Fork 0

Contact Type is now transmitted via poco

This commit is contained in:
Michael Vogel 2016-10-04 03:48:01 +00:00
parent 32f49b4de2
commit 095fa872ed
4 changed files with 62 additions and 17 deletions

View file

@ -686,6 +686,7 @@ function db_definition($charset) {
"gender" => array("type" => "varchar(32)", "not null" => "1", "default" => ""),
"birthday" => array("type" => "varchar(32)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0000-00-00"),
"community" => array("type" => "tinyint(1)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0"),
"contact-type" => array("type" => "tinyint(1)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "-1"),
"hide" => array("type" => "tinyint(1)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0"),
"nsfw" => array("type" => "tinyint(1)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0"),
"network" => array("type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => ""),
@ -1492,6 +1493,22 @@ function dbstructure_run(&$argv, &$argc) {
switch ($argv[1]) {
case "update":
update_structure(true, true);
$build = get_config('system','build');
if (!x($build)) {
$stored = intval($build);
$current = intval(DB_UPDATE_VERSION);
// run any left update_nnnn functions in update.php
for($x = $stored; $x < $current; $x ++) {
$r = run_update_function($x);
if (!$r) break;
case "dumpsql":

View file

@ -1147,7 +1147,7 @@ class dfrn {
$author["link"] = $xpath->evaluate($element."/atom:uri/text()", $context)->item(0)->nodeValue;
$r = q("SELECT `id`, `uid`, `url`, `network`, `avatar-date`, `name-date`, `uri-date`, `addr`,
`name`, `nick`, `about`, `location`, `keywords`, `xmpp`, `bdyear`, `bd`, `hidden`
`name`, `nick`, `about`, `location`, `keywords`, `xmpp`, `bdyear`, `bd`, `hidden`, `contact-type`
FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `nurl` = '%s' AND `network` != '%s'",
intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc(normalise_link($author["link"])), dbesc(NETWORK_STATUSNET));
if ($r) {
@ -1336,6 +1336,7 @@ class dfrn {
$poco["generation"] = 2;
$poco["photo"] = $author["avatar"];
$poco["hide"] = $hide;
$poco["contact-type"] = $contact["contact-type"];

View file

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function poco_load($cid,$uid = 0,$zcid = 0,$url = null) {
if(! $url)
$url = $url . (($uid) ? '/@me/@all?fields=displayName,urls,photos,updated,network,aboutMe,currentLocation,tags,gender,generation' : '?fields=displayName,urls,photos,updated,network,aboutMe,currentLocation,tags,gender,generation') ;
$url = $url . (($uid) ? '/@me/@all?fields=displayName,urls,photos,updated,network,aboutMe,currentLocation,tags,gender,contactType,generation' : '?fields=displayName,urls,photos,updated,network,aboutMe,currentLocation,tags,gender,contactType,generation') ;
logger('poco_load: ' . $url, LOGGER_DEBUG);
@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ function poco_load($cid,$uid = 0,$zcid = 0,$url = null) {
$about = '';
$keywords = '';
$gender = '';
$contact_type = -1;
$generation = 0;
$name = $entry->displayName;
@ -133,6 +134,9 @@ function poco_load($cid,$uid = 0,$zcid = 0,$url = null) {
foreach($entry->tags as $tag)
$keywords = implode(", ", $tag);
if(isset($entry->contactType) AND ($entry->contactType >= 0))
$contact_type = $entry->contactType;
// If you query a Friendica server for its profiles, the network has to be Friendica
/// TODO It could also be a Redmatrix server
//if ($uid == 0)
@ -140,6 +144,9 @@ function poco_load($cid,$uid = 0,$zcid = 0,$url = null) {
poco_check($profile_url, $name, $network, $profile_photo, $about, $location, $gender, $keywords, $connect_url, $updated, $generation, $cid, $uid, $zcid);
$gcontact = array("url" => $profile_url, "contact-type" => $contact_type, "generation" => $generation);
// Update the Friendica contacts. Diaspora is doing it via a message. (See include/diaspora.php)
// Deactivated because we now update Friendica contacts in dfrn.php
//if (($location != "") OR ($about != "") OR ($keywords != "") OR ($gender != ""))
@ -1236,7 +1243,7 @@ function poco_discover($complete = false) {
// Fetch all users from the other server
$url = $server["poco"]."/?fields=displayName,urls,photos,updated,network,aboutMe,currentLocation,tags,gender,generation";
$url = $server["poco"]."/?fields=displayName,urls,photos,updated,network,aboutMe,currentLocation,tags,gender,contactType,generation";
logger("Fetch all users from the server ".$server["nurl"], LOGGER_DEBUG);
@ -1255,7 +1262,7 @@ function poco_discover($complete = false) {
$updatedSince = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() - $timeframe * 86400);
// Fetch all global contacts from the other server (Not working with Redmatrix and Friendica versions before 3.3)
$url = $server["poco"]."/@global?updatedSince=".$updatedSince."&fields=displayName,urls,photos,updated,network,aboutMe,currentLocation,tags,gender,generation";
$url = $server["poco"]."/@global?updatedSince=".$updatedSince."&fields=displayName,urls,photos,updated,network,aboutMe,currentLocation,tags,gender,contactType,generation";
$success = false;
@ -1303,7 +1310,7 @@ function poco_discover_server_users($data, $server) {
logger("Fetch contacts for the user ".$username." from the server ".$server["nurl"], LOGGER_DEBUG);
// Fetch all contacts from a given user from the other server
$url = $server["poco"]."/".$username."/?fields=displayName,urls,photos,updated,network,aboutMe,currentLocation,tags,gender,generation";
$url = $server["poco"]."/".$username."/?fields=displayName,urls,photos,updated,network,aboutMe,currentLocation,tags,gender,contactType,generation";
$retdata = z_fetch_url($url);
if ($retdata["success"])
@ -1330,6 +1337,7 @@ function poco_discover_server($data, $default_generation = 0) {
$about = '';
$keywords = '';
$gender = '';
$contact_type = -1;
$generation = $default_generation;
$name = $entry->displayName;
@ -1374,6 +1382,9 @@ function poco_discover_server($data, $default_generation = 0) {
if(isset($entry->generation) AND ($entry->generation > 0))
$generation = ++$entry->generation;
if(isset($entry->contactType) AND ($entry->contactType >= 0))
$contact_type = $entry->contactType;
foreach($entry->tags as $tag)
$keywords = implode(", ", $tag);
@ -1383,6 +1394,10 @@ function poco_discover_server($data, $default_generation = 0) {
logger("Store profile ".$profile_url, LOGGER_DEBUG);
poco_check($profile_url, $name, $network, $profile_photo, $about, $location, $gender, $keywords, $connect_url, $updated, $generation, 0, 0, 0);
$gcontact = array("url" => $profile_url, "contact-type" => $contact_type, "generation" => $generation);
logger("Done for profile ".$profile_url, LOGGER_DEBUG);
@ -1534,7 +1549,7 @@ function update_gcontact($contact) {
return false;
$r = q("SELECT `name`, `nick`, `photo`, `location`, `about`, `addr`, `generation`, `birthday`, `gender`, `keywords`,
`hide`, `nsfw`, `network`, `alias`, `notify`, `server_url`, `connect`, `updated`, `url`
`contact-type`, `hide`, `nsfw`, `network`, `alias`, `notify`, `server_url`, `connect`, `updated`, `url`
FROM `gcontact` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1",
@ -1614,20 +1629,20 @@ function update_gcontact($contact) {
if ($update) {
logger("Update gcontact for ".$contact["url"]." Callstack: ".App::callstack(), LOGGER_DEBUG);
logger("Update gcontact for ".$contact["url"], LOGGER_DEBUG);
q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `photo` = '%s', `name` = '%s', `nick` = '%s', `addr` = '%s', `network` = '%s',
`birthday` = '%s', `gender` = '%s', `keywords` = '%s', `hide` = %d, `nsfw` = %d,
`alias` = '%s', `notify` = '%s', `url` = '%s',
`contact-type` = %d, `alias` = '%s', `notify` = '%s', `url` = '%s',
`location` = '%s', `about` = '%s', `generation` = %d, `updated` = '%s',
`server_url` = '%s', `connect` = '%s'
WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND (`generation` = 0 OR `generation` >= %d)",
dbesc($contact["photo"]), dbesc($contact["name"]), dbesc($contact["nick"]),
dbesc($contact["addr"]), dbesc($contact["network"]), dbesc($contact["birthday"]),
dbesc($contact["gender"]), dbesc($contact["keywords"]), intval($contact["hide"]),
intval($contact["nsfw"]), dbesc($contact["alias"]), dbesc($contact["notify"]),
dbesc($contact["url"]), dbesc($contact["location"]), dbesc($contact["about"]),
intval($contact["generation"]), dbesc($contact["updated"]),
intval($contact["nsfw"]), intval($contact["contact-type"]), dbesc($contact["alias"]),
dbesc($contact["notify"]), dbesc($contact["url"]), dbesc($contact["location"]),
dbesc($contact["about"]), intval($contact["generation"]), dbesc($contact["updated"]),
dbesc($contact["server_url"]), dbesc($contact["connect"]),
dbesc(normalise_link($contact["url"])), intval($contact["generation"]));
@ -1644,13 +1659,14 @@ function update_gcontact($contact) {
q("UPDATE `contact` SET `name` = '%s', `nick` = '%s', `addr` = '%s',
`network` = '%s', `bd` = '%s', `gender` = '%s',
`keywords` = '%s', `alias` = '%s', `url` = '%s',
`location` = '%s', `about` = '%s'
`keywords` = '%s', `alias` = '%s', `contact-type` = %d,
`url` = '%s', `location` = '%s', `about` = '%s'
WHERE `id` = %d",
dbesc($contact["name"]), dbesc($contact["nick"]), dbesc($contact["addr"]),
dbesc($contact["network"]), dbesc($contact["birthday"]), dbesc($contact["gender"]),
dbesc($contact["keywords"]), dbesc($contact["alias"]), dbesc($contact["url"]),
dbesc($contact["location"]), dbesc($contact["about"]), intval($r[0]["id"]));
dbesc($contact["keywords"]), dbesc($contact["alias"]), intval($contact["contact-type"]),
dbesc($contact["url"]), dbesc($contact["location"]), dbesc($contact["about"]),

View file

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
// See here for a documentation for portable contacts:
// https://web.archive.org/web/20160405005550/http://portablecontacts.net/draft-spec.html
function poco_init(&$a) {
@ -104,9 +106,11 @@ function poco_init(&$a) {
} elseif($system_mode) {
logger("Start system mode query", LOGGER_DEBUG);
$r = q("SELECT `contact`.*, `profile`.`about` AS `pabout`, `profile`.`locality` AS `plocation`, `profile`.`pub_keywords`, `profile`.`gender` AS `pgender`,
`profile`.`address` AS `paddress`, `profile`.`region` AS `pregion`, `profile`.`postal-code` AS `ppostalcode`, `profile`.`country-name` AS `pcountry`
$r = q("SELECT `contact`.*, `profile`.`about` AS `pabout`, `profile`.`locality` AS `plocation`, `profile`.`pub_keywords`,
`profile`.`gender` AS `pgender`, `profile`.`address` AS `paddress`, `profile`.`region` AS `pregion`,
`profile`.`postal-code` AS `ppostalcode`, `profile`.`country-name` AS `pcountry`, `user`.`account-type`
FROM `contact` INNER JOIN `profile` ON `profile`.`uid` = `contact`.`uid`
INNER JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `contact`.`uid`
WHERE `self` = 1 AND `profile`.`is-default`
AND `contact`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid` FROM `pconfig` WHERE `cat` = 'system' AND `k` = 'suggestme' AND `v` = 1) LIMIT %d, %d",
@ -155,6 +159,7 @@ function poco_init(&$a) {
'gender' => false,
'tags' => false,
'address' => false,
'contactType' => false,
'generation' => false
@ -207,6 +212,9 @@ function poco_init(&$a) {
if (($rr['keywords'] == "") AND isset($rr['pub_keywords']))
$rr['keywords'] = $rr['pub_keywords'];
if (isset($rr['account-type']))
$rr['contact-type'] = $rr['account-type'];
$about = Cache::get("about:".$rr['updated'].":".$rr['nurl']);
if (is_null($about)) {
$about = bbcode($rr['about'], false, false);
@ -300,6 +308,9 @@ function poco_init(&$a) {
$entry['address']['country'] = $rr['pcountry'];
$entry['contactType'] = intval($rr['contact-type']);
$ret['entry'][] = $entry;