2022-05-23 14:15:30 +02:00
< ? php
* @ copyright Copyright ( C ) 2010 - 2022 , the Friendica project
* @ license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the
* License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < https :// www . gnu . org / licenses />.
namespace Friendica\Console ;
use Friendica\App\BaseURL ;
use Friendica\Contact\Avatar ;
use Friendica\Core\L10n ;
use Friendica\Model\Contact ;
use Friendica\Model\Photo ;
use Friendica\Util\Images ;
use Friendica\Object\Image ;
2022-05-24 07:58:14 +02:00
* tool to move cached avatars to the avatar file cache .
2022-05-23 14:15:30 +02:00
class MoveToAvatarCache extends \Asika\SimpleConsole\Console
protected $helpOptions = [ 'h' , 'help' , '?' ];
* @ var $dba Friendica\Database\Database
private $dba ;
* @ var $baseurl Friendica\App\BaseURL
private $baseurl ;
* @ var L10n
private $l10n ;
protected function getHelp ()
$help = <<< HELP
console movetoavatarcache - Move all cached avatars to the file based avatar cache
bin / console movetoavatarcache
bin / console movetoavatarcache
Move all cached avatars to the file based avatar cache
2022-05-23 14:35:44 +02:00
- h |-- help |- ? Show help information
2022-05-23 14:15:30 +02:00
return $help ;
public function __construct ( \Friendica\Database\Database $dba , BaseURL $baseurl , L10n $l10n , array $argv = null )
parent :: __construct ( $argv );
$this -> dba = $dba ;
$this -> baseurl = $baseurl ;
$this -> l10n = $l10n ;
protected function doExecute ()
$condition = [ " `avatar` != ? AND `photo` LIKE ? AND `uid` = ? AND `uri-id` != ? AND NOT `uri-id` IS NULL " ,
'' , $this -> baseurl -> get () . '/photo/%' , 0 , 0 ];
2022-05-23 14:33:25 +02:00
$count = 0 ;
$total = $this -> dba -> count ( 'contact' , $condition );
2022-05-23 17:31:37 +02:00
$contacts = $this -> dba -> select ( 'contact' , [ 'id' , 'avatar' , 'photo' , 'uri-id' , 'url' , 'avatar' ], $condition , [ 'order' => [ 'id' ]]);
2022-05-23 14:15:30 +02:00
while ( $contact = $this -> dba -> fetch ( $contacts )) {
echo ++ $count . '/' . $total . " \t " . $contact [ 'id' ] . " \t " . $contact [ 'url' ] . " \t " ;
$resourceid = Photo :: ridFromURI ( $contact [ 'photo' ]);
if ( empty ( $resourceid )) {
2022-05-24 19:51:28 +02:00
echo $this -> l10n -> t ( 'no resource in photo %s' , $contact [ 'photo' ]) . ' ' ;
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2022-05-24 19:49:29 +02:00
2022-05-24 21:47:49 +02:00
$this -> storeAvatar ( $resourceid , $contact , false );
2022-05-24 21:41:38 +02:00
$count = 0 ;
$photos = $this -> dba -> p ( " SELECT `resource-id`, MAX(`contact-id`) AS `contact-id` FROM `photo` WHERE `contact-id` != ? AND `photo-type` = ? GROUP BY `resource-id`; " , 0 , Photo :: CONTACT_AVATAR );
while ( $photo = $this -> dba -> fetch ( $photos )) {
$contact = Contact :: getById ( $photo [ 'contact-id' ], [ 'id' , 'avatar' , 'photo' , 'uri-id' , 'url' , 'avatar' ]);
if ( empty ( $contact )) {
continue ;
2022-05-24 19:49:29 +02:00
2022-05-24 21:41:38 +02:00
echo ++ $count . " \t " . $contact [ 'id' ] . " \t " . $contact [ 'url' ] . " \t " ;
2022-05-24 21:47:49 +02:00
$this -> storeAvatar ( $photo [ 'resource-id' ], $contact , true );
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return 0 ;
2022-05-24 19:49:29 +02:00
2022-05-24 21:47:49 +02:00
private function storeAvatar ( string $resourceid , array $contact , bool $quit_on_invalid )
2022-05-24 21:41:38 +02:00
$valid = ! empty ( $resourceid );
if ( $valid ) {
echo '1' ;
$photo = Photo :: selectFirst ([], [ 'resource-id' => $resourceid ], [ 'order' => [ 'scale' ]]);
if ( empty ( $photo )) {
echo ' ' . $this -> l10n -> t ( 'no photo with id %s' , $resourceid ) . ' ' ;
$valid = false ;
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2022-05-23 14:33:25 +02:00
2022-05-24 21:41:38 +02:00
if ( $valid ) {
echo '2' ;
$imgdata = Photo :: getImageDataForPhoto ( $photo );
if ( empty ( $imgdata )) {
echo ' ' . $this -> l10n -> t ( 'no image data for photo with id %s' , $resourceid ) . ' ' ;
$valid = false ;
2022-05-23 14:15:30 +02:00
2022-05-24 21:41:38 +02:00
2022-05-24 19:49:29 +02:00
2022-05-24 21:41:38 +02:00
if ( $valid ) {
echo '3' ;
$image = new Image ( $imgdata , Images :: getMimeTypeByData ( $imgdata ));
if ( ! $image -> isValid ()) {
echo ' ' . $this -> l10n -> t ( 'invalid image for id %s' , $resourceid ) . ' ' ;
$valid = false ;
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2022-05-24 21:41:38 +02:00
2022-05-23 14:33:25 +02:00
2022-05-24 21:41:38 +02:00
if ( $valid ) {
echo '4' ;
$fields = Avatar :: storeAvatarByImage ( $contact , $image );
} else {
$fields = [ 'photo' => '' , 'thumb' => '' , 'micro' => '' ];
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2022-05-23 14:33:25 +02:00
2022-05-24 21:47:49 +02:00
if ( $quit_on_invalid && $fields [ 'photo' ] == '' ) {
echo ' ' . $this -> l10n -> t ( 'Quit' ) . " \n " ;
return ;
2022-05-24 21:41:38 +02:00
echo '5' ;
Contact :: update ( $fields , [ 'uri-id' => $contact [ 'uri-id' ]]);
echo '6' ;
Photo :: delete ([ 'resource-id' => $resourceid ]);
echo ' ' . $fields [ 'photo' ] . " \n " ;
2022-05-23 14:15:30 +02:00