2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
* @file src/Content/OEmbed.php
namespace Friendica\Content;
2018-01-17 19:42:40 +01:00
use Friendica\Core\Addon;
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
use Friendica\Core\Cache;
2018-01-22 15:54:13 +01:00
use Friendica\Core\L10n;
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
use Friendica\Core\System;
use Friendica\Core\Config;
use Friendica\Database\DBM;
2018-01-27 05:09:48 +01:00
use Friendica\Util\Network;
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
use Friendica\Util\ParseUrl;
use dba;
use DOMDocument;
use DOMXPath;
use DOMNode;
use Exception;
require_once 'include/dba.php';
require_once 'mod/proxy.php';
* Handles all OEmbed content fetching and replacement
* OEmbed is a standard used to allow an embedded representation of a URL on
* third party sites
* @see https://oembed.com
* @author Hypolite Petovan <mrpetovan@gmail.com>
class OEmbed
public static function replaceCallback($matches)
$embedurl = $matches[1];
2018-01-11 23:28:46 +01:00
$j = self::fetchURL($embedurl, !self::isAllowedURL($embedurl));
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
$s = self::formatObject($j);
return $s;
* @brief Get data from an URL to embed its content.
* @param string $embedurl The URL from which the data should be fetched.
* @param bool $no_rich_type If set to true rich type content won't be fetched.
2018-01-09 05:40:10 +01:00
* @return bool|object Returns object with embed content or false if no embeddable
* content exists
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
public static function fetchURL($embedurl, $no_rich_type = false)
$embedurl = trim($embedurl, "'");
$embedurl = trim($embedurl, '"');
$a = get_app();
2018-01-09 05:40:10 +01:00
$condition = ['url' => normalise_link($embedurl), 'maxwidth' => $a->videowidth];
2018-01-11 09:26:30 +01:00
$oembed = dba::selectFirst('oembed', ['content'], $condition);
if (DBM::is_result($oembed)) {
$txt = $oembed["content"];
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
} else {
$txt = Cache::get($a->videowidth . $embedurl);
// These media files should now be caught in bbcode.php
// left here as a fallback in case this is called from another source
2018-01-15 14:05:12 +01:00
$noexts = ["mp3", "mp4", "ogg", "ogv", "oga", "ogm", "webm"];
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
$ext = pathinfo(strtolower($embedurl), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if (is_null($txt)) {
$txt = "";
if (!in_array($ext, $noexts)) {
// try oembed autodiscovery
$redirects = 0;
2018-01-27 05:09:48 +01:00
$html_text = Network::fetchURL($embedurl, false, $redirects, 15, "text/*");
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
if ($html_text) {
$dom = @DOMDocument::loadHTML($html_text);
if ($dom) {
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$entries = $xpath->query("//link[@type='application/json+oembed']");
foreach ($entries as $e) {
$href = $e->getAttributeNode("href")->nodeValue;
2018-01-27 05:09:48 +01:00
$txt = Network::fetchURL($href . '&maxwidth=' . $a->videowidth);
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
$entries = $xpath->query("//link[@type='text/json+oembed']");
foreach ($entries as $e) {
$href = $e->getAttributeNode("href")->nodeValue;
2018-01-27 05:09:48 +01:00
$txt = Network::fetchURL($href . '&maxwidth=' . $a->videowidth);
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
$txt = trim($txt);
if (!$txt || $txt[0] != "{") {
$txt = '{"type":"error"}';
} else { //save in cache
$j = json_decode($txt);
if ($j->type != "error") {
2018-01-09 05:40:10 +01:00
dba::insert('oembed', [
'url' => normalise_link($embedurl),
'maxwidth' => $a->videowidth,
'content' => $txt,
'created' => datetime_convert()
], true);
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
Cache::set($a->videowidth . $embedurl, $txt, CACHE_DAY);
$j = json_decode($txt);
if (!is_object($j)) {
return false;
// Always embed the SSL version
if (isset($j->html)) {
2018-01-15 14:05:12 +01:00
$j->html = str_replace(["http://www.youtube.com/", "http://player.vimeo.com/"], ["https://www.youtube.com/", "https://player.vimeo.com/"], $j->html);
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
$j->embedurl = $embedurl;
// If fetching information doesn't work, then improve via internal functions
2018-01-12 04:34:02 +01:00
if ($no_rich_type && ($j->type == "rich")) {
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
$data = ParseUrl::getSiteinfoCached($embedurl, true, false);
$j->type = $data["type"];
if ($j->type == "photo") {
$j->url = $data["url"];
if (isset($data["title"])) {
$j->title = $data["title"];
if (isset($data["text"])) {
$j->description = $data["text"];
if (is_array($data["images"])) {
$j->thumbnail_url = $data["images"][0]["src"];
$j->thumbnail_width = $data["images"][0]["width"];
$j->thumbnail_height = $data["images"][0]["height"];
2018-01-17 19:42:40 +01:00
Addon::callHooks('oembed_fetch_url', $embedurl, $j);
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
return $j;
2018-01-11 23:28:46 +01:00
private static function formatObject($j)
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
$embedurl = $j->embedurl;
$jhtml = $j->html;
$ret = '<div class="oembed ' . $j->type . '">';
switch ($j->type) {
case "video":
if (isset($j->thumbnail_url)) {
$tw = (isset($j->thumbnail_width) && intval($j->thumbnail_width)) ? $j->thumbnail_width : 200;
$th = (isset($j->thumbnail_height) && intval($j->thumbnail_height)) ? $j->thumbnail_height : 180;
// make sure we don't attempt divide by zero, fallback is a 1:1 ratio
$tr = (($th) ? $tw / $th : 1);
$th = 120;
$tw = $th * $tr;
$tpl = get_markup_template('oembed_video.tpl');
2018-01-15 14:05:12 +01:00
$ret .= replace_macros($tpl, [
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
'$baseurl' => System::baseUrl(),
'$embedurl' => $embedurl,
'$escapedhtml' => base64_encode($jhtml),
'$tw' => $tw,
'$th' => $th,
'$turl' => $j->thumbnail_url,
2018-01-15 14:05:12 +01:00
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
} else {
$ret = $jhtml;
case "photo":
$ret .= '<img width="' . $j->width . '" src="' . proxy_url($j->url) . '">';
case "link":
case "rich":
2018-01-11 23:28:46 +01:00
$ret .= proxy_parse_html($jhtml);
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
// add link to source if not present in "rich" type
if ($j->type != 'rich' || !strpos($j->html, $embedurl)) {
$ret .= '<h4>';
2018-01-13 00:32:58 +01:00
if (!empty($j->title)) {
if (!empty($j->provider_name)) {
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
$ret .= $j->provider_name . ": ";
2018-01-13 00:32:58 +01:00
$ret .= '<a href="' . $embedurl . '" rel="oembed">' . $j->title . '</a>';
if (!empty($j->author_name)) {
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
$ret .= ' (' . $j->author_name . ')';
2018-01-13 00:32:58 +01:00
} elseif (!empty($j->provider_name) || !empty($j->author_name)) {
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
$embedlink = "";
2018-01-13 00:32:58 +01:00
if (!empty($j->provider_name)) {
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
$embedlink .= $j->provider_name;
2018-01-13 00:32:58 +01:00
if (!empty($j->author_name)) {
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
if ($embedlink != "") {
$embedlink .= ": ";
$embedlink .= $j->author_name;
if (trim($embedlink) == "") {
$embedlink = $embedurl;
$ret .= '<a href="' . $embedurl . '" rel="oembed">' . $embedlink . '</a>';
2018-01-13 00:32:58 +01:00
} else {
$ret .= '<a href="' . $embedurl . '" rel="oembed">' . $embedurl . '</a>';
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
$ret .= "</h4>";
} elseif (!strpos($j->html, $embedurl)) {
// add <a> for html2bbcode conversion
$ret .= '<a href="' . $embedurl . '" rel="oembed">' . $j->title . '</a>';
2018-01-11 23:34:56 +01:00
$ret .= '</div>';
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
$ret = str_replace("\n", "", $ret);
return mb_convert_encoding($ret, 'HTML-ENTITIES', mb_detect_encoding($ret));
public static function BBCode2HTML($text)
$stopoembed = Config::get("system", "no_oembed");
if ($stopoembed == true) {
2018-01-22 15:54:13 +01:00
return preg_replace("/\[embed\](.+?)\[\/embed\]/is", "<!-- oembed $1 --><i>" . L10n::t('Embedding disabled') . " : $1</i><!-- /oembed $1 -->", $text);
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
return preg_replace_callback("/\[embed\](.+?)\[\/embed\]/is", ['self', 'replaceCallback'], $text);
* Find <span class='oembed'>..<a href='url' rel='oembed'>..</a></span>
* and replace it with [embed]url[/embed]
public static function HTML2BBCode($text)
// start parser only if 'oembed' is in text
if (strpos($text, "oembed")) {
// convert non ascii chars to html entities
$html_text = mb_convert_encoding($text, 'HTML-ENTITIES', mb_detect_encoding($text));
// If it doesn't parse at all, just return the text.
$dom = @DOMDocument::loadHTML($html_text);
if (!$dom) {
return $text;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$xattr = self::buildXPath("class", "oembed");
$entries = $xpath->query("//div[$xattr]");
$xattr = "@rel='oembed'"; //oe_build_xpath("rel","oembed");
foreach ($entries as $e) {
$href = $xpath->evaluate("a[$xattr]/@href", $e)->item(0)->nodeValue;
if (!is_null($href)) {
$e->parentNode->replaceChild(new DOMText("[embed]" . $href . "[/embed]"), $e);
return self::getInnerHTML($dom->getElementsByTagName("body")->item(0));
} else {
return $text;
* Determines if rich content OEmbed is allowed for the provided URL
* @brief Determines if rich content OEmbed is allowed for the provided URL
* @param string $url
* @return boolean
public static function isAllowedURL($url)
if (!Config::get('system', 'no_oembed_rich_content')) {
return true;
$domain = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
if (!x($domain)) {
return false;
$str_allowed = Config::get('system', 'allowed_oembed', '');
if (!x($str_allowed)) {
return false;
2018-01-09 05:40:10 +01:00
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
$allowed = explode(',', $str_allowed);
return allowed_domain($domain, $allowed);
public static function getHTML($url, $title = null)
// Always embed the SSL version
2018-01-15 14:05:12 +01:00
$url = str_replace(["http://www.youtube.com/", "http://player.vimeo.com/"],
["https://www.youtube.com/", "https://player.vimeo.com/"], $url);
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
2018-01-11 23:28:46 +01:00
$o = self::fetchURL($url, !self::isAllowedURL($url));
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
if (!is_object($o) || $o->type == 'error') {
throw new Exception('OEmbed failed for URL: ' . $url);
if (x($title)) {
$o->title = $title;
2018-01-11 22:31:44 +01:00
$html = self::formatObject($o);
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
return $html;
* @brief Generates the iframe HTML for an oembed attachment.
* Width and height are given by the remote, and are regularly too small for
* the generated iframe.
* The width is entirely discarded for the actual width of the post, while fixed
* height is used as a starting point before the inevitable resizing.
* Since the iframe is automatically resized on load, there are no need for ugly
* and impractical scrollbars.
* @todo This function is currently unused until someone™ adds support for a separate OEmbed domain
* @param string $src Original remote URL to embed
* @param string $width
* @param string $height
* @return string formatted HTML
* @see oembed_format_object()
private static function iframe($src, $width, $height)
$a = get_app();
if (!$height || strstr($height, '%')) {
$height = '200';
$width = '100%';
$src = System::baseUrl() . '/oembed/' . base64url_encode($src);
2018-01-22 15:54:13 +01:00
return '<iframe onload="resizeIframe(this);" class="embed_rich" height="' . $height . '" width="' . $width . '" src="' . $src . '" allowfullscreen scrolling="no" frameborder="no">' . L10n::t('Embedded content') . '</iframe>';
2018-01-10 14:36:02 +01:00
* Generates an XPath query to select elements whose provided attribute contains
* the provided value in a space-separated list.
* @brief Generates attribute search XPath string
* @param string $attr Name of the attribute to seach
* @param string $value Value to search in a space-separated list
* @return string
private static function buildXPath($attr, $value)
// https://www.westhoffswelt.de/blog/2009/6/9/select-html-elements-with-more-than-one-css-class-using-xpath
return "contains(normalize-space(@$attr), ' $value ') or substring(normalize-space(@$attr), 1, string-length('$value') + 1) = '$value ' or substring(normalize-space(@$attr), string-length(@$attr) - string-length('$value')) = ' $value' or @$attr = '$value'";
* Returns the inner XML string of a provided DOMNode
* @brief Returns the inner XML string of a provided DOMNode
* @param DOMNode $node
* @return string
private static function getInnerHTML(DOMNode $node)
$innerHTML = '';
$children = $node->childNodes;
foreach ($children as $child) {
$innerHTML .= $child->ownerDocument->saveXML($child);
return $innerHTML;