Replace html2* function content by references to HTML class
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 3 additions and 640 deletions
@ -1,403 +1,6 @@
* @file include/html2bbcode.php
* @brief Converter for HTML to BBCode
* Made by:
* Originally made for the syncom project:
use Friendica\Core\Addon;
use Friendica\Util\Network;
use Friendica\Util\XML;
function node2bbcode(&$doc, $oldnode, $attributes, $startbb, $endbb)
do {
$done = node2bbcodesub($doc, $oldnode, $attributes, $startbb, $endbb);
} while ($done);
function node2bbcodesub(&$doc, $oldnode, $attributes, $startbb, $endbb)
$savestart = str_replace('$', '\x01', $startbb);
$replace = false;
$xpath = new DomXPath($doc);
$list = $xpath->query("//".$oldnode);
foreach ($list as $oldNode) {
$attr = [];
if ($oldNode->attributes->length) {
foreach ($oldNode->attributes as $attribute) {
$attr[$attribute->name] = $attribute->value;
$replace = true;
$startbb = $savestart;
$i = 0;
foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $value) {
$startbb = str_replace('\x01'.++$i, '$1', $startbb);
if (strpos('*'.$startbb, '$1') > 0) {
if ($replace && (@$attr[$attribute] != '')) {
$startbb = preg_replace($value, $startbb, $attr[$attribute], -1, $count);
// If nothing could be changed
if ($count == 0) {
$replace = false;
} else {
$replace = false;
} else {
if (@$attr[$attribute] != $value) {
$replace = false;
if ($replace) {
$StartCode = $oldNode->ownerDocument->createTextNode($startbb);
$EndCode = $oldNode->ownerDocument->createTextNode($endbb);
$oldNode->parentNode->insertBefore($StartCode, $oldNode);
if ($oldNode->hasChildNodes()) {
foreach ($oldNode->childNodes as $child) {
$newNode = $child->cloneNode(true);
$oldNode->parentNode->insertBefore($newNode, $oldNode);
$oldNode->parentNode->insertBefore($EndCode, $oldNode);
function html2bbcode($message, $basepath = '')
function html2bbcode($message, $basepath = '')
return Friendica\Content\Text\HTML::toBBCode($message, $basepath);
$message = str_replace("\r", "", $message);
// Removing code blocks before the whitespace removal processing below
$codeblocks = [];
$message = preg_replace_callback(
'#<pre><code(?: class="([^"]*)")?>(.*)</code></pre>#iUs',
function ($matches) use (&$codeblocks) {
$return = '[codeblock-' . count($codeblocks) . ']';
$prefix = '[code]';
if ($matches[1] != '') {
$prefix = '[code=' . $matches[1] . ']';
$codeblocks[] = $prefix . trim($matches[2]) . '[/code]';
return $return;
$message = str_replace(
// remove namespaces
$message = preg_replace('=<(\w+):(.+?)>=', '<removeme>', $message);
$message = preg_replace('=</(\w+):(.+?)>=', '</removeme>', $message);
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$message = mb_convert_encoding($message, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8");
XML::deleteNode($doc, 'style');
XML::deleteNode($doc, 'head');
XML::deleteNode($doc, 'title');
XML::deleteNode($doc, 'meta');
XML::deleteNode($doc, 'xml');
XML::deleteNode($doc, 'removeme');
$xpath = new DomXPath($doc);
$list = $xpath->query("//pre");
foreach ($list as $node) {
$node->nodeValue = str_replace("\n", "\r", $node->nodeValue);
$message = $doc->saveHTML();
$message = str_replace(["\n<", ">\n", "\r", "\n", "\xC3\x82\xC2\xA0"], ["<", ">", "<br />", " ", ""], $message);
$message = preg_replace('= [\s]*=i', " ", $message);
node2bbcode($doc, 'html', [], "", "");
node2bbcode($doc, 'body', [], "", "");
// Outlook-Quote - Variant 1
node2bbcode($doc, 'p', ['class'=>'MsoNormal', 'style'=>'margin-left:35.4pt'], '[quote]', '[/quote]');
// Outlook-Quote - Variant 2
node2bbcode($doc, 'div', ['style'=>'border:none;border-left:solid blue 1.5pt;padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 4.0pt'], '[quote]', '[/quote]');
// MyBB-Stuff
node2bbcode($doc, 'span', ['style'=>'text-decoration: underline;'], '[u]', '[/u]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'span', ['style'=>'font-style: italic;'], '[i]', '[/i]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'span', ['style'=>'font-weight: bold;'], '[b]', '[/b]');
/*node2bbcode($doc, 'font', array('face'=>'/([\w ]+)/', 'size'=>'/(\d+)/', 'color'=>'/(.+)/'), '[font=$1][size=$2][color=$3]', '[/color][/size][/font]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'font', array('size'=>'/(\d+)/', 'color'=>'/(.+)/'), '[size=$1][color=$2]', '[/color][/size]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'font', array('face'=>'/([\w ]+)/', 'size'=>'/(.+)/'), '[font=$1][size=$2]', '[/size][/font]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'font', array('face'=>'/([\w ]+)/', 'color'=>'/(.+)/'), '[font=$1][color=$3]', '[/color][/font]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'font', array('face'=>'/([\w ]+)/'), '[font=$1]', '[/font]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'font', array('size'=>'/(\d+)/'), '[size=$1]', '[/size]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'font', array('color'=>'/(.+)/'), '[color=$1]', '[/color]');
// Untested
//node2bbcode($doc, 'span', array('style'=>'/.*font-size:\s*(.+?)[,;].*font-family:\s*(.+?)[,;].*color:\s*(.+?)[,;].*/'), '[size=$1][font=$2][color=$3]', '[/color][/font][/size]');
//node2bbcode($doc, 'span', array('style'=>'/.*font-size:\s*(\d+)[,;].*/'), '[size=$1]', '[/size]');
//node2bbcode($doc, 'span', array('style'=>'/.*font-size:\s*(.+?)[,;].*/'), '[size=$1]', '[/size]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'span', ['style'=>'/.*color:\s*(.+?)[,;].*/'], '[color="$1"]', '[/color]');
//node2bbcode($doc, 'span', array('style'=>'/.*font-family:\s*(.+?)[,;].*/'), '[font=$1]', '[/font]');
//node2bbcode($doc, 'div', array('style'=>'/.*font-family:\s*(.+?)[,;].*font-size:\s*(\d+?)pt.*/'), '[font=$1][size=$2]', '[/size][/font]');
//node2bbcode($doc, 'div', array('style'=>'/.*font-family:\s*(.+?)[,;].*font-size:\s*(\d+?)px.*/'), '[font=$1][size=$2]', '[/size][/font]');
//node2bbcode($doc, 'div', array('style'=>'/.*font-family:\s*(.+?)[,;].*/'), '[font=$1]', '[/font]');
// Importing the classes - interesting for importing of posts from third party networks that were exported from friendica
// Test
//node2bbcode($doc, 'span', array('class'=>'/([\w ]+)/'), '[class=$1]', '[/class]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'span', ['class'=>'type-link'], '[class=type-link]', '[/class]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'span', ['class'=>'type-video'], '[class=type-video]', '[/class]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'strong', [], '[b]', '[/b]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'em', [], '[i]', '[/i]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'b', [], '[b]', '[/b]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'i', [], '[i]', '[/i]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'u', [], '[u]', '[/u]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'big', [], "[size=large]", "[/size]");
node2bbcode($doc, 'small', [], "[size=small]", "[/size]");
node2bbcode($doc, 'blockquote', [], '[quote]', '[/quote]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'br', [], "\n", '');
node2bbcode($doc, 'p', ['class'=>'MsoNormal'], "\n", "");
node2bbcode($doc, 'div', ['class'=>'MsoNormal'], "\r", "");
node2bbcode($doc, 'span', [], "", "");
node2bbcode($doc, 'span', [], "", "");
node2bbcode($doc, 'pre', [], "", "");
node2bbcode($doc, 'div', [], "\r", "\r");
node2bbcode($doc, 'p', [], "\n", "\n");
node2bbcode($doc, 'ul', [], "[list]", "[/list]");
node2bbcode($doc, 'ol', [], "[list=1]", "[/list]");
node2bbcode($doc, 'li', [], "[*]", "");
node2bbcode($doc, 'hr', [], "[hr]", "");
node2bbcode($doc, 'table', [], "", "");
node2bbcode($doc, 'tr', [], "\n", "");
node2bbcode($doc, 'td', [], "\t", "");
//node2bbcode($doc, 'table', array(), "[table]", "[/table]");
//node2bbcode($doc, 'th', array(), "[th]", "[/th]");
//node2bbcode($doc, 'tr', array(), "[tr]", "[/tr]");
//node2bbcode($doc, 'td', array(), "[td]", "[/td]");
//node2bbcode($doc, 'h1', array(), "\n\n[size=xx-large][b]", "[/b][/size]\n");
//node2bbcode($doc, 'h2', array(), "\n\n[size=x-large][b]", "[/b][/size]\n");
//node2bbcode($doc, 'h3', array(), "\n\n[size=large][b]", "[/b][/size]\n");
//node2bbcode($doc, 'h4', array(), "\n\n[size=medium][b]", "[/b][/size]\n");
//node2bbcode($doc, 'h5', array(), "\n\n[size=small][b]", "[/b][/size]\n");
//node2bbcode($doc, 'h6', array(), "\n\n[size=x-small][b]", "[/b][/size]\n");
node2bbcode($doc, 'h1', [], "\n\n[h1]", "[/h1]\n");
node2bbcode($doc, 'h2', [], "\n\n[h2]", "[/h2]\n");
node2bbcode($doc, 'h3', [], "\n\n[h3]", "[/h3]\n");
node2bbcode($doc, 'h4', [], "\n\n[h4]", "[/h4]\n");
node2bbcode($doc, 'h5', [], "\n\n[h5]", "[/h5]\n");
node2bbcode($doc, 'h6', [], "\n\n[h6]", "[/h6]\n");
node2bbcode($doc, 'a', ['href'=>'/mailto:(.+)/'], '[mail=$1]', '[/mail]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'a', ['href'=>'/(.+)/'], '[url=$1]', '[/url]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'img', ['src'=>'/(.+)/', 'width'=>'/(\d+)/', 'height'=>'/(\d+)/'], '[img=$2x$3]$1', '[/img]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'img', ['src'=>'/(.+)/'], '[img]$1', '[/img]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'video', ['src'=>'/(.+)/'], '[video]$1', '[/video]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'audio', ['src'=>'/(.+)/'], '[audio]$1', '[/audio]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'iframe', ['src'=>'/(.+)/'], '[iframe]$1', '[/iframe]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'key', [], '[code]', '[/code]');
node2bbcode($doc, 'code', [], '[code]', '[/code]');
$message = $doc->saveHTML();
// I'm removing something really disturbing
// Don't know exactly what it is
$message = str_replace(chr(194).chr(160), ' ', $message);
$message = str_replace(" ", " ", $message);
// removing multiple DIVs
$message = preg_replace('=\r *\r=i', "\n", $message);
$message = str_replace("\r", "\n", $message);
Addon::callHooks('html2bbcode', $message);
$message = strip_tags($message);
$message = html_entity_decode($message, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$message = str_replace(["<"], ["<"], $message);
// remove quotes if they don't make sense
$message = preg_replace('=\[/quote\][\s]*\[quote\]=i', "\n", $message);
$message = preg_replace('=\[quote\]\s*=i', "[quote]", $message);
$message = preg_replace('=\s*\[/quote\]=i', "[/quote]", $message);
do {
$oldmessage = $message;
$message = str_replace("\n \n", "\n\n", $message);
} while ($oldmessage != $message);
do {
$oldmessage = $message;
$message = str_replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n", $message);
} while ($oldmessage != $message);
do {
$oldmessage = $message;
$message = str_replace(
} while ($message != $oldmessage);
$message = str_replace(
['[b][b]', '[/b][/b]', '[i][i]', '[/i][/i]'],
['[b]', '[/b]', '[i]', '[/i]'],
// Handling Yahoo style of mails
$message = str_replace('[hr][b]From:[/b]', '[quote][b]From:[/b]', $message);
// Restore code blocks
$message = preg_replace_callback(
function ($matches) use ($codeblocks) {
$return = '';
if (isset($codeblocks[intval($matches[1])])) {
$return = $codeblocks[$matches[1]];
return $return;
$message = trim($message);
if ($basepath != '') {
$message = addHostname($message, $basepath);
return $message;
* @brief Sub function to complete incomplete URL
* @param array $matches Result of preg_replace_callback
* @param string $basepath Basepath that is used to complete the URL
* @return string The expanded URL
function addHostnameSub($matches, $basepath)
$base = parse_url($basepath);
$link = $matches[0];
$url = $matches[1];
$parts = array_merge($base, parse_url($url));
$url2 = Network::unparseURL($parts);
return str_replace($url, $url2, $link);
* @brief Complete incomplete URLs in BBCode
* @param string $body Body with URLs
* @param string $basepath Basepath that is used to complete the URL
* @return string Body with expanded URLs
function addHostname($body, $basepath)
$URLSearchString = "^\[\]";
$matches = ["/\[url\=([$URLSearchString]*)\].*?\[\/url\]/ism",
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$body = preg_replace_callback(
function ($match) use ($basepath) {
return addHostnameSub($match, $basepath);
return $body;
@ -1,246 +1,6 @@
require_once 'include/html2bbcode.php';
function breaklines($line, $level, $wraplength = 75)
if ($wraplength == 0) {
$wraplength = 2000000;
$wraplen = $wraplength - $level;
$newlines = [];
do {
$oldline = $line;
$subline = substr($line, 0, $wraplen);
$pos = strrpos($subline, ' ');
if ($pos == 0) {
$pos = strpos($line, ' ');
if (($pos > 0) && strlen($line) > $wraplen) {
$newline = trim(substr($line, 0, $pos));
if ($level > 0) {
$newline = str_repeat(">", $level) . ' ' . $newline;
$newlines[] = $newline . " ";
$line = substr($line, $pos + 1);
} while ((strlen($line) > $wraplen) && !($oldline == $line));
if ($level > 0) {
$line = str_repeat(">", $level) . ' ' . $line;
$newlines[] = $line;
return implode($newlines, "\n");
function quotelevel($message, $wraplength = 75)
$lines = explode("\n", $message);
$newlines = [];
$level = 0;
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$line = trim($line);
$startquote = false;
while (strpos("*" . $line, '[quote]') > 0) {
$pos = strpos($line, '[quote]');
$line = substr($line, 0, $pos) . substr($line, $pos + 7);
$startquote = true;
$currlevel = $level;
while (strpos("*" . $line, '[/quote]') > 0) {
if ($level < 0) {
$level = 0;
$pos = strpos($line, '[/quote]');
$line = substr($line, 0, $pos) . substr($line, $pos + 8);
if (!$startquote || ($line != '')) {
$newlines[] = breaklines($line, $currlevel, $wraplength);
return implode($newlines, "\n");
function collecturls($message)
$pattern = '/<a.*?href="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)<\/a>/is';
preg_match_all($pattern, $message, $result, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$urls = [];
foreach ($result as $treffer) {
$ignore = false;
// A list of some links that should be ignored
$list = ["/user/", "/tag/", "/group/", "/profile/", "/search?search=", "/search?tag=", "mailto:", "/u/", "/node/",
"//", "//", "//"];
foreach ($list as $listitem) {
if (strpos($treffer[1], $listitem) !== false) {
$ignore = true;
if ((strpos($treffer[1], "//") !== false) && (strpos($treffer[1], "/status/") !== false)) {
$ignore = false;
if ((strpos($treffer[1], "//") !== false) && (strpos($treffer[1], "/posts") !== false)) {
$ignore = false;
if ((strpos($treffer[1], "//") !== false) && (strpos($treffer[1], "/photos") !== false)) {
$ignore = false;
if (!$ignore) {
$urls[$treffer[1]] = $treffer[1];
return $urls;
function html2plain($html, $wraplength = 75, $compact = false)
function html2plain($html, $wraplength = 75, $compact = false)
global $lang;
return Friendica\Content\Text\HTML::toPlaintext($html, $wraplength, $compact);
$message = str_replace("\r", "", $html);
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$message = mb_convert_encoding($message, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8");
$xpath = new DomXPath($doc);
$list = $xpath->query("//pre");
foreach ($list as $node) {
$node->nodeValue = str_replace("\n", "\r", $node->nodeValue);
$message = $doc->saveHTML();
$message = str_replace(["\n<", ">\n", "\r", "\n", "\xC3\x82\xC2\xA0"], ["<", ">", "<br>", " ", ""], $message);
$message = preg_replace('= [\s]*=i', " ", $message);
// Collecting all links
$urls = collecturls($message);
node2bbcode($doc, 'html', [], '', '');
node2bbcode($doc, 'body', [], '', '');
// MyBB-Auszeichnungen
node2bbcode($doc, 'span', array('style'=>'text-decoration: underline;'), '_', '_');
node2bbcode($doc, 'span', array('style'=>'font-style: italic;'), '/', '/');
node2bbcode($doc, 'span', array('style'=>'font-weight: bold;'), '*', '*');
node2bbcode($doc, 'strong', array(), '*', '*');
node2bbcode($doc, 'b', array(), '*', '*');
node2bbcode($doc, 'i', array(), '/', '/');
node2bbcode($doc, 'u', array(), '_', '_');
if ($compact) {
node2bbcode($doc, 'blockquote', [], "»", "«");
} else {
node2bbcode($doc, 'blockquote', [], '[quote]', "[/quote]\n");
node2bbcode($doc, 'br', [], "\n", '');
node2bbcode($doc, 'span', [], "", "");
node2bbcode($doc, 'pre', [], "", "");
node2bbcode($doc, 'div', [], "\r", "\r");
node2bbcode($doc, 'p', [], "\n", "\n");
//node2bbcode($doc, 'ul', array(), "\n[list]", "[/list]\n");
//node2bbcode($doc, 'ol', array(), "\n[list=1]", "[/list]\n");
node2bbcode($doc, 'li', [], "\n* ", "\n");
node2bbcode($doc, 'hr', [], "\n" . str_repeat("-", 70) . "\n", "");
node2bbcode($doc, 'tr', [], "\n", "");
node2bbcode($doc, 'td', [], "\t", "");
node2bbcode($doc, 'h1', [], "\n\n*", "*\n");
node2bbcode($doc, 'h2', [], "\n\n*", "*\n");
node2bbcode($doc, 'h3', [], "\n\n*", "*\n");
node2bbcode($doc, 'h4', [], "\n\n*", "*\n");
node2bbcode($doc, 'h5', [], "\n\n*", "*\n");
node2bbcode($doc, 'h6', [], "\n\n*", "*\n");
// Problem: there is no reliable way to detect if it is a link to a tag or profile
//node2bbcode($doc, 'a', array('href'=>'/(.+)/'), ' $1 ', ' ', true);
//node2bbcode($doc, 'a', array('href'=>'/(.+)/', 'rel'=>'oembed'), ' $1 ', '', true);
//node2bbcode($doc, 'img', array('alt'=>'/(.+)/'), '$1', '');
//node2bbcode($doc, 'img', array('title'=>'/(.+)/'), '$1', '');
//node2bbcode($doc, 'img', array(), '', '');
if (!$compact) {
node2bbcode($doc, 'img', ['src' => '/(.+)/'], ' [img]$1', '[/img] ');
} else {
node2bbcode($doc, 'img', ['src' => '/(.+)/'], ' ', ' ');
node2bbcode($doc, 'iframe', ['src' => '/(.+)/'], ' $1 ', '');
$message = $doc->saveHTML();
if (!$compact) {
$message = str_replace("[img]", "", $message);
$message = str_replace("[/img]", "", $message);
// was ersetze ich da?
// Irgendein stoerrisches UTF-Zeug
$message = str_replace(chr(194) . chr(160), ' ', $message);
$message = str_replace(" ", " ", $message);
// Aufeinanderfolgende DIVs
$message = preg_replace('=\r *\r=i', "\n", $message);
$message = str_replace("\r", "\n", $message);
$message = strip_tags($message);
$message = html_entity_decode($message, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
if (!$compact && ($message != '')) {
foreach ($urls as $id => $url) {
if ($url != '' && strpos($message, $url) === false) {
$message .= "\n" . $url . ' ';
$message = str_replace("\n«", "«\n", $message);
$message = str_replace("»\n", "\n»", $message);
do {
$oldmessage = $message;
$message = str_replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n", $message);
} while ($oldmessage != $message);
$message = quotelevel(trim($message), $wraplength);
return trim($message);
Reference in a new issue