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* Name: frio
* Description: Bootstrap V3 theme. The theme is currently under construction, so it is far from finished. For further information have a look at the <a href="https://github.com/rabuzarus/frio/blob/master/README.md">ReadMe</a> and <a href="https://github.com/rabuzarus/frio">GitHub</a>.
* Version: V.0.1 Alpha
* Author: Rabuzarus <https://friendica.kommune4.de/profile/rabuzarus>
$frio = "view/theme/frio";
global $frio;
function frio_init(&$a) {
set_template_engine($a, 'smarty3');
$baseurl = $a->get_baseurl();
$style = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'frio', 'style');
$frio = "view/theme/frio";
global $frio;
if ($style == "")
$style = get_config('frio', 'style');
function frio_install() {
register_hook('prepare_body_final', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_item_photo_links');
register_hook('item_photo_menu', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_item_photo_menu');
register_hook('nav_info', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_remote_nav');
logger("installed theme frio");
function frio_uninstall() {
unregister_hook('prepare_body_final', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_item_photo_links');
unregister_hook('item_photo_menu', 'view/theme/frio/theme.php', 'frio_item_photo_menu');
logger("uninstalled theme frio");
* @brief Replace friendica photo links
* This function does replace the links to photos
* of other friendica users. Original the photos are
* linked to the photo page. Now they will linked directly
* to the photo file. This function is nessesary to use colorbox
* in the network stream
* @param App $a
* @param array $body_info The item and its html output
function frio_item_photo_links(&$a, &$body_info) {
$phototypes = Photo::supportedTypes();
$occurence = 1;
$p = bb_find_open_close($body_info['html'], "<a", ">");
while($p !== false && ($occurence++ < 500)) {
$link = substr($body_info['html'], $p['start'], $p['end'] - $p['start']);
$matches = array();
preg_match("/\/photos\/[\w]+\/image\/([\w]+)/", $link, $matches);
if($matches) {
// Replace the link for the photo's page with a direct link to the photo itself
$newlink = str_replace($matches[0], "/photo/{$matches[1]}", $link);
// Add a "quiet" parameter to any redir links to prevent the "XX welcomes YY" info boxes
$newlink = preg_replace("/href=\"([^\"]+)\/redir\/([^\"]+)&url=([^\"]+)\"/", 'href="$1/redir/$2&quiet=1&url=$3"', $newlink);
// Having any arguments to the link for Colorbox causes it to fetch base64 code instead of the image
$newlink = preg_replace("/\/[?&]zrl=([^&\"]+)/", '', $newlink);
$body_info['html'] = str_replace($link, $newlink, $body_info['html']);
$p = bb_find_open_close($body_info['html'], "<a", ">", $occurence);
* @brief Replace links of the item_photo_menu
* This function replaces the original poke and the message links
* to call the addToModal javascript function so this pages can
* be loaded in a bootstrap modal
* @param app $a The app data
* @param array $arr Contains item data and the original photo_menu
function frio_item_photo_menu($a, &$arr){
foreach($arr["menu"] as $k =>$v) {
if(strpos($v,'poke/?f=&c=') === 0 || strpos($v,'message/new/') === 0) {
$v = "javascript:addToModal('" . $v . "'); return false;";
$arr["menu"][$k] = $v;
$testvariable = $testvariable+1;
$args = array('item' => $item, 'menu' => $menu);
* @brief Construct remote nav menu
* It creates a remote baseurl form $_SESSION for remote users and friendica
* visitors. This url will be added to some of the nav links. With this behaviour
* the user will come back to her/his own pages on his/her friendica server.
* Not all possible links are available (notifications, administrator, manage,
* notes aren't available because we have no way the check remote permissions)..
* Some links will point to the local pages because the user would expect
* local page (these pages are: search, community, help, apps, directory).
* @param app $a The App class
* @param array $nav The original nav menu
function frio_remote_nav($a,&$nav) {
// get the homelink from $_XSESSION
$homelink = get_my_url();
if(! $homelink)
$homelink = ((x($_SESSION,'visitor_home')) ? $_SESSION['visitor_home'] : '');
// split up the url in it's parts (protocol,domain/directory, /profile/, nickname
// I'm not familiar with regex, so someone might find a better solutionen
// E.g $homelink = 'https://friendica.domain.com/profile/mickey' should result in an array
// with 0 => 'https://friendica.domain.com/profile/mickey' 1 => 'https://',
// 2 => 'friendica.domain.com' 3 => '/profile/' 4 => 'mickey'
//$server_url = preg_match('/^(https?:\/\/.*?)\/profile\//2', $homelink);
preg_match('/^(https?:\/\/)?(.*?)(\/profile\/)(.*)/', $homelink, $url_parts);
// Construct the server url of the visitor. So we could link back to his/her own menu.
// And construct a webbie (e.g. mickey@friendica.domain.com for the search in gcontact
// We use the webbie for search in gcontact because we don't know if gcontact table stores
// the right value if its http or https protocol
if(count($url_parts)) {
$server_url = $url_parts[1] . $url_parts[2];
$webbie = $url_parts[4] . '@' . $url_parts[2];
// since $userinfo isn't available for the hook we write it to the nav array
// this isn't optimal because the contact query will be done now twice
if(local_user()) {
// empty the server url for local user because we won't need it
$server_url = '';
// user info
$r = q("SELECT `micro` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 1", intval($a->user['uid']));
$r[0]['photo'] = (count($r) ? $a->remove_baseurl($r[0]['micro']) : "images/person-48.jpg");
$r[0]['name'] = $a->user['username'];
} elseif(!local_user() && remote_user()) {
$r = q("SELECT `name`, `nick`, `micro` AS `photo` FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d", intval(remote_user()));
$nav['remote'] = 1;
} elseif(get_my_url ()) {
$r = q("SELECT `name`, `nick`, `photo` FROM `gcontact`
WHERE `addr` = '%s' AND `network` = 'dfrn'",
$nav['remote'] = 1;
$nav['userinfo'] = array(
'icon' => (count($r) ? $r[0]['photo'] : "images/person-48.jpg"),
'name' => $r['name'],
if(!local_user() && !empty($server_url)) {
$nav['logout'] = Array($server_url . '/logout',t('Logout'), "", t('End this session'));
// user menu
$nav['usermenu'][] = Array($server_url . '/profile/' . $a->user['nickname'], t('Status'), "", t('Your posts and conversations'));
$nav['usermenu'][] = Array($server_url . '/profile/' . $a->user['nickname']. '?tab=profile', t('Profile'), "", t('Your profile page'));
$nav['usermenu'][] = Array($server_url . '/photos/' . $a->user['nickname'], t('Photos'), "", t('Your photos'));
$nav['usermenu'][] = Array($server_url . '/videos/' . $a->user['nickname'], t('Videos'), "", t('Your videos'));
$nav['usermenu'][] = Array($server_url . '/events/', t('Events'), "", t('Your events'));
// navbar links
$nav['network'] = array($server_url . '/network', t('Network'), "", t('Conversations from your friends'));
$nav['events'] = Array($server_url . '/events', t('Events'), "", t('Events and Calendar'));
$nav['messages'] = array($server_url . '/message', t('Messages'), "", t('Private mail'));
$nav['settings'] = array($server_url . '/settings', t('Settings'),"", t('Account settings'));
$nav['contacts'] = array($server_url . '/contacts', t('Contacts'),"", t('Manage/edit friends and contacts'));