9
#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:163 ../../mod/message.php:44
#: ../../mod/message.php:96 ../../mod/allfriends.php:9
#: ../../mod/nogroup.php:25 ../../mod/wall_upload.php:53
#: ../../mod/follow.php:8 ../../mod/display.php:138 ../../mod/profiles.php:7
#: ../../mod/profiles.php:365 ../../mod/delegate.php:6
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../addon/irc/irc.php:55 ../../addon/blogger/blogger.php:102
#: ../../addon/posterous/posterous.php:103
#: ../../view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:80
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:683
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:685
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:190
#: ../../view/theme/quattro/config.php:52 ../../view/theme/dispy/config.php:70
#: ../../include/conversation.php:555
@ -532,8 +532,8 @@ msgid "Share"
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/photos.php:1214 ../../mod/editpost.php:104
#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:145 ../../mod/message.php:206
#: ../../mod/message.php:398 ../../include/conversation.php:361
#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:145 ../../mod/message.php:213
#: ../../mod/message.php:405 ../../include/conversation.php:361
#: ../../include/conversation.php:706 ../../include/conversation.php:983
msgid "Please wait"
msgstr ""
@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/editpost.php:96 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:143
#: ../../mod/message.php:204 ../../mod/message.php:396
#: ../../mod/message.php:211 ../../mod/message.php:403
#: ../../include/conversation.php:965
msgid "Upload photo"
msgstr ""
@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ msgid "Attach file"
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/editpost.php:98 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:144
#: ../../mod/message.php:205 ../../mod/message.php:397
#: ../../mod/message.php:212 ../../mod/message.php:404
#: ../../include/conversation.php:969
msgid "Insert web link"
msgstr ""
@ -1775,8 +1775,8 @@ msgid "Remove account"
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/settings.php:88 ../../mod/admin.php:735 ../../mod/admin.php:940
#: ../../addon/mathjax/mathjax.php:36 ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:700
#: ../../include/nav.php:137
#: ../../addon/mathjax/mathjax.php:36 ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:571
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:701 ../../include/nav.php:137
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""
@ -2368,7 +2368,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed."
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:56 ../../mod/message.php:61
#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:56 ../../mod/message.php:65
msgid "No recipient selected."
msgstr ""
@ -2376,15 +2376,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to check your home location."
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:62 ../../mod/message.php:68
#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:62 ../../mod/message.php:72
msgid "Message could not be sent."
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:65 ../../mod/message.php:71
#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:65 ../../mod/message.php:75
msgid "Message collection failure."
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:68 ../../mod/message.php:74
#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:68 ../../mod/message.php:78
msgid "Message sent."
msgstr ""
@ -2397,7 +2397,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please enter a link URL:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:131 ../../mod/message.php:195
#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:131 ../../mod/message.php:199
msgid "Send Private Message"
msgstr ""
@ -2408,18 +2408,18 @@ msgid ""
"your site allow private mail from unknown senders."
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:133 ../../mod/message.php:196
#: ../../mod/message.php:388
#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:133 ../../mod/message.php:200
#: ../../mod/message.php:395
msgid "To:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:134 ../../mod/message.php:197
#: ../../mod/message.php:389
#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:134 ../../mod/message.php:204
#: ../../mod/message.php:396
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:140 ../../mod/message.php:201
#: ../../mod/message.php:392 ../../mod/invite.php:113
#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:140 ../../mod/message.php:208
#: ../../mod/message.php:399 ../../mod/invite.php:113
msgid "Your message:"
msgstr ""
@ -2962,7 +2962,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "New Message"
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/message.php:65
#: ../../mod/message.php:69
msgid "Unable to locate contact information."
msgstr ""
@ -2974,55 +2974,55 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Conversation removed."
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/message.php:237
#: ../../mod/message.php:244
msgid "No messages."
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/message.php:244
#: ../../mod/message.php:251
#, php-format
msgid "Unknown sender - %s"
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/message.php:247
#: ../../mod/message.php:254
#, php-format
msgid "You and %s"
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/message.php:250
#: ../../mod/message.php:257
#, php-format
msgid "%s and You"
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/message.php:260 ../../mod/message.php:381
#: ../../mod/message.php:267 ../../mod/message.php:388
msgid "Delete conversation"
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/message.php:263
#: ../../mod/message.php:270
msgid "D, d M Y - g:i A"
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/message.php:265
#: ../../mod/message.php:272
#, php-format
msgid "%d message"
msgid_plural "%d messages"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: ../../mod/message.php:300
#: ../../mod/message.php:307
msgid "Message not available."
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/message.php:365
#: ../../mod/message.php:372
msgid "Delete message"
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/message.php:383
#: ../../mod/message.php:390
msgid ""
"No secure communications available. You <strong>may</strong> be able to "
"respond from the sender's profile page."
msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/message.php:387
#: ../../mod/message.php:394
msgid "Send Reply"
msgstr ""
@ -4683,10 +4683,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "event"
msgstr ""
#: ../../addon/hangman/hangman.php:19
msgid "Hangman"
msgstr ""
#: ../../addon/uhremotestorage/uhremotestorage.php:84
#, php-format
msgid ""
@ -5641,26 +5637,38 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:130
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:571
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:675
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:201
msgid "Community Pages"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:418
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:677
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:203
msgid "Community Profiles"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:439
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:682
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:208
msgid "Last users"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:468
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:684
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:210
msgid "Last likes"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:513
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:683
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:209
msgid "Last photos"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:550
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:680
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:206
msgid "Find Friends"
msgstr ""
@ -5677,6 +5685,8 @@ msgid "Invite Friends"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:606
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:676
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:202
msgid "Earth Layers"
msgstr ""
@ -5696,14 +5706,20 @@ msgid "Set latitude (Y) for Earth Layer"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:626
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:678
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:204
msgid "Help or @NewHere ?"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:633
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:679
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:205
msgid "Connect Services"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:640
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:681
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:207
msgid "Last Tweets"
msgstr ""
@ -5712,54 +5728,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Set twitter search term"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:663
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:664
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:665
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:666
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:667
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:668
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:669
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:670
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:671
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:672 ../../include/acl_selectors.php:288
msgid "don't show"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:663
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:664
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:665
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:666
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:667
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:668
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:669
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:670
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:671
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:672 ../../include/acl_selectors.php:287
msgid "show"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:673
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:201
msgid "Show \"Cummunity Pages\" at right-hand coloumn?"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:674
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:202
msgid "Show \"Earth Layers\" at right-hand coloumn?"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:675
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:203
msgid "Show \"Cummunity Profiles\" at right-hand coloumn?"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:676
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:204
msgid "Show \"Help or @NewHere\" at right-hand coloumn?"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:677
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:205
msgid "Show \"Connect Services\" at right-hand coloumn?"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:678
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:206
msgid "Show \"Find Friends\" at right-hand coloumn?"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:679
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:207
msgid "Show \"Last Tweets\" at right-hand coloumn?"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:680
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:208
msgid "Show \"Last Users\" at right-hand coloumn?"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:681
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:209
msgid "Show \"Last Photos\" at right-hand coloumn?"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:682
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:210
msgid "Show \"Last Likes\" at right-hand coloumn?"
msgid "Show/hide boxes at right-hand coloumn:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:194
@ -6683,14 +6679,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Visible to everybody"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:287
msgid "show"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:288
msgid "don't show"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/enotify.php:14
msgid "Friendica Notification"
msgstr ""

View file

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ just contact me, if you are intesrested in joining</p>
<div id="boxsettings" style="display:none">
<form id="boxsettingsform" action="network" method="post" >
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_pages}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_profiles}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_helpers}}{{endinc}}
@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ just contact me, if you are intesrested in joining</p>
<div class="settings-submit-wrapper">
<input id="boxsub" type="submit" value="$sub" class="settings-submit" name="diabook-settings-box-sub"></input>

View file

@ -143,12 +143,12 @@ function diabook_form(&$a, $font_size, $line_height, $resolution, $color, $TSear
$close_pagesC = array(
$close_mapqueryC = array(
$close_profilesC = array(
@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ function diabook_form(&$a, $font_size, $line_height, $resolution, $color, $TSear
$close_twitterC = array(
$close_lastusersC = array(
@ -196,18 +196,18 @@ function diabook_form(&$a, $font_size, $line_height, $resolution, $color, $TSear
'$color' => array('diabook_color', t('Set color scheme'), $color, '', $colors),
'$TSearchTerm' => array('diabook_TSearchTerm', t('Set twitter search term'), $TSearchTerm, '', $TSearchTerm),
'$ELZoom' => array('diabook_ELZoom', t('Set zoomfactor for Earth Layer'), $ELZoom, '', $ELZoom),
'$ELPosX' => array('diabook_ELPosX', t('Set longitude (X) for Earth Layer'), $ELPosX, '', $ELPosX),
'$ELPosY' => array('diabook_ELPosY', t('Set latitude (Y) for Earth Layer'), $ELPosY, '', $ELPosY),
'$close_pages' => array('diabook_close_pages', t('Show "Cummunity Pages" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_pages, '', $close_pagesC),
'$close_mapquery' => array('diabook_close_mapquery', t('Show "Earth Layers" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_mapquery, '', $close_mapqueryC),
'$close_profiles' => array('diabook_close_profiles', t('Show "Cummunity Profiles" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_profiles, '', $close_profilesC),
'$close_helpers' => array('diabook_close_helpers', t('Show "Help or @NewHere" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_helpers, '', $close_helpersC),
'$close_services' => array('diabook_close_services', t('Show "Connect Services" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_services, '', $close_servicesC),
'$close_friends' => array('diabook_close_friends', t('Show "Find Friends" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_friends, '', $close_friendsC),
'$close_twitter' => array('diabook_close_twitter', t('Show "Last Tweets" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_twitter, '', $close_twitterC),
'$close_lastusers' => array('diabook_close_lastusers', t('Show "Last Users" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_lastusers, '', $close_lastusersC),
'$close_lastphotos' => array('diabook_close_lastphotos', t('Show "Last Photos" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_lastphotos, '', $close_lastphotosC),
'$close_lastlikes' => array('diabook_close_lastlikes', t('Show "Last Likes" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_lastlikes, '', $close_lastlikesC),
'$ELPosX' => array('diabook_ELPosX', t('Set longitude (X) for Earth Layers'), $ELPosX, '', $ELPosX),
'$ELPosY' => array('diabook_ELPosY', t('Set latitude (Y) for Earth Layers'), $ELPosY, '', $ELPosY),
'$close_pages' => array('diabook_close_pages', t('Community Pages'), $close_pages, '', $close_pagesC),
'$close_mapquery' => array('diabook_close_mapquery', t('Earth Layers'), $close_mapquery, '', $close_mapqueryC),
'$close_profiles' => array('diabook_close_profiles', t('Community Profiles'), $close_profiles, '', $close_profilesC),
'$close_helpers' => array('diabook_close_helpers', t('Help or @NewHere ?'), $close_helpers, '', $close_helpersC),
'$close_services' => array('diabook_close_services', t('Connect Services'), $close_services, '', $close_servicesC),
'$close_friends' => array('diabook_close_friends', t('Find Friends'), $close_friends, '', $close_friendsC),
'$close_twitter' => array('diabook_close_twitter', t('Last tweets'), $close_twitter, '', $close_twitterC),
'$close_lastusers' => array('diabook_close_lastusers', t('Last users'), $close_lastusers, '', $close_lastusersC),
'$close_lastphotos' => array('diabook_close_lastphotos', t('Last photos'), $close_lastphotos, '', $close_lastphotosC),
'$close_lastlikes' => array('diabook_close_lastlikes', t('Last likes'), $close_lastlikes, '', $close_lastlikesC),
return $o;

View file

@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ ul.menu-popup .empty {
box-shadow: 0px 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
.acpopupitem {
color: #2e2f2e;
color: #eec;
padding: 4px;
clear: left;

View file

@ -3,10 +3,7 @@
* Additional Changes: Michael Vogel <icarus@dabo.de>
/* ========= */
/* = Admin = */
/* ========= */
/** Fancy Box **/
#fancybox-content {
width: 0;
height: 0;
@ -19,6 +16,11 @@
background: #2e2e2f !important;
/* ========= */
/* = Admin = */
/* ========= */
#adminpage {
/* width: 80%;*/
@ -633,7 +635,7 @@ header #banner #logo-text {
text-decoration: none;
.mail-list-wrapper {
background-color: #eec;
background-color: #333;
margin-bottom: 5px;
width: 100%;
height: auto;
@ -644,6 +646,7 @@ header #banner #logo-text {
float: left;
width: 20%;
overflow: hidden;
background: #2e2e2f;
.mail-list-wrapper .mail-subject {
width: 30%;
@ -915,7 +918,7 @@ nav #nav-apps-link.selected {
.notify-seen {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #DDDDDD;
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #666;
ul.menu-popup {
@ -1685,7 +1688,7 @@ body .pageheader{
.wall-item-comment-wrapper .comment-edit-text-full {
font-size: 14px;
height: 4em;
color: #2e302e;
color: #eec;
border: 1px solid #2e302e;
.comment-edit-preview {

View file

@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
// default styling
a: { textDecoration: 'none', color: '#3B5998' },
bird: { width: '50px', height: '20px', position: 'absolute', left: '-30px', top: '-20px', border: 'none' },
container: { overflow: 'hidden', backgroundColor: '', height: '600px' },
container: { overflow: 'hidden', backgroundColor: '', height: '600px', width: '170px' },
fail: { background: '#6cc5c3 url(http://cloud.github.com/downloads/malsup/twitter/failwhale.png) no-repeat 50% 50%', height: '100%', padding: '10px' },
frame: { border: '0px solid #C2CFF1', borderRadius: '0px', '-moz-border-radius': '0px', '-webkit-border-radius': '0px' },
tweet: { padding: '5px 10px', clear: 'left' },

View file

@ -391,8 +391,8 @@ if ($color=="dark") $color_path = "/diabook-dark/";
function open_boxsettings() {
$("div#boxsettings").attr("style","display: block;height:500px;width:450px;");
$("label").attr("style","width: 350px;");
$("div#boxsettings").attr("style","display: block;height:500px;width:300px;");
$("label").attr("style","width: 150px;");
@ -608,9 +608,9 @@ if ($color=="dark") $color_path = "/diabook-dark/";
$ELZoom = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'diabook', 'ELZoom' );
$ELPosX = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'diabook', 'ELPosX' );
$ELPosY = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'diabook', 'ELPosY' );
$aside['$ELZoom'] = array('diabook_ELZoom', t('Set zoomfactor for Earth Layer'), $ELZoom, '', $ELZoom);
$aside['$ELPosX'] = array('diabook_ELPosX', t('Set longitude (X) for Earth Layer'), $ELPosX, '', $ELPosX);
$aside['$ELPosY'] = array('diabook_ELPosY', t('Set latitude (Y) for Earth Layer'), $ELPosY, '', $ELPosY);
$aside['$ELZoom'] = array('diabook_ELZoom', t('Set zoomfactor for Earth Layers'), $ELZoom, '', $ELZoom);
$aside['$ELPosX'] = array('diabook_ELPosX', t('Set longitude (X) for Earth Layers'), $ELPosX, '', $ELPosX);
$aside['$ELPosY'] = array('diabook_ELPosY', t('Set latitude (Y) for Earth Layers'), $ELPosY, '', $ELPosY);
if (isset($_POST['diabook-settings-map-sub']) && $_POST['diabook-settings-map-sub']!=''){
set_pconfig(local_user(), 'diabook', 'ELZoom', $_POST['diabook_ELZoom']);
set_pconfig(local_user(), 'diabook', 'ELPosX', $_POST['diabook_ELPosX']);
@ -660,26 +660,28 @@ if ($color=="dark") $color_path = "/diabook-dark/";
$close_lastusers = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'diabook', 'close_lastusers' );
$close_lastphotos = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'diabook', 'close_lastphotos' );
$close_lastlikes = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'diabook', 'close_lastlikes' );
$close_pagesC = array('1'=>'hide', '0'=>'show',);
$close_mapqueryC = array('1'=>'hide', '0'=>'show',);
$close_profilesC = array('0'=>'show', '1'=>'hide',);
$close_helpersC = array('0'=>'show', '1'=>'hide',);
$close_servicesC = array('0'=>'show', '1'=>'hide',);
$close_friendsC = array('0'=>'show', '1'=>'hide',);
$close_twitterC = array('1'=>'hide', '0'=>'show',);
$close_lastusersC = array('0'=>'show', '1'=>'hide',);
$close_lastphotosC = array('0'=>'show','1'=>'hide',);
$close_lastlikesC = array('0'=>'show', '1'=>'hide',);
$aside['$close_pages'] = array('diabook_close_pages', t('Show "Cummunity Pages" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_pages, '', $close_pagesC);
$aside['$close_mapquery'] = array('diabook_close_mapquery', t('Show "Earth Layers" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_mapquery, '', $close_mapqueryC);
$aside['$close_profiles'] = array('diabook_close_profiles', t('Show "Cummunity Profiles" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_profiles, '', $close_profilesC);
$aside['$close_helpers'] = array('diabook_close_helpers', t('Show "Help or @NewHere" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_helpers, '', $close_helpersC);
$aside['$close_services'] = array('diabook_close_services', t('Show "Connect Services" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_services, '', $close_servicesC);
$aside['$close_friends'] = array('diabook_close_friends', t('Show "Find Friends" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_friends, '', $close_friendsC);
$aside['$close_twitter'] = array('diabook_close_twitter', t('Show "Last Tweets" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_twitter, '', $close_twitterC);
$aside['$close_lastusers'] = array('diabook_close_lastusers', t('Show "Last Users" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_lastusers, '', $close_lastusersC);
$aside['$close_lastphotos'] = array('diabook_close_lastphotos', t('Show "Last Photos" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_lastphotos, '', $close_lastphotosC);
$aside['$close_lastlikes'] = array('diabook_close_lastlikes', t('Show "Last Likes" at right-hand coloumn?'), $close_lastlikes, '', $close_lastlikesC);
$close_pagesC = array('1'=>t("don't show"), '0'=>t("show"),);
$close_mapqueryC = array('1'=>t("don't show"), '0'=>t("show"),);
$close_profilesC = array('1'=>t("don't show"), '0'=>t("show"),);
$close_helpersC = array('1'=>t("don't show"), '0'=>t("show"),);
$close_servicesC = array('1'=>t("don't show"), '0'=>t("show"),);
$close_friendsC = array('1'=>t("don't show"), '0'=>t("show"),);
$close_twitterC = array('1'=>t("don't show"), '0'=>t("show"),);
$close_lastusersC = array('1'=>t("don't show"), '0'=>t("show"),);
$close_lastphotosC = array('1'=>t("don't show"), '0'=>t("show"),);
$close_lastlikesC = array('1'=>t("don't show"), '0'=>t("show"),);
$boxsettings['title'] = Array("", t('Show/hide boxes at right-hand column:'), "", "");
$aside['$boxsettings'] = $boxsettings;
$aside['$close_pages'] = array('diabook_close_pages', t('Community Pages'), $close_pages, '', $close_pagesC);
$aside['$close_mapquery'] = array('diabook_close_mapquery', t('Earth Layers'), $close_mapquery, '', $close_mapqueryC);
$aside['$close_profiles'] = array('diabook_close_profiles', t('Community Profiles'), $close_profiles, '', $close_profilesC);
$aside['$close_helpers'] = array('diabook_close_helpers', t('Help or @NewHere ?'), $close_helpers, '', $close_helpersC);
$aside['$close_services'] = array('diabook_close_services', t('Connect Services'), $close_services, '', $close_servicesC);
$aside['$close_friends'] = array('diabook_close_friends', t('Find Friends'), $close_friends, '', $close_friendsC);
$aside['$close_twitter'] = array('diabook_close_twitter', t('Last Tweets'), $close_twitter, '', $close_twitterC);
$aside['$close_lastusers'] = array('diabook_close_lastusers', t('Last users'), $close_lastusers, '', $close_lastusersC);
$aside['$close_lastphotos'] = array('diabook_close_lastphotos', t('Last photos'), $close_lastphotos, '', $close_lastphotosC);
$aside['$close_lastlikes'] = array('diabook_close_lastlikes', t('Last likes'), $close_lastlikes, '', $close_lastlikesC);
$aside['$sub'] = t('Submit');
$baseurl = $a->get_baseurl($ssl_state);
$aside['$baseurl'] = $baseurl;
@ -694,7 +696,6 @@ if ($color=="dark") $color_path = "/diabook-dark/";
set_pconfig(local_user(), 'diabook', 'close_lastusers', $_POST['diabook_close_lastusers']);
set_pconfig(local_user(), 'diabook', 'close_lastphotos', $_POST['diabook_close_lastphotos']);
set_pconfig(local_user(), 'diabook', 'close_lastlikes', $_POST['diabook_close_lastlikes']);
header("Location: network");
$close = t('Settings');

View file

@ -6,7 +6,22 @@
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$resolution}}{{endinc}}
<div class="settings-submit-wrapper">
<input type="submit" value="$submit" class="settings-submit" name="diabook-settings-submit" />
<h3>Show/hide boxes at right-hand column</h3>
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_pages}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_profiles}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_helpers}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_services}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_friends}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_lastusers}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_lastphotos}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_lastlikes}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_twitter}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_input.tpl with $field=$TSearchTerm}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_mapquery}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_input.tpl with $field=$ELPosX}}{{endinc}}
@ -18,22 +33,9 @@
<input type="submit" value="$submit" class="settings-submit" name="diabook-settings-submit" />
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_pages}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_profiles}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_helpers}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_services}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_friends}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_lastusers}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_lastphotos}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_lastlikes}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_twitter}}{{endinc}}
{{inc field_select.tpl with $field=$close_mapquery}}{{endinc}}
<div class="settings-submit-wrapper">
<input type="submit" value="$submit" class="settings-submit" name="diabook-settings-submit" />
<div class="field select">
<a onClick="restore_boxes()" title="Restore order at right-hand column" style="cursor: pointer;">Restore order at right-hand column</a>
<a onClick="restore_boxes()" title="Restore boxorder at right-hand column" style="cursor: pointer;">Restore boxorder at right-hand column</a>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
<div id="prvmail-wrapper" >
<form id="prvmail-form" action="message" method="post" >
<div id="prvmail-to-label">$to</div>
{{ if $showinputs }}
<input type="text" id="recip" name="messageto" value="$prefill" maxlength="255" size="64" tabindex="10" />
<input type="hidden" id="recip-complete" name="messageto" value="$preid">
{{ else }}
{{ endif }}
<div id="prvmail-subject-label">$subject</div>
<input type="text" size="64" maxlength="255" id="prvmail-subject" name="subject" value="$subjtxt" $readonly tabindex="11" />
<div id="prvmail-message-label">$yourmessage</div>
<textarea rows="8" cols="72" class="prvmail-text" id="prvmail-text" name="body" tabindex="12">$text</textarea>
<div id="prvmail-submit-wrapper" >
<input type="submit" id="prvmail-submit" name="submit" value="Submit" tabindex="13" />
<div id="prvmail-upload-wrapper" >
<div id="prvmail-upload" class="icon border camera" title="$upload" ></div>
<div id="prvmail-link-wrapper" >
<div id="prvmail-link" class="icon border link" title="$insert" onclick="jotGetLink();" ></div>
<div id="prvmail-rotator-wrapper" >
<img id="prvmail-rotator" src="images/rotator.gif" alt="$wait" title="$wait" style="display: none;" />
<div id="prvmail-end"></div>

View file

@ -3166,4 +3166,12 @@ ul.menu-popup {
#id_term {
#recip {
.autocomplete-w1 { background: #ffffff; no-repeat bottom right; position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; margin:6px 0 0 6px; /* IE6 fix: */ _background:none; _margin:1px 0 0 0; }
.autocomplete { color:#000; border:1px solid #999; background:#FFF; cursor:default; text-align:left; max-height:350px; overflow:auto; margin:-6px 6px 6px -6px; /* IE6 specific: */ _height:350px; _margin:0; _overflow-x:hidden; }
.autocomplete .selected { background:#F0F0F0; }
.autocomplete div { padding:2px 5px; white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden; }