Move index.php content to App->runFrontend
- Replace all x() by !empty() in App - Replace all killme() with exit()
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 480 additions and 539 deletions
@ -4,482 +4,12 @@
* Friendica
* Bootstrap the application
use Friendica\App;
use Friendica\Content\Nav;
use Friendica\Core\Addon;
use Friendica\Core\Config;
use Friendica\Core\L10n;
use Friendica\Core\Session;
use Friendica\Core\System;
use Friendica\Core\Theme;
use Friendica\Core\Worker;
use Friendica\Database\DBA;
use Friendica\Model\Profile;
use Friendica\Module\Login;
require_once 'boot.php';
// We assume that the index.php is called by a frontend process
// The value is set to "true" by default in boot.php
// The value is set to "true" by default in App
$a = new App(__DIR__, false);
* Try to open the database;
require_once "include/dba.php";
// Missing DB connection: ERROR
if ($a->getMode()->has(App\Mode::LOCALCONFIGPRESENT) && !$a->getMode()->has(App\Mode::DBAVAILABLE)) {
System::httpExit(500, ['title' => 'Error 500 - Internal Server Error', 'description' => 'Apologies but the website is unavailable at the moment.']);
// Max Load Average reached: ERROR
if ($a->isMaxProcessesReached() || $a->isMaxLoadReached()) {
header('Retry-After: 120');
header('Refresh: 120; url=' . System::baseUrl() . "/" . $a->query_string);
System::httpExit(503, ['title' => 'Error 503 - Service Temporarily Unavailable', 'description' => 'System is currently overloaded. Please try again later.']);
if (strstr($a->query_string, '.well-known/host-meta') && ($a->query_string != '.well-known/host-meta')) {
if (!$a->getMode()->isInstall()) {
if (Config::get('system', 'force_ssl') && ($a->getScheme() == "http")
&& (intval(Config::get('system', 'ssl_policy')) == SSL_POLICY_FULL)
&& (substr(System::baseUrl(), 0, 8) == "https://")
header("HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily");
header("Location: " . System::baseUrl() . "/" . $a->query_string);
$lang = L10n::getBrowserLanguage();
* Important stuff we always need to do.
* The order of these may be important so use caution if you think they're all
* intertwingled with no logical order and decide to sort it out. Some of the
* dependencies have changed, but at least at one time in the recent past - the
* order was critical to everything working properly
// Exclude the backend processes from the session management
if (!$a->isBackend()) {
$stamp1 = microtime(true);
$a->saveTimestamp($stamp1, "parser");
} else {
$_SESSION = [];
* Language was set earlier, but we can over-ride it in the session.
* We have to do it here because the session was just now opened.
if (!empty($_SESSION['authenticated']) && empty($_SESSION['language'])) {
$_SESSION['language'] = $lang;
// we haven't loaded user data yet, but we need user language
if (!empty($_SESSION['uid'])) {
$user = DBA::selectFirst('user', ['language'], ['uid' => $_SESSION['uid']]);
if (DBA::isResult($user)) {
$_SESSION['language'] = $user['language'];
if (!empty($_SESSION['language']) && $_SESSION['language'] !== $lang) {
$lang = $_SESSION['language'];
if (!empty($_GET['zrl']) && $a->getMode()->isNormal()) {
$a->query_string = Profile::stripZrls($a->query_string);
if (!local_user()) {
// Only continue when the given profile link seems valid
// Valid profile links contain a path with "/profile/" and no query parameters
if ((parse_url($_GET['zrl'], PHP_URL_QUERY) == "") &&
strstr(parse_url($_GET['zrl'], PHP_URL_PATH), "/profile/")) {
if (defaults($_SESSION, "visitor_home", "") != $_GET["zrl"]) {
$_SESSION['my_url'] = $_GET['zrl'];
$_SESSION['authenticated'] = 0;
} else {
// Someone came with an invalid parameter, maybe as a DDoS attempt
// We simply stop processing here
logger("Invalid ZRL parameter " . $_GET['zrl'], LOGGER_DEBUG);
header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');
echo "<h1>403 Forbidden</h1>";
if (!empty($_GET['owt']) && $a->getMode()->isNormal()) {
$token = $_GET['owt'];
$a->query_string = Profile::stripQueryParam($a->query_string, 'owt');
* For Mozilla auth manager - still needs sorting, and this might conflict with LRDD header.
* Apache/PHP lumps the Link: headers into one - and other services might not be able to parse it
* this way. There's a PHP flag to link the headers because by default this will over-write any other
* link header.
* What we really need to do is output the raw headers ourselves so we can keep them separate.
// header('Link: <' . System::baseUrl() . '/amcd>; rel="acct-mgmt";');
if (empty($_SESSION['authenticated'])) {
header('X-Account-Management-Status: none');
$_SESSION['sysmsg'] = defaults($_SESSION, 'sysmsg' , []);
$_SESSION['sysmsg_info'] = defaults($_SESSION, 'sysmsg_info' , []);
$_SESSION['last_updated'] = defaults($_SESSION, 'last_updated', []);
* check_config() is responsible for running update scripts. These automatically
* update the DB schema whenever we push a new one out. It also checks to see if
* any addons have been added or removed and reacts accordingly.
// in install mode, any url loads install module
// but we need "view" module for stylesheet
if ($a->getMode()->isInstall() && $a->module != 'view') {
$a->module = 'install';
} elseif (!$a->getMode()->has(App\Mode::MAINTENANCEDISABLED) && $a->module != 'view') {
$a->module = 'maintenance';
} else {
//Don't populate apps_menu if apps are private
$privateapps = Config::get('config', 'private_addons');
if ((local_user()) || (! $privateapps === "1")) {
$arr = ['app_menu' => $a->apps];
Addon::callHooks('app_menu', $arr);
$a->apps = $arr['app_menu'];
* We have already parsed the server path into $a->argc and $a->argv
* $a->argv[0] is our module name. We will load the file mod/{$a->argv[0]}.php
* and use it for handling our URL request.
* The module file contains a few functions that we call in various circumstances
* and in the following order:
* "module"_init
* "module"_post (only called if there are $_POST variables)
* "module"_afterpost
* "module"_content - the string return of this function contains our page body
* Modules which emit other serialisations besides HTML (XML,JSON, etc.) should do
* so within the module init and/or post functions and then invoke killme() to terminate
* further processing.
if (strlen($a->module)) {
* We will always have a module name.
* First see if we have an addon which is masquerading as a module.
// Compatibility with the Android Diaspora client
if ($a->module == 'stream') {
if ($a->module == 'conversations') {
if ($a->module == 'commented') {
if ($a->module == 'liked') {
if ($a->module == 'activity') {
if (($a->module == 'status_messages') && ($a->cmd == 'status_messages/new')) {
if (($a->module == 'user') && ($a->cmd == 'user/edit')) {
if (($a->module == 'tag_followings') && ($a->cmd == 'tag_followings/manage')) {
// Compatibility with the Firefox App
if (($a->module == "users") && ($a->cmd == "users/sign_in")) {
$a->module = "login";
$privateapps = Config::get('config', 'private_addons');
if (is_array($a->addons) && in_array($a->module, $a->addons) && file_exists("addon/{$a->module}/{$a->module}.php")) {
//Check if module is an app and if public access to apps is allowed or not
if ((!local_user()) && Addon::isApp($a->module) && $privateapps === "1") {
info(L10n::t("You must be logged in to use addons. "));
} else {
include_once "addon/{$a->module}/{$a->module}.php";
if (function_exists($a->module . '_module')) {
$a->module_class = 'Friendica\\LegacyModule';
$a->module_loaded = true;
// Controller class routing
if (! $a->module_loaded && class_exists('Friendica\\Module\\' . ucfirst($a->module))) {
$a->module_class = 'Friendica\\Module\\' . ucfirst($a->module);
$a->module_loaded = true;
* If not, next look for a 'standard' program module in the 'mod' directory
* We emulate a Module class through the LegacyModule class
if (! $a->module_loaded && file_exists("mod/{$a->module}.php")) {
$a->module_class = 'Friendica\\LegacyModule';
$a->module_loaded = true;
* The URL provided does not resolve to a valid module.
* On Dreamhost sites, quite often things go wrong for no apparent reason and they send us to '/internal_error.html'.
* We don't like doing this, but as it occasionally accounts for 10-20% or more of all site traffic -
* we are going to trap this and redirect back to the requested page. As long as you don't have a critical error on your page
* this will often succeed and eventually do the right thing.
* Otherwise we are going to emit a 404 not found.
if (! $a->module_loaded) {
// Stupid browser tried to pre-fetch our Javascript img template. Don't log the event or return anything - just quietly exit.
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && preg_match('/{[0-9]}/', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) !== 0) {
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] === 'q=internal_error.html') && isset($dreamhost_error_hack)) {
logger('index.php: dreamhost_error_hack invoked. Original URI =' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
goaway(System::baseUrl() . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
logger('index.php: page not found: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . ' ADDRESS: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' QUERY: ' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], LOGGER_DEBUG);
header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' 404 ' . L10n::t('Not Found'));
$tpl = get_markup_template("404.tpl");
$a->page['content'] = replace_macros($tpl, [
'$message' => L10n::t('Page not found.')
* Load current theme info
$theme_info_file = 'view/theme/' . $a->getCurrentTheme() . '/theme.php';
if (file_exists($theme_info_file)) {
require_once $theme_info_file;
/* initialise content region */
if ($a->getMode()->isNormal()) {
Addon::callHooks('page_content_top', $a->page['content']);
* Call module functions
if ($a->module_loaded) {
$a->page['page_title'] = $a->module;
$placeholder = '';
Addon::callHooks($a->module . '_mod_init', $placeholder);
call_user_func([$a->module_class, 'init']);
// "rawContent" is especially meant for technical endpoints.
// This endpoint doesn't need any theme initialization or other comparable stuff.
if (!$a->error) {
call_user_func([$a->module_class, 'rawContent']);
if (function_exists(str_replace('-', '_', $a->getCurrentTheme()) . '_init')) {
$func = str_replace('-', '_', $a->getCurrentTheme()) . '_init';
if (! $a->error && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') {
Addon::callHooks($a->module . '_mod_post', $_POST);
call_user_func([$a->module_class, 'post']);
if (! $a->error) {
Addon::callHooks($a->module . '_mod_afterpost', $placeholder);
call_user_func([$a->module_class, 'afterpost']);
if (! $a->error) {
$arr = ['content' => $a->page['content']];
Addon::callHooks($a->module . '_mod_content', $arr);
$a->page['content'] = $arr['content'];
$arr = ['content' => call_user_func([$a->module_class, 'content'])];
Addon::callHooks($a->module . '_mod_aftercontent', $arr);
$a->page['content'] .= $arr['content'];
if (function_exists(str_replace('-', '_', $a->getCurrentTheme()) . '_content_loaded')) {
$func = str_replace('-', '_', $a->getCurrentTheme()) . '_content_loaded';
* Create the page head after setting the language
* and getting any auth credentials.
* Moved init_pagehead() and init_page_end() to after
* all the module functions have executed so that all
* theme choices made by the modules can take effect.
* Build the page ending -- this is stuff that goes right before
* the closing </body> tag
* now that we've been through the module content, see if the page reported
* a permission problem and if so, a 403 response would seem to be in order.
if (stristr(implode("", $_SESSION['sysmsg']), L10n::t('Permission denied'))) {
header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' 403 ' . L10n::t('Permission denied.'));
* Report anything which needs to be communicated in the notification area (before the main body)
Addon::callHooks('page_end', $a->page['content']);
* Add the navigation (menu) template
if ($a->module != 'install' && $a->module != 'maintenance') {
* Build the page - now that we have all the components
if (isset($_GET["mode"]) && (($_GET["mode"] == "raw") || ($_GET["mode"] == "minimal"))) {
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$target = new DOMDocument();
$content = mb_convert_encoding($a->page["content"], 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8");
/// @TODO one day, kill those error-surpressing @ stuff, or PHP should ban it
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$list = $xpath->query("//*[contains(@id,'tread-wrapper-')]"); /* */
foreach ($list as $item) {
$item = $target->importNode($item, true);
// And then append it to the target
if (isset($_GET["mode"]) && ($_GET["mode"] == "raw")) {
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
echo substr($target->saveHTML(), 6, -8);
$page = $a->page;
$profile = $a->profile;
header("X-Friendica-Version: " . FRIENDICA_VERSION);
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
if (Config::get('system', 'hsts') && (Config::get('system', 'ssl_policy') == SSL_POLICY_FULL)) {
header("Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000");
// Some security stuff
header('X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff');
header('X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block');
header('X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: none');
header('X-Frame-Options: sameorigin');
// Things like embedded OSM maps don't work, when this is enabled
// header("Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self'; img-src 'self' https: data:; media-src 'self' https:; child-src 'self' https:; object-src 'none'");
* We use $_GET["mode"] for special page templates. So we will check if we have
* to load another page template than the default one.
* The page templates are located in /view/php/ or in the theme directory.
if (isset($_GET["mode"])) {
$template = Theme::getPathForFile($_GET["mode"] . '.php');
// If there is no page template use the default page template
if (empty($template)) {
$template = Theme::getPathForFile("default.php");
/// @TODO Looks unsafe (remote-inclusion), is maybe not but Theme::getPathForFile() uses file_exists() but does not escape anything
require_once $template;
@ -5,16 +5,13 @@
namespace Friendica;
use Detection\MobileDetect;
use DOMDocument;
use DOMXPath;
use Exception;
use Friendica\Core\Config;
use Friendica\Core\L10n;
use Friendica\Core\PConfig;
use Friendica\Core\System;
use Friendica\Database\DBA;
use Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException;
require_once 'boot.php';
require_once 'include/dba.php';
require_once 'include/text.php';
@ -120,7 +117,7 @@ class App
* Inclusion is done in App->initHead().
* The path can be absolute or relative to the Friendica installation base folder.
* @see App->initHead()
* @see initHead()
* @param string $path
@ -136,7 +133,7 @@ class App
* Inclusion is done in App->initFooter().
* The path can be absolute or relative to the Friendica installation base folder.
* @see App->initFooter()
* @see initFooter()
* @param string $path
@ -187,12 +184,12 @@ class App
* @brief App constructor.
* @param string $basePath Path to the app base folder
* @param bool $backend true, if the call is from backend, otherwise set to true (Default true)
* @param string $basePath Path to the app base folder
* @param bool $isBackend Whether it is used for backend or frontend (Default true=backend)
* @throws Exception if the Basepath is not usable
public function __construct($basePath, $backend = true)
public function __construct($basePath, $isBackend = true)
if (!static::isDirectoryUsable($basePath, false)) {
throw new Exception('Basepath ' . $basePath . ' isn\'t usable.');
@ -201,7 +198,7 @@ class App
$this->basePath = rtrim($basePath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
$this->performance['start'] = microtime(true);
@ -236,20 +233,20 @@ class App
$this->scheme = 'http';
if ((x($_SERVER, 'HTTPS') && $_SERVER['HTTPS']) ||
(x($_SERVER, 'HTTP_FORWARDED') && preg_match('/proto=https/', $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED'])) ||
(x($_SERVER, 'SERVER_PORT') && (intval($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) == 443)) // XXX: reasonable assumption, but isn't this hardcoding too much?
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ||
!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED']) && preg_match('/proto=https/', $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED']) ||
!empty($_SERVER['FRONT_END_HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['FRONT_END_HTTPS'] == 'on' ||
!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && (intval($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) == 443) // XXX: reasonable assumption, but isn't this hardcoding too much?
) {
$this->scheme = 'https';
if (x($_SERVER, 'SERVER_NAME')) {
if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
$this->hostname = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
if (x($_SERVER, 'SERVER_PORT') && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443) {
if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443) {
$this->hostname .= ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
@ -260,9 +257,9 @@ class App
. $this->getBasePath(). DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'library' . PATH_SEPARATOR
. $this->getBasePath());
if ((x($_SERVER, 'QUERY_STRING')) && substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 0, 9) === 'pagename=') {
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'pagename=') === 0) {
$this->query_string = substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 9);
} elseif ((x($_SERVER, 'QUERY_STRING')) && substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 0, 2) === 'q=') {
} elseif (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'q=') === 0) {
$this->query_string = substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 2);
@ -313,7 +310,7 @@ class App
// See if there is any page number information, and initialise pagination
$this->pager['page'] = ((x($_GET, 'page') && intval($_GET['page']) > 0) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1);
$this->pager['page'] = !empty($_GET['page']) && intval($_GET['page']) > 0 ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1;
$this->pager['itemspage'] = 50;
$this->pager['start'] = ($this->pager['page'] * $this->pager['itemspage']) - $this->pager['itemspage'];
@ -363,7 +360,7 @@ class App
if ($this->getMode()->has(App\Mode::DBAVAILABLE)) {
@ -386,7 +383,7 @@ class App
'title' => ''
$this->process_id = System::processID('log');
$this->process_id = Core\System::processID('log');
@ -612,14 +609,14 @@ class App
$basepath = $this->basePath;
if (!$basepath) {
$basepath = Config::get('system', 'basepath');
$basepath = Core\Config::get('system', 'basepath');
if (!$basepath && x($_SERVER, 'DOCUMENT_ROOT')) {
if (!$basepath && !empty($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) {
$basepath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
if (!$basepath && x($_SERVER, 'PWD')) {
if (!$basepath && !empty($_SERVER['PWD'])) {
$basepath = $_SERVER['PWD'];
@ -670,14 +667,14 @@ class App
$scheme = $this->scheme;
if (Config::get('system', 'ssl_policy') == SSL_POLICY_FULL) {
if (Core\Config::get('system', 'ssl_policy') == SSL_POLICY_FULL) {
$scheme = 'https';
// Basically, we have $ssl = true on any links which can only be seen by a logged in user
// (and also the login link). Anything seen by an outsider will have it turned off.
if (Config::get('system', 'ssl_policy') == SSL_POLICY_SELFSIGN) {
if (Core\Config::get('system', 'ssl_policy') == SSL_POLICY_SELFSIGN) {
if ($ssl) {
$scheme = 'https';
} else {
@ -685,8 +682,8 @@ class App
if (Config::get('config', 'hostname') != '') {
$this->hostname = Config::get('config', 'hostname');
if (Core\Config::get('config', 'hostname') != '') {
$this->hostname = Core\Config::get('config', 'hostname');
return $scheme . '://' . $this->hostname . (!empty($this->getURLPath()) ? '/' . $this->getURLPath() : '' );
@ -704,7 +701,7 @@ class App
$parsed = @parse_url($url);
$hostname = '';
if (x($parsed)) {
if (!empty($parsed)) {
if (!empty($parsed['scheme'])) {
$this->scheme = $parsed['scheme'];
@ -713,10 +710,10 @@ class App
$hostname = $parsed['host'];
if (x($parsed, 'port')) {
if (!empty($parsed['port'])) {
$hostname .= ':' . $parsed['port'];
if (x($parsed, 'path')) {
if (!empty($parsed['path'])) {
$this->urlPath = trim($parsed['path'], '\\/');
@ -724,8 +721,8 @@ class App
include $this->getBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htpreconfig.php';
if (Config::get('config', 'hostname') != '') {
$this->hostname = Config::get('config', 'hostname');
if (Core\Config::get('config', 'hostname') != '') {
$this->hostname = Core\Config::get('config', 'hostname');
if (!isset($this->hostname) || ($this->hostname == '')) {
@ -736,8 +733,8 @@ class App
public function getHostName()
if (Config::get('config', 'hostname') != '') {
$this->hostname = Config::get('config', 'hostname');
if (Core\Config::get('config', 'hostname') != '') {
$this->hostname = Core\Config::get('config', 'hostname');
return $this->hostname;
@ -777,7 +774,7 @@ class App
public function initHead()
$interval = ((local_user()) ? PConfig::get(local_user(), 'system', 'update_interval') : 40000);
$interval = ((local_user()) ? Core\PConfig::get(local_user(), 'system', 'update_interval') : 40000);
// If the update is 'deactivated' set it to the highest integer number (~24 days)
if ($interval < 0) {
@ -804,12 +801,12 @@ class App
$shortcut_icon = Config::get('system', 'shortcut_icon');
$shortcut_icon = Core\Config::get('system', 'shortcut_icon');
if ($shortcut_icon == '') {
$shortcut_icon = 'images/friendica-32.png';
$touch_icon = Config::get('system', 'touch_icon');
$touch_icon = Core\Config::get('system', 'touch_icon');
if ($touch_icon == '') {
$touch_icon = 'images/friendica-128.png';
@ -828,14 +825,14 @@ class App
'$baseurl' => $this->getBaseURL(),
'$local_user' => local_user(),
'$generator' => 'Friendica' . ' ' . FRIENDICA_VERSION,
'$delitem' => L10n::t('Delete this item?'),
'$showmore' => L10n::t('show more'),
'$showfewer' => L10n::t('show fewer'),
'$delitem' => Core\L10n::t('Delete this item?'),
'$showmore' => Core\L10n::t('show more'),
'$showfewer' => Core\L10n::t('show fewer'),
'$update_interval' => $interval,
'$shortcut_icon' => $shortcut_icon,
'$touch_icon' => $touch_icon,
'$infinite_scroll' => $infinite_scroll,
'$block_public' => intval(Config::get('system', 'block_public')),
'$block_public' => intval(Core\Config::get('system', 'block_public')),
'$stylesheets' => $this->stylesheets,
]) . $this->page['htmlhead'];
@ -916,7 +913,7 @@ class App
private function registerTemplateEngine($class)
$v = get_class_vars($class);
if (x($v, 'name')) {
if (!empty($v['name'])) {
$name = $v['name'];
$this->template_engines[$name] = $class;
} else {
@ -935,10 +932,7 @@ class App
public function getTemplateEngine()
$template_engine = 'smarty3';
if (x($this->theme, 'template_engine')) {
$template_engine = $this->theme['template_engine'];
$template_engine = defaults($this->theme, 'template_engine', 'smarty3');
if (isset($this->template_engines[$template_engine])) {
if (isset($this->template_engine_instance[$template_engine])) {
@ -952,7 +946,7 @@ class App
echo "template engine <tt>$template_engine</tt> is not registered!\n";
@ -1030,7 +1024,7 @@ class App
$this->performance[$value] += (float) $duration;
$this->performance['marktime'] += (float) $duration;
$callstack = System::callstack();
$callstack = Core\System::callstack();
if (!isset($this->callstack[$value][$callstack])) {
// Prevent ugly E_NOTICE
@ -1138,13 +1132,13 @@ class App
if ($this->is_backend()) {
$process = 'backend';
$max_processes = Config::get('system', 'max_processes_backend');
$max_processes = Core\Config::get('system', 'max_processes_backend');
if (intval($max_processes) == 0) {
$max_processes = 5;
} else {
$process = 'frontend';
$max_processes = Config::get('system', 'max_processes_frontend');
$max_processes = Core\Config::get('system', 'max_processes_frontend');
if (intval($max_processes) == 0) {
$max_processes = 20;
@ -1170,7 +1164,7 @@ class App
public function isMinMemoryReached()
$min_memory = Config::get('system', 'min_memory', 0);
$min_memory = Core\Config::get('system', 'min_memory', 0);
if ($min_memory == 0) {
return false;
@ -1216,19 +1210,19 @@ class App
if ($this->isBackend()) {
$process = 'backend';
$maxsysload = intval(Config::get('system', 'maxloadavg'));
$maxsysload = intval(Core\Config::get('system', 'maxloadavg'));
if ($maxsysload < 1) {
$maxsysload = 50;
} else {
$process = 'frontend';
$maxsysload = intval(Config::get('system', 'maxloadavg_frontend'));
$maxsysload = intval(Core\Config::get('system', 'maxloadavg_frontend'));
if ($maxsysload < 1) {
$maxsysload = 50;
$load = System::currentLoad();
$load = Core\System::currentLoad();
if ($load) {
if (intval($load) > $maxsysload) {
logger('system: load ' . $load . ' for ' . $process . ' tasks (' . $maxsysload . ') too high.');
@ -1480,7 +1474,7 @@ class App
public function getSenderEmailAddress()
$sender_email = Config::get('config', 'sender_email');
$sender_email = Core\Config::get('config', 'sender_email');
if (empty($sender_email)) {
$hostname = $this->getHostName();
if (strpos($hostname, ':')) {
@ -1519,15 +1513,15 @@ class App
private function computeCurrentTheme()
$system_theme = Config::get('system', 'theme');
$system_theme = Core\Config::get('system', 'theme');
if (!$system_theme) {
throw new Exception(L10n::t('No system theme config value set.'));
throw new Exception(Core\L10n::t('No system theme config value set.'));
// Sane default
$this->currentTheme = $system_theme;
$allowed_themes = explode(',', Config::get('system', 'allowed_themes', $system_theme));
$allowed_themes = explode(',', Core\Config::get('system', 'allowed_themes', $system_theme));
$page_theme = null;
// Find the theme that belongs to the user whose stuff we are looking at
@ -1535,7 +1529,7 @@ class App
// Allow folks to override user themes and always use their own on their own site.
// This works only if the user is on the same server
$user = DBA::selectFirst('user', ['theme'], ['uid' => $this->profile_uid]);
if (DBA::isResult($user) && !PConfig::get(local_user(), 'system', 'always_my_theme')) {
if (DBA::isResult($user) && !Core\PConfig::get(local_user(), 'system', 'always_my_theme')) {
$page_theme = $user['theme'];
@ -1544,7 +1538,7 @@ class App
// Specific mobile theme override
if (($this->is_mobile || $this->is_tablet) && Core\Session::get('show-mobile', true)) {
$system_mobile_theme = Config::get('system', 'mobile-theme');
$system_mobile_theme = Core\Config::get('system', 'mobile-theme');
$user_mobile_theme = Core\Session::get('mobile-theme', $system_mobile_theme);
// --- means same mobile theme as desktop
@ -1614,7 +1608,7 @@ class App
public function checkURL()
$url = Config::get('system', 'url');
$url = Core\Config::get('system', 'url');
// if the url isn't set or the stored url is radically different
// than the currently visited url, store the current value accordingly.
@ -1623,7 +1617,424 @@ class App
// We will only change the url to an ip address if there is no existing setting
if (empty($url) || (!link_compare($url, $this->getBaseURL())) && (!preg_match("/^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/", $this->getHostName()))) {
Config::set('system', 'url', $this->getBaseURL());
Core\Config::set('system', 'url', $this->getBaseURL());
* Frontend App script
* The App object behaves like a container and a dispatcher at the same time, including a representation of the
* request and a representation of the response.
* This probably should change to limit the size of this monster method.
public function runFrontend()
// Missing DB connection: ERROR
if ($this->getMode()->has(App\Mode::LOCALCONFIGPRESENT) && !$this->getMode()->has(App\Mode::DBAVAILABLE)) {
Core\System::httpExit(500, ['title' => 'Error 500 - Internal Server Error', 'description' => 'Apologies but the website is unavailable at the moment.']);
// Max Load Average reached: ERROR
if ($this->isMaxProcessesReached() || $this->isMaxLoadReached()) {
header('Retry-After: 120');
header('Refresh: 120; url=' . $this->getBaseURL() . "/" . $this->query_string);
Core\System::httpExit(503, ['title' => 'Error 503 - Service Temporarily Unavailable', 'description' => 'Core\System is currently overloaded. Please try again later.']);
if (strstr($this->query_string, '.well-known/host-meta') && ($this->query_string != '.well-known/host-meta')) {
if (!$this->getMode()->isInstall()) {
if (Core\Config::get('system', 'force_ssl') && ($this->getScheme() == "http")
&& (intval(Core\Config::get('system', 'ssl_policy')) == SSL_POLICY_FULL)
&& (substr($this->getBaseURL(), 0, 8) == "https://")
header("HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily");
header("Location: " . $this->getBaseURL() . "/" . $this->query_string);
$lang = Core\L10n::getBrowserLanguage();
* Important stuff we always need to do.
* The order of these may be important so use caution if you think they're all
* intertwingled with no logical order and decide to sort it out. Some of the
* dependencies have changed, but at least at one time in the recent past - the
* order was critical to everything working properly
// Exclude the backend processes from the session management
if (!$this->isBackend()) {
$stamp1 = microtime(true);
$this->saveTimestamp($stamp1, "parser");
} else {
$_SESSION = [];
* Language was set earlier, but we can over-ride it in the session.
* We have to do it here because the session was just now opened.
if (!empty($_SESSION['authenticated']) && empty($_SESSION['language'])) {
$_SESSION['language'] = $lang;
// we haven't loaded user data yet, but we need user language
if (!empty($_SESSION['uid'])) {
$user = DBA::selectFirst('user', ['language'], ['uid' => $_SESSION['uid']]);
if (DBA::isResult($user)) {
$_SESSION['language'] = $user['language'];
if (!empty($_SESSION['language']) && $_SESSION['language'] !== $lang) {
$lang = $_SESSION['language'];
if (!empty($_GET['zrl']) && $this->getMode()->isNormal()) {
$this->query_string = Model\Profile::stripZrls($this->query_string);
if (!local_user()) {
// Only continue when the given profile link seems valid
// Valid profile links contain a path with "/profile/" and no query parameters
if ((parse_url($_GET['zrl'], PHP_URL_QUERY) == "") &&
strstr(parse_url($_GET['zrl'], PHP_URL_PATH), "/profile/")) {
if (defaults($_SESSION, "visitor_home", "") != $_GET["zrl"]) {
$_SESSION['my_url'] = $_GET['zrl'];
$_SESSION['authenticated'] = 0;
} else {
// Someone came with an invalid parameter, maybe as a DDoS attempt
// We simply stop processing here
logger("Invalid ZRL parameter " . $_GET['zrl'], LOGGER_DEBUG);
header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');
echo "<h1>403 Forbidden</h1>";
if (!empty($_GET['owt']) && $this->getMode()->isNormal()) {
$token = $_GET['owt'];
$this->query_string = Model\Profile::stripQueryParam($this->query_string, 'owt');
if (empty($_SESSION['authenticated'])) {
header('X-Account-Management-Status: none');
$_SESSION['sysmsg'] = defaults($_SESSION, 'sysmsg' , []);
$_SESSION['sysmsg_info'] = defaults($_SESSION, 'sysmsg_info' , []);
$_SESSION['last_updated'] = defaults($_SESSION, 'last_updated', []);
* check_config() is responsible for running update scripts. These automatically
* update the DB schema whenever we push a new one out. It also checks to see if
* any addons have been added or removed and reacts accordingly.
// in install mode, any url loads install module
// but we need "view" module for stylesheet
if ($this->getMode()->isInstall() && $this->module != 'view') {
$this->module = 'install';
} elseif (!$this->getMode()->has(App\Mode::MAINTENANCEDISABLED) && $this->module != 'view') {
$this->module = 'maintenance';
} else {
//Don't populate apps_menu if apps are private
$privateapps = Core\Config::get('config', 'private_addons');
if ((local_user()) || (! $privateapps === "1")) {
$arr = ['app_menu' => $this->apps];
Core\Addon::callHooks('app_menu', $arr);
$this->apps = $arr['app_menu'];
if (strlen($this->module)) {
// Compatibility with the Android Diaspora client
if ($this->module == 'stream') {
if ($this->module == 'conversations') {
if ($this->module == 'commented') {
if ($this->module == 'liked') {
if ($this->module == 'activity') {
if (($this->module == 'status_messages') && ($this->cmd == 'status_messages/new')) {
if (($this->module == 'user') && ($this->cmd == 'user/edit')) {
if (($this->module == 'tag_followings') && ($this->cmd == 'tag_followings/manage')) {
// Compatibility with the Firefox App
if (($this->module == "users") && ($this->cmd == "users/sign_in")) {
$this->module = "login";
$privateapps = Core\Config::get('config', 'private_addons');
if (is_array($this->addons) && in_array($this->module, $this->addons) && file_exists("addon/{$this->module}/{$this->module}.php")) {
//Check if module is an app and if public access to apps is allowed or not
if ((!local_user()) && Core\Addon::isApp($this->module) && $privateapps === "1") {
info(Core\L10n::t("You must be logged in to use addons. "));
} else {
include_once "addon/{$this->module}/{$this->module}.php";
if (function_exists($this->module . '_module')) {
$this->module_class = 'Friendica\\LegacyModule';
$this->module_loaded = true;
// Controller class routing
if (! $this->module_loaded && class_exists('Friendica\\Module\\' . ucfirst($this->module))) {
$this->module_class = 'Friendica\\Module\\' . ucfirst($this->module);
$this->module_loaded = true;
/* If not, next look for a 'standard' program module in the 'mod' directory
* We emulate a Module class through the LegacyModule class
if (! $this->module_loaded && file_exists("mod/{$this->module}.php")) {
$this->module_class = 'Friendica\\LegacyModule';
$this->module_loaded = true;
/* The URL provided does not resolve to a valid module.
* On Dreamhost sites, quite often things go wrong for no apparent reason and they send us to '/internal_error.html'.
* We don't like doing this, but as it occasionally accounts for 10-20% or more of all site traffic -
* we are going to trap this and redirect back to the requested page. As long as you don't have a critical error on your page
* this will often succeed and eventually do the right thing.
* Otherwise we are going to emit a 404 not found.
if (! $this->module_loaded) {
// Stupid browser tried to pre-fetch our Javascript img template. Don't log the event or return anything - just quietly exit.
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && preg_match('/{[0-9]}/', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) !== 0) {
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] === 'q=internal_error.html') && isset($dreamhost_error_hack)) {
logger('index.php: dreamhost_error_hack invoked. Original URI =' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
goaway($this->getBaseURL() . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
logger('index.php: page not found: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . ' ADDRESS: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' QUERY: ' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], LOGGER_DEBUG);
header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' 404 ' . Core\L10n::t('Not Found'));
$tpl = get_markup_template("404.tpl");
$this->page['content'] = replace_macros($tpl, [
'$message' => Core\L10n::t('Page not found.')
* Load current theme info
$theme_info_file = 'view/theme/' . $this->getCurrentTheme() . '/theme.php';
if (file_exists($theme_info_file)) {
require_once $theme_info_file;
/* initialise content region */
if ($this->getMode()->isNormal()) {
Core\Addon::callHooks('page_content_top', $this->page['content']);
* Call module functions
if ($this->module_loaded) {
$this->page['page_title'] = $this->module;
$placeholder = '';
Core\Addon::callHooks($this->module . '_mod_init', $placeholder);
call_user_func([$this->module_class, 'init']);
// "rawContent" is especially meant for technical endpoints.
// This endpoint doesn't need any theme initialization or other comparable stuff.
if (!$this->error) {
call_user_func([$this->module_class, 'rawContent']);
if (function_exists(str_replace('-', '_', $this->getCurrentTheme()) . '_init')) {
$func = str_replace('-', '_', $this->getCurrentTheme()) . '_init';
if (! $this->error && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') {
Core\Addon::callHooks($this->module . '_mod_post', $_POST);
call_user_func([$this->module_class, 'post']);
if (! $this->error) {
Core\Addon::callHooks($this->module . '_mod_afterpost', $placeholder);
call_user_func([$this->module_class, 'afterpost']);
if (! $this->error) {
$arr = ['content' => $this->page['content']];
Core\Addon::callHooks($this->module . '_mod_content', $arr);
$this->page['content'] = $arr['content'];
$arr = ['content' => call_user_func([$this->module_class, 'content'])];
Core\Addon::callHooks($this->module . '_mod_aftercontent', $arr);
$this->page['content'] .= $arr['content'];
if (function_exists(str_replace('-', '_', $this->getCurrentTheme()) . '_content_loaded')) {
$func = str_replace('-', '_', $this->getCurrentTheme()) . '_content_loaded';
/* Create the page head after setting the language
* and getting any auth credentials.
* Moved initHead() and initFooter() to after
* all the module functions have executed so that all
* theme choices made by the modules can take effect.
/* Build the page ending -- this is stuff that goes right before
* the closing </body> tag
/* now that we've been through the module content, see if the page reported
* a permission problem and if so, a 403 response would seem to be in order.
if (stristr(implode("", $_SESSION['sysmsg']), Core\L10n::t('Permission denied'))) {
header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' 403 ' . Core\L10n::t('Permission denied.'));
// Report anything which needs to be communicated in the notification area (before the main body)
Core\Addon::callHooks('page_end', $this->page['content']);
// Add the navigation (menu) template
if ($this->module != 'install' && $this->module != 'maintenance') {
// Build the page - now that we have all the components
if (isset($_GET["mode"]) && (($_GET["mode"] == "raw") || ($_GET["mode"] == "minimal"))) {
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$target = new DOMDocument();
$content = mb_convert_encoding($this->page["content"], 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8");
/// @TODO one day, kill those error-surpressing @ stuff, or PHP should ban it
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$list = $xpath->query("//*[contains(@id,'tread-wrapper-')]"); /* */
foreach ($list as $item) {
$item = $target->importNode($item, true);
// And then append it to the target
if (isset($_GET["mode"]) && ($_GET["mode"] == "raw")) {
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
echo substr($target->saveHTML(), 6, -8);
$page = $this->page;
$profile = $this->profile;
header("X-Friendica-Version: " . FRIENDICA_VERSION);
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
if (Core\Config::get('system', 'hsts') && (Core\Config::get('system', 'ssl_policy') == SSL_POLICY_FULL)) {
header("Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000");
// Some security stuff
header('X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff');
header('X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block');
header('X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: none');
header('X-Frame-Options: sameorigin');
// Things like embedded OSM maps don't work, when this is enabled
// header("Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self'; img-src 'self' https: data:; media-src 'self' https:; child-src 'self' https:; object-src 'none'");
* We use $_GET["mode"] for special page templates. So we will check if we have
* to load another page template than the default one.
* The page templates are located in /view/php/ or in the theme directory.
if (isset($_GET["mode"])) {
$template = Core\Theme::getPathForFile($_GET["mode"] . '.php');
// If there is no page template use the default page template
if (empty($template)) {
$template = Core\Theme::getPathForFile("default.php");
// Theme templates expect $a as an App instance
$a = $this;
/// @TODO Looks unsafe (remote-inclusion), is maybe not but Core\Theme::getPathForFile() uses file_exists() but does not escape anything
require_once $template;
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ class System extends BaseObject
'$description' => defaults($description, 'description', '')]);
Add table
Reference in a new issue